LTC 349-2024 - 2024 Fall King Tide Season UpdateMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: LETTER TO COMMISSION Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission Eric Carpenter,City Manager a.c av~ August 16,2024 2024 Fall King Tide Season Update Southeast Florida is expected to experience higher than normal tides starting next month.Often referred to as King Tide season,King Tides are considered the highest tides of the year.In Miami Beach,fall high tides usually occur during certain days during the months of September,October, and November.The City reviews National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration (NOAA) predictions to anticipate which days may reach thresholds that may result in ponding or flooding in low-lying areas. When King Tides rise to an elevation higher than the adjacent land,minor flooding is often exhibited.Since Miami Beach is low-lying and near sea level,lower areas of the city are particularly vulnerable to tidal flooding.Flooding experienced during King Tides may be exacerbated by storms,wind,and rainfall. King Tide Season The NOAA Tides and Currents stations monitor,log and predict key data,including tide elevations, meteorological parameters and current parameters.The Virginia Key station is the closest NOAA Monitoring Site to Miami Beach.The City uses information from this NOAA station to predict King Tide dates.While these dates reflect the current prediction for seasonal higher tides,greater than average tides can occur anytime of the year under varying conditions such as wind and weather patterns.The relative distances and positions of the sun,moon,and Earth all affect the magnitude of the tides. Predicted 2024 King Tides •September 16-September 22 •October 14-October 21 •November 13-November 18 To help residents and businesses prepare,the City will provide information through communications channels as done in prior seasons.City staff monitors the tidal elevations and responds to complaints in areas offlooding.The City deploys emergency temporary pump stations in the lowest lying neighborhoods where neighborhood improvement projects and stormwater system upgrades have yet to be completed.Stormwater pumps are inspected,adjusted,and cleaned.The King Tide Parking Flood Relief Program continues to be available to residents in low-lying areas. It is important to note that in areas that have received infrastructure upgrades and elevation,such as Sunset Harbour,Palm and Hibiscus,and Indian Creek Dr;hundreds of roadway tidal flood events have been avoided. 349-2024 Flood Awareness and King Tide Resources A new flood awareness webpage was recently created to provide a central repository of helpful resources for the community to learn about and take action in preparation for flooding hazards: https://www.miamibeachfl.gov/flood-awareness/.In addition,information specific to King Tides is available through the following site:https://www.mbrisingabove.com/climate-science/king-tides/ If you have any questions please contact me or Amy Knowles,Chief Resilience Officer at AmyKnowles@miamibeachfl.gov EC/MH/AK ~