LTC 283-2024 Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA) MotionsMIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,FL 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov NO.L TC #283-2024 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO:Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner Members of the City Commission FROM:fv(~afael E.Granado,City Clerk ~--- DATE:July 10,2024 KEILA MENA SUBJECT:Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA)Motions The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide the memo from the Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA)Board meeting that occurred on June 11,2024. Docusign Envelope ID:D984C4EE-2B03-4548-8FE3-32846C23C3AD MIAMI BEACH MARINE AND WATERFRONT PROT ECTION AUTHORITY BOARD TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority Board July 10,2024 Process for Reviewing BTR Holders Operating Charter Boats and Making Recommendations to the City The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of the City Commission of the recent unanimous vote by the Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA)Board regarding the process by which the MWPA will monitor and review the performance of the City of Miami Beach Business Tax Receipt (BTR)holders operating charter boats.This follows the passage of Ordinance No.2024-4612 on April 3,2024,which authorizes the MWPA to make recommendations regarding the potential suspension or revocation of BTRs for commercial charter operators that engage in nuisance or unlawful activities. Our process includes reporting issues from multiple sources,including citizen complaints,Code Enforcement,Park Rangers,Marine Patrol,and other law enforcement agencies.We apply a point system to these issues,with point thresholds resulting in courtesy notices and ultimately a review by the MWPA.If a BTR holder is escalated to the MWPA,we will conduct a thorough review of the issues,invite the BTR holder to participate in our discussion,and vote on a recommendation to the City Manager and the City Commission in compliance with the ordinance. The MWPA sincerely thank you for your consideration. Attachment:MWPA Oversight of Charter Boat BTRs:Full Review Process MWPA Oversight of Charter Boat BTRs:Full Review Process June 10,2024 1.Introduction and Historical Background: a.The Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA)has long been responsible for reviewing Business Tax Receipts (BTRs)for charter boats to ensure operators meet the necessary requirements (Miami Beach City Code Sec.2-190.49). b.Historically,once an operator was deemed compliant with the City of Miami Beach (COMB)requirements,their application was approved by the MWPA,and the BTR was issued.Annual renewals were automatic,regardless of subsequent compliance issues. 2.MWPA's Expanded Oversight Authority: a.The MWPA now has greater authority over charter boat Business Tax Receipts (BTRs)following the adoption of Ordinance No.2024-4612 by the Mayor and City Commission of the COMB on April 3,2024.This ordinance amended Section 2- 190.49 of the Miami Beach City Code to authorize the MWPA to make recommendations to the City Manager and City Commission regarding potential suspension or revocation of BTRs for commercial charter operators that engage in nuisance or habitual unlawful activities. b.The MWPA will now enforce compliance more stringently,reviewing BTR holders' activities and ensuring they meet the standards outlined in the ordinance.A code enforcement employee,acting as a "point person,"will oversee data collection and ensure proper notification,reporting,and communication to streamline the oversight process and support the MWPA in fulfilling its new responsibilities. 3.Critical Data Sources and Collection: a.Each warning,ticket,violation,or complaint constitutes an "Event,"and Event data is fundamental to this oversight process and will be gathered from the following sources: i.Code Enforcement:Including warnings and violations of city codes related to charter boats. ii.COMB Park Rangers:Including warnings and violations of city codes related to charter boats. iii.Marine Patrol at Miami Beach Police Department (MBPD):Incorporating warnings,citations,and tickets issued by the Marine Patrol. iv.Other law enforcement agencies including FWC,US Coast Guard and Miami and Miami-Dade County marine patrol:Incorporating warnings,citations,and tickets issued by other law enforcement as such data becomes available. v.Citizen Complaints:Complaints by citizens can be made by phone or through the city's complaint system,which will integrate marine/boating complaints into the Citizens Access portal's dropdown menu to ensure proper categorization. 1 b.This Event data will be collected by code's "point person",who will receive, organize,and grade the Event data,and escalate to the MWPA as provided below. 4.Weight and Assessment of Events: a.Not all Events warrant immediate MWPA review.Under Miami Beach City Code, Section 102-381,a BTR can be suspended for several reasons.The reasons most applicable to charter boat operators are: i.Misrepresentation:Failing to disclose or misrepresenting material information required in the BTR application. ii.Public Safety Threat:Engaging in business activities that pose a genuine threat to public health,welfare,or safety. iii.Habitual Law Violations:Frequent violations of local,county,or state laws occurring at the business premises. iv.Specific Legal Violations:Violating specific federal,state,city,or county laws that the BTR issuance depended on. v.Refusal to Correct Violations:Failing to cease or rectify violations after receiving notification. b.The code "point person"receiving the Event data will make a subjective decision whether the severity of a single Event warrants escalation to the MWPA per Section 5 below,or,if time-sensitive,immediate escalation directly to the City Manager (per Miami Beach City Code,Section 102-381 ). c.If a single Event does not warrant immediate escalation,then the code "point person"will assess each Event,and assign points and take action or escalate as follows: i.Points System:The MWPA establishes the following point system applicable to Events for the purpose of creating a threshold for escalating a charter boat BTR holder: •Validated citizen complaints (that did not lead to code warning or violation): 1 point •Warnings:2 points •Code violations:3 points •Law Enforcement citations1:4 points ii.Actions/Escalation:The code "point person"will maintain a database with the aggregate points applicable to Events and take the following actions: •The accumulation of 3 or more points in the BTR fiscal year (FY)will trigger a "Courtesy Notice"from Code Enforcement,notifying the BTR holder of their compliance status and potential consequences of further violations. •The accumulation of 6 or more points in the BTR FY will immediately escalate the matter to the MWPA ("Escalated BTR")for review and potential action per Section 5 below. iii.Upon the renewal of a BTR at the start of a new BTR FY,the BTR holder's points will revert to 0. 1 Includes MBPD Marin Patrol,as well as USCG,FWC,Miami and Miami-Dade police. 2 5.MWPA Review of Escalated BTRs: a.Each monthly MWPA meeting will include a presentation of any noteworthy Events, any Courtesy Notices sent to BTR holders and the relevant Event data for the review of any Escalated BTR. b.After the MWPA's initial review,if the MWPA decides to proceed with a formal review,then the BTR holder(s)of Escalated BTRs would be invited to the MWPA meeting and have an opportunity to present their defense and respond to MWPA member questions. c.In the case of a formal review,the MWPA will review all the Event data provided for the Escalated BTR,consider the position of the applicable BTR holder,and then discuss whether the BTR holder has violated Miami Beach City Code,Section 102- 381.Based on this,the MWPA will vote whether to recommend to the City Manager I Commission to potentially suspend or revoke the BTR,consistent with Ordinance No.2024-4612. 6.MWPA Requests to Facilitate the Process and Enforcement.In order to facilitate this process and enforcement,the MWPA requests the City consider and implement the following practices: a.Charter Boat BTR Sticker:Identification of charter boats under a COMB BTR is very difficult therefore charter boats that hold a BTR would receive a city-issued sticker that must be plainly visible on the vessel. i.In line with requiring all businesses with BTRs to display their licenses,this sticker would be visible to code enforcement and marine patrol outside the vessel. b.BTR Holder Applies to all Use of Boat:BTR holders would be clearly informed and affirm that registered vessels will be held to all charter boat rules and regulations at all times and accountable regardless of whether the use is commercial or personal. i.The only exception would be for after-hour use by person(s)pre-identified in the application process (or by later amendment)as the owner of the vessel who must present ID. c.Annual Affirmation Process:As part of the annual BTR Renewal process,the COMB would include an affirmation form to all charter operator BTR holders to confirm compliance with all relevant laws and acknowledge that violations may lead to suspension or revocation.The final language of such affirmation will be determined in coordination with the City Attorney's office. i.The affirmation will identify major violations that must be avoided,consistent with Miami Beach City Code,Section 102-381,including noise,quality of life, speeding,dumping,and balloons. ii.The affirmation will also include a section where the BTR holder may notify the COMB and the MWPA if their business model has changed materially from what was described in the original,approved BTR application. 3