136-1998 LTC
L.T.C.No. 136-1998
September 22, 1998
Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City Commission
Sergio Rodriguez, City Manager
SUBJECT: Status and Schedule of the ami Beach Municipal Mobility Plan
The evolving Municipal Mobility Plan (MMP) which is in the final draft stages will be the very first
transportation plan ever developed specifically for the City of Miami Beach. It is important to
understand that the present Traffic Circulation Element of the City's Comprehensive Plan, while
adequate with regards to State statutes, was developed using County data and assumptions. The
MMP has been developed from traffic data collected by the City, State and private sector of the
City's entire roadway network, and, therefore better reflects the unique urbanized and ever changing
character of our City. Due to the complexity of citywide planning and transportation issues, the
MMP will not have a specific solution for each and every transportation planning problem, but will
give the City a general blueprint from which to respond to these challenges.
The public involvement process held in May and June of this year, has resulted in the formulation
of a draft vision plan for Miami Beach's transportation values and needs. Subsequently, the
Transportation and Parking Committee met on August 31 st and September 14th and, due to the
plan's complexity, has scheduled a workshop for September 25th, from 1 :00-6:00 p.m., to finalize
their review of the MMP, hopefully endorse the plan, and make a recommendation to the City
A specific agenda of outstanding issues is being developed for discussion at the Transportation and
Parking Committee Workshop, which most likely will include the following items:
<> The MMP-recommended redesignation of major Miami Beach roads, according to how they
should operate within the City context, and its implications regarding the present Federal
Highway Classification.
<> Promote the concept of a more efficient/not faster roadway system which supports the
establishment of livable neighborhood and community speed limits.
<> A prioritization process for proposed transportation/transit projects, usmg a matrix
<> Requiring traffic/designlengineering/environmental/planning (PD&E) study for all
operational, capacity, or enhancement projects within the proposed 10-year capital
improvements program (CIP) section of the MMP.
<> The need to establish a funding mechanism (reserve fund) for the MMP-proposed
transportation and transit projects, in order to meet the local funding obligations imposed by
the Federal, State, and MPO processes. However, the mitigation improvement projects
funded by the private sector are excepted. There is also a need to establish a bonding
mechanism to retain these funds for their appropriate purposes.
<> Emphasize the increased role of public transit and its direct connection with several
developing mitigation improvement plans. The need to encourage the Miami-Dade Transit
Agency (MDT A) to revamp and improve its existing transit service in and out of Miami
Beach, further, to maintain the ELECTROWA VE as a "specialty project" limited to purposes
as determined by the City Commission.
<> Create a concise, yet comprehensive, Executive Summary, establishing a clear process for
achieving the MMP vision plan, and for implementing the CIP-recommended projects.
The Administration proposes the following schedule for the MMP approval process:
09/25/98 - MMP Workshop with the Transportation and Parking Committee
Possible endorsement of plan and its vision.
10/02/98 - MMP Study Steering Committee meeting (technical staff)
Presentation and discussion of draft Executive Summary.
10/12/98 - Regular Transportation & Parking Committee Meeting
Final endorsement of the MMP.
10120/98 - MMP Workshop with the Planning Board.
11/11/98 - MMP Workshop with the City Commission.
11/18/98 - MMP approval and adoption by City Commission.
c: Janet Gavarrete, Assistant City Manager
Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager
Mayra Diaz-Buttacavoli, Assistant City Manager
Julio Grave de Peralta, Director of Public Works
Dean Grandin, Director of Planning
Joseph Johnson, Transportation Planner
Amelia Johnson, Transportation Coordinator
Parking and Transportation Committee
Bruce Chatterton, Carr Smith Corradino
MMP file