LTC 320-2024 Art in Public Places Committee Motions - July 18, 2024Docusign Envelope ID:518B065C-E662-40E 1-B9F3-0A2F3DF3B669 MIAMI BEACH O FF IC E O F TH E C ITY CLER K LTC# T O : FR OM : DA T E: LETTE R TO COMMISSION Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commissionr:~Raaer E.Granado,ciy Ge"\ July 25,2024 SUBJEC T:A rt in Public Places Committee Motions -July 18,2024 The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC)is to provide an update regarding a motion made during the July 18,2024,Art in Public Places (AiPP)Committee meeting. Ceci Velasco,Executive Director,Ocean Drive Association presented on the Fritz Hotel Art Projection Installation on Ocean Drive,an item referred to AiPP by the Public Safety and Neighborhood Quality of Life Committee ("PSNQLC")meeting on June 5,2024.The following motion was made: Motion:The Art in Public Places Committee made a motion to support the concept of the Fritz Hotel Art Projection Installation on Ocean Drive and would like to revisit it once all the details (proposed images, plans,materials required,etc.)are shared in the Art in Public Places Committee's September 17,2024, meeting. The above motion was made by Aaron Resnick,seconded by Nick D'Annunzio,and passed unanimously. Members in attendance:Ann-Kathrin Seif,Jacqueline Goldstein,Steve Berke,Sara de los Reyes,Gabriel Paez,Nick D'Annunzio,and Aaron Resnick.Guests:Ceci Velasco,Executive Director,Ocean Drive Association. For more information,please contact Lissette Garcia Arrogante,Director,Tourism and Culture Department at lissettearrogante@miamibeachfl.gov or x26597 1-a \ We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live,work and play in our vibrant,tropical,historic community 320-2024