LTC 297 - 2024 Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA) MotionsMIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach, FL 33139,www.miamibeachfl.gov RECEIVED JUL 17 2024 NO.LTC #..CIT.OFMIAMI BEACHLETTERTOCOMMlSlON-or cLEnK TO: FROM: DATE: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner Members of the City Commission Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk ~ July 15,2024 SUBJECT:Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA)Motions The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide the memo from the Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA)Board meeting that occurred on July 9,2024. 297-2024 Docusign Envelope ID:AF533F4B-C3E1-43BC-8B0E-3379F7BCCE82 MIAMI BEACH MARINE AND WATERFRONT PROTECTION AUTHORITY BOARD TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority Board July 15,2024 MWPA Support for a Marine Mobile Pump Out Station and Proof of Pump-Out Requirement The purpose of this memo is to inform the Mayor and Members of the City Commission of the recent unanimous vote by the Marine and Waterfront Protection Authority (MWPA)Board encouraging the City Commission to explore a MOBILE PUMP OUT SERVICE FOR BOATS SIMILAR TO MONROE COUNTY'S FREE PUMP OUT SERVICE (item by Vice-Mayor Laura Dominguez,C4 U)which was referred to the Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee.This free mobile pump-out service will reduce/eliminate illegal sewage release from transient and local liveaboard boats and improve water quality by eliminating barriers to pump- out.Currently,the two closest land-based pump out stations are Miami Beach Marina ($10)and Pelican Harbor Marina ($5),and they require the boat to pull anchor,move to the marina and then go back to their spot.Between 2013 and 2020,the Monroe County service registered over 3,500 customers and regularly serviced over 700 vessels throughout Monroe County waters.This resulted in the collection of over 2 million gallons of sewage that may have otherwise entered the sensitive marine environment. The service will require the following: -Will require any anchoring vessel to register their boat,which will provide contact information in case their boat has an issue (sinking,breaks free,etc). -Will Require any anchoring vessel to provide a 'Proof of Pump-Out'to any law enforcement entity to demonstrate compliance with 'No Discharge'legislation -they can either pump out on land or use this free mobile service. -Will need to be a component of our Mooring Field -Can Provide visual inspections by pump-out staff to identify at-risk boats -Can be funded in part by state and federal funding assistance as well as through recreational vessel registration fees. Beginning December 2021,the Florida Department of Environmental Protection assumed funding and management of the service,and contracted with 'On The Hook Marine Services,LLC'for implementation. The MWPA sincerely thank you for your consideration. [%#ate,{e8efer MWPA Chairman