LTC 375-2024 Ocean Drive Pedestrian Plaza (Promenade) Pilot - Update #9 FINAL OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission FROM: Eric T. Carpenter, P.E., City Manager DATE: August 29, 2024 SUBJECT: Ocean Drive Pedestrian Plaza (“Promenade”) Pilot – Update #9 The purpose of this Letter to Commission (“LTC”) is to provide an update on the permitting status of the temporary Ocean Drive pedestrian plaza (the “Promenade”) located between 13 Street and 14 Place. On January 30, 2024, the Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works (“DTPW”) approved a Block Party Permit (the “Permit”) for the continuation of the Promenade on a pilot basis for a duration of 180 days, expiring on July 28, 2024. The Permit was conditioned upon the following: 1) approval of a methodology for a traffic operations and safety analysis based on both the current configuration and a modified configuration of the Promenade as recommended by DTPW; 2) submittal of a traffic operations and safety analysis based on the approved methodology; 3) conducting community outreach; and 4) conducting a survey of affected property owners and obtaining concurrence from two-thirds of property owners within the Promenade and affected side streets. Since the approval of the Permit, City of Miami Beach (“City”) staff has been working with DTPW staff to finalize and secure approval of the traffic study methodology, which was approved by DTPW on May 2, 2024. The City engaged Calvin Giordano & Associates, Inc. (“Consultant”), one of the City’s pre-qualified rotational transportation consultants, to conduct the traffic operations and safety analysis in accordance with the approved methodology. To date, the data collection effort has been completed and the Consultant submitted the conceptual plans for the required additional gate arm at the entrance to the 14 Place alleyway as well as the T-turnarounds at Ocean Drive/14 Place and Ocean Court/14 Street to DTPW for review and approval. Following input from DTPW, the Consultant is currently working on addressing the comments by DTPW for resubmittal of the conceptual plans by the end of this week. Based on the schedule from the Consultant, the City anticipates submitting the draft traffic operations and safety analysis to DTPW by the end of October 2024. However, based on discussions with several of the affected property owners along Ocean Drive, there is a concern with conducting community outreach and property owner surveys during the months of September and October, as many of the affected property owners on Ocean Drive do not reside in the City during this time. As such, on July 23, 2024, the City formally requested, via letter to DTPW (Attachment A), approval of a 180-day extension of the Permit in order to complete the traffic operations and safety analysis and conduct the proper community outreach and an effective survey of property owners to ensure the highest level of community feedback on the pilot program. Docusign Envelope ID: 4FBC7F4C-66D5-4891-AC06-0EA96BD10DF6 August 30, 2024 375-2024 I am pleased to inform that, pursuant to the letter from DTPW dated August 23, 2024 (Attachment B), DTPW has granted a 120-day extension to the Permit, as of the initial expiration date of July 28, 2024. Said extension, expiring on November 26, 2024, consists of a 90-day extension for the submission of the traffic operations and safety analysis, and an additional 30-days to obtain written concurrence from two-thirds of all property owners within the Promenade and affected side streets. During the extension period, City staff will continue to work closely with DTPW staff with the goal of complying with the Permit conditions and securing Miami-Dade County approval for the continuation of the Promenade based on the modified configuration recommended by DTPW and approved by the City Commission. To view the eight (8) prior LTC updates regarding the temporary Ocean Drive Promenade, please click here. If you have any questions regarding the foregoing, please do not hesitate to contact Rickelle Williams, Assistant City Manager, or José R. González, P.E., Transportation and Mobility Director/Interim Parking Director. Attachments: A: Letter to DTPW dated July 23, 2024 B: Letter Response from DTPW dated August 23, 2024 ETC/RW/JRG/OR Docusign Envelope ID: 4FBC7F4C-66D5-4891-AC06-0EA96BD10DF6 MIAMIBEACH City of Miami Beach,1700 Convention Center Drive,Miami Beach,FL 33139,www .miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER Tel:305.673.7010 July 23,2024 Eulois Cleckley Chief Executive Officer and Director Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works 701 NW 1Court Miami FL,33128 RE:Ocean Drive Pedestrian Plaza Block Party Permit Extension Request (Permit #2024002764) Dear Mr.Cleckley, The purpose of this letter is to formally request the Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works ("DTPW")extend the Block Party Permit #2024002764 (the "Permit")for the temporary Ocean Drive Promenade (the "Promenade").The current term of the Permit is for 180 days and expires on July 28,2024.A Permit extension of an additional 180-days is essential to complete the required traffic operations and safety analysis in accordance with the approved methodology and,equally important,to conduct the necessary community outreach and surveys to obtain concurrence from at least two-thirds of all property owners within the Promenade and the affected side streets. On May 2,2024,the City of Miami Beach ("City")obtained DTPW approval of the traffic study methodology for a 180-day pilot program.Since the approval of the methodology,the City has engaged Calvin Giordano &Associates,Inc.("Consultant"),one of the City's pre-qualified rotational transportation consultants,to perform the traffic operations and safety analysis in accordance with the approved methodology.To date,the data collection effort has been completed and the Consultant is currently working on developing the conceptual plans for the T- turnarounds at Ocean Drive/14 Place and Ocean Court/14 Street for submittal to DTPW for review by July 26,2024.Based on the schedule from the Consultant,the City anticipates submitting the final report to DTPW by the end of October 2024 (see attached schedule).As such,a 90-day extension to the Permit would be required.However,based on discussions with several of the affected property owners along Ocean Drive,there is a concern with conducting community outreach and property owner surveys during the months of August and September,as many of the affected property owners on Ocean Drive do not reside in the City during this time.As such, the City is requesting a 180-day extension of the Permit in order to conduct the proper community outreach and an effective survey of property owners to ensure the highest level of community feedback on the pilot program. We are committed to providing excellent public service and safety to all who live,work,and play in our vibrant,tropical,historic community. Docusign Envelope ID: 4FBC7F4C-66D5-4891-AC06-0EA96BD10DF6 Attachment A Page -2- Ocean Drive Pedestrian Plaza Block Party Permit Extension Request (Permit #2024002764) July 23,2024 Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or concerns regarding this matter.Thank you for your consideration and commitment to working with the City in finding a viable path forward that accomplishes a safe and acceptable plan for the Promenade. Sincerely, kt kl/ie Rickelle Williams Interim City Manager cc.Eric T.Carpenter,P.E.,Deputy City Manager David Martinez,P.E.,Interim Assistant City Manager Jose R.Gonzalez,P.E.,Transportation and Mobility Department Director / Interim Parking Director Ricardo J.Dopico,City Attorney Enclosure:Traffic Operations and Safety Analysis Schedule Docusign Envelope ID: 4FBC7F4C-66D5-4891-AC06-0EA96BD10DF6 ID T a s k Mo d e Ta s k N a m e D u r a t i o n S t a r t F i n i s h P r e d e c e s s o r s R e s o u r c e N a m e s 1 Me t h o d o l o g y  Ap p r o v a l Tu e  4/ 3 0 / 2 4 2 Su b m i t  Re v i s e d  Me t h o d o l o g y  to  DT P W 1  da y Tu e  4/ 3 0 / 2 4 Tu e  4/ 3 0 / 2 4 3 DT P W  re v i e w 50  da y s Tu e  4/ 3 0 / 2 4 Mo n  7/ 8 / 2 4 2F S ‐1  da y 4 DT P W  ap p r o v a l 1  da y Mo n  7/ 8 / 2 4 Mo n  7/ 8 / 2 4 2 5 Ph a s e  1 12 6  da y s Mo n  5/ 6 / 2 4 Mo n  10 / 2 8 / 2 6 Da t a  Co l l e c t i o n 20  da y s Mo n  5/ 6 / 2 4 Fr i  5/ 3 1 / 2 4 7 Tr a f f i c  An a l y s i s   10  da y s Tu e  7/ 9 / 2 4 Mo n  7/ 2 2 / 2 4 4 8 Pr e p a r e  ex h i b i t s  fo r  ga t e s  an d   tu r n a r o u n d s 12  da y s Mo n  7/ 8 / 2 4 Tu e  7/ 2 3 / 2 4 9 Su b m i t  dr a f t  do c s  fo r  Ph a s e  1  to  DT P W 0  da y s Tu e  7/ 2 3 / 2 4 Tu e  7/ 2 3 / 2 4 7, 8 10 Me e t i n g  wi t h  DT P W  fo r  co n f i r m a t i o n   Ph a s e  2  co n c e p t s 0  da y s Tu e  7/ 3 0 / 2 4 Tu e  7/ 3 0 / 2 4 9F S + 5  da y s 11 Ph a s e  2 64  da y s We d  7/ 3 1 / 2 4 Mo n  10 / 2 8 / 2 10 12 Ci t y  im p l e m e n t  Ph a s e  2  me a s u r e s 10  da y s We d  7/ 3 1 / 2 4 Tu e  8/ 1 3 / 2 4 10 13 Ph a s e  2  Pi l o t  St u d y  be g i n s 33  da y s We d  8/ 1 4 / 2 4 Fr i  9/ 2 7 / 2 4 12 14 Da t a  Co l l e c t i o n  an d  Pu b l i c  Ou t r e a c h 25  da y s We d  8/ 2 8 / 2 4 Tu e  10 / 1 / 2 4 13 S S + 1 0  da y s 15 Da t a  an a l y s i s 10  da y s We d  10 / 2 / 2 4 Tu e  10 / 1 5 / 2 4 14 16 Re p o r t  Pr e p a r a t i o n 10  da y s Mo n  10 / 1 4 / 2 4 Fr i  10 / 2 5 / 2 4 15 F S ‐2  da y s 17 Su b m i t  to  Ci t y  fo r  re v i e w 1  da y Mo n  10 / 2 8 / 2 4 Mo n  10 / 2 8 / 2 16 7/ 2 3 7/ 3 0 M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T W T F S S M T p r 2 8 , ' 2 4 Ma y 5 , ' 2 4 Ma y 1 2 , ' 2 4 Ma y 1 9 , ' 2 4 Ma y 2 6 , ' 2 4 Ju n 2 , ' 2 4 Ju n 9 , ' 2 4 Ju n 1 6 , ' 2 4 Ju n 2 3 , ' 2 4 Ju n 3 0 , ' 2 4 Ju l 7 , ' 2 4 Ju l 1 4 , ' 2 4 Ju l 2 1 , ' 2 4 Ju l 2 8 , ' 2 4 Au g 4 , ' 2 4 Au g 1 1 , ' 2 4 Au g 1 8 , ' 2 4 Au g 2 5 , ' 2 4 Se p 1 , ' 2 4 Se p 8, '24 Se p 15, '24 Se p 22, '24 Se p 29, '24 Oct 6, '24 Oct 13, '24 Oct 20, '24 Oct 27 , Ta s k Sp l i t Mi l e s t o n e Su m m a r y Pr o j e c t S u m m a r y In a c t i v e T a s k In a c t i v e M i l e s t o n e In a c t i v e S u m m a r y Ma n u a l T a s k Du r a t i o n - o n l y Ma n u a l S u m m a r y R o l l u p Ma n u a l S u m m a r y St a r t - o n l y Fi n i s h - o n l y Ex t e r n a l T a s k s Ex t e r n a l M i l e s t o n e De a d l i n e Pr o g r e s s Ma n u a l P r o g r e s s Pa g e 1 Pr o j e c t : P i l o t S t u d y P r o j e c t S c h Da t e : W e d 7 / 3 / 2 4 Do c u s i g n E n v e l o p e I D : 4 F B C 7 F 4 C - 6 6 D 5 - 4 8 9 1 - A C 0 6 - 0 E A 9 6 B D 1 0 D F 6 ...ajiii miamidade.gov Transportation and Public Works Office of the Director Overtown Transit Village 701N.W.1Court •17th Floor Miami,Florida 33136 Tel:786-469-5406 Fax:786-469-5580 Date:August 23,2024 To:Eric T.Carpenter ,P.E.,Director City of Miami Beach --Transportation and Mobility Department 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach,Florida 33139 From:Eulois Cleckley,Director and cEo 1d Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works 701 NW 1"Court,17"Floor Miami,Florida Subject:Ocean Drive Pedestrian Promenade Permit Extension Request (Permit # 2024002764) Dear Mr.Carpenter; The Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works (DTPW)is in receipt of the request by the City of Miami Beach (City)for a 180-day extension of the approved permit under DR 2024002764 (the "Permit")for the interim implementation of a pedestrian promenade on Ocean Drive between 13"Street and 14 Place.The initial approval of the Permit required the submission of a comprehensive traffic operations and safety analysis in accordance with the approved methodology,a final concept addressing any operational and/or safety deficiencies identified in the traffic study,and approval of two-thirds of property owners within the promenade and the affected side streets by the expiration date of July 28,2024.At this time,based on the status of the study, DTPW will grant a 120-day extension to the permit entailing 90-days for submission of the traffic study final report and 30-days for submission of the final ballots.The 90-day extension for submission of the traffic study will expire on October 27,2024 and the extension for submission of the final ballets will expire on November 26,2024. DTPW recognizes that the City achieved approval of the methodology on May 2,2024 and has completed the necessary traffic data collection for the operations and safety analysis.DTPW continues to work with the City as the completion of the traffic study progresses and as a condition of approval to the requested extension requires (i)that the City comply with all the requirements, notes,and safety provisions related to DR2024002764 as set forth in the Public Works Permit System (see Exhibit A),and (ii)that the City comply with all provisions set forth herein,which shall be express conditions of the County's approval of the Permit plans and must remain in place throughout the extension period. As the permittee,the City shall communicate with the DTPW Traffic Engineering Division via electronic mail at least 48-hours in advance of any modifications to the Ocean Drive Promenade, the existing traffic control devices within or leading to the promenade,existing maintenance of traffic devices,and all signage advising the traveling public of the existing vehicular closure on Ocean Drive between 13"Street and 14 Place. If upon the expiration of the Permit (as may have been extended)the County has not approved the subject requested traffic flow modifications of Ocean Drive (including but not limited to any road closures,and implementation of any pedestrian and bicycle facilities),any traffic flow modifications implemented by the City and remaining in place without County approval will be in violation of Attachment B section 1.01(4)(1)of the County Charter and section 2-96.1 of the Code of Miami-Dade County, Florida. The City agrees to,and shall,indemnify and hold harmless the County and its officers,employees, agents and instrum entalities from any and all liability,losses or damages,including reasonable costs of defense,excluding in-house attorney's fees,which the County or its officers,employees, agents or instrum entalities may incur as a result of claims,demands,suits,causes of actions or pro ceedings of any kind or nature,including appellate proceedings,(collectively,the "Claims") arising out of,relating to or resulting from the City's request and the County approval of the Permit and any extension thereof,including the approval of the maintenance of traffic plans under DR 2024002764 (as may be extended).The City shall pay all claims and losses in connection and shall pay all costs,judgments,and reasonable attorney's fees which may issue thereon.The City expressly understands and agrees that any insurance protection provided by the City,or the City Contractor shall in no way lim it the City's responsibility to indemnify,keep and save harmless and defend the County or its officers,em ployees,agents,and instrumentalities as herein provided.This indem nification provision survives the expiration or termination of the Permit (as extended)approval under DR2024002764.Any variations from these requirements will require review and express written approval from the DTPW Director. By signing herein,the City Official attests that (s)he has authority to obligate the City to the pro visions and requirements herein,and that the City shall comply with the requirements listed above as well as the requirem ent,notes,and safety provisions related to DR 2024002764 as set fo rth in the Public W orks Perm it System.The 120-day extension of the Permit is subject to and conditioned upon the City's com pliance with all provisions and requirements provided herein and all the requirem ents,notes,and safety provisions related to DR 2024002764 as set forth in the Public Works Perm it System. Signature ,[, ,i 'apeaterNameC,±y arageTitle: c.c.Jimmy L.Morales,Chief Operating Officer,Miami-Dade County Josiel Ferrer-Diaz,Deputy Director,Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works Miguel Soria,Assistant Director,Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works Yamilet Senespleda,Chief of Traffic Engineering,Miami-Dade County Department of Transportation and Public Works. Exhibit A GENERAL COMMENTS IN PERMIT 1.Provide T-Turn around 14th Street per MDC DTPW Standards. 2.Install 'Do Not Enter'signs at the intersections of Ocean Ct/Alleyway with 14 Street and 13 Street. 3.Please provide concurrence from emergency responders (Fire Department and Police Department). 4.During the duration of this pilot project,the City of Miami Beach will address any pending comments in the proposed pedestrian plaza methodology,perform the required traffic operations and safety analysis in accordance with the approved methodology,and develop a final concept addressing any operational and/or safety deficiencies identified in the traffic study.Further,the City shall secure approval of two-thirds of property owners within the plaza and the affected side streets and present the results to the County in their submission.The City's concept shall also include a plan to reasonably accommodate loading,deliveries,and other services for the businesses within the plaza.The package shall be presented to DTPW within 180 days of the issuance of the Permit. 5.Please remove or bag all signs in conflict with proposed pilot project. 6.The County will monitor this pilot project.If any safety issues due to this project are detected, the county will give the City of Miami Beach 24 hours to remove the barricades and open the street to regular traffic. 7.The City shall report to the County,within 24 hours,any accidents that occur as a result of this pilot project.