LTC 295-2024 Tenant Know Your Rights Workshop for 337 20 Street residentsMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: LETTER TO COMMISSION Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rickele Wiliams, Interim City Manager f'[) July 16,2024 Tenant Know Your Rights Workshop for 337 20 Street residents. The purpose of this Letter to Commission ("LTC)is to provide an update on developments regarding the property at 337 20"Street and the steps being taken to support these residents. On July 1,2024,Riviera Plaza Apartments LLC issued a notice requiring all tenants at the property to vacate the premises by August 31,2024 (see attached).This notice caused concern and uncertainty among the tenants regarding their housing rights and available resources.There are 56 apartment units,however we are not able to confirm the actual number of tenants that will be impacted. In response to these circumstances,the Office of Housing and Community Services ("HCS")is coordinating a Tenant Know Your Rights Workshop for 337 20"Street residents,provided by Legal Services of Greater Miami (Legal Services).The in-person workshop is scheduled for Thursday, July 18,2024,at 5:30 pm,located at the Miami Beach Regional Library at 227 23rd Street,Miami Beach.The purpose of this workshop,provided in English and Spanish,is to educate tenants about their legal rights concerning this situation.After the presentation,Legal Services will provide case- specific support.The Miami-Dade County Office of Housing Advocacy is also scheduled to attend the event to provide additional support where possible. Additionally,HCS has canvassed the building and provided support with local resources and referrals to approximately 37 tenants thus far.They have also partnered with the Housing Authority of the City of Miami Beach (HACMB)to identify tenants in the building who hold Section 8 vouchers, facilitating connections with local landlords who accept such vouchers whenever feasible. Furthermore,HCS has distributed flyers (see attached)about the workshop to ensure tenants are informed about the event and encouraged to attend for crucial information and personalized assistance from Legal Services of Greater Miami and the Miami-Dade County Office of Housing Advocacy. Should you have additional questions,please contact Alba Tarre,Department Director,Office of Housing and Community Services,at 305.673.7491 or via email at albatarre@miamibeachfl.gov. Attachment: Notice Flyer 295-2024 III 'I ·t,,.S (:I l()L l.,,,,.,"·'r.,•,•.,~-' •))/4 MM 337 20 Siree? dot Miam Beach.FL 33139 Re ear MA We have the privilege of representing the Landlord concerning the above-referenced Lease Th !rd#<t_.:.At thistimet±"'P Lai !iord has appreciated your tenancy in the peruses.U"> Te.the Landlord has decided to redevelop the property.Therefore,it mast terminateyourmonth-to-month tenancy. Because the Landlord values your tenancy,even though your Lease only requires a 30-day notice for terminating your month-to-month tenancy,the Landlord has decided to give you a full two months of notice.Accordingly,your Lease is hereby terminated. effective August 31,2024.You must vacate the premises and deliver vacant,broom- clean possession to the Landiord by midnight on August 31,2024 Should you fail to vacate the premises by this date,the Landlori reserves the right to fle an eviction lawsuit and obtain a final judgment of eviction to remove you from the premises.It is the Landlord's sincere hope and desire that you will cooperate in this process,vacate the premises by August 31,2024,and avoid any legal action. Please be advised that the Landlord expects you to continue complying with your contractual obligations under the Lease,including timely payment of rent for July and August.However,in recognition of your long-standing tenancy and as a means of assisting you in vacating the premises,the Landlord agrees to the following. lf you vacate the premises by midnight,August 31,2024 and deliver broom-clean ,·'or to the Landlord,along with the keys to the premises,then the Landlord will possess7.,Ks509 within 15 days after the end of August 2024.It is our client's ay 9%"5,2";"";you io vacating the premises mey aodor too9 susavehopethatuswtass-' housing. tee/C Roth,P.A. ef@;rothandschol!com »; Dennis Schol,PA dennis@dscho!!com 4h "collllhelliimil ii·' 390 Two,,.,oaayou tor your or@or occupancy a sh9","?"","'Ck 6i 1mey vest9of_he,P%2,"122%?2 ,"2,{jk±sis conic6ins ifs fr·soi9-P?" .-ts co±act the undersign"" eoveRW VOURSELVEEs ACCORDING-'· /ery truly yours. JeFFREY C.ROTH JCRvwy Cc.Riviera R]aza Ap,rtartmnents LLC The b<a.•ve not}'EUCe was s{The served b P .e ab Y perso I d •rnis""???P?ea.sonar dney on the tena° 6kif5,2%.22g22.PP:ving a ,,,in the abs€ncopytneri,,""e of the tenant from the'[%°e tenant's premis }'_"s%somiseson-[-£. Tenant Know Your Rights Workshop 337 20 Street residents ~ -- ~ .--'?•<>......,,,, Due to the current situation in your building located at 337 20 street,Legal Services of Greater Miami will conduct a presentation to inform you on Florida Landlord/Tenant law. Thursday,July 18,2024 at 5:30 p.m. Miami Beach Regional Library 227 23 Street,Miami Beach a65 ->°5°°Z, ill If you have additional questions,please email Kevin Pulido at KevinPulido@miamibeachfl.gov. ~ ? □ D For alternate format or ADA accommodations.please call 305.604.2ADA (2232)(voice),select I (English)or 2 (Spanish)MI AM I BEACHandleaveamessage.TTY users may call via 711 (Florida Relay Service)or online at www.miamibeachfl.ov ado and select ADA request.www.miamibeachll.gov