LTC 302-2024 Update on lnterlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade CountyMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC No.302-2024 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk -r0 July 18,2024 Update on lnterlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County -Publication of Legal Advertisements During the Miami-Dade County Board of County Commissioners meeting held on July 16,2024,the Board approved the following Resolution: RESOLUTION APPROVING A FORM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY TO FACILITATE THE PUBLICATION OF LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS AND PUBLIC NOTICES BY SUCH GOVERNMENT AGENCY ON A PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE WEBSITE OF THE COUNTY,IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 50.0311,FLORIDA STATUTES;AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR COUNTY MAYOR'S DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN MIAMI- DADE COUNTY AND TO EXERCISE THE PROVISIONS AND ALL RIGHTS CONTAINED THEREIN. This Resolution approves the establishment of an lnterlocal Agreement between Miami- Dade County and other governmental agencies within the County to facilitate the publication of legal advertisements and public notices on the County's designated website,http://legalads.miamidade.gov,as authorized by Section 50.0311 of the Florida Statutes. The approved Resolution includes a draft lnterlocal Agreement that outlines the terms for collaboration between Miami-Dade County and other local governmental entities. This agreement allows the County Mayor or designated representative to execute agreements with other governmental agencies within Miami-Dade County,facilitating their use of the County's website for legal advertisements and notices. Anticipated yearly costs for local governmental agencies utilizing the County's website are estimated to be $707 per user,covering necessary software,maintenance,and support costs.This figure is subject to adjustment based on actual usage and annual updates,as determined by the County. The Office of the City Clerk will engage in collaborative efforts with Miami-Dade County to execute this lnterlocal Agreement. Please find attached detailed documentation regarding the Resolution and the draft form lnterlocal Agreement. F:\CLER\$ALL\alTC'S\LTC Template For City Clerk\LTC Resolution -Interlocal Agreement -Publication of Notices County Webpage.docx MEMORANDUM Agenda Item No.1 l(A)(2) TO:Honorable Chairman Oliver G.Gilbert,III and Members,Board of County Commissioners FROM:Geri Bonzon-Keenan County Attorney DATE:July 16,2024 SUBJECT:Resolution approving a form interlocal agreement between Miami-Dade County and any other government agency in Miami-Dade County to facilitate the publication of legal advertisements and public notices by such government agency on a publicly accessible website of the County,in accordance with section 50.0311,Florida Statutes;authorizing the County Mayor to execute the interlocal agreement with any other government agency in Miami-Dade County and to exercise the provisions and all rights contained therein The accompanying resolution was prepared and placed on the agenda at the request of Prime Sponsor Senator Rene Garcia. Geri Bonzon-Keenan County Attorney GBK/ks MDC001 MEMORANDUM (Revised) TO:Honorable Chairman Oliver G.Gilbert,III and Members,Board of County Commissioners DATE:July 16,2024 FROM:onzon-Keenan County Attorney Please note any items checked. SUBJECT:Agenda Item No.1 l(A)(2) / 3-Day Rule"for committees applicable if raised 6 weeks required between first reading and public hearing 4 weeks notification to municipal officials required prior to public hearing Decreases revenues or increases expenditures without balancing budget Budget required Statement of fiscal impact required Statement of social equity required Ordinance creating a new board requires detailed County Mayor's report for public hearing No committee review Applicable legislation requires more than a majority vote (i.e.,2/3's present __,2/3 membership ,3/5's ,unanimous >COMP 7 vote requirement per 2-116.1(3)(h)or (4)(c)3 COMP 2/3 vote requirement per 2-116.1(3)(h)or (4)(c)__,or COMP 9 vote requirement per 2-116.1(4)(c)(2)_)to approve Current information regarding funding source,index code and available balance,and available capacity (if debt is contemplated)required MDC002 Approved llayOr Veto Override RESOLUTION NO. Agenda Item No.11 (A)(2) 7-16-24 RESOLUTION APPROVING A FORM INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT BETWEEN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY TO FACILITATE THE PUBLICATION OF LEGAL ADVERTISEMENTS AND PUBLIC NOTICES BY SUCH GOVERNMENT AGENCY ON A PUBLICLY ACCESSIBLE WEBSITE OF THE COUNTY,IN ACCORDANCE WITH SECTION 50.0311,FLORIDA STATUTES;AUTHORIZING THE COUNTY MAYOR OR COUNTY MAYOR'S DESIGNEE TO EXECUTE THE INTERLOCAL AGREEMENT WITH ANY OTHER GOVERNMENT AGENCY IN MIAMI-DADE COUNTY AND TO EXERCISE THE PROVISIONS AND ALL RIGHTS CONTAINED THEREIN WHEREAS,section 50.0311 of the Florida Statutes provides that "[a]governmental agency may use the publicly accessible website of the County in which it lies to publish legally required advertisements and public notices if the cost of publishing advertisements and public notices on such website is less than the cost of publishing advertisements and public notices in a newspaper";and WHEREAS,the term "government agency"is defined in section 50.0311 to mean "a county,municipality,school board,or other unit of local government or political subdivision in this state";and WHEREAS,on April 2,2024,this Board adopted Resolution No.R-281-24,which, among other provisions,"directed the County Mayor's administration to take all necessary steps to provide for publication of legal advertisements and public notices on a publicly accessible website of the County,in accordance with section 50.0311 ";and WHEREAS,Resolution No.R-281-24 further directed the administration to "develop a form interlocal agreement for use by the County and another local government in Miami-Dade MDC003 Agenda Item No.11 (A)(2) Page 2 County when such local government wishes to utilize the County's website to publish legal advertisements and notices,"with such interlocal agreement including "provisions to ensure that the use of the County's website for such purposes shall be at no cost to the County,and such interlocal agreement shall address and provide for,at a minimum,indemnification of and duty to defend the County,costs and payment to the County,and a definite agreement term not to exceed five years,with a possible option to renew";and WHEREAS,for a number of years,the County has used and maintained a website at legalads.miamidade.gov to provide notice of Sunshine meetings and courtesy notice of matters that are legally advertised or noticed via a newspaper;and WHEREAS,in accordance with this Board's directive in Resolution No.R-281-24, legalads.miamidade.gov has been modified to conform with the requirements of chapter 50 of the Florida Statutes,and the County has now officially designated it as the publicly accessible website for legal advertisements and notices in Miami-Dade County;and WHEREAS,several local governments,including the City of Doral,City of Miami Gardens,and City of Coral Gables,have passed resolutions urging the County to expedite the designation of a publicly accessible website to host legal advertisements and public notices pursuant to section 50.0311 of Florida Statutes;and WHEREAS,as directed by this Board,the County Mayor's administration has prepared a form interlocal agreement to facilitate the use of the County's website by other government agencies for the publication of their own legal advertisements and notices,to the extent permitted by section 50.0311;and WHEREAS,this Board now wishes to approve the form interlocal attached hereto and to authorize the County Mayor's administration to enter into such interlocal agreements with other government agencies in Miami-Dade County, MDC004 Agenda Item No.1 l(A)(2) Page 3 NOW,THEREFORE,BE IT RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS OF MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA,that: Section 1. Section 2. The foregoing recitals are approved and incorporated herein. This Board hereby approves the form interlocal agreement,attached as Exhibit I hereto,between Miami-Dade County and any other government agency in Miami-Dade County to facilitate the publication of legal advertisements and public notices by any such government agency on a publicly accessible website of the County,in accordance with section 50.0311,Florida Statutes. Section 3.This Board hereby authorizes the County Mayor or County Mayor's designee to execute such interlocal agreement with any other government agency in Miami-Dade County and to exercise the provisions and all rights contained therein. The Prime Sponsor of the foregoing resolution is Senator Rene Garcia.It was offered by Commissioner Commissioner ,who moved its adoption.The motion was seconded by and upon being put to a vote,the vote was as follows: Oliver G.Gilbert,III,Chairman Anthony Rodriguez,Vice Chairman Marleine Bastien Juan Carlos Bermudez Kevin Marino Cabrera Roberto J.Gonzalez Danielle Cohen Higgins Kionne L.McGhee Micky Steinberg MDC005 Sen.Rene Garcia Keon Hardemon Eileen Higgins Raquel A.Regalado Agenda Item No.11 (A)(2) Page4 The Chairperson thereupon declared this resolution duly passed and adopted this 16"day of July,2024.This resolution shall become effective upon the earlier of (1)10 days after the date of its adoption unless vetoed by the County Mayor,and if vetoed,shall become effective only upon an override by this Board,or (2)approval by the County Mayor of this resolution and the filing of this approval with the Clerk of the Board. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,FLORIDA BY ITS BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS JUAN FERNANDEZ-BARQUIN,CLERK By:_ Deputy Clerk Approved by County Attorney as ~-to form and legal sufficiency._2nee James Eddie Kirtley MDC006 EXHIBIT 1 lnterlocal Access Agreement for Local Government Publication of Legal Advertisements and Public Notices on County Designated Website This lnterlocal Agreement ("Agreement")is made and entered into by and between Miami-Dade County,Florida ("County"),a political subdivision of the State of Florida,and ,a municipality,other unit of local government or other political subdivision in the State of Florida ("Local Government").The parties to this agreement are solely the County and the Local Government (each a"Party,"and collectively the "Parties"). RECITALS A.Section 50.011 of the Florida Statutes provides requirements relating to the publication of legal notices,including requirements relating to the types of newspapers and print publications that may be utilized for official legal advertisements and notices placed by local governments;and B.Section 50.011 also provides that such advertisements and notices may instead by placed on a publicly accessible website,as provided in section 50.0311;and C.Section 50.0311 in turn provides that "[a]governmental agency may use the publicly accessible website of the county in which it lies to publish legally required advertisements and public notices if the cost of publishing advertisements and public notices on such website is less than the cost of publishing advertisements and public notices in a newspaper";and D.Pursuant to section 50.0311,the County has decided to designate a publicly accessibly website -legalads.miamidade.gov-for the publication of legally required advertisements and public notices,provided the cost of publishing such advertisements and notices on this website is less than the cost of publishing them in print;and E.Local Government desires to utilize the County's designated publicly accessible website for the online publication of certain advertisements and notices,in accordance with section 50.0311;and F.The Parties wish to enter into this Agreement to facilitate the Local Government's use of the County's publicly accessible website to publish certain legal advertisements and public notices and to address,among other matters,costs,parameters,and indemnification. TERMS Now,therefore,for good and valuable consideration,the receipt and sufficiency of which is hereby acknowledged,the Parties agree as follows: 1.Recitals.The foregoing recitals are approved and incorporated herein. MDC007 EXHIBIT 1 2.Designation of Website.The County has designated legalads.miamidade.gov ("Website") as the publicly accessible website for the publication of legal advertisements and notices by governmental agencies in Miami-Dade County,pursuant to section 50.0311 of the Florida Statutes.At any time,the County may,in its sole discretion,choose to designate a different website for this purpose.If the County does so,it shall provide notice in a manner of its choosing to the Local Government and any such new designation shall be automatically effective upon the date stated in County's notice.Any such new designation shall not require amendment of this Agreement.Such newly designated website shall be thereafter deemed the "Website"for purposes of this Agreement. 3.Utilization of Website.The Local Government may utilize the Website for its publication of legally required advertisements and public notices in accordance with the requirements of section 50.0311 of the Florida Statutes,if and to the extent it elects to do so.Nothing in this Agreement obligates the Local Government to utilize the Website for publication of any particular advertisement or notice.For any advertisements and notices that the Local Government wishes to publish on the Website,the County shall provide the Local Government with the ability to do so in a manner of the County's choosing.All postings by the Local Government must include contact information to ensure prompt identification of the responsible party.Separate and apart from its use of the Website,the Local Government shall be solely responsible for the placement of any advertisements or notices that the Local Government is required,or chooses,to publish in a print publication and for any advertisements or notices that the Local Government provides by mail or email pursuant to section 50.0311(6)or any other applicable law,rule,or regulation. 4.Term.The term of this Agreement shall commence upon the date it is fully executed by the Parties ("Effective Date")and shall continue until terminated by either Party as otherwise provided herein for a period not to exceed five years,with a possible option to renew,as provided herein. 5.Extensions.The County may extend this Agreement for two additional five-year terms (each an "Extension Term")on the same terms and conditions stated in this Agreement,though costs may change,by sending notice to the Local Government at least 30 days prior to the expiration of the then-current term.It is provided,however,that nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude the Parties from entering into additional agreements in the future relating to the Local Government's use of the Website. 6.Compliance with Legal Requirements.Each Party shall comply with all applicable federal, state,and local laws,codes,ordinances,rules,and regulations in performing its duties, responsibilities,and obligations pursuant to this Agreement.For the duration of this Agreement, the Local Government shall be solely responsible for verifying and ensuring its eligibility to utilize the Website in accordance with section 50.0311 and for adherence to all applicable requirements,obligations,duties,procedures,and conditions set forth in chapter 50 of the Florida Statutes,including,but not limited to,section 50.0311,and in any other applicable federal,state,or local law,rule,or regulation,as may be amended from time to time ("Legal MDC008 EXHIBIT 1 Requirements").The County shall have no responsibility for ensuring that the Local Government, or its use of the Website,complies with such Legal Requirements or any other law,rule,or regulation. 7.County Actions are Ministerial.The Local Government acknowledges that any and all advertisements and notices published on the Website are prepared and published by the Local Government and not the County,and that any and all actions of the County in conjunction with or relating to the designation of the Website for use by the Local Government are,and shall be construed at all times as being,purely ministerial acts. 8.Services Description.The County will provide the Local Government access to publishing its legal advertisements and notices on the Website.The County will supply the software, licensing,maintenance,and prerecorded online video trainings required to provide Local Governments with access to the Website,with a maximum of two users each,to publish legal advertisements and public notices.The Local Government will be responsible for promptly notifying the County when any agents or employees of the Local Government should have their access to the Website revoked.The County will maintain the email distribution list for users that opt-in to receive email or direct mail from the County.However,the Local Government will be responsible for maintaining its own email and first-class mailing lists or distribution as part of Section 50.011 of the Florida Statutes.The County is not responsible for connectivity disruptions or delays caused by circumstances beyond its control. 9.Training.The County will provide prerecorded on line video training sessions that can be accessed by the Local Government to assist with its use of the Website.As part of this Agreement, the County may provide updates regarding new capabilities and features,if applicable. 10.Support.The Local Government will have access to the online FAQ page to review answers to commonly asked questions.The County will provide support contact details,which may include a contact group,form,or individual,at the start of the agreement upon onboarding. County support hours are between the hours of 8 a.m.and 5 p.m.Monday through Friday, excluding observed County holidays.The County shall have the sole discretion to determine whether support requests qualify as an emergency,exceed reasonable use or are outside the scope of services.Urgent requests necessitating expedited processing outside of support hours are subject to additional fees,as delineated in the current Communications and Customer Experience Department (CCED)and Information Technology Department (ITD)rate sheets. Support service does not include support for errors caused by third party products or applications for which the County is not responsible. 11.Financial Responsibility.The Local Government shall bear all fees and costs relating to its use of the Website,including,but not limited to,fees and costs associated with any software and licensing,or website maintenance necessitated by Local Government's use of the Website,and any County administrative staff time required to facilitate Local Government's use of the Website.In a manner of its choosing,the County,or such entity designated by the County,shall invoice the Local Government for such fees and costs and,upon receipt of such invoice,the Local MDC009 EXHIBIT 1 Government shall be responsible for the timely payment of all such fees and costs.Additionally, separate and apart from its use of the Website,the Local Government shall be solely responsible for any and all costs associated with the placement of any advertisements or notices that the Local Government is required,or chooses,to publish in a print publication and for any advertisements or notices that the Local Government provides by mail or email pursuant to section 50.0311(6)or any other applicable law,rule,or regulation.If the Local Government fails to pay such fees and costs in a timely manner,the County may terminate the Local Government's access to the Website,and the County shall have no liability to the Local Government for such termination or lack of access due to non-payment. 12.Costs.The annual necessary software,maintenance,and support costs for each Local Government are estimated to be $707 per Local Government agent or employee user.This figure represents an approximate estimate of the anticipated recurring annual costs,which may vary from year-to-year,and nothing herein shall be deemed to preclude the County from charging the Local Government the actual costs associated with its use of the Website in a given year,as provided in paragraph 11.In addition,such costs may be subject to annual increases at the County's discretion,and the Parties agree that the estimated annual cost figure set forth in this paragraph shall be adjusted and deemed amended herein accordingly. 13.Reimbursable Expenses.The Local Government will not be reimbursed for expenses it bears unless expressly provided for in this Agreement. 14.Sovereign Immunity.Nothing herein is intended to serve as a waiver of sovereign immunity by either Party nor shall anything included herein be construed as consent by either Party to be sued by a third party in any matter arising out of this Agreement. 15.Indemnification.Local Government shall indemnify and hold harmless the County and all of the County's current,past,and future officers,agents,and employees (collectively, "Indemnified Parties")from and against any and all causes of action,demands,claims,losses, liabilities,and expenditures of any kind,including attorneys'fees,court costs,and expenses, including through the conclusion of any appellate proceedings,raised or asserted by any person or entity not a party to this Agreement,and (i)relating to the Local Government's use of the Website or the Local Government's advertisements or notices published on the Website,or (ii) caused or alleged to be caused,in whole or in part,by any breach of this Agreement by the Local Government,or (iii)any intentional,reckless,or negligent act or omission of the Local Government,its officers,employees,or agents,arising from,relating to,or in connection with this Agreement or the Local Government's use of the Website.The Local Government further agrees and acknowledges that,from time to time,issues relating to,for example,technological glitches or failures,hardware or software malfunction,connectivity,and loss of power may arise and that such issues may impact the ability of the Local Government to use the Website to publish advertisements and notices.The Local Government agrees and acknowledges that the County shall not be liable for any such issues,and further agrees to indemnify and hold harmless the Indemnified Parties from and against any and all causes of action,demands,claims,losses, liabilities,and expenditures of any kind,including attorneys'fees,court costs,and expenses, MDC010 EXHIBIT 1 including through the conclusion of any appellate proceedings,raised or asserted by any person or entity relating to such issues.The obligations of this section shall survive the expiration or earlier termination of this Agreement. 16.Termination.Either Party may terminate this Agreement without cause upon at least 90 days'prior written notice to the other Party.This Agreement may also be terminated for cause by the aggrieved Party if the Party in breach has not corrected the breach within 30 days after receipt written or electronic notice of from the aggrieved Party identifying the breach.In addition,if the publication of advertisements and notices on the Website is determined to be illegal by a court of competent jurisdiction,or if the Florida Legislature modifies Florida law to prohibit utilization of the County's designated publicly accessible website for publication of such advertisements and notices,this Agreement will be deemed automatically terminated upon such finding becoming final or such law becoming effective,as applicable. 17.Public Records.The Parties acknowledge and agree that as political subdivisions of the State of Florida,both Parties are subject to Florida's Public Records Law,Chapter 119 of the Florida Statutes.Nevertheless,the County is not the custodian of the Local Government's records and the Local Government acknowledges and agrees that the County does not assume responsibility for handling or responding to any public records requests submitted to the Local Government.Each Local Government shall be responsible for maintaining,in accordance with the requirements of Florida law and retention schedules,all records associated with its own legal advertisements and notices posted on the Website and for fulfilling public records requests relating to such legal advertisements and notices.In the event that any confidential records or materials are exchanged,the Parties shall endeavor to treat the other Party's confidential information as it would treat its own confidential information of a similar nature.In the event that third party records are exchanged,the Parties mutually agree to inform the other Party of any requirements or potential confidential nature of such records.The parties'compliance with, or good faith attempt to comply with,the requirements of Chapter 119 of Florida Statute shall not be considered breach of this Agreement. 18.Notices.Unless expressly provided otherwise in another section of this Agreement,for any notice to a Party to be effective under this Agreement,such notice must be sent via U.S.first- class mail,with a copy sent contemporaneously via email,to the addresses listed below.Such notice shall be effective upon mailing.A Party may at any time provide written notice to the other Party designating a new address for receipt of future notices.Any such notice of a newly designated address shall be kept with,and deemed a part of,this Agreement. FOR MIAMI-DADE COUNTY: Miami-Dade County Communications and Customer Experience Department ATTN:lnson Kim 111NW 1Street Suite 2510 Miami,FL 33128 MDC011 EXHIBIT 1 FOR LOCAL GOVERNMENT: 19.Prior Agreements.This Agreement represents the final and complete understanding of the Parties regarding the subject matter of this Agreement and supersedes all prior and contemporaneous negotiations and discussions regarding same.All commitments,agreements, and understandings of the Parties concerning the subject matter of this Agreement are contained herein. 20.Assignment.Neither this Agreement nor any term or provision hereof or right hereunder shall be assignable by either Party without the prior written consent of the other Party.It is provided,however,this provision shall not be deemed to prohibit the County,in its sole discretion,from procuring any goods or services relating to the operation,maintenance,or use of the Website by the County or the Local Government. 21.Interpretation.The headings contained in this Agreement are for reference purposes only and shall not in any way affect the meaning or interpretation of this Agreement.All personal pronouns used in this Agreement shall include any other gender,and the singular shall include the plural,and vice versa,unless the context otherwise requires.Terms such as "herein"refer to this Agreement as a whole and not to any particular sentence,paragraph,or section where they appear,unless the context otherwise requires.Whenever reference is made to a section or article of this Agreement,such reference is to the section or article as a whole,including all of the subsections of such section,unless the reference is made to a particular subsection or subparagraph of such section or article. 22.Severability.If any provision of this Agreement is found to be unenforceable,in any respect,by any court of competent jurisdiction,that provision shall be deemed severed from this Agreement and the balance of this Agreement shall remain in full force and effect. 23.Third-Party Beneficiaries.Neither the Local Government nor the County intends to directly or substantially benefit any third party by this Agreement.Therefore,the Parties acknowledge that there are no third-party beneficiaries to this Agreement and that no third party shall be entitled to assert a right or claim against either of them based upon this Agreement or to seek any interpretation or declaratory or injunctive relief pertaining to the Agreement. 24.Law.Jurisdiction,Venue,Waiver of Jury Trial.This Agreement shall be interpreted and construed in accordance with and governed by the laws of the State of Florida.The exclusive venue for any lawsuit arising from,related to,or in connection with this Agreement shall be in the state courts of the Eleventh Judicial Circuit in and for Miami-Dade County,Florida.If any claim arising from,related to,or in connection with this Agreement must be litigated in federal court, the exclusive venue for any such lawsuit shall be in the United States District Court for the MDC012 EXHIBIT 1 Southern District of Florida.EACH PARTY EXPRESSLY WAIVES ANY RIGHTS IT MAY HAVE TO A TRIAL BY JURY OF ANY CIVIL LITIGATION RELATED TO THIS PARTICIPATION AGREEMENT. 25.Amendments.No modification,amendment,or alteration in the terms or conditions contained herein shall be effective unless contained in a written document prepared with the same formality as this Agreement and executed on behalf of the County and the Local Government,respectively,by persons authorized to execute same on their behalf. 26.Representation of Authority.Each person executing this Agreement on behalf of a Party represents and warrants that such person is,on the date the person signs this Agreement,duly authorized by all necessary,such as the Clerk's Office,and appropriate action to execute this Agreement on behalf of such Party and that the person does so with full legal authority. 27.Counterparts and Multiple Originals.This Agreement may be executed in multiple originals,and may be executed in counterparts,whether signed physically or electronically,each of which shall be deemed to be an original,but all of which,taken together,shall constitute one and the same Agreement. 28.Materiality and Waiver or Breach.Each requirement,duty,and obligation set forth herein is understood to be bargained for at arm's-length.Each requirement,duty,and obligation set forth herein is substantial and important to the formation of this Agreement,and each is, therefore,a material term.Any Party's failure to enforce any provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of such provision or modification of this Agreement.A waiver of any breach of a provision of this Agreement shall not be deemed a waiver of any subsequent breach and shall not be construed to be a modification of the terms of this Agreement. (Remainder of this page intentionally left blank.) MDC013 EXHIBIT 1 COUNTY IN WITNESS WHEREOF,the Parties hereto have made and executed this Agreement:MIAMI- DADE COUNTY through its BOARD OF COUNTY COMMISSIONERS,signing by and through its County Mayor or County Mayor's Designee,authorized to execute same by Board action on ,and the Local Government,signing by and through its Clerk's Office,duly authorized to execute same. MIAMI-DADE COUNTY,by and through its County Mayor or County Mayor's Designee By:_ day of ,20 LOCAL GOVERNMENT LOCAL GOVERNMENT NAME ATTEST: CITY CLERK Approved as to form and legal sufficiency: By:------------- LOCAL GOVERNMENT MAYOR/TITLE Print Name __day of ,20_ MDC014