Service Contract- City of Miami MAR-12-SS 14.36 Mar. 12, 1999 - "... /..# ..........~ ,......... ... , . " ---'!......., ,.... : / ,.,... -., FROM. MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS 10. 3056737647 ):UJYM MU\'lASU. ~~LL~UU YLANN1Nli U1V]~IUN' 5/1:~O, J~jj ~~ . 4QI S!:IVIC'f: COlfUlo,CT aE1'WEll 1)EP~HT OF \lAD1l AIID Sf.\It1l.S or TH!: CITY Of KIRII AJ1l) 'l'IlE ~rt OJal1AM~ BUell SEW6PE DlSPOSAL I' TUIS CQNTIAC'1', lU4e and Imtlll:'ed 1""0 thJ.. 17tn d..,. .of ltav ,191!.-, by del between the DEPAi1MElfr OF WA'tEl\ AlCg SEWEIS OF THE C1'I:Y 01' KUMI, 1ft "Ketley and lnltr\.lllllltU:.Ut:y of tl\a City ot Mi_i, . _idp.al eorpo1:'ation of the sClIte of! Flol'lda (benin.fee'!:' Illllltltbe, ClU,d the "DEl',ul'IMEHT"), party of the f'!.,,1 t part, and the CITY ot "lAMl BEACH, "1IIUn.1c:1. "al eorporaHOft of the. suu of florida, (b8"elnaft:er l\lIIletialel called the "CITY"), parey of the l;eCOM partj WREKEAS, the Cl~y dellr~ to obtain lIVas- .~.po..l "I"4'J.ell for ..nlta'Q' .."..e IIUl Uqui4 ,...tea to be 1l1lcwi_ 11'_ lasdtaC'y .....1' lerv1.j:e ani. of the City of m..l B040h. , . I the T_ oe sud.i...., Nor!:h Bay VUlage, c:ha 'rOWP al lay Bll1ibcu~ I.laad., the V1l1q- of l.ll1arbour and Itldian Creek "ill.,. al the lJlIUIldari.. of caell u:Ut on tM 4.t:l! h.,.rftof W\1.... altend ".,. future .eesoent gt the City and Depe,rtment, BUCR an.. herein.fter refn-n:i1. to .. "Hl.AK1 BEACH SEWEll. SEIVICE ! AIlIA:'; IIDCI I WIIEUAS, the DEPAR'1MD'1' haI p'l'm011dy nteTed inco a fttalb,,'l:' of contraetl ~g 1:.n.cl.r uwqe d1'1'01&1 U'l'Vic:e to othfJ't' ~bllc '8.aa~.' end municipalitiel with1n Dade County, Florida; lIDd FAGE r. U Ij 2 ". ...... '" MAR-12-88 14.38 FROM. MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS 10, 3058737847 Mar. 12. mg. J:UjPN. Mj)WA~j) ~ALHUU nANNlNli U1Vl~lUN ' '0 ;~O. J~JJ -/"' I . ,'~. ; l -, ~-'-.. WHEaEAS. ~h. D&P~ an4 the CXTY h.~. entered into a .epa~ate contract entitled .Coat Jarticipatioft Contract between - Department of water and '.wars of the Citr of "i.at and the c;l~)' of )lbmi B.ach, fm- the Eftlar9a_nt: o~ the Exhti.n9 S."a<J. T~e.~ent p~.nt on vLxgini8 ~y and ~e extona1on ot the Oc..n ou!:tall". cliIlt.!! 1"1;4,/ t1. , 1972, ~hich io to be agprovcd and "._ellted ei.nllllt.neoully IiIltb this contnct: and WHBREAS. the DEP~ 18 Yil11ng to p~Dvid. the .."498 diepoaal ..r~ice de8CribeQ herein if all of the texme and conditiona hereinafter rec1ta4 .h.ll b. oblServed alld carriecl "nto eftect: . HOW. i'HEIU:PORE. XIII ~COllSIDESIA"Icl>> tJ9 THe COVI!:lIIJUol'.l'lI II_urN STATID. 'tIlE l'AR'l'IES IItIl&TO AGaD lIS FOLLOWS. 81!lCTION I, ~_....~ .., ,;" C:OIll3TRUCTIOII.' OIISM'rtOtl Nm MAIlftBHJIINCS . The CITY. at. ita .Jle CaBt and ~xpen.e. .~ll c~natruct or instill. and thereafter operAte end maint~in (except as ~tb.rwi.. provided h.~.in). at its ~~.n.e, A\l _t~ct~re.. f 1 t. .. i i . . orc. .. n.. ranl~l'e~on" ftl. Pump.. equ~pment. Gereeniny. - removal and othar ~aeilitle8 r~iro4 foe tr~n'Po~t!n1 the 11ft/age bOll\ within the "i_1 ..ach Sewer Ser:viee .\1'ea to the pqi,nt o~ eonnection o~ ~ch facilities vi~b tho S.wa~o Di.po.al 8y.t_ of the DEPAM'MBNT. which pain!:. of connllCltion 11Ia11lle liP .. location deel!JMte4 by the DBPAlt'rMaIT On Vir';l'.i.ni4 l<cy. 0'1'1 C\llIIPltll:s Il\lI!tedn9 c14vlee aMU be tnstaUee! .n~ tho C%'1'Y .hall retain ownClnllJ,p thereof. The lIIater thall. be maintained l:Iy tile OJ:PAJ;lTMENT at the con ot. the C:tTY. fhe DEPARTtWf('l' ahell pro.ide required oa....nt. on propertiea under its (!!IlCnt..ro~ .t 'IQ ~O.~ to t.he eI'l'Y. .nd a...i.t th. CXTY' ...11 a.CI,,\&i.~.LlUJ ;' .: any t.qul~d ea.ement, in ..xviec ~~ea& under the CITY'S eont~Dl. - - :I - ,-..~... PAGE 3 r. j/ I j MAR-12-SS 14,38 FROM, MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS [D. 3056737647 MH. lZ. lY~Y J:UHN. MUWA~U ~ALnUU l'LA.N~INlr III~I~II,JN" , NO. .1~.lJ r- r"'.... ~ .. : l Additional polntl of c~ecfLcn may b~ elt.bllshed at such t~el and pl.coa 8. ,hall ba .u~lly asceed Vpgn by the partIes bercec. 1'he CITY ab.t.ll be~ the _t:i.~. coat del .1Cpen.e of -'-'-. . , C!lIItabl1sh1ng Ilach luch .4dlt'-onal point of conn~t1Dn, obta1nl'llS such ...ementl .. _y be n....e4 aul. tllrnhhins all neei!/Uary l.bor and ~.tar1al. ~equired to connect to the DEPARTMENT'S U"48. tireat1llent facilid.., .11 1n accordlJ\ce wull pll11'l ~d Ipecif1catlona co be .pp~cd by the OE'Aa~. All '~.Ie flow. to each plant ahAll be metered separateLy and a reading of tile ...ateet ahall be taken by the DEl'UT$N'l' Of' or about tbe 18th clay of each month and ahall be used for monthly billing purpose. ~.r the provilion. of Section lV hereof.. The 4cc\/,zoacy of the ...teJ:' ~11 be cl1ecke4 once every thl'1lle lIlORtb. at . time lIIUt.,.Uy acreeable to the CITY 811d the DJ:PAR.tMEIIT and ,hall be J'ecalibrated .If tQ\J'lld to be 1n error by IaDre tn.n 2'1. To protect the DErAR'pIt1f1' ..at1l&t the poselbUlty o~ bal..lIK relluired to, dlli1po" of I~CMUi wate" adalut1ng vlth!n t.b.. i eo"f!."'" of! .aid Miami ay_ell Sewer Servtce Area, .U nil., ..nitary aewage and 11qQld ~Ite collection f.cilltles .hall be c:on.t1:uctod utd tn.utled 1n accordiUlce 'Il'1th phDS and .~aclf1e.t1on' prepared ~y Chill CITY a~. .ubaltted to the DEPARTMENT. for .pp~av.l. of de.1gn .nd !.at~r.' .ff6ctl"8 lnf11tr.~lon. ~'Cltten appzoVYal o~ obj.ct~on. thereof ~h.ll be _d. vtthin thirty (30) d.ys. In the eVe'l\t tM!: tha 'Ol:PAlnlENT should dulu to p'E'OY1cle .~ase diapo.al .ervice to ~iclpal1t18' ather than thos. _ldpal1tbl tll tll. Mi_t Beach S~r Servll'''' A1'08, tht= .' /.....~. ....".". ,r - 3 . I .' - PAGE 4 r. 4/I.l ." " -'. MAR-12-SS 14,37 FROM, MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS 10. 3058737847 MH. 1;(. l~~~ J:UHf1I .,UW!\~V ~I\LHU\J rl.II~~1111l Ul'/IJ1VJ1 11 v, JJJJ '~ - i' .4 : l --~...-........ Df;ll,\l'1'K!NT r..e-rv. the I'l8he to IIIAke a .IPuace contract with .uch 1IIll1\1dpIU.ti.. fen: .uch cSbpo..1 of ..n1tary ae"age and li~ld va.tea. Ptovi41ns .uah di.po..l do., ftOt ~palr effluent qua1.1ty frolll the p1.C\t Ot the quantf.ty acldd to exiating pLant flow d_ ..at exceed 'Ol. of ~be DEl'Aa~'. pa~"l_ o' pl....: r ~_.:. -~ a~.dt1, III cm1.r to convey it. '''''1 and liquid vI.tes throuah th. DEPAll'tMDlT'. fll'li Ud.ea. the ct'tY .hall maintllln .ut't'ic:1ent p~..ur. within it~ '1.t~ to -.1Btain the de.ired rate of elilIeh.rle 1l'Ito the DEl'.unulIT" fac:1l1tle. on VlcBln1a Ita,... It 11 IIr..cl diat up.dey has been I)l'ovid.d 1" tlte .evlle ~tlpolal facllltie. to ~eceive . faur"hour lustained _~ oE 60 KCD peak n_ fnllll tit. CIT't. ....d 150 MeO peak now f'tOll eM DEl'AItIMENT, I' Nuured 'by the CITY'. ....d D!l'AR.'1MElIT'. _tu.. Wlten a p.ak flOll of ..venty-nv, PI;- cent; (1S1) of 60 "CD by the c;n or ISO KGD by tlte DIlPAR1'HENT has been .~pnl<<1t;:.d. th. DEPAl'n4EHT pd the CITY ,hall revieW' , , all eCOIl0lD1c: t"c:cora aDdi .b,11 plan tor ehe o:cmatnc::U.on ur additional .awas~ c1.po,.1 ~ oucf.ll fao:tlities; prDvided, h01le1ter, that uothl'111 herein ccmcained .haU be COllltrued or i"eerpreted a. eo "..qu.i";! or cOIIpcl tbe CITY to ente~ utD . cOlltraceu.l relactllluht.p' wU:h the DEPAJmCEIT t.n eM.. reaad. COlt pu-t1dpaClon by the CIn '''all be ba.t!d upon the ad41C101lJl c&"adty to be cun.tructed n udilr factore in a .laIU" manner to the Cost participation Contract: batv..u tbe DEl'AR"1'I1EN'r ...... the CUT ot MIAMI BEACH, ~.te4 IhAy' /1 . 19n. k ,... '" ,gcrtOM n TYl'& CW WASTES TO Bg DtSQIARG~D Th. CITY U&d/en: Ilt:P.All.'J:KEH'l' ahall aut dbeh4r1,.. or C&\I5e tu he dl.cbarged any ..terl 01' _,atct into the DF.PAll.'tMEN'T'1i tnetlll8tlt f.et.lttll!a which are t.n "iolat1on of lute 7. ....... .. , .. / -4- - ~....... PAGE 5 I, JI 1 v '-, '. MAR-12-98 14,37 FROM, MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WO Mar, 1(.1~:1~ J.U'tua. MLlIIJhJLJ vl\l.dJI';'Ij\J l~nJlH~~"IIIR~~"..,.~.?: 305873?847 t. .-. ; I -.-- ~........... ,- '- .--': ~--.... " , - " ., . . ,. .' f ,- ~........ -.,' "bru1.tion of the \1... ot Sanlta1:Y and St01:lD SeV01:'1i and the Di&cha~8. of V.~.rB and Wal~e' into Ut~lltle&' Sewera,e sy.t.R" of the S_1: twl.1 Dc! ReguLaUons of the Board o! county CGmmi..~aDeT.. DaAe county. Flo~~4.. l.~..t ~Rvi.~Oft_ 'niB DEPAlI.ttWn lball h..,e tha rlSht to 8.p10 Clnd analyze tbe waatn fr- the Niall.aell Senteo j\'J'e. ae it enten the DCr~aTKENt'. ~~.a~t raell1tleR. If at any time a '-4 h~r COIIpOIu:e IlIIIPle ,hoW. any ylolati.on of the llu1.t'! 7. above. 1.1: ,hall be the relpgns!bU1ty (If the Cl;TY upon notificati.... by the DtPAB.1'HEKT to detulId,t1e the source of 'Ii._tae lIhich an ytolative and .halt lntcltute app'J'opr~ate c~tecti~. aetion upon ebe .O\I~B. nJe InrAR'l'KERT sMlI ~.''''1:Ve the 1:'Lsht to ..auae tuch relponllbil1ty if at any t~ the CITY's efforts ..at with tailure. '1'I\a CUV .hdL aupp1,. tlul DEPAR.TK&1I'C with. U:st of eb. pJ:04UCB;-lI of .1nclu.tdd ...te. within the City of Klallll Beach. . &11d will u:e1:el.. iU beat aood faU.h Clff'o~t:I co l'roc;",~ eha ..me iafo~tioa f~ tht other ~l~lp.liti.s 1.neluded within I thll "Hi_ Buch S_r lle:tvlc. Area", ancl, at. lClalt once Ilach year. IIE't..g ebla lht up co "at_. The CXTY shall rIlqQh'. ~bat .aeh _jOt p'C'Oducer of ln4u.trial wascea IU\mlit to the DlPAIl'l'HtNI anauall1 a complete laboratory analysi. of bath the raw an4 treaeM va.tes, sl1Ch analyl1. eball be made on ~4 hour clIIIIpadte "11IP1.. and Ihall include tb. followlnc: T...peuture, pit. 8U1pwnde4 1011dl, 4t.lllo1vcd .oUd.o, 5 01_,. a,c.D.. fau and oUe (sChIlr extrlll:ticm),A.S.T.H. fla.h ,glnt, en (where ln41w cata4). 8Qd pbenal. (where tDdtcated). Upon reque.e, the CITY shall au1Jad.t co tll. DEl'Al.1MDIT sUdlar labor.wTy analyS'. of COIIpOlu:e .ClIples of the o_bined w..t.. leaving the M~_L Beach Sewer Se-rvlc:e Mea. If at anY time the CITY .ha1.1 not cOIIIpty vU:h the relt~lcelona ~po.ed upon it 10 the preceding partlan of -5- .-..-.-. ,"..--.,.." ."-" PAGE 8 '. ~'. MAR-12-SS 14,37 FROM, MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS ID, 3056737647 But. ll.. l"J:J J.U'JtlJl munl\IJU ""f\./..I,(,l.dJV !~nnl'lJ.1\1 lI~'I~ll"'U .,\1, oJ.,;.,}.,) '''; PAGE 7 ., 'f 1.J 1 . . I r chit :iecUon II. or if the CITY ,ball .Uotf to be e-reated any condition which the DEPAl1MXRT lhoutd d.teTDlne de8t~ti~q to any IJf :l.u :l.n81:&natlon' ""leh cauy and dbpou of material dlleh.~ed ~y th. exn 1.rato the hcl.llt;l... gf ",he P"fAIl:tMENT. .aiel I)KPAll'rHEttt ,hall lion thift1 (:10) clay. cltte1\ notice to the CITY'co dl.cont~uB 8ueb ~1 operat:l.on O~ pratiee vi_hill whlch f),dod th.. CITY .qTeea to eOlllpb. In thr. eve"t "ft.y d_.... ~..ult frea the dieehat'IB of Improper wastes by tbe ern v't accepted fTOm am.'C. by the DEP.AR'DWn'. .. d~lIet'\be" in ,aid aula 7. the lII1t1te COlt vE ,veh d...gel rll!llult1ng tl1enfrOlll ,hall b. pdd by the ern o&' f)81'AR.1KElIlT .a the cue "1 be. ", ------,- " . ..../"..... PRtLIMtNAaY TIUtA.'1MUI' Of INDUSTRIAL WASTES Plen.. .p..lll..elone. ~ d..ien in~ormatton fo-r .11 proposed pret~..~t faci1itie. ,~11 be .ubadtte4 tv the D2PAltMENT for approval or rejection. .ad .uch .pprQY4l or rejection .hall be .....e by the DJ::PAan<<m within tld.xcy (30) clay.. Const~tlQl\ of any .weh propoled fael1ttt.. Iball not be egaaene~d until the D~rAa~ 11'u~' wr~t~eD app~&l oE euch f.c~li~ie_. f I""'" ) . . !!9'ftON In . ~L AJ.D ~~~l~ A ~w.l ,n4 Iapl~l!IIIent Fund _ball be .et,bUshed by the C1Tt in an lutttal ~lIt of $%50,000 fDr expenditure_ to p,y itll .h~e of eOltl of addition.. ~proYemen~.. end ..jD~ replae.-ente co .truecurel 1U14 _&l;b1I1eZ'1 at thlt DEPAlt'IMEnT'a Vil:'liau Ke,. ..wqe t;1l,bnent f,dlld.I'. i1\ aC\10~.....e IIII.th tbe appropri.te fotlllVot.. .et fOl'th 1JJ the Colt r.rtidpatiO'll Contract between the CITY _d the DE'AIt1'Ml!:N'l'. '"'it fund .hall be bald by the CITY and rapl4lCd..heel IIlnually. ... ~~irecl to ...UII:aiA . bal.noOl of $1S0.000 at the besilWli.1ag of ..c:h fbcal "cU'. I - -6- ..--. ~ MAR-12-SS 14,38 FROM, MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS 10. 3056737647 " Mar. Ii. l~~~. J:u~rll llIJJYlilJU JIIL,,:'JJV fLlIllil11111 UIYlJIVll I". n.. PAGE 8 ~, U." ~ v I . ~ / --.,.~ ; --.. .-. Ellpendttul''' by the CITY Ib.ll be I14de to 1'8111111\11;". the DF.PAll'nlEJn' tor expenditure. .. fOJ: JlENElolAL AND REl'LACEHENTS. TI\.. ct'l"l" .har. of weh IlxlI_lture, Ihall be b.lell on the r~tio vf avlrage '''a,e flow. of ..ch party for the prevLo~' twl"e lIIIOIlthl. I SlCTION IV JATE A.lUl NfOONT TO BE .AID KotmlLY BY THE CITY The an Ib.ll p.y to I:l\e DEPAltHEtn' and the DEPARTKEl'n' ..h.lL ,cc.p~ f.,.... th. tIT'l. aa caapMll!latlon far \lte ot all otller it.... IlIeh &1 plant aeeell rOlld., lendlcapll1S. fetlCUla, etC.. Dot 1ncludlld l'a the Coat putLdpatton contract bet__ the CITY aad the DE'AllTMEN'I. dated (tlI.y 11 . un. a nat IDOC\thly ,eJ:Yln eharla ot Pi". HUlulnd Dollan USOD.CO). n... CITY .~11 .110 '&1 ee II:h. tll'....k'ftCINT. .ael th. DI::,,\R'I'HEBT IMU a.ccept frClll the c~n i a~ C:~f~I&~~~ f~fi a~1 lewqll receb'ed fr.. tbc Hi. Beech Sewer S.l'Vl~.~~'& the _una: relu1tlna flCOlll f:he -.ultipl1c:at1aa of die total ..tefed . sallon..e af aew.ase flow receivd frOlll the H1111li Beach Sewer Service ~a durtng lucb honch by a r~te per t"DUI~ (1.000) I 14110111 condotiq of md eq1l8.1 &:0 eb. 8Ul1 of the fOllow1nl: (a) the _utl~ of aU oper,tillS and IIlllintcnanc:e explmu,. incl"dba c_". ..lIlI....d. IE al\Y. ~peI'ieneed by the D!PAtl'lMEKI 1t'l connectioll .tth .11 the Vtraini. Key ..wage treltlllent plmt faclU&:lu a1Ul oeem outfall. "U;h gtensiems owned and operated by the Dt:PAR'l'MENT. cllvidecl by the \Wllbar of theNsand 18110118 flovlna into the V1J'lin1a ley lev... treabaer\t pbut dumg J\~b _tho (b) The cmDUDt or ell ~~lDtr&tlve and general e~enQa.. lnc1u41US taxel ......eeI. 1t C\~. expedenced by the DEPAtl.1'MENT in connection with all the Virain1& Key .~e treatment plent facll1tt.., and ;,," ../~ 4"'- - ......,. , I' -7- - ,......... MAR-12-SS 14,38 FROM, MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS ID. 3056737647 Mar. If. l~~~\ ~.U"lln Bllllll\~1I ~1I~u~IIV ILlIlHlllllI 1I1'1~lVll . .... ""VV ...,. PAGE S ! - -....... oe\lan outbll vitti ex~endcm. owned and (Ipc~atlcl by the DEPAA.Mm. divS.dacllay tit. lI~e1: of thoU. and gallolls tlll.,1.ng Lato the 'lil's!nb. Key .etorqe trfJ.~t p1nt dud"R $uch month_ -'t 1\0 ti_ IMU It:be total n.te (i.Jlcludlng tb~ flat _thI,. .~rY1ce cb_se gf fSOO.OO) Ch8'1:8" b)' th. D'EPAll'l.'NENT in ~y month ~. leI. chan 80 ptl'Cent e8Q~) of the avex&gt total I'ate o.r the t;hrea (3) loweat C:OIlllacuclve IIlOIlthe of th.. pravl.ouI filesl 7Rar (endina JQQ. JOth) .. appl1e4 to thg total lavage flQII frCllll th41 "1_1 Beach 5_1: Service Area Into the DEP'AKIMEN1" s .evace tr..~ent f.cl11t1... Becaulle tM PIO'Plt of operating and 1ll&intel\4nce .xpftl\..... for .eeh _tb durin. ,",lob IIlt'V!ce ill nodenll hGt'euncler UNlot b. definitely Ilcertainecl by tbe DEPAanlENT Ul1til about the middle of the fallowf.nalllOa.th, it "UI b. nae...ary (1) to ~e, for the p1:epar.tiCIII of the llIQ1lthly bU.1 (o~ aenJ.,ce renliereel by tM DBPAa1HEI'IT to tbe CITY het:wnder. .n 1nit1al rate '1ilWaloped through tM Illle of tha "'O\lllta of opnadns ancJ ~nt_c. .xpAlUe. fo..: &h. .000tll ~edt..t:.ly procQ.li1l8 .,..... ,..... ........ .....- 1'''- ...4',p" ..- the lIIOC\th 4urlng which IlIl:b lemee ill 1:'e1'Idlllrl!d. lSl\d then (11) to ,baw on the next lIlC'ft~h11 'bill the GIOunt of adjustment r..qUired to zive full effee: to all provilionl of lubuCll:clons ee) and (11). both inclu8ive, of thill Section. All "oon .1 pl:IlCticab1e after the C1ol1 ot' ..ell lIllontll d\l't'1oS wh1ch Rerv1ce 1. re~c.d to chI CITY h.:vunder. the DEP~"T ~bal1 prepare .-no! lubadt to the CITY a .taClllH1\t .bowing the dev"l,,~nt of .aid initiol rote .."d the ~t oE .aid .djual:llOC!nt. Ilnd the CITY .ball IUlva aceel. to .11 accounting ~d ~gitl..rlng record. _.ad datI employed lay Lhe DEl'ARMNt' 1n the preparation of each '! ,. ~.. .' -8- - """"'.. MAR-12-99 14.38 FROM. MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS ID. 3058737847 MH. It. I~~~ J:uorl'l. MUYlJ\\)U \)I\I.HUU rLII111111lU IIP1~lVI' I "', ""...1 .' ...., '. '.' .' -..~- ...eh atatellonl:. Tile Mount ,"own lly ,"c1o allan at.tamen!: .. due to the DIJoAa'lMBll'l' for aervi.~ tel'\dend herllUllder .".11 -.. ~. paid by the CITY vit"~n ten (10) d~ye of ita receipt of .ucb atat_ent. r.ny W~. lU!paid aftel: thlny lJOl 4~ye w.t.U ~e ~.~ill.a .. i..ludo an in~oroat charg_ of 11] of 1 Dercent r- - ------.--.............. ..........--... -..- ... -..-...... ".~ lIlor\!J!._ I ~ to .ach auch atat.~nt III o,pe~t1n, and mainten4nce .~.n..a Gharq..~1. .~.iQe~ ~~ rendition o~ ..~lQe ha~yn4.r el1al1 be eet fOl:th in .ub.tantial confomity with tM UnL!ol'lll Byatea ot Accountl CQI: sewer utiliti-, pr"ribed by thu Nuter pollution controL Aeloci.t~on. ~1th reepeat to app~opriat. aub-accounto included in the following entitled accOQnto. ./" .' - -....:. ._r L1n. BJIp"".' lil'lcllllka Q.ltfall) S_090 pumpin", tlqtalUlo' IIIW~CJa '1'n~tz.nt ~anaea U..~.' Accountin9 an4 COllecting Exp.nees Admini.~~~~ion ~n4 G..era! ~e~..a of the .Opa.rllting lxpel\8' ,\cc!ount,". it lIeing undantooCl. - h~v.r. that ~o~ of tbe Viet', Accounting and COllecting I~.n.ao .~e to be cona1dere4 ~. beln, 'ppl~QAbl. co the .' .erviee rendo~c4 hereQDder. In the avant that eitba~ party Ihou14 ~.. ~~e t~.n fIfteen pe~cent l15.1 of the dea19nated ~ut ~u..d partion at plant ~""acitll' of tlwo other par~ to tni. cont:nct for \llCte than fIve 15) ~onaecutive .oatha. it .hall be th. right ot .i~~.r party to ~e~e.t tbe n.gotiation of a new contr.ct~al agraenent Cor tne purpoa. of c~.n..tin9 for the gee of dedlnated but UlIuuc! pl_t cap.ehy. sa1d unused CBpaCi.ty Mball ba calculated ba.~d on the total for all ~.Ling tr.a'-ant plant unite including the provLolI'ly exletin, ........ , , - 9 - .,.... -~. PACE 10 , , .LI.J/, oJ '"'' MAR-12-S8 14,38 FROM, MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS 10, 3056737647 AG Mar. 12.1999 :J:UtiI'M MJ)WA~U~ALLhUUrLAj'HHN\11J1YI~lUlq I'IU.J~JJ r. '1/~.1 Ell .. .~,....,.. i ~). , . ~---_.-.. facilitl.. of the Dep&~t and additional creatnant plant \ltIit' .pedf1c:al1y 1S..crib.d 111 Sec:tlon IU of -the Cast ,.rtlclpae:Lon Contract bel;Weon tbo cny aa\d. the Dil'l,\l.'n(Ebn' _. dated mA 'I ,., , 1972. ...- ...,.,,'" SICTIOll V ErrECTlVE 1'UIOD OF COtrrlto\CT Thl. contract .hall be _ 1'_1'11 10 full force .nd effect fo'C' and dllrinl a pedod of thb.ty (30) 7e.n from 4nd alteX' the date of tbe ..le of Clt.7 of m_:L I_Ill,", aa",..wll BOll<!1I Sedel 19n, prov1~. llowNer, thae-thil contract ..y be te~1nate. at any tt.e by .ueual contant ~ a.reement of 1:" part:ba h.u..to. The DEl'All'DIBIIT agreel that lICIt later th&1l dx IIIOrIth. pdor to the fllqluat:LOI\ of ebb contract it will notify thl! CITY, In Wlt1na, of the approao:b11l1 tel1ll1""ticm dae., iDI4 furthel' ,,7:eel tll rODelotlate the contract at tnae Lt.e fOr 1ft ad41tl~1 period of tido up to thlrt7 (30) ~_.. ". r S!CT'IOIf VI M..JIDAnOH II: 1. qrt:ed bl ~ b,~~ ,the part;lu I:b&t lI~lc1 ,"y dlaputa ad.e COIlC.'('Din& thU q;R~~, whicb tbe ~lttl" b..tw8eB tm....l"'.. C4lNloot a4J\IIt ancJ reconcile. .uc:h ..t:ter Dr ..tl:er' In d!.puc. .hall be ..ttlad by ~b~e~.~lon in t-hta lII&Me-r1 e1ther 1'.l:'cy -T P.VI to thtl other party the n_ of all arbitrator ..1..etecl by it, iD wriUng thereupon, vithin thirllB ..,... .'"'" part)' .".11 c1edcnal:e It, arbltl'ltot', in writlD8, II1IIl the two '0 ..-eel. .ball chen nsae a thl'C'd, t.he th~. to bear t.he matter 10 dl,pute proaptlYi the part lei . 10 - , I -' , "-'."-. MAR-12-S9 14.39 FROM. MIAMI BEACK PUBLIC WORKS ID. 3058737847 M.H. ll. I~~~ j:uont MUI'/1\~U ~ilLL~UU I'LA!HlINI" V1VI~lUJ~\ 110, J~,1.1 '-'" '. . .. .--....... avnll to be bou.n4 by tbe deciaian af iI llIilj~hy of Il",c:b tlu:ee vlth ~o fQ~h.~ aG~lon ~.teve~. 1ft the event that .eter - )ei"9 notlti.d of the aelec:tivn at an a~~it~atox tho otha~ p.ety .hou14 fail within tbe '1~. .ot foxth to n~e ita .11l1U'1;~. ""'Y 11\14<10 of tlho 1Il10y...~h .ru,Uo;:i..l cirelli.t af IUda County. not .a alleb .T\I4g. blat aa an i:IIU...ilhlal and acting WlOffic:1ally. IIIlIY a.... tll. arbit1'lItCl1' for ,ueh puty. and the two '0 a..ad ,ball then ,.l.~t a thir~ ~4 proeee4 .. h.rei~fore .,t (orth. tbe parties aqree1ng to b~ bound ~y th. finding. of tbe arbitration. SIC'1'ION VII ~~ BnIOIIIG Waf SVCCISllOltll ...,..,---' ..-- 'tIIh c;cmtra.;l: .hall i~&'e to ~~ b~ ~_~I.~..~~qn ~'" :',' .ucc:e..or. of each of tho p.1lrtl.. hereto, .,rovi4e4. hCNe'let. thilt. i.. tM ..."t that at any tu.e dIlrin!l the et'tec:tive period lIaraof tile CI'l'll" or tlEl'ARrJII1II'r ehall decUa to '4111. b..." or otherwile lUapolHl of ill portion elf i1::, '8Wia9' Iy'hlll. no .ale. l....e or oth4Ir act; ot dhpo..l ,hall be con'lInnated unle.. tbe eIYV and Dep~ t~r.t ,ball agree t~rcto r- 1n ~1t1~ prior _0 tho con.....tio~ of .~eh ..~.. 10... O~ other act of 4i'p08al, ~ut all provi.iOnD of thi. contract ,ball eontinue to b. in full fo~a. and ~ff'ct an4 bindinq upon 'both p"70U.. lI~e1:o vl1:b _apect to aU porticm. of th. ___..._ .y.t_ of the CITY lIotI4 IlIlPAMM!Il<r not c:uvCOJ:e4 by IUds .1Ll.. 1.... or otbel: llu.tla04 ot di8pO.'1. SECrXOIr VUI 'l'1.MI LDt1TMlat OF orPlA 'Pbf.' o#l!.r 1IIBd.. 6n beh..~f of t:Jl. D/IlPllll'1'__ 1<0 n. C:1TY I .hall 1M 1004 an" v.Ud ~broq9h J'31 y 15, 1972. In the event - .11- ".....,.... PAGE 12 r. I U lJ ~, ", MAR-12-S8 14.38 P~OM. MIAMI BEACH PUBLIC WORKS I. . ~.~,r..12.1999, 3:UUM MUWA~U3LlhUU fLANNIN~ 1I1W1U~',_~056737647~C. j~jJ PAGE 13 r. lJ/lJ '.. . .. ~~ .. .I .... _...... ,bat. ~ CI'I:Y lIae Dot .1C._~a Chi, conl:lI:act prio!: to .JlIly 15. 1972 . the PJUl~ .,..11 b. ca1Lcvc4 of! aU C1bUO.t1ons and c~tlllent. cClnt&1Aed 11.~.~" and tllll!! l:...nlIa and coA41tionl ot \hie con\l.-.ct .ball 1)e ndl and void \lnlee' an .xte~1on L. ~acpelt:ed 'by th. ern' _4 19':1:..4 to by the DBlIlIU'MDI'l' in _:Lung'- --.............. ....... DI W1TUSG MIllIIlIlOr'. 'h. ..rtlel h.~.to hava cellno!. t~L. ift.t~ant; tG ~. axecgte4 'by tbei% r..pective officiall thel:llUnta. duly .utllodzed. all.. ot the day anel year hereinloefore fint lIbove ~Uten. . ' . " .' JIE,AJmQ:ft 01' 'WAtD J\IID SinN OF ftIS ct'l!lf 01' MIMI IYI ;~ L ...:;{( )1:.__ D tile/to," .~ .~...": M"1'E&'rIC(. I~' .Y' <6:f~.------r-r-- - -- /' secret- l'~ or 'tm: F:t.I\ST pJ\Rr . CITY or KUMI .PCB. PLOIUD/\ ::CJt~~ , lIayO~ .' ( ". . AftBll'f; J J -;; " ,.,1 " By: ./.,.J..".. -,/',1 '1.." .If .............1 ~~ ..L ..-. Ci~y Cl.:tJll.FI....lIGc Olrec:tor PAM'Y at 'fBB SZCClllD JAIII2' :. ,'" ., '. _............ i. / .. 12 - ( . '...... .. .\ ~.i ......