LTC 345-2024 Cleanliness Index Results for FY 24 Quarter 3MIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC#345-2024 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission)-(kaal,Eric Carpenter,City Manager 'u [f"VU- August 15,2024 Cleanliness Index Results for FY 24 Quarter 3 The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC)is to communicate the results of the Cleanliness Index for Fiscal Year 2024 Quarter 3 (April 1,2024 to June 30,2024). Key Q3 Metrics: •Citywide Cleanliness Index Rating:1.41 •Citywide Cleanliness Index Compared to FY 19 Quarter 3:14.0%improvement •Citywide Percent Assessments Meeting Target of 2.0:95.7% Background The Miami Beach Public Area Cleanliness Index is an objective measurement of performance ranging from 1.0 (Extremely Clean)to 6.0 (Extremely Dirty)and includes assessments of litter/trash,garbage cans/dumpsters,organic material,and fecal matter (attachment A).The scale used is as follows:1.0 extremely clean,2.0 clean,3.0 somewhat clean,4.0 somewhat dirty,5.0 dirty and 6.0 extremely dirty.The results of the assessments are used to monitor the impacts of recently implemented initiatives to target areas for future improvements and assure the quality of services.Quarterly sample sizes are set to ensure no greater than a ±5.0 percentage point sampling error given the 95%confidence level for each of the public areas assessed. The City tightened the target for the Citywide and area-specific cleanliness indicators from 2.0 to 1.5-the lower the score on the cleanliness index indicates a cleaner area.This target continues to be the same to date.As important,the City also has a goal to ensure that 90 percent of assessments score 2.0 or better,with awareness to seasonal fluctuations.The scores are compared to the same quarter in prior years to account for seasonal variations. The program received the 2007 Sterling Quality Team Showcase Award.All improvement action plans historically implemented are validated against the Index.Cleanliness results at the end of each quarter inform stakeholders if the action plans have worked or if they need to be adjusted. Tangible benefits obtained as a result of the program include the city's achievement of one of its strategic objectives to be cleaner. Due to circumstances at the time,all performance initiatives,including the cleanliness index,were paused in FY 20.The index was reinvigorated in FY 24 including real time alerts for lower scoring areas,as well as a cleanliness index dashboard.The Cleanliness Index interactive dashboard of historical data is available on SharePoint and can be accessed through the following link: https://miamibeach.sharepoint.com/dept/orgdev/BI/SitePages/Cleanliness-Dashboard.aspx A user manual and training videos for the dashboard are also available through the following link: https://miamibeach.sharepoint.com/dept/orgdev/BI/SitePages/Home.aspx The dashboard will be updated over the next few months to include FY 24 data. Summary of the Cleanliness Assessment Results FY 24 Quarter 3 The Citywide Cleanliness Index score for FY 24 Quarter 3 is 1.41,reflecting a 7.6%deterioration compared to the previous quarter but a 14%improvement compared to the same quarter in FY 19. Additionally,95.7%of all public area assessments scored 2.0 or better (target=90%)in FY 24 Quarter 3.This represents a 15%improvement compared to Q3 in FY 19 but a slight deterioration of 2.1 %compared to the previous quarter.Cleanliness continues to remain a top priority for the City. Positive and Stable Areas in FY 24 Quarter 3 •Streets -Streets scored 1.40,showing a 10.8%improvement compared to the same quarter in FY 19 but a 2.2%deterioration compared to the previous quarter.Commercial entertainment streets scored 1.41,marking a 9%improvement from the same quarter in FY 19 but a 6%deterioration compared to the previous quarter.Additionally,95.7%of streets assessed achieved a score of 2.0 or better.Commercial non-entertainment streets remained stable compared to the same quarter in FY 19,with 95.5%of assessments scoring 2.0 or better.All street subcategories performed excellently in the fecal matter and litter/garbage cans/dumpsters factors.However,lower scores were primarily driven by litter/trash and organic material. •Parks-Parks scored 1.21,reflecting a 17.1%improvement compared to the same quarter in FY 19 but a 5.2%deterioration compared to the previous quarter,with 99.3%of assessments scoring 2.0 or better.Parks performed well across all factors. •Parking Lots -Parking lots scored 1.50,a 18.9%improvement compared to the same quarter in FY 19 and a slight improvement compared to the previous quarter,with 95.2% of assessments scoring 2.0 or better.Parking lots scored well in the fecal matter and litter/garbage cans/dumpsters factors.However,the litter/trash and organic material factors reached 1.87 and 1.77,respectively.In FY 22,the Sanitation Department adopted a new approach to maintaining the parking lots,which involved utilizing three (3)team members to manually conduct detailed upkeep of all parking lots. •Sidewalks -Sidewalks scored 1.35,showing a 11.2%improvement compared to the same quarter in FY 19 but a 7.1 %deterioration compared to the previous quarter,with 96.1 %of assessments scoring 2.0 or better.Sidewalks scored well across all factors except for litter/trash,which reached 1.63 for the quarter. •Beaches -Beach areas maintained by Miami Beach scored 1.17,reflecting a 27.8% improvement compared to the same quarter in FY 19 and stable compared to the previous quarter.Additionally,98.8%of assessments scored 2.0 or better.Beach areas maintained by Miami Beach scored well across all factors.Beach areas serviced by the county scored 1.44,showing a 3.6%deterioration compared to the same quarter in FY 19 and a 19% deterioration compared to the previous quarter.Beach areas serviced by the county scored well across factors except for organic material and litter/trash reaching 1.61 and 1.79 respectively.In regard to the dune system,multiple departments coordinate efforts to maintain the area and remove litter in a way that maintains the integrity of one of the City's first lines of defense against storm surge.The dunes are State-owned,but the City formalized its delegation of maintenance from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection in 2016 through the Dune Management Plan. Areas of Focus in FY 24 Quarter 3 •Alleys -Alleys scored 1.54 which is a 16.8%improvement for the same quarter in FY 19 and a 4.3%improvement compared to the previous quarter with 84%of the assessments scoring a 2.0 or better.Litter/trash and organic material contributed the most to the low scores reaching 1.89 and 1.7 4 respectively in terms of factors.Effective FY 24 Q2,Code Compliance staff will dedicate at least 1 hour to alley observation at the beginning of each shift.Additionally,a dedicated staff member has been assigned to alleys in South Beach to address issues more frequently. •Waterways -Waterways scored 1.82,marking an 1.1 %improvement compared to the same quarter in FY 19 but a 30.0%deterioration compared to the previous quarter,with 73.2%of assessments scoring 2.0 or better.Litter/trash and organic material were the main drivers of the score reaching 1.79 and 1.85 respectively for the quarter.The current contract with the contractor for waterways maintenance expires in Q4 of FY 24,and includes removing inorganic material and large organics three days per week,alternating between North and South waterways.The new contract beginning in FY 25 may include an increased cleaning frequency of litter and the removal of small organic material such as seagrass detritus,lawn clippings and coconuts. Overall City Score Streets 1 1.1 1.1 2 Not including alley>p:iils:l Commercial -Entertainment:l=-'ll-l Commercial -Non-Entertainment 1.57 1.63--------Residential 1.54--------Alleys 1.97 Q4 FY Score 1.65 1.64 1.5 1.5 1.50 1.5 1.5 1. .8 1.0 Sidewalks Commercial -Entertainment Commercial -Non-Entertainment 1-,....;;;;.;;.;;.~_.;;.;.;;.;..._,._....;;;;.;;.;.__ Residential Parks Parking Waterway Beach Area Miami-Dade Count Res 1.53 1.88 Target =1.5 or better FY24 Public Area Overall City Score Streets 01 Not including alleys Commercial -Entertainment Commercial -Non-Entertainment Residential Alley>]- Sidewalks Commercial -Entertainmenl=--- Commercial -Non-Entertainment Residential Parks Parking Waterway Beach Area Miami Beach Responsibility Only f..-l %change from from base year prior Qtr same Qtr 04 FY Score (FY 19) 7.6%-14.0% 2.2%-10.8% 5.4%-10.5% 6.0%-9.0% 6.2%-13.3% .%-12.1% -4.3%-6.8% 7.1%-11.2% 10.2%-2.8% .%-12.4% 4.2%-19.5% 5.2%-17.1% -.7%-18.9% 30.0%-.% .%-27.8% 19.0%.6% .o1.« 1.50-1.999 2.0-6.0 %of assessments scoriny 2.0 or better tar et=90% Public Area Ql Citywide Streets 80.0% .% Commercial -Entertainmen ]wd.do]---l-"-"-"I Commercial -Non-Entertainmen ]d.doll-ll'I Residentiall .0%1--.....;:.;...;~__.;.......;:...._...;;.;..;.;.,;.,.__.;;.;.;.;;;,,;.,+-_;..;...,;..;.;.a Alleys]3d"o]--l'--l--l"I Sidewalks F 02 03 80.7%83.2% .%.7% 85.3%87.2% 83.1%85 .2% ..1% 85 .8% .% Q4 FY Score 83.2%81.8% 85 .8% .1% 86.3%84 .5% Commercial -Entertainment Commercial -Non-Entertainmenl--=ll-----ll Residential Parks Parking Waterway Beach Area %of assessments scorin 2.0 or better target=90%FY24 Public Area Ql 02 03 Q4 FY Score %change %change from from base year prior Qtr same Qtr (FY 19) Citywide Streets -2.1%15.0% 2.0%10.5% Commercial -Entertainment Commercial -Non-Entertainment Residential Alleys s a PIP »:LA .%.7% 0.0%12.1% -0.5%9.8% 3.8%..% Sidewalks -1.2%10.8% Commercial -Entertainment Commercial -Non-Entertainment Residential -6.1%9.7% 0.0%..0% -4.3%9.6% Parks Parking Waterway Beach Area NyETTENEE:ELIEE:ET± ..·- -16.3%.7% 6.7%28.5% -19.2%-4.8% 1.3%13 .4% -8.5%-3.2% so-too» 80.0-89.9% 79.9%and below Cleanliness Key Intended Outcome Cleanliness continues to be in our community surveys as a key driver affecting overall quality of life.In addition,in the 2024 survey,residents and businesses rated cleanliness as one of the services the City should strive not to reduce.In fact,41.8%of respondents rated cleanliness as the top and most important city service,while also identifying it as a top opportunity for improvement the city should focus on.Additionally,64%of residents surveyed indicated they were satisfied or very satisfied with cleanliness in their neighborhoods. Next Quarter Assessments City part-time staff is conducting cleanliness assessments every quarter.If you or any member of your staff is interested in participating in the City's Public Area Cleanliness Index,please contact Dr.Leslie Rosenfeld,Chief Education Officer at extension 26923. If you have any further questions,please feel free to contact me. Attachment A-Cleanliness Index Scoring Guide c:Rickelle Williams,Assistant City Manager Mark Taxis,Assistant City Manager John Rebar,Parks and Recreation Director Jose R.Gonzalez,Transportation and Mobility Director/Interim Parking Department Director Hernan Cardeno,Code Compliance Director Amy Knowles,Chief Resiliency Officer Environment &Sustainability Bradford Kaine,Interim Public Works Director Jason D.Greene,Chief Financial Officer Dr.Leslie Rosenfeld,Chief Education and Performance Officer JDGIL-DR-od6.% Attachment A Cleanliness Index for Streets.Sidewalks,Alie s.Parks,Parkin ""'"'II'""_ 2Clean •Small to moderate amounts of litter.Litter accumulation should account to less than 10 small pieces or 2-4 pieces of large litter,but no more than 10%of the entire assessed area. 3 p]@ha{baggypg.pg] Clean •Between 10%-30%of a 10 step paved_area is covered by organic materials,but no more than 10%of the entire assessed area. materials public area. h •Can is full and there is trash above the rain guard. •Can is in a usable and working con dition,but contains items (i.e.stickers,graffiti)on them and/or some damage (ex.dents). 4 Somowhat litesecganl@lat@rlals.vaniIhrseed@@alm«Rf±al Dirty •Between 30%-50%of a 10 step paved area is •Two instances of fecal matter are present on covered by organic materials.the public area. •2to3instances of organic material accumulation caused by standing water/poor drainage.The organic material is beginning to turn brown. •Consistently scattered trash.The trash accumulation should account to more than 10 pieces of small litter or over 4 pieces of large litter, but no more than 10%of the entire assessed area. •Consistent accumulation of trash.There are multiple piles of trash consisting of more than 10 pieces of small litter or over 4 pieces of large litter. •Can is full and there is trash above the rain guard and beginning to overflow. •Alarge area of the can contains items (i.e. stl 5 Dirty •Over 50%of paved area is covered by organic materials.Over 10 pieces of large organic materials. •3-4 instances of organic material accumulation caused b standr or drainaue. •Three instances of fecal matter are present on the public area. •Area is blocked by an accumulation of trash and litter.Illegal dumping may be evident. Hazardous materials on the street. 6 Extremely Dirty •90-100%of paved area is covered with organic material.The organic material has turned brown, •Over 5 instances of organic material accumulation caused by standing water and oor dralna e. •Can is full and trash has overflowed to the ground.In some cases,there is a rat/rodent/insect infestation. •Can is covered of items (i.e.stickers or replaced . attor o Four or more instances of fecal matter are present on the public area. 1 Extremely Clean e No litter and/or debris floating on or in the water and up to the high tide watermark.No signs of floating liquid. No or isolated instances of small fresh organic material. •No large organic material,such as tree limbs orpalmfrondsinthewateranduptothehightide watermark. 2 Cloan •Isolated pieces of litter floating on or in the entireareaofwateranduptothehightidewatermark. No signs of floating liquid. •Less than 10%of about a 20 sq.foot area ofwateranduptothehightidewatermarkis covered by organic material,but occurring in no more than 10%of the entire water area. No large organic maternal,such as tree limbs or palm fronds in tho water und up tu the high tide watermark. 3 SomewhatClean •Small amount of litter including floating liquids,such as oil.This includes litter floating on the water or in the water and up to the high tide watermark.More than two pieces of litter and less than 5%of about a 20 sq.foot area of water up to tho high tide watermark are covered by litter,but occurring in no more than 10%of the entire water area up to the high tide watermark being assessed. •Between 10%-30%of about a 20 sq.foot areaofwateranduptothehightidewatermarkis covered by organic material,but occurring in no more than 10%of the entire water area. •Between 1 and 3 pieces of large organicmaterial,such as troo limbs or palm fronds in the water and up to the high tide watermark. 4 SomewhatDirty •Small to moderate amounts of litter,includingfloatingliquids,such as oil.Between 5%and 10% of about a 20 sq.foot area of water up to the high tide watermark is covered by litter,but occurring in no more than 10%of the entire water area being assessed. •Slight unnatural or foul smell is being emitted. •Between 30%-50%of about a 20 sq.toot areaofwateranduptothehightidewatermarkis covered by organic material. •Between 4 and 10 pieces of large organicmaterial,such as tree limbs or palm fronds in the water and up to the high tide watermark. 5 Dirty •Consistent accumulation of trash including floatingliquids,such as oil.Between 10%and 25%of about a 20 sq.foot area of water up to the high tide watermark is covered by litter,but occurring in no more than 10%of the entire water area up to the high tide watermark being assessed. o One extra-large piece of litter,such as a tire,a grocery cart,etc. •Stron unnatural or foul smelt is bein emitted. •Over 50%of about a 20 sq.foot area of wateranduptothehightidewatermarkarecovered by organic material,but occurring in no more than 10%of the entire water area up to the high tide watermark. •Over 10 pieces of large organic material,such as tree limbs or palm fronds in the water and up to the high tide watermark. 6Extremely Dirty •Large accumulation of litter and trash includingfloatingliquids,such as oil.Ovor 26%of about a 20 sq.foot area of water area up to the high tide watermark are covered by litter.There may be evidence of illegal dumping. e Two or more extra·large pieces of litter,such as tires,a grocery carts,etc. •Very strong unnatural or foul smell is being emitted. •90-100%of the water and up to the high tidewatermarkiscoveredbyorganicmatenal Note: When assessing litter/trash for all areas: •If the litter density for the observed condition is occurring between 10-25%of the assessed area,then add 1 point on the rating scale. •If the litter density for the observed condition is occurring more than 25%of the assessed area,then add 2 points on the rating scale. When assessing organic material for all areas: •If organic material density for the observed condition is occurring in more than 10%of the entire assessed area,then add 1 point on the rating scale.