LTC 309-2024 G.O. Bond Oversight Committee Motion - New World SymphonyMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC# TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: LETTER TO COMMISSION Honorable Mayor Steven Meined/bers of the City Commission Rafael Granado,City Clerk /q July 19,2024 G.O.Bond Oversight Committee Motion Item C7 M -Exhibit 3 Grant Agreement Scope Change -New World Symphony On July 18,2024,the G.O.Bond Oversight Committee made a motion endorsing the New World Symphony's request to substitute the pergola scope of work for the replacement of the cameras and robotic system in the Michael Tilson Performance Hall. Motion made by Jack Glottmann Motion seconded by Dana Martorella Motion passed 7-0 1 member absent 1 member not part of quorum Voting Members part of quorum: Karen Rivo (Chair),Bruce Halpryn,Dana Martorella,Jack Glottmann,Jason Koslowe,Kate Mosely, Laura Veitia, Voting Members not part of quorum:Shari Gurkin Voting Members absent:Dennis Scholl Non-Voting Members present:David Sexton,Donald Goldberg, Isaiah Mosely,Jack Benveniste Non-Voting Members absent:Adam Kravitz Questions,regarding the motion,may be directed to Maria Hernandez,G.O.Bond Program Director and G.O.Bond Oversight Committee liaison,at MariaHernandez@miamibeachfl.gov or by calling extension #22584. RG/MH 309-2024