LTC 310-2024 G.O Bond Oversight Committee Motion - Jewish Museum of FloridaMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LTC# TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: LETTER TO COMMISSION Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Rafael Granado,City Clerk -J<SI July 19,2024 G.O.Bond Oversight Committee Motion City Commission Item C7 L -Exhibit 3 Grant Agreement Scope Change -Jewish Museum of Florida On July 18,2024,the G.O.Bond Oversight Committee made a motion endorsing the Jewish Museum of Florida's request to delete certain scopes of work to be able to perform a full replacement of the facility's air conditioning system. Motion made by Jason Koslowe Motion seconded by Kate Mosely Motion passed 7-0 1 member absent 1 member not part of quorum Voting Members part of quorum: Karen Rivo (Chair),Bruce Halpryn,Dana Martorella,Jack Glottmann,Jason Koslowe,Kate Mosely, Laura Veitia, Voting Members not part of quorum:Shari Gurkin Voting Members absent:Dennis Scholl Non-Voting Members present:David Sexton,Donald Goldberg,Isaiah Mosely,Jack Benveniste Non-Voting Members absent:Adam Kravitz Questions,regarding the motion,may be directed to Maria Hernandez,G.O.Bond Program Director and G.O.Bond Oversight Committee liaison,at MariaHernandez@miamibeachfl.gov or by calling extension #22584. RG/MH 310-2024