LTC 393-2024 Motion from the LGBTQIA+ Advisory CommitteeMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK LETTER TO COMMISSION TO:Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission FROM:Rafael E.Granado,City Clerk --;M DATE:Sept 1O,2024 SUBJECT:Motion from the LGBTQIA+Advisory Committee The purpose of this Letter to Commission is to provide you with the motions made at the LGBTQIA+Advisory Committee meeting held on September 10,2024.For any questions or comments please contact Monica Matteo-Salinas,committee liaison. Motion Made by Paul Thomas Seconded by Herb Sosa The LGBTQIA+committee supports Commissioner Alex Fernandez's resolution on the September 11 City Commission agenda to Urge Visit Florida to Reinstate the LGBTQ Travel Section on the State Travel Website. Motion Passage:Unanimously Motion Made by Paul Thomas Seconded by Herb Sosa The LGBTQIA+committee supports Commissioner Alex Fernandez's resolution on the September 11 City Commission agenda to Urge MDCPS School Board to Recognize October 2024 as national LGBTQ History Month. Motion Passage:Unanimously Motion Made by Herb Sosa Seconded by Facundo Yerbe The LGBTQIA+committee supports Commissioner Alex Fernandez's item to Amend the Definition of "Floor Area"to exempt Unisex/Gender Neutral Restrooms from the Definition of "Flor Area." Motion Passage:Unanimously The LGBTQIA+Committee would like to express their deepest gratitude to Commissioner Fernandez for being a leader and a champion of these important issues and how they effect the LGBTQIA+community in Miami Beach. LTC: 393-2024