LTC 346-2024 DRB24-1012 1291 West 23rd Street Right-of-WayMIAMI BEACH
TO:Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission
FROM:Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk
DA TE:August 15,2024
SU BJECT :DRB24-1012
1291 West 23rd Street Right-of-Way
Stormwater Pump Station 24 Water Quality Upgrade
On July 5,2023,the Design Review Board (ORB) reviewed an application on an advisory basis,
for pump station related equipment.The project includes the construction of electrical equipment,
wells,and other related equipment,to be located on the West 23rd Street Right-of-Way to the
west of North Bay Road.
Project Description:
The Department of Public Works submitted an application pertaining to the 1291 WEST 23RD
STREET RIGHT-OF-WAY -Stormwater Pump Station 24 Water Quality Upgrade,for advisory
review by the Design Review Board.The project involves the installation of equipment that will
improve the quality of water pumped from existing Stormwater Pump Station 24.The equipment
will be located on the West 23rd Street Right-of-Way to the west of North Bay Road,adjacent to
the existing pump station.Some of the equipment will be located within the mini dog park located
at the street end.
The project includes the construction of two stormwater wells within the boundaries of the mini
dog park that will be primarily below grade,new electrical equipment over an existing asphalt
parking space surrounded by decorative concrete bollards,replacement of the mini dog park
fence to provide a picket fence with sliding gates and driveway to allow improved access to the
equipment,and other related underground infrastructure.The electrical equipment will be
screened from an adjacent residential driveway by a hedge.
The proposed changes are necessary to improve the functioning of the existing pump station.
The above-ground changes are minimal and should not negatively impact the surrounding areas.
Overall,it will benefit the surrounding neighborhood and help improve the water quality in
surrounding waterways.
On July 2,2024,the ORB provided the following comments and recommendations:
1.Lower the fence to make the park more welcoming.
2. Improve signage to better identify the space as a park.
3.Add a bench inside the park.
4.Add a hedge on the west side of the asphalted area containing the electrical equipment
to screen the equipment from the park to the greatest extent possible.
If there are any questions regarding this project,please contact Brad Kaine,Interim Public Works
C:Eric T.Carpenter,City Manager
Ricardo J.Dopico,City Attorney
Joseph Centorino,Inspector General