BIE - Classified Leave Ordinance (07/05/2024)M IA M I B E A C H City o f Miami Beach, 17OO Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, www.miamibeachf.gov T O : F R O M : M a yo r S teven M e iner and M e m b e rs of the C ity C om m ission R icke lle W illia m s, Interim C ity M a nag er R{j) M E E T IN G D A T E : July 24 , 2024 S U B J E C T : B U S IN E S S IM PA C T E STIM A T E FO R : A N O R D IN A N C E O F TH E M A Y O R A N D C ITY C O M M IS S IO N O F TH E C ITY O F MIAMI B EA C H , F LO R ID A , A M E N D IN G C H A P T E R 78 O F TH E M IA M I B E A C H C IT Y C O D E , EN T IT LED "P ER S O N N E L " B Y C R E A T IN G A R TIC LE V T H E R EO F, EN TIT L E D "C L A SS IFIE D EM P LO Y E E S ' LE A V E," TO C O D IF Y A S P A R T O F TH E C ITY C O D E A N D A M E N D TH E C ITY 'S EM P L O Y E ES ' LE A V E O R D IN A N C E {N O . 1335) FO R C LA R ITY A N D EA S E O F R E F ER EN C E , TO D E LE T E A N D /O R R E V IS E O U T D A TED P R O V IS IO N S , C R E A TE N EW SEC T IO N S , A N D TO M A K E SU B STA N T IV E A M E N D M E N T S A S FO LLO W S : SEC TI O N 78-282, EN T ITL E D "D E FIN IT IO N S ; A M O U N T S O F L EA V E," SE C TI O N 78-283, EN TI TL ED "P R O B A TIO N A R Y EM P LO Y E ES ," SE C TI O N 78- 284, EN T IT L ED "P R O V IS IO N A L E M P LO Y EE S ," S EC T ION 78-285, E N TI TL ED "S P EC IA L PR O V IS IO N S FO R EM P LO Y EE S O N M ILI TA R Y LE A V E," S E C TI O N 78- 286 , EN T IT L ED "A C C U M U LA TIO N O R FO R FEIT U R E O F A N N U A L LE A V E A N D S IC K LE A V E," S E C TI O N 78-287, EN T IT LE D "T RA N S FE R O F S IC K LE A V E TO A N N U A L L EA V E," S E C T IO N 78-288, EN TI TL ED "U S E O F A N N U A L LEA V E," S E C TIO N 78 -289, EN TI TL E D "U S E O F SIC K L EA V E ," S EC TI O N 78- 290, EN T IT LED "C H A R G ES A G A IN S T A N N U A L L E A V E A N D S IC K LEA V E," SEC TI O N 78-291, ENTI T LED "TIM IN G O F V A C A TIO N S ," S E C TI O N 78-2 9 2, E N T ITL ED "PA Y M E N T FO R A N N U A L L E A V E ," S EC TI ON 78-29 3, EN TI TL ED "O TH E R LEA V ES W IT H C O M P E N S A TIO N ," SE C TI ON 78-29 4, EN TI TL E D "W O R K ER 'S C O M P E N S A TIO N A N D S U P P LEM E N TA L IN JU R Y PA Y ," SEC TI ON 78- 29 5 , EN T IT LED "U SE O F A N N U A L LEA V E FO R PU R C H A S E O F P E N S IO N TIM E ," SEC TIO N 78 -2 96, EN TI T LED "D O N A TIO N O F A N N U A L L E A V E A N D S IC K LE A V E ," SE C TI O N 78-297, ENTI TL ED "PA ID PA R E N TA L LE A V E," S EC TI ON 78-298, EN T ITL ED "LE A V E S E L LB A C K ," S E C T IO N 78- 29 9, EN TI TL ED "U S E O F SIC K LE A V E FO R R ET IR EE H E A L T H S A V IN G S A C C O U N T ," S EC TI O N 78-300, EN TI TL ED "M A N A G E R 'S A U TH O R IT Y TO A D O P T A D M IN IST RA TIV E P R O C E D U R ES A N D R EG U LA TIO N S ," S E C TI O N 78-301, EN TI TL ED "D O M E S T IC A N D SEX U A L V IO LEN C E L EA V E ," A N D SEC T IO N 78-302, E N T IT LED "D O N A TE A N N U A L A N D S IC K LE A V E FO R H U M A N ITA R IA N D IS A S T E R R ELI E F, A N D S E C TI O N 78-303, EN TI T LED "C O LL EC TIV E B A R G A IN IN G C O N TIN G EN C Y "; R EP E A L O R D IN A N C E 1335 IN IT S E N T IR E TY ; A N D PR O V ID IN G FO R R EP EA LER , SEV E RA B ILI TY , C O D IF IC A TIO N , A N D A N EF FE C T IV E DA TE. B us ine ss Im p a ct Estim a te P ag e 2 Is a Business Impact Estimate Required? @ Yes□No (If no, please check one of the boxes below) If one or more boxes are checked below. this means the City of Miami Beach has determined that a Business Impact Estimate for the above-referenced Ordinance is not required by State law. □The proposed Ordinance is required for compliance with Federal or State law or regulation; □The proposed Ordinance relates to the issuance or refinancing of debt; □The proposed Ordinance relates to the adoption of budgets or budget amendments, including revenue sources necessary to fund the budget; □The proposed Ordinance is required to implement a contract or an agreement, including, but not limited to, any Federal, State, local, or private grant or other financial assistance accepted by the City; □The proposed Ordinance is an emergency ordinance; □The Ordinance relates to procurement; or □The proposed Ordinance is enacted to implement the following: a. Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, relating to growth policy, county and municipal planning, and land development regulation, including zoning, development orders, development agreements and development permits; b. Sections 190.005 and 190.046, Florida Statutes, regarding community development districts; c. Section 553. 73, Florida Statutes, relating to the Florida Building Code; or d. Section 633.202, Florida Statutes, relating to the Florida Fire Prevention Code. If none of the above exceptions apply, this Business Impact Estimate is hereby provided in accordance with Section 166.041(4), Florida Statutes. 1. A summary of the proposed Ordinance and its purpose is more fully set forth in the Commission Memorandum accompanying the Ordinance, as well as in the recitals to the Ordinance itself, which are attached hereto. 2. The City of Miami Beach estimates that the proposed Ordinance will have no direct economic impact on private, for-profit businesses in the City of Miami Beach, that the proposed Ordinance will have no direct compliance costs that businesses may reasonably incur; that the proposed Ordinance will not impose any new charge or fee for which businesses will be financially responsible, and that the proposed Ordinance will not impact the City of Miami Beach's regulatory costs and will not generate any revenue from new charges or fees. 3. Good faith estimate of the number of businesses likely to be impacted by the proposed Ordinance: The City of Miami Beach estimates that no businesses are likely to be impacted by the proposed Ordinance. I 4. Additional comments: None. Ordinances - R5 Z MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORA NDUM 0: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager DATE: June 26, 2024 TITLE: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 78 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "PERSONNEL," BY CREATING ARTICLE V THEREOF, ENTITLED "CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES' LEAVE," TO CODIFY AS PART OF THE CITY CODE AND AMEND THE CITY'S EMPLOYEES' LEAVE ORDINANCE (NO. 1335) FOR CLARITY AND EASE OF REFERENCE, TO DELETE AND/OR REVISE OUTDATED PROVISIONS, CREATE NEW SECTIONS, AND TO MAKE SUBSTANTIVE AMENDMENTS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 78-282, ENTITLED "DEFINITIONS; AMOUNTS OF LEAVE," SECTION 78-283, ENTITLED "PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES," SECTION 78-284, ENTITLED "PROVISIONAL EMPLOYEES," SECTION 78-285, ENTITLED "SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEES ON MILITARY LEAVE," SECTION 78-286, ENTITLED "ACCUMULATION OR FORFEITURE OF ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-287, ENTITLED "CONVERSION AND TRANSFER OF SICK LEAVE TO ANNUAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-288, ENTITLED "USE OF ANNUAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-289, ENTITLED "USE OF SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-290, ENTITLED "CHARGES AGAINST ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-291, ENTITLED "TIMING OF VACATIONS," SECTION 78-292, ENTITLED "PAYMENT FOR ANNUAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-293, ENTITLED "OTHER LEAVES WITH COMPENSATION," SECTION 78-294, ENTITLED "WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL INJURY PAY," SECTION 78-295, ENTITLED "USE OF ANNUAL LEAVE FOR PURCHASE OF PENSION TIME," SECTION 78-296, ENTITLED "DONATION OF ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-297, ENTITLED "PAID PARENTAL LEAVE," SECTION 78- 298, ENTITLED "LEAVE SELLBACK," SECTION 78-299, ENTITLED "USE OF SICK LEAVE FOR RETIREE HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT," SECTION 78-300, ENTITLED "MANAGER'S AUTHORITY TO ADOPT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS," SECTION 78-301, ENTITLED "DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE LEAVE," AND SECTION 78-302, ENTITLED "DONATE ANNUAL AND SICK LEAVE FOR HUMANITARIAN DISASTER RELIEF, AND SECTION 78-303, ENTITLED "COLLECTIVE BARGAINING CONTINGENCY,"; REPEAL ORDINANCE 1335 IN ITS ENTIRETY; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. RECOMMENDATION BACKGROUND/HISTORY ANALYSIS FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT Does this Ordinance require a Business Impact Estimate? No (FOR ORDINANCES ONLY) The Business Impact Estimate (BIE) was published on . See BIE at: https://wwyw _miamibeachfl_gov/city-hall/city.-clerk/m eeting-notices/ FINANCIAL INFORMATION CONCLUSION Applicable Area Citywide Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-17? Is this item related to a G.O. Bond Project? Yes No Was this Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which, as defined in Code Sec.2.481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying? No If so, specify the name of lobbyist(s) and principal(s): Department Human Resources Sponsor(s) Mayor Steven Meiner Co-sponsor( s) EACH COMMISSION MEMORANDUM TO: Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission FROM: Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager %/[/ DATE: Jun e 26, 2024 SUBJECT: A N O R D IN A N C E OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 78 OF THE MIAM I BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "PERSONNEL," BY CREA TING ARTICLE V THEREOF, ENTITLED "CLASSIFED LEAVE ORDINANCE" TO CODIFY AS PART OF THE CITY CODE AND AMEND THE CITY'S EMPLOYEES' LEAVE ORDINANCE (NO. 1335) FOR CLARITY AND EASE OF REFERENCE, TO DELETE ANO/OR REVISE OUTDATED PROVISIONS, CREATE NEW SECTIONS, AND TO MAKE SUBSTANTIVE AMENDMENTS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 78-282, ENTITLED "DEFINITIONS; AMOUNTS OF LEA VE," SECTION 78-283, ENTITLED "PROBATIONA RY EMPLOYEES," SECTION 78-284, ENTITLED "PROVISIONAL EMPLOYEES," SECTION 78-285, ENTITLED "SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEES ON MILITARY LEAVE," SECTION 78-286, ENTITLED "ACCUMULATION OR FORFEITURE OF ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-287, ENTITLED "CONVERSION AND TRANSFER OF SICK LEAVE TO ANNUAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-288, ENTITLED "USE OF ANNUAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-289, ENTITLED "USE OF SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-290, ENTITLED "CHARGES AGAINST ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-291, ENTITLED "TIMING OF VACATIONS," SECTION 78-292, ENTITLED "PAYMENT FOR ANNUAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-293, ENTITLED "OTHER LEAVES WITH COMPENSATION," SECTION 78-294, ENTITLED "WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL INJURY PAY," SECTION 78-295, ENTITLED "USE OF ANNUAL LEAVE FOR PURCHASE OF PENSION TIME," SECTION 78-296, ENTITLED "DONATION OF ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-297, ENTITLED "PAID PARENTAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-298, ENTITLED "LEAVE SELLBACK," SECTION 78- 299, ENTITLED "USE OF SICK LEAVE FOR RETIREE HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT," SECTION 78-300, ENTITLED "MANAGER'S AUTHORITY TO ADOPT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS," SECTION 78-301, ENTITLED "DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE LEAVE," AND SECTION 78-302, ENTITLED "DONATE ANNUAL AND SICK LEAVE FOR HUMANITARIAN DISASTER RELIEF, AND SECTION 78-303, ENTITLED "COLLECTIVE B A R G AINING CONTINGENCY,"; REPEAL ORDINANCE 1335 IN ITS ENTIRETY; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ADMINISTRA TION RECOMMENDATION The Administration recommends approval of the Ordinance No. 1335. BACKGROUND The City's Classified Employees' leave Ordinance No. 1335 (the "Ordinance") was established to address em ployee leave benefit s that are consistent w ith applicable federal, state, and local law s, as w ell as other city-established benefits. The O rdinance was last am ended on S eptem ber 10, 2010. Si nc e then, the A dm inistration has m ade im provem ents to the use of leave fo r C ity em ployees that were addressed in each of the five bargaining groups. These changes aim to provide equity and parity am ongst all gro ups of em ployees. A com panion O rdinance fo r unclassified em ployees is being proposed for cl arity and consistency. D uring the m ost recent bargaining sessions, non-sw orn unions requested parity regarding sick leave value, and re-establishing a cityw ide leave sel lback pro gram . This O rdinance provides the authority to grant these benefits. A N A L Y S IS W ith this legislation, the C lassified Leave O rdinance No. 1335 w ill be superseded and replaced w ith the changes listed below , and A rticl e V of C hapter 78 of the City C ode, entitled "C lassified E m ployees' Leave" will be codified. S om e of the substantive changes pro posed in this C lassified Leave ordinance update are outlined below : S ec . 7 8 -2 8 7 . C o n v e rs ion a n d T ra n sfer o f A n n u a l Lea v e an d S ic k Lea ve . A llow ing em ployees to convert their sick hours to annual hours is a new section of this O rdinance. This pro vision w ill allow em ployees to convert , at the tim e of resignation, re tirem ent, term ination, or death, or at any other tim e as m ay be designated by the C ity M anager, their sick leave accrued in excess of 360 hours to be transferred at the rate of one (1) day of sick leave to one (1) day of annual leave fo r vested em ployees; sick leave accrued in excess of 360 hours m ay be transferr ed to annual leave at a rate of tw o (2) days of sick leave to one (1) day of annual leave for em ployees w ho are not vested. S ick leave m ay be converted in this m anner to reach a m axim um of 620 hours of annual leave. S ec. 78 -29 2 . P a ym en t fo r A n n u a l an d S ic k le ave . The proposed update to this section w ill allow fo r a 100% sick leave payout instead of 50% to a m axim um of 620 hours fo r em ployees w ith m ore than ten (10) years of creditable serv ice. For em ployees w ith ten (10) years of serv ice or less, the m axim um is 50% of their sick leave balance up to a m axim um of 620 hours. S e c. 7 8 -2 9 4 . W o rker 's C o m p e n s a tio n an d S u p p le m e n ta l In ju ry P a y . The initial period of supplem ental injury pay is updated fro m sixteen (16) weeks to tw elve (12) weeks, w ith consideration for an extension after the advice of the S enior Risk O ffi cer and approval of the City Manager, for those employees not covered by a superseding collective bargaining agreement. Sec. 78-298. Sick Leave Sellback. The sick leave sellback provision was previously offered to unclassified employees but was sus- pended during the challenging fiscal years that the City experienced following 2010. Adding this provision to the Unclassified leave ordinance would grant the City Manager the authority, on a discretionary basis, to implement the provision each fiscal year providing full-time unclassified employees the opportunity to sell, no more than one ( 1) time per year, accrued sick leave, up to a specified amount and while maintaining a minimum balance as established by the City Man- ager. The City Manager may pause or suspend the sick leave sell-back program under this sec- tion, due to availability of funds, budgetary constraints, or for any other reason. The City Manager shall have the authority, at any time, to establish and amend administrative procedures imple- menting the sick leave sellback program under this section. This extends to other employee groups a similar benefit now available to Police and Fire bargaining members. Sick leave sellback provisions in the Police and Fire collective bargaining agreement remain unchanged. Employees may exercise a sellback option no more than once a year. Section 78-299. Use of Sick Leave for Retiree Health Savings Account. The City Manager shall have the authority to establish a Retiree Health Savings ("RHS") Program for classified employees covered in this group, with terms and conditions that govern the use of accrued sick leave to fund individual RHS accounts. This extends to other employee groups a benefit now available to Police and Fire bargaining members. Section 78-301. Dom estic and Sexual Violence Leave. The newly proposed provision will provide employees with domestic and sexual violence leave up to a maximum of thirty (30) days, in accordance with the Miami-Dade County Domestic Leave Ordinance (Chapter 11A-60 et seq.) and Section 741.313, Florida Statutes. Employees must use their accrued annual or sick leave during their period of absence. Section 78-302. Dona te Annual and Sick Leave for Humanitarian Disaster Relief. Per section 78-3, City employees are authorized to donate annual and sick leave for humanitarian disaster relief while maintaining at least 260 combined hours of annual and sick leave after any donation. FISCAL IMPACT The fiscal impacts of the sick leave sellback provision (Section 78-195) and the use of sick leave for retiree health savings account provision (Section 78-196) would be calculated upon the creation of an administrative procedure. Funds for these programs would be appropriated through the City's annual budget process. The fiscal impact of this ordinance change varies by fund type, due to differing accounting rules for proprietary and govern mental funds. Because the full liability of accruals must be recorded in proprietary funds, whether or not employees are scheduled to separa te from the city, the fiscal impact is immediate and is estimated to be $797,374 for enterprise funds and $242,848 for intern al service funds for a total estimated impact of $1,040,222 Following this one-time adjustment to the value of the accrued sick leave liability, any incremental liability would be modified quarterly in these funds, as has been performed previously. Alternatively, the fiscal impact of governmental funds is measured on a modified basis and fluctuates based on the number of employees separating from the City. To provide a basis for the impact on governmental funds, an estimate can be projected based on prior history of sick leave payouts adjusted for estimated increased accrued liabilities. While the number of employees who leave each year may fluctuate. the 4-year average for sick leave payouts for governmental funds employees approximates $461,581. Assuming a similar number of people were to leave, the increased value of sick leave payouts calculated across all employee groups in governmental funds is estimated to be $512,355 reflecting an increased payout of $50,774 for governmental funds. CONCLUSION The City Administration recommends that the City Commission approve the proposed amendments to the Ordinance on the first reading and schedule a second reading and public hearing to amend the Classified Leave Ordinance to promote recruitment and retention, provide equity in leave value amongst unclassified and classified employees, and to codify the ordinance consistent with existing procedures and remove obsolete language. Upon approval, the proposed changes will take effect after successful bargaining with the respective unions. ORDINANCE NO. AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 78 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "PERSONNEL," BY CREATING ARTICLE V THEREOF, ENTITLED "CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES' LEAVE," TO CODIFY AS PART OF THE CITY CODE AND AMEND THE CITY'S EMPLOYEES' LEAVE ORDINANCE (NO. 1335) FOR CLARITY AND EASE OF REFERENCE, TO DELETE AND/OR REVISE OUTDATED PROVISIONS, CREATE NEW SECTIONS, AND TO MAKE SUBSTANTIVE AMENDMENTS AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 78-282, ENTITLED "DEFINITIONS; AMOUNTS OF LEAVE," SECTION 78-283, ENTITLED "PROBATIONARY EMPLOYEES," SECTION 78- 284, ENTITLED "PROVISIONAL EMPLOYEES," SECTION 78-285, ENTITLED "SPECIAL PROVISIONS FOR EMPLOYEES ON MILITARY LEAVE," SECTION 78-286, ENTITLED "ACCUMULATION OR FORFEITURE OF ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-287, ENTITLED "TRANSFER OF SICK LEAVE TO ANNUAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-288, ENTITLED "USE OF ANNUAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-289, ENTITLED "USE OF SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78- 290, ENTITLED "CHARGES AGAINST ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-291, ENTITLED "TIMING OF VACATIONS," SECTION 78-292, ENTITLED "PAYMENT FOR ANNUAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-293, ENTITLED "OTHER LEAVES WITH COMPENSATION," SECTION 78-294, ENTITLED "WORKER'S COMPENSATION AND SUPPLEMENTAL INJURY PAY," SECTION 78-295, ENTITLED "USE OF ANNUAL LEAVE FOR PURCHASE OF PENSION TIME," SECTION 78-296, ENTITLED "DONATION OF ANNUAL LEAVE AND SICK LEAVE," SECTION 78-297, ENTITLED "PAID PARENTAL LEAVE," SECTION 78-298, ENTITLED "LEAVE SELLBACK," SECTION 78- 299, ENTITLED "USE OF SICK LEAVE FOR RETIREE HEALTH SAVINGS ACCOUNT," SECTION 78-300, ENTITLED "MANAGER'S AUTHORITY TO ADOPT ADMINISTRATIVE PROCEDURES AND REGULATIONS," SECTION 78-301, ENTITLED "DOMESTIC AND SEXUAL VIOLENCE LEAVE," AND SECTION 78-302, ENTITLED "DONATE ANNUAL AND SICK LEAVE FOR HUMANITARIAN DISASTER RELIEF, AND SECTION 78-303, ENTITLED "COLLECTIVE BARGAINING CONTINGENCY,"; REPEAL ORDINANCE 1335 IN ITS ENTIRETY; AND PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach's Classified Employees' Leave Ordinance No. 1335 (the "Ordinance") was established to address employee leave benefits that are consistent with applicable federal, state, and local laws, as well as other city-established benefits, and was last amended on September 10, 201 O; and WHEREAS, since 2010, the Administration has made improvements to the use of leave for City employees that were addressed in each of the five bargaining groups, and during the most recent bargaining sessions, non-sworn unions requested parity regarding sick leave value, and re-establishing a Citywide leave sellback program; and WHEREAS, the changes proposed in this Ordinance aim to provide equity and parity amongst all groups of employees; and WHEREAS, the Mayor and City Commission wish to codify the Ordinance in Chapter 78 of the M iam i Beach C ity C ode; and WHEREAS, Classified Employees' Leave Ordinance No. 1335 is hereby superseded and replaced by Article V of Chapter 78 of the City Code, entitled "Classified Employees' Leave." NOW THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AS FOLLOWS: SECTION 1. Ordinance No. 1335 is hereby repealed in its entirety. SECTION 2. Article V of Chapter 78, entitled "Classified Employees' Leave" is hereby created as follows: CHAPTER 78. PERSONNEL i kl i ARTICLE V. CLASSIFIED EMPLOYEES' LEAVE Sec. 78-282. Definitions; amounts of leave. (al Ihe following words. terms and phrases, when used in this division, shall have the meanings ascribed to them in this section, except where the context clearly indicates a different meaning: 1. "Classified employees" shall include all employees covered in the following groups: Group I represented by the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees ('AFSCME"Local 1554,Group ll represented by the Fraternal Order of Police(FOP) William Nichols Lodge No. 8; Group Ill represented by the International Association of Firefighters ("IAFF"), Local 151 O: Group IV represented by the Communications Workers gf_America[Cy/A"_y_Local3178; Group_ V represented by the Government Supervisors Association of Florida ("GSAF"), OPEIU, Local 100; and Group VII compromising of classifications in. the classified service not covered by a bargaining unit (commonly referred to as "Others"). Group VI employees are known as "Unclassified" employees and are not included within the definition of Classified employee. All references to "employees" in this article shall refer to Classified employees. 2. "Immediate family member" shall mean spouse, including registered domestic partner. other, father,sister brother__grandmother_ grandfather,mother-in-law, father-in-layy sister-in-law, and brother-in-law. 3. "Immediate familV' shall include the members of a registered domestic partnership as that term is defined in the city's domestic partnership ordinance. 4. "City Manager" shall mean the City Manager or the City tanager's designee_ () ln general. 1. Annual leave and sick leave shall be granted in hours on a pay period basis. Leave shall be reduced proportionally by any part of the pay period that such employee was absent without compensation. Service time in determining the number of hours to be granted shall include all time spent as an employee in the classified or unclassified service regardless 2 of status for which compensation has been paid, provided, however, that in the event an employee is absent from his/her duties because of service-connected injury for which worker's compensation is payable, is certified by a city authorized treating or examining physician to be physically able to return to his/her duties, and fails to do so, the period between such certification and the employee's actual return to his/her duties shall not be deemed to be service time within the meaning of this paragraph. 2. Less than ten years of service: Employees with less than ten years of service shall be granted 96 hours of annual leave and 96 hours of sick leave, prorated biweekly, each year. For purposes of this chapter, a year Is defined to mean from the first through the last pay period of each calendar year. No annual or sick leave may be used during the first six months of employment unless for an emergency at which leave may be authorized with no pay to the employee. Anytime used during the first six months of employment will extend the employee's probationary period on a day-per-day basis. 3. More than ten but less than 20 years of service: Employees with more than ten but less than 20 years of service shall be granted 136 hours of annual leave and 96 hours of sick leave, prorated biweekly, per year upon completion of ten years of employment. 4. More than 20 years of service: Employees with more than 20 years of service shall be granted 176 hours of annual leave per year and 96 hours of sick leave, prorated biweekly, per year upon completion of 20 years of employment. Sec.78-283__Probationary employees. Upon satisfactory completion of an original probationary period and appointment to regular status. eight hours' annual leave and eight hours' sick leave will be granted for each month served as a probationary employee. Sec. 78-284. Provisional employees. Persons employed on a provisional basis shall not receive annual leave or sick leave. However. employees who earned annual and sick leave time as unclassified employees and immediately following such are appointed to probationary or orovisional status in the classified service are permitted to use their accrued time during their probationary or provisional status. Sec. 78-285. Special provisions for employees on military leave. All employees shall be entitled to military leave of absence from their respective duties in accordance with the provisions of, and subject to the conditions set forth in Ch apter 115Florida Statutes and USERRA. Employees holding regular status who serve in the Armed Forces with military leave of absence from the city and who return to active employment with the city in accordance with the terms of the military leave of absence, shall upon such return to employment with the city, be granted leave in the same amount as if they had been working for the city. Upon return to active employment with the city, the employee shall be paid in cash for the vacation he would have been entitled to had he not been called into military service. Such payment will be at the rate of pay received upon return to employment with the city and such vacation pay shall be charged against adjusted annual leave credit. Sec. 78-286. Accumulation or forfeiture of annual leave and sick leave. 3 At the end of each payroll year, all employees will be allowed no more than 500 annual leave hours to be accrued. Any hours of leave in excess of the above maximum will be forfeited on the last day of the last full pay period of the payroll year. Employees shall be permitted to carry vacation hours over the 500-hour cap until March 31st of the following year. A request to further extend the excess hours may be approved by the department director and the Human Resources director. Sec. 78-287. Conversion and Transfer of sick leave to annual leave. (a) At the time of resignation, retirement. termination or death. or at any other time as may be designated by the City Manager. sick leave accrued in excess of 360 hours may be transferred to annual leave at the rate of one (1) day of sick leave to one (1 l day of annual leave for vested employees; sick leave accrued in excess of 360 hours may be transferred to annual leave at the rate of two (2) days of sick leave to one (1) day of annual leave for employees who are not vested. Sick leave may be converted in this manner to reach a maximum of 620 hours of annual leave. (b) Employees may donate accrued annual or sick leave to designated employees whenever extraordinary circumstances require the designated employee to be absent from work_due to an extended non-work-related_illness or injury__that_is of a life- threatening nature and when the designated employee has exhausted all earned leave. The Sick Leave Committee will evaluate and initiate all approved requests for leave donations in accordance with Section 78-193 and the Administration Procedure. Sec. 78-288. Use of annual leave. Vacation will be charged to annual leave time. Employee sick leave absences can be charged to annual leave time if all sick leave time has been exhausted. Sec. 78-289. Use of sick leave. (a) Sick leave shall be used for absences because of sickness or injury, not service-connected, for absences due to death or illness in the immediate family, and for religious holidays. (b) Religious holidays be charged to sick leave. Payment of leave for religious holidays shall be limited to high religious holidays, not otherwise provided for, and may not exceed three (3) in any calendar year. (cl All employees in the service of the city shall be required to report absences from duty, not previously arranged, to their appointing officer or a designated superior within one hour after the usual time of beginning work each day that such absence occurs. unless the cause of the absence is such that it may be expected to the of considerable duration. in which case, the absence shall be reported as specified the first day, together with a statement of the approximate length of time such absence is expected to continue. Sec. 7-290__ Charges against annual leave and sick leave. (a) Charges shall_be made against_the employee's annual leave ors_ck_ leave credits for a minimum of six minutes that the employee is absent for sickness or injury, not service- connected, or because of the death or serious illness of a member of the employee's immediate family, for religious holidays, and for vacation. Twelve hours for a fireman is 4 considered an eight-hour day. {b) It shall be the duty of the department head in recommending payment of annual leave or sick leave. to consider the normal days off duty of the employee concerned and to report for use of sick leave or annual leave only that time that the employee is normally required to work. It shall be considered that all employees work a 40-hour week. (c) Holidavs. When holidays, designated as such by the city commission, fall within periods of sick leave or vacation with pay, no charge shall be made against the employee's leave credits for the holiday. Sec. 78-291. Timing of vacations. Vacations shall be granted at a time suitable to the department head and convenient to his/her work schedule as far as practicable. Sec. 78-292. Payment for annual and sick leave. (a) Retirement or death. Any earned balance of annual leave and sick leave of an employee who dies while an employee of the city, or who retires under the terms of any city pension plan, shall be paid to the beneficiary or employee respectively at the rate of compensation received by such regular employee at the time of his/her death or retirement. (b) Resignation or removal. (1) Any earned balance of annual leave and sick leave of a regular employee who is removed or who resigns in good standing shall be paid to such regular employee at the rate of compensation received by such regular employee at the time of his/her removal or his/her resignation in good standing, provided that such payment shall not be made until such time as the resigned or removed regular employee shall forfeit his/her right to re- employment either by time limitation or by written forfeiture of all civil service rights. (2) Any employee who shall involuntarily be deprived gf his/her employm ent with the City of Miami Beach, due to transfer of a function of his/her department to the Metropolitan government. Dade County, or to any agency of the State of Florida, or other local government. shall be entitled to an option period of 30 days during which time he may elect to transfer to the Metropolitan government, Dade County, agency of the State of Florida, or other local government any part or the entire portion of his/her earned annual leave and sick leave balance without forfeiture of re-employment rights provided under civil service rules of the City of Miami Beach. However. if the employee elects to both transfer a portion of his/her earned annual and sick leave and receive payment for the balance from the City of Miami Beach, the combined maximum for transfer and payment for annual leave shall be up to applicable annual cap, and the combined maximum for transfer and payment for sick leave shall be one half of balance up to applicable annual cap (c] Maximum paym ent Lypon_resignation _retirement termination,or death of an employee the maximum annual leave for which an em ployee or his/her beneficiary may be paid is 620 hours. An employee or his/her beneficiary may be paid a maximum of 620 hours of accumulated sick leave when the employee has reached more than ten (10) years of creditable service. An employee or his/her beneficiary may be paid one-half of the 5 employee's accumulated sick leave, up to a maximum of 620 hours after their probationary period through ten (10) years of creditable service. Any benefit under this section must be bargained with the respective unions. (d) Computation of annual and sick leave payments: ill When a settlement is made in accordance with subsection (b)(1) of this section, for annual leave upon resignation, retirement, or death of an employee, payment shall be made upon the basis of the employee's hourly base rate of pay for each hour of annual and sick leave credited to his/her account. (2hen_an employee uses annual_leayegr_sick leaye, payment shalt_e_made on_the basis of the employee's hourly base rate of pay for each hour charged against their annual or sick leave account. (e)Repayments of Overpayments. Accrued leave may be used to repay payroll overpayments or any reasonable business transaction. which is approved by the City Manager or designee. Sec. 78-293. Other leaves with compensation. (a) Other leaves of absence with pay may be granted by the city manager in addition to regularly alloyed leaye when such is recommended by the appointing officer for the purpose of promoting efficiency or other good causes. (b) Bereavement Leave. All employees will be entitled to use bereavement leave as established by citywide procedure. Employees may be allowed to use up to five (5) days of bereavement leave with pay in the event of the death of an immediate family member. Up to two (2) days shall be allowed for the death of any other relative not listed as an immediate family member. Annual or sick leave may be used if the employee needs additional time off. All Bereavement leave is to be taken on consecutive workdays and must start no later than five (5) days after the death occurs. Employees will be entitled to use bereavement leave, as established by citywide procedure. or as established in each CSA. (cl Jury Duty Leave. Employees who are summoned to jury duty by a court of competent jurisdiction will be granted time off with pay. Proof of time served on jury duty shall be required. (d) Administrative Leave. Employees may be granted administrative leave with pay for the following purposes: (1) Appearance in court as a witness on behalf of the city. with or without a subpoena. Court appearances or subpoenas received by the employee other than on behalf of the city, are not eligible for administrative leave. (2) Any reason that City Manager may deem appropriate to grant administrative leave, or that is recommended by department directors and approved by the City Manager. Sec. 78-294. Worker's compensation and supplemental injury pay. (a) The City's designated third-party administrator {hereinafter referred to as "TPA") of the 6 W o r k e r 's C o m p e n s a tio n b e n e fi t s h a ll d e te r m in e w h e th e r a n e m p lo y e e is e n ti tle d to re c e iv e w o r k e r 's c o m p e n s a t io n b e n e fi ts in a c c o r d a n c e w ith th e W o r k e r's C o m p e n s a tio n L a w o f th e S ta te o f F lo r id a . ru le s a n d re g u la tio n s p ro m u lg a te d th e r e u n d e r , a n d s u c h o th e r a p p lic a b le s ta t u te s a n d c a s e la w . B e n e fit s s h a ll b e p a id to a n e m p lo y e e o n ly a ft e r a d e te r m in a tio n o f e n t itle m e n t to b e n e fit s h a s b e e n m a d e . S u c h d e te r m in a tio n o f th e T P A is n o t in te n d e d to a b ro g a te a n e m p lo y e e 's rig h t s u n d e r th e la w s g o v e rn in g w o r k e r 's c o m p e n s a tio n in th e S ta te o f F lo r id a . b ) A n e m p lo y e e w h o is a b s e n t fro m d u ty b e c a u s e o f in ju ry w h ic h is th e d ire c t re s u lt o f h is /h e r c ity d u tie s a n d w h o h a s b e e n d e te r m in e d to b e e n titl e d to w o r k e r's c o m p e n s a ti o n b e n e fit s in a c c o rd a n c e w ith th e fo r e g o in g s u b s e c tio n (a ) o f th is s e c tio n , u p o n c e rt ifi c a tio n o f th e c ity p h y s ic ia n a n d s u b je c t to th e a p p r o v a l o f th e c ity m a n a g e r . s h a ll b e e n title d to re c e iv e s u p p le m e n ta l in ju ry p a y fo r a tw e lv e -w e e k p e r io d . T h e in itia l p e r io d o f e n title m e n t s h a ll c o m m e n c e w it h th e fi r s t a b s e n c e fr o m d u ty a s a re s u lt o f th e in ju ry a n d s h a ll c o n tin u e d u ri n g th e p e r io d th e e m p lo y e e re m a in s a b s e n t fro m d u ty a s a re s u lt o f th e in ju ry . n o t to e x c e e d tw e lv e ( 1 2 ) w e e k s . If th e in ju r e d e m p lo y e e is s till in a "n o -w o r k " s ta tu s a t th e e n d o f th e 1 2 - w e e k p e r io d . a ft e r th e a d v ic e a n d c o m m e n ts o f th e S e n io r R is k O ff ic e r a n d th e C ity M a n a g e r . a t th e ir s o le d is c r e tio n . m a y e x te n d th e a b o v e s u p p le m e n ta l p a y b e y o n d th e tw e lv e (1 2 ) w e e k s . (c )_A ft e r a n em pl o ye e e x h a u st s hi s /h er b en e fi ts un d er this a rti cl e a n g is re c ei vi n g w or k e r s_ c o m p e n s a tio n c h e c k s . th e C ity s h a ll a c c e s s th e e m p lo y e e 's le a v e a c c r u a ls to m a k e th e e m p lo y e e w h o le . D e d u c tio n s fo r s u c h b e n e fi ts s u c h a s h e a lt h a n d d e n ta l in s u r a n c e c o v e r a g e a n d p e n s io n c o n tr ib u tio n s w ill b e m a d e fr o m th e v a lu e o f th e a c c r u e d le a v e . O n c e a n e m p lo y e e ru n s o u t o f le a v e a c c r u a ls a n d is s till u n a b le to re t u rn to w o r k , th e e m p lo y e e h a s a n a ffi r m a t iv e re s p o n s ib ility to c o n ta c t th e H u m a n R e s o u r c e s D e p a rt m e n t, fo r fu rt h e r g u id a n c e . E m p lo y e e s w ill b e e n t itle d to a ll p r o v is io n s in s e c 7 8 -2 9 4 _Or a s e s ta b li s h e d in e a c h C B A. Sec. 78-295. Use of annual leave for purchase of pension time. Any annual leave and sick leave more than the total combined maximum of 96 hours may at the request of an employee, be used for the buying back of pension time creditable service which the employee is entitled to buy if budgeted and approved by the city commission. Computation of the number of hours needed to purchase back pension time will be made on the basis of the employee's rate of pay as of the date he elects to make such transfer. In such cases the Human Resources department will reduce the employee's balance of earned annual leave and sick leave by the number of hours required to equal the pension system contribution and will cause the amount of money to be transferred from the reserve for annual leave settlements to the pension system employee contributions fund. Sec. 78-296. Donation of annual leave and sick leave. (a) Sick Leave Bank. The Sick Leave Bank has been established for employees that wish to participate in the donation and distribution of leave following a serious personal or family illness or injury, once they have exhausted all appropriate leave available. Employees who are not a member of the Sick Leave Bank may be able to receive donated time outside of the Sick Leave Bank as a one-time hardship. [b) Donation of annual leave and sick leave on the death of a co-worker. In those instances where an employee dies while in the employ of the City, other City employees may donate a portion of their annual or sick leave to that employee's dependent and/or beneficiary. 7 Sec. 78-297. Paid Parental Leave. Paid Parental Leave is established to support employees by allowing flexibility and time to bond with_their ney child, adjust to their_newy family situation, and balance their professional obligations_ The leave shall occur concurrently with. count against, and not be added to periods of unpaid or ob protected leaye for which the employee may also be eligible including Family and_Medical l_eave_Act["FMALA" ) and/or any other unpaid leaye offered by the City cue to ghilgbirth action, or foster care placement. Sec. 78-298. Leave Sellback. Each fiscal year. the City Manager may grant to full-time unclassified employees the opportunity to sell, no more than one time per year. accrued sick leave. up to a specified amount while maintaining a minimum balance as established by the City Manager. The City Manager may, in their sole discretion, pause or suspend the sick leave sellback program under this section, due to availability of funds, budgetary constraints. or for any other reason. The City Manager or their designee shall have the authority, at any time. to establish and amend administrative procedures implementing the sick leave sellback program under this section. Any benefit under this section must be bargained with the respective unions. Section 78-299. Use of Sick Leave for Retiree Health Savings Account. A Retiree Health Savings ("RHS") Program may be established for Classified employees covered in this group, with terms and conditions that govern the use of accrued sick leave to fund individual RHS accounts. Any benefit under this section must be bargained with the respective unions. Sec. 78-300. City Manager's Authority to Adopt Administrative Procedures and Regulations. The City Manager shall have the authority to establish and. from time to time. amend administrative procedures and regulations to implement the provisions of this article. Sec. 78-301. Domestic and Sexual Violence Leave. The City will provide domestic and sexual violence leave up to a maximum of thirty (30) days, in accordance with the Miami-Dade County Domestic Leave Ordinance (Chapter 11A-60 et. seq.) and Section 741.313, Florida Statutes. Employees must use their accrued annual or sick leave during their period of absence. Sec. 78-302. Donate Annual and Sick Leave for Humanitarian Disaster Relief. Per section 78-3. City employees are authorized to donate annual and sick leave for humanitarian disaster relief while having at least 260 combined hours of annual and sick leave after any donation, Sec. 78-303. Collective bargaining contingency. As to employees in classifications governed by union contracts, imolementation of the measures in this article is contingent upon collective bargaining and approval by the unions to the extent such approval is necessary. Should any inconsistencies exist between this article and any union contract, then the language of the union contract shall control. 8 S E C T IO N 3. R E P EA LER . A ll ordin a nce s o r pa rt s of ordinances and all section and part s of sections in conflict he rew ith be and the sam e are he reby repealed . S E C TI ON 4. C O DI FI C A TI ON . It is the inte ntio n of the C ity C om m issio n, and it is hereby ordained that the pro visions of this ordin a n ce sha ll be com e and be m ade part of the C ode of the C ity of M iam i Beach as am e nd e d ; that the se ctio ns of this ordinance m ay be renum bered or re-lettered to acco m p lish such inte ntio n ; and that the w ord "o rdinance" m ay be changed to "section" or othe r ap p rop riate w o rd. S E C T IO N 5. SE V E RA B ILI TY . If any se ction, sub se ctio n, cla use or pro vision of this O rdinance is held invalid, the re m a ind er sh all not be aff ected by such invalidity. S E C T IO N 6. EF FE C T IV E D A T E . T h is O rdin a n ce sha ll take effect 10 days follow ing the adoption. O nce the Ordinance tak es effect, the pro visio ns of this O rdina nce shall apply upon adoption. P A S S E D and A D O P TE D this d ay of 2 024. A TT E S T : Steven M ei ner, M ayor R afae l E. G rana d o, C ity C lerk (S p o nso red by M a yo r Steven M eine r) 9