BIE - Youth Commission (07/05/2024)M IA M I B EA CH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive. Miami Beach. Florido 33139. www.miomibeochfl.gov TO: FROM: Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickelle Williams, Interim City Manager '/?LJ MEETING DATE: July 24, 2024 SUBJECT: BUSINESS IMPACT ESTIMATE FOR: AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION," BY AMENDING ARTICLE Ill, ENTITLED "AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES," BY AMENDING DIVISION 16, ENTITLED "YOUTH COMMISSION" BY AMENDING SECTION 2-188 THEREOF, TO ALLOW MEMBERS TO SERVE UP TO THREE YEARS TOTAL ON THE YOUTH COMMISSION; AND, PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DA TE. Is a Business Impact Estimate Required? 0 Yes □No {If no, please check one of the boxes below) If one or more boxes are checked below, this means the City of Miami Beach has determined that a Business Impact Estimate for the above-referenced Ordinance is not required by State law. □The proposed Ordinance is required for compliance with Federal or State law or regulation; □The proposed Ordinance relates to the issuance or refinancing of debt; □The proposed Ordinance relates to the adoption of budgets or budget amendments, including revenue sources necessary to fund the budget; □The proposed Ordinance is required to implement a contract or an agreement, including, but not limited to, any Federal, State, local, or private grant or other financial assistance accepted by the City; □The proposed Ordinance is an emergency ordinance; □The Ordinance relates to procurement; or □The proposed Ordinance is enacted to implement the following: a. Part II of Chapter 163, Florida Statutes, relating to growth policy, county and municipal planning, and land development regulation, including zoning, development orders, development agreements and development permits; b. Sections 190.005 and 190.046, Florida Statutes, regarding community development districts; c. Section 553. 73, Florida Statutes, relating to the Florida Building Code; or d. Section 633.202, Florida Statutes, relating to the Florida Fire Prevention Code. B u s in e s s Im p a c t E s t im a t e P a g e 2 If none of the above exceptions apply, this Business Impact Estimate is hereby provided in accordance with Section 166.041(4), Florida Statutes. 1.A summary of the proposed Ordinance and its purpose is more fully set forth in the Commission Memorandum accompanying the Ordinance, as well as in the recitals to the Ordinance itself, which are attached hereto. 2. The City of Miami Beach estimates that the proposed Ordinance will have no direct economic impact on private, for-profit businesses in the City of Miami Beach, that the proposed Ordinance will have no direct compliance costs that businesses may reasonably incur; that the proposed Ordinance will not impose any new charge or fee for which businesses will be financially responsible, and that the proposed Ordinance will not impact the City of Miami Beach's regulatory costs and will not generate any revenue from new charges or fees. 3. Good faith estimate of the number of businesses likely to be impacted by the proposed Ordinance: The City of Miami Beach estimates that no businesses are likely to be impacted by the proposed Ordinance. 14. Additional comments: None. Ordinances - RS M MIAMI BEACH COMMISSION MEMORA NDUM TO: Honorable Mayor and Members of the City Commission FROM: City Attorney Ricardo J. Dopico DATE: TITLE: June 26, 2024 First Reading AN ORDINANCE OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, AMENDING CHAPTER 2 OF THE MIAMI BEACH CITY CODE, ENTITLED "ADMINISTRATION," BY AMENDING ARTICLE 111, ENTITLED "AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES," BY AMENDING DIVISION 16, ENTITLED "YOUTH COMMISSION" BY AMENDING SECTION 2-188 THEREOF, TO ALLOW MEMBERS TO SERVE UP TO THREE YEARS TOTAL ON THE YOUTH COMMISSION; AND, PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. ANALYSIS The attached Ordinance was prepared at the request of Vice-Mayor Laura Dominguez and Commissioner Alex Fernandez for consideration at the May 15, 2024 City Commission meeting. In 2016, the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach adopted Ordinance No. 2016- 4017, establishing the advisory Youth Commission to provide the youth of Miami Beach with a vehicle to learn about government, participate in the process of City government, represent and articulate the needs of youth in the City, and provide recommendations to the City Commission on issues and programs affecting the youth and teen population in the City. Currently, the term of office for each member is one year, with the option to be re-appointed for one subsequent one-year term, allowing each member to serve up to two (2) years total. At its March 16, 2024 meeting, the Youth Commission passed a unanimous motion recommending for the Mayor and City Commission to amend Ordinance No. 2016-4017 to allow for a Youth Commission member to serve up to three (3) years. General term of office for members of City boards and committees, unless specifically prescribed, is two years. The proposed Ordinance seeks to amend Section 2-188 of the City Code to allow for members to serve for up to three (3) years, with the initial appointment to be for a one (1 ) year term, with an option to be appointed for two (2) additional one-year terms, allowing members to serve up to three (3) years in the aggregate. FISCAL IMPACT STATEMENT N/A Applicable Area Citywide Is this a "Residents Right to Know" item, pursuant to City Code Section 2-17? Is this item related to a G.O. Bond Project? No No Was this Agenda Item initially requested by a lobbyist which, as defined in Code Sec. 2-481, includes a principal engaged in lobbying? No If so, specify the name of lobbyist(s) and principal(s): Department City Attorney Sponsor(s) Commissioner Laura Dominguez Cg-sponsor(s) Commissioner Alex Fernandez O R D IN A N C E N O . _ A N O R D IN A N C E O F T H E M A Y O R A N O C IT Y C O M M IS S IO N O F T H E C ITY O F M IA M I B E A C H , F L O R ID A , A M E N D IN G C H A P T E R 2 O F T H E M IA M I B E A C H C IT Y C O D E , E N T ITL E D "AD M INI S T RA TI O N ," B Y A M E N D IN G A R T IC L E Ill, ENTITLED "AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES," BY AMENDING DIVISION 16, ENTITLED "YOUTH COMMISSION" BY AMENDING SECTION 2- 188 THEREOF, TO ALLOW MEMBERS TO SERVE UP TO THREE YEARS TOTAL ON THE YOUTH COMMISSION; AND, PROVIDING FOR REPEALER, SEVERABILITY, CODIFICATION, AND AN EFFECTIVE DATE. WHEREAS, in 20 16 , th e M ayor and C ity C om m ission of the C ity of M iam i Beach adopted O rdinance N o. 2016 -4017 , establishing the advisory Y outh C om m ission to pro vide the youth of M ia m i Bea ch w ith a vehicl e to learn about govern m e nt, participate in the pro cess of C ity go ve rn m e nt, represent and art iculate the needs of youth in the City, and provide reco m m e nd a tions to the C ity C om m ission on issues and program s affecting the youth and teen po p ula tion in the C ity; and WHEREAS, curr ently, the term of offi ce fo r each m em ber is one year, w ith the option to be re-a p p ointe d fo r one subsequent one-year term , allow ing each m em ber to serv e up to tw o (2) ye ars total; an d WHEREAS, at its M arch 16 , 2024 m eeting , the Y outh C om m ission passed a unanim ous m o tio n reco m m ending for the M ayor and C ity C om m issio n to am end O rdinance N o. 2016-4017 to allow fo r a Y outh C om m ission m em ber to serv e up to three (3) years; and WHEREAS, general term of offi ce fo r m em bers of C ity boards and com m ittees, unless specifica lly prescribed, is tw o years; and WHEREAS, the M ayor and C ity C om m ission w ish to am end Section 2-188 of the City C o de to allow fo r m e m bers to serv e fo r up to three (3) yea rs, w ith the initial appointm ent to be fo r a one (1) year term , w ith an option to be appointed fo r tw o (2) additional one-year term s, allowing m e m be rs to serv e up to three (3) years in the aggregate. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT ORDAINED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA: SECTION 1. Divi si on 16 of A rt icl e Ill, of C hapter 2 of the C ity C ode, entitled "Adm inistration," is hereby am ended as fo llow s: CHAPTER2 ADMINISTRATION ir k ire ARTICLE Ill. AGENCIES, BOARDS AND COMMITTEES k i DIVISION 16. YOUTH COMMISSION Sec. 2-186. Established; purpose. T he re is hereby created a youth com m ission (the "yo uth com m ission") w hich is an advisory bo a rd of the ci ty. T he purpose of the youth com m ission is to provide the youth of M iam i Beach with a vehicle to learn about government, participate in the process of city government, represent and articulate the needs of youth in the city, and provide recommendations to the mayor and city commissioners on issues and programs affecting the youth and teen population in the city. Sec. 2-187. Powers and duties. The youth commission shall have the following powers and duties: (a) Serve in an advisory capacity to the mayor and city commission with regard to issues and programs affecting the city's youth and teen population; (b) Foster increased city youth involvement in the affairs of city government: (c) Research, discuss, and formulate recommendations on issues, activities, and concerns of youth in the city; (d) Comment upon existing or proposed legislation, ordinances, resolutions, and policies that impact the youth in the city; (e) Work with other youth organizations in the city and other cities, counties, states, and countries to collaborate on shared issues and interests and to develop new ideas for programs; (f) Submit to the mayor and city commissioners an annual report of the activities of the youth commission in the month of May prior to the end of the regular school year; (g) Utilize social networking sites and/or technology to engage and inform youth in the city of important city activities; (h} Each member of the youth commission should meet with the official who appointed him or her on a quarterly basis, or at the discretion of the appointing official, as is mutually convenient for the youth commission member and the appointing official, to discuss youth and community issues of concern. Sec. 2-188. Composition . (a) The youth commission shall be composed of seven voting members. (b) The mayor and each city commissioner shall appoint one member to the youth commission as a direct appointment. Members must be residents of the City of Miami Beach. Members must be enrolled in a public or private school in Miami-Dade County. Members shall be 15 through 18 years old at the time of appointment and be enrolled in the 10th, 11th, or 12th grade. To be qualified for appointment, a student must have a minimum 2.0 grade point average and demonstrate a sincere interest in municipal government, be motivated to contribute to the betterment of the city and have a background in community-based activity. (c) The term of office for each member shall be one year. Members may be appointed for one two subsequent one-year term terms; provided, however, that no member shall serve on or after his/her nineteenth birthday. In addition. board member terms shall automatically expire upon the latter of December 31 of the year the appointing city commission member leaves office or upon the appointment/election of the successor city commission member. (d) Youth commission members shall annually elect a member as chairperson, and other officers it deems necessary. A vote of a majority of the members shall be required to constitute action taken by the youth commission. Sec. 2-189. Supporting department. The supporting department for the youth commission shall be the office of the city manager. 2 S e c . 2 -1 9 0 . R e s er v e d . # # SECTION 2. CODIFICATION It is the intention of the Mayor and City Commission of the City of Miami Beach, and it is hereby ordained that the provisions of this ordinance shall become and be made part of the Miami Beach City Code. The sections of this ordinance may be renumbered or relettered to accomplish such intention, and the word "ordinance" may be changed to "section," "article," or other appropriate word. SECTION 3. REPEALER All ordinances or parts of ordinances in conflict herewith be and the same are hereby repealed. SECTION 4. SEVERABILITY If any section, subsection, clause or provision of this Ordinance is held invalid, the remainder shall not be affected by such invalidity. SECTION 5. EFFECTIVE DATE. This Ordinance shall take effect on the day of ,2024 PASSED AND ADOPTED this d ay of 2 024. ATTEST: Steven Meiner, Mayor Rafael E. Granado, City Clerk Underline denotes additions Strikethrough denotes deletions (sponsored by Vice-Mayor Laura Dominguez Co-sponsored by Commissioner Alex J. Fernandez) APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXE C UT IO N »+ asst Date 3