LTC 564-2024 5 Street Pedestrian Bridge Project Commencement of Underground UtilityMIAMI BEA CH OFFICE OF THE CITY MANAGER LTC# TO: FROM: DATE: SUBJECT: 564-2024 LETT ER TO CO M M ISSIO N Honorable Mayor Steven Meiner and Membeafii£s of the Cit Commission ). Eric Carpenter P.E.,City Manager C December 24,2024 5"Street Pedestrian Bridge Project Commencement of Underground Utility Relocations The purpose of this Letter to Commission (LTC)is to provide an update to the Mayor and City Commission regarding the status of the Baywalk 5"Street Pedestrian Bridge Project (Pedestrian Bridge)and the commencement of the underground utility relocation work. The Pedestrian Bridge,funded by the 2018 General Obligation Bond,is being designed and constructed as part of the Development Agreement with the 500 Alton project,and has undergone several layers of reviews by the Florida Department of Transportation (FDOT),the City of Miami Beach Building Department.and other regulatory agencies. In an effort to expedite the commencement of construction activities,the Developer bifurcated the permitting into two (2)components,the underground utility relocation and the above ground bridge and foundations. In preparation for the relocation of the underground utilities,the Developer has completed exploratory excavations that confirmed the as-built conditions of the existing utilities and has obtained the necessary approvals and permits from FOOT and the City of Miami Beach Building/Public Works Department.A separate but related permit for the relocation of AT&T utilities on private property is currently being finalized. The Developer anticipates mobilizing to commence construction activities on January 13,2025, and expects that the relocation of the underground utilities will take approximately 6 months to complete.During this time,residents and visitors can expect to see the installation of temporary fencing and a traffic lane closure on the south side of 5"Street,west of Alton Road,prior to shifting the work zone and lane closure to the north side of 5"Street,west of West Avenue. The Developer continues to address comments from the City of Miami Beach Building Department for the bridge and foundation permit and the City Attorney's Office is working with FOOT to finalize the required Use and Occupancy Agreement and Lease of Airspace,approved by the Mayor and City Commission on October 18,2023,via Resolution 2023-32819. All pre-conditions and prerequisites having been satisfied,City staff has issued a Notice to Proceed (NTP)for the underground utility relocation work with an effective date of January 13,2024.Once permitting is completed for the bridge structure,a second NTP will be issued allowing the Developer to continue with the remaining scope of work.The Developer's construction schedule anticipates substantial completion of the project to be achieved in summer/fall 2026. %%}/""%"a)/questions.lease contact pav+Gomez at 3os-673-7071. toe