LTC 485-2024 First-Time Homebuyer Program Applicant UpdateMIAMI BEACH OFFICE OF THF CITY MANAGER NO.LTC #485-2024 LETTER TO COMMISSION TO:Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Members of the City Commission FROM:Eric T.Carpenter,City Manager e,c (~ DATE:November 4,2024 SUBJEC T:First-Time Homebuyer Program Applicant Update The purpose of this Letter to Commission ("LTC")is to advise of the application approval and disbursement for two First-time Homebuyer Program Applicants.Both households were certified to be income-eligible to receive down payment assistance funding from the HOME Investment Partnership (HOME)and Statewide Housing Initiatives Partnership (SHIP)first-time homebuyer programs in the amount of $100,000,consisting of $40,000 from FY 20/21 HOME funds and $60,000 from FY 22/23 SHIP funds. •Household No.1 received down payment and rehabilitation assistance for the purchase of a condominium unit located at 1550 Pennsylvania Avenue,Unit 122,Miami Beach,FL 33139.The household was awarded $100,000 consisting of $40,000 from FY 20/21 HOME funds and $60,000 from FY 22/23 SHIP funds and utilized $95,000 towards down payment assistance and $5,000 towards rehabilitation costs.The closing was finalized on October 3,2024. •Household No.2 received down payment and rehabilitation assistance for the purchase of a condominium unit located at 7125 Bonita Drive,Unit 204, Miami Beach,FL 33141.The household was awarded $100,000 consisting of $40,000 from FY 20/21 HOME funds and $60,000 from FY 22/23 SHIP funds and utilized $95,000 towards down payment assistance and $5,000 towards rehabilitation costs.The closing was finalized on October 29,2024. Currently,there are 56 households in the process of completing their application for the first-time homebuyer program.The Administration continues to work with applicants on a first-qualified,first-served basis. For more information,please contact Alba Tarre,Director,Office of Housing and Community Services,at 305.673.7491 or via email at albatarre@miamibeachfl.gov. Al.@