LTC 431-2024 August Staffing Update for the Building DepartmentDOocusign Envelope ID:18426745-6C36-48DF-A4CF-F 7858CCF4341 MIAMI BEACH City of Miami Beach,17 00 Convention Center Drive,Miam i Beach,FL 33139,ww w .m iam ibeachfl.gov O F FIC E O F THE CITY MANAGER LTC #LETTER TO COM M ISSION TO : FR O M : D A TE : S U BJE C T : Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Mem bers of the City Com missioneEricCarpenter,City Manager 'u Septem ber 27,2024 A ugust Staffi ng U pdate fo r the Building Departm ent The purpose of this Letter to C om m ission (L TC)is to provide the Comm ission with a monthly update,as re quested in Resolution No.2023-32656,on staffing updates from the Building Depart m ent,with a report to specifically identify (1)each vacant position in the Building Departm e nt by title,section,and trade;(2)the length of tim e each vacant position has re m ained vacant,by section and trade;(3)the total num ber of vacant positions and overall vacant positions in the de partm e nt;and (4)specific steps taken each month to fill positions,such as the total num ber of interv iew s conducted and other relevant efforts to fill the position.See Attachm ent A fo r data reque sted. Belo w ple ase find a summ ary update of our recent recruitm ent activities fo r the month of August 2024: •Fo r the m onth of August 2024,there were 16 vacant positions.O f these,one (1)selection fo r Perm it C lerk has been m ade and was filled in A ugust.Of the rem aining 15 vacancies, selections have been m ade fo r fo ur of the vacancies -Building Director,Sr.Building Code C o m p liance O ffi cer,Sr.Electrical Inspector,Perm it Clerk and have hire dates set fo r S e ptem ber and O ctober 2024.Additionally,six (6)vacancies are supplem ented by tem porary or contracted em ployees Therefo re,the true num ber of vacancies as a depart m ent is 5 or 5.75%of the total position count. •Advertised 15 positions on the City's website via G overn m entJ obs.com,Career Builder, and Indeed. •Add itional efforts fo r recruitm ent incl ude advertising on the Intern ational Code Council, B uilding O ffi cials Association of Florida,South Florida Building O fficials Association,and Board of Rules and Appeals. •In A ugust,we received a total of 43 applications,out of which 17 met the minim um criteria fo r this positions and were referred to the departm ent fo r review .Interv iew s will be scheduled with the vetted and qualified applicants. •M a intained seve'n (7)perm it clerk positions with staffi ng agency tem ps to maintain serv ice level requirem ents and assist w ith workload of staff out on leave. 431-2024 ocusign Envelope ID:1B4267A45-6C36-48DF-A4CF-F7858CCF4341 •Maintained seven (7)temporary professional staff members through C.A.P.Government Agency to supplement our plan review and inspection services. •Maintained one (1)Reviewer -Independent Contracts (ICAs)with other Building employees from other Municipalities to continue providing timely services for plan review. In addition,Human Resources and/or the Building Department have recently: •Closed out all continuous job announcements and referred qualified applicants to the Building Department for the month of August 2024 on August 31,2024. •Reopened all advertisements for the positions that we currently have vacant;the posting will close on September 30,2024,unfilled positions will reopen to commence with a fresh pool of applicants. •Continue to encourage employee referrals to encourage current employees to recommend possible candidates,resulting in two referrals. •Continue to mention available opportunities and inform potential candidates during our monthly meetings and trainings with the public. Please let us know if you have additional questions.a MH/nd c:Executive Staff Management T earn eparmnen rosnuon rer Vancancies Vacanices Vacancies True Vacancies Department FT &PT as %o f not tilled as % Department by Temps Dept B8UL.DING S£RV -BUILDING 87 16 18.39%5 5.75%% ID Position Id Tile Salary Grp Grade Code Min Salary Max Salary Termination Date Days Open Section Status 1 598 BUILDING DIRECTOR01 CUNC U28 147812.34 267425 34 04/12/2024 144 Building Selection made.Hire date is October 21, 2024 2 11401 BUILDING INSPECTOR CCWA H348 68377.4 108027.92 08/09/2024 25 Building Advertising 3 110/0 BUILDING INSPECTOR CCWA H348 68377.4 108027.92 07/14/2024 51 Building Advertising 4 11458 BUAL DING OPERATIONS MANAGER CUNC U23 94772 6 158123.42 07/28/2024 37 Building Advertisine 5 612 CHIEF MECHANICAL INS CUNC U22 85858.76 143251.42 07/08/2022 788 Mechanical Advertising;CAP Temp working 6 624 CHIEF STRUCTURAL ENG CUNC U24 109906.94 198846.44 11/30/2020 1373 Structural Advertising,CAP Temp working 7 627 CHIEF STRUCTURAL ENG CUNC U24 109906.94 198846 44 09/15/2023 354 Structural Advertisng,CAP Temp working 8 8881 OFFICE ASSOCIATE IV CUNC U12 47469 76 79200.42 02/26/2023 555 Building Advertising 9 10761 PERMIT CLERK I CCWA H208 44339.88 64217.66 10/05/2023 334 Building Posilion filled. 10 9315 PERMIT CLERK I011-1 CCWA H20B 44339.88 64217.66 04/23/2024 133 Building Selection made.Pending hire date 11 11217 PLUMBING INSPECTOR CCWA H348 68377.4 108027.92 06/27/2023 434 Plumbing Advertising,CAP Temp working 12 10804 SENIOR BUILDING CODE CUNC U20 70468.06 117573.56 03/24/2024 163 Building MPIANF OFFIFR Selection made Hire date 10/14/24 13 11339 SENIOR BUILDING INSPECTOR CGSA 514 73288 28 118365 52 01/05/2024 242 Building Advertising,CAP Temp working 14 8879 SR BUILDING INSP 011 CGSA 514 73288.28 118365.52 06/02/2024 93 Building Advertising,CAP Temp working 15 607 SR ELECTRICAL INSP O CGSA 514 73288.28 118365.52 03/08/2024 179 Building Selection made.Hre date 10/7/24 16 3150 SR MECHANICAL INSP 0 CGSA 514 73288 28 118365 52 05/10/2023 482 Mechanical Advertising Docusign Envelope ID:1 B4267A5-6C36-48DF-A4CF-F7858CCF4341 "Attachment A" Close all prior advertisements and refer the candidates to the Department.Then,we reopened all new advertisements to close on September 30,2024. Exam Plan Exam # Plumbing Inspector Open Date: Close Date. Applications received Qualified candidates referred Date interviews begin 1967 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 Building to advise Chief Structural Engineer Open Date: Close Date. Applications received. Qualified candidates referred: Date interviews begin 1965 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 Building to advise Sr Building Inspector Open Date. Close Date. Applications received: Qualified candidates referred. Date interviews begin. 1971 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 Building to advise Sr Mechanical inspector Open Date: Close Date· Applications received. Qualified candidates referred. 1972 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 0 0 9/3/2024 913.05 AM Date interviews begin:Building to advise Docusign Envelope ID:1B426745-6C36-48DF-A4CF-F7858CCF4341 Building Ops Manager Open Date: Close Date: Applications received. Qualified candidates referred: Date interviews begin: Chief Mechanical Inspector Open Date: Close Date: Applications received. Qualified candidates referred: Date interviews begin: Building Inspector Open Date. Close Date. Applications received Qualified candidates referred. Date interviews begin: Cert Structural Plans Examiner Residential Open Date: Close Date. Applications received Qualified candidates referred Date interviews begin: Certified Structural Plans Examiner Open Date Close Date: Applications received: Qualified candidates referred. Date interviews begin. Electrical Inspector Open Date: Close Date Applications received: Qualified candidates referred:. Date interviews begin: Senior Building Code Compliance Officer Open Date: Close Date: Applications received Qualified candidates referred: Date interviews begin. Chief Plumbing Inspector Open Date. Close Date: Applications received: Qualified candidates referred: Date interviews begin. 1963 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 4 1 Building to advise 1964 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 0 0 Building to advise 2091 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 0 Building to advise 1969 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 0 0 Building to advise 1968 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 Building to advise 2019 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 0 Building to advise 2202 8/2/2024 8/31/2024 Building to advise 2264 8/5/2024 8/31/2024 Building to advise 9/3/2024 913.05 AM Docusign Envelope ID.1B4267A45-6C36-48DF-A4CF-F7858CCF4341 Open Date: Close Date. Applications received: Qualified candidates referred: Date interviews begin. Building Permit Service Supervisor Open Date: Close D0ate: Applications received: Qualified candidates referred: Date interviews begin: Office Associate IV Open Date: Close Date Applications received Qualified candidates referred: Date interviews begin: 8/19/2024 8/31/2024 Building to advise 2280 8/27/2024 8/31/2024 13 6 Building to advise 2278 8/25/2024 9/9/2024 N/A N/A Building to advise 9/3/2024 9.13.05 AM