#304 List of wrecked cars during 1926 storm dated January 6, 1927 . ~~ ,~ . ,1 , . '^c~1 - .7 ,/1" rt3 ~ '~/ / ::~~ v;;~f;. . /"/ './ /~/-r.b , ~~ ir!aAA-r ~m~~v,/~. ~~"- ' j}~ ;ht~J~/ ~~~~A_;~ '~~~4-P n:rv. ~~ ~ ~~~~~ ~ ~ t:-.,,~ ~d~LAI ~~ ! ~ J~'~~. r---~ I zLP~L/--:/~~~~r5 i /lAJL1-r ~~::;1~ /~ ~~~ ~,2~~~~&~jp/~~ p~/4A~ ~~JA a . ~-rK~ ~_ /~~~ tocL.t~ ~~~~~~ ~,p : r&~r ~~ ~~-tf'cd~o4' : L hX ~ dAJ. .' f/?:.. Y..L;; · . I ;-t.~ L-'--? ~~ '~74 ~ _d ' ~'~4~~' 77'U/~'-'-~ ^,(7~' · ~~A~~~~~~~ ~ _r!~-yt v-. ~~~ K ~ ~-f~ ! - " ' , ..~ -~ -c -, , ' ~ ,,' , --.J =-- --- - - ~2~~~:?:c~~,t:~~~=2~~~~:::~~==-;;~~-;~~;_:c;c~-"~":~~;d~'_~~;;-c;"c ~.. .~~:'=:~..~ /} Y0~ ~~ /~~~:-- ~ ...-=- ---- ~ < I v- --1 - < J ~~-4'~~~-h~. 7~~ i-L~ ~ . - ~~ J~ X ~ 4 ~~ J.-.:; -/~7 I t-L~a-/~~~: Ii ~~--q j7~,d. ~~MJ~/Uc~ ~ .~~~~~~4.-f~ - , tr 4-Jl.Ll.;;I. )' ~ -re ~ ~ . ;; c;~ ' ~y7~~_ 'v---J-/-r-~r~ct7J ! J~--1 ~/~'-: Y4~ ~ ' :J1~~. ~~~~r!~_. ~ fM~'. ~~..(l ~ ~y~ ~~ ~tt~'1.~-Ki~~~! ~Q LA-fr ~ry.;z/. ~ ~;(A/u, J() ~ ~ c--'f'-;Jt~~~~ ~~. /L~ ~h~~~~! ~~~r~'#.~~ I ~~~, ~ ,~~~~,<oDrO- ../~-:?-....: M-_~","~/~jLU~~ : :l..A:"'~ ~. ~ p~ ~ I r-~-'tI .V A/~-:P~?o~LL,~ . i _ ftf~ PdJ. )?!~.J<. ... - ~ . ~J1~: ~.~~~! ~4.~ ~~. ~'r24'.~~ I rr7f~~~~_X~~. ! fLJ~~~~~r-4~~ ~fb-J~ h i~~~ ~r7--rf' /ha~7:f-~'~~~ 1. p~ ~~~ dye~~,-6--~ ' 'J-f o--y~ ~ ~ ~ ~~. 7~U 7lv-~ I ~ .. - ~~ ~~ ~ . ~ 4re~J~ _/L i y-L~a-/~~~: 1i~~-qj7~,d. ~~MJ~~! ~~.---Y4-<L<~~4~~ - ~~J..J~-re~~. 6C;~! ~Y'~~- ~~r~ct7J ! J~--1 ~/~'-: Y4~ ~ :Y~~ ~~~ ~r!<?_~ ~~~"~~~~~Y~~~ ~tt~~.~-Ki~~~ ~Q LA-fr rry.;z/. ~ ~1fA/u, J() ~ ~ ce-.,..;Y~--v04~~ ~~. /L~ ~h~~~~: 'C~~r~',t7.~~ : tJVv..cfAL~ ~ .~~~~~oDro-.../~-:?-....: ~_~","ff/~jLb(~~ ' ~!r'~" -r~2~?o~~~ .1 ~~ PdJ. )?!A.~.;~ , ~ ff_" ! "'.:;a / ~~Z~ EXCELSIOR PRINTING COMPANY 712 -732 FEDERAL STREET CHICAGO W. F.WHITMAN. PRES.& TREAS. O.C.ANDREEN.v_PRES.& GEN.MGR_ E. B. RASME55EN.SECY. Dec. 31, 1926. Mr. Daniels, City Sanitary Inspector, Miami. Beach, Fla. Dear 3ir;- The Police Department wri te me that the Ford car, belong- ing to my gardener, Paul Birk, has been located at Whi te D Garage, license #46708-C, motor #11342681. This car was stolen a faw days after the storm, when it was marooned in sand at Collins and 33rd st. He will give you any details concerning this car, and I am sure that you wiil see that he is treated fairly. He has oeen to much trouble already in the natter, and I hope that SOme adjustment can be made SO that he will not need to give it any more of his time. Thanki ng you, Very truly yours, trr1~ ~ ~ WFY/:W. ~ Pictwe No. 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 ci 66 67 68 69 70 ' 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 ~9' 90 91 Chalk No. ~l. V2. 3. V4. 'Y5. V6. V7. (8. V9. 10. 11. V12. 13. VJ.. 4 . '~5 '116: vI7. V1.8 . (19. V~O. V21. .22. v23. 24. ~5. 26. 27. ~8. 29. 30~ # 31~ 32. 33. 34. 358 V~68 'V37 . . ? \-,'_.-... " ~ .. \\, ' // C~RS ON LOT OF TRUEw~nITE GaRAGE Mal{e License No. Cole 8 Touring Dodge Coupe 65-540 Ind. 26 Premie~ Touring 47-132 C Fla. 26 Ford Coupe Ford Truck Cahssis Ford Coupe Dodge Coupe 101-166 C Fla-26 Buick Touring 70-269 C Fla-26 Paige 221~570 C Fla-26 Cadillac truck, (converted) 61-272 C Fla-26 Overland Touring 85-644 Texas Mitchell Touring studebaker Coach Chevrolet Touring Chevrolet 'Touring Ford Touring - Paige Touring Studebaker Touring Ford Sedan MaX'll/ell Haynes Touring Buick r:Pouring Oakland Roadster Oakland Coach Buick Touring Ford Touring Dodge Touring Ford Touring Chevrolet Coupe Overland Roadster Moon Sedan Buick Essex Coach Overlal1d Touring Chevrolet Ford Roadster Ford Coupe 266-979 Colo-26 119-269 Md.-25 347-624 Ind-26 , Y-3529' Conn-26 65-706 C Fla-26 23-633 C Fla-26 68-689 C F1a-26 65-832 C Fla-26 88-911 C Fla-26 46-708 C Fla-26 81-198 C Fla-26 43-029 C Fla-26 420--225 C Fla-26 72-a38 C Fla.-26 87-475 C Fle.-26 69-230 C F1D.-26 .....~...... Motor No. 40635- 150988 5849 110'75336/ 3296986 553210 959926 204100 29723 20583 (80643) Two numbers (81124) on motor. 45640 2A88500 5257546 10D76850 BG389S1 7486191 357845 65300 245381 K23302 828343 12917899 Al49084 11342681 F78775 160037 16209' 884011 349455 ~ 8~i13006 784321 V" 10065684- 9050799 (' / k F !'_ i ...: ,';' f..' ~ '-' . _r \ ~ " ,,,/ \ ' ~ . :1 . ~- - J \ .' T,~e, fOllowing wrecked o'r.,~b,8h~oned Q,8~~. unless called, for b~fore d~te ot';ala. w111 be ~old' at'PUb~~O auotion at, the I " , . . . '\ , -~. - ~ ,_' - .., "True' WhIten Ga~age'. 'north of F~tth street an4~-.)(iahlgan"Av.e_pU8't -~' \ ^'. I ' ',' .~' ,',: ." I" ! ,:.'':'., M1ami Bea.ch, und~r the',provfe:lon'sof Ordinance 2~~'-at2:00, d\',olOOk , , , - ~.~ 'j" " : ~--~....,...,. r 32:~6'ge6 '_~' 663210 .~ 969926 204~OO 297'~3 20583 ' 1.(80;643)'.0 pumbers !81~24~ on motor , 4:~'&40' - ~~!e,~~~ 62p',64r6 1.On76860 '.BG,~~,9.51 ;74'86191 ~6~:~:'6 --..~---- r66~O' - ~~P~81 X23302 -'a2~3~3 . , -'1~,~ b., "899 Al~'9084c 'l~~~6~1 , F7;~,'~'l6- 16~Q~? \16,,~,,~ " ''', in,~".- '~-'1, ' 884;g! 3.9455 " 8.1300:6 '7&~:321~ J 10066q:e4r $~~I07~'9 \\ . '~ f !\ ., ( . " QITY OJ' ~UKI BEAO,~~_ ,LORIDA", 'P. 'II. ,- Deoember:; 30, 1926. ow ~--:-- I ",I,-' MAD LICENSE llUMBF;R, ~. Oole "'''Bight," Tottring DaBS. Ooupe Preiller Tour'1ng l Pordi Ooupe lord Truok Ohassis 'ot4 Ooupe Dodge 'Ooupe Buiok Touring Paige , . Oadl11ao Truok('oonverted) 01"erland Tbur ing Mitchell Touring Stullbakar Coaoh Ohevrolet Touring Ohevrolet.Touring J'ord Touring Paige Touring Stuaebaker' Tour1ng J'ord Sedan Maxwel1- Baynes Touring Buiak touring' Oakland Ro,adster Oakland Ooaoh ' Buiok Touring 'ord 'Touring , Dod ge Touri118 'oid ,~ouring Ohevrolet Coupe Overland Boadster' MOOD Sedan Bul ell: Bss'ex Ooaoh . Overland Touring Ohevrolet Ford Roadster 'ord' Ooupe ,,~- ...._..._-_.._-~. 65-p40 : ~nd. '26 , 47q13~~' 'O,-\~la. '26 .~- ---.. -.".... .... ~ ~"W.~~.1 _..~~- ~~" __ -... -.:.:;"':-' "I ';;1.:}.....<,'! ..-... -:......... -..-- -..... ,-;,I".l. ..~ -------....._~._- lQl-166 0 '~J.a.'26 70'-259 0 ,la.' 26 221-670 0 J'~a. '.26 61-272 0 '~a~'26 85..644 ' Texas -...-.-....... -..... - -.. . 266-9,79 Colo.., · 26 -------------- 119-'269' Md. "25 .._,..~....-...---_..- ---.-..... -..,-- ,...~ _.._-~---_.._..--- . .. - ~-.. ~ -- .... -- - _..;. .- ~~7 ';"624' Ind,.- ',2.6 Y~3529 ,Oonn. '2~, -------------- I I I" 66-706 23;"633 68~689, _ 66-85-2 88-911 46-70.8 o 'la. '2,6- o J'lal." 26 d 'la.'2~ o 'la," 26 o Jlla."'2G o 'la~'"'?~ ...-.....-......,......-- al-19~f o Fla.' 26' ...... -~>- ~-.--........ 43~02,9 C -1'la.:126 , -~-",----"'--'--' 42~226" 0 B'la. '26.' '72,,~238 0 'la. '2tf 87-475 0 'la.'26 69-2~O OF1a."26 , .b.~B Jt!MBER, 406,36 150988 6849 . ~. ,l~P75336 J . \, by o. _~.",Rensh8w. ,Oity Manager -- _ ~ ..L."':"" r- I I ,~.- ;;. ~ -. --~ i, \ REINPECTION OF SEVENTEEN CARS ORDERED BY MR. C. A. RENSHAW FOR FURTHER DETAILS AND INSRRUCTIONS. ...t... Picture .!i9..:. 55 DODGE COUPE 56 PREMIER TOURING 63 CADILLAC . .~: ~'l~'~ TRUCK 64 OVERLAND TOURING 66 STUDE- BAKER COACH ~,~ MAXWELL 76 BUICK TOURIl~G Description Motor--bad condition Top---go;ne Tires--four on;fair. Body---fair , Battery-gone Motor--bad condition Top---fair Tires--four on; bad. Body---good Battery-gone Motor--water-soaked Top----gorie Tires-four on; bad. Body---poor condition Battery-gone Motor--poor Ton----~one ~ ... b Tires--four on;, fair Body---wrecked in front; ,- bent axle. Battery-gone Motor--poor Top----good Tires--four Body---good Battery-gone on; fair ! Motor-fair Top----none 'Tires--bad Battery-bad Body---bad Motor--bad Top----none Tires--bad Body---poor condition Battery-gone Dec. 22nd. 1926 Remarks 1he upholstery is in bad condition; all the win- dows are gone. The upholstery is fair. The car was taken from '15th & Collins, and has been in ,Tmue-White Garage for a month. Taken from 13th & Pennsylvani~ and has been on True-White lot for 2 months. Yo;:" Taken from 2nd & Meridian, and has been on _True -White lot for forty days.Rear part of body is in fair condition. Taken from Police Station, and has been on True-White lot for forty days. The up- holstery is in good condi- tion, three glass windows - were gone; front of radia- tor and front fenders a~e bent. Taken from Collins & 6th, and has been on True-Whi te lot ii, ," for fifteen Rays. Taken from 4th & Jefferson. " Page 2 Picture NQ. Description 77 Motor--bad Top----in very bad shape. OAKLAND Tires--2 tires; bad ROADSTER Body---fa1r Ba~tery-gone 78 Motor--bad Top----bad OAKLAND Tires--bad . COACH Body---badly smashed Battery-gone eo FORD TOURING el DODGE TOURING Motor- Top---bad Tires-bad Body--fairj fenders Battery-gone Motor- Top---none Tires--bad Body---f.ai r j front Battery-gone Remarks Taken from Commerce St., and was on True-White Garage for two months. The car 1s badly robbed. One fende~ is gone. The car is badly robbed; glass windows are all gone. Taken from 15th & Meridian, and kept on T~~e White lot for two months. No cushions, smashed. badly robbed. . Taken from 14th & Pennsylvania, and kept on True-White lot for two months. lights and one fender smashed. 83 Motor--bad Top--none CHEVROLE~ires--three; bad. COUPE Body---fair Battery--none 84 Motor-~ Top----tione OVERLAND Tires--three; bad ROADSTER BOdy---badj fenders Battery-mone . 85 MOON SEDAN .. 86 BUCIK COUPE Motor-- Top----roof gone Tires--bad Body---fair Battery-gone Motor-- Top---fair Tires--onej bad Body---fair Battery-gone Upholstery-fair . Fenders are bad; one window is in good conditio.. There is a front bumper. Owner states he doesn't want the car~ Taken from 6th & Meridian, and kept on lot of True- White for 70 days. The seat of car smashed. is gone. Taken from 13th & Drexell and kept on lot of True-White for six months. One glass window is broken; the rest are good. The car has been stored in True White Garage for ~ix months. Glass windows are all broken. , . , \~ \ \ \ Page 3 87 ~SSEX COACH Motor-- Top----good Tires--bad Body---fair Battery-gone 88 Motor-- . Top---gone . OVERLAND Tires--bad TOURING .Body---fair Battery-gone Taken from 10th & Meridian, The upholstery is in a very poor condition, the windshield is good; there is one good .window left; front is damaged. The windshield is good. Mr. Daniel and I have inspected the above-listed cars and the condition of each and every car is noted above according to our findings. . J/Lu-U-~. lb. au &v J ;}/LtLt /9/1: << . . .. ('~~~~~~.t::.~ / II J icture :.Mb'~ro No. /41 /42 /43 )44 J 45 ~6 V4? ' IA8 V92 /96 19? /98 /99 "V95 '/100 /93 (94 ?1 V52 /51 V50 - J49 ~.., I' - . -I c./ CARS TO BE MOVED HM SaM BLOOld FROM THE REAR _OF SHORTY'S GARAGE Make - 1 \ ~OldsWobi1e Touring \ ' 8 cy1. - 2 Hudson . . , '3'\ . Ford ~\4, '~,' -"Buick ---~~ F,ord 6 l' H , _Rvd.dster 6 r .M Touring u ? \. Oldsmobile - - Nash Sport Diana sedan Ford Touring 11 Truck .;.. Coupe Buick Touring .. Ford Light Truck Mc Far1an Roadster 6 .1 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 7 Passenger :p.. , 16 Dodge Roadster ;. 17 Hudson Coach 18 Ford Sedan 19 Oakland Touring 20 Chevrolet Sedan ""'.4.... 21 Chevrolet Roadster (superior) '22r1r;0 Dbdgel€haSsis 23 Ford Light Truck ..' . , ~ ;:,~ ...'.Jo- ....- ~ ::. ,,::~ . . -...,~J '~;.'p To the Qity of Miami Beach: ...--'" J "-- ,.. l I , l ., Motor No. 2~700-3 106495 6597389 156108 D44 4157947 ., 10073?34 D31795 Model 3? (Car AT.) 81177 .... 681 80208 Motor 2?0 3438439 . 10159969 1034'7769 \ 752808 85615'65 ~ T910' 661056 419 6728826 ----------,.~ ~-- - ~ C84461 Model 490 3317 ., 9F 432129 5484783 'i Charges for 23 cars at $7.50 each $172.50' rpf'\V.iArl in by Sh011ty t S Garage, by order of the City. -~t' .~ ___.."'If ~ r-- PEARCE GARAGE WRECK CARS Picture Chalk No. No. Make -Motor ~Remarka 102 I Hudson TourIng M5785 . ,Left for repairs. , .:;.St:S 'Bill $82.00 ,. ..:.--....- 103 . 2. .Dodge Touring 32294 No bill. ~ .~ -- .. ~ . 104 3 . Ford Trudk'-~:_ ..: .' - -'1 9471768 No bill. -.... ~ 105 4 Buick Model K45 No bill., 106 5 Overland Touring 203828 Bill- $1~0 107 6 Packard Twin SiB 126551 Left f0r repairs. Bill $103.50 "'t~ I: - ---- .. " . ,.. ~ ~ p.- ~ . ';'n'~ J , c____--- --, ~:\ ~ .j. CI~A::T~::I DB:::~~~:DA COpy OF NOTICE MAILED to- .1;::)TI - J 4., J 987 _192_. 1~ r. V. IJ. 9 i n.J; 1 Y , ME AlIa Vista Garage, 17th Ave. & 36th St., OWNER "Ir" F1 . d STREET TENANT AT l\J.laml., or]. a ___ AVENUE LOT . BLOCK SUBDIVISION' You are hereby notified that you are violating the regulations: of the Sanitary Department of the City of Miami Beach, Florida, by: ,,- ' GARBAGE CANS TRASH OLDSMOBILE CAR ll1L 14th nAA,.. . h__ STAGNANT WATER COLLINS~ ~~/JL/- ~7~ 3-~'-r7 DIRTY YARD TOILETS KITCHENS tl, " You are requester] to 'remove wreck automobile left in the rear of the Gasoline Station on 14th ~TI(i On"; TIR - AVFHlll A , 72 nn",..s from the j 98"ance of t hi s no tic e . , _ _ ~ _ .-..~_ _- Please take the-- car aw~ f rom'-~ the Ci ty of M'; Rmi Beach. Failure on your part to do ~o, the City will order the junK-man to remove tnA nr11'~ ::!'t'l!L tRke charge of same in accordance with the City Ordinance. This matter must be attended to immediately. -7~..-.Ad' SANITARY INSPECTOR I '~-1 ~l 1 I j , \. ~ I " l \ \ ,~.,-/ !i~' l-ta.rch 26. 1927 Mr. Errol Crawford,' 427 Jefferson~venUe;_ Miami Beach. -Fla.., ' Dear Sir: L \ \ ,,~ t of oar~iOh ng the Bulkhead ks at the foot I am attaching 'here the Ci ty desires moved to a immed.la tely south-of our S of Biscayne Street. It oars are to be moved under bal proposal, in whioh you agreed to 1 the"lIL ,d deposit them wi thin 25 feet ot e~ eso' Bulkhead-, and that they are in uoh a way as not to damage th ansportingthem; that you ar~ to e work immediately and keep a gang it until 'all of the oa.rs have-been ga lat the. Oity assumes no liability Whate"~_"for dama~e to your own equipment,.,..,. , pers.o - equipment of others, proseoution of this work. Very truly yours, \ ,- 8LAUDE 'A. RENSHAW City Mana.g~r CAR/MGH , <:::::J J. ... ~VREcKED AND ABM~DONED AUTOMOBILES , Pi cture 1~0 . ~,"Make Location Motor No. 12-9-26 (:~/~ Wrecked Car Rear Victoria A~ts. VIol ~Buic~ Touring Rear Frances Apts. Commerce St. : vl/15~~ Ford Touring Fenway Apartments, 11-216 '_ / 400 Collins ~ v!BlY Ford House on whee1s--200 it.BE 11th'St:-6873531 f51lf ~t.~ / 24(~ Peerless Touring-South of Hiawatha Apts.-26l725 Iv 29 V -)(OFeI'l~nd Suburban- Rea.r Gillingham's, 4965 645 Collins /)""30 / ~ Chandl e r Touring If " '31/ ~Ford Roadster ~ 32-/ 'i.Hanson TouI'ing y' 37/ ~TOuring I v10l./ i-Auburn Ooach i ! ~105~ '/ Buiclc '].ouring ( ."''' . v{.109,V~A' .:Qrd Touring South of Canal & I /'~ West of Liberty Ave. i~116badillac Chassis, II II " : . \ ! ~111/ "--. Car Painted Whi te, North 'of Gulf Refining Co. ~ ~112"/ 1-Fox~' Touring, South Better Service f-, Garage, Side of A1 ton Rd. : A13 i .[Ford Touring, No'rth of Gulf Rfg.Co. . .,ti14/ '~Studebaker Touring, II II n II :~115j~Cadillac If U " II A35624 p , ".' . ,y{ 116 V i-Essex Touring . ( "' ,~1171 fOver1and Coupe : V>llS/ 'iBuick Touring :/119/ )I Gardner Touring, F1a.-ningo Park on 12th St. 87051 I vC'120/'{ Ford I I, ;: 121 /'f-- Ford t 1"'12 a V" r Ford I ; ~124\/)( Ford I I I Rear of 321 Collins, 10174024 II If If 1247R13086, Rear 'I27t A 1 ton Rd. Rear Shorty's Garage, 25597 Pearce Garage Model K 45 " II " 18872 " It II " " 199194 Bay Front near 2nd St. K 45 Coupe A:J,~p.~inden Apts. ," & Pennsy:}. V8~ ,. a Roadster," .test l',fat an za,s, :Iqo,~"~,, -1, ~anish Vi11ag ~ Roadster Indian Creek DrI & ,30th st. "', ~\. Truck Chassis- North Fleetwood Garage. 5228259 2540291 9912270 7141310 I- Lice'nse No. 73-0910-26 35-405C-26 82-1420-26 '6-903C-26 31-6740-26 64-145C"':"26 , 73-2300-26 398-7570-26 -.., 217-827 Md.26 126-5630-26 Date Picture Was Taken 12-9-26 12-9-26 12-9-26 12-9~26 1a-10-26' 12-10-26' - 12-10-26- 12-10-26. r.. 12-10-26 12-16-26 -- 12-20-26 1-6-2'Z 1-6-all 2-19-2i 2~1'9-B~ 2-19-~~ 2-19-2~ 2-:B3-2'P 2-~~-2~ 2-~3-ae 2-23-2!Z 2-23-212 2-23-27 2-23-27 2-28-27 2-28-27 t '-- .$> "'" l~ i -2- , Picture No. 1Y12~,/jp~ckard Touring, vlI26~~~upmobile Touring, 1127v" XCadillac Chassis, /128,..1 Ford Truck, .Il29vf~ Franklin~._:; Make Location Motor No. South Better Service 53986 Garage Sanita.ry Dump. NE corner 5th St. & Michigan. Touring, Back of QMigley's, SE corner 5th & ~ Michigan Ave. lj. , 130 v)' Oldsmobile Touring,6th St. near / Meridian Ave. 1"13l.t~ Ford Light Txuckp' Dulbs plumbing Co. /132v1DOdge Truck, Near Cottage :/1=18, Smith's Cottages. /13B~ Ford Sedan, South Fountain -Apts. ,5620100 334 Euclid Ave. Sanitary Dump R45517 A22057 12300538 B6050 722801 2i520 License No. 6-523G-26 11-634G-24 Date Pic- ture Taken. 2-28-27 3-22-27 3-22-27 3-22-27 3-22-27 3-22-27 3-22-27 3-22-27 3-22-27 ---- /.; /').~ / ~ r I JU, , o . _ ! J It /1' i ,_ \'_1- LIST OF WRECKSD fu~D ABANDONED AUTOMOBILES (Cont1d) Picture No. Make Location . Mo tor No. License No. Date Pic- ture taken. y" iL3~ /' 1135 ,/ . (136 / Oldsmobile Touring - 14th St. near Oollins. 2-8-27 Ford Touring Durant Touring Rear Mi&lii Beach Ex- 4627597 press Co., 834 First St. Re~r of 843 Biscayne 124-1850-26, 3-22-27 87-8240-26, 3-22-27 N?te: P~cture #125, Packard Touring, South of Better Service Garage, flrst plcture taken was spoiled; another picture was taken, but not yet developed. ~ ... ",/ ~ f , I ) J '. , J , - ,,) 1 Pioture Bo. Car 115~ Overland Sedan ''to Vl58Ford Coupe V16l Columbia Chassis tl62 Ford' Truok Chassis ~63 Ford Ohassis V16& Overland Chassis ~l Dort Touring vC73 Oakland Touring vl?5 Chevrolet Sedan v176 Ford Light T vi77 Oakland Converte Truck- (1'78 Oakland Body J- ~ ~ April 28, 1927 ABANDONED ABD WRECKED AUTOMOBILES TO BE REMO~. Looation Motor 'No. M. B. Expref.?s First S . (There is another automobile Surf Drive &' 4th, St., No. of So. 'Normandy Isl e ArQhwa~. Rear of B~tter Garf!-ge, A,l ton South Smith Cot No. 12 l...~/ ng against No. 162) s t.......;.w Island Car #41503 end of 29th St. re Grande Hotel, d Ocean-Drive t of Bill 500tt Sign dg., First s.t~ East Bill Soott Sign Bldg. n n n n n ^' License 10. - D7-09DC-~ 79-8790- , /"../ "A ;:/ r-: · , )" , :( I ' \ .. '.) " u~ Picture No. Car 151 158 161 162 16;3 166 171 173 175 176 177 178 Overland Sedan Ford Coupe Columbia Chassis ABANDONED AND WRECKED AUTOMOBILES TO BE REMOVED. Location Motor Surf Dr1 ve & 4th St., North of So.Normandy Isle Archway. Rear-Better Service Garage,AltQn & 1st. South Smith Oo-,ttage: #12. 8251275 Ford Truck Chassis M.B.Express Co. First St. (There is another autommbile chassis leaning against #162) Ford Ohassis Overland Chassis Dort Touring Oakland Touring Chevrolet Sedan Ford Light Truck Oakland Converted Truck. ' Oakland Body South Orawford's Garage. South Better Service Garage North La Gorce Island. Oar14l503 Bay_, Shore end of 29th St. Rear Mare Grande Hotel, 6th & Ocean Drive. East Bill Scott Sign Bldg. Jirst St. East 'Bill Scott Sign Bldg. " " " " 1I License / " 57-0950..26 . 79-8790-25 I - Jr ,,' '- _ '; .. . J ; ~.~ , ~~)~.~;. .:.\~,:;~,,~ ~~~;,,::~~~~~~~~;,.':.,. ;,~j:~ . ';'.', f. I '. : . - ~ .' ,.} ".). ,- "~/r . ., . CZ,y' Oi' .i~l 111,01 _:<. > ~ :~ ~f .~. " . .~>-:'. 'I~~~~ ' 'OrIIOI OP:OI~~..1Il.JG.JIf' J" \-' ~,~,~, · ".:- , . :;, . I ': " :;t~'.i~':;j':'~'" . 4. , .,~~, .. ,. ~~ .' " /_.....~.'.t::...t~<l.,~'J.;v.:.~. ~ . '1 ......-/ '"' , .. .~...~ -:: ~ to" -jt~~t., ..,.... ,# J".. ..... \11 ",' , : _ ' ", (;;t., ~~;"'_' ,:' __ " . .:' /' JanWlr,. 4. 'lt~l~ 1(' .... :-".. ," .' ,. , . I +. . Ii. /.. " .., ~,,' .. '. ,I . '- ., ~ -" A'. ,~ : '. " '. -' ~ t :";i.;;.~' '. ~. ,.' -'''- . J i ~ ..~! ~ '4t. ~ t', ~':~ ..' ., ' ~. .' - / ,( \ 1 ' \- j ..,.... " - Mr". I.. ., DanNi" . 8~n~tir, Inspeotor., 111 aci'l ~!l'.O ..1. ,J'la It I . Dear 81..-, l~. ~ ,~ ( " , \ .-.. '" i . . ~ \' . / .'" "'" . '$ ~.. . ,. . . . .' ~ '- ~~t' \. TOll w111 ltlndll prooe.ea <to. have (elJ~..4', Immed iatel, tb. .wlt8oked or sbeadoaell oar. 11Ui\q,~lb.4 ., .hd lOO.~8i all ~llo.$: . - /,' . PIOfUlll 10. I . MAn >. .. . , 12 2'6 17 , 29 , \,'. -- -../~ .' 'D'U ~ , # 11 sa "",as .:~,. . , lr~' , ./ .~".' ' '., f I '\ \ _ "~ !. . ~. " > .' LOOATIOB IIO!Ol~ 10. 4 < 1-1?inSI~O ~ \ _ .~:: ,'i If.... . .... 9' ------------ ~eh1nd Vlcto~18 I AP8rtm~ ut s " 'AOne .nOM -0.rv108 C'er Mar.hall's " U.. B'". Qaral8 'none .en al1.,.a, B~ c" '1rs' 8t.. hck of .a. ' statios 11th I: , - I' ...&h1~ton . All.,w., baok of RiAl \fay' Gas ~tat1on OYfrleal euburban /4 '''''Rear,ot 31111%18- ~....,' bfJdD'$ Market ''lID:tlqballl) , '....... . .-Hu,aObl1e'l"r. 1'0 r.:ia . '1.. Cbanal.."Cr'. " '017'" aatr. : 'Bane _ 'r-r'll" . . \ \.,.I.~'Q. fit. ;.. ~ -$'''' ~ '.l.~. ft. ... . , '.:.,. ~.1 . '\ . non. . -:M,looa>> "le.,, 161~9680 "26 ...... 32442.' lid. ' .,114--20-0 '"25 ,.....,.'" ........ / i-fo.e 'lla .- ' f'26 !.ek Gf 01\1101. · 1:1.."., t.. 1'.t8 '~Q_'" ' f '. IlPG" , ",'nOM. \ t: . , > \ .. . 'la.. . III..r H1 ~o\llaa~~'~~,;'1:" ,:,!,h~'~~ ,~6 / .-.,. _ . " _ ~1, ,;.! _ ,- _ ~_ _1l. _ ,/ , _', Baoll I'll Oel.11M 114''1108:'~ -n~u II tot 10,. ,tit- . . . . '. :' 1Ioo%1_t4<<.,.1. .....~,.,~,.. '.' .1"6."; >,'la.. .' 1i.~, .. 8'f., 1,1'.:. ,a . '""~' c~~f ~ ~ _ ~..:'_ '\ ,. '," . -'\.. . .: .,,' . . ., .~. < . <,. c.;; , - . ..r, ...1., ".....1' /. > ':. l'- .~ -f' "xJ:':f"~., "f',..... .~(r ,'. \i~" ..i ' 1.. ' '\ <\-Q&""., )/.... . ' . ~, ' ',., .., " '