99-23056 RESO
WHEREAS, the City is eligible to apply for grant funds from the State of Florida, 1998-
1999 STOP Violence Against Women Grant (Program); and
WHEREAS, the City desires to participate in this Program in order to continue the Police
Department's Victim's Help Center; and
WHEREAS, the State of Florida, Program has funds available for this purpose; and
WHEREAS, the grant will fund the salaries and benefits of one existing domestic violence
coordinator; the salary and benefits of one new domestic violence coordinator and one clerk typist;
rent; telephone; electricity; training, and a laptop computer; and
WHEREAS, the total estimated funds for this Program are $120,248.00, of which
$90,186.00 will be funded by the State of Florida, with the remaining $30,062.00 to be funded by
the City from the Police Confiscations Account.
COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, herein, retroactively authorize,
the filing of an application for a grant, in the amount of $120,248.00 and, if funded, authorizing the
budgeting and expenditure of funds, under the State of Florida 1998-1999 STOP Violence Against
Women Grant Program.
PASSED and ADOPTED this 3rd day of February ,1999.
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F:\POLl\TECHSERV\POLlCIES\COM_RESO\vawa 1998-1999. res.wpd
CifV arney
Vl.-'\'/9 Cl
Doie I
ttp:\\ci. miami-beach. fl. us
Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City C mmission
DATE: February 3,1999
FROM: Sergio Rodriguez
City Manager
Adopt the Resolution.
The City of Miami Beach, through the Police Department, has applied for a grant under the State of
Florida 1998-1999 STOP Violence Against Women Grant Program.
This grant will assist in continuing the funding of the Police Department's Victim's Help Center,
located at 6988 Indian Creek Drive. The Police Department currently has a grant that will expire on
May 31, 1999. As part of it's effort to secure continued grant funding for this Program, the Police
Department sought out and secured new funding from the State of Florida. This new grant will
provide funds for continued operations of the Victim's Help Center along with the addition of one
new Domestic Violence Counselor, one Clerk-Typist and funds for new training and equipment.
The grant will fund the salaries and benefits for one (1) existing Domestic Violence Coordinator,
who otherwise might have been laid off, and fund the salaries and benefits for one (1) new Domestic
Violence Counselor and one (1) new Clerk-Typist. In addition, the grant will continue to fund
expenses for the operation of the Victim's Help Center, i.e., rent and other expenses (telephone,
electricity, etc.), training for staff, and permit the purchase of a new laptop computer.
The Victim's Help Center will be able to continue providing such services as Crisis Counseling,
Information and Referral, Transportation, Legal Advocacy, Victim's Compensation, Shelter Referral
and Group Treatment Therapy.
2- 3-C)Q
The grant period will commence on March 1, 1999 and end December 31, 1999. The total grant
requested is $120,248.00 with $90,186.00 coming from the State of Florida and the City providing
matching funds in the amount of$30,062.00, derived from the Police Confiscations Account. The
Police Department is currently seeking out new funding sources in order to continue funding of this
valuable program after the expiration of this grant beyond January, 2000.
The deadline for submission of this Grants application was January 18;1999. This grant application
came to the attention of Police Department employees who work in the Domestic Violence Unit. On
their own, they researched and prepared the grant. Unfortunately, they were unaware of the
requirement that the Mayor and City Commission approve any grant funding. When this came to
the attention of the Chief of Police, the submission deadline for placing items on the Commission's
January 20, 1999 meeting had passed. Therefore, retroactive approval is necessary.
This grant will assist the Police Department in continuing its program to combat Domestic Violence.
F:\POLl\ TECHSER V\Policies\COM _MEMO\vawa 1999 grant.mem. wpd
;'~ciic:!nc; s~culc rei~r to the res;ul.Jtions cited be!ow to C~c~r:":lir,e the cer:ific::Jticn to whic:' t:-:e'{ are re~~ire~ t::
Jrte::t. A~ciiCJr.t: shculd also re',iew the instrucicr,s fer ce;::fic::Jt:on inc~ude~ in t:-:e re-:;I~12ticn:: :e:::re c::~;:le:i~c t:-.i:
fer:":l_ Sisna:c:re of this fcr:":l provides fcr cam~liJnce with ce;:ific::Jtien re~L:ire",ents L:nder 23 C;=;::, r:::r: E9. ..~;~W-
F.e::::ic::cn: en L.:::c::,'{inS" and 25 CF? P3r: 67. "G.;ver:-,ment.wice Cecar:7:ent Jnd S,..:::censien {~Jc:-,;:r::c:.;:e;:-:e;.:: a:-.::
Gc',ernme:-,t-wlce Re~uireme",ts far Ort;<;.Free 't/cr'<;:iJCe (Grtlnt::;." Tr.e ce;:ificJ:ic~s s:--:Jil te t:eJ:ec: a:: a l7',a:e::2i
re;:re::Jnt::t:ar, of fso: uccn whlc:, re!i.]:~ce wiil t:e ;:IJ,:eo: wr,en ::-.e Cec::r:::7:ent of ':L.:s::ce cecer:-:1ir.es tc aw::rc t:-.e
c:'J~~~": t:-~r.s:,:::cr:. g:-.:ir.:. cr C=QP~r~~i'/e ac;:-e~~e:,~.
1. LQe2,{I~jG
A: rec-..:ire~ b'{ Sec::cn 1:::2. Ticie 21 of tt"le U.S. C.:ide. af'c
i~cie~enee~ ae :3 C:=:=' PJ(t-E9, for cer:ons entering inee a
~:-~r.~ or c=c:e:"J:;"~ Jc;ree:"':1~~~ c',er S i co. ceo. 3S defii"':e-:: a~
:3 c::~ PJf'": 63. t:-:e Jcc!iC.:ln~ c~r:dje~ th~c:
(JI Nc F'o!.;e~Ji ae:rc:ri;Jte.; fur:d: h;Jv~ be'o!n C;Jid or will ::~
CJic. b'l cr en :~~.J(f of :ne urH~~r:i<;ned. to Jr.y ;:er:cn fer ir..
f~;,,;e;.c;~g or J':":~~c::r.S ~o ir.t!L;e:"":c~ an officer cr ~r:"':clo'(~e ~i
Jr.'{ J<;e~c'(, a ,'..te~:er cf CJn~:"~$~. an aftic~!' or emcic'(~~ ~f
C':i.<;~~~:. cr Jr. ~~::o'{~~ af a ,\1~~c~r of C..:r,~~e:::: ir: C::r"."
n~,::::n wi::': ::-.~ ii.Ji<:r.c; cf Jr.'( ~~~~r,J1 ~;,,~r.:. t:--:e o!~t~:':i.:; :j.::
cf Jr.', ::::c::~:':::'/t! .:l,;:"e~~,~nt. ar:c ~~d ~;-<:e!1=icn. c:n:::'"".i..,;:!:::::-:.
r~;.d'N,1:' J~a~;:~~;::. or :T':ccif;c~::cn af 3r.y r:~ce!"~1 ,;r1r':: cr
c::c: ~:-::::'..~ J~:,,~~;:-:e~t:
C:i It any fl.::-:c: c::-:e:- ~:-,;.:r. F~~a!,,:;jl Jc=rc=ri;J~~'; f~i.':: ;;~'/~
':e~;. ;,j,i.: ::- 'N:ii ::~ ;:Jic :: ar.y ;:~!':cn ~cr i(";~:~~:.c:;::; .;1" a:-
te!7'.:::r.; ~: ;r:f:~!!;.c~ an cfticer c:" e:.iclc'{e~ cf Jny a,;~:.::'/, a
~.~~~=~!' cf C':r':;:~::':. ar. ..:ffic~!' cr e~cic'(ee cf C.:r.s:"es:. cr
Jr. ~~::c'('!~ of J ~f~t!;."::~!' c: C.::-:;:e::::i :r: c::1i.e-:::c;,: wi~;". ::--.;:
F~~;:-1: ~:,,~(".: cr c::::e:-~::'/e a<;:"~~~e~c. t~~ uncersi:;~eC s:-:.::!
c:;,-:::o:~~ lr.: ~i.;::7'::~ ~~':;:':J:-C: .=''::7"7'': - L!...!.... '.:i:.::c=~r~ -:f
l:::c'!ir:<; ~,:::',::;~::.'. ir. J~:::rc=~c:? wit.'"': i~~ ir.s~""""C:;C:i:::
(c~ ihe u~c~r:i;;~e~ s~ail re<:-...:ire ~:'iat the lar.c;u.:l',;e cf ~:-.;: c~!',
t:;C;Jt;cn be ir.c:~ced in the aware ccc:.Jme~~: fer all su::a'-Nar:s
a: ail riers lir.c!-..:cir:g subgranrs. c:=r:uac:s ur:cer 'iranes anc
c=cc!!':Jtive a<;ree;.":er1ts. anc su!::c::r.tr:Jcts} 3rtC t~at ail Si.;t-
re-::;:ie:1ts si-:ail c~:-:ify and cisc~cse accorcir:li!Y'
As re~'..;ire'; C'{ E):e':....tiv~ Cree!" 12:..l9. Oei::arme!1t ar;C
5us=e~s:cn. ar.d i~;:!eme~te...: at 23 Ct=~ PJ~ 6i. fer ~~cs:~-:'
t:'Ie P:ir::c:::ar.:s in ~rimar'l c:::ve~l!-;: tr=1nS.Jc:icns. 3S c~f;r.e-= a:
23 c;:;:; PJi: 67. S~c::cn 67.5iC-
A. The aC:JtiC4nt ce;::fies that i-: and it$ prjr.c:p~!s:
{;JI ;'re :"ot cresene/y ce~ar;ec. s....spencec. propose~ fer c~:ar-
~e:"'::. ce-':~J(~-;: ine!i<;icie. s~r.t~~c~-: to a d~!'1ial of F~ce~;ji
be:"eties by a S:a;e cr F~~eral court. or volun(.]r:ly exc~'~ce~
frcr."! CO"lere~ eransactions by any Feceral ce;::;Jr,mene
(bl H;J"le not wit~in a three-y~ar period preceding this applica.
tion been convicted of or had a civil judgment rendered against
them for commission of fraud or a criminal offense in eonne'C'
tion with obeaining. 3l"':empting to obtain. or performing a
C'...:::!ic (F~~~~Ji, StJ:~. c:' ;c~.Ji1 ~;":.ir.::~c::c;; c:" C::-:::3C: ''';i.C~!' J
r;:";::lic t:-Jr:==c::cr.; vic!.1:;cr. af F~ri~~~[ Ci S:J:e ar:~:::-:;:::
::Jt'.Jte$ or c::r.1mi::::;cr. of ~~ce::!~~e:"::. t:"'.eh. fc:';~~!.
Ci:cer'(. tJI.~if:c:J::cn cr ~~:::;"uc::cn cf re(:::,c:. ~.!:<.::-:S fai~a
S~J:~~e~.~:. or rece~.,ir.:; s::ie~ ;:r:::e~:'(:
(c; Are r.c".: prl!::zr.::y ir:c:c:~~ fer or c::-:e:-'Nise c::r.":ir.ai:'f c:'
c:',iil'f c:",.J(:;'!~ by J ;c,/~~~r;:e~:Jj e~~:~'/ ::=~~~:';:jL ~:::~. c:'
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ir7:::i~~.e;,~~-: a: Z: C:=:=. ?:ll: 67. Suc::a~ F. fc:' ~:-::ir~=e~. as
cefirle':: a~:: C:=:=. ~11: 57 S~':::cr:s 67.:1: ar.c :7.5::-
)., r:,e a::=iiC.Jnt c~;::f:es ~:-:ar:: it wiit cr 'l"'f"iil c::r.::ra..:e t= ~:'c',(iC:a
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(.J: P'.Jc:is::ir:t; a s::i:~~e:;t nc:ifying e;."':;:;cy~es t."":a: ~:-:a
l.;r.:a'Nfw! ~ar:uf.Jc::..;:e. C::s::i:u:ic~. c:s=~;::!;r.g. Ccssa~.::cr:. cr
_ '~:o~.:~~;:~~~;.:.~~-~~~~~~{~~~ai~: ~~:~~~~iZ~:~'~;I~~: .~::~~e:~~
e~;::!oy~es fer viciat:cr: ct st.Jc~ ~rc:--.i::i::c:i:
Ibl Es,;Jt:lisr.ing ar. c:,,-;:ing crug-free aW3re,-:eS:i preg~a'" --
in:crii1 e;:-:j:jcy~es ace'..,;:-
{~1 T:--'~ c;)nge~s cf crc;; acusi! ir. ,~e ......:~'(placa;
1:1 T:,e 'ir;Jr,eee': ;::cii:'( of mair.ea:nir.g a drug-fr~~ wcr~::a:a:
(31 Ar\', available cr'~g c:unse'ir.g. re~.acli:cat;cr:.. af'c. e,,",:~o',e~
35sis:ar.ce t:ro<;rJr.1S: ar.c
~':'1 The pen;J.lti.es er.ac ma'( b~ im;:ose~ \Jcon employ~es fer
....:ug: a,=i..lS~ '/lClJ.::en:: cc:::~rrlr,;;: In the wcrkofac~:
(c) Makir.g Ie a re~uirement enJt eac~ e"Tplo'{ee to be e'-::;3g~';
in the performance of the grar:t be given a c:p'{ 0 ~ e:-,e st3ee-
ment re~uired by paragraph (al;
(dl Notifying the employee in the s:a:er:1ent re~,~ired by
paragraph (al that. as a cor:dition of employment ur:der the
grant. the employee will -
CJP FOt:lM ...Ct!1/6 1:J.911 RE,o......Ce:S OJ? FORMS "'01$1/:. 4C6\1J ,.NO 4061/4 WM'C'" AQ'- ...."c:(""ll ~~~
1998-99 STOP Vio/I:!!lce Ar:aillst Women Grant Program
Departmclll of Community Affairs Prevention of Domestic and St!.:'CUal Violen,CI! Section
This Sl!ctioll to be complelt!d by tit!! Suhgrallte/!: I This sectioll to bl! complelt!d by DCA:
ContinuJtion of Previous Sub~rJnt? o Y<:5 O~o I SFY 1999 DCA Conr:Jct ~umc<::r
I . I
ft" y <::S, enter 5tJte Proj<::c: ro ;; of Pre'.:iol/S Sc;c;;rJnt 99-DV- - - - -
9~-DV- - - - - I L'n:"u~ ID~ I P.\: I C:=D.-\~ i 6533 I
SCBGR..\:\T ..\(;REE:.TE:'<"T
.-\. 0;lmes & .-\ddresses
1. Sub g r:.l n t R e c i pic n t
City of Miami Beach,
:,<":.lme of Chid Elected/Executive Otlici:.ll: Nei sen Kasdin
Title.: Mayor
AdJress: 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach FL
Zip Code: 33139
.-\re:J Code and Telephone :'.'umber: (305) 673-7030
SL"':'.'CO:\I l'iumber:
Are:J Code :lnd F:Jx Phone :'t'umber: (305) 673-7096
Internet e-mail address:
.., ~':lmeofChierfin:JnC::JIOrric~r: Patricia \'ialker
Tick: Fi nance Di rector-
AdJres.s: 1700 Convention Center Drive rliami Beach FL
Zip Code: 33139
Are:l Code and Te!ephone :\u:-abe:-: (305) 673-6461
St:-.-CO:\! ~'umber:
Ar~:J Coce :lr:d F;1X ?j11)n1~ :--":..::r:Jcr: (305) 673-7795
Inrc:-net e-m:lil adtlres.;:
3. Implementing Agency City of Miami Beach Pol ice Dppt.
[Agency Responsible for Project (if different from Subgr:lnt Recipient)]
Name of C.h.i~f E;~ecutive Official: Serg i 0 Rodri guez
Title: Ci ty Manager
Address: 1700 Convention Center Orive Miami Beach
Zip Code: 33139
Are:l Code :lad Telephone i'o-umber: (305) 673-7010
S1.J1'iCO}! l'lumber:
Are:l Code and Fax Phone 0umber: (305) 673-7782
Internet e-mail address:
Sub grant Package
Grant Agreement
1998-99 STOP Violence Against Women Grant Program
Department of Community Affairs Prevention of Domestic and St!..'Cual Violence Section
4. Project Director
Name of Project Director: Richard Barreto
Title: Chief of Miami Beach Pol ice Dept.
Address: 1100 Washington Ave, Miami Beach FL
Zip Code: 33139
Are:l Code and Telephone Number: (305) 673-5274
st~COM Number:
Are:.l Code :lnd f:.L'C Phone Number: (305) 673-7065
Internet e-mail address:
~ Cont:.1ct Person ([f ditT~re:1: (!;~n P~oj~'~, Dire:::tor)
N:.lme of Contact Person:
Title: Sergeant
Addr~s: 1100 Washington Ave.
zip -Code: 33139
Area Code and Telephone Number:
SL~COM Number:
.-\re:1 Code and F:1:'C Phone Number:
Internet e-m:1il :1ddress:
Ste'le Jones
~li ami Beach
(305) 673-7776 Ext. 5139
(305) 673-7864
B. .-\dministr:J.ti"e D:.lt:l
1 P-' . T'l f:\.,"... .."" 3".,"'~~'''; S I _:...'1r'.,(....~..- ;M...lll~l'-:"T ,-.,I....~-..:)
. .ojel;t It e \.~'u(,~ ~.,~~~_ - '-..-.-~,~.~, ...'-'Cot.. .,: ~:'--~-
Cit" of Miami Bpach's Vi~tim~' H~lo (~~t?r
., Project Period
Period 1 Month I D:lY I Year
Beginning I March I 1 I 1999
Ending I December I 31 I 1999
Grant Agreement
Sub grant Package
:- ';"..- ;:..;::--===~.~
1998-99 STOP Violence Against Women Grant Pro"ram
Dt!parrment of Community Affairs Prevention of Domestic and St!..'Cual Violl!nce Sl!crion
C. Fiscal Data
1. (If other than the Chief FinJncial Officer) Remit \V:Irrant to:
(Note: [[the subgrJr1t recipie:1t is pJ::ic:pJc;;",g i;1 the St:lce cfFlorida Comptroller's Office
ekctronic trJnster prog:rJm. reimburser:-,e~t C:lnr:ot ce re::1ir:d to .:lny ether e~ti~..)
., Vendor # (Enter Federal Emplo;ee Ic:erltir"ic:lcion ~ur.:::er of Su!:;~r:lr.tee):
Vendor P. F 59-6000372
3. S.-\-'l~S # (Enter full 29-digit 5.-\:"[,-\5 number if you are a sr.1ce agency):
~. \Vill the Projc~t e:.lrn Project G~neraced Income (PC!)?
(Che',::,: one.) 1'e5_ ~:o-1-
(See Se'.:cicn E., PJr:J.g!"J;:h i 5 fer J cetinicicn at' PCr.)
.., ',ViiI the :l?plic:ln: be requesring :In :ld',:lnce of f~de:-:lI funds':
(Check one.) 1'es_ ~o-1-
If Yes, :l ler:er 0 f re'1uesr r71Usr ce Jt:.1ched.
. .
Sub grant Package
Grant Agreeme!!!,
1??8-?? STOP Violence A'.ainst Women Grant Pro"'ram
~ ~
Def'urtl1ll!lIt of Community Affuirs Prevention of Domestic and S/!:rut1{ Violence Sectioll
D. Project N:.lrr:ltive
Pruject N:.lrr:Jtive must nut excccJ 10 p:.l~es (excluding letters of support) :Jnt.! must follow
the CX;}ct sequcnce indic;1ted. below. On:I sep:.lr:.1te p;lge. re-sute e;lch qucstion :.lnu then
provide:In ;lnSWer:IS it rebtcs to your proposed project. E:.1ch pJ.~e must be sequenti:.111;:
numbered. be~innin;,: with ..Lt. ~.2. ~..3. etc. F;liiure to provide:1 t.!et:.1iled :InSWer to e:1ch
question will result in :I loss of points durin;,: the ev:.llu;ltion of :.our propos:1!. .-\11 p;l~es
shnulJ be typd or comruter ~ener:.1teJ. sin::;le-sp;lceJ. on 3 ~/:" :\ 11" p:1per.
A. SL.ltcmem of Problem:
Desc;-;he the [ocJ.l J.nd.or st:.1tc\\ide t:.1q:<:t pOpuLHion lnte!1ded for iITJDediJ.tc
benef:t of fundin:;. inc!udin:; the needs of speciric unde:-::e:-yed popubtions.
[nelude J. brief sumn1J.ry of ;1ppropri:.1te st:.1tisric::l] d:J.t:1 suppon:in:; 10c:1] me:. or
_ 'st:lte\\ide populJ.tion. demogr:lphics. prev:1.lence :lnd lncidenrs of domestic and
sexuJ.l violence for the t:lq~t population to be served through this project.
B. Description of GoJ.ls and Objectives:
1. Provide a narrJ.tive description of the project includi.ng ;1crivities to be
imple:-:1enced ;1nd desc;-ibe how these acti\ities willl:e!p tl) reduce violence ag:lit'..57:
women and improve victim s::J.fety.
5t::lte the gIJ:l!s :J.nc cbje'.::ives of t::e f:roje,::. EJ.ch objec:i....e r::1l5~ be r.1e:lSt:r~bie
(nume:ic) and mll5~ inc:ucc! a description of ke:; ste;:,S. ;:;.c:i':i::~s. de'.::sior..5, e';ents
pbnr..ed. the me~hod\:i) th;lt will be ucilizec to eva!u;l:e t::e Si..:ccess of these objectives
and :m estimated completion d:J.te.
1:1S'-1:e :h::lt cOGl;::le:ion cJ.tes fer .:..lch 0 oj ec~iye ::l:e ::lls.) b~ed 011 :::e P:ojec: T:.r.:elir:.e.
C. Gener:1.l Infornu(ion:
Sub grant Package
State qu:ilificatior'..5, experieace and achie....ements of staff that are necessary to conduct
this project i"'lcluding the Project Director, key consultants, fmancial officers :J.;1d other
key profession;)] staff members.
List all agencies that ",ill collaborate in the implemem:nion of this project. Include a
letter of commirrnent from e:1ch ag~ncy listed, which st:J.tes how the collaboration >"ill
take place. In addirion, leners of suppon: th:J.( demoo.str:lte multi-disciplinar:'
cooperation to stop violence ag:1in.st women in the t:lrge~ area, are suggested.
Grant Agreement
D. Project Narrative
A. Statement of Problem:
1. Describe the local and / or statev,:ide target population intended for
immediatee benefit of funding, including the needs of specific
undeserved populations.
In 1996, there were 1,049 cases of domestic violence on Miami Beach.
Further statistical revie\v revealed that approximately 70% of all reported
domestic violence incidents over the past three years had occurred in the
north section of Miami Beach with a population of apprximately 60,000
residents. As a result of these findings, in January, 1997, \vith VA \VA
funding, the City of Miami Beach Police Department opened the Victims'
Help Center at 6988 Indian Creek Drive located on the north end of Miami
Beach. The primary purpose for the opening of this facility \vas to provide
the community with a \valk-in safe haven for victims of crime. particularly,
the crime of domestic violence and a place to come for immediate
information and referral for services. T\vo advocates operated the Victims'
Help Center. Since its opening, the Victims' Help Center has become a
recognizable part of the Miami Beach community. In 1997, its' tirst full
year of operation, the victim advocates located at the Victims' Help Center
recorded having assisteded 63...\. cases of domestic violence, over !:\vo thirds
of the total of 975 cases of domestic violence reported to the police
department for the entire year.
2. Include a brief summary of appropriate statistical data supporting
local and/or state\vide population, demographics, prevalence and
incidents of domestic and sexual violence for the target population to
be served through this project.
Due to the unique geographical characteristics of the City of Miami
Beach, an island \vhich is roughly seven miles long and one mile wide and
isolated from the mainland of the City of Miami, it is imperative to offer
its 100,000 local residents accessible support services to provide direct
assistance to victims of crime as soon as possible after the crime occurs.
During the first year of the Victims' Help Center's existence, vital statistical
information concerning each victim serviced was recorded and the results
showed an increase over the previous year of 4% for services rendered to
elderly victims of domestic violence, 2% increase for services rendered to
gay/lesbian victims and a 12% increase for services rendered to immigrant
victims of domestic violence.
Further, it is estimated that 50% of the population on Miami Beach is not
only indigent, but of Hispanic origin \vho do not speak English. There is
also a large elderly community in Miami Beach who suffer the
consequences of domestic violence. The indigent minority population of
iv[iami Beach includes women \vith the followinz ethnic back2Tounds'
~ ~,
Costa Rican, Guatemalan, Honduran, 0iicaraguan, Panamanian, Salvador
an, Venezuelan, Cuban, Haitian, West Indian and African -American. These
\vomen, by the nature of their cultural backgrounds. have difficulties
recognizing the effects of domestic violence not only on themselves, but
just as importantly, on their children. Most feel powerless to access
services due to their cultural traditions and Jack fluency in the English
B. Description of Goals and Objectives:
1. Provide a narrative description of the project including activities to be
implemented and describe how these activities will help to reduce violence
against \vomen and improve victim s::lfety.
In 1994, the City of j\-fiami Beach Police Department began its
Domestic Violence Unit \vhich was comprised of one sergeant and one part
time victim's advocate. That year, 1,255 cases of domestic violence \vere
reported throughout the city. In 1995, the domestic violence unit hired a
second victim's advocate. In 1995,1,064 cases of domestic violence were
reported in the city. In March, 1995, the domestic violence unit was
reduced to one full time victim's advocate until, after securing a COPS
Grant in November, 1996, nvo new victims' advocates \vere hired. The
Victims' Help Center is a satellite office of the Miami Beach Police Department
and serves as a catalyst for domestic violence victims and their families to seek
effective legal and social interventions. These serv'ices are implemented to ensure
continued support and direct assistance as soon as possible after the crime has
occurred in order to reduce further victimization and to improve victim
participation and involvement in the criminal justice process.
The mission of the Victims' Help Center is to work to\vard eradicating family
violence in our community. The philosophy of the Center embraces a holistic
approach to dealing with the complex crime of violence in families. We intend to
meet this goal by: a) continuing to support the prosecution efforts of the
criminal justice system, b) enhancing our affiliations with community social
service agencies, c) increasing the number of arrests, and thereby improving the
success rate of victim prosecutions, d) and diligently educating our culturally
diverse community about family violence. .
The Victims' Help Center is located at 6988 Indian Creek Drive on Miami Beach.
The hours of operation are: 9am-5pm, Monday-Friday. However advocates are on
call 24 hours a day in the event of an emergency. The primary sef'.:ices that the
center offers to both the community and victims of crime are:
Crisis Counseling
Information and Referral
Legal Advocacy
Criminal Justice SupporU Advocacy
Victims' Compensation
Shelter Referral
Group Treatment Therapy
This unit collaborates with other agencies \vithin the community to ensure
effecti ve and holistic intervention for victims and their families.
It is the goal of our police department to continue its effective legal and
social interventions to all victims of domestic and sexual violence, as \vell
as its implementation of services for underserved populations, including,
but not limited to elder abuse victims, gay and lesbian victims, and ethnic
minorities. Unfortunately, the continuation of this project has been
seriously threatened due to lack of funding. Past funding sources have been
reduced over 50% which has caused our department to release one of
its victims advocates. These services would cease to exist without
this grants' support.
2. State the goals and objectives of the project. Each objective must be
measurable (numeric) and must include a description of key steps,
activities, decisions, events planned, the methodes) that \vill be utilized to
evaluate the success of these objectives an estimated completion date.
Measurable Objectives
1. To provide 200 families (victims and/or children) intake and screening
services during the grant period.
2. To provide 200 families (victims and/or children) with case management
during the grant period.
3. To provide 200 families ( victims and/or children) with crisis counseling
during the grant period. .
4. To refer 100 victims to agencies that provide court liaison ser.:ices during
the grant period.
5. To provide 30/one -hour group counseling sessions (for victims of
domestic violence) during the grant period.
6. To conduct lQ..education and training sessions for 150 la\v
enforcement personnel.
7A To conduct 08 education and training sessions to individuals
of the general public.
Objectives Evaluation Methods
1. Review police reports and follow-up documents, case records,
and counseling referral documents.
2. Review attendance records and/or sign-in logs.
3. On-site monitoring.
Projects/Events/ Activities
*March, 1999-- In-Senrice Domestic and Sexual Violence Police Officer
Training for over 300 law enforcement officers.
* April, 1999--A Domestic Violence Awareness Purple Ribbon Campaign in
recognition of National Crime Victims' Rights Week. Each police
department vehicle displayed a purple ribbon on its antenna.
*April, 1999-- -Community A\vareness Project-Second Annual Miami Beach
Police Department Open House.
* April, 1999--Community Awareness Project--Represent the Miami Beach Police
Department's Victims' Help Center at the "We Are Miami Beach"
Community Fair.
*May, 1999--Community A\vareness Project -Mass Literature Distribution of the
information brochure for the Miami Beach Police Departments' Victims'
Help Center.
*October, 1999--" Domestic Violence Awareness Seminar for the reliaious
community of Miami-Dade County.
*October, 1999-- Emergency Transportation Program for victims of crime on
Miami Beach.
*October, 1999-- Community Awareness Seminar for High School students
at Miami Beach Senior High School.
*October, 1999-- Sponsor the 6th Annual Dade County Alliance
Against Domestic Violence \Valk and Celebration of Courage.
3. Ensure that completion dates for each objectives are also listed on the
Project Timeline.
C. General Information:
1. ~.tate qualifications, experience and achievements of staff that are necessary
to conduct this project including the Project Director, Key consultants,
financial officers and other key professional staff members.
Nature of\Vork
The role of the domestic violence coordinator is to serve as a liaison
between the law enforcement agency and local community social and legal
assistance programs to effectively provide advocacy to domestic violence
victims and their families.
Knowled~e. Skills and Abilities
The domestic violence coordinator must have the following knowledge
base, skills and abilities:
Must be learned in the school of social work, mental health
counseling, child development, and / or criminal justice.
Must have an understanding of the legal system and ho\v it pertains
to domestic violence victims and their families.
Must possess knowledge of the dynamics of domestic violence.
Must possess knowledge of the ramifications of domestic violence
on victims of domestic violence, their children and society as \vhole.
Must understand the process of victims compensation.
Must understand victims rights and remedies.
Must possess knowledge of the Florida Statutes pertaining to:
Domestic Violence, Stalking, Elderly Abuse and Child Abuse and
Must be able to organize and implement community awareness
programs and trainings.
Must be abk to \vrite supplemental reports, including clinical aspects
to the various types of interv'entions provided to the client.
Must be able to provide the client with information and referrals to
local shelters, social and legal assistance programs.
Must be able to conduct public speaking engagements for
community educationJa\vareness projects and trainings.
Must be able to provide the client \vith information and referrals to
local shelters, social and legal assistance programs.
Must be able to provide the client with information and referrals to
local shelters, social and legal assistance programs.
Must be able to provide crisis ~J1tervention and counseling to victims
of domestic violence and their families.
Must be able to respond with ofticers to calls related to domestic
violence to assist in coordinating services for the victim(s) of the
Must be able to assist law enforcement officers \vith various aspects
to a domestic violence case (ie. Referrals, shelter, counseling, victim
impact statement.)
Education and Experience
The domestic violence coordinator must have graduated from a four
year university (Masters Degree preferred.) Background in social
work, mental health counseling, child development and/or criminal justice
is preferred.
Nature of\Vork
Responsible for varied clerical work \vhich involves moderately
complex work methods and procedures and requires proficiency in
the use of the typewriter.
Knowledge. Skills and Abilities
Knowledge of business English, spelling and arithmetic; knowledge
of modem office practices and procedures; ability to operate
standard office equipment; skill in the rapid and efficient operation
of a typewriter; ability to make arithmetic calculation with speed and
accuracy; ability to make minor decision in accordance with City and
departmental policy and to apply these to daily work procedures;
ability to understand and carry out oral and written instructions;
ability to establish and maintain effective working relationships \vith
other employees and the public.
Education and Experience
High school education and experience in performing general office
or related clerical work; or equal.
2. List all agencies that will collaborate in the implementation of this project.
Include a letter of commitment from each agency listed, v.:hich states ho\v
the collaboration will take place. In addition, letter of support that
. demonstrate multi-disciplinary cooperation to stop violence against \vomen
in the target area, are suggested.
a) Advocates For Victims (Safe Space Shelter), Inc.
b) Victim Services Center, Inc.
c) Legal Aid Domestic Violence Project
NORTH BEACH BEACH, FL 33162. 305-9-J5-7213
A respon~ible: caree:r orie:nted position in the: Social Work fidd, with an opportUnity for
Jdvanceme:nt. .
6988 IndIan Creek DR./J/iami Bt!ach. Florida 331.JI
Telephone: (305) 993-2055
Position: Domestic Violence Coordinator. January 1997 ro Present
Duties and ResDonsibilities:
Provide direct case manageme:nt se:rvice, intensive education. and group therapy support to victims of
dome:stic vlolence and the:ir families. Enhanced family relationships and stability by offering individual
and faClily counseling. as well as community outreach programs. I also provide c:-:sis intervention.
information, support, and referrals to clients in the: form of bus tokens. food vouche:rs. donatd clothing
and other items such as toiletries. \Ve also provide education and traiillng progra:::.s to community
groups. orpniz:ltions, businesses and the g~neral public for intervention and prevention of domestic
I.JI 00 P..JDfE7TO FROi~TAGE Ro..J.1). Jf:,..ufI UI.:ES. FL 33016
TELEPHONE: (305) 822- 2380
Po~mON: Socw. WOR.I..: I.'ITER.V, ACG,:S; 1997 TO JULY 1998
DtJl1ES A..'m REsPONSmIl.J11Es:
Provide counseling services and referral services during the terminal phase of the patient's life.
Enhanced family relationships and stability by offering Individual and Family counseling. as well as
community outreach programs. Provide bereavement follow-up, making home visits, placing
follow-up phones calls. and leading bereavement groups. Applied for Hospice Medicaid and
complete Financial Assessment for patients.
1-103 lVJV 40th A venue/ Fort Lauderdale. Florida 33313
Telephone: (95.J) 321-2806
Pas irion: Senior Children and Families Counselor, April 1988 ro January 1997
Duties and Res~onsibilities:
Provide direct case management service to abuse/neglected children and their families with an
emphasis on the preservation of the family unit Coordinate community resources which empower
Page 2
Sarah Poux
flmiIies to be self-sufficient. Write reports conforming the coyrt of the flmiIies progress lnd tuin
new employees.
11301'iE 2nd Avenue ~lilmi Shores, FL 33161
Telephone (305) 899-3900
Position: School Socill Work Lntem. August 1996 to June 1997
Duties :lod Responsibilities
Provide therlpeutic counseling to children lnd thelt flmily with In emphasis on the preserJatioQ of
the family unit. Worked with delinquent adolescents who had problems within the school system.
Conducted weekly individual lnd parenting group sessions.
-Forr Lauderdale, FlorIda
POSItion: Croup Treatment Leader, February 1987 to Aprr11988
Duties :lOci Responsibilities'
Provide d:rect case management to delinquent adolescents in controlled environment who were court
ordered to attend specialized programs. Completed the initial assessment lnd contrlct. conducted
weekly individual and group counseling sessions. Held weekly COn!ere::J.ces with the ado!esce:lt and
their family unit. Wrote court reports and accompa:lled clients to courts.
Forr Lauderdale. Flor:da
Po,') :::on: Group Tre:::!l11i.:nt L~:::de.~, .-4pr:~'! 986 :0 ~:::~b,-...C.i--:..' 1987"'
Duties :lnci Responsihilities:
Duties consisted mainly of handling incoming crisis, placing children who have bee::J. abused and
finding special placement for delinquent children. Also providing individual and group therapy.
Fluent in Creole and French
Furnished upon request
123 N W. FIRST AVE.'<UE. MI,'MI. FLORID,' 3) 12~
TELEPHO:<E (J05) 579-5733 FAX (305) 579-5733 EXT. 2275
Jt:,\,.....IT.-\ CE:"iDA.'l
~L\RIA E. S.-\..~T,\.\IARI:"o'A
DO."'.'LD GELI.'"
J:muary 12, 1999
Richard Barreto.
Police Chief
Miami Beach. Eolice Department
1100 West Avenue
Miami Beach, FL 33139
Dear Chief Barreto:
I am pleased to write you agency a letter of support for V A WA funding. The Legal
Aid Society and the Miami Beach Police Department have developed a strong working
rd2.tionship in the area of domestic violence. This relationship consists of referrals to your
agency for counseling. police assistance. and the ability to secure evidence quickly. In the
past, you have refared clients to Legal Aid for representation in f2.mily law and domestic
violence issues.
The relationship between our agencies has strengthened and developed during the past
year and a half. I know that if I refer a client to your agency or contact you for police
assistance, the result is always positive. Our relationship is a unique one that should be
duplicated between other community agencies. It is this cooperation that enables us to assist
victims of crime.
This project, wholeheartedly supports the Miami Beach Police Department's efforts to
help victims of crime. I look forward to working with you in the future for our clients'
Sharon L. Langer
SLL: ihu
(305)255-161 9 FAX 254-7654
M.S.W. c.r.s.
LC.S.W.. c.r.5.. CAP.
Chief Richard Barreto
City of Miami Beach Police Department
1100 Washington Avenue
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
January 11. 1999
Letter of Support
Dear Chief Barreto:
This letter is to acknowledge the collaborative relationship that we have
enjoyed for the last two and a half years and to give you our support in
appty for VAWA funding for 1999.
Your department has been one of our agencies biggest referral sources.
As the result of the referrals from your office. we have helped many
domestic violence victims through our trauma resolution services.
I know that your advocates and officers are fulfilling a vital role in
helping domestic violence victims and we at Victim Services Center
hope that we will have the pleasure of continuing our current
~'C :JUJ ~
Teresa Descilo, MSW. CTS
Executive Director
"'~ OF HUM..
~-.; -l'S
.... <"-1>
<. 0'
..~ ~'O
"'our ",.:\4
Dade County
Department of
Human SeNices
Office of
Human Development
Advocates for Victims
(305) 758-2546
FAX (305) 756-1347
(305) 247-4249
FAX (305) 245-1299
P.O. BOX 610815
(305) 699-4600
FAX (305) 699-4615
January 12, 1999
Chief Richard Barreto
1100 Washington Ave.
Miami Beach, Florida 33139
Dear Chief Barreto:
On behalf of the Advocates for Victims Prcg~am and the Safespace
Shelters, please accept this as a letter of support for the Domestic
Violence Unit of the Miami Beach Police Department. Over the past
several years we have established an excellent working relationship
with the department when you are assisting victims of domestic
violence. This collaboration has resulted in expeditious intervention
and a further assurance of safety for the victim.
Additionally, the Domestic Violence Unit is also very responsive at
providing or obtaining other supportive services to .the victims, such as
counseling, transportation, emergency cash relief, food, clothing, etc.
The results of these efforts can only help victims recover from and,
oftentimes, avoid victimization in the future.
The Miami Beach PO Domestic Violence Unit has been extremely
involved in community awareness efforts in the schools, religious
community, business community, media, and with other domestic
violence intervention agencies. The Miami Beach PO has hosted the
countywide October domestic violence walk-a-thon for the past two
years and we are proud that the City has graciously offered to be host
again this year.
We pledge to continue our commitment of working with the Miami
Beach Police Department.
Robert E. Schroeder ~
Director '\
1998-/999 STOP Violence A~ainst Womell Grant p.-o!!ram
Department of Community Affairs Prevelltion of Domr!Stic alld S<!..'CuaI Violellce Sr:ction
In "ddi(ior. to VOLl~ c,)al" .,~,~ cbJ'-"'~.;"e~ o",!;,,-",.-l t'., S"'~';O"" 0
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199,Y-99 STOP Vio{/!!lce Against Women Grant Program
Depllrtmi!1I1 of CllmmUllity Affairs Preventio!l of Domestic alld Sexual Violt!llce Section
F. Project Budget l\"arrative
You mus~ d~scribe line items for each Jpplic:J.bk Bud~et CJte~ory for \vhich you are reques'CiL'Z
subg::J.nt fundir:.~. Lln~ items must be g:ouped by budget dte:;or:,: :J.nd li5rec1 i~ th~ S2.:7!e orc:e~ ~s
shown or. the Proj~\:t Bud:.!et S(he~ule Provide si..:ffic:e:1( de,.:;.:l to sho\'.; cos~ rel:J.tionshi:s to
- .
rroJect 2.([[v:(,es. In addi~ion. pro',:de:l st2.t~:-:-:e:;.t desc:-iCin2 t::e specific s0urce(s) ofm.,"":....-r-
t'" - ....."-..\".~..........~
.~.lthcL;~;:~ rT:J.(c:,;"g fur:ds c:12.:' be: [:To'.ide~ ir: 5e~e..::e:.:: BuJge: C.:;.te~ories. ir:C:>:idL.::J.l Er:e i:e::::;
...:1'. cot ce s;:e'cirld J.S either r~'.:er:J.l or r.,J,tc:-::ng ~C::"'.J.:i.
SClf{ he.:low ;lnJ use.: cllntinU:lCi,)n r;l:';'~S J.S necessJ.r:.. EJ.c~ p;l:;'~ must be numbered conse<.:utive!y.
be:,:innin:,: with 7.1. -:-.2. 7.3. etc
See Attached.
Subgran! Package
Gran! Agreement
F. Project Budget Narrative
1. You must describe line items for each applicable Budget Category for
which you are requesting subgrant funding. Line items must be grouped by
budget category and listed in the same order as shown on the Project
activies. In addition, provide a statment describing the specific source(s) of
matching funds.
Project Budget Narrative
Salary and Benefits:
A. Salary: 28,413.00
These funds will be used to pay the annual salary
.for one (1) Domestic Violence Coordinator with a Master's
Degree (Victim's Advocate).
B. Salary: 22,130.00
These funds will be used to pay the annual salary
for one (1) Domestic Violence Coordinator with a Bachelor's
Degree (Victim's Advocate).
C. Salary 14,243.00
These funds will be used to pay the annual salary for one (1)
Clerk Typist with a High school degree.
2. A. Benefits 8,487.00
These funds will be used to pay the annual employee benefits
(RetirementlPension=17%, Life & Health Insurance=5%,
Workman's Compensation=l %)
B. Benefits 6,610.00
These funds will be used to pay the annual employee benefits
(RetirementlPension=17%, Life & Health Insurance=5%,
Workman's Compensation=l %)
C. Benefits 4,255.00
These funds will be used to pay the annual employee benefits
(RetirementlPension= 17%, Life & Health Insurance=5%,
Workman's Compensation=l %)
3. Expenses: 33,110.00
These funds will be used to pay for the following costs for
one (1) year:
*Rental 16,560.00
Telephone 1,200.00
Rent 12,000.00
Electricity 3,000.00
Internet 360.00
*Registration or Tuition Fees 6,250.00
NOVA D.V. Traininsr, Los, CA. 8/99
Nat'l Conf. On D.V., Dallas, TX. 10/99
Victim Practioner Traininsr, Orlando, FL 3/99
National Conference on Preventing Crime in
the Black Community, Orlando, FL 6/99
Governor's Annual Summit on Domestic
Florida STOP Violence Against 'Nomen
Grant Implementation \V orkshop
* Advertising/Publicity: 800.00
Programs ~faterials (Books, pamphlets, training
materials, informational and resource materials ).
*Communication 2,500.00
Certified Postage (Certified letters to be mailed to
victims of domestic violence ).
*Office Supplies 500.00
Binders, pens, pencils, Report Covers, Video Cassettes,
Laminator and Computer Accessories.
*Office Furniture 6,500.00
Ten digital Cameras to take pictures of victims, and
Tape recorders to take statement of victims.
4. Operating Capital Outlay: 3,000.00
Lap Top Computer- for project information systems.
Total Projected Costs
2. Although matching funds may be provided in selected Budget Categories,
individual line items may not be specified as either federal or matching
1998-99 STOP Violt!llCt! Against Women Grant Program
Dt!partl/lcllt of Community Affairs Preventioll of Domestic and Se."Cual Violence Sl!ction
G. Project Budget Schedule
Th~ Project Budget Schedule includ~s six Budg.;:t Categories (Sabries and Bene~ts.
Contr:1ctu:11 Services. Expenses, Ope:-J.:ing Capital OutLJ.y (OCO), D:J.t:l Processing Se:-,:ices.
and [ndirect Costs) and 10t:11 Projec: Ccs~s. 10(J.I Loc:ll0t(J.tch wus~ be a minir:wm 0[25%
ot' th~ Tot:ll Bueget. Ensure that ar:10UC:S shown in th~ totJ.l column for each category
cor.espond [0 J.mounts indicatee on PrQjc'.:t Bueget 0::lITative.
T.vpt! or Print Dol/ar AmolllItS Ollly ill Applicable Cate!jories awl Leave Others Blank.
B [[tiget Cut<!!:;ory Fer/aul _Hatch Tota! I
I \
Salaries And Beni!firs
63,103.50 21,034.50 84,138.00 I
Contractual Services 0 0 0
! \
,1 -- .
,W 1..0 , . .... , - .... .
I !
Operating Capital Owlay I
2,250.00 750.00 I 3,000.00
Data Processing
0 0 0
Indirect Costs
0 0 0
90,186.00 30,062.00 . . 120,248.00
2... 032 50
\ Q 2// 50
31 1 '0 00
Grant Agreement
Sub grant Package
1998-99 STO P Violmce Agaillst Women Grallt Program
Dt!partmt!nt of Community Affairs Prevention of Domt!5tic and St!..'r.ua[ Vio[mce Sltctioll
H. Acceptance and Agreement
A'I p~rsor.s involved in or hJ.vin~ :ldminisl~:Hiv~ responsibillry for th~ suc~r::lnt must re::ld th~s~ "Ac:eptJ.nc,;--
::lnJ .-\grcem~nt" conditions.
Conditions of .-\~rcemcnt. Upon J;;prc'.Ji 'H"tllis sub~r::l:1C. the g;::lr.: :1::;r.:e,n~r.t. indue!:'.:; ,!:e fci!owing
te,r:1S :J.ne conditions vvill become blndin:; :\on-comrli:wcc will result in project costs bein2; dis::lllowed.
The ter:71 "Gr:lntor" or "Recipient". ur.!ess c[h~".vis~ slJ.(ed. rer':::,s to t:-:e FloricJ. Violer.ce .J..:;1::-:St \\'cr.:er.
GrJr1(s Orfic~ (\".-\\'v'GO). Goverr.cr's T:1~~ F~r~e on DCr.1estic ::lr.C Sexu::! \"iole:--.:e, Prc"e:'.t!cn c:-Dor.:cst:
J.l1J S:::xu:.l1 Viole:--.ce S:::'ction. Oe;::1:-:;7'e:,.: Ci'CcrrI:T.un:l." ...I..r,-J.ir5.
Ti:.; (.err:1 "suh:;r:lnt recipient" r..::'e,j (C c::e e::(:r.. rece:'. in:; funes unc::e, ::~e F!ori..:J. STOP \'icie:--.ce .J..~:::r::L
\\"'JI71::::1 Gr:J.l1: Pro:;rJ.r:1 from the C\:\e:-::cr'j l.lsi-: For:e 011 D.::rr.es:;c J.r.": SexuJ.! Vio!er.ce. Pre'.er.::c" cr
D(;rncs:ic J,nc ScX~Jl \.'il)I~;1;';~ Sc'';::un. Clc:::.lr::7:C~[ ('rCl,;r7::-71Llnir:. :\f::'::-3.
1. Rerorts
.-\. rmjec;: P~"Gr:7::J.nc:: Re;:or:s:
li:~ sub:;r:.lnt r::~;pi::nt s!~Jll submit:l ()~!(:,.,.!~;,.. Pr()/.!~: Pr!rfcr.7!~:I1:':C: R.!.::cr:s to tI~e G:::.~:.:r by
F c:r'lJ.r:' [. l'vby t. ...I..uo;'jSt l. :wli \<:;'.emcer 1 cJver::1:; sub:;::.l:i[ J.c::'.':::es c:~rir.:; c~e ;::e'. icus
c:~::.r:.;:, P:ojc'c: ~!J:.lr:e,:; j:-::.l:i rei:c'.', st2.r...:2.,.: :ir::c t',:::r;:es or' JJ.r.t.:::.:-. [-:Vb:::1 ~ 1: ..!..;:i: l-!r.:.:-.e ~O:
July I-Sepc.;mber ~!): an<i O~:ooer l-Dc'c::::1cer 3 1.
T:~c sub:;r:.:;: re'c::i~n, sh:.lil sucr.1ic:l F>d P.J")jc~': ?r!.':-;]r:t::.:.':~-! R<::r;r:, fer 6~ "<!',::r!" f=r.:Je..::
~er:cd. T!1is r::pcr: shJ.ll b~ si.lbii:ir::~::: [C tiie Gr:'!1[er '.vi::~in for::,-t;"e (.15) cJ.Ys J.:':er :::e e::C cr-cl:::
proJe'':: p~ricc. T:1~ [as: S!J:lr:~rty repe:-: 5:-:::.11 be s;Jbr.1i::d \I'd: [::e t:r.::.l reper:.
[:~ ::..~..:i[:cn. [C- [:1e s;Jbg:-::.r.: <J.';':l:: p~;:':c is e:\:~:~~e''': c~:"or.c [::e ".:r::;:::J.:" proJe'C: peric':, :lcci:ior.::.l
O'I(:":c:.~;"" Fn_:ir!~': P.!,':/or,7Wr:Cc: P..c:.::cr:s 5~:.l:i b~ st.:C:r.1!r:::: :lS well ::.s :l F:r:::! Pr;;/<!c: pr!.::onr:c.>;c~
Repor:. Th~ proje~t p~,icc is (he [ir.,~ pericc s~c'.:iricd in the g;:J.r.t::~'5 :J.;:pi:c:lticn c:urir.g which
g:':J.:i.t project acti"/ities were to ce p~rf0rr.:ed. The fin:!! repol. shJ.ll cover the enrire tirr.e fr::.rr.e of
proj~c': <J.c:i"i:ies a:1d is due vvi(hin f:r::,.-five (~5) d:lys after the e::c. cfthe ex':e:1ced perioc.
B. FmancI:lI Re;:om:
The subgr::lnt recipient sh:lI[ subr.1[: r..cr.thly Fin:::r.cic:! Claim P.~pcr:s [DCA-DV Form-3(A-G)] to the
Gr:lntor. A Final Financial Clc:im R-!.::orc J.nd a DCA-D V Cor.;rcc; fFincncic:!) Clos-!o",c Pc:ckc:gr!
shJ.ll be submiu:e: to th~ Crantor wichi:1 forry-five (~5) days of the s;Jograr;c te:illir:l[ion period.
Such claim shall be distinctly identifid as "fir.:ll".
Before the "tlnJ.I" claim will be processed, the subgrant re:::ipie:1t must submit to the Gr<J.:i.tor all
oucstanding project performance repam, P::ll. II at-the S~bgr:J.nt Award aod Perfor.7l:J.i1ce Repol.
(SAPR), and must have satisfied all special conditions. Failure to comply "'iith the above provisions
shall result in forfeirure of reimbursement.
Subgra1l1 Packag~
Grant Agr~~menl
1998-99 STOP Viole1lce Against ~Vomen Grant Program
D.:parfIT'':1lt of Commullity Affairs Prevention of Domt!stiC and Si!.'Cua! Violmce St!ction
I f Project GenerJted Income was gener:lCed through activities funded under this proje~t. then the
subgrJnt recipient shJl1 submit OllJrrerlv Project Gf!nerated Income Reports to the GrJntor by
February I. (vby 1. August 1, and 0:uve;.1cer 1 covering subgrJnt project generJte:: ir.come ar.c
expenditures during the pre',ieus qUJ::er, (See PJrJgrJs;h 15. Pro~ra;.1 Income)
(. Other Reporrs:
The subgrJ,r1t recipient shall submit ot:~er re;,;er'Cs JS r:1J:- ce requird by tb: GrJ:1tcr
FiSC:.l1 Control :.1nd Fund .-i.ccountin:.; P:-ocedures
The: subgi:.ln: recipient shJI! est..loi:o;~ (iCJ,! cJncrJI J:".~ t-..:n~ JceJur.t:r.:; pr::ce::~res ::-::: J:io~:-e
pr;.;;,;er disburs-::nen: JnJ JCC~ur.:;r.:; c:' :j~b':;rJf1( t''j:'1CS J:-.c re~uire-: r:cr.-recer:: e.'.:e:-.c::-~rei. _~_:i
(uncs s~~ni: 011 this I=roj~',,:: ~h:.l:! ::e -":;~::":;-3~~ :1"::I:r:'::ri; :.J f:rJvis:cr.s co:" i:!i~ ~;-::j~',:: ::..::;~: 2.5
J.:;s;rovd by the GrJncor,
All e:<p~nJitures Jnu cost :.lcclJuncing cr t'unds sh:J.l! conform to l'.S. De;J:J.:::i:ent or J~:ii:;ce. O,:::ce cr
Justic~ ProgrJn1s' Fimmcid Cuido! :J.r;~ in f~::krJI Ot'fice of ~Lln.1g~:T.~:1C J.i1C 8,"C::;~:'5 ,'0.\,[35.-
Cir~':dc:rsfJr S[Cte! "md [oed :;t)\"i!:,'U!:e!.'::s: .~-8:- <.Ill": .~-!()~: Educ~::;'ond Inst:::i::cl:s: .~-~;' ::.'::i A-
/ /0, unci Son-Pro;:, Ol':;~:ni:~:tions. .-1-; /0 and .~-! ~1. in (heir en:ire::',
.-\1! funJs noc sp~:;: Jc::,)r:ir.g :0 cliis .l:;~~~:ne:1C S;i.1l1 ce 5ubjec: to re;:.l:.r.:~:1t ::. ::-:::: s;.::g:::::
r,:'.::;::i-::-::. 00 funds sh:.l11 b~ usctl to surpbnt sute or loc:.ll funtls th:H WQulci orhe:-wise be m:.lde
:.lv:.libblc fur such purposes.
_' (tJn1pli:.l!1ce \\'ith "CVl!sultan:'s Competitive ;Ye:;utiil:iol! Ac:"
..,......~ 4'" 1~-'1 ~ -:3,": : ~r .~ .,~ ,; .,~: "'T~~~" '""I ....i>: ::.. ~'l ~'-l.'",~-~""r 1""........ .;c'.:J,"; ;... \ ,..~' .,
l'l_ ~....c=:_nll,,_,ple.l., ,"'I.en ~:-Ol.C_,",Le. ~=.__:; Cv s"".s,: ...1. r.'i-l."...-...S :-''-1.. --... _I!...CI.
2, -. 05.5. Flor:c'c S{..~!:[(~S, k:'.c\\':;. ~5 :i~: "e or:s:d:::."7['5 Con1.=id!f[z-"".e ~\'~Jf){:c::cn .-i."::'.
~ Approval of Consulr:lnt Contracts
The GrJ.ntcr shail review and Jpprcve in \vricing ail consult.1nt concrJc:.s pr:cr to t!":c:: s;.,:t;gr:l:1c
recipient's employme:1t ora consult.1:iL Approv:l[ shall be based upon the c~m:':lc:'s cornpli:lnce
\vlch requiremerlts found in the U.S. De;=a::r7lerlt cr Justice, Office of ks:ice PiOg:-:::-:S' Fir.cr.c:c;'
Gliid~ and in applicable st.1ce statutes. The Gramor's approval of the subgranc re~iFlei'.c J.g:eerne:1t
does not constitute approval at' cor;sdt.lnc contr::lcts. The subgrant recipient may use 6e te::tpia:e
contractual ser,ices a:;reemenc avaibbk from the gr:lntor. No consubnc r:lte tn excess of S..!.50 or
the approved federal rtite per (:!.1y will ~e alIo\ved, without prior approvJl by the Gr:l:::or. S;eciflc
and det.1iled justific:.1tion must be submic:ed to J.nd approved by the Gi:J.ntor, requestir:g suc~, prior
5. Allowable Costs
Allowance for costs incurred under the subgrant shall be determined according to "General Principles
of AlIowabiliry and Standards for Selected Cost Items" set forth in t..~e U.S. Department of Justice,
Sub grant Package
Granl Agreement
1998-99 STOP Violl.!IIC1! Anaillst Warnell Grallt Prof7ram
,., ~
Dl.!partmcl/t oj Commul/ity Ajjairs Prevention oj Domestic and St!..r::ual Violt!nce Section
Office of Justice Programs' Financial GuidI.! and federal OMB's Circular No. A-87, "Cost Principles
for State and Local Governments", Ot\!B's Circ:dar "io. A-21, "Cost Principles for Ec:ucational
Institutions," or OMB's Circ:t!ul':\'o A-I ]]. "Cost Principles.for Non-Profit Or:;a:1i:::rions.".
All procedur~s employed in the use or' r'eckr::1 tunds to f:rocure ser/ices. supplies. cr e~uipme::t. shJ.[1
ce J.c:ording to the federal O~!B'~ CircCl!cJ's .\"us .-i.-li);, G!ld.-i.-I 10, Ch:1;:ter 2370:':. F/or:dc
SWW[.!s. and the sub::;rant re:::pier1c's lue:11 Prceuremer',( ;:reedures to be e:i~icie r~r reimbursement.
6. Tr:.lvel
..l.!! eJr,t"~r~r1ee. converHion. sem:r.:1r. tr:::::::1:;. or \\Cr:-':5;:cp :rJ.'.e: net 5;:e'c:r:cJ.ii:. eu:::r:e~ ir; ycur
::r:lnt J~rce;.,e:H r.:ust be acprc\e::: 0:- :::e Cr::r.:or pr:er:c :>e ccmme:-.c~r:".er:: cr ;uc~. :rJ.'.ei.
1i1<": cost of 0.11 (r::vei shJ.llce r~:I.1~ur.;c''': :1-c::r::::n:; (c tl:e 5UC:;;:1:1t rec:;:ier'.t'~ i:-.:er:-:::: prcce:.:::.:res.
cut nG( in excess of pro'.ision~ in S..::.:::OI1 ! :;,. i)t5;. F:I;r:,:',: S{,;(:I:.!S.
All bills tor any tr:lve! e.'{pe:1s~s sl1J.!1 be 5u:crnlc:d ::1c:-=rdir:~ to prc:\i5;Cn~ in SO::C::CI: 11:'.06!.
Flor:'!L: S(c!rl{(O::s.
7. \\'rl(!e:l ...\pprovaI ofCh:.lnges in this .~ppro"ed :~~reement
SL:iJ~rtl:1t re--:ipic:1ts sh:lll ccc:l:n ::ppro\::1: rrom ch:e Cr::r.:er rer m:ljor c::~:-.:;:e5. Th:es~ ir:ciuc:e. c~: :;,r~
I:O[ L:::it:ed :0:
..l.,. Cl1:;':1:;~s in f:roj~~: :;'';::'. ;::~s. -.:~s:~:-.5. cr ,~s~:;,r:::-: pi:;,:::: 5.e: for::: i:: ,::e ::;:~r:,.e.: :::;r~:er:".er:::
E. 6u:.::;:e: Cc';::lt:ens ::1;1: de I!{;( me:e: ::::e ~'ei:,:\\:r:; citer::;,. T;::;,: :5. :;, 5'~::;r:r:: ;~::::::er;: ;:-:1::
r:-::nsfer fur.I':s ce::-se:e:: :!::,?rc:\ei tJL:d:;:e: ::;,t~-;.:r:es :!s lcr.; :!s :l:e tct:~ ::r:".C'~::t or' ::-::-:5:-er cces r:{;(
ex.:e:ec :eri (10) pcrce:1t of the :.:::1 gr:;:: (l'.\:1rd :;,::-:: d:e t:,:::s:":er is r71:;,..::e ::; :1:1 J.:r~::'::. :!::,pr:)'::e::
, , ,. .
cuc;::~ lIne Ite:!1: cr,
C. Trtlrisfers of fu::c:s :leQve the tere (1 0) ~erce::: C:lp or i::':;L:s:en of :..:..::::cr::ll b..:..:;e: line i:er:-:s
sh:J.ll be made oniy if a revised i:ucg:et is :J.pproved by r:-:e Cr::1r:tor.
D. l"nder no circumstances can transfers of funds increase the total budgeted :J.',,,ard. Tr:lnsf'e;s
do not allow for incre:J.sing the qU:lnti1::ltive nt.:l7..bc; of items documel'.::e..: ir: J.ny 2.pproved budge: line
item. (For ex.2.mple, an approved budget lille item for t'So tile c2.bine:s m2.Y net ce :r.c~e2.sed to three
flle cJ.oine(s \v::nout apprav::tl of a revised budget by the Gr::1nrcr.)
S. Reimbursement Subject to A....::1i!:lble Funds
The obligation of the State of Florida to reimburse subgr:!nt recipie:1:s for ir.c:.!r7ed C05,S is subject to
available federal STOP Violence Againsr \Vomen ACe funds.
Grant Agreement
Sub grant Package
1998-99 STOP ViIJll!/IC1! A:;ai/lst ~Vamt!n Grallt Pro"ram
D<.:partJnt!llt of Commulliry Affairs Prevention of Domestic and Sex:Jal Violence St!criol/
9. Advance Funding
AovJnce fundin:; not to exce'.::d the expe::,:cd CJsh needs of the recipie;:t \vithin t:;e initiJI three
ITIlJnths or" the proje'~t. Jccordin~ to St!C:!lJn :: /6/8/ (f 5)(B), Flor:d..: S:.::::;{..!s (/j)-;: Jnc the C,S.
DepJrlme:::1t of Justice, Or'fie::: ot' Just~..:::: PrG:;r:1ms' Finw:r.::cd C:I:C:t!. ..1,"::',:1;::::::: :':.;~cii;::; lU.1y be
providd to J sub:;r:1nt r~,:::jpi<.:::t upon J \'< ric::::n re~ue::st to the Gr:1ntcr j:.;::t:~. i~; ,~::: r:::::::d r"or such
funds, This request. induJin:; th~ justilic:J.tion. sh:.lIl be enclosed 1<.::/1 the sub.,;r:J.nt :J.greement
~lnJ m:.lY not e:'(c~eJ 25 [lcrc~:1t of the fcucr:.ll :.lw:.lru. The ~:-:1rit:r.:; c:' s:.;:::": J r:::cc;:::st will b::: J.t cr.e
discretion ot"the Gr:1ntor.
11). Commencement of Project
[t'..l proje'ct 11..15 nl:t b,:',;'..:n \\it;:i:: !!I:r.-:. 'jiJ; ':':."S J:'":er :.l~::::::::[Jr:ce C[':>~ 5:';:;:-:::-.: :;",\::-:. t::e s:.;c:,;:-::::-::
n,,:'cipi.:::nt sh..lll 5<.::,-'::1 [ec:~r t,; t;:e Gr..ln:.;r ir:c:icJ.[;r:~ :ite;=5 tc 1;",;:::1:e :::::: ~r:je'~: .::...:: :-e.150r.5 ,~.:r ee::1:.
Jl1J r~~u~s~ .J.~1 ~.'''''~~''':~~:.! ~rc.i~',,;: 5~..!:-::;,~ 1-..!2:'~.
[t~ proje~: h~:i net be:';'Jn \\i:hin six.-:; (60) d..~,s ~r't~r J.c~e;:t.1;:C~ or"::~~ 5:';::;:-:::;:: :;''.\:1:-:. tl:e s,"og;:1r.:
n,:'cipierH sluil s.:::;:c J.noth.::::, kc:'er to t:lt:: Gr:lr1tor. ~:;:lir. expiJ.:nin:; :'~::5cns :"cr ;:;::::::. 2.;1C reques;:
~n\)r!,t::r r'~'.isd p:-2j~~: SCJ;;:;n::; d..l[~.
L"PtJr. r~':::~ip cr t[l~ s:.:.,":; (150; c:.::; Ie:::;:r. t1:e:: Gr:ln[cr will dc:~:,:-::inc I:' ::-:e r~.1S.:r: :-cr de::;,:. is juscir:e:
cr mJ.Y. ~[ its disc:-:,::ior.. L.:niL::e:-J![Y ,e:-:7:ir;J.:c [his :l:,;:-ec;..c:1[ Jnc r~'.:c;i:;"l:e s:.;:;r::-:, fur;cs to 0[:1e:-
C:':l:::::r :~~r2ve': ~r;;jt::...::s. Tie G:-::;::.:r. '.'. [le:-~ wJ.;.:;.r.::.::: i:::' ~:ce;:''':::::1~ '~::-::"::7:::::'~'::::s. ;1"',:::- ex:~::'':
[lie stJr:in:; C::[~ or" the prcje::':::: PJ.:i;: ::~e si.":.:, (60) ,:_-::' perice. CL.:: cr.!:- c:- i;r-:::.:,' ',,<::-!!! ,71!"!.!.':~:'.'J:i!.'u
to c!:~~ :J.'~:-~~:7".~;:c.
11. Ex;:ension of;l Con:;":.lc: fllr Con:;":.lc:u:.l1 5c:-.ice:5
Ex:~:-:::icr: :.<":!. c"~r.r~:lC: f~r .:~n::-:lc~:'::J.~ 5~:-;ic~:j te:--'o\'e~:--. c~~ 5'..lsg:-:r:: ~e..::~;~::: :'::c 2. ;:;;r:r::c:or
(\\ :-::''::1 ir..:i',::~s J.il p:-oJc'':: b.:(;-:: c:::e:;,x:es) s:1J.Ii Cc lr. wr::i:::; fer:. ~~~:c.: ne[:.:: ~x.:~e:: sf:, (6)
,'..:,:;::':::; :1:1': is sc.::je'~: t..; ,:le S:J.:7:e t~t7.'15 :1:1': c.::r:C::t:cns Se: c'..::-::: ir: :::e l::i:iJ.l :::::::'::, Or.l: cne
t::~~:~nsion cfth~ c:::nli::ct s;ull t~ :1cc~?tJ.bi~. unless f:J.ilu:-c (0 COr7:~:e:~ :.":e C::L:::-:'~: [5 due to e'ie:1tS
beyond the cantrol of the cor.:::lc:or.
12. Excusable Del:1ys
Ex.cept \\:i:h respe:t to defJ.ults of ccr:sL:i(J.:1t5, the subg::lnt recipie::: snJ.ll r:ct ce l:: cet-:1ult by re:lSon
ofJ.ny ftlilure in pc:-formtlr:ce of this :;,gre~:nent according to its t~:-::1S (inc!uCl:'1g :;.::y fJ.ilure by the
s:.;b~rJnt recipier:c to mJ.ke prc~reSS ir: the ex~':ution of work the:-e:..:::,:e:- "vhic:: e::dJ.::ge:-s such
pe:-fori11tlnce) if SClcn f:J.ilu:-~ J.:-i5c5 OlH ot" C:1uses beyonc. the ':0nt~cl :l:-:c w[choL.:: :.~,::: ::1ult or
negligence of the subg;Jnt re'.:ipie;:[. Such C.1uses include cut are net limited to J.ct.5 of God or of the
public enemy, ac:s of the government in e:the:- its sovereign or cont:ac:ual c:l~:lci:y, r::-es, floods,
epidemics, qUJ.r:1ntine restrictions, strikes, freight embargOeS, and U:1'lsu:llly seve:-e we:lther. In
eve:-y case, tb~ f:lilure to pe:-fOri11 sZ':a!! be beyond the cor;t:o[ :lnc without the f:lL.:l: or negligence of
the subgr:J.nt recipient. .
Grane Agreement
Sub grant Package
1998-99 STOP Vio!i!IICI! A;:aillst Wontl!n Grallt Prar:ram
D<!pllrl11l<!/lt of Commulliry Affairs Pr<!vention of Domt!Stic and St!..'(ual Vio/<!ncl! SeetiG;;
If fJ.i1ure to perform is CJ.used by fJ.ilure of J. consu!tJ.nt to perform or mJ.ke progress, J.nd if such
fJ.ilure J.ris~s out of C:lUS~S beyond th~ control of sub;;rJnt recipi~r1t J.nd consultJ.nt. J.nd without f.:lult
or r.~::;lig~nc~ of ~ith~r of them. the sub;;rJnt re\:ipient shJ.ll not b;: deemd in defJ.ult. w:!r!ss:
..'... Sueclies or ser/ices to be furnisl1d b.. the consulum wee octJ.inJbk from othe:- sour;:es
. .. .
G The GrJncor ord~red the re'..::pi''::lr in \\rlrin::; to procure such SClpplies or s~;-.ices from cthe:-
Sc:" ices. Jnd
C. Tll~ re'..:ipie:lt f:.lild to r::JsonJc[:- c,:mei:- \\it!1 S~"::l crc:c.
[~>;n r'.;~u::st <Jr' (:1<:: re'..::"i:::;::. rhe Cir:.'.:l~:r o::..::! 2.iC';;.::':;; t::::: ['::'''::5 J,;;': (~e c:';:e:".: at' s~::;, t.:l::t.:,e. J;:C:
ir'tJ:~ GrJ,nC'Jr d:::.~~inc:s [h:.l~ J.n:- f:':'I!Ll:'"': L\:' ~c-::-~'\)rm \\2i cC:'::.l.jiCl:~:":::- one: cr ::1cr~ 5'::''':: C2.~~~S. l::~
~:':[l"~~/ 5<"::--:~~u:~:illJ.ll be r~'~ is~d J.c..:~:r:":ln~~>
1.3. Obli:';"Jtiun orSub~r:.lnt Recipienr funds
SubgrJ.I1r n.:-..:ipic", ['unc::; sll;].1I nor uncier J.ny c;r;:~!ms,J.nces CC oblig:::cei prior ro t;;c ec':e:::l',e cJ.:e or
::ir.;bs.:~uenc to rhe te:-rnin;].rion d:.lre crchc ;;!'Jnt pcioJ. Onl;. projel:t cosrs incurred on or :lfte:- the
ctT.:l:tive d:Hc :.lad un or prior to the rermin:.ltion d:.lte of the subgr:.lnt'recipient's project J.re
tdi~lbll.: for reimburscm~nL .:..\~ c::~~ is in~~!r:-~'-': ',.\'!~~:-". [l~~ :3uc~:-2.nc re'::pie:"'lc'5 ~~~[cye~ cr
(~;nsult:!nt pc:-r'"Cr:-:1S re~uired sc:-,..'i(;~s. or \vhc:1 cf:~ 5~lb~;2.rl( re'..:ir:t~:1c ~:-:~:.r!7:.b~;3 f..l;.C5 (hrcu~h J.
\ .1:1": ~t..::"::-:Ji~ cr:':~:- LU ~2V',;:- L:~C ..:;:~~ e,{ ~1~:-::~:'S;i~~:J.~ :l:..::::cr~::~~ i[~~.
l..i. ?:-()~r:.lm Income (:.lbn know:! :.lS Prole.;: Gene:-".lreJ Inc:Jme)
?r::;;~:::m inc~me r.:e:::,,::; :::e g~JS.3 i..c:r..e e::,:-:e~ c:' cI;-e !'e'''::~ ie,,: c:~r:;-::; c::e s..:::;t'J.::: :,:er:cc_ J.S J.
c:re':: result of t::~ subgr:liiC J.\.....J.!'c. Pr::g:"J.:7l i..cor.,e sh:::d ce br.Ciei Jc:orci:-.; c.J t;,e Oc:'ice or-
ks,;':e Pr;;g:"J.:7l5 Fincncfr.:! C;tidi:!. l'.S. D~::::r::::er:: of ]'..:s:;ce CCff.n::;n P..;;f~J;;r S:':::i:! end Lx::;'
00"";;':'''':7:71';/::. P,,,..~f;:-e~c~: r;!:-, C..:s/z Jl..:J:"::J~.Ir:r::r:: [JJ:;ro'~'e,'n:!n: ~J.....~: c4' 199t).
15. Perform~nce of .A.greement Provisions
It: r::e e<;e:1C of def~u!t, ncn-.:cmp!!:lr.ce or viclJ.tlcn of J.ny provisicr. dtnis agree:T.~:1t by the
s~t;gt'J.r'.( re';:pi~r:t, th~ subgrJ.nt re'..:iple,,['S ccns:..:!tJ.n:s ::':1G suppliers. cr cctl1, the Gr::.:::cr r:;J.Y
im;:osc sJ.nc,ions thJr ic deems appropri:lte. inc:uding \vithho!ding p<1ym~:1tS ~r.d cJ.l':ce!l:l:icn.
terminJ.rion or susp~nsion of the :lgree:-nent in \vhck or in p:lrt. In s\,;cn event, th~ Gr::.ntcr snJ.!1
norify the subgr:lnt recipie:1r of its decision ,hi!',y (30) dcys in J.d'iJr.ce ofrhe dk:tive dJ.t~ or such
S.:li:c,:on. The subgr:lnt re.cipienr sO:l:l ce p:lid only fvi t::2se services s:li:isfJctcrily p~dorme~ prior
to ti:e df~ctiv~ C::.te of such s.:lncrion.
Subgranr Package
Grant Agreement
1998-99 STOP Violence Against Women Grant Program
Department of Comlllullity Affairs Prl!1/t!/ltioll of DomestiC and St!.."Cua! Vio{enci! Sl!c!ioll
16. Access To Records
Th<: Gr:lr1cor: tl1~ U.S. Oe[Jan:m~:1t or' Jus,iee. Ot'fic~ of Jus,iee Pro:;:-:lr..s. Bur~:lU at' Jus,ic~
.-\::is i S,:lnc~: :lnJ. tl1~ A ud i tor Gcn~rJI 0 t- t;,~ S l:lt~ 0 f F [or:ca. t!:c L'~S. Com ptro I Ie C~:',crJI or :1r,:, 0,-
t:1~:r liuly Jutl1iJriz~d repres~nt:lti':es. 5:1:l!1 b'.c Je::ess to boci-.s. CCc'..;",c:m. pJ;:crs. Jnc re::or~s of
t;1<.: sub::;rJnt r~'cipient JnJ its contr:lCtors kr th~ pur;:'.:sc cr- :lucrt :l:-:c e:\:lr.:i;1::icr. :::::or2in~ to ,:-:e
L'.S OcpJr.:mcnt or' JU::itice, Of:ice or' Justice Pr:;::;r:lr.,s' Fincl7c:d C,,:.:<!.
Tile GrJnror r~ser-.es the ri~i,t tc t-er".i,;::e r;;is J:;ree~e:,.t u;1i;::~r:l!I:, ift~e su;::;r:l:-:: re'.::pic;:, or its
c,:iHr:1C,OrlS) rer'l:se to :l!!c\V pubiic :lc::eS3:0 Ji! ~\':'::.:r.:ents. pJ:ers. le::er:i. cr ctl:er :;::l:er::l[S. :l:;C
I:-',Jce I.:r re'::e:',e~ c~ tl1e sui;;;rJ"t re:::;:ler.: I~, its ::.:r.:r:c:cr;s Ii:; C,';L:j'..:r.c::cr. ',\ it;; :;;:5 :l:;ree:71e:::.
)~:;J''':'':: lU prJ\.lsi~~;~::; ,)r' (_-;,'...:./':{,,!.... ! /~), ''"::~)!':...:'..: S..~:::,:..:::;
1-. .-\.udir
Tht.: sub~r:l:1t r:;'...::~i~:1( s:1:.l11 ~r'::\ :t.!..:: ~v ~!:~ Gr:;..;:C2r Or.~ -:~::>
~ .' . . . .
~l J.n .1:;;:~~~ .1~'::: (;Jnc!..:c:~~ l::
.:om~iianc-::.with r:10.1 Sin:]!<! .1 ".![[ .-L.:: uf !'j';'~ ?L. \)~-_;I):. T:;c :J.',lc:r sh:lll cc ~~r:'or.iid in
:l'::::l)rJ:1r1C~ wirl1 tl1~ r'e~er:ll O\18's Cir:;:ii~:r _1-/ n :l:.c erncr :l;::[:ilC:lck f~:::~r:l.[ 1::'.\3. Th~ cor.r:-:lc:
t'ur t!lis :l:,;r'.::'C;.,e::1t 51ull be: iCC::i::fieJ Wi:!l r~:: s:.:cje'::: :J.C1tiic in r/<! St.:.::<!:::"uf.! of ;:d<!,~:;:/ F:'n:::ncicl
.1ss:s:.:m;.:. Tile c:':l1rr:l<.:: Sil:.:11 ce: ili:::1::::e::: JS re::e:r:l: f.l:-:cs ~:l55.e::-::-:rcu:;il th~ rre'.e:1t:cn of
Oem::st:.: J;lJ Sc:\:.::":'! Vi0[e:,,<.::: Se:':::::':I;. F!cr:c:. D::;::::::.:7:e:it c:'Ccr.;r.;:.:;;:ry ..l..:'7:lrrS. :l"C inc:;,;c:: the:
<':~Jl1Cr:..:.<.:: nur:-:ce:r. CFD..l.. nL:r:-.0e:r. :l'.\:1r:.: ;1;..<.::U11:. CJr.tr,"::: ;::e:r:cc. (',;:-,":5 r~'ce:'.e-':: :l:-,::: ~is;:ur3e::.
',;"::e:: :l;::::ii<.::::ci~. ::1': 5L:l;sr::.r.r r~'..::::'..::;: 5::::':! Su::~:: 20:-. 2o:1;1L::':: :~:::l:1::::l! 20''';-::: ,:.~:.::: ::;ee:s :i:e
re:.;u:re:;;er::s erSe'::::cl1::i i i...1.~ :l"C: :lo.:":'). Fier:'..!;: S::l:',lr.es: :l::C:. C:.:;:ers i')~::: :::..: [I).C'-:C.
?_:~~:5 C( ti~c F":0r!~:..:. ...l.~~~i~,:r C~:~,;~:l:.
.~. >':2i:':~:~~~ .J.LlC:: :-~~Ci: '.\ ~::.:>. ~:;\ e:-s ~r::~.
. ~. . .. .. - , .
~~:-:i~:-: or ::~~ ~~:~..:::\.~ c:::~s ::: ~:::5 :;:-~~:"':"'_e:"'.:
r7.'J5, Cc SUCr7.:t:d w:thir. 3i) d;::'s :::':e:- i:3-=::r7.~:e::c:'.. b.:: r.c ~:l:er r;;::-. se';e:: (7) :;:-,;r.:::5 :l;:er ::-:e
:lucr: ~~r:cd. Tc:e: cor::~ie:e. t;-;e su:r::ir:::',: ,e~cr:: s:-::l:[ ir.<.:;L:ce :l:::, c;;:',,:l:;e:71e,,: k::e:-:s iss...:e..:
se:=:l:-:l:~::: :l:'1C IT.J:'1:l:;~:7'.er.[' 3 \\ r;r:c:'1 re:i;cr..se :8 d:" ,:r.c:r.~s. b:::: :.l.'::-:::, re~0r: :l,,: :7::.r::l;e:i:e:",
:::::er fr.c:i1:fs. l::CGr7.~[e:~ :l:.lC:: ~~;(r:5 '.'.::: r.'.:~ ce :l::.:e;ce~ c:' c:-:e 0,,":-1[2, :l:'1C \\:~l ce r.e~J:-:4e:: :0
.' . .
L:-:C s'Jo~r:lnr re'.:rplc:1L.
C. Th~ sub:;r:.r.t recipie:1C sh:.!I h:l\'~ :lll <lUG:t:; ccr::;:;Ie:ec by:::.n I::de;:~:ice"t Pt.:clic Account:.nt
(IP.-\). Th~ IPA sh:.l!l be e:t!'1er:::. Ce:-:ir:~:i P:.:bl:c Ac.:ou::r:lr.t or <ll:c~:;s.ed PL:blic ..l..::CQunt:lnr.
O. Ti1c 5ubgr:lrlr recipient sn:llt t:lke :.?propr;:::.te cor.ective <lc:icr. l::1rn~-':l:lte!;; u?on is:S:'::J.r.ce of
the ,wdit re~or.: in ins::mces of noncompbr:ce with fede r:l 1 bw:s :lr.c re:;:.Jbrior.5. r'1e subgr:J.n!
re..:iplent <lgrees co submlt their corrective :::.c:icn pl:1r. wi,:: th~ir audit re;:cr.: to the Gr:.ntor \vher.
t:1e:-e :lre rind:ngs,'re'':Cn1r:1e:,.dJ.tions c:s;:loser:! ir. the :lL;C:t re;:cr::. Ti:e ccr.e:::i';~ :::..:::on pbn shoulc
include: 1) sp~citic s:~;:s taken to ccmply with the re::omm~rlC:l:ion5: 2) tirn~::lble for pe~ormJnce
:lnd/or iwplemen::::.tion d:lte for e:lch re'.:or.:mer:d:lricn: 3) d~s;:riprior. orr.;oniror:n:; to be conducte:i
to ensure implementJ.tion.
Suogrant Package
Grant Agreement
1998-99 STOP Vinlt!I/CI! A;.:ainsl Women Grant Pro;.:ram
Department of Community Affairs Preventioll of Domestic and St!.'Cuaf Violence Sectio"
E. Th~ subgr::lnt recipient shall ensure that ::ludit working papers are made availabl~ to the
Gr:Intor or its d~sign~e, upon request for a period of three (3) years from the dare the audir report is
issued. unl~ss extended in writing by the Grantor.
F. [fthis agreement is closed out \\ithour J:l audic. the Grantor reserves the rig!l: to re'~over :J.:1Y
disa!!iJwed costs ide:ltitied in an auc..:it .:crnpletd Jt1cr SL:~i1 closeout.
G The complete::: audit report silcL.;ld ce s~:H to the t-ullo\ving :J.Ccress:
norilb Dep:J.nment ofCommunir;-' Aff:J.irs
Oflice of the [n~[1ecror Gener:J.I
2555 Sl1um:J.rtl O~k BoulevanJ. Room .=170
T~Ii:.lh;lssee. Florid:l 3:.3')')-2101)
L~. Procedures for Cbim Reimbursement
..l.11 c!airr.s for reimburs~me:lt ot' subg:a:lt re~ipie:lt cos;:s sl1:J.I1 be subrr.ir:e::: on DC.~-D~' Furm FA-
CI. prescribd and prcvidet.! by the Grar.tor. .A subgr:J.!1t re'~ipient shall su!Jmit c!:J.j;::s monthly In
l)rJer to report curre:1t proje.ct costs.
All irems induded in :.l request for reimburscme:lC must correspond to an approved bud~et line
i:~m containd in the c:Jntr:lcr b;jtl:;~t: ;l:1Y irems indui.!e~ in a r~jmbursem~:1: request th:lt do
not \:iJir<:::ipond to an :.lpprrJved bud:;.!t Ii:.e it~m wi:i be disallowed :lnt.! dedt.:c:~d :"rom the tou!
:.l:7:iJU:.t of ru~Js CD be rl::mou:-sc:.!.
.~_rr c::lrr:::i :cr r~~:7la:":;3~~~:-:: 5~;'!!: C~ 5~:~:r:~'~ r:1 S:.::"::I"::C:1: ':-=:.1il f:;- ;i;:'~~:" pre-1'..:c:: :!~C ~a5~-
19. Rdention of Records
l:,e s~bgrar:t re::ipie~t sbII r.1:l.i:1t:l.ir: :lil re::or~s a~c d0C~:i1e~ts for a sir:imu:7: or,h;ee (3) ye:!rs
f.-em the d:!te of the fj::~! finan<.:i:l.i st:lte:ue:1.t :lnc be :lv:l.ibble fer :ludit ar:d tJublic G:sc[osur:: u~on
r;:quesr of duly authorized pet'sons.
10. Ownership ofD:lta and Creative ;'\bteri:.11
Ov,;nership ofmateri:l!, discoveries, inve:1tior.s, and results deve!of:ed, produced, or discovered
subordin:l.te to this :lgreement is governed by the terms of the U.S. De=":l:1menr of Justice, Office of
Justice Prograr:1s' Finc:ncic:! Guhf'! or the federal O~lB's Circufar A-flr]. Subpar: C - Pos{-Awcrd
Rdquirements. Properry Standc:rds. 36.
21. Property Accountability
The subgrant recipi~nt agrees to use all non-expendable property for administering programs
designed to stop violence against women during its useful!ife or to request Gr:J.ntor disposition.
Subgrant Padwg~
Grant Av~~ment
1??8-?? STOP Vio{t!/lci! Agai/lst JVomen Grant Program
DepcJ{(mc!fI( of Commu/lity Affairs Prevention of Domestic and Se.:cual Violence Section
Th~ subsrJnt re~i~i~nt shJ./1 estJ.blish Jnd Jdminister J s:.stem CO prote~:, prese:"'.e. use, mJintJin J::d
displ)s~ ot" In:; prcp~~; furnish~d co it b:- the GrJntor or purcilJs~; pu,suJr,[ to t~is J:;,ee:71e:1t
J.c.:crding to t'c:d~,:1! prop<.:~y mJ.nJ.::;e:71e~c 5L.lndJr~s sc:: r-\x,l1 in the L'.S. De;:2.:-::-r:e:-.: or" kstice.
Office ot' Justice P,oSr:1ms' Fil:~:lIr.::d C:I:d.: or the ['e:::::,JI 00,[8's Cir:::t!,:r .~-! !I). S",~pcr: C - ?us:-
,,-lH'c.:.~c.i R.!quir~r/7t!!';!S, Prr)..!Jer:y SL':..ln(.:,-:r~.l~'. This oclt;J.c:cn conrinL:es 2.5 lor::; J.5 (h~ 5~bg~:ln:
re'.:ipienr r~r::J.ins t:1~ prQP~;::~', nUr.\;iL::S:2.r.~ir1~ ex.~irJ.(:cn of chis J~=-~:::7.~:1:.
Disputes :.lnLl Appe:.lls
Tll~ Gr~n~IJr .);'.:1:1 :7'.J.!..:~ iCj c:~'.:::;;cn ir: ..\:-;~:~~ \.\h;:;. :-e~;:I:~c:i~:; :2 ..:.:--.:: ~::;~L::~5. 1::.3'::;:-~~:::~:-::~. C~
~~~:';l:crlS (;( ~.~".:: -l;-:~ir;; l:r:~~:- ::~is :':';~2::::-:-'.~:--:: J~'''': ~;:2:: 1-'::~~:-:21"'::':: ::.: :-~S;l~r.:;~:..: 2:: -=:r.~~:-:-:~:::
p~lr:ic~. The s:...:c~:-:;.~[ r~~:pl~:-:~ ~hJ.:l ~;-:,:~.:~:..: C::ll;~:--::::- ',\ :::1 l~~C ;t::"~.~:-77.:~..:~ C~-::~:~ :.';:-~~;::~:-::
J.(..:crdin:; lV l:i~ C:-Jnccr';) J',,:'..::sicr:.
..!... Suspc_n.sicn or t::,minJ.c:on ccnsti['.,;:~:i rird J:;~:".c:' L:~-i::=, C~2.;t~, l :0, Fi:l5~2:.. :lS 2r:1e::~~:::.
0'orirtc:lrion of sus~c:-;sion or r~,mi"J.rion shJ!1 ir.c!uc,: notice or J.c~ir:is"J.ri"e :-:e::,:ng r:g~:s J.::C
ti~~ fr:J.m~s. [r r!:~ :iub~r:.nt re'..::pi~:--:[ ;.l;:~:::.lI:5 lhc Gr:':"'.:..:r"s d~'.::sicr,. l::~ ~~~:l:C:-: cr. J;;;:c:l[ 5[::1Il c=
f:ic:'!. \vir!:ir. r.\e:".:-:.-cn<.: (: l) C:l:.s ot' ['e'.:~:::t orr;~e t::e-:isicn. \\ic:-: PJU!J. Fer;:. ..l..:;e:-.c:' Cle,i,.
DC~:.lr:me:'1r crCcr.i7!L::liry A;'f'::lir3. :555 S;;um:lr:: 021-,: 8,Jule'.J,:. T.:i:Jr:2.ssee. f:c[,:~J 3:~S:S-: :CIJ.
., ~
Confcrenc~:i :.lnJ In:ipcl:tion of \Vorh:
C,~nf~:'e:1~~S r71:l\ t~ h~~~ ~c ~:":~ r'~~t.:~~: cr. ~:i:; ~::~. :: ::~:5 ~~:"~~~.~:--::, .~.: .:;::: :~~~.: ;~~:-~i~::::::.;~
crc:~~ Gr2.:lL:r. cf::;~ Or'::.:~ \~:~j'~3~:~~ ?~.:'~~~;::~ ':~.~::~ C.,S. C'~~"::-::7:=~,: ~~.:;~~::.:~.'::- ':2~~: ~,~:..~ c::-:
~~:" !:::=;~ ct' I, isi:::::; :::c ;:i'2j~';: s:c~ :.: ...;::::or. ir.s;':~:. :1:-:'': 2.s.5~::.5 '.\.:,:~ ~e,,".:r:::e~.::;:::e, ::::.::
:1:;:- ';:~:7l~::~.
:~. Pi.:oI:'.::.l:io:l or Prin~in~ of F...~pl)rts
Th~ s~bg:-::.r::ee 5~J.[l s~~...ic c"e c.:~:- c:- ;lIt i'e~cr:3 2.r:c f:r2~cse::: ~''::li::::.:r:5 ,~5'.:!::::g f:-2r':: t:::5
2~!'ee:7le:-:r txen:y C~O) d::.ys prior co pui:[:c re!e:lse. Ai1Y pub[icJtic~,3 (";.r;::~::. vi.5~:[. or s,::ur'.c).
\\"hc[h~:- pub i ish~~ ilS pa~ of rh~ suog:":lnree" s r~qu!red rr.:l:ching eX;:~::5~ cr ar ~h~ GrJncor':5 eX~c:1se.
sl:::.il conr::.in the following s;:::.te:;;encs er; th~ cove:- pJ.ge: ()."OTE: Tr.:s ex:!uces ;:i'ess re[e::.ses.
r.ewsk::e,s, and issu~ a!121yses.)
.-\. "This re?crt was pre;:ared ~Jr the Pre';e::rion otDor.~stic and Se;":'.l:ll Viole::ce Se~tior., flcric:l
D~::::1r:me:1C ct CC8r7lunir; .-\ffJirs. in c2cce,2.cion \vich the U.S. De:2:-:::1e::r or ]'.:s:ice." T::e r.ex:
.. .... ..
~rtr:t~d lin~ 5:12..11 tC~:1tify t:-:e month J.nc: ye:lr th~ r~pcr: \\":15 pubrrsh~~.
B. This proj~':;t W2S supporced by GrJr:r?\o. 9S-WF-VX-0012 a\\2.:.:e: by t~e Vic[e:",ce Ag::.inst
\Vomen GrJncs Office, Office of Justice ProgrJms, U.S. D~par;:me:H ot Justic~. POl.:1CS of vie v.; in
this docume:1t are those of the author and do not necess2rily ret'rese:lt the offici::!.! position or policies
ofch~ St.:lCe of FioridJ.; Pi'evenrion of Domestic and S~xu.:il Violence Se~ti,on, Florida De?:lrLme:1t of
Community. Affairs; the U.S. Depamnent of Justice; or any other age::cy otLh.e s;:.:::e or feeer:!l
Subgrant Package
Grant Agreement
J??8-?? STOP Violencl! A;:aillst Womell Grant Program
Departll/e/lt of Commu/lity Affairs Prevention of Domestic a/ld Se.;r:ual Violl!!1C1! Section
25. Equ~( Employment Opportunity (EEO)
:<,) [:L:r5on. on the grounJs ot' r:.1\.:<::. c~e::~. cel,)r or n:.Jtion.11 ori',;in s~.111 be excludd frem f:Jr.:icip.1tior.
111. bL: rd-used be:1dits of. or otl1er'.vi5~ ,ubJ~'~red to discrimin:lcior. unc::~ gr:lnts J'.VJr~::'':: p!';~SU:;':1t tJ
Puhiic Lc'.V 8')-515.". YOII-Dl.lcl':n:lIle:I:(;,'! R<!:!:lil\.:m..:nrs ofl/i<! ..J.n:i-Dr:/:; .-I.,~USe ..L: of !9.)) Ti:!<! I;'
utIli..: Ci..,i! Ri?:/:IS ..J.d 0/ /i)Ij.J, S":~'1i1)11 .'0": ,;/,/1..: R..:hc:ct!ilc:l;ol1.-!.l.': of /1)-3 as C::lle'":::"::;!. Ti:!.:> L',' nr'
'} ,-:; .. ... ... .. '..I
Ihi.! Ed:Ii.:ct:on .i!l!<.!nd/lll.'nls of /9-2. rl': .-1.'"' D/j'..:r'/Ilii7ctiol1.-ll.': 0(/<)-5. ell:;!. De::c,~:!l!i!!:: oIIte..:.;>
.,I':' ... . J I.. ,.j ~ "Iw_
;\"on.Dis,:r:l71ini.:t:o!: R.!:;ltfU!iOI1S 10]' C.::R P..:n ..:2. Suop:rrs C. D. E. F. C cnd f!.
Ti:L: :i<:b:;;:.J~t r~.:ipient .1:;;e:::5 to c~;:;~. t:::.J[ eb,::- e:t:ler C0 (Jr GO r..:t ~ee[ E=:O prc;;r:!::: er:ter::;, .150:[
r'~r::~ in SI.;.:....::Ot: ;40/ o.../The J.r:-:!~:'i!.'"'~::' ().','~.~!:i~U~' C~i-:"nu.: (....u!?:rol :..7.'?(: j-l:/~ Srr!'.!!s Ai....c 0./'"1968 :..:5 c:n:c."7:::'~:..~'
J.1~Li ::::.lC ll:I~:- !~J.'.~ l..'r l1:J.ve nee t0r:i".I_:!;'::~''':. 1:7'.~i::::7"',~~L:::'''': J:1Li :7"lJ.::-.:.:.:~~:..: J. ~:...:r:-~:""l: ~~;-=\ ?:-::';:-:::"~.
Submission of chis l:t.:rtifiC:ltil)n is ;l f1rl:n:quisic~ tIl e~terin:;: inco this J:;:reeme~c. [;;15
C~r:l;:CJ[Iur: is:;, r.u[:~i:.J1 r~;:r"':~"':~,.1::l:n or" ,'2,c: L.:;:()" \\i:ic~ r::i::;...:~ '.\.1S r;i:;,cd \\~c:: :::15 ::.:;r~:::::e;.t
\\2..s [nJ~~" ff cl:~ :5ub~rJ.n( r:.:'.::pi~:;L ~,..:~~s .1..:: ..2:-1r~~;~ cet h:lS r:--:.( ~~r:::u::.lce~~ im~:~:::::-"iL-='':~ 2.:-:'':
lTI:.lint.1i:1=<5.Uch ::. c:.lrr~;:t \vrir::<;::1 Eeu ?rc~;:!rr:. i[ h:.ls /::0 de::..\" .1:=:er t::e C.1t~ chi5 .1:;r~~:T:-:;:t 'S:;'S
m:.J';'''': to compiy \....i[!1 thc .J..c: or fJ.c~ 1c55 of r'c:,,:cJ.! func5 sucJc'':: La t~e s.1nc:ions ir. ,::e Jr:$:;C:;
SU:":/I! flllpm1,'C!.'7/.!11! .~(..-[ of /)-~). P:.C L. ?t5-/:--.';:' CSc. 3-01. e! se;r r'P...:fcrC!.'1c! Se::::0!7 303 (,:J
of:!:..: .~l.'!. ..::. CSc. 3-83 (,1! e:ndCFJ. Se~':iu!: ..::.:.rr Comp!:'cllC! b/ormc:;oI1J. ...'..:1:: s:::ce :!:;~:1c:..
C:]l::1CY cr C:~: r~'~:;i'iin:; :5501).1)1)1) 1:)1 rr.cre in STOP Viok:1ce A~J.in5~ Wome:1 funds. s;,:!!! sucr.:i[ its
~~u;.:i e:::p!,;:,me:1t uPP(;"unic:, pl;.:~ :l:-:C:.ur :he mos: r::''':~:1t upd2.c~. \vir:-: ics .1pfJlic2.c:cr. :-or 5:"::r..:cc:.!
(0 c:;c: L'S Dep:..:r:;ne:1t or'Justic~. Or"~:,:~ crCi':i[ R:~~t3.
:6. A.meril:~ns wi:~ Di:i:.lbilicie:i ACe l')~)t)
SL::;;~:.::-:t~e5 <7'.:":S~ ::cr.:pi:. .:.i:i; t::e re:::.::re:;-:-::-::3 c:' (il~ .~.;::e;:c.::::-:3 ....:::: D:s::oilir:es .A::: (.':'.':>...'..;.
P:.::iic L.l'.\ \0:-j:6. ':..hic:. pr0i:iti:s c:ser;~in::..:icr. c:: p'.:c!ic :.:-:c pr:'.::e ;::-:::::~s cr; ::;~ :::3;S of
~:s::.:lIi['y ::.....: r::'~:.:ii;:3 '::e:":::.ir: :!'':::Jr.L:7:cG:;,:ici:s be 1..::'Ce w:[11 re::;:r: :0 e".pic:.::;e:-:: ,,71:::: !\ s,::.:~
:!::.: ice::! :;:'.-::-::r:-.-::":t 5-:r":C::'; .1:':C :~::::5pCr:.1::cr: i.Tit:~ II). put!::: J.::::2r.Lmcc::,::c::5 (T:r;e ::~\. :::c
:~:~'~::;:--~:7:'''::-::~2.:iC~3 (T![l~ I\'.).
;\'on-Procuremenr, Deo:.l;-;nen: ~::J Suspension
The 3:..:cg,J.r:c i:::ipiet".r il::;;e~s [0 c::Jmpl:" with Lee:::I:!,.-e Ord.!r ! 25.19, De!:c:rmer.: cr.d SlIs::er1S:017
(3-/. Cl:i( Pa.,~:S5. S~;:ion 85.510. PGr::c:pc:n(s Rdspo!!sic:.liri.!5). Tr~~5~ proce::ures req:.:::e :h~
subgrJ.nt re~tpi<er:t to ce"ify l[ shJ.ll not e::,e; into any lower ti~,ed C::Jve;ed L:'JnsJ.c:icr. with a ~e,son
who is Cesilrred, suspended, ci~::!J,e:.i irie!igibie or is volunt::.;i!;: ex.c!~c:ed f,om par:ic:?ilting in t!-:is
cove;ed tr.1r13Jccion, uniess JCithorized by t:1e Gr:!ncor.
2:3. P~ymenr Contingent on .-\ppropri:1tion
The St:;,ce of Florid.1's performance and oblig::.tion to p:; unde; this ag:-eement is cor.cinger:t upon an
annuJl appropri.1rion by the Florida legisbrure.
Sub grant Package
Gr~nt Agreemenl
1993-99 STOP Vio/t!llct! Agaillst Women Grallt Program
Departtnt!/lt of COlllmunity Affairs Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violt!nce Section
29. Federal Restrictions on Lobbvinn
. '"
The sub:;rJnt recipient J:;~~~s to comply witi: S<!~':iOl1 J!? of Puhl>..' L:',v /0/../] / set for-h in "S2W
R . L '6' ! . F. 'R'" 'f.' .. I C" " /I'?I) ~ I 'R .
l.!sr,.fct!ol?s Oil 00 YUlg: nlt!tU1! U:I..:: ~~'.t!. P~(r: ,s';...:~: in ( !e! 1. ~::r:i:.:r:,; ..:0. 'J . rC~H!rc.. r:!']:S:~."'.
EJC!: pe,30n sin!! tile the 1.10st cu,,-:::: ~:.1it:':r, ..:::rt~~is C~:-:ifiC::lLii'n~rc Dis,::!('.;l!re For.;, if
JpplicJbk. with e:!cil SUOlTIi$5ior. tIne ini:iJ.:~~ 2.:;~:;'''::- C:Jr,sicc,:J.t:Cr. or s~C;' p<::~30r. ~'or J,WJi:i Ct'
t'<.:~e,JI.::ontjJ.ct. :;:'Jnt. or cocf=e~J.ti'.e J.~,~c~::r.[ ,:;,'S:OI).Ol)O or r..ore: or re:'::c,J.llc::: 0(515\),0\;1; c,
t:-\\)r~ .
ThiS -:.::"':i~;~:J.t;~;r,::j:l m~:~:-::J.I r~~r~~~:::2:~i~:-: \::' :'~,~: :..:;>:r: \\~;i(~ :-=:i2.;.-':~ \'.::1:5 ;;i.;.c~'~ \\!~c:1 ~:-::s
:.1:';,~c~'~:l[ '.'.J.$ ~:.:...;~. S,;::r7".:s.iien I:"~ :>':s ':~:-:.:~~::::c" is J. ;'2'::.':."::s::~:':: ~:::~,:r;.,; ::::.: ::.:s
:.l:;,':C:7"iC:" s~bj:':''':::0 (,:nc::icr;:i :lr.~ :-::::':'::::':5 ::7",:":::i::-': ':::- S,,~':;Ci: !..;..;:. T::!" 3!, C..:::"::'S:..::":: C;c;'!.
._\:::- ;::e:,3,)r. '.'.ho :':liis to r:ic: :1:<:: r:~'..::::,~~ c~:-:::::::.::cr.;s s..::jc:..:: :'.:: J. C:'. d ~-::::.l:::' o:'r,o: kS5 ::-'::':-.
~! n.rJI)I) :.1nc: nee :7'.or:: tl1:.1n 5: ()I),i)i)l) :'..::r ~:.:.~:. :-.:.:l'..;,c: :0 r:ic:.
The: t.:nje~:;i:;:1eC cC::1:itic:s. to the: be:$~ or' his or hc~ k:;e'.'.:e:c~e: Jnc cc:!ier". t:.J.t:
..l.. :-";0 t"<'::.1e;::.lly :l;:propriJ.:C:c runcs h;.t'.e I:::e:::-: ;:.:.:c or s:-:J.il cc: p::lic to Jr.: pe;son ter intiuc::-:-:::r.; or
JC:-::':'1ptin:; to intiL::'::1C~ :!n ot7:cer or e:;.,pio:.c::: ct- J.r.y fe~C:,:11 J~e:::c:-, :1 m~:7!C<::~ or .:::n~:-e$s. :1:1
\)t'f:c:::, or er:-:plu:.::::: or c:)r1:;:-:;S3. or J./1 :::;.;pic:-~c ct" J. ;:-:'c:;.,::<::; o~" .::r.:;:'~ss in c::;r1r.~'.::;cn '.\ it:: t::e
:.1'.I,;1r:'::::1::; ct"Jr.y [C:':'::<':;:.1! [0:.1:;. the: e::1:e,in:; ir.:..::.:rJ,n:: rc::;.,:'.'.::.!. ::.r:-:~::c::-:;er,:. cr r.;ocit:cJ.::Cr1 or::;:.
L;':'~~:-::: ':,:r~::-:'C:. :;~::~~. lC~:i cr .::;c~~:-::c:\ c 2.,;~~~~~~~:.
':'::C::::;::::1:; :0 ir.t::.;e:~.:c: ::':1 o:'::.::~; or e:7'.p:cye::: or' .:on:,;:-e$5. or::.:,: e;.;p:''::':~::: ct":l :7'.~;.;cc:; ct" .:::r.;:-eS5
_. [:'1:::: ii,.:r...~"=.~~~:~ :'~::(':3 r::.':~ ::::-=~. ;:2.:~ ~r 5:~l~: t~ ;::.:c: ~~ :::-::-
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~ ~ ~ 2 ': r: ~.,::- (:-::..:": ~;.': :::; .::--
CJr:i;:k:e :::.::-: 5:':::::1i: t:~e 5::1r;'::l:-c fcr;n, D:5'::':5:-;;~ t:,"lcc[;'..;"z .~_,:~;':;:::e5: ::,c:::lr:::::1g to l~3
i:: '::r1::e:'::::on wit:: :J::s t"eic,:::.l ':Jr1:r::...::. g;::.:;: :c:::.;:. c: ..:.:,:~e:-:::.::',c: J;;':~:-:;c;:t. :::: 1.:;:-:e~:;;g::c:::: 5:::::.:1
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c. T:-:: ur1:::~~::i;:;::::::: s~J.[! re'~'J::~ t:-;J.( t;-:e L:':;:;"J::':;:: o~" ::::5 cC::1::t:C:l::O:-: ce inc::.:cc:',: :.-: .1",::,::
ClJe";r:iC::1:s for J.tl subg:-J.m J.\'.J,:::s :::.: .1:[ tic::s ::.;:.: t:iJ,: .1:1 5:.l:gr::;.::t re':::~ie:-.t3 shJ.lI ce:-:ify :::.::c
disclose accordingly.
30. State Restrictions on Lobbying
[n J.cc;tlon to the provisions c:lm:::.ine'.:! in P:::.r:::.g:::.;:r. 29 of Se'.:ticr. H., A::::e;Jt:!r:ce <:!r;d Agre::71ent,
the expenditure of funds for the purpose of lobbying the state legisbture, the st:lte judicial
branch, or:l st:lte agency is prohibited unua this contract.
Suogranl Package
Grant Agreement
J?9,~-99 STOP Vio/e/lce Af:ainst Warnell Grant Program
Departme/lt of Commullity Affairs Prevention of Domr!stiC and Sexual Vialellce Sr!ctio-':'
31. Statement or Federal Funding Percentage and Dollar Amount
WIlc::n issuing statements, press relC:::J.ses. requests for proposJ.ls, bid solicit:J.cions. Jnd othe::r
dueumc::nts de::scribing projects or programs funde::d in whole or in 'par: with fede::r:J.I t'unds, all gra:1t~es
and subgrant rc'.:ipie::nts receiving the::s..: t"ederal funds. including but nee limited to S:J.te and 10c:11
governments. shall ck:J.rly state:
A. The percenrage of rile:: toral cast of,lle:: program or proje..:: tllJ.t \\ill be finar.cec wit:t fder:11 f.1i1cs.
B The dollar amOunr of federa! funcs co ce e,'\;::::ni.i:::d on rhe:: proje:::.:: or progra~.
32. Prnj~ct Closeout
PrGje..:t funds whic;, hJ.vc be::::1 properly oCligJcd by the enL.! or'che su::;rJnr [;.:n..::;::; ;:eriod v.ill b';e
J iJ .lelYs in wh ien :0 be I iSLl iL.!:J.ed (ex;::e:H.:e':i"I. .Any tuncs no( I iqu iC:l:e'.: at r:-:e e::nc c r' ,he:: 3 G-dc.-:-'
period will lapse and reve:-t to rhe Grantor, ...\. subg!':J.ne-fun<::d proje..:: '.'.iil net be c!csd oue until rhe
subgr:J.rit fccipiC:::H h:J.s SJ.CiStld ell closeout requirc:::ne::nrs in onejind 5ubg!'ar.t c!cse8ur package.
.3.3. [mmi~r:.ltion :.lnu :\:.ltur:.l!iz:.ltion Documentation (1-9 form)
The sub-re',: i p ient Jgrees [0 com p ie::~e and kee? on fi Ie::. as a~p ropriace. 1m r71 !~::l[icl1 ar:c
~;~tur:J.!iz:J.[icn Se::r'.ice Employm~nr Eii~!blliC:I Ve::ritlc:J.tiun for:n (1-9). TI1is for.i1 is to be:: usd 0;;
r~'..:ipie::r:[s or f~c<.:ra~ t"'..:r:cs co 'ier:~i cl;:l, ~e:':;cr.s ar~ ::::igibk to work ir: :;;c L'i'.;:e~ :3,J:~s.
.:-t St:.lCC Rest:-h::ion.s on \~~'ndt)rs,'CtJntr:H::ors
.A person er ;l::iEa,e w[,o h;;.s ce::::-: pia:~:: on :::c convic:ec ve;:d~r 1:5: :ellow:::;:: :.:':.'."ic::on for a
pL:blic e:1ticy c:,irr:e mJ.Y noe sucr71it:: bic en:: con"ac: to provice any g'JCCS er ser-i:ces to a pubiic
e:1ciry. r.1ay not submit a bd en a ccr.tilC: wich a pubiic er:tiry for the c~ns;:iuctien cr repaic ora
pL:c!ic building or pL:bLc: w.:rk, m.:y nce silcr-.i, bies er. le::lses of r~:l! ~rc~e:-:'Y t'J a ;:ub[ic e:1tity, r.1:lY
no: be:: a\varce;:i or pcrfcL.:1 wcr:, JS :J. ::r.:::l;:C'r. s:l~~lier, succcncr.:c:cr. or cens;.;!::'..::: unde:-:J.
ccntr;lct with J. public er::it;:, :lr.d may r.C( t:-ans.1C, business \vith Jny ;u:lic e:1City ir. excess of
Category Two for a period of 36 months from the d:lre of oeing pl:J.cec on t11e convic:ed vendor lis:.
35. Immigration :lnd ~:ltion:llity Act
The StJ.te ofFloridJ. \vill not incemior.:J.ll~ award pub[icl~-f\.mdd contr:J.cts to an~ contractor who
kno\',:ingly em ploys un:J.uthorized a! ie:'! workers, constituting a via lation cf the emp lo~me:1C
provisions contained in USe. Section 1324a(e) [Section 274A(e) ofche Immigr:lC:on and
l'.'ationJ.lity Act ("DA")). The Grantor sha![ consider the employme:-:t by any con::accor of
unJ.uthorized aliens a vio!:J.tion of Section 274A.(e) ofehe f:'.:A. Such viobtion by the Recipie:1t of
the employment provisions contained in Section 274A(e) of the INA sh:J.lI be grounds for unilaee:aI
cancellation of this Agreement by the Grantor.
Sub grant Packag~
Grant Agreement
1998-99 STOP Violellce Against Women Grant Program
Department of Commullity Affairs Prevention o[ Domt!stic a/ld St!:r:ual Violt!/lce St!etion
36. Translation Requirements
Victim advocates \vorking wid1 non-English spe.Jking POFul.Jtionspust spe.Jk the I:1nguJge ofrhe
populJtion or subgrJntee must se'.:ure J:1 interpreter. \\'iriiesses or involved par:ies r71.JY r.ot t:.Jr.s:.Jre.
37. Civil Issue Limitations
SubgrJnt~e is acvised that this Froje~: is not authcrized to J~c.:ress Ci.. ii issues (such .JS J cissolu:icr.
of m;lrriag'~. temporary cusrody or' chiic.:re:1 cr te:71~or.Jr:. C:li!C sU~For:) in its pursuit or pro,..ici::g
5;..:;vic~s r::::!:Hing co dom~sLic :1r.~ s~.":.:..:.::!.1 '. ;oi~:1c~ [0 th::: r:.::l:-;~: ~upu!:~.~:cn of rhis :=rJj~~:: L:-:~ c:-4Iy
S~:'"~'/lC~S tr.;l[ this prQj~ct is :lu[:hJriz~~ co ~ro\.icc co c~i~c:;~:-: :J.re t!;C:5~ ~~:-",'ic~s r~:.:!:=:: :c :~r::~s~:..:
:1nJ s;,::\u.Jl viol~:1c;,: issu~s.
Sub grant Package
Grant Agreement
1??8-?? STOP Violence A;:ainst Women Grant Pro;:ram
Dt!partmetlt of Community Affairs Prevention of Domestic alld St!..'C:Jal Violellce Section
I. Signature Page
In witn~ss \vh~reof. th~ pJr.ics Jffirm th~y e:lch hJve re:J.d Jnc J~r.ee to conditions S~: for.h in this
J~reement. luve re:ld Jnd ur.d~rstJnd th~ J~reement in its entire:;; Jr.c hJ'.e ~xe:::.::e::: this J~;ee:71e:1t
by th~ir duly Juthur:zed officers on the dJte. month Jnd ye:l; see out c<::lo'.',.
Correctiolls iJ/c!lIi/il/:: Slrik.:-overs. wltil<!Ol/rs. erc.. Oil lllis Oil":r! arC! /lor <1C::c:,I::b!t!.
St:He of FloridJ
De:::lG1e:H 0 f C Or.1 IT: ~n i r:. .~ ;''f:li r3
8ur~:':'L: cf CCl7lffiuniry .~~~3;5~'::'r.~~
Type ~J~~. J,nJ Tir!~:
Sub';;Jr.r Recipie:-:[
.~.U:::0r:::!1~ Or":lc::t: of Sl..:s:;:-:!":[ R~'.::;i~:-:t
1"1rri712.r1. ~L::"CL cr Ex~(.:~t:\"e Clf::c:.::')
u~.. .
Type ~Jm~ ~rid Ti~!~:
FEID 0i urn be;:
Implementing Age:1cy
Otic :<11, Adm inis~rator or Desi~r:Jted Re;Jrese:ltJtive
Type Name and Title: R i c:,ard Barreto,
nf Mi~mi Rp~rh Pnliro np~t
Subgrant Package
Grant Agreement
Florida STOP Violence Against Women Grant Program
Prevention of Domestic and Sexual T.liolence Section, Deparrmen! of Communiry Affairs
EEO Certific:.ltion Letter - Implementing Agency
Robin S. HJssk:-, Esq., Director
P,e';enrion of Dom~si:ic &: S~;(uJI Vio[~:l.c~ Scc:ion
8 ure:lU 0 [" Co r....'7l uni c:/ Ass iSi:.1nc e
DC:;JJr:r::c:1[ of Cor..I:1unic:; AffJirs
:555 Shur7:2.rc: OJK B0ulc'~'2.rd
T:J.iLlh:J.:;s~~. F:o,:c:J. :::::99-2l00
R.E: Corr:~:i:J..,c~ \.\"ic11 E:.:,C::J.l Empio:.rT.c:~.[ O;:;:\;l.'...::-.ic:; CEEO) ?,Q~,:J..-:: ?,e~'~i,e:::e~.:5 -- S~:g,::.:::
D~:lr Ms. HJssk:-:
L the: undeLsi:;ne:i Jur;:cr:zd offrc::l!, ce"i~. t!1:H Jc:ording to Sc:;:::"Ol! 50! c/rhe Omr.:"!::ts Cr:rr.~ Ccr.y::! cr.:::'
Sc~,..! Sn':!r!:s A..:: 0/' /96.'3 JS J:r:e::dd. rh.:lC [ h.1ve r~.1c the ACe c;te:-;J s~t for:h in the SUCQ:~JiiC ..i.:clic.1::cn P:!:k::.~~
r;1 SL~.lctt() ns. [ur.c~~3t.:lnd lh~c t {the subgr:lrl ere: i F ie:-:t m ~=~5 thcs~ ..: ~i cc:-::J.. it IT:. L!S~ fc r7:': f.l!:!:::~ ir:: p 1~:7l~::: 1:":<:: :7l~i:'!:.:!~:-:
~ '.\~:~c;1 E~O p:,"o~:'"::::: re!~:::-:~ to e:71plo:.-Tne:;.t ~r:.':~:c~s :J.f:='.::i:-:~ m:r:cri~/ ~e~3\:r:s :::d \VC~~:-:. I ::.:S~ ~~::::: ~::::.:
.:....~ "i..lhl~-"''''~ ...,.,,;_:~ro~ (~r"':..:.,f 0.... "'.....:,,~ r:""'I['~\";"'"'Y')'
c.._ ~ '-7' .--.:-0.-..'... l....._' 1.<:: I,;c l.._ c'- ll. '''-;.'
_ CII:~:) :::~~: ~j....;: C;::~:-:J. :::1C cc~s h.:J.v~ =:. :~r:"~:1C EE>:~ P:"i::g:-:!:7: ?t~:1
_ D,:cs r:-~~=: ~.:....:: c;::==-:~ ~:!C CCcS ;:cc h:,,'~ :l ct:r7e::t E=O Pr~g:-::l::1 P!~::
_ D.:)e5 r.ct r::e:~: A:: Cri:e:-i.1.
I fJr:he:" a'::lrrT: c'::J.r i{ r~e re'.:ipie:1t mrlf!!S r::e .J...c~ c:-i:eriJ. ~r:c cces noe r:':"/e ~ C:lr7e~: '.V7":::e:: E=O P~cg:-~:7~..
f~c~r:J.! b'.v r~qT..:ir~s it to for.nu!:m:, i.mpI~:n~nr, anc m;lim.:l.ir. sucn a progr:ln1 \vithin 110 c'cys ar:;!r a s:l:-:g:-ar.:
:l?P [ic::l.t:on for fede:-a! :lssis,:.nce is :lpproved or f:lce loss of fede:-al funes.
Re::;.uires signar'l:-e of a:.lrnor:zed official:
Type Name ar:c Tide:
Richard Barr~to. Chief of Miami Beach Police DeDt.
Name of Subgrantee Organization:
City of Miami Beach
Appendix I
Florida STOP Violence Against Women Grant Program
Prevention of Domestic and Se.x.uaL Violence Section, Deparrment of Community Affairs
EEO Certific:.ltion Letter - Subgr:1ot Recipient
ROOln S. H.1S3ic~, Esq., Dire::tor
Preve:1cion of Domesi::c & Sexual Violc:1ce Sc~,ior,
Bure:.1u of Co rTilllL:nic:; ..l.ssisi:.1nce
Dep~rLmc:1L c ( Co r:1l:1LlGi::: _';'ffJ.irs
2555 Si:urn:J::: Oc...t: 8uuI~\':J.rd
T.11iJ.h.1S3~e. Flcr:c:l ~2~99-2 I 00
["1 C.
r',-,- .
C !""".';.,...."~ .:~:"" 1=~ ,.,1 E -11~.-...Jt.-~ U-rr'''' "....:...... (,-cO\ :J..""'I'~"'''~ :'...:.,."t l;">::Io~ -..- "d~C':"-...--
arr..:.-L........l.:.... \\;...u _~u'- m:--,.u..'L'&_H~ ;-':"Ur':"'\.-....L..' C.1..- I" ..1.."..:&'-.... t\......"":.U4;.....d.C...~.:) -- .....Ll......':4~..;"
De:.lr Ms. HJ.ssk:-:
[ the un-J""sl'"",.,.l '1,,1. ~rl'-"d O'-:l-l'~1 e~~;':" th"e 'e~""r"'l'n" to S.H";CI' ;,~ I o,r[ll" Oml';;".,c Cr;me Cor.,...~c: ,...,..r/
,.. .~..... =.L.......... ...._..l..U "-_ lJ. 1.......... "-......~' l.... ..J. ...u I..J. = c;_~. j .u.. 'j (; ..~..~."I. ... ~ ~i,_
S4~ Stf'(!:J[S .i:.:: of 1%8 JS ::ll':1~:1ded. cbc [ h:':'ie .e:.::: che A~: crice:-;:.: se: fcd ir: c;,e Suhzr:.:nc .~.:r::liC:Hion P:!ck:!~e
[nsLruericns. [Ur:Li~~:;L:md LhQ,c ifche silb:,f;:'::1C rec:;:ie:H :-r:ee,s these e.ice.;.:l. it mt..:s, rariTIu!:J.ee, im;:ie::1e:1C .:lnd r:::.:ir:rJIn
~ v;r:r::~:-: E=>8 P~'::;~:l:7! r~!~~:Ii~ to C:7:~~cYr7:C~.: ~r:r:::c~s :!ff~:::r::; r7".~r:cr:::: F~:-;~r:::i Jn~ '.\'cr::~~.. I :!lsJ ~::i::7l t::;::
Cl,~ ,.!,'OlT'!"""-- ...J,..:O""ll.~~C (71~;.:"j' 0 " 0: ell'" ~"""I'I'" .,"- y'.
""";)~ =....;.. l~~':- ~" ... """.. f.~ l I"" lv. l..'vll'=,,',
,/ ~ \ C' . ..... --0 - "I
_ '-c~s r::~~: .;..~,-=: r::e:-:=. ::11... :':C~:.i r::~..;:: ~ ~:'::7~:-:: to.:. =-:-cg:-:'::1 (~.'!~
_ Docs r::ee~ A..c: Cri~:::-i.:J. ~~d tees r:c~ f:2.ve J CUI7e~t EEO P:-og:":lITl PI:!:1
Does ~ct m~~: Ac~ Crire:-i~.
r fur:he. af:lr:TI th:.:r ift;;e re::pier:r rr.ee:s ,he Ac: e.ite:-;J. ad cces r.O[ bve J CUr7e:1i: wrlr;:e:1 EEO P:og:-:.:""
f-:~.::.::tl bw requires it to formulae.::, imp[e:r.-::::. ;lnd rr:ainr::tin such a prog:!':J.:7', \viehin 110 dc:;;s after 2. subg:-:.:.,t
application for federJI assisi:<:lnce is approved or bee loss of feder<:lI funds.
Requires sign:lt.:re of authorized offici<:l!:
Type NJ.me and Title:
Richard Barreto, Chief of Miami Beach Police Dept.
BY:~ CJI?=-I>"
/ ". /5" Sj ~
Name of Subgrancee Organiz:ltion:
City Of Miami Beach
Appendix I
STOP Violence Against Women Grant Program
The Prevention of Domestic and Sexual Violence Section
Bureau of Community Assistance
Automated Data Processing (ADP) Equipment Forill
,c.L.;thcn:2C: Or.;C:2J fcr SL.;[::t;ra:~t Rec::::ie~t
T,/;:e Nar:;e
Patricia Walker
Tj:::e T;['=
Finance Director
7!fjf /kcc KC;'~
T:le:::~c~e Nt.:~:::er' G05
InrCr(77a:icn mus: ce ,ere'l/cee to aCe~'.;2[e!:1 res::cnc tc ai/ ac:::l/oacfe issues I/s:ec :::e!o':;:
I ' ,..;----;~.;c~ cr......- ^'"'.p ....-_..../--- --0",..---.:..,,--- 'Ir" "'1'-- '- ~".-;..--- 'I~~:"C';~-' Lao Too Computer
. r. '-::::::'_.,~l,., ~I'C /"",,1..... I'CI,-~ ale ;:;, ._1 ::......l~.'~.: _ __'- ,w o:::..~..... 1""1...o1'-"'::;~=, I.......l...o 11;,,;_ I ,
See Attached. '. .. .
i'.t.:r.::::e:" c: :..r.ltS c~ ;:r:1e:::',: CCSt c: 2a::-::One (1) un it.
Approximately $3,000.00
E'~lJi~i7':er:~ s;::~;~C2::':~S irc::..:c:i.; ~:s:~ :~:\i= s:::-::.;= S;2:':;:, ~~::..:;":~:~ ,";.-:::.7; ~::2~3 7.::-:'C-:-J,
r7ii~:-~~r:caS3~i s::= a::c: s:e:':. c:":c :,-::' c:~=; ~5:::~=:i: S'/5::."7: 5,:='::~;c::::~:-:s, if 21"':::-:1':;":-<' is
;:l-":i:~ase':. s,ce-::f/ the: ~/~e cf fii:: Serf:;'", r.t.::i;::..:t::'"s, ~e~,vcr:..: c:::-:s. ne:-.'icrk .,4J~;-~i-'~ a~c: ii:s~.:i:c::c.--:
C~SlS. If a ~h('1r=: is ~L;rchase~. ir::ica:: t~e ~:= cf ;iinter i~c!L:C:;:-:~ r:-:cc:!, c:: i7':atr:x, las::, t!~= c:;
;:riri~ (l::12C:< cr calcr). 2cciticr.ci ~e[;';cr!. 2r:c: fcr., C2:::i:c:s;es; 2,'iC N/ A
~, .~. tl":ef C2~.:;-;;:::cr: cf ;;C'N tt";= ~r:,:cs:.: :'~''''::;~=;-:: '.,./11 :2 L:se': :: ~~r::-:er ~;"a::: c:jec:i'l:::.
Case manaaement and individual traking of victims.
C2:-::f'/ ~h;::: A.OF hai2\vara a~d sof.:;.var: ~rCC:";j'"=:;-:E:.L: c::r-:-:~iies \Ni:.~ ex!s::i:; rac2r:::L S:~::. :;~C lee::! Ia'.'/s :;"'~~
resula,;cns. ,c..etach c copy cf yeur curiem ;:i'i:c:.;re:iiErlt ;:rccecures.
I~ F,O~ ~ard'Narc 'llm t:e ~Lrrc~ase,j! <:::5\::-;:= the res\..!!:s cf YCL:.r lEE:Sc/~L.;r:;,ase ar-:a:ys:s ::iC ex~!air: t'ie
2C'/cr:tc;e of purchaSE over lease.
If ,c..oP sci7.v2re wiil ce ce'le!cpec:. ex;:iair. W~j c:rea:y ,crcc:.;cec: 2~C 2'1c;i2Cle sertw2:e will i.ct r.:e2, t~e r.ee-:s
ef this s:.:l::s;rant. N/ A
If yeur .r:::urchcse cf ,c..op hcrcw2re, sartwcre cr ccr.:::i~c:ic~ the:ecr will te tier:; 2 sele s:L.;r:::e 2:~d is 5100,OCO
cr mcre, complete a Sole Source Justification Fcr:-n 2r.c:: c~cch it. (P-.pper.c:ix II). Nj A
For all proposed ADP purchases, an ADP Equipment Form must be completed
and submitted to the Department of Community Affairs for approval.
Appendix II
Business Computing Products
.?age I c
. ' , ,~ ., , r
'- ".'1 r.,,, '.' t' ~ ;.-;-:-:-:.~ ~--
Satellile Pro' 450CDT
Setting I'le'N Standards in Power, Performance and Value
T:5j~j:,;'3 C:r7'":~!t7,e~t LC ,:r:\/iCir.'~ L-,:? :e~~ ~J,=:~S Ir: ,:::cr:cc;2 C::r7",;:L;:ln~ s~:~::c~s :s :('C2 =r:c,~
c=r:-,\,:r.s~;';:=',: '/Jl~~ t~e ~e\:1 S2:sdl:-= P,": ~:":CC'7" -
...c . :::'.i:"';: :I;1cclie ~'=~t:L;~ Ii
~r::C2S3cr (~ :"/\
. S~:-=::;-:,;;'~r::': 'NI:~ :: ::..:2
e::c;;,: 2,"'C
. ::2-(::: FCI cus ar::-:I~e::'L;re
~. ..! C tlllicr. ::y~: ;;2(.: ::s:< C;":~~
...... :::',12 =00 C'F.;l.,\I.
-:<;::::.....CaC:2 cc I C'... II;I E
. S tL:r.~lrg T~7 ac:rJ: ~a~;::<
c:L:r ~:5;:i,;'r .:.~" ci2';:~2!
.:'~C ;( .:,:C "::5.:it.,;:lCr.
. S~~:.::Sc'/ r:-.c,::~:.;r'l'/ f,:~ ~3-=
':I::.~ :':X" CC..,:':C,'JI ,:;-;',= .:~
::S'.:~::-= .::,";',: ::LS ':::;~:-:2:
:-,: ~:~~:!_:~ ir:~ ':,;::::,,' ,::... :,-':
...: :~j;;C:i :'.':: ~3;-: ';:5'..: '::";'1"=
. :: ': ~e:: \l~ =~ (Z" /; ~c r.~
:e:.-:.-:ciCC'I. ir,e-:r:=:e.:: i ::-::1:
S::::'= s,:-'~r;': ,;vit.., .W.c.'./, l"Ii:::'1
are: S~ur:c =las~:r Pre
~. E L.:il~-ir K:S f~e:( vci,=e.!ca~::: '::::'(
r.-.cc:em-:-full cu;:le:<
sge:=kerphcne and inte;:a:e.:
. IWO s:ac:-<ec: PC Car:
(;:CI\ICIA) slots (sup~or:s ~NO
Iy;:e" cares or one Ty;:e III
c:=r: ZV a,-:d CardSus ready)
. Fas: infrare-= por:(FIR)--
';'lire'ess data tranSiT1iss:or
. Universal Sericl BL.:s (US2)
. Optional NoteOock III
Enhanced Port Replieator
Violence Against IVomen Grant Program
Depanmt!/lt of Community Affairs Prevention of Domestic and St!."'Cual Violt!nce Section
Sole Source Justific2tion for Services 2nd Equipment
J..uthoriz:;d Ofi'ici2/ for Subgr2nt Rec:pierit I
Type N2r71e: Richard BarretJ I
Type Title: Chief of ~1 i am i 8each Po 1 ice Dept. I
Si~r;2tur:;: ~ ~ l'J. ~.c---.-. I
Te!ephone i'Jumber ( 30~ 673-5274 I
/-1.r~9 - I
1. Brieflyeescribe the proposec: c::ritractua! servIces anC/or ec;uipllierit arie
how it relates to your pr::gram.
2. E:<pl2in YCl..1r reaser.S fcr propcs;n~ to ccntr2ct with, cr pcrcn2se f;o~, 2 ncr,.
cCr;"';pet:t;v:; sole sCl..1rce. 1\ . . --- ,,'-~ ,,,,,-,..;.ic::~ :..'-- ----c-or m-----,.....--~
r.ccrc:::~ '"C e.<:-C.L._e 01 ".e C,-,r:Ll C , . , tICI.C':;:::;" ,c:...
k~cwi:;e:~e 2riC . -., ,
r:;s::::: rS;'iEr-,es::. pi:~ral1 '=;(~EnE...-:ce cr C:fi~rcC: pE:~crir:e:.
1r:1~I'c-"- ,,:... ,------- ---:-c' --~ c,/-I-:.., -:...- rc---":-i 1.,--,..--.. C'.-, C~I"'I~..-_:::-:-.
'-. I.... C..::: ~.,= ~_.,...-=_\o :---:::.,'.... Co,l.... _'\~IC:;;1 ~.IC' ~ ~=;I..;.::., Ijl~C::l...,1o __
c:!iverable2 if C~: ca~=s e:-2 r,,::c r;;et. Es~jri12te t~e t;'7i2 c;iC c:s~ t:. ; j;j:: :::
"'------" -,...'-,...-~-,..' . 'Iri _C,_ ,,-~-,...'" ,... "'''-c''''''r c'-:-"I"
C'-'ll'i..C~:::I' re:-"IC~::III::.lr SI101..1 ~ ,.:e C....IIC.,L CUnL.c ,,- c;c'_.L.
4. Oesc,ibe what is unique 2COUt the project 2nd the
cor;ti'2ctcr th2t WGcid W2,;"2:":! 2 C::ritic'::.
,,_:- c:-....--
....~l;::; ....~I.-l_=
... Exp12in 2ny other points you belie-'Ie shou[d be coveree: to SLlppOr: YOl..1r rec;uest
for a sole source contr2Ct.
E. ~,lake 2 cec12r2tion th2t the 2cticn you ere t2king is in the "best interest" of the
subgr2nt recipient and the implementing agency.
Justificatjon for sole source procurement of $1001000 or more must be
submitted to the Department of Community Affairs for forwarding to the
Office of Justice Programs for approval. All the foregoing components
must be addressed. Start on the next page and use continuation pages as
Appendix III
(11 Abide by the term: of tt1e :tatement; and
(21 Notify me emcloyer in writing of hi: Or her canvic:icn fer a
violation of a criminJI drug St<Jl"l.lte occurring in the worl<~IJce
no l<Jter than fi\le c<JtendJr d<Jy: a/1er :uch conviC:lon:
(el Notifying the agenc'" in writing. within 1 0 c-J/encJr CJ"~
Jf:er receiving netic~ uncer ~ubC<JragrJph (d}(2J from In
emo!oy~~ or ot~er'Ni~e rec::!iving Jc:ual notice of suc~ c::n."ic-
tIcn. E:n~foy~r= of c::n'/lc:ed ~mplay~e=; rr:u:;: prc\/ice r.c~:c~.
jr.c~ucjng po:;irton c:~~~. to: O~:JJ~menc of Ju=~:c~. .Cff;c~ of
Ju:::c~ P'cgram:. ~ T7.'~: C~nrrcl De::k, 533 Inc;anJ ,l"e""e,
N.'t/,. WJ::01ing:cn. C.C. 2C53 1. Norice sh.:lil inc!uce ::-'e ice".
t.ficJtlon number(:! of eJC~ affected gran t;
(fl T Jking one of r:-:e faile......ine; ac::on:=. wit:~in .JC c~le;,c.Jr
CJ'/~ of rece!',ing nc:ic~ unCer sucoara<;racn (e J (2l. wir:-.
r~:::~~: to an'{ emcjc'(~e who is sa cOn'.liC~2C:-
(:; Taking Jccrc:::':.::~ ;:;e:":,;nr.~l Jc::cn a~,Jin:: :t.,;C:-: Jr.
~~:;:c'{~~. ,~: rc .il"::':: :r:c:l,.;~;,-:g :e~:"':iH;.311Cn, c=r.::;::~;.: "Nt:;-, ::-'c
rec'...;ire;;.e;,~.: or ~t".~ ~~~.Jc;i;~Jr:cn ;.c: af 197.3. J: Jr.-:':!:.'::~:':: c:'
1:: F.~c'..:jr::":<; ::..:c;: '!~::(;'/~~ tc ;:.1r::c:;::1re ::.a:::.:i:::;:-:;'I :r: J
c::..:r; JC:..;:c J~:i.::::...~c~ cr re;..Jclijt~r:on ;:rc~r3r:1 ,JccrG'/~~ ~.;,~
Sl;C:1 ;:;ur;::c~e$ bv J ,='!Ce~.JI. St'.~le, or ICC~j he.Jllt":. I~'N ~;:~.:rc~~
r:-:e;:c cr al~er aC:;:=:lJt~ agef":c'-l:
(gl 1\1JKing a geec lalt01 eifec-: to conrinue to m.:lim:li" a c'-'..Jc;'
free workplace tr.rc:.;c;" im;;:iementat;on 0 f par<lg.-acr.: (J J, (t; I.
ie:. lei. Ie!. Jnd Ifl.
8. The grJr.ree tT:JY itiser~ in the S;:JC~ provided be!ow the
:i:e{~l tor t.'"':e per~::r:":"':Jr.c~ or wark ccn~ in c::r:ne~::cn 'Ni:~
r:-:e z;:ecific giJnr:
?~JC~ of P~rfcri.iJr.c~ {S:;"ce~ accre~=, c:t',. c::ur.r'(, S:J:~,
C1ec~< C if tt1ere are work;::IJces on file tt1Jt are not inden:ifiec
5"!-'::lcn 67, E':,.: cf ::-:c ~e-;uJ.Jt:c."'~ prcvice: that J ~:'Jr.~e~ ~:-:2:
i=: J S~Jt~ ~J'I ~!e:: ~c :"i.Ji.<e cne cer:i{:c.::::cn ir. eJC:i F~~;;;}I
{j;:';:.J1 'I~Jr. A c:::'( of Wr:IC~ si'1cLOld be inc;;.,;cec 't'wic.~ ~JC:-: as'
C:icJ~:cn fer C~:Jr'::7:e~: of Jt..:s::::e fur.c:;r.~. StJ:~~ ~,~C S:.:i~~
osenc:e:; r.:~'1 e'e:;: :0 :';Se OJP F::rm 406 ~/7.
C:'"':t!'::-: C if :."':~ ~:J~e hJS e!e-.::e~ tc C::r7i::!e:e OJ? F~rm
..:.::~ j i7.
O;:;UG-;:;::S= '.'IC;:::<?~:'C=
(G;::;',"Ji==3 ~.,'~C ~,~= IrJ::[\/fOU~lSj
;...:; re,::..::r=~ :'/ ::---: :r',,;:;'':~e~ '/v'G:,:<:j.Jc~ ..:.-:: aT 1222, ar~
i~::e;.-:~;:r::': J: :: C:==\ ::::r: 57, SL;COJr: .=. fer grJ~:~e:. as
ce~ir1e-: 3~ 2: C:=.~ ?Jr: ~;: S~':::;cn:; 67.0:: ar:c E/.e:C-
;.... A:: a c::1ci::=r: cf \r:~ g;~nr. I c~;r,;f'( t:;,1( I wiil nc: e~~~t:;e
in t~e t,;r:iJ'.v(;Ji ,"':":,JnufJC::';~~, cj::l~;,:=u:ion. c:::ce!1sir:S. PCs.:a~-
Sicn. or t.,;se of .] c=n::,~iic>:: ~:..;t=:Jnc~ in c=r:c:uc::r.~ ar:y
aC:IVI:'1 'f"Ijc~ t~e ';;'Jnr; Jr..:
B. If con.,ic:ec cf J c~:~:r:al C,:.;g offer.ce re::u/:.ng frcm a
'/lCi,3C:Cr1 eec'..Jrr:ng c'..Jr:r:g :~e cenc:.;c: cf any grJr.t ac:.',it'i.
wril re:sr: ~:;i:! c::r.\,ic::cn. in wriri~C;. wir~in 10 c.Jle~cJr cays:
C~ tt:e :::.:r.VIC::C~, r.:: C~:3r:~e;.: Jf ..!U$-=:c~, Cfiic~ of JL:::::c~
F~cS~:J~::;. A 7'71'J. C.:r.t;'c;: ::~::k. e:: lr.~:.1r.<:i A'.Ier:L:e, I'Ll//,.
'/: ..j~~ir:g:;:n, C .C.
~,.."" .
..........-, ,
":'z :.":e C'..;j'; a'..;:~er::~c re::.-e::en:Jti'le cf ::-:e :::=::c:r::. I ;-:e~e:', ce,-:;;', ::-':: :~~ Jco:!icar.: '.'Iii! ':::~::;'I wi:.": ::-:e a:c'.'e c~;';;ic:::ic01~.
j. GrJr.:;e N~t:-:r! ar:d ).~'::"e~~:
City of Miami Beach, Florida
1700 Convention Center Drive
Miami Beach Florida 33139
_. A~f:iic;J:;cn Nu~=~:, anC/or ?rcjec: Nar.ie
.J~e.ritY__nf._Mi_~~i. Bea_<;h~s V_1~!_!~s I
~. Grante-e IF.S,V~nccr Nur.:::er
Sergio Rodriguez,
City Manager
HelD Center
-7-=-=-=--~=-~_. .
Ty::~-: Na~e a~c Tit~e of ~ur:-:cri:~c Re~resan:::i'/~
6. Date
The purpose of this policy is to establish guidelines for the law enforcement response to
a/legations of domestic violence.
This policy applies to domestic violence situations as defined by Chapter 741 F.S.
For the purposes of this S.o.P., domestic violence is defined pursuant to Florida
Statute 741.28:
"Domestic violence" means any assault, aggravated assault, battery,
aggravated battery, sexual assault, sexual battery, stalking, aggravated
stalking, or any criminal offense resulting in physical injury' cr death of one
tamiiy or household member by ariot/7er who is or was residing in the same
single dwelling unit.
"Family or household memberJl means spouses, former spouses, person
related by blood or marriage, persons who are presently residing together as if
a famify or v'/ho have resided together in the past as if a family, and persons
who have a child in common regardless of whether they have been married or
have resided together at any time.
It is the intent of this policy that the domestic violence definition apply to lesbian and
gay couples. Also included within the scope of this policy is behavior in violation of
state and federal statutes that are designed to address domestic violence. State and
local law enforcement officers should enforce state statutes and some federal
statutes while coordinating with federal law enforcement on the enforcement of other
federal statutes.
The purpose of this policy is to reduce the incidence and severity of domestic violence, protect
victims of domestic violence, provide them with support through a combination of law
enforcement and community services, and promote officer safety by ensuring that officers are
fully prepared to effectively deal with domestic violence calls for service.
PaQe 1 of 23
. .-.-..,...---
Domestic violence investigations shall be actively pursued by law enforcement and an arrest
shall b~ the preferred response in situations in which probable cause exists. High priority shall
be assigned to ensuring victim safety and referral to appropriate services. Consistent with this
the following S.O.P. will be adopted. '
Dispatch serves a vital function in facilitating an immediate, effective police response
to domestic violence. As a result, this policy includes several dispatch-specific
elements, which are included to ensure that the incident is handled so as to:
. Ensure the safety of the victim and provide necessaf1j aid and support to the
. Ensure the safety of any children, elderly persons, or disabled individuals
present;. _'
. Ensure officer safety;
. Preserve evidence;
. Facilitate apprehension of the suspect; and
. Provide at the scene the tools necessary for effective communication with all
p... Communications personnel shail dispatch units in all situaticns invcl'/ing domes~jc
violence. Domestic violence calls shall be dispatched in accordance with the highest
appropriate priority classification.
B. Communications personnel should dispatch a minimum of two officers to the scene.
C. In addition to the information normally gathered, an effort should be made to
determine the following and relay it to officers responding to a domestic violence
1. Whether there is a need for medical treatment;'
2. Suspect's actions egainst the victim;
3. Whether the suspect is present and, if not, the suspect's name, relationship to
victim, description and possible whereabouts;
4. vVhether the suspect is aware that faw enforcement has been called and/or
has made any threats toward responding officers;
5. Whether weapons, dangerous animals or other threats to officer safety are
present at the scene;
6. Whether the offender is under the influence of drugs or alcohol;
Paqe 2 of 23
7. Whether there is anyone else at the scene, including children;
8. Whether the victim has a current injunction or Stay-Away order; and
9. Complaint history at the location.
Information gathered by communications personnel should be considered evice:7ce
and can be of particular value because of the frequency with which victims recant,
leaving prosecution with little if any evidence with which to proceed against the
D. Communications personnel will ascertain whether the victim has special needs (fer
instance, this may include but is not limited to situations in which the victim is
hearing impaired and/or does not speak English). Communications personnel will
inf-orm the officer of the special need and will attempt to make available to the
officer(s) (at the scene or via phone) the appropriate resources. (Whene\/er possible,
an interpreter resource should be unaffiliated with the victim and the perpetrator.')
The fvliami Beach Police Department shall keep current a list of bilingual or
muftilinqual vclunt2srs 1;'1ho could be available, for instance, by phone.
E. Communicaticns personnel shal! not ask t;-,8 victim whether s/he plans to ;::articipate
in any later prosecution.
F. If the crime is in progress. communications personnel should keep tile complainant
on the phone and/or ask him/her not to hang up the phone even if s/he is away from
it, provided the victim is not in any immediate danger. If the dispatcher cannot
remain on -the telephone with the victim, the dispatcher should attempt to call back
periodically to check on the progress of events and relay this information to police.
Dispatchers should not attempt to call back periodically unless assured that this
would not place the victim in greater danger.
G. For 9-1-1 or other emergency call hangups where call location information is
available, communications personnel will always call back AND dispatch a unit.
H. Dispatchers shall not cancel the law enforcement response to a domestic violence
complaint regardless if the request is made during the initial call or a follow-up call.
However, the dispatcher shall advise the officers of the request.
It cannot be assumed that a request to cancel a law enforcement response means that
the situation is controlled and that the victim is no longer in danger. In fact, the victim
may be in even graver danger than when slhe first requested assistance and may have
been coerced or forced to request cancellation. As such, it is important that law
enforcement proceed with its response despite requests for cancellation.
Paqe 3 of 23
A. In responding to domestic violence calls, officers.shall act in accordance with
departmental policy for responding to high hazard calls.
6. Entry
1. If refused entrj, the officers should be persistent about seeing and spe.::.kinc
alone with the victim. If access to this person is refused, the officers should-
request that the dispatcher attempt contact with the victim by phone.
2. If access is still refused and the officers ha'le reason to believe that scmecnl= is
in imminent danger, the officers are to proceed in accordance with the
departmental S.O.P. (~/1.6.P.D. manual, 3-22-29.)
A. To guide the law enforcement response to domestic violence, the department '-ivill
provide a Domestic Violence Reference Card or comparable departmental document
which will provide a summary of the domestic violence policy and provide other
relevant information (e.g., the locations and numbers of local cer:ified domestic
violence centers). Law enforcement personnel responding to the scene should have
this inforiT:ation available to them.
6. Tile initial actions of tiie responding officer(s) should be to ensure the safety cr 2:11
persons at the scene. This should include:
1. Separating the victim and offender physically, ver:;a!ly, 2:-:0, if I=cssib!e,
visually (if cirCUr.lst2nces permit, move them into separ2te rooms);
2. T2k;ng pcssessicn of 21/ involved weapons and securing 2r.y ether weapons
which pose 2n immediate threat 2t the scene, seizing only in accordance with
3. Assessing the severity of injuries to parties and applying or cailing for the
appropriate level or aid for any injured parties; and
4. Locating and checking the welfare or any children and others at the scene.
C. Steps of the on-scene investigation should include the following:
Evidence from the on-scene investigation of the violence and behavior of the parties
at the time can be essential for successful prosecution of the crime of domestic
violence because of the possibility that victims and witnesses will later recant.
1. Interview all parties and potential witnesses including children (recognizing
the unique sensitivities of children in domestic violence situations) and
Paqe 4 of 23
neighbors, as appropriate. These persons should be interviewed separately
and out of visual/hearing range of each other, if possible.
2. If communications are impaired by the special needs (for instance, the pE~rson
is hearing impaired or does not speak En~lish) of any par.y, the officer, v/here
possible, should request that appropriate resources be rTiade available via
phone or at the scene.
3. Oetermine if the relationship is "domestic" (as defined by Florida law) anc:
what crime(s) occurred.
4. Oetermine the nature and extent of all injuries, including defensi'le 'Nounejs
(e.g.. on the inside of the arms or palms of t1"",6 r,ands), !=ursuant to Cha;::er
7~1 F.S.
5. p.scer.ain whether a female victim is pregnant and '//hetr-,er and r.ow the
suspect is aware of her condition. Obtain the name of the health care
provider, if possible.
F.S. 7S.:J..045(1)(b), provides that a battery becomes an aggravated battery if the
person who was the victim of the battery livas pregnant at the time of the offense and
the of~ender knew or should have known that the victim was pregnant.
C,.. -L\'-r-r~I'n'" "/I-oC '1<:: 't.._ '-"r:"""'-"I "''''cr-<::-''r "<:::,,,,- .:-.- ;-llc''':''''- ;----r- "'nc' .:-.-
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cfficer's judgment:
. Extent of any injuries inflicted,
. Fear of physical injurj because of past or present threats,
. Actions taken in serf-defense or to protect oneself,
. History of domestic abuse perpetrated by one party against the other, and
. Existence or previous existence of orders for protection.
7. Record in writing or with a recorder (officers e.re encoure.ged to use tape
a. Any statements of the victim, suspect, and/or witnesses which may be
categorized as exceptions to the hearsay rule (including excited
utterances and spontaneous statements). Note the exact words used,
using quotation marks; indicate the approximate time frame when the
statements were made; and record the emotional condition of the speaker.
b. Any relevant statements, including self-seNing ones, made by the
PaQe 5 of 23
To be effectively utilized for prosecution, information regarding such statements must be very
specific, verbatim quotations, including precise content and context in addition to quotation marks
where appropriate. The statements may not be exempt from the hearsay objections of the
defendant's counsel in court if they are not collected according to the above guidelir;es.
8. Collect and record physical evidence and. wr.ere appropriate, take coior
photographs (date and initial photos, if possible) and/or videos of injuries::.:lc
property damage. Request a crime scene technician, if needed. Seize plain
view evidence.
If possible, consis~ent 'Nith Chapter 741 F.S., obtain S'Ncr:l wri::en cr ta~e(::
s~atements from the \/ictim and any 'Nitnesses. inc!ucing chilere". as
appropriate. The officer sr,ould attempt tc cbtain a 'N~itten or ta~ec:: s:a~e:.:er.:
from the suspect. as we!l. These stateme~:s s:-:ould te sJc,r,lit:e': ir,
accordance with ceparLmental prccedL1re.
A. Arrest is the preferred response to domestic v}oience when probable caL1se ex:s:.s.
That is, when probable cause has been established that an act of dOr.iestic vicler.cs
has cccurred, an arrest shculc be made pursuant to Chapter 901, F.S.
The Mfar,-;i Eeach Police Oeoar::rr:ent has a clear pre/erred ar,~est cesitior; teca!..1se it
, '
r2::/ects F=;crfca law anc cemor;srates [he seriousriess wirh whic,'" t:-:e crir;-;fr;a! justice
~"S"-""" t-!,-o;;: ';",'~ c~;""" ~ U""I'~"" ,-- r-~-Iut:"r. ,...., ~r':_';cr. -~ -';""~r - - ':_- I'r;t-- '-""':c""
'- ./ ~ C i I I ..:: i"\ ;:: '- ~ j J _ I II J I r:::: . _ ,'- _ L t: c: _ \."",I ;...1. ~ I I ,t: _ / c: ~ j . ;, (..., I ,-J i i I C I 1....-'- J J_ ;:: J ~ =,' '/:- I I L. . I i
'=('~"'I'CL.':::;:: ;::;........1..'10. nc' r,::. , I~-d -~ ~ ~uto;;:'/'r, It= 'or -rr:::;::'
,........11 Ii I . "-_ ....1 IV /, '-'_ __C 'c_ c::..... _, L"-'........ II C ,....._~.
Pursuar.t to 1996 amer;dments to F.S. 901, a law enforcement cffics: can make a
'v'larrantless misdemeanor arrest II/hen there is probable cause to be:'ieve that t,~e
person has committed an 2ct of domesric violence, and s/he need r;ot e'/al!..1ate
whether there is danger of future violence.
Sections 901. 15(7)(b) and 741.29(5), F.S. provide that a law enforcement officer who
acts in good f2ith and exercises good care in making an 2rrest under this subsection
is immune from civil liability that otherwise might result.
6, vVhen determining probable cause, the la'N enforcement officers should consicer
their observations and any statements by parties involved and any witnessss,
including children. They should proactively determine gll the crimes for which thete
is probable cause (including sexual battery, threats or violence amounting to assault,
battery on a pregnant female).
The officer should determine all possible crimes for which there is probable cause, so
that legitimate prosecution may proceed even if victim vacillation or other problems
reduce the viability of a domestic violence prosecution. Such other crimes might
include but are not limited to:
PaQe 6 of 23
. Resisting arrest with or without violence
. Battery on a law enforcement officer
. Aggravated battery (including battery on a pregnant female)
. Child abuse or neglect
. Elder abuse
. Stalking
. Violation of an injunction against domestic violence
. Violation of an injunction against repeat violence
. Sexual assault
. Sexual battery
. Manslaughter (e.g., of an unborn infant)
. Carrying a concealed weapon
. Possession of a firearm by a person subject to an injunction against domestic
C. Factors which should NOT be considered in determining whether an arrest wiil ce
made include:
. Marital status; sexual orientation; race; religion; profession; age; disability;
cultural, social or political position; or socioeconomic status of either party;
. Ownership, tenancy rights of either party, or the fact the incident occurred in a
private place;
. Victim's request that an arrest not be made;
. Belief that the victim will not cooperate with criminal prosecution or that the arrest
may not lead to a conviction;
. Verbal assurances that the abuse will stop;
. The fact that the suspect has left the scene;
. Disposition of previous police calls involving the sam~ victim or suspect;
. Denial by either party that the abuse occurred when there is evidence of
domestic abuse;
. .
. Lack of a court order restraining or restricting the suspect;
Page 7 of 23
· Concern about reprisals against the victim;
· Adverse financial consequences that might result from the arrest;
· Chemical dependency or intoxication of the parties;
· Assumptions as to the tolerance of violence by cultural, ethnic, religious, rac:al or
occupational groups;
. Absence of visible injury or complaints of injury; and
Presence of children or the immediate dependency of children on the suspect.
D. The officers making an arrest will in form the arrestee that domestic violence is a
crime and that the State of Florida, not the victim, is responsible for the prosecution.
The responding officers shall not initiate discussion of or accept a complaint
withdrawal, or have the victim sign a waiver of prosecution form.
The arresting officer should convey to the suspect that the state prosecutes
violations of the law and that the state may proceed with or without the .victim's
cooperation. [See F.S. 741.29(3).J This communication can have the effect of
redirecting some of the offende(s anger away from the victim.
E. If the officers deterr:line that a crime has been committed and that the suspect has
left the scene, the officers will make ever; attempt to:
1. Issue B.O.L.O. and conduct a search of the immediate area;
2. Obtain information from the victim and witnesses as to where the suspect might
be located; and
3. Prepare an a.LR. I D.V.S.R. and complete other appropriate paperNork for
referral to the State Attorney's Office. The yellow copy of the a.LR. along with
the D.V.S.R. and other appropriate paperwork will be routed to the Criminal
Investigations Division (C.LD.), the Domestic Violence Unit.
F. Dual Arrests:
1. The Miami Beach Police Department discourages dual arrests in order to avoid
arresting the victim. Where there are allegations .that each party assaulted the
other, the officer shall determine whether there is sufficient evidence to conclude
that one of the parties is the primary aggressor based on the criteria set forth in
Section VI-C-6 above.
2. If the primary aggressor alleges that slhe is also the victim of domestic violence,
then it is imperative that the officer thoroughly investigate the allegation to
determine whether it was an act of self-defense or an act of aggression. If it was
a separate act of aggression, then the officer shali make an arrest. If the officer
concludes that it was an act of self-defense, no arrest shall be made of the
Paqe 8 of 23
secondary aggressor. If dual arrests are made, the facts supporting each arrest
must be clearly documented.
Dual arrests are strongly discouraged except where clearly necessar'J. This provision is consister:t
with the requirement of F.S. 741.29 (4) that "when complaints are"received from t.'/O or more pa::ies.
the officers shall evaluate each complaint separately to determine whether there is probable ca'.Jse for
arrest." Every effort should be made by the officer to determine the primai~/ aggressor and sl:..rec: ai
arrest of only the individual(s) who used violence in a manner other than r.ecessarj for self-de;~erise.
In assessing whether physical force was used in self-defense, factors suc,'") as defense wour.ds.
disparity in physical size, use of weapons. circumstances of the onset of violence, reascr:abler.ess cf
fear of harm, etc., can be considered.
G. Law enfercemefi~ officers s~,a[1 net U'''lr~2~~fi. SL.:cces~ er e~:-,erNis~ incie2:~ th=-
-- -
possible arrest of 211 par:les or the remol/a! or the chilcren :rcm t:-:e hcr.:~, wi::. ::-e
intent of aisceuraging re'::'-.:ests for inrer'/sntlon b,/Iaw er:fcrcemEfil by a:-,,/ ,~2..-:-/.
H. If no arrest is m2.ce, the vic:im sh2.11 be so informed and be notified tha: s/he C2..1
r.equest to ha'/e the case re'/iewed b,/ the State Attorney's Office.
A. The officer sh2.!1 attempt to identify and utilize resources to assist in his/her
'I",.-r-c.ior:s ,,/'11;" "'cn 1=",_I:c:;" e:::"--:"';"'c -:.1'---- (-,- ,/:c.:......- "/.[.,...----- c:"c:...--;.,..\ cr
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citizsns 'N:rh ccr.:rr:unic2.::on disabiiiriss. Howe'/e:, t:-:e Cf'TiC2: shcuid 2.vcid the \..;ss cf
',r;,='~c's r'-r"""!'I'I/ cr n=.;ci-c' cr-:: e:::-r'l/I'nc :::-:: t~,~ rr;.........:::I-/ .I....l=.-.-r=.:=.- ~,-, .;.,;:: ;-,.=.::-;c.:::.:,......
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~ricr:ties, 10j2.ities, or cult:..;r2.1 r712.nc2.tes (l;2.Y c,e mctiv2.ting these individL;2.!s in 2.
sitiJ2.ticn where the offics: C2nnot m2.~e indepencent e'/2!u2.:ions.
E -I n' c o':J'c-r c::"-'I -'...-........r..- c-;'" .h_ v;f""I'm'e::: t" IC:. --..; c""n;;-I-nc;:: --.y c::n' o'vl'-a
'. l~ II Cl_IIC,c::.~lC,II.....Ll......'_:;:'lIllilo.:; ;\..nil....i_'...~c:.:I~ ,-,lllL~ _I.... _ fll_
understanding. patience and respect ror personal dignity 2.nd using 12.nguage
appropriate to the age, educational level and emotional condition of the victim.
C. In accordance with Chapter 741, F.S. the law enforcement officer must:
1. Assist the victim in obtaining any needed medical tre2.tment;
2. Inform the victim of the 2.vailabilitj of a certified domestic violence center; and
3. Give the victim a copy or the "Legal Rights and Remedies Notice to Victims'
brochure in English or Spanish as appropri2.te, which provides:
a. A telephone number for the local domestic violence center (the victim should
also be informed of other specialized domestic violence resources available in
the community),
b. Information about the right to file a criminal complaint with the State
Attorney's Office, and
Paqe 9 of 23
c. Information about injunctions for protection.
D. Officers should:
1. Convey to the victim concern for his/her safet.y;
2. Inform the victim about how to get an injunction in the fastest possible mannE;r;
3. Advise the victim that the incident report will be sent to the local domestic
violence center;
4. Advise the victim of what to expect in the near future with regard to the
processing of the case by the system, including an assessment of the probatlilitj
that the accused may be in custody for only a short period cf time;
5. Ask the victim if s/he wants to be notified of the suspect's re!e2.3e frem jail
(provide the victim with the Victim .A.ccess i'Jetwork (V.A.N.) number 30S-273-
4357, which is in the Domestic Violence brochure.);
6. Tell the victim that domestic violence is a crime and that the sole responsibility
for decisions regarding whether charges are filed is with the state and not the
7. If an arrest is not made, inform the victim of the reasons and of his/her options
independent of law enforcement (as indicated in the "Rights end Remedies"
pamphlet); and
2. Advise the victir.l to netfy the agency of any additional incidents or new
C .A.dvise the viCTim cf the cption to exer::;:se r.is/he right to he'/e their information
be exempt from public recoid. Fro'/ide victim wi:h en "Exempton or Victim
I nformation Form," to be forNc.rded to the Recores department and the Domestic
Violence Squad.
F.S. 119.07 (3) provides that, upon written request by the victim of domestic violence, sexual batterj,
aggravated battery, aggravated child abuse! aggravated stalking, harassment, or aggravated battery,
any information which reveals the victim's name or employment telephone number, home or
employment telephone number, home or employment address, or personal assets of the victim is
exempt from inspection.
E. If the officer is unable to determine the primary aggressor, the officer should not
leave the scene of the incident until the situation is under control and the likelihood
of further violence has been eliminated. If the victim is leaving, the officer should
remain at the scene for a reasonable pericd of time while the victim gathers
necessities for a short-term absence from home. The officer should ask a victim who
is leaving the home for his/her temporary address and phone number out of hearing
of the perpetrator.
PaQe 10 of 23
F. If. the victim requests to go to a shelter, s/he shall be referred to a certified domestic
vlolenc~ shelt~r.Th,e officer shall arrange f.or or provide transportation to the certified
shelter If the victim IS approved for shelter intake or arrange for or provide
transportation for the victim to an alternative location of the vic:ir71's choice in the
local area. .
G, Care of Children: Officers shall see to the aDorooria.~s care cf c~:;cren as I/icl:m'c: C"
I, , \ I..... I
I, In child abuse situations, the cfficer is required t\' Criacter.:!.: 5 tc caU n-',e ,t.r-, 'C:~
" , '...... ....--
Registry [1-200-96-AE3USE (2-2873)]
2. If, as a result of arres:s and/or riospltalizations. t~ere is nc ~2."e~;. leea.! CI...;2.::::a..--
or r-I-'i'/e to c.ithr=.r c-r- r''""'r q,,- r~i1(lr-"" or cir-r- .:...- C:;'IC-r -- '''' '....e--- - .
~c:.l '.-1,1,--,1 c.;:;; V lllt':....li .....c-;. C,-,\..it: II :;::,~:::\l....ll! c.:--prc~r:=:.:~
temporar; placemer,t cf the children. the cr7lcer s~culd Cor,;2.:: t~e A.bL.;se
P,egistry at the nUr.lter abo'/e rer purpeses cf de:erminir,~ ,::ia:emeril. Ir,e cf-:icer
should indicate in the report the icentlty ar,c accress of t:-,::= ~erson takinc C~S:CC'I
.. of the children. - .
3. F.S 921.002~ (1) (b), provices tr,at if the offender is convic:ec cf the primar;
offense and the primar; offense is a crime'of dc~estic vieler.ce, as c::=fined in s.
741.23, which was cOrr1mitted in the presence ef 2. child uncer 16 years of a~e
who is a family houser-Iold member as defined in s. 741.25 (2) '.vith tr,e victir.l:f
perpetrator, the subtctal senter:ce points arc rT,L;!:i::iied. a: t~e discretien cf tr,e
ccur:. b;/ 1.5,
.:!. "~"",~",-ii~C 'c ':"',- n"'~--~,"-' c; C,.,j'lc"-r: ,"/'"'r r-__;:i__ 1"':;:/'"',""- <:::"rl,ir r-""c""
r'\......I..."....,Ij,....IlII_ l ~.I~ u":;':-c:~:jICI'L '1 'Ill l:;;tl Cl:_ r.::.. .,i,::-::::. ,-I!I__=':: _11___1_ c;- 'I'.
f2r.1iiies with rT.cre t~2n cr:e cC;'i';estic V1C121',C6 6:iSCI=2 :i;(,2r". :;:",2:6 ar2 childr2n in
.....~ 'nrme Ccn'-c' .~- F:cr'c'- ,'::' I~C: 1-:,.....:.Ir:--- - ::,-,' -;:. ,'=U~c: (- c""C'O -:;--
llle '''II. 'llC .ll,e" ,', c..-._v......_I,.~Li ,:::;=:.. ;-'-,_,_-:::_,-.~.......'- 1- ,-.....11-
~"i=::) "\/h~r"'l ,.-,--,~;-..... j-c:11'....i- t~c. ':_i'~",;,,",,:('"O ;""';'-";-"I-.;cn' C'-iidl-- ri-~- -c,.... --......
_1...-___. 'C',IIC':-,\...iI~lll~. I: I......C 11_ 1'- ;'-.' II~ lltl......I.llCll I. j, .::: lelllC, c:._c Cl,\.-
address, name cf parents (or aCl.:ser) anc reiaticr,ship te 2CL:Ser.
h. Care of Dependent P-.CtJlts: When an ercer:y cr cis2e:s: a':t.;!: is e'::-,er a victir.l of t;;e
violence or reliant on the victim or suspect who C2n no longer r:rc'/ice care, the
officer should make appropriate arrangements for t[-,e perscr.'s C2re. In the case of
abuse, the officer shall C2!! the Abuse Registry [1-eCO-96-,~5US= (2-2573)].
I. If indicators for future vielence exist, the officer sr,ol.:!c reqL.;est a'IN2tch Order" to
arrange for increased patrol in the area and documen: the infori7:aticn in the police
A. In accordance with Chapter 741 F.S., the officer shall prepare a written police report
if there has been an allegation of domestic violence, regardless of whether an arrest
has been made. If no arrest is made the report shall include a description of any
observed injuries and the reason(s) no arrest was made. A copy of the report shall be
sent free of charge to the nearest certified domestic violence center within 24 hours.
PaQe 11 of 23
8. The a.I.R. prepared by the officer should specify' "Domestic Viclence" on its face.
A domestic violence report should include, but need not be limited to:
1. Information provided by communications personnel (the officer should consider
the E'/identiary value of the 9-1-1 call);
2. Descriptive information regarding the victim and suspect, ir,ciuding demeanor of
3. Written and oral statements obtained from the victim and sc.;spect (including
excited utterances and their approximate time frame) and a.'l explanation if
written statements "vere not obtained;
4._ . A list of witnesses and their statements (including excited utterances and their
approximate time frame) and the identities of all officers on the scene;
5. A description and location of observed injuries, description of medical treatment
rendered and statement about whether an offer of m'edical treatment was
6. The name of the medical treatment provider and the names cf any other health
care ~roviders, including Ei',lS personnel;
7. ~. desGription cf all ether pr1YS;C2.J evidence inclucing photc~iaphs t2~cn and of
8. P-. description of steps t2ken to locate the suspect if s/he W2S not at the scene;
9. A list of indicators of threats to future victim 2nd child safety (e.g., threats made,
including history or abuse, killing of pets, use of substances, other unusual
1 a.lnformation regarding whether children were present and hm'l they were cared
11.lnformation regarding whether an injunction is in effect and, jf it is, reference to
this order and a copy if possible;
12. A statement regarding any special needs (including language barriers,
disabilities) of the parties involved; .
13. An indication that the victim received the" Rights and Remedies" pamphlet;
14.lf no arrest was made, an indication that the officer advised the victim of the
reasons why an arrest was not made;
15. Any information that may be relevant to the assessment of bond; and
Page 12 of 23
16. The name and phone number of a person (e.g., family member, employer) who
can contact the victim.
C. The O.V.S.R. will be utilized when any 1\1.6.P.O" employee prer:c.res ar: O.I.R.
asserting an'! incident of domestic violence. The D\I.S.R. is specific2.lly ces:cr:e': ~"
prolJide identified inform2.tion, 2nd will not ce utilize,j as a subs;itute for the ni~~~::,/;
continu2tion of the O.I.R. -
The O.V.S.R. is 2 single p2ge form in triplic2te.
When 2.n 2rrest is mace 2t the scene, tne pink CGC~I cf trie D.\f.S.F1. wiil :e S:2: e: :-:
t~e pink copy of t~e arrest aftice'/it enc forN2rded :c tr'ie S.A.O. The ':/:-:ite ceC'l cf
t~s O.V.S.R. will be stapled to the \,'/hite ccpy of tr.e a.I.F,. fer t:-,e re:cr:s . .
deparlment anc trle ys!lc'/I COp;1 cf the D.\f.S.R. '.'/::1 :e s:2plec:: ::: tr:e ye:IC'.'/ 0::::'/ :"
tt'ie O.I.R. 2nd forN2rded to C.I.D., the Domestic 'Iieiencs Ur:it. . .
ILno arrest is made, the white copy will be stapled to the white ccpy of tile O.I.F,. 2.....,C
the yellow copy will be stapled to the yellow copy of the O.I.F,.
If 2n 2rrest is m2.de J2.ter by an investig2.tcr or p2.trel officer, tt'iat inci'/icL:ai wiil ce
responsible for 2.dding 2ny rele'/2nt inrcrmaticn tc the D.\f.S.R. 2,"'iC 2t:aching it :c
the appropri2te copy of the arrest affida'/it.
-I '-- r, \! c: R \1/::1 'Cf=. ~n"""'ol~--~ th-~' 'cn' -i-- c"~r:':r: ~ 0; f-ox-- ;:'II'I"'C I'r: --:"
I,: _., ,'-1.1 . ,JJI '_ l...,l..,.-ll', c~.=~ 1'-''-_ I lite; llt::'_.'\. IS; I....' :':::. It 1:_ ,':::::,1-
e:<~12nerer/ tienks, 2nd incice:ing "yes" or "no" to CL.;ss~:cns. t.LL fields r7:L.:S, :e
c..-,,;....-.-; or c-,......,....I-t~a' 'O'/.h~ o"';;c-- ~-_:_"'C'-; -'i r--"'c,'- .C _1-_ ~r;ci"'-, 'Ir.C;C'-~'
'1C'_j~C:""". ....,)Il!~ c C '~lllt:' !ll c, C':::'::l~l:,-_ L'- ::;:::::- ,'_ l ..ii~.... 1_lllC, I I :;11..
-',- - -r- NO ..; -I ',...;:] --: 'i-I..... ',..,.' ,- "'-- - ....,....... t.~.- ,----- : ;...:1:-.....
I r:t:;rt:; c.:::: I opucnc I, i11...rITiCliOn 1:t:;,\,.S III Lnc- I ::;';.-C I.. C, ,,-, ., ,:::: : .C.I ,::::::: C! C'oI or::::, I
r.:L.:st be indicated in the narr2tive rsmari-<s scc:icn.
0, Tne victim's ner.:e end c::nt2S: informaticn shoulc r.ct te blc,:e,j CL:t or TOi:7iS gc,r.~
t.] the lac2! certified dor.:es:ic violence center, ex:e,:::t in C2ses invol'Jin~ sexu2.!
b2.t:ery, cnild 20use, 2 lewd or 12sci'.;ious 2ct, or ir.cecent 2SS2UI! upon or in the
presence of a child.
E. Pol2.riods
1. Supply: Twenty (20) located in the Property M2:'l2gement Unit (P.i\1.U.).
2. Assignment: Two (2) officers per district.
3. \Nhy: To document the scene, injuries, children, etc.
4. How Many: Two (2) sets of photos. One (1) wiil be sent to the S.A.O. with
paperNork and one (1) '-ivill be sent to the Domestic Violence Squad with copies
or necessary documentation.
PaQe 13 of 23
A. A follow-up investigation may be required and could include:
1. Interviewing victims who were physically or emotionally unable to be properiv
interviewed or to provide a statement. The victim should be re-contacted for'this
purpose or to obtain additional details relevant to the investigation.
2. Taking photographs of victim injuries that may not have been apparent/visible at
the time of the initial response.
3. Interviewing neighbors or other potentia! witnesses.
.:1 Ascertaining if the suspect is on parole, probation and/or pretric.1 release and
obtaining the name and phone number of the ar:;propriate
probation/parole/pretrial officer.
B. In the supplemental follow-up report, the investigating officer shall document the
steps of the investigation. This will include documenting interviews and any other'
tasks performed pertinent to the investigation.
C. The agency should ensure that a copy of the original report has been forNarded to
the certified domestic violence center as required by law.
A. Responding to the call:
1. If communications personnel receive a call for assistance at a scene where an
officer is alleged to be a domestic violence offender, a supervisor will be notified.
2. The responding officer should ensure that a sur:;ervisor has been or will be
notified and otherNise har,dle the situation on scene in a manner consistent 'Nith
the policies used in all domestic violence cases.
3. If an arrest is made on one of our employees, applicable departmental policies
related to duty status, assignment, suspension, etc. will be adhered to.
4. If a criminal investigation is required, applicable departmental policy should be
followed, This investigation should be completed before the subject officer is
interviewed by Internal Affairs departmental personnel for any administrative
investigation associated with the event:
B. An administrative investigation should be opened to determine if the officer has
violated any departmental policies.
C. When an officer is served with any protective injunction, slhe is required to notify a
supervisor prior to the beginning of the next shift. Further, the officer is required to keep
Pa~e 14 of 23
departmental authorities informed of the status of his/her CJse. If the officer is a first
responder and/or likely to investig:.lte high stress calls (including domc:stic violence calls), the
department shJII consider J temporJry reassignment for the officer.
O. In cases where the temporary injunction is extended to become a "permarient"
injunction, the officer should be sent for a psychological evaluation to determine
his/her fitness for duty and/or be referred to a batterers' intervenrion program.
E. The officer's status should be taken into consideratien prior to approvirig an off-cuty
F. Oepar:ment policy regarding an officer's possession of weaper,s wr,ile ur.cer a L-:a[
order of injunction or following his/her conviction for comes tic viclence s~a~1 ce
consistent with state and federal laws.
G. Any officer who witnesses or otherNise r,as firsthanc or we!l-rour.cee knc'.'/!edge cr e.
domestic violence incident iri'lol\/lng another officer in the depar:ment, must re::cr:
that incident to a supervisor.
H. An agency which makes a domestic violence related arrest or a law enforce:i1ent
officer from another agency should nctify the employing agenc'J or the arrest, the
specific charge and the time of the arrest, prior to the end of the "'/orking shi~ cur:rig
which the arrest was made.
I. If ail officer is arrested fer e dcmestic violence iricident s/he r.:ust notify r,is/her
s:J::e:viscr t'efcre the beginnir.g of the r.e:<: shirl or as seon as possible.
A. This poiicy section applies to beth tempore.ry ar.d fir.a! domes~ic vicler;ce irijur.c~;cr.s
and repee.t violence injunctions which resL.;lt from a ccmes~ic vioience situation.
B, Serving Injunctions:
1. Once an injunction is entered by a judge, the Cler;.; of Court forNarcs a copy to
the Civil Process Section for service. After service is accomplished, a copy of the
injunction indicating service was obtained is sent to the '."farants Bureau. Tr.e
injunction may be served bye MBPO or municipal police officer.
2. Service of the injunction upon the respondent will be made as soon as possible
on any day of the week, Sundays included, and at eny time or the day or night.
3. If a petitioner presents a certified copy of an injunction to a MBPO officer and an
non-served respondent has been located or is present, the officer must accept
and serve the copy immediately.
4, MBPO officers requested to assist a petitioner in service of an injunction should
first verify that the respondent has not already been served. Verification can be
PaQe 15 of 23
made by calling Civil Process Section at 305-375-5100, from 8:00 a.m. to 5:00
p.m., Monday through Friday. After 5:00 p.m. and on weekends and holidays
the verification source is Warrants Bureau, telephone (305) 471-1700. If th~
respondent has previously been served, no additional service is necessary.
5. If service has not been affected, the assisting officer must present the
respondent with a certified copy of the injunction, along wi:h any attachments.
The respondent must be served personally. The injunction cannot be served or, a
relative or left at the respondent's home or business.
6. After serving the injunction, the return of service copy mus: be returned to Ci'/il
Process Section for forNarding to the issuing court. The fe'flowing informa.ticn
must be included on the return of service copy:
.a. The printed name and signature of the officer making the service.
b. The time that the injunction was served.
c. The date that the injunction was served.
d. The Iccation where the injL:r1c\iorl was serled.
e. The badge number or the officer seriing the injunction.
f. In the absence cf a return of service copy, the above information wil! te
entered on a iVlisceiianeous Incident Report and a r7iachir.e copy or that report
will be sent to Civil Precess Section in lieu of the return of service copy.
7. The officer ser/ing the injunction will telephonically notify the Civil Process
Section during normal business hours or the Warrants Bureau duty officer after
normal business hours of completed service. In either instance, notification of
completed service will be made as soon as practicable.
C. Upon determination of probable cause, an officer may make a physical arrest of t1e
respondent if slhe willfully and knowingly violates a term of the injunction by:
1. Refusing to vacate the shared premises within the time limits stated on the
2. Going to the petitioner's residence, school, place of employment, or a specified
place frequented regularly by the petitioner and a~y named family member or
household member;
Page 16 of 23
3. Committing an act of domestic violence against the petitioner;
4. Committing any other violation of the injunction through an intentional unlawful
threat, word, or act to do violence to the petitioner; or
5. Telephoning, contacting or otherwise communicating with the petitioner direc:ly
or indirectly unless the injunction specifically allows indirect contact throuah a
third party. ~
Action(s) that may form the basis of arrest of a particular offender must be in viclation
of one or more provision(s) of an injunction in effect, at that time, against that
D. An officer should make an arrest for a criminal violation of the term of an injuncticn
.pursuant to Chapter 741 F.S. (domestic violence injunctions) or Chapter 784 F.S.
(repeat violence injunctions).
E. An officer should not base his/her decision to arrest on his/her perception of the
prosecutor's ability to prosecute the case, as this is a court order not subject to tr,e
officer's interpretation. .
F. Officers may net arrest persons for civil violations er court orees. Fer civil
vielations, the petitioner should be referred to the Cler}( of the Ccurt.
Examples of civil violations include failir;g to pay child support or complying with ether
financial obligations, coming within a certain number of feet of petitioner, failing to
attend the Batterers' Intervention Program, failing to take some Ection such ES
returning victims' property, etc.
G. After proper service of an injunction upon a responeent, the injunction is valid and
enforceable in all counties of the State of Florida. It is impo.rtant to verify that a
respondent has been properly served the injunction prior to arresting him/her for
violating same.
Pursuant to the due process clauses of both the Florida and United States
Constitutions, an individual cannot be held accountable fo'r violating an injunction of
which he or she has not been notified [741.30(7)(a), F.S.]. Officers must attempt to
verify that a respondent/perpetrator has been served the injunction/protective order
prior to making an arrest for its violation. Consistent with this, Sections 741.30(7)(a)
and 943.05, F.S. require that a Domestic and Repeat Violence InjunCtion Statewide
Verification System be created within the Florida Department of Law Enforcement,
Page 17 of 23
capable of electronically transmitting information to and between criminal justice
agencies relating to domestic and repeat violence injunctions, including information
as to the existence and status of any injunction.
H. Out of state protective orders: The agency should enforce foreign (i.e., out-of-state)
injunctions pursuant to applicable state and federalla'Ns. If respondent is found in
possession of a firearm, federal authorities should be notified immediately,
Florid2 St2tute 741.315. Fecognition of foreign protection orders, Section 2, requires
that 2n injunction for protection 2g2inst domestic violence issued by a court of a
foreign state (2nother st2te, the District of Columbia, an Incian Tribe, terrterl
commonwealth, or possession or the United St2tes) must be accorded full fai':h i~
the state of Florida. Subsection 3(2) m2ndates establishment cr a systerr: for
registering a foreign protection order with the sherif7 of the county, (the ~,liami-Dace
Police Department in rvtl2mi-Dade County) and subsection 3(t) further requires the
2s_signment of a case number by the sheriff (the rvli2mi-Oade Police Oepartrrent)
and provision of a receipt showing registr2tion of the foreign order to the pe(son
registering the order.
Ihis S. 0. P. comports with state and /ec2ral law in t/7at ihe jusiice system mUSi five
,>:..;11 f2/r/-; a,--;c cradir to all protecri'le orders and injunctions issued in other states,
--,..:......r:- ~ -~c' -.;;-'-1 C"'" 'rtc: [",.. f I 5 C r-r--:: (1 co ')1' :=, 'II >-ir.n' -""c' C--"'I'~ ;.:;: - c,..r-,...:c:.'/
L=;li~vlC'::;;,c:.fl LJI__C: ......'u~.... J(;U. . .~~=-...J __'+~./l.,..i lCI Cl,' fC'~LJ.....c: .....fl,,_I...,...'
leca! tacie: cf7ice;s sheuld cet seecific aei'/ice frem c!eca:7ri7ental leca! counsel
__ . __ j 1_
concerning whar is enforceable 2nd whar is not.
l. creak Orders in Domestic Viclence C2ses
1. In C2ses where there is 2 refusal by a non-custodi21 parent, Iccated inside a
structure or dwelling, to surrender his/her child(ren) to police in accord2nce with
a validly issued Tempor2r; or Permanent Domestic Violence Injunction granting
custody to the other p2rent, 2fter the police officer has:
2. "knocked 2nd 2nnounced" his/her presence,
b. h2s a good f2ith b2Sis to believe the child(ren) is/are inside, and
c. the location of the custodial parent is known to the police officer for delivery of
the child(ren) at that time,
2. The police officer will contact the issuing judge, if during the day, or the
emergency judge, if after hours or on weekends or holidays, to request a Break
Order be issued. The Administrative Judge of the D.V. Division will be contacted
in the event the issuing judge or the emergency judge is unav2ilable.
Page 18 of 23
3. A pager number for the Domestic Violence Emergency Judge and the
Administrative Judge of the Domestic Violence Division will be provided by the
court and maintained in PSCU. In the event contact is necessary, the PSCU shift
commander will page the Domestic Violence Emergec~cy Judge. For the
purposes of verification, the judge will Call back anc ask for the f;arT',e
department, and phone number of the caller anc therea~er return the said cail t~
the department, which will patch the call through to the cfi'icei en the Scene.
The pager numbers are:
Domestic Violence Emergency Duty Jucg-e:
(C'r' -. C'8. ,~-.
-':1_:: J C I ..~c,:" j
Domestic Violence Division Ac~inistrati'je Juc:g-e: (::C.5) .:1.83-7::C.5
.:1. Tr,e judge will inquir-e of t1",e cfficer as the wr.er-e.=.bcL:ts cf ::....-e cus~ccia: ::ar::;:,t :s
at that time. on 'Nnat basis the officer ~s!ie\les t~e chi!ci~.er"' 2.re insice. 2.i.C :;;"',2.:
attempts have been mace for surrendsr of t:-,-e chiiclF-e,~;! whic:--, r:a'/e ::e-e:,
unsuccessful. The judge will tr,en determine jf a sufficient casis exis:s to iss~e a
. Sreak Order.
5. A verbal Break Order by the juege will be accepted. wit:--, 2. writ~en crcer t: ce
issued subsec;uently thereto. (See Af:pendix 3).
6. If the judge fines that a Sreak Order is not approximate in t~e case 2.: ti:e t:~e.
t:-:e officer will ins:rur:t the cJstodia! r.:arent to fiie 2.n e:.-:er;e::c:1 mcticn cefcr::; the
cour: rec;uesting enforcemeri[ cf the ccur:'s CL:s:.:c:y er:er.
-,. .' -'I ;::--~o::- c= ~'-.=. r"'c""-,-' :c'C'c': -: r;::-=.r' \/: =. !-r :C'-=.--:=.-::::C'c:::: ,,,:.;... C" 'cOC'r"1
r-.ll) ......Jt___1. I ~il_.1 I: ....."""_I.\....- .e::, ;-"__."""'_ "_" 1'....J. 1.,._ ,-'-" -- '.,~I~ \""'---"""'-..!
C'cs'r"ctl'cn c:J'uO::'J'cC' -'("') 10:: -. tn' - C'I--~-';c- c; .;...- "";;;_C'_ \"'"'.~ \\.;.[' --'-----/'--
, I.... I. I I _I. c~ t:'~""". _ C~ iC' ~"""I~~j /1 I ~;,<;:; v(II\-::::;:. 41',__' I:: I t.-:..=,11111~=
whether prebable ca'Jse for the aries, exists.
A. Sworn personnel and ail other law enforce~ent pers:Jnnel ces;~;;ated to hande
domestic violence investigations shall receive four r,ours tr2.inir:~ in demes,ic
violence every four years.
Key topics to be covered include:
. Use and application of current Florida and federal statutes as t;-,ey relate to domestic
. Dynamics of domestic violence;
. Verification, enforcement and service of injunctions;
. Duties and responsibilities of law enforcement in response to domestic violence
calls, as set forth in departmental policy; and
PaQe 19 of 23
. Assisting victim populations with special needs.
Other appropriate topics for this training include:
. Techniques for handling incidents of domestic violence that minimize the likelihood
of injury to the officer and that promote safety of the victim;
. Nature and extent of domestic violence;
. Legal rights of, and remedies available to, victims of domestic violence;
. Documentation, report writing, and evidence collection (including recognition and
recording of excited utterances);
. Tenancy issues and domestic violence;
. Impact of law enforcement inteNention in preventing future violence;
. Special needs of children at the scene of domestic violence and the subsequent
impact on their lives;
. Policies and procedures of the local State Attorney's Office;
. SeNices, facilities and/or inteNentions available to victims;
. Emergency assistance to victims and how to assist victims in pursuing criminal
justice options;
. \Norking with reluctant victims;
. Departmental and officer liability issues;
. Indicators of abuser lethality;
. Indicators of future violence;
. Means of identifying a primary aggressor; and
. Appropriate use of the Baker Act.
B. Persons within the department designated as "domestic violence officers" shall
receive four hours of domestic violence training every year.
C. Periodic or roll call training should address the components of this policy and the use
of the Domestic Violence Reference Card.
D. All sworn personnel will receive timely legal/legislative updates pertaining to
domestic violence from the Domestic Violence Squad.
Page 20 of 23
A. The Domestic Violence Squad is a crisis intervention and advocate support unit
located within the Criminal Investigations Division of the City of Miami Beach Police
Department, as is its' satellite facility, the Victims' Help Center located at 6988 lndic.n
Creek Drive, Miami Beach.
B. The Domestic Violence Squad will be comprised of:
1. One (1) Domestic Violence Sergeant
2. Two (2) Domestic Violence Detectives
3. One (1) Domestic Violence Coordinator Supervisor
4. Four (4) Domestic Violence Coordinators
C. The Sergeant of the Domestic Violence Squad will have direct oversight and
direction of the squad. The duties and responsibilities or the squad Sergeant will
consist of but not be limited to the following:
1. The assignment or all domestic cases to the Domestic Violence Coordinator
Supervisor for assignment to the Domestic ViOlence Coordinators and
subsequent case management or all such c:=.ses.
2. ,A.ssignment or domestic violence cases to the ccmestio violence detectives fer
3. The oversight or all grants which pertain to the funding or the squad.
4. The oversight and direction of all awareness, intervention and prevention projlscts
initiated within the squad.
D. The Domestic Violence Coordinator Supervisors' duties and responsibilities will
consist of but not be limited to the following:
1. The assignment of all domestic cases to the Domestic Violence Coordinators and
subsequent case management of all such cases as directed by the squad
2. To assist in the oversight of all grants which pertain to the funding of the unit as
directed by the squad Sergeant.
3. The direction and oversight of all awareness, intervention and prevention projects
initiated within the squad as directed by the squad Sergeant.
Page 21 of 23
4. Any adjunct duties pertaining to the operation of the squad as assigned by the
squad Sergeant including:
a. Compiling statistics for Domestic Violence related matters (i.e. calls, arrests,
etc.) and preparing a monthly report refleCting said numbers.
b. Preparing a monthly Domestic Violence "Hot Sheet" for probable cause ca.ses
on subjects reflecting back one (1) year on misdemeanor cases and two (2)
years on felony cases.
c. Providing a monthly "Non-Compliance" report for patrol which lists cases
where officers failed to prepare a Domestic Violence Supplemental Report.
d. Complete a monthly "Quality Assurance" report which reviews ten randomly
selected cases during the month in questien for completeness with various
responsibilities involved in each case.
E. The Domestic Violence Coordinator(s) duties, and responsibilities will consist of but
not be limited to the following:
1. Once a case has been referred to the Domestic Violence Squad for non-criminal
precessing, the Domestic Violence Coordinator 'Nil! ~r::vice a myriad of advocacy
focused services.
2. Provide emotional and practical support to vicr:ms and witnesses of traumatic
events including but not limited to the means:
a) Arrange for shelter.
b) Arrange for transportation pertinent to crisis intervention for the victim.
c) Provide information and referrals to the appropriate agencies for additional
d) Provide assistance in obtaining an injunction for protection, if applicable.
e) Follow-up until case is cleared.
f) All case management duties pertinent to the case. .
3. Upon completion of the non-criminal processing of a domestic violence case, the
Domestic Violence Coordinator(s) will prepare a supplemental report
documenting all actions taken. This report will be processed in accordance with
all applicable provisions of the C.I.D. S.O.P.
4. The Domestic Violence Coordinator(s) will assist the squad in the initiating and
implementation of various awareness, intervention and prevention project as
deemed necessary by the squad Sergeant.
Page 22 of 23
F. The Domestic Violence detectives duties and responsibilities will consist of but not
be limited to the following:
1. Investigation of all Domestic Violence cases where probable cause (P.C.) exists
for arrest.
2. In conjunction with the Domestic Violence detective's investigation, the Domestic
Violence Squad will complete case management as the victim's advocate.
3. In misdemeanor cases referred back to the Police Department by the
Attorney's Office for investigation in accordance with State Statute.
'- Lc:.~_
a) The CID detective will contact the referring Assistant State Attorney a:-;d
receive input as to what is needed for the purposes of prosecution.
4. Request all Domestic Violence 911 tapes from P.S.C.U. in "witing and fer'Nard
_ . said tapes to the S.A.O. for prosecution.
Po.. The Miami Beach Police Department shall ensure that the information contained in
this policy is disseminated to all agency personne!.
6. Tr.e rJliami Beach Police Departmer.t shall obtain and dissemir.ate ail legislative ar.d
le-;al updates. These updates shall be distributee to all perscr.ne! dealing diredy cr
ir.cirectiy with domestic violence cases, ir.c1udir.g. but r.OT limited to, field officers,
middle managemer.t, and upper management.
Page 23 of 23