157-1998 LTC
9'}.l ~oo 2.~ION':f.JE~OR~ l"MI~EA~H.~~DA ~'39
L.T.C. No.
November 10, 1998
Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City Co ission
Sergio Rodriguez ;(j~
City Manager ~
Route Change or the ELECTROW A VE Service
As requested by the City Commission at the October 21, 1998 regular meeting, the Miami Beach
Transportation Management Association (MBTMA) tested, evaluated, and hereby recommends
certain changes to the southern section of the ELECTROWA VE route to provide new service to the
following South Pointe locations:
Rebecca Towers
South Pointe residences
Ziff Museum
Boardwalk and beach
Major restaurants (Joe's Stone Crab, Penrods, Smith & Wolensky, Nemos, and Big Pink)
South Pointe Park
Miami Beach Marina
4th Street Parking Lot and other parking locations, south of 5th Street.
The new service is scheduled for implementation on Monday, November 16, 1998, as a
demonstration project. No permanent route changes can be implemented prior to receiving
approval from and executing an amended Interlocal Agreement with Miami-Dade County.
For detailed information on the upcoming ELECTROWAVE route change, please refer to the
attached Interoffice Memorandum prepared by Judy Evans, ofMBTMA, dated November 6, 1998.
11-10-1998 06:02PM FROM JEFFERSON
93056737772 P.02
to; Gerald K. Schwartz, Esq.
President, MBTMA
from: Judy t. EVan3
subject: Route Change for ELECI'ROWA VB
dat.; November 6, 1998
In response to the route change requested by the Miami Beach City Commissioners at the
October 21, 1998, City. Commission meeting the following route and changes are being
recommended. These changes have been tested and evaluated utilizing one of our shuttle vehicles
and has been determined as the most effective in selVing potential passengers, safe, and time
1. The shuttle stops on 5th Street ~ll be eliminated. This will be a plus for the
shuttle system in relation.ship to safely and maintaining the present headway. The
present route necessitates a difficult and time consuming process for moving the
bus across two lanes of traffic in order to make a left turn otrSth Street, at the
light onto Lenox Avenue for turn-around. This change also eliminates concerns
related to the safety of this mov~ment. .
2. The new route will turn (right) west otrWashington Avenue at 5th Street, move
into the left turn lane at Lennox & Fifth Street, turn (left) south onto Lennox, right
(west) onto 4th Street, left (south) on Alton to Biscayne, east on Biscayne to
Ocean Drive, north on Ocean Drive to First Street, left (west) on First Street, right
(north) on Collins Avenue, left (west) on Second Street to washington Avenue,
(right) north onto Washington Avenue and proceed across Sth and continue
existing route to 17th Street, etc..
3. Fivc new shuttle stops will be added to the system necessitating elimination of four
parking meter spaces at:
pcnrods .:. east side of Ocean Drive (2 metered spaces - south end)
South Pointe, Portofino, Joe's Stone Crab - south side ofBiscayne Street
(2 metered spaces - west end)
Businesses adjacent to the parking meter locations, shuttle stops and the newly
added service area will be notified in writing by the MBTMA prior to service
11-10-1998 06:03PM FROM JEFFERSON
Gerald K. Schwartz, Esq.
Page 2
November 6, 1998
4. Testing of the route for headway time (using 5 shuttle buses) indicates:
Non-rush hour headway
18 - 20 minutes (maximum)
16 - 18 minutes (minimum)
Rush hour headway
24 minutes (maxUnum)
5. Added Shuttle stops will be located at:
Alton Road - Miami Beach Marina
Alton Road .. R~ Towers
Biscayne StreetlWashington Ave. - Joe's Stone Crab, Portofino, South
Pointe Towers \
Ocean Drive at Biscayne Street - Penrod's
3rd Street &. Washington Avenue - ZiffMuseum
5. The propOsed new route provides new service to:
Rebecca Towers
South Pointe residences
Boardwalk and beach
Several major restaurants (Joe's Stone Crab, penrods, Smith &, Wolensky, Nemos,
and Big Pink)
South Pointe Park
Miami Beach Marina
4th Street Parking Lot ;oil.
Sev~ additional city parking lots located south of 5th Street along Washington
There are several activities that Ileed JO be completed prior W offid-I'-1 hqillllill'
the new {Dote.. Th.,,- are as foUows:
1. Official notification to Red Top - Coach U.S.A-, and to City of Miami Beach
Fleet Management
2. Notification signage of change installed on shuttle vehicles.
11-10-1998 06:03PM FROM JEFFERSON
Gerald K. Schwartz., Esq.
Page 3
November 6, 1998
3. Removal offour (maximum) parking meters along route with signage for shuttle
stop placed in each designated location.
4. Removal of shuttle signage at 5th Street stops.
5. Letters sent to major residential sites and businesses .Iong the route advising them
of the service.
7. Begin paperwork for amending the Interlocal Agreement with Metro-Dade County
to include the new route area. Durin. th~ interim this ill a demonstration
pl'Qject for the route 9~ - it wiD require approval by the COHD.,.- before
~miDI oennaDent. The new route does not totally duplicate any existing
Metro Dade Transit route in its entirety. However, Metro Dade Transit Route W
and Route H serve sections of Ute proposed additional shuttle route area 8:00 a.m.
to 8:00 p:m., Monday through Saturday, and 8:00 a.m. to 7:00 p.m. on Sundays,
approximately every 30 - 35 minutes.
It is extremely important that everything be in place prior to beginning the new route. In
order to allow time for parking meter removal, cu~ painting, signage placement, printing and
inserts to be placed in the brochures, notifications mailed to the various businesses etc., beginning
the application for amending the Interloca1 Agreement with Metro Dade Count, and for signage
placement in the vehicles, it is estimated at this time to take a minimum of two weeks,
NOVEMBER 16. 1998.
Every effort will be made to make this transition as smooth and efficient as po~~le.
Thank you.
<lO: Jackie ~ l'atkiq Oire*r
City ofMiaU Beach
Aa.Iia Johnson, TraDSpOrtatiou COonIiaator
City oIMimIi Bead1