154-1998 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\ci.miami,beach.f1.us L.T.C. No. 154-1998 LETTER TO COMMISSION November 2, 1998 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Co mission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: STATUS REPORT ON PARK IMPROVEMENT BOND PROGRAM The following is a status report on the park improvement bond program being implemented with funding from the City of Miami Beach's $15 million General Obligation Bond and Miami-Dade County's $7.2 million Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond, Attached for your information is a project schedule and summary as of November 2, 1998, This document provides a status, time line for completion, budget, and funding. Highlights to date are as follows: NEIGHBORHOOD PARKS . "Group A" Parks (Stillwater. Crespi. LaGorce and Palm Island Parks) · Schematic Design Phase 100 % Complete. · Construction Drawings 100% Complete · Bid Process 100% Complete · Anticipated Commission Award of Construction Contracts 11/04/98 · Estimated Substantial Completion of "Group A" Parks Project 03/19/99 Construction · Estimated Projects Close-out 04/29/99 . "Group B" Parks (Tatum. Fisher. Island View) · Schematic Design Phase 1 00 % Complete · Construction Drawing are now 45% Complete, will be 1 00% · Issuance of Construction Bids · Estimated Substantial Completion of "Group B" Parks Project Construction · Estimated Project close-out 12/18/98 12/18/98 08/16/99 09/27/99 . "Group C"Parks (Fairway. Muss. Washington) . Schematic Design Phase 1 00 % Complete . Complete Construction Drawings . Issuance of Construction Bids . Estimated Substantial Completion of "Group C" Parks Project Construction . Estimated Project close-out 01/14/00 02/24/00 05/07/99 05/07/99 . Pinetree Park . 100% Schematic Design Complete, . Complete Construction Drawings . Issuance of Construction Bids . Estimated Substantial Completion of Pinetree Park Project Construction . Estimated Project close-out 09/08/99 10/08/99 12/11/98 12/11/98 All Neighborhood parks are subject to staff level Design Review approval. DISTRICT PARKS . North Shore Park . 100 % Base Schematic Design Complete, . Received Commission approval on July 1, 1998 to reallocate $900,000 from the South Pointe Park project to the North Shore Park project, dedicated specifically to the Youth Center, increasing the original construction budget estimate from $800,00 to $1.7 million. . Received Commission approval on October 7, 1998 to expand the scope of services for the Youth Center, authorizing the architects to design through the schematic development phase additional facilities (second floor), estimated construction cost $1 million, funds to be identified before construction drawings begin. . October 26, 1998 Mayor Kasdin established the North Beach Youth Center Ad Hoc Committee with Commissioner Jose Smith serving as liaison to the City Commission and Joe Fontana as Chairman to monitor the project and assist in raising funds needed to complete the Youth Center. . Architects are developing revised schematics and will be working with the Ad Hoc Committee to accomplish the following schedule: * Design Review Board Presentation 01/12/99 * Complete Construction Drawings 07/16/99 * Estimated Substantial Completion of North Shore Park Project Construction 10/21/00 * Estimated Project close-out 09/26/00 . Normandy Isle Park . 100% Schematic Design Complete, . Received Design Review Approval on 09/15/98 . Complete Construction Drawings 05/10/99 . Issuance of Construction Bids 05/10/99 . Estimated Substantial Completion of Normandy Isle Park Project Construction 04/1 0/00 . Estimated Project close-out 05/19/00 . Flamingo Park . 100% Schematic Design Complete. . Received Design Review/Historic Preservation Boards Approval 10/13/98 . Complete Construction Drawings 05/19/99 . Issuance of Construction Bids 05/19/99 . Estimated Substantial Completion of Flamingo Park Project Construction 04/19/00 . Estimated Project close-out OS/22/00 REGIONAL PARKS . Lummus Park · 100% Schematic Design Complete. . Design Review Board/ Historic Preservation Board Presentation . Complete Construction Drawings . Issuance of Construction Bids . Estimated Substantial Completion of Lummus Park Project Construction · Estimated Project close-out 11/10/98 02/25/99 02/25/99 10/05/99 11/09/99 . North Shore Open Space Park This project schedule is on hold pending the resolution of the State of Florida / Altos Del Mar issues, In anticipation of a resolution the Administration is fully prepared to make application to the Miami-Dade County Safe Neighborhood Parks Bond Program for the City's allocation of $2.1 million designated for this park. Applications for the next bond sale are due the last week of December 1, 1998. The bonds will be sold in May 1999, and the funds will be available in June/July of 1999. . South Pointe Park On hold pending further clarification of availability of additional funding necessary to complete the park. At the Commission meeting of September 23, 1998 $900,000 from Tax Increment Financing funding was allocated to South Pointe Park. The estimate to complete South Pointe Park is over $4 million therefore it is the recommendation of the Administration that the design of this park be in held until such time as the additional funds are identified. . Scott Rakow Youth Center . At the July 16, 1998 Commission meeting the Administration was directed to proceed with the development of a new ice rink with an ice surface of 65' x 130', requiring a variance of 26'.6" projecting 5'.1" beyond the property line, approximately 20'.0" from the pavement edge, and the elimination of all interior seating. . On the November 18, 1998 Commission agenda the Administration will seek to set the Public Hearing for December 16, 1998 for the Request for Waiver of Development Regulations necessary for the construction of the ice rink. . Upon obtaining a Waiver of Development Regulations, the architects will make application to the Design Review Board, The schedule will be adjusted following the Design Review Board's approval, All District and Regional Parks are subject to Design Review and Historic Preservation Boards approval as appropriate. OTHER FACILITIES . Parks Maintenance Yard . 100% Schematic Design Complete . Complete Construction Drawings . Issuance of Construction Bids . Estimated substantial Completion of Flamingo Parks Maintenance Project Construction . Estimated Project close-out 12/11/98 12/11/98 09/08/99 10/08/99 . Beaches and Boardwalk . The boardwalk from 2pt Street to 44th Street has been resurfaced, the remainder of the structure, from 44th Street to 47th Street is on hold pending resolution of a legal action against the product supplier and installation contractor. . The Administration is in the process of developing the Beach Front Master Plan. This plan will include the installation of additional landscape materials such as Coconut Palms, Sea grapes and Sea Oats, . The North Beach Recreational Corridor is currently in the schematic development! planning phases of the project. The cost for these phases is being deducted from the Beaches and Boardwalk allocation, The Administration will continue to monitor the progress of these projects and provide quarterly updates, SRlJAG/KS/MM/eb F:\CMGR\$ALL\L TC.98\PRKBND.UPD PARKS BOND PROJECT - PROGRESS SUMMARY . ;:;"":':;::.,. "':.:::'"-'.;:,:,%-COMPLETION SCH_E~ATIC . DESIGN .:. 'c D~. -.:':<~19~ING. . DESIGN. ~~: DEVELOPMENT PROCESSM~ A & E: RE-BID RECOMM. - , ~ & E.. -,'. COMM. RECOMM. APPROVA REG ARCHITECTS GROUP "A" 1. I STILLWATER I 1 00 00% I 100,00% /100,00% 1100,00% I OK I N/A I N/A , 11/04/98 CRESPI I 100,00% I 10000% 110000% /100,00% I OK I N/A I NiA, I 11/04/98 LA. GORCE I 100,00% I 10000% 1100.00% 110000% I OK I N/A I N/.A. I 11/04/98 PALM ISLA.ND I 100.00% I 100,00% I 10000% ! 1 0000% i OK I N/A I N/A I 11/04/98 REG. ARCHITECTS GROUP "S" 2. 3, 4, 5. TATUM I 100,00% I 1 00.00% I 45,00% I 12/18/98,1/29/99 I 2/12/99 i N/A I N/A 03/03/99 FISH::R I 100,00% I 100,00% I ~:.OO% 112/18/98,1/29/99 , 2/i 2/99 I N'" I N:A 03/03/99 ' r-, ISLA.ND VIEW I 100,00% I 100,00% i 4500% I 12/18/92,1/29/99 I 2/12/99 I N!.A. I N/A 03/03/99 I REG. ARCHITECTS GROUP "C" 6, 7, 1 O. FAIRWAY I 100.00% , 100,00% I 10,00% 15/7/99,6/18/99 , 07/02/99 ! N/A I N/A I 07/21/99 MUSS I 100 00% I 100.00% I 0,00% 1517199,6118/99 I 07/02/99 I N/A I N/A I 07/21/99 WASHINGTON I 100,00% I 100,00% I 0,00% 15/7/99,6/18/99 I 07/02/99 I N/A , N/A I 07/21/99 SERMELLO, AJAMIL ARCHITECTS 8. 9. 11. 12. NORTH SHORE I 100 00% 03/15/99 I 07/16/99 17116/99-8/16/99 08123/99 r N/A I N/A 09/15/99 LUMMUS I 100,00% 10000% I 02/25/99 12/25/99-3/29/99 04/15/99 , N/A I N/A 05/05/99 PINE TREE I 100,00% I 100,00% 112/11/98 /12/15/99,1/18/99 01/25/99 I N/A I N/A 03/03/99 MAINT. YARD I 100 00% 100,00% 112/11/98 112/15/98-1/18/99 01125199 I N/A I N/A 03/03/99 NO. SHORE OPEN I PENDING SO. POINTE PARK I PENDING WA N/A I I N/A N/A N/,A, 19/17/98-10/27/98 I P!::NDING I N/A 111/16/98-1/8199 I I N/A 12102198 02/17/99 13. 14, 15, 16. 17, FF & E I 13. FF&EII N/A CARR SMITH CORR. ARCHIT=CTS 19. 20 21. .... NORMANDY I 1 00 00% I 11/23/98 I 05/10/99 15/11/99-6/10/99 I 06/17/99 I N/A I N/A I 07/07/99 ! I I I 05/09/99 15/11/99-6/10/99 I 06/17/99 I I N/A I 07/07/99 I FLAMINGO I 10000% 11/30/98 N/A I SCOTT RAKOW I 12/01/98 I 01/25/99 ! 09/06/99 109/06/99-10/06/99 110/13/99 I N/A I N/A I 10/20/99 I I I I I I I I I I BEACHES & BDWAlKi 22.