Alfredo J. Gonzalez/Southern Shore Properties, Inc. Mimli B""'" 'iiW MIIJ lD - - City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM lobbyist means all persons employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a principal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any commissioner; any action, decision, recommendation of the City Manager or any city board or committee; or any action, decision or recommendation of any city personnel defined in any manner in this section, during the time period of the entire decision-making process on such action, decision or recommendation that foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the city commission, or a city board or committee. The term specifically Includes the principal as well as any employee engaged in lobbying activities. The term "Lobbyists" has specific exclusions. Please refer to Ordinance 2004-3435. TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: J. (M.I) Floria 33131 (State) (Zip Code) gonza1ezaj@gt1aw.com EMAIl: Gonzalez Alfredo NAME OF lOBBYIST: (Last) (First) 1221 Brickell Avenue, Miami BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Street) (City) 305-579-0588 305-961-5588 I. LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: Southern Shore Properties, Inc. NAME OF PRINCIPAl./CUENT: P.o. Box 2150 BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS 215-740-6076 Ventnor (Number and Street) NY 08406 (State) (Zip Code) (City) TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (Optional) EMAIl: (Optional) Fill out this section if principal is a Corporation, Partnership or Trust [Section 2-482 (c)] NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARTNER, OR BENEFICIARY: Anna Berbecaru' . IDENTIFY All PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, PARTNERSHIP OR TRUST: II. SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: Historic Preservation Board and Board of Adjustment Issue to be lobbied (Describe in detail): III. CITY AGENCIES/INDIVIDUALS TO BE LOBBIED: A) Full Name of Individual/Title B) Any Financial, Familial or Professional Relationship Planning Department zoning Department 06/04/04 11:3".1 I3REEI,IBERG TRAUR1G .. 919~,4455346S t.IO.28l3 1/02 IV. DJSC~OSU.E OF naMS AND AMOUNTS OF LDllYUT COMPENSIoUDN (DISCLOSE WHl!THElII.I10U~L Y, FLAT RATE Oil OrHoRi' A) 1.09IlVlST DISCl05VRE: (Ieq\ll,ed) --:['1 f\4 }=";.. -z:::- ,.fo (2. H~ d IIC.\. BoP. 1{O,oOO a:;, S) PRlNOPAL'S DISCLOWI\E (OHOU8YIST COMPEN!iATlON) (Iequl..d), 4='[ ~.+-- +-e e -h.,fL. H- '?~ * cl "B 0 A v.. ~ "...:: .....-..tl1\1l " not.f..'.Drotit coraaNtion Dr .mitv without 5_1_1 OlIftIIM!rK3tilll\ or _Ilul'!lll!lm_ _. Pursuant to Ordinance ND, 2004-3435. 1) PUI!UIII' In Drdi~=:~. 2DOI.~::~me~d~ r::\:aCh CitV CO:ll~, ChaDtt!t 2. Artldl! W. DMl;lon 5 'J:h8NOf !'nIilled ~ f'I"'''''''. It Of Cnde ~IOI\ 204l18 Enlitil!d "llI'oh,bilJ!d c:a_lo~r\lribution& Bv LoMulIfll On Procunoment !uuP.S'" Yes cS2 :;- YDulallltvlfta on ,. _nt or ..lWIIn. ltId for ...-la. _ul..ment Dr ...,,;c:es. Dr IOn .. ,_nt _ndlnd ~rd for eANI..lKluiIlflilAftt 8' l.rvlce7 ~) purtuant to OnIlnallm No 2llO~.3385 AmI!ndl"a MiamI IlIlllCn (!tv COde.chilllblr 2. Artlde VD \)1111110" ~ Itlll!@Of ['ntit*! "CllmDlllon fII"anCl! I<<!form~.JlllhAddlllon Of Codll Sectlon 2~gO Enlllll!d 'p~ C.ampoien C<iI\trl'outlnnl Bv ~tt.~ OD R"al &lite ~19p""'hlls5U@'" Yes @- Are ~~:tn.:.:: . ~I~:,:~,:::n :or . ~9pnlllnt Aare.m.1II: witfI die CIty JlI .e'L-__ _all ,_____ __I nation or cll"n- m theCl\'v'. Futu... Land'" MaD' V. SlGNATUU UND9 OAflll ON OCTOIIR 1" OF EACH Y.... EAOt LO.'Y15T SHALL SUIMlT TO THE c:rTY Cl.flllK .. SIGNED STATEMENT UNDEI'. OATH, UmNG LOIIYlNG EXPENDrTUlIIIS, AS WELL AS COMPCNUnoN RECuvmt, ll'I'mE r::s:rv OF MIAMI llEAOf FOR THE PlIIIeEDING CALENDAR VUlt A tn'ATEJlIlINT SHALL IE FD.LD IVPI 11" THEIU! *VI BEEN NO D.Pi %lUlU! OR COMPliNlAnoN DUlUNG TltE REPORTING 'PlOD, I dl;l solemnly swear that all of the foregoing facts .re true an~ correct Ind that I hlllve read or 1m familiar with the provision co Ineel In 10'1 2--182 of the Miami Beacl, City Code and all reporting requiremel1Ul. --- Signature af Lobbyist; Signature of Prln,ipal/alent~ y.. V1, LOIIYIIT IDENlII'lCAnQIl' l'tUNCJ'''~ ID.IlTII'lCATlOfll: ~......~,\\~.......,o, /&- Prctluc:ed ID ~ . L... ,-. c~~ -~ \ C' ProduOill 10 form of Idtntlbtion Form of 1d1lntifl<Jllion c Personalty ~ (LDllllyllll:) :i Ptrsonllllv ~nown ('riI14;IIMI) vu. SIGNATURE AND ITAfIIIP OF NOTAJlY~ 9late of 1'Ionda, Count)' of MllIml-cadll Sworn to and sul:l!crlbed Ilefo,. IIltI This 200'\ State of I'Iarklil, CountY rI Mlami-Dade Sworn and 51Jl)5cribe<l befOre me This ~diIV 0 . ,; ;.; I, \~. .:f ,,).. .',,, ,>~!!+' ----- ..' ,~:;::.,_. ~ FOR Mnulll\eglslJllijon ree: ( l Yes l 1 No lollllVllf RagIWWtlM F~,", n!<elwC IN! v.rll'Illd ~~, R..I$Ild 02/10/0'\ F: lell L_ , 0~~~~tqqx.:Plld&Iq'/oi1 MAI\JA.M\..oPINI$"l\LO&&'IlST FOllM 04 J -. ~--~.......................----.----