LTC 429-2024 Combined Noise ReportMIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach, 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139, www.miamibeachfl.gov OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER NO. LTC # LETTER TO COMMISSION TO: Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission FROM, Eric Carpenter, City Manager � � DATE: September 27, 2024 SUBJECT: Combined Noise Report: Annual Noise Report (July 2023 -June 2024) Quarterly Noise Report Q3-2023 (July-September 2023) Quarterly Noise Report Q4-2023 (October -December 2023) Quarterly Noise Report 01-2024 (January-March 2024) Quarterly Noise Report Q2-2024 (April -June 2024) The purpose of this Letter to Commission (L TC) is to provide noise data and analysis on the Code Compliance Department's (Code) enforcement efforts regarding the City's noise ordinance. The analysis presents the annual report (July 2023 -June 2024) including details broken down for each of the four quarters. The data outlined in this L TC is submitted in accordance with the requirements established in the 2008 Noise Administrative Guidelines, which were adopted via resolution and approved on January 7, 2008. The information provided in this report is based on the data obtained from Energov, the database utilized by Code to track all cases, including noise complaints. Achieving compliance is a principal goal for the Code Compliance Department as it relates to the City's noise ordinance. Compliance is determined after assessment of the complaint by the Code Compliance Officer (CCO) and it is established that the reported noise level is not excessive, unusual and/or unnecessary. This determination may be realized because the noise was lowered prior to the CCO's arrival, an exemption was granted, the noise level was not loud nor excessive, the noise was not audible at 100 feet after 11 PM or the noise was lowered as a direct result of a violation or warning being issued. Non-compliance can result where there is no access, bad address information was provided, inability to locate the source of the reported noise or the complaint was canceled by the complainant prior to an officer's investigation. As required by Chapter 162 of the Florida Statutes, and part of due-process, noise violations are appealable before a Special Magistrate. Included herein are the resolutions and/or status of appeals filed for each quarter. I.Annual Summary {July 2023 -June 2024) During the twelve-month period from July 1, 2023 through June 30, 2024 a total of 1,898 noise complaint calls were received. Of the 1,898 total cases opened, 142 cases were routed to or addressed by Police during periods that Code does not operate, 24 cases were deemed as not applicable to Code, seven cases were entered in error, and one was for noise emanating outside of the City's boundaries. When the above referenced 17 4 cases are discounted from the total number of noise investigations, the result is 1,724 cases with a disposition. The disposition reflects several possible outcomes including whether the noise complaint met or failed to meet the violation threshold. 429-2024 L TC: Combined Noise Report (Annual Report including Q3-2023, Q4-2023, Qt-2024, and Q2-2024) Page 2 of 8 During the rating period, compliance was achieved in 1,611 cases handled by Code, resulting in a compliance rate of 93.4% including the 267 cases achieving compliance by the issuance of a notice of violation or warning. The remaining 113 cases resulted in non-compliance. METHOD OF COMPLIANCE (Annual) (July 1, 2023 -June 30, 2024) No Noise Upon Music/Noise Not Warning / After 11PM -Exemption Music/Noise Lowered Loud nor Violation Not audible at Prior to Code's Arrival Excessive Issued* 100ft. Granted Arrival 567 490 267 184 53 50 *As reqwred by City of M1am1 Beach Ordinance, Section 46-158, first v10/ahon within a 12-month penod ts a warning. Loud music is consistently the most common type of noise complaint (1,305 cases, 75.7%) followed by construction noise (300 cases, 17.4% ). As it relates to the day of the week, Saturday resulted in the highest number of incidents of noise complaints with 411 cases (23.8% ). Sunday reflected the second highest with 297 cases ( 17 .2% ). Historically, noise complaints in residentially zoned areas make up more than half of all noise cases. As illustrated in the chart below, this reporting year continues the trend. BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL CASES BY LOCATION TYPE (Annual) (July 1, 2023 -June 30, 2024) Number of Percentage of Cases Cases Handled by Code RESIDENTIAL 952 55.22% COMMERCIAL 525 30.45% OTHER 247 14.33% TOTAL 1,724 100% Response time can be a crucial element in responding to noise complaints. The table below provides the average response time by establishment type for the reporting year. Response time is described as the period between the time the complaint is received by the Parking Department's Dispatcher and "arrival time" to the location by a CCO. AVERAGE TIME FOR CODE OFFICER TO ARRIVE (ANNUAL) (July 1, 2023 -June 30, 2024) Establishment Type Number of Cases* Average Time for Code Officer to Arrive (h:mm:ss) RESIDENTIAL 867 0:25:24 COMMERCIAL 499 0:19:38 OTHER 232 0:21 :36 TOTAL 1,598 0:23:03 *Average Time Calculated using only those cases with valid time data for both "Time Call Received by Dispatch" and Time of Arrival by Code Officer" L TC: Combined Noise Report (Annual Report including Q3-2023, Q4-2023, Qt-2024, and Q2-2024) Page 3 of 8 II.Summary (Q3-2023) During 03-2023, (July -September 2023), there were a total of 365 noise cases opened and/or investigated by either Code or Police. Of these, 43 cases were routed to or addressed by Police during periods that Code does not operate, five cases were deemed not applicable to Code and one case was entered in error. When the above referenced 49 cases are discounted from the total number of noise investigations, the result is 316 cases with a disposition. The disposition reflects several possible outcomes including whether the noise complaint met or failed to meet the violation threshold. During the rating period, compliance was achieved in 292 cases handled by Code, resulting in a compliance rate of 92.4% including the 45 cases achieving compliance by the issuance of a notice of violation or warning. The remaining 24 cases resulted in non-compliance. ' METHOD OF COMPLIANCE (Q3-2023) (July -September 2023) No Noise Upon Music/Noise Not Warning / After 11PM -Exemption Music/Noise Lowered Loud nor Violation Not audible at Prior to Code's Arrival Excessive Issued* 100ft. Granted Arrival 102 77 45 48 16 4 *As required by City of Miami Beach Ordinance, Section 46-158, first violation within a 12-month period is a warning. This quarter continued the trend with loud music as the most common type of noise complaint (218 cases, 69%) followed by construction noise (72 cases, 22.8% ). As it relates to the day of the week, Saturday resulted in the highest incidents of noise complaints with 87 cases (27.5%). Sunday reflected the second highest incidents of noise complaints with 53 cases (16.8%). The analysis for 03-2023 indicates that of the total 316 cases addressed by Code, 191 (60.4%) were identified to have taken place in residential properties, 83 (26.3%) were identified to have taken place in commercially zoned properties, and 42 (13.3%) took place within the public right-of-way or on public property. The chart below illustrates this information. BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL CASES BY LOCATION TYPE (Q3-2023) (July -September 2023) Number of Percentage of Cases Cases Handled by Code RESIDENTIAL 191 60.4 % COMMERCIAL 83 26.3 % OTHER 42 13.3 % TOTAL 316 100 % Attachment A provides details regarding the location of the noise complaint or proactive assessment, (e.g. apartment, bar, club, condominium, etc.), as well as noise type (e.g. loud music, construction, noise, barking dog). The attachment also details noise cases by time of day and day of week. The table below provides the response time by establishment type for 03-2023. Response time is described as the period between the time the complaint is received by the Parking Department's Dispatcher and "arrival time" to the location by a CCO. L TC: Combined Noise Report (Annual Report including QJ-2023, Q4-2023, Qt-2024, and Q2-2024) Page 4 of 8 AVERAGE TIME FOR CODE OFFICER TO ARRIVE (Q3-2023) (July -September 2023) Establishment Type Number of Cases* Average Time for Code Officer to Arrive (h:mm:ss) RESIDENTIAL 173 0:23:44 COMMERCIAL 80 0:17:04 OTHER 41 0:19:45 TOTAL 294 0:21 :22 *Average Time Calculated using only those cases with valid time data for both "Time CallReceived by Dispatch" and Time of Arrival by Code Officer'' Attachment B details the resolution and/or status of noise-related cases appealed as of this reporting period. During Q3-2023 there were 13 noise-related cases pending appeal before the Special Magistrate. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE OUTCOME (Q3-2023) (July -September 2023) Pending to be heard before the Special Magistrate 7 Adjudicated of Non-Compliance 1 Agreed Order -with Fine 5 Ill. Summary {Q4-2023) During Q4-2023 (October -December 2023), there were a total of 524 noise cases opened and/or investigated by either Code or Police. Of these, 48 cases were routed to or addressed by Police during periods that Code does not operate, five cases were deemed not applicable to Code, four cases were entered in error. When the above referenced 57 cases are discounted from the total number of noise investigations, the result is 467 cases with a disposition reflecting several possible outcomes including whether the noise complaint met or failed to meet the violation threshold. During the rating period, compliance was achieved in 437 cases handled by Code, resulting in a compliance rate of 93.6% including the 97 cases achieving compliance by the issuance of a notice of violation or warning. The remaining 30 cases resulted in non-compliance. METHOD OF COMPLIANCE (Q4-2023) (October -December 2023) No Noise Upon Music/Noise Not Warning / After 11PM -Exemption Music/Noise Lowered Loud nor Violation Not audible at Prior to Code's Arrival Excessive Issued* 100ft. Granted Arrival 160 112 97 45 8 15 *As required by City of Miami Beach Ordinance, Section 46-158, first violation within a 12-month period is a warning. This quarter continued the trend with loud music as the most common type of noise complaint (354 cases, 75.8%) followed by construction noise (73 cases, 15.6% ). As it relates to the day of the week, Saturday resulted in the highest incidents of noise complaints with 120 cases (25. 7% ). Sunday reflected the second highest incidents of noise complaints with 85 cases ( 18.2% ). L TC: Combined Noise Report (Annual Report including Q3-2023, Q4-2023, Qt-2024, and Q2-2024) Page 5 of 8 The analysis for 04-2023 indicates that of the total 467 cases addressed by Code, 290 (62.1 % ) were identified to have taken place in residential properties, 115 (24.6%) were identified to have taken place in commercially zoned properties, and 62 (13.3%) took place within the public right-of-way or on public property. The chart below illustrates this information. BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL CASES BY LOCATION TYPE (Q4-2023) (October-December 2023) Number of Percentage of Cases Cases Handled by Code RESIDENTIAL 290 62.1 % COMMERCIAL 115 24.6 % OTHER 62 13.3 % TOTAL 467 100 % Attachment A provides details regarding the location of the noise complaint or proactive assessment, (e.g. apartment, bar, club, condominium, etc.), as well as noise type (e.g. loud music, construction, noise, barking dog). The attachment also reflects noise cases by time of day and day of week. The table below provides the response time by establishment type for 04-2023. Response time is described as the period between the time the complaint is received by the Parking Department's Dispatcher and "arrival time" to the location by a CCO. AVERAGE TIME FOR CODE OFFICER TO ARRIVE (Q4-2023) (October-December 2023) Establishment Type Number of Cases* Average Time for Code Officer to Arrive (h:mm:ss) RESIDENTIAL 269 0:25:45 COMMERCIAL 111 0:19:50 OTHER 56 0:20:34 TOTAL 436 0:23:35 *Average Time Calculated using only those cases with valid time data for both "Time Call Received by Dispatch" and Time of Arrival by Code Officer" Attachment B reflects the resolution and/or status of noise-related cases appealed to the Special Magistrate during 04-2023. During this reporting period there were 18 noise-related cases pending appeal before the Special Magistrate. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE OUTCOME (Q4-2023) (October -December 2023) Pending to be heard before the Special Magistrate 16 Appeal Granted, Case Dismissed 2 IV.Summary (Q1-2024) During 01-2024 (January -March 2024), there were a total of 558 noise cases opened and/or investigated by either Code or Police. Of these, 31 cases were routed to or addressed by Police during periods that Code does not operate, 11 cases were deemed not applicable to Code and three cases were entered in error. When the above referenced 45 cases are discounted from the total number of noise investigations, the result is 513 cases with a disposition. L TC: Combined Noise Report (Annual Report including Q3-2023, Q4-2023, Q1-2024, and Q2-2024) Page 6 of 8 During the rating period, compliance was achieved in 484 cases handled by Code, resulting in a compliance rate of 94.3% including the 65 cases achieving compliance by the issuance of a notice of violation or warning. The remaining 29 cases resulted in non-compliance. METHOD OF COMPLIANCE (Q1-2024) (January -March 2024) No Noise Upon Music/Noise Not Warning / After 11PM Exemption Music/Noise Lowered Loud nor Violation Not audible at Prior to Code's Arrival Excessive Issued* 100ft. Granted Arrival 174 170 65 47 9 19 *As required by City of Miami Beach Ordinance, Section 46-158, first v,o/ahon wtfhm a 12-month penod ,s a wammg. This quarter continued the trend with loud music as the most common type of noise complaint (411 cases, 80.1 % ) followed by construction noise (66 cases, 12.9% ). As it relates to the day of the week, Saturday resulted in the highest incidents of noise complaints with 125 cases (24.4% ). Sunday reflected the second highest incidents of noise complaints with 86 cases ( 16.8%) followed closely with Friday having 81 cases (15.8%). The analysis for 01-2024 indicates that of the total 513 cases addressed by Code, 263 (51.3%) were identified to have taken place in residential properties, 180 (35.1 % ) were identified to have taken place in commercially zoned properties, and 70 ( 13.6%) took place within the public right-of-way or on public property. The chart below illustrates this information. BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL CASES BY LOCATION TYPE (Q1-2024) (January -March 2024) Number of Percentage of Cases Cases Handled by Code RESIDENTIAL 263 51.3 % COMMERCIAL 180 35.1 % OTHER 70 13.6 % TOTAL 513 100 % Attachment A provides details regarding the location of the noise complaint or proactive assessment, (e.g. apartment, bar, club, condominium, etc.), as well as noise type (e.g. loud music, construction, noise, barking dog). The attachment also reflects noise cases by time of day and day of week. The table below provides the response time by establishment type for 01-2024. Response time is described as the period between the time the complaint is received by the Parking Department's Dispatcher and "arrival time" to the location by a CCO. AVERAGE TIME FOR CODE OFFICER TO ARRIVE (Q1-2024) (January-March 2024) Establishment Type Number of Cases* Average Time for Code Officer to Arrive (h:mm:ss) RESIDENTIAL 233 0:26:43 COMMERCIAL 163 0:21 :48 OTHER 66 0:23:15 TOTAL 462 0:24:29 *Average Time Calculated using only those cases with valid time data for both "Time Call Received by Dispatch" and Time of Arrival by Code Officer'' L TC: Combined Noise Report (Annual Report including Q3-2023, Q4-2023, Qt-2024, and Q2-2024) Page 7of 8 Attachment B reflects the resolution and/or status of noise-related cases appealed to the Special Magistrate during Q1-2024. During this reporting period there were 21 noise-related cases pending appeal before the Special Magistrate. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE OUTCOME (Q1-2024) (January -March 2024) Pending to be heard before the Special Magistrate 13 Adjudicated of Non-Compliance 5 Dismissed 3 V.Summary {Q2-2024) During 02-2024, (April -June 2024), there were a total of 451 noise cases opened and/or investigated by either Code or Police. Of these, 20 cases were routed to or addressed by Police during periods that Code does not operate, and three cases were deemed not applicable to Code. When the above referenced 23 cases are discounted from the total number of noise investigations, the result is 428 cases with a disposition. During the rating period, compliance was achieved in 398 cases handled by Code, resulting in a compliance rate of 93% including the 60 cases achieving compliance by the issuance of a notice of violation or warning. The remaining 30 cases resulted in non-compliance. METHOD OF COMPLIANCE (Q2-2024) (April -June 2024) No Noise Upon Music/Noise Not Warning / After 11 PM Exemption Music/Noise Lowered Loud nor Violation Not audible at Prior to Code's Arrival Excessive Issued* 100ft. Granted Arrival 131 131 60 44 20 12 *As reqwred by City of M1am1 Beach Ordmance, Section 46-158, first v1olatton w1thm a 12-month penod Is a wammg. This quarter continued the trend with loud music as the most common type of noise complaint (322 cases, 75.2%) followed by construction noise (89 cases, 20.8% ). As it relates to the day of the week, Saturday resulted in the highest incidents of noise complaints with 79 cases (18.5%). Friday reflected the second highest incidents of noise complaints with 76 cases (17.8%) followed closely with Sunday having 73 cases ( 17 .1 % ). The analysis for Q2-2024 indicates that of the total 428 cases addressed by Code, 208 ( 48.6%) were identified to have taken place in residential properties, 148 (34.6%) were identified to have taken place in commercially zoned properties, and 72 ( 16.8%) took place within the public right-of-way or on public property. The chart below illustrates this information. BREAKDOWN OF TOTAL CASES BY LOCATION TYPE (Q2-2024) (April -June 2024) Number of Percentage of Cases Cases Handled by Code RESIDENTIAL 208 48.6 % COMMERCIAL 148 34.6 % OTHER 72 / 16.8 % TOTAL 428 100 % L TC: Combined Noise Report (Annual Report including Q3-2023, Q4-2023, Qt-2024, and Q2-2024) Page Bof 8 Attachment A provides details regarding the location of the noise complaint or proactive assessment, (e.g. apartment, bar, club, condominium, etc.), as well as noise type (e.g. loud music, construction, noise, barking dog). The attachment also reflects noise cases by time of day and day of week. The table below provides the response time by establishment type for 02-2024. Response time is described as the period between the time the complaint is received by the Parking Department's Dispatcher and "arrival time" to the location by a CCO. AVERAGE TIME FOR CODE OFFICER TO ARRIVE (Q2-2024) (April -June 2024) Establishment Type Number of Cases* Average Time for Code Officer to Arrive (h:mm:ss) RESIDENTIAL 192 0:24:47 COMMERCIAL 145 0:18:27 OTHER 69 0:21 :57 TOTAL •406 0:22:02 *Average Time Calculated using only those cases with valid time data for both "Time Call Received by Dispatch" and Time of Arrival by Code Officer" Attachment B reflects the resolution and/or status of noise-related cases appealed to the Special Magistrate during 02-2024. During this reporting period there were 17 noise-related cases pending appeal before the Special Magistrate. SPECIAL MAGISTRATE OUTCOME (Q2-2024) (April -June 2024) Pending to be heard before the Special Magistrate 2 Adjudicated of Non-Compliance 7 Appeal Granted Case Dismissed 3 Closed / Nolle Prosequi 1 Agreed Order -with Fine 1 Agreed Order -No Fine 3 If you require further information, please contact Hernan D. Cardena, Code Compliance Director at 305.673. 7077. f>lr� '7c_ St,EC/MT/HOC/TC/SE Attachments Attachment A: Noise Case Data, Annual (July 2023-June 2024) Attachment B: Special Magistrate Case Result Summary, Quarterly (July 2023 -June 2024) F:\CODE\CCA_MANAGEMENT\NOISE\Annual and Q3-4 2023 and Q1-Q2 2024 Noise L TC\Annual and 03-4 2023 and Q1-2 2024 Noise Report L TC.docx Noise Data 07/01/2023 -06/30/2024 Total Number of Noise Complaint Cases Opened/Calls Received Less Voided, Duplicates, Total Cases Complaints not Opened Applicable to or handled by Code Compliance Annual 03-2023 365 49 04-2023 524 57 01-2024 558 45 02-2024 451 23 Breakdown of Notices/ Warnings Issued Annual Notice/ Warning Type Number of Cases Percentage of All Cases Verbal Written Warning Violation Totals Noise Cases by Type of Establishment Annual Establishment Type Number of Cases Percentage of All Cases Residential Commercial Other Totals Res,denllal = Apt, Condo, Single Family Commercial= Bar, Club, Hotel, Hotel-Condo, Restaurant, Retail, Construction Other= Bandshe/1, Beach, Public Property, etc. Annual Establishment Type Number of Cases Percentage of All Cases APT BAR CLUBS 44 CONDO 15.3% CONDO-HOTEL HOME OTHER RESTAURANT RETAIL HOTEL 7.2% UNKNOWN 0.0% Totals Noise Cases by Noise Type Annual Noise Type Number of Cases Percentage of All Cases LOUD MUSIC LIVE ENTERTAINMENT BARKING DOG ANIMALS CROWD NOISE CONSTRUCTION OTHER HONKING CARS/ALARMS 0.1% Totals Total with Dispositions 316 467 513 428 QJ-2023 Q4-2023 Number of Cases Percentage for Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter the Quarter 3 6.7% 1 1.0% 29 64.4% 63 64.9% 13 28.9% 33 34.0o/o QJ-2023 Q4-2023 Number of Cases Percentage for Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter the Quarter 191 60.4% 290 62.1% 83 26.3% 115 24.6% 42 13.3% 62 13.3% QJ-2023 Q4-2023 Number of Cases Percentage for Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter the Quarter 84 26.6% 125 26.8% 6 1.9% 4 0.9% 12 3.8% 10 2.1% 43 13.6% 78 16.7% 8 2.5% 13 2.8% 64 20.3% 87 18.6% 42 13.3% 62 13.3% 44 13.9% 49 10.5% 0 0.0% 1 0.2% 13 4.1% 38 8.1% 0 0.0% 0 0.0% QJ-2023 Q4-2023 Number of Cases Percentage for Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter the Quarter 218 69.0% 354 75.8% 2 0.6% 15 3.2% 18 5.7% 21 4.5% 1 0.3% 0 0.0% 72 22.8% 73 15.6% 5 1.6% 3 0.6% 0 0.0% 1 0.2% 100% Q1-2024 Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter 1 1.5% 43 66.2% 21 32.3% Q1-2024 Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter 263 51.3% 180 35.1% 70 13.6% Q1-2024 Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter 108 21.1% 13 2.5% 15 2.9% 88 17.2% 20 3.9% 67 13.1% 70 13.6% 83 16.2% 0 0.0% 49 9.6% 0 O.Oo/o Q1-2024 Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter 411 80.1% 7 1.4% 22 4.3% 4 0.8% 66 12.9% 3 0.6% 0 0.0% 100% ATTACHMENT A Page 1 of 3 Q2-2024 Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter 0 0.0% 52 86.7% 8 13.3% 100% Q2-2024 Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter 208 48.6% 34.6% 72 16.8% Q2-2024 Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter 96 22.4% 11 2.6% 7 1.6% 55 12.9% 16 3.7% 57 13.3% 72 16.8% 90 21.0% 0 0.0% 24 5.6% 0 0.0% Q2-2024 Number of Cases Percentage for the Quarter 322 75.2% 3 0.7% 10 2.3% 0 O.Oo/o 89 20.8% 3 0.7% 1 0.2% ::I ::I C: C: ct E Day of Week Total Totals 1,724 Call Time of Day -Establishment Type Establishment Type Total Totals 1,724 Day of Week Total Totals 316 Call Time of Day -Establishment Type Establishment Type Total Totals 316 Call Time of Day I Day of Week Day of Week Total Totals 467 Call Time of Day -Establishment Type Establishment Type Total Totals 467 ATTACHMENT A 7a -11p mornin 100% 1,115 64.7% 609 35.3% 7a -11p 11p -7a of the followin mornin 100% 1,115 64.7% 609 35.3% 7a -11p mornin 100% 199 63.0% 117 37.0% 7a -11p 11p -7a of the followin mornin 100% 199 63.0% 117 37.0% 7a • 11p 11p -7a of the followin mornin 100% 300 64.2% 167 35.8% 7a -11p 11p -7a of the followin 100% 300 64.2% 167 35.8% ca Totals Total 513 Call Time of Day -Establishment Type Cl) C: ::s Establishment Type Total Totals 513 Day of Week Total Totals 428 Call Time of Day -Establishment Type Establishment Type Total Totals 428 100% 100% 100% 100% 7a-11p 332 64.7% 7a -11p 332 64.7% 7a -11p 284 66.4% 7a-11p 284 66.4% ATTACHMENT A mornin 181 35.3% 11p -7a of the followin 181 35.3% 144 33.6% ATTACHMENTS ATTACHMENT B Page 2 of 3 Date of Request Filed Special Master Case Code Case Address Name Status Violation Number Number 9/25/2023 10/3/2023 SMN2023-00188 NC2023-26943 7980 HAWTHORNE MIHAi PROPESCU -C/O LUIS DIAZ, SM 06/06/2024 AVE ESQ 9/25/2023 10/3/2023 SMN2023-00189 NC2023-26942 7980 HAWTHORNE MIHAi PROPESCU -C/O LUIS DIAZ, SM 06/06/2024 AVE ESQ 9/25/2023 10/3/2023 SMN2023-00190 NC2023-26945 7980 HAWTHORNE MIHAi POPESCU SM 06/06/2024 AVE 9/25/2023 10/3/2023 SMN2023-00191 NC2023-26946 7980 HAWTHORNE MIHAi PROPESCU -C/O LUIS DIAZ, SM 06/06/2024 AVE ESQ 9/29/2023 10/9/2023 SMN2023-00192 NC2023-26953 210 23 ST MANDRAKE MIAMI, LLC C/O SM 02/01/2024 -Adjudicated of non- BONILLA, NAHIM J compliance. First Offense fine of $250 lo be paid bv 03/01/2024. 10/5/2023 10/12/2023 SMN2023-00193 NC2023-26986 4745 PINE TREE DR JAMES ROSS WEIGER SM 05/02/2024 10/6/2023 10/12/2023 SMN2023-00194 NC2023-26988 4745 PINE TREE DR JAMES ROSS WEIGER SM 05/02/2024 10/12/2023 10/23/2023 SMN2023-00195 NC2023-27107 309 23 ST MMPB GROUP LLC -D/B/A VILLA SM 06/06/2024 � AZUR -C/O KUVIN LOWELL ESQ 10/13/2023 10/23/2023 SMN2023-00196 NC2023-27021 309 23 ST MMPB GROUP LLC -D/B/A VILLA SM 06/06/2024 AZUR -C/O KUVIN LOWELL, ESQ 10/31/2023 11/10/2023 SMN2023-00197 NC2023-27127 1628 COLLINS AVE 9BEACH LATIN AMERICAN LLC C/O SM 02/01/2024 -Adjudicated of non- OPPENHEIM, BENJAMIN M compliance. Second Offense fine of $1,500 reduced to $1,000 to be paid by 03/01/2024. 11/25/2023 11/30/2023 SMN2023-00198 NC2023-27244 601 WASHINGTON WASHINGTON SQUARED OWNER SM 02/01/2024 -Appeal granted. Case I AVE LLC -C/O MICKEY MARRERO dismissed. 12/2/2023 12/5/2023 SMN2023-00199 NC2023-27273 601 WASHINGTON WASHINGTON SQUARED OWNER SM 02/01/2024 -Appeal granted. Case AVE LLC -C/O MICKEY MARRERO dismissed. C: 12/2/2023 12/11/2023 SMN2023-00200 NC2023-27272 8001 BYRON AVE TIMOTHY CALLAHAN SM 02/01/2024 -Adjudicated of non- � Unit:2D compliance. First Offense fine of $250 to be paid bv 03/01/2024. 12/8/2023 12/15/2023 SMN2023-00201 NC2023-27311 1532 WASHINGTON EXCHANGE MIAMI LLC C/O ERIS SM 02/01/2024 -Adjudicated of non- AVE LLAVANI compliance. First Offense fine of $250 to be oaid bv 03/11/2024. 12/10/2023 12/5/2023 SMN2023-00202 NC2023-27349 1532 WASHINGTON EXCHANGE MIAMI LLC C/O ERIS SM 02/01/2024 -Adjudicated of non- AVE LLABANI compliance. Second Offense fine of $1,500 reduced to $1,000 to be paid by 03/01/2024. 12/9/2023 12/11/2023 SMN2023-00203 NC2023-27337 601 WASHINGTON WASHINGTON SQUARED OWNER SM 02/01/2024 -Appeal granted. Case AVE LLC -C/O MICKEY MARRERO dismissed. 1/7/2024 1/16/2024 SMN2023-00204 NC2024-27519 210 23 ST MANDRAKE MIAMI, LLC C/O SM 06/06/2024 BONILLA NAHIM J 1/23/2024 1/25/2024 SMN2023-00205 NC2024-27608 1564 DAYTONIA RD MASHBIR LLC C/O BENAMRAN, SM 06/06/2024 BARUK 1/23/2024 1/25/2024 SMN2023-00206 NC2024-27609 1564 DAYTONIA RD MASHBIR LLC C/O BENAMRAN, SM 04/18/2024 BARUK 3/4/2023 1/29/2024 SMN2023-00207 NC2023-25804 309 23 ST MMPB GROUP, LLC. DBA VILLA SM 06/06/2024 AZUR DBA LA CAVE D'AZUR C/O: KUVIN LOWELL ESQ 3/4/2024 3/5/2024 SMN2023-00208 NC2024-27877 1255 WEST AVE BIKINI HOSTEL, INC. C/O MUSKAT, SM 06/06/2024 PHILLIP Date of Request Filed Special Master Case Code Case Violation Number Number 9/25/2023 10/3/2023 SMN2023-00188 NC2023-26943 9/25/2023 10/3/2023 SMN2023-00189 NC2023-26942 9/25/2023 10/3/2023 SMN2023-00190 NC2023-26945 9/25/2023 10/3/2023 SMN2023-00191 NC2023-26946 10/5/2023 10/12/2023 SMN2023-00193 NC2023-26986 -10/6/2023 � 10/12/2023 SMN2023-00194 NC2023-26988 N 0 N 10/12/2023 10/23/2023 SMN2023-00195 NC2023-27107 Cl) C: ::, ""') I 10/13/2023 10/23/2023 SMN2023-00196 NC2023-27021 ·.::Q. � 1/7/2024 1/16/2024 SMN2024-00204 NC2024-27519 N 0 N I 1/23/2024 1/25/2024 SMN2024-00205 NC2024-27608 N a 1/23/2024 1/25/2024 SMN2024-00206 NC2024-27609 3/4/2023 1/29/2024 SMN2024-00207 NC2023-25804 3/4/2024 3/5/2024 SMN2024-00208 NC2024-27877 4/10/2024 4/18/2024 SMN2024-00210 NC2024-28078 4/1/2024 4/12/2024 SMN2024-00209 NC2024-28031 4/21/2024 4/30/2024 SMN2024-00211 NC2024-28169 5/19/2024 5/28/2024 SMN2024-00212 NC2024-28306 Address Name 7980 HAWTHORNE MIHAi PROPESCU -C/O LUIS DIAZ, AVE ESQ 7980 HAWTHORNE MIHAi PROPESCU -C/O LUIS DIAZ, AVE ESQ 7980 HAWTHORNE MIHAi POPESCU AVE 7980 HAWTHORNE MIHAi PROPESCU -C/O LUIS DIAZ, AVE ESQ 4745 PINE TREE DR JAMES ROSS WEIGER 4745 PINE TREE DR JAMES ROSS WEIGER 309 23 ST MMPB GROUP LLC -O/B/A VILLA AZUR -C/O KUVIN LOWELL, ESQ 309 23 ST MMPB GROUP LLC -O/B/A VILLA AZUR -C/O KUVIN LOWELL, ESQ 210 23 ST MANDRAKE MIAMI, LLC C/O BONILLA, NAHIM J 1564 DAYTONIA RD MASHBIR LLC C/O BENAMRAN, BARUK 1564 DAYTONIA RD MASHBIR LLC C/O BENAMRAN, BARUK 309 23 ST MMPB GROUP, LLC. OBA VILLA AZUR OBA LA CAVE D'AZUR C/O: KUVIN LOWELL ESQ 1255 WEST AVE BIKINI HOSTEL, INC. C/O MUSKAT, PHILLIP 2201 COLLINS AVE 2201 COLLINS FEE LLC OBA W SOUTH BEACH c/o WILL RAMSEY 1930 BAY RD L24M, LLC C/O WRAY, TYREL 210 23 ST MANDRAKE MIAMI, LLC C/O BONILLA, NAHIM J, cristian bedoya 918 OCEAN DR Unit: REGAN HOSPITALITY LLC OBA THE MASTER LOCUST C/O REGAN, CHRISTOPHER ATTACHMENT B Page 3 of 3 Status SM 06/06/2024 -2nd Offense Appeal laranted. Case Dismissed. SM 06/06/2024 -2nd Offense Appeal laranted. Case Dismissed. SM 06/06/2024 -3rd Offense. Prior noise offenses dismissed reduced lhis to a written warning. Petitioner's request to withdraw aooeal is Qranted. SM 06/06/2024 -4th Offense. Prior noise offenses dismissed and reduced to a written warning. This offense reduced to a 1st Offense. Appeal granted. Case Dismissed. SM 05/02/2024 -Agreed Order 1st Offense fine of $250 reduced to $100 to be paid by 06/01/2024 or back to original amount. SM 05/06/2024 -Nolle Prosequit received from the City Attorney's Office. Case Closed. SM 06/06/2024 -Agreed Order 3rd Offense fine of $3,000 reduced to $500 to be paid by 07/08/2024 or back to oriAinal amount. SM 06/06/2024 -Agreed Order 4th Offense fine $4,000 reduced to $500 to be paid by 07/08/24 or back to original amount. SM 06/06/2024 -Appeal Denied. Adjudicated of Noncompliance. 3rd Offense fine of $3,000 to be paid by 07/08/2024. SM 06/06/2024 -Agreed Order. No fine imoosed. SM 06/06/2024 -Agreed Order. No fine imoosed. SM 06/06/2024 -Agreed Order. Appeal granted. Case Dismissed. SM 06/06/2024 -Appeal Denied. Adjudicated of Noncompliance. 1st Offense fine of $250 to be paid by 07/08/2024. SM 07/18/2024 -Appeal Granted. Case Dismissed. SM 08/12/2024 SM 06/06/2024 -Petitioner not present. Appeal Denied. 4th Offense fine of $4,000 to be paid by 07/08/2024. SM 08/01/2024