LTC 272-2004 ,.H WHERE DREA"S.E By MICHAEL KRANlSH lkrold ~wn Wrikr It was 1919 when \1sionar- Its took . sand.!pit called Miami Deac.:h and turned It Into Hllh Society's pllly. ground. Grelono Medina. a yoons CUban polo pla)'pr, arrived on a trolley to entertain the millionaires. Ft\'e years lat/!.( Allen G. Smith opt'nt'd Amer1- ca's leading Roll, Royce dealership. Today Allen G. Smith, 93. repairs 511. ver Chalts on FlUh Slr~t in a long con. creole-Ind-plne prage, a time ClptoUIe fIlltd with luxury cars. 50-year-old roob and I thousand unmarktd jars 01 nuts and bolts. Outride, Marlel refugeu fix bat- teredChevles. GrPI<lrio Medina, 85. fean the dark. Each nllM he lock. hlmseU Inside his ,mall apartment near the old polo grounds. "Othetv.itM! they would kill you," Me- dina explains In Spanish. ThE' two pioneel'5 are &Imply on. the wrong side of MlanLi Beach, the side that few Quts!4ers uaoclate with the neon gliU and glamour of Hotel Row. It I. the $Outh sIde. an unlikely collection of old buikllnes IDd older people. a land.scotpc the hotelmen .od politicians w.nttd to change -torenr, Upitt that the lut 30 yeai'll hllve turned the 80IJth side inla a ml'Cal fl'lr thou.sands of elderly poor New York Jew- !$h garment worken. city fathers in 1974 dCCidHl to tear down South Beach's dr_ caylne southern quarter, rdocale the 6,000 resldmts, .nd rWore the laded rt- IOrt',I08tIl15tl'r, It was to ha...e tw-e-n the biggest urban ren~wa1 pro!<<t In America. Todsy, reality mock. the dream. A lethal combination of pollUcal In- t1gbtlnl. ,rovernmental ind<<l5lon and 20 per Cf'ot Interest rates stopped fhe pro~ct tbr<< times 10 dx y,,&u. A much I~ drat matlc plan proposf'd this month, which ellmlnatell 4 network of Venetian canals and doubles the number of DeW condo- mlolunll. would take another dl!Ude to complete. It wUl be debited Wednesday ,. by the City Commission. 0 stop "unplanned de...el~ But niDI.' years of planning and delays ment" In the redevelop- h....e elimin.tf'd one dehlte: The onC('osta- ment arf!' soutb or SIxth blf' though poor neighborhood has been Street, Ibe city impc:nN .t devutaled, a ...Ictlm of Its own govern- bWl4ing moratorium in ment. 1973. Major rf'Jlllir 01 old botels snd Cotlectlnly, South Bncb todsy Is the apartments wu bannfd. Bulldlnjs illd a1clut. poortlt .nd oIdut population in Into decay, fordng out tht' e-Idt>rly l"enter., America. brlngine In an undrrdass - criminals, It Is a 1.7"'lquare-mile-worlel tb.t runs dope u.ser5, the poor, unemployfd Markl beach to bay, 21st Strffi to Governmrnt . re{ugte.. Property valun .lalnattd. In- Cut, 232 blocks and 103 alle)'s, densely ereuin& by only one-third the Dade ant- pGd:ed with 50,000 Jlf:Ople. flfl~n tbnu- ace. Elderly condo ownefll couldn't !\I!'JI. sane. of them .rt tlderly Jews, InclUding The crime rate doubled. la,OOO Turin-era Eutem EurolWan retu- The clt)' In erreet pulled out, Sets, the grealest such concentration In Miami Bf'.lIeb clOSf'd most of the parks. the world. They mix toeflY, Wlusily, with The dty stopped Ule Pier Park dances A MIAM. HERALD SPECIAL REPaR'!' Ihat drew 1.000 nightly revelerf'. It rf'- rused to disbul'lll' Jederlll low-iDterest propeny improVt'ment Joan.'L It denied fret' federal rnediutklO to milD)' residents. Now, like a miracle cure that Induct.5 only a wonlf'nln& sickness. tbe go..."rn- menHostert4 de<:.lY has Infected the other three-Qulrters of South Beach. "It'. a tul'ible thing, a tragic thln& for tbe6e pt'Ople:' lilY' Miami Buch Clly M.ll\l1ger Robert Parkins, who assumed his post four months ago. ",t's the klod of tbiDS th.t you look back on after nl~ )lealrs and uy. 'How could INt h....e bl,en aJlowHl: to bappen?' .. Rosine Smith, who bas ownHl: the Oce.n Breone Hotel on Fint Street lor 20 years, dramed of retiring there. RHlrvel- opmt'nt ctanaHl her 'Vlanl. $ht' wanted out. But she couldn't gt't Qui. She couldn't sell the ralnbow.colorN bOtel bee.use of uncrrtalnty created by rNevelopment. She covldn't m.ke major repairs on her 13,000 L.tin American and 6,000 Mariel rdugees, with little more In common than thrir 5hIrecl dfopendence' on . government ctu~(k. deterlonllng building because that was prohibited und~r redevelopment. So it de. terlorated rurthf'r. She could only rent to the 10wetil.pay- ing tenlints. la 1980 one 01 her guestS triNf to rob ht'r. Arma1 wllh II hammer. he \)eat her repe.1tf'dly, pummeled her, tite! her up, toOk hfT me.ler cash On h'Dd, almost killed hu. So she poItf'd a sign 00 hr door Ihat lIe~ "No Rooms." bought. (:t.nlrol florida mobile hOlDe and has vowed never to return to South Beach. I ul<<! to say 'thank you God lor letting me Uve In 5Uch a beautllul place as South Btaeh:" Smith 54).1l, sil- ting In her new home In 8 sparsely populated town. "It breaks my hurt what happened to tbe area. I blame redevelopmeDt lor rulnina my retirement PhotDllr.py by IW Frakes Sunday, Aue. ZlI, 19l1.Z IT'" Miami lie-Rid 1M '" Yl'au." Propert)' rtCOrda ahow she Is not lIone. Tbe ule of hotel. and .partment build. Ings bu virtually halted since 1976. Not even the oUidally declared "histor- Ic" buildings have bun spatfd. ,. hne of the four buildings that were to be preserved u.nder redevelopment have iUlfued u a r!!Sult of the 1973 moratorium. Thrifly's Supermarket, a veritable Mae)". of kosher lood, whleh ustd to h....e a queue of ZOO customers waiting out4lde In the morulna. I, today out of business. Sam Pleclolo'. Italian restaurant, which used to I~ 1,000 diners. Illght, .....u forced to seU out .nd now serve. ollly 50 a night. Temple Beth-Jactlb. the lint synasogue In Florida. had 500 wor!>hlpers. Now It has 50, and Is In danger 01 losing It." mi. nyan, the minimum JO worshlpetlllteded lorlt'l'vicel. "We'Ve alwlYs had a minyan Ilnce the syn.sogUf' wu built in 1929," said R.bbl Shmaryahu Swirsky, the fourth In a f.ml- Iy ot rabbis from Uthu.nlll. "It was ai- "".y. the aadle of Jewish life on South Beach. Now we na...e feu, poverty. uobe- lIe....hle coodJtionl here_" Only Joe', Slone Crab Ru. lsur.ol. maNlged by Rede- vf'lopmf'nl AgM'cy Ch.lr- mall Irwin Sawltz. has prospered.. But thlt I. a credit to Joe's n.tlon.1 reputation, not rt- developmeot. The dty chose the area south of Sixth Street, where Miami Beach wu bo'fD, be- cause it hael some tlf the oldut building' In the city. and the poorm residents. To c:ondf'mn the 372 bUlkllnas, thf' city net'ded It.te appronl, which could only come If the ue. were oflicWly declared oobJlghWd." Over objN:tkm.t of many re&i. dents and Slate Attorney JaDet Reno, the commission declared the ares "bllpted." That haPPenf'd In 1975 with the If'..ader_ ship of then.Mayor Harold Rosen. He never thoupt re4evelopment would tab longer than a few Yf'&rI. Today R06en .dmlts. "11 wun' that blighted. That was just . word we had to use. Some parts of It Weft: bIid. but the m.jorIt)' wu good. 1 think we just want- ed to cbaale the Imaae, It wa becoming . 101 of mall CGoOps lor the elderly and we c11dn't waut . retlrtment community for the elderly." Now, R.,..11 say.. It II worse than he could have Im.glntA. Now. he says, blight is not Just. poIlUcal .ppellation. It Is real. Ity, "Regrenably, there'a been a trtmen. i '~ ~ . PCe4.$(! turn 10 DRL\.'\tS 12M 2M SOUlfB BEICB: Where Dreams Die The ~iil':ald - Sunday. AaCUlt n. 1982 IYIight makes blight for 'renewal' area ! ~' ~ ;, DREAMS/from JM dGu$ price," he Sllys. Hardest hit by redevelopment are r<<t. denu like Mlch."1 1Jf'btl, 88, .. Ruufan enUlre whO!.C life paraUels , genen.tlou OD South Beach. AT; .. chUll, Zltbel flf'd T5IIf Nlcholu II and movN to New York's Eul Side. In his way he achlevfld .. IOn of fame, .. hat C\Itw SO quick he W.lS known as Tht Automobile. He workt'd. he murled, he prombed hil wife be "''QuId reUre to South atacb the day he WI. 65. HI' bpi Ihe promW:. HWe left New York becauM' the old Jewish nel,hborhood had (hanled," said Ziebel. a man of sallow com.plulon and lhick white h&Ir. Beat of both worlds The Zlebtls lo\'oo South Beach. .. Brooklyn by the Ra, .. walker', and shop.. ~r'. pua4lie. " platt \Io1th no fasHood restaurants or suburban-style shoppln, <<nttr., It had Nl!w York', urban ambi- ance and MlImI', palm urea, bt.achtronl l.IId8UJUlh1ne. Then Zlebel', rrti~mt'Ilt. UkII' thll of 6,000 othrrl In the redevelopment .rt., wu dl.uupted by the- clly'. ImblUOn to compete once .alln as .n IDlernatiolally famoutrt'lOrt. His stCeft, Mrridi.. Avenur, once 11IIl'd wllh e-Iderly Ealtll'm Europeanf Ind ne.l- ly kept apartments. I. now home to pl'Ofl. titutftS Ind dope peddlt1'8.. Zlebel, UkII' 1,300 other owneR of mod. ut condominium.. cannot sell. Most of the 1,400 renten In the redevelopment "It's tbe kind of tbing that you look back on after nine years and say, 'How could tbat bave been allowed to bappen?' " City MUllKer Robcort Parkio" Now an eerie .trina 01. bu.l14iDS' rr<<m. bill' darkened the.ter.. tbelr neao silOS turned off. It .1Iaeema: like a Jltnt cloHd .mUlII'mrDt park when the old people are IWpt'Dded In fur at the top of a ferrll \l,beel. Maay Un In "pullmanettu" - Un)' room. with ooly a bed and a hOtplate. some of whlc:h are In old atrumllnwe- lip Dtco hOlels th.t Itale Inpt'cton ull "wartOOu!t'S," Doctor knows symptoms Dr. Aaron Goldberg IW le'tn thousancU of South Bracb elderly In hll WUhln,ton Avenue ortl~ durlnl the Idtdecade: Je~ ~;l~ :Jt'e :~A1~;: p~:~~~ placn, who art Iluelt. wbo Call'! lent and thry're 10 friahtentel about the ele- ment GUt there lhat they lock therruelvu Inside thil'lii' tiny plaeu In fear," Goldber. SlYI. "Thlt'a South Beach." Sooth Brach I' the anomaly 01 Sooth florld.t, an urban pl&et where few teat. do!nts ha\'ll' cara: Althou,b South Iltadl aecountl for .178 per cent of tbe Metro- bus aervice arta,lt pm1do!I 20 per cent of the I)'llem'l ridership, On South Bach tho! ttr~U dlaplay the people raUltr than CIlry them 11001 Ie . ruab, anc1 the people lI<<m powerful and unlfltd because lhere art 10 many .Uke. Whtn South Beacb ls lane. and that lime ~a 10011. Its rest. dents wlll'ealn be Invtllble.acattertd. Taday'1 chanalna South Beacb II oftP11 an odd and frtaetle world or character.. Uke the old New Yorker who can &IowaYI be seetl canylng his \1oIln but ae\'U play. Ing It, the Cubatl womaa who IltePf on the beaeb and drill hu belotl.C1nls arooM In a bl, cardboard box. tbt dozen cat ladlu wbo lpend their al.hta fHdlaa the 1.000 fer.1 cats that baufltalltywlYa. And there Is Ice C,..am Joe Savino, who made a ,oad 1I\1n, HlUn, Nutty Buddy conet In Lummus Park and dedded 10 buy the PlayhOUSf Bar right aut to the MIami Brach Kennel Clllb', do, trick, Now the dot: trick It aone. the beach f':i:~~~ ~~e~r: :t~ :~~r~:anl~~~ arta have either rltel or been forcrd GUl by Marlel ttfuatt.. who pool resourCt'S anclll\"e 'O\lt to a room. Shawl. and bikini. y~~~ ~~~~~~~~I:~yn~U~oh mJo~:~ The Itreetl Irt . parade 01 contrU1, A Z1ebel SlfI, Cllban turuw.tlte nl,htelub aI.Dd. next It b the lament h.ud clall)' on the cor. to a k05her cldl. The ahawl.wrapped nen or South Beach: At Unroln Rood [altern Europe.n. atroll next to )'Olin, wbere the oner-grand .hopl hne ~n reo .me;u~~;:'~: ::1~1::~otb~ITI:a, Nlcho- ~~ wh~~e ~;~:;~~t~:'15~~I~:~~ ....n. but or Hitler. tpttllculat ocean view, bUl han' mOllly Max SlInlckl. who rlln. tbe WtshlnJlon Imall, unkt'mrt rooms, 0rI WUhillglon t~,~eJ~~~ ~~i~'~~~~~r~Jo~e::~~ ~.~~~~eit~h:tt~l:d~t~tll~ru~~~~~; before th", wt'n c"mated. Now h~ lrIll'11 ... ~~~le~~Iv.,lf bf"Onl)'I'jpnn\.nilgOr _~r~:~;~: ~~Z:i~::::r~c~=~;:.r~ old Eastrrn European., E...~ry day anothf'r Menltle, HIHt'r', "Anael of Death." one di~~ move. away Ot slipli Into (he In. "n 1.1 a terrible thin,," Slll1lCkl 1l1)'J. "I onymlty of . nurllns home, wake up In the middle of tbe nlBht. Few oulSlden rtalize the aeneration lICrumlng. tMnldna about bow Menaele exls15 and aoon It wlll hav, qUlttl)' pauM used to aeleet JewI to die." from ita unlikely lettinl tWO mile. from Inside his fOllr.chalr Shop, he ual'd to Mlami's do","ntown .kyscrapeu. ~:;: ~S ~h~:I~ ~~~~: a.~t~~~\~~: 'Almost all goue' s~~~~; :~~::~. ~~~~ee~e~Ytot~~v~~~~ ''Thr).'re almo5t III cone now," SA)'S shop: "I've .urvivtd too much. for 10 Ra~w:r~~~ ~lo~::~I~u~?~biel\'e Ion,," until aU of my people are ,one. (t.. ttally Latina come in lummer ~~te::O;ilo~~~~'wl~i~woO~~~i; In thr lummrr. the nortbero aru of 10 to Isra.land lOIfle old rabbi will take South Buch throba with Lallns, on vaea. my place. I un't walt forever, and when lion from South Ameria. from Union tbey Jta:1lul1nl the bulldllljs down, lbe City. NJ.. rVl!'ll from the WotkfD,.tla.u t~';t~. e~~r~~r~tt:~:~i:tt olten con- ~~~~~:Sl~ ~t ~:~e~. J":r di~~{ fined by owaUtlnl d1ataace and monthly .ummer hu become The StaaoD. aover:olMlll chtcka. find rlc.hntSll In TOC1I)'. the ethnic mill II ad,vl!rtJl'ed In memoritt. The)' talk ot the Old Country, the window.. The alp. Ny. "We .peak they read Ylddb.h newlPIPl!ra, the)' Yld.d.llh. We IPf'U Hebrew, Sf Habla f..I. Witch the than,e In the ne1ihborbOOd J)f.nol." and II.1k about the WIY thlDal ulfd to be. WUhlnlton Annuli' bU . row of E\'eIl ehe bulldln,.. liWldlnalot UDe to open.alr rrull standa. dellcatel8enll and lot Une. alley to Itrrel, tu, at ml!moritl. kOlher meat markftl, crowded with old The whln\lieaJ Art Deco hotel. .re de. people who haule O\"l!r the price of slped IlkII' neou-lIt clnemu, rockets and pllUlllO, plcklu .Dd p&ltraml. It I. a c1,M ~:.r;:,~~tl!r prnldenta, dukes. ~:t~~:::~ ~~~ e:r~r~l~ueeze and The mrmor1es art herahelt In the I'fde. And wht'll the 25.000 Sodal Secur1ty ve)opmetlt uu IOUth of Sllllb Street. 11 checb worth $3 mllUon are deUvtted Wit once hoWl!. IS the "Jewish Rlvlen" l!.d month. pollce..y 80 p1ckpoc1r.e15 ar- beeauM city founder J.N. L\lmfhuS aI. rive to ~ on the elderly, 10thII' winter, Iowtel Jewl to live there In the 19201. The many plckpoc:krll take a profitable ....... =:s~po~:e;~~~ ~:~~ :;~~G~ ca~~~~: ~~~::~r~~h"l;ach tiles Only." It wu a pt.ttern that eon. tbat the dt)' hat Inltltled 200 rectllllular Unued unUI the 19-401, the aati.semltl.m t)Oxtlon atrtet1ampl wltb a blue lot:l&nia: ctftp{n, to DOrthem Miami Beach. at. POLICE. The city'. 20 video ca.meru att tracdn. tht old i&r1ltellt workers to shlhed from box to box to conhlll!' crimi. Sollth Beach. the only ......Ide I'MOrt In 1UI111. MI.mI Beach Ia the only ell)' In the Florlda. to aUow worklnl-clua JewI. country to Ute the cameras. All of them . ~ ~ Shaded portion or map .boWl tbe redevelopment area or Soulb Beach - from Sixth Street lOulb - lbe 255-acre southern quarter of a 1.74..quare..mile- world that runl beach to bay, 21st Street to Government Cut Benci Mendelsohn, 71, atudies a picture or himself and his wife. They were sent to Auschwitz together; .he and their two children were killed there. Annelle Seldon, properly dreued \0 ride a f\ac-bedeekod tricycle down CollilUl A.onuo, e&lllli an appraiaiAg Ilance at a repreaeDtative or. younger leDer.tion_ are on South Baach. But.one Irr JOUth or nrUt Street. the lar.elt part of the redt. velopm~ntt.tllll, Everyone ueml to know ItlmMnr wltO hu been mUlled, and the &toty I>> repu.t. ed l!\Ifl'YWherr: An o}d womln Wtltj I ~~i~~~~~~:c::::~n ~e~~e~;~~~~~ chain ripped from her Me... The thief I~ not cauaht, Ind the .tory Is told on I porch .toop to another WOmlll South ~d. lawu.o his part'oll coul4 VI- caUon on MIami 8qcb. walks Soutb Beacb and can't believe lhls ..... tht pileII' they dreamed of, '"This place.should be UkII' Lake Tahoe," bt NYi, roundlnlttlt SIJ.a..nllbt Drake Hotel. a blocky. ehalk-whilr bulldlnl badly In need 01 palnL "In Lai.e Tahoe. you colll4 walk around at nl.ht. 10 to . dub, 10 to IImblt.8Q to I rtltaur.nt. 11'. rulIY8h'lt." SOuth St.ch wu like that 25 ytars alo. he rllmtmbetl. "Maybe L.ke T.bot- will be like !hll In 25 yrall. Can you believe a pla<< Ull dJa.ngr thal quickly?" "w. only take In telect people. proper people." she says. A block rrom Plt'r Park whlll'n once 1,000 old Jews hlppily dlnced III n1,bt, Ole C&Ivert Is now . backdrop rOt . pUI~ In, parade of .hlttle", )'Ollna men with radios. ~. .....elrlnB roller 5kaw. IOme ~dllnl dope. nearly alwlY' Ittrl(tlng the whlmnl blue IIlhU of the police. Tbl. year, for the first Ume Binet she :'e~~;ee~~~ ::~~I~~~ ~~:: a NCUrity allard. .nd latches ber own door wJtb a h..V)' metal ch.ln, Francu Mltllldr.. 81, ao.wn.born, fl,hts back with $300 worth of Illver .nd aold llitter. puted on llIe ktbby wall& from floortoeelllDJ, . The reIot III painted pink, TbII CSOO", an: pink. So are the wan.. brd5 and .hu(J, Even the fans and rdrl,erltors. It makes the botel come alive. Ihe explalnl. "I'll never le.lve my botel" Ihf 1a)'L puttlns . pink nOWtt In I pink flower YaM, "When 1 firlt ..w this block. I thoughl thl. .....as It: Th~ best plate In Ih.. world to live. How an 1 I...." Ihf' pl.~ CJtmydrt'lm,?" Muggors know advantage "South Beach lii tilled with arNt "ie. Urns." Slid orflcer Cornelius O'RlI'ian, walkln, the Washinaton Avpnue beat. -rbII' olel people uP pettdifd 0(. beln, burt ancl thr Soulh AmerlCltl (oul1stS uea't loiD& to retllrn here 10 tutUy. Tbe thieve. know IhIL" SIt. Thomu Hunker hu been on tbe South Be.aeb breal ror 10 ytan. lie SolY' a .m.n lrouP ot Marlel rtfu8WS ha\', pil- rered aaylhlnl ',hat'a not n&fled down, The old people art scared 0\1.1 01 their mind&. and jurtlfl.bly 10:' Ofncer O'Rel&n. who u60td to mow Roota put down franuI M1tnlC'k 1I1o'.! It Ihr IOUlhf'm ed,e of the redevelopment am. where IIIII' hu owned the Ct.h:ert Hotel tinee 19~6. owntel It because this was the belt place III Honda to hne a small family hotel. Her part of Ocua Drive WIa ooee III JiP:wlsh Ind II.Han, old J"II'OPle who would retutn )'ear after year, She ,till won't a.Uo... an unmarried couple In ber "",,,.. Portrait 01 South Beach and Its people Fnneel Mitnlck's face J"'en from beb.lnd . They came away witb a r1ehly human com. chained door on tbe cover of thi. .pedallKlioa. mllnit)' portrait (hal dellCr1.beII rede~ek>pment', She Is one of thou5lntb of people la South Beach Impact on all 01 SOutb Miami Beach. wbo&t livel Inspired nporter Michael Krani&h Today South RMtch 1<1 a cauldron of lOCial and photoarapher Bill Frllku ill tht'ir (hret!. chanae, lu massive eldtrty POPUlatiOl1 kraps for month look "I the natlon's mo" ambitious urban Splice .....ith Mariti rrfulre.. pover1y.~1 laml. renewII plan. lies. 'Utet people. They roamed ittet!15. knockPd on door$. 1I1t'pt Kranl.h and fr.kei found that II WII .Iways In ,m,ill holel$, prowlNl /ll1e)'s, Kunlsh dId ~ I pl3Cf' ot dteams, InlfrVl('wl, Fr.ku shol 300 rolls of film, 10,600 It h.I b<<;:omel pl~ct where c1re.mldJr. lt~mf'_,. The Miami Herald Bunda" Augult\ 2', 1,8Z soun BEACB: Economic Outcast $90 ' .. ~1, ,;.. J '.t ttJ:<\,~ . )?!""'I f ~ '. ~ "'~Hhejpr.lc,~~f" i .. Vtf'i." i~ ,f:t M,lamr.Beach 'Ilr; "" fl ! ,~. l;J lea~ estate, 1973.81 "..1....: , .' .- i l, - " TO 1 (dOl!~rS, per square toot),.. ~ · ~I\'''f '. .': " ~60 -j I.~ '50 l OJ 30 l ,20 ~. b }O '73 i ~174 '/75' -r ....16 :1 f~ ~ l '71 '7g' 1:',1 '80 '78 Graph shows how the increase in property values for all of South Beach has lagged Car behind rhie Cor the reltl of city. 3M All South Beach suffers },~81 wtll itl a "wondl':rful, Incredibly nice bargain," KimbQ.11 lltudl~d propeny valutl in two SouIIl }k.ch nf'lghborhoods - the rtde- 'itlopmeot arn south 01 Slxlh Slreel and thto bordtrlnl aN'a betw~on Sixth .and 1 ith 5trttU - and tht North Btach arn betwef'n 70th and 85th strt'ets. In 1973 an were shnllar ntlRllborhoods with identi- cal oondominluml at vlnually Identical prlC". HIl fuu[)d thalllnce a bulldlng morato- rium wu Imposed and rtdevtlopment plans were itt 10 motion, lht two Soulb &oaeh nt1sllborboods hQ\.e suffered equal and ''UuuluaUy slow" apprecLallon, whll~ the oorthem neithborhOOd appreciated at tWice tile rau. Ont tump.lt' is provk1t>4 by Aaron Goldman, who built Identical co-op ron- dominiums In 1960 on North Beach Ind Soulh Be~II;b that both InlU.lly liOld for $8,500. But today the unit on North Bell.cb aellJ for $iO.OOO while one em SOuth Be-adl sells for $20,000, "Ie ($20,000) II an idiot- Ic pric.-," Mid l'IUildn C',nldmJn. "'Vh.-rf' ~~se. ~~~S:~:~mBe~~ ~~~d lo~Ut~~y pri~~ n'. )\at l.iot-uUloC Ihe are"., gtlllen It'f- rible." One typical comparison: A South Ilt'acb unit III 221 Meridian A\'e. !!Old In 197~ for 12',000. Todlly, 14l\.en yurs later, the Slime unit sold for $2:5,000 - . 10S5 when inflation Ia taken Into account. Al tht same time, a s1mllar North Beach unit at 8:33 Harding Ave, thnt sold for $35,500 In 1973)Umptd to $86.000 In 1981. In other wordS, lht prlce pu iquan foot for the South !W.cll unit rolle from $35.60 to $37.06. wllllt the North 8f\ach price Jumped from $31.83lO $7S.77, redtvelopment falls through. Sawlu: de- fend. tht' sllU-unflnlshN sale, notlnl that he hu alned to 811";11 the boU4e at 3t Washlncton Ave, to the agency for hls purchast pr1ce or the eondlmnatfon price, whkhtver blower. A l)'ph...1 block In the n:devtloPmnlt Irea Is divided Inlo 10 or more lots: oft..n each lot il ~paratel)' owned. Sucb d1vlf- "Uy hn mam- II virtually Impo'l'dhlfo 10 11.,. .wmble lots for large devtlopment with- out public rondlmnatlon. Some properly OWDtU, ~peculallnl that d"~llJPm~Ol will drive up value&, haVl collsl5tently re- fullW lo kll. MlRit of thol.e who have wId dur1ng the lait nine yean; have madfl negllsible prof. Its or Io5t money. the rteords show_ Offletals of the Miami Stach Redevel- opment Ag!:"cy .nticlpated a stagrultion 01 property valut's In the rtdevetopment .re. but &S5Umtd thaI property valut's 1m- mt4i.ltly north oJ SIx1h S~ would ap- precillte at . DOrm.1 ratt. Owner! of laod In tilt rtdevelopmtnt art. \IIOUld hi: paJd "fair marklt v.lut," defined u the price of similar pro~rty hPtw~n Sillth and J71hstreet5. Price artificially deflated rBut tbe valuMflUlting impact of !'@de- velopment bu tqu,Uy hit the arus wulb and IlOrth of Sixth SUMt. Wbtn the ronSUuct.lon montonum wu enacted In 1973. Identical condomini- ums aJuld bt' Muaht for virtually the same price llOutb and north of. Sixth SUett In South S,ach. fOday that Is sUII ltue: Property north of Sixth Street cosll 2.3 per cent more tlun r('(1tvelopml'nt.area pl"Clpf'rty, jUlt II It did In 1973, That II beUlU!>C Soulh Bd.ch prop"ny \/alul'S In bolh areas have IncreaSl'd an Identical 43,9 ~ cent slOCt' 1973, generally becauSl of Inflation. That 51l0wI that lhl' unctlrtainty creat- ed b.y rede..elopmenl affected .11 of Soulh a..ch, Klmbllll &aId, Wblle proplny owners have luffertd ' bcaaUllC of rt<development, the tentatin buyers, folnt Boston Inc. and Tile Rouse Co., wukl make a windfan. Kimball saId. The F'euon: Thf' rl'dnl'lopm/!'lIt land, after improvement.s, would OOSI th~ de- velopl'f'S $60 ptr iQuare root, compared to "his" propc:rty thill tuMs $88 pcr SlIuart toot in North Bfacb and $150 per square foot In <IownlOwn Miami. "Tbt' (demolishl'd Ilnd improv((l r<<ie- velopment land prlu) l.. I wonderful, in- credibly nice bargain for su.ch Dice wattt. lronl propeny," Klmllall said. '-1t'1I tno ~r:\~~~ C;=;s ~il~~a~~ ~~~l~n~~ ment," By MICHAEL KRAN(SH lH'llIdSIaf! ~'rl... ~, Property valuts throulllout South Brach have auffered dnUJllltleaUy as a re- I;IIlt nr Ihf' city" pl.n.. to rrdpvplnp Ih.- southern quarter,_ Herald ItlIdy shows. While property from 17th Street to Govemmtnt CUt appreciatld -43.9 per cent since 1973. Identical North Beach I propert}' InCrlas&4 83,1 per cpnt and propert)' countyW1de Increased an aver- IGe 01116.5 per cent, the stud)' found. "South Booc.h I. one of the worst an'as for appreclatlOD tbat I've ever iludled." Ir" said Herald real estate consultant Chorlct !J Kimball, whn anal}'zN &lO rtpresentatlve aa1u to compllt the study, "I tJunk rede- ~elopm'nt III to blame lor thp whol, arl" r:~n~~~t~~c~re~~~-:n ":lIu:-S::h Mlanli Bt>..th. cu.ting the fur of tile u.n- known and the mill noduI of tbl middll' class:. Kimball said hl6 mQSI s1gnincant nnd- Ing Is thai both the redllvelopmtnt arta and tbe neighborhood Immedlatlly to tht north of It ha\.t bten equally Ilff~ by rede'.elopment. .1I..WAUI:IOI....'_......'.,_ Asa result of the artlllclalJ}' low prop. rny vliue In the redevelopment area. KtmMII said. th.. ma~er dl'Vtlopt'r - with hls power to coodtmn propert). - South Beach is home to Dora Uiemer. 72; Bruce Daily, 2.t, and his dog, Seymour: and 12.year.old Rose Mary Soto, standing at Ninth Street and Ocean Drive. Bad deal for south "Ev~ryl.lOdy whu tMiKhl In Nurlb Belch made thtJe grta1 deals while ~\'eryone on Soulll Beach lot these bad de.I....Kimball&aid. PrOpl'My Il'fTIrds show Ihat redevelop. ment-area properly Is mwUy controlled by . highly fragmented group of condo owners and fimaU Innstors. The larlut property OWntr Is the city. Includlnc !itr~, Ilileys and public DUlldlngs, the city OWt15 5t per ant of the land. Few landlords can be considerl'd .'mlijor," One 15 the family 01 Agency ChairmAn 1",,1n S."'1tz:. which owns Jot's Stone Crib res:taurant and lots cov- I'r1o& Ilmost two block&. Sawin personally ntiQtlated Ole pur- chase of an agtncy.condtmned $30,000 bomt earlier this summM', g)1ng Ihl' family business O<<dll the propen,. In cue The MacArthur Causeway, becominK" Filth Street 00 the Beach. slices off moat of the redevelopment area at ~pper righL Thp. vip.w IR to the froutheast, with Biscaya Hotel in foreground. By city order, nothing flows and nothing flowers By MICHAEL KRANtSH ~"Stnl1w..t.. Since tht day 10 1976 whl'n Mlamt Beach anDOunctd plans to rtde\...lop Ita !JOulhtmm05t tip, many city JlIPrv;Cl!8 and mo.t of the federal monl'Y that once Oowf'd st.Padlly tnto the atf'a Ilave ,lop- """, Tb~ dty h.u llllowf'd II r"bllc hOOling project to viollltebulldlnlcod.es.lt hurt- fused lO fix a II'.kinS roof at the poIiCt .natlon. Il hllli alvt'n ouly suvcrfidlll main. tlnanCt!lolustrtdsandulllitits. Il "wpptld "pendinx ledtrll povtny- pnrve:ntion fundi In IUi mot.'t poverty- stricken area. 1t denied ledtrally soppUtd med[c.atlon to h.1f of the retidenu wllo salel they neeoro IL II hu problbited new construction and mlJOr rtpaJrs In the arl'4. ptrmltling .partm~nt bulldill&' .lId hotel" to detcrlo- ratl. Tbe pattern I. dllr: In plannlnB for and ulIlIminl rHlE'v.lopml'nt'l IUCCf"S, =:~~ ~:e~n ~: ~:::~ r~~Il~:,uf;; turD, has drlveo away most ()f Ule resI. dents and bu.inuu. able to leave, Tht city baa even ilopptd planting fJowers. "Wt've beilo hotdiol oU on an).thlnl wuth of Fifth Street Is.lnce 19761 until we know whal Is 101nl on WIth rtclevplop. ment," cxplahlll nurur)' foreman Frank GUinn, In chari!' 01 plantlnl 500,000 flowers lor the dty eacb yt,.,. It Ii th~ !lamp in mn~ plllt'": E\"'l' bod:yisholdJngotf. But the city ba~ no choice bUl to coo- ttnue holding oft until rodntlopment Is either declared I success: or dies. CIty Mlnaler Robert Parkin says. To sptnd monf'Y to ImptO"e al'l &n!a ell'5tintd for condemnation would be wasteful. Might made blight It ,started in 1973 wbtn the cuy Com- mWlOn. IP(I by then.mayor Harold Kosen, declared a construction mor.toriom that stili nists soutll of Sixth Streel, !allr dE'- elarlng lhe Uta 10 .'bUalltl:d'. lbat only redevelopment _ and the power to con- demn all bulkUnp at once - COUld $lve tt. Tod.y Roun admits thl area wasn't that b1lxbttd thtn, but Is now !)(JCluse of thl construction moratorium. A 191' Unlvently of Miami study of the 372 stnlclur€.'ll in the redev!:lopmcnt area found that 80 per Ct'nt of the buIld- ing. were in exceUent or load condition, 1-4 pl'r cent In fair condttlon, and nnly 6 per Cl'nt In poor condition. In fact, 20 new coodomlnlum buildings wtrt con.wuctfd between 1968 and 1974. All but Ibree woold bfo lorn dOwn. Rl.Deu btlit'vn lh~ lirell wQUld "probll.- bly bav. come back on Its own," but would ntver have dev..10~ Into tht we.lthy pl.yground tbat city leaders en- \151oned. Rosen said thf "awesome power" oJ . moratorium baS extracttd a "VemendOUll pnce" .rom tM area.s resi. 4~nts aM landlord$. The IInlllual Impri<ct of rtdevelopmenl fs tltst sern on Blscaynt' Strlel. Before redevelopment WQa planned In 1976. the street bad I community center, a II-million pirr fllltd: with lishermen, an<! I bandshell lhat drew 1.000 nilbtly dancers. It also bad a mov}e auditorium, a children's park, a boys' camp, a handtlall eoun and. basketball court. In th,. lut twn yran. thl rily hll! clo6ed all of tbose places. Tht city administration, witll arproval of the m'JOrlty or the CI1.y Commission, made a tundameQtal deciSIon in 1976 00 withhold ma.oy krVIctS from lhe rtde\'eI- opmcnt Ina. Renewal area excluded Miami Bfo~ch gets $2 million per yfar from the fedt'ral covernmeot \0 ''prevent or ellmloate blight,'" But the elt)' decided la 1976 It would be a wasle to lpelld mone:y In thl officll.lly declartd most- bUgbted area, beealUC it was slattd for I"e(1evelOpment. So the city enlUdt'd U\t redevelopment &nil from a "str.telY .rta" thai 1"1 tht Community Dt'vllop- mlrnt Bloc Grant hllub. The city', Wate- gy ar... is roughly bttwt'E'n Sixth and 211t streell. Under flderal rellulatlons, 90 plr cent of the "ant lI10ney mlC:lt be for permll. nant public Improvem.nts, ''Jch as parks. communtt)' centen, streets. utilities lfl(I police wrv~llI..n<< tameru" None o( that money could be spent In tile reclevtlop- mllnlartL Evtrl $700.000 [n ff(ltr.1 prop- erty improvement loans cannot be mndB In thema. The remainins 10 per cent of the &rant mont)' loeJ 10r sodaJ servlc.... Of that money, only 25 per cent can be lpent In Ihe redeveloprntnt area ror sucll Ullng. IS jobs pro&:rlmll and m<<ih;ine. For nampJt., IIkina a $:1_;'000 fNiPn.1 srant for medication. the dly un spend a maximum of S8,750 In the rf'df'Vf'lopmf"nt area. But tbt n<<d b for SI1,~, says Franc" Kltz, thl city's coll1murllty itr- vlcndlrecwr, ."Th.I'. true," said Assistant City )AID- a~er Ed Gross. "Some residents who askl:'d for meclication caUt<! mt and llOld them we did not bave any mort fundlnl for that area, that the funds had to be llpl'nt In a d1l1tren\ area. and thatsevl'ral agCl'ldes wtre askln&: UI why Wt had oj. ready eXCeHN the 25 pt'r Cf'nt. I told them lO try the county. This (redevelop. mf'nt plln) halt ho>l>n gning on for nlnf! ~ ~~t~~f~~k;:~~ ~~~; :.n~ hAppln," Landlords heDlDled in Tbe (nmbinl'd Imj)Kt of tile moratori- um, tile thrtat of Gtmol.ltlon and tbe CUI. off of strvlct6 h&s foretd out mo't or the rent~fI and hemmed In m~t ot the Condo own~n. UntIlord~ art hlmmtd In U WfU. The tnurawrlum IImlt.s repaln lu DO mutt than half a building's: auened vllu6. F.ew landlonU are y,1Hlng to Invest money In bulldinl' that may soon be demolllhecl. David Kleven.s is a formtr member of the Rtdevclopmtnl Agency and a land. lord. He owns the B1scayn~CoIlin$ Holel, 135 Dbc.yoe St., dted by the dty for cia%.- ens of housina-cocle violations. "I think tht commission should drop thf! moratorium," Klevl'ns sa.ld. "Even if this DtW redeveiopment plln Is success- ful, tllly'r. talking .bout .nOlh,r two year!! beror~ .nylhlllg r('aUy h.~pt'ns. The moratorium haI destroye-d molt of whit- ever lite Is down thn. and I cIon't think the area has Out much time to Ii\'.." At th.. Ind of South Beach, wbtre the Bay. the Atlantic Ind Govemmtn\ Cut mttl. SIts the SO.unlt Goodman Tlrrace hou$ing project. By 1979 - mOfit city rt. palfl in tht redevelopment area on bold - the project ncedtd $170.000 wortb of flxlnl. N()thing wu don. because the buildlnl WLS to have betn replaced by re- dnllopmf'Tlt. TodAY Goodman Terrace hu 10 lI),Ioy be.llh and uftty vlolaUonl tlltl tilE' dty must take .tliou. The COlt of needed. re- pairs hat IOUfll to $500,000. "W. canDot walt any longer for redevelopn'lt'nl to come," Hou5Ins Authority Extcutlvt DI- rector Murray Glllm.n sald. "We had to do IIOm.thin& about thl Iivlnl conditions. WlIo know! wheo It will Df tom down for r.o.ev.\()pme~T' The Miami Herald Sed.,.., AUIl'\Ut 29,1982 SOUTH BEACB: t ",- ,. , , 1 . ' 't\ \'\ ' ,I,"" ",'~hJ\'"'' ,>'~"-l.,\ '\" "', :n,;" :. ',1'<. \(, ..~\.., ..', ~' ", <<tl'\aJ ,/1 ..~. \J~;\.- H. "COME TO SPEHO.lOTS OF HAPP't;1'EARS WITH' OUR NEW MANAGEMENT. ".i.\~\ ilW" OFfER ";",''', [: , ~,,\.~, NICEROOMS'~\\C,'t\\., , PRIVATE FULL BATHS " MAIO SERVICE 24 HOURS SECURITY ) 24 HOURS TELEPHONE 24HRS FRIEIIOL't' CARE' FROM6230 .[, UP : i MOH'THLY.., YEA l~ ENGLISH '"ti FRANGAIS ~~ YlOO\~H' IlAlIAto' . Cr,.;-i Rose Abrams, Crom Brooklyn, is promised 'lots of happy years' by hotel sign on Ocean Drive, Above, Joseph Feinberg, a blind man with a smile Cor everybody, has a.kiss Cor bis Labrador retriever, Opal. at the edge DC Flamingo Park. At right, Bennie Mazor sits in the lO-by-7-Coot apartment that hu been his home (or IS yean. By MICHAEL KRANISH Hm"" Stolt W1I,..... Somtumt'ti, when neighbon ..1slt his suburban Ktndall hQme at nIght Qr on w~kend.s. Dr. Robt-n Goldbt;>re trln to u.pWn lboul "my other life In my otht>r world," the world of South Beach, He neversuctft(ls. The nelsbbofl would never understand 'that in this lush tropIcal !.sland Qf pastel- colored buUd.logs, hardly any of South Beach', )(1,000 resident! have mort than .. honeycomb-s1z<<I one. bedroom lputmenl, thllt 1.020 of tht!m don't e\'t'n IlII.ve I bath- "","" Tbe nellhbors would ntnr understand tbU 200 people on South Beach can't find their way hQme, The police know this be- cause they keep a Un. E."ery day an t'lderly Eutt't"Q EUfopean rdugn:, prQbably I transplanted Nt!w Yorker. WIllden Illto the police or fire station without Identlflca. tlon and asks "Where am 11- or "!low dO' I ilet back to the East Side?" Jews. The EAstern EUropI!llns had come. tbO\lSlUlds of them, with their dreams to Soutb Beach, No....., in their world that II forever cblilngec1, they IJ'e ituck bere, Am- pty too poor .nd too QId to tit anywbere elie. AODli 8erldO&. born In HUDillty 10 1&88. tJ typlul of that &roup. In 1913. sbe left the s"ttd (JcWish vII- Iale) that had been her Ute and boulht I berth to AmerlCL Anna Berklng tarN bett~r thllll mo:;t of her shipm.lt'$, Sbt' nentually owntd and oper.ted two delicatessens with her bu$' band In New York aty, At the end of her worklnlllfe she turned to South Be4tb, TodaY, It 93, !i/'lt Is one of Dr, Goldberg's patients. The 11ft lOh.. kntw III New York be liI ,un- washed pictura pastt-.d to tht' mlrrQr of htr $lOG-per-month .partmmt on South Beach. Herr. she I\U . hot plate, a bue IIgbtbulb. a d~Sit'r, a rdrlgerator. NO' bathroom, no telephone, DO air condltlQn. ing or fan, She sleeps In a lingle bed that tabs up I quarter of htr one-room lpart. ment. whrre she has lIvt"d for 13 )'t'afS "I dQn't goo outside t'X~pt to the doctor,l don'lllke It but I blve to Uke It. Wbat CGn I do?" "YI Anna Berklnl, a widow with TlO chlldrt'o. She Is a small, fnIl woman WfIo wurs . wtlte wool cap, thick stOCUnp and a fadt'd bou.sedre;u. "The only thing I <kIn'l like ii to bc 110M," Patients go through garbage "No oat can appudatt SouU1 Beach :~ ~ere..e:ern~r 0':: a~r~:~~~~~ tietlU COinl through garb<<se caos, I can't bellne It. neSt' Ire people whO' emigrated from Ruma, worktd tllelr whole Ufe, and tblsis how It tlld.... They an: the I&st rf'mllinU of a turn-of. the-cfl1tury uOdus of two rnJllkHl JtW5 from Easttrn Europt, Mo&t !iot'ttl~ In the IndustriallUd NQrtheut and worked hi its factories. After a lifetime Qf toil they lOOked forw&n:l to tbe tranquillity of retire- mt'Dt. Soutb Brach seemed the Idyllic 1pOt: The sun, tht tightly knit Jewish communit)., the temple, the nearby shops. the old Art Deco hotels cooverted into tiny but afford- ablt apartmt1lts. But th.1 was before MIami Beach stoJ>ped con.struction In the southtrn quarter or South Beach in 1973. btfort the !UlI.stalla1 rtdeveiopment plan$ sto.r=y~:~':~~ =~ a~~~tlc mix of latin' Imtn1&fL'Its and rdUBtt'l <<lid a d)1ne ItDeUUQn of Eastern Europun Half live on Social Security Of tht 50,000 pt'Ople 00 South Beach. 31,000 IJ'e Qver 65 years old and 25,000 dl:- pend almGSt tnUrely Qn Soci.1 ~c:wity for theiriDcome. Mtny have tittle money and maD)' sick. nesses; the average resident of the redevel. opment area lives belQW the $8,OGO-per- year POVtrt)' I~vel, tht' I"'erase residtnt 00 the re~t Qf Soulh Beach bves just above that level. W~~~:;~~4~ n2~~~k~:e~n:n~~~~ who need fun-time care, yet lhey 1I\'e with nocatt at all. At the South ShQre Hospital, Ole only ont on Sollt~ Beach, 95 Qut of 100 patients mUSl pay W1th Mt'dlcare, It Is th~ hlghe~t 'These are people who their whole life an Mazor, 79, coold ~a\ie lotten out of Bncbvlew ApartmeDt!; a~ ""me or bls ntl8hbor. blve, if he would uke !ub$ldlud housing "nd food sumps. "r won't take any Qf It." Mazor lSllyS, The landlord, lIo.....le Bushlnslr.y, said he hado't UXed up the 19210('(1 building be. aaU5e of tht! r~e\.elopment moratorium Oil new conslf\lt.1I(1n, "It.s btoen nllle y<,ars, 110 what am I 8UPpollf'd to do?" h. a.,ks. DennIe: MAzor, who nt'\'er mlrrltd, kno.....' none of tbls. He has four dirt)' Ihlns. four c1Irty ptUtS of pilllts; a clothu.. Une that hangs acrou the room holds four d.Irtypain o(underwear. But there is ~metlUlle that no me ,know, abOUt Bt-nllie MaZQr. He Is pnctlcal- Iy ricb, He haa UO,OOO In the bank and Sodal ~wity coming mQnthly. lnve~ng prop- erly, he could buy one of the nicer oont1oe on Sooth Beach. E...ery few month~, pvlice find &1'1' ojd~ Eulem Europt'.an Jf'W like lW-nnlt Mazor - dead In a tiny f\lndQwn apartmetmellL A Vw"Qman who ptstered stockbrokers on Unooln Road hGd S8OO,OOO In slocks. bondS and cash. A man whO' pestered !be .hud of tbt local Sudal Security (,IWct!, AJu ~ot, had $100.000. A .....Offililll numt'd Frif'da ZImmer. who moved Into II hoi1t'r room to live money. had $140,000. Six wet'" ago. Dennie MUM mQved out of bli t.:IqlUUd quarter, Qf I~ )'cars and into; I Ninth 5trHt apartment, thus giving up redevelopment'$ relocation benefits.. Afler Mawr !elt, the uld ap.utmeol WLS c1t~ by. the city for numerous housInl cock viola- tion', LandlQrd Howard Bushinaky correct. ed ~~~o~~: ~~Qt:~'~ N)1ng 60 Ion., "Th" Tl>ll.r tQlJk evvrythJng from us, alld then came the (BolshtovikJ Rt'YOrution,~ ht wu percentage In the natlQn, Of Soutb Beach'l 31,000 hous.lna unlU, 95 per cent have ope bedroom Of leu. Sev. mty.fiyt per (ent of the residents are reo. leU. and welflre a&enciel Sol)' the majority apcnd more Qf U1eir inrome 00 rent Uwt they lihould. Each week, 100 of tbem com- plain to Ibe dty .bout their IliIndlontJ;, Un. Jlble to cut down on rtol, the elderly make concnsiOll' e1sr.wbere: leM food., no nt'w c1otbln" few can .Jford to leave. II they do they probably try . "(tUrtment Itotcl," which offers the compan)' Of other old people and thfPt meals . day, But should the old ptr. 9011 let 51ek, the hotel staff unnot ,Ive help\loit.bQlltvloJaUDitbelaw. 'Perlect tiOlutlon' fails The York Retirement Hotel, 321 Collins Ave.. bollkd M.l&r1el retu&t'\'$ until &Ix mouths a&o. Glt1ItIiI McKltterick thought she had the perfect :tOlution to South Beach'J prQblem: E:vtct the rduiees, ape.nd thousands of dollars remodeling, take in el. derly people, IlDd (\In a famil}'-stylc bOlel. But &be w 8lnce met Dr.1rvlnS Vlo8er, a itate otttdaJ cl\arged with entordni bealth c:&re laws. He tetll McKltterlck belp a.b elderly womart trom ber cbalr. aM that Is IlQt allowed io . botel, So, to McKitter- Iclt'. dismay, Vlnaer aays he will b.ve to take actJon agaInat the York because It 15 Improperly operaUna like all "Adult Con- grea.te Uvlog rldllIY," wbich II allQwed to live ~ care IQd is thus strictly Ii- <0...., EveD If McKitterick wanted too apply for ~~':oa J~t~e ~uemc:~~Ftd:: ~~n::i~ log bomea. allows only ODe ACtF for every two blocka.. The Htbrew Home for the A&~ Is acron the strnl from McKltter. Ick'IYQrk. Other hotels botIse elderly tenat1U who dt'Sperately need care, but the owners doo't apply for a IIceMe. At the Gract Hotel, 411 Elpaoola Way, Vinler found a 91-year-old woman locked In her room from the Qut- side, an 80-year-old ~rlddtD man with open a;or~. The building hid I natural ,n leak. and expoM!d wln:f. II Will> no "hotd," All allogry V111ler declared. "People are belna kept here like anlmaia without d.lJnl- ty and stll.rtspeet," Ho bOpe' to takc similar action agallUt 25 other Soutb BeaCh botela ht says art vi- olatloi tht law 10. ODe way or another. N otblnl Is brilht. The door is peeled and fOUln,. Roeclles swarm &round a v1sltQr', ftct. A tall m.n must bend over to enter Bennie Mazor's apartment at 121 Collins A."e. Beonle Mazor left Ru~ III 1919, Ht spetlt his \ift In New York City multll furnltuft. FQr IS years he bas lived In this ll)-foot by seven.foot room. The rent Is (help It,8eoch\1ew Apart- ments - only $475 per }'f(U, But Olt amtD- Itles:anfew. EverythlnS Is brown. The sheels an brown. The il-Ink II ttched In brown. The mrlgeraLOr is browQ. Thert II DO bath. room. no stove, nO' mirrQr, nO' air c:ondIUon- log. Newspapers urpet the floor. 10 U1t ceillog a four. foot by tw~foot hQle Is cQvered with tar paper. Muar col. lecu the raiQ io two Savulll coffee caOl, On the dre.uer Ire three bous of Manit- chewlu matzoh and two undlt'Sticks.. On Friday niibL M&zor will Ught the candles, nothing can put. out hl$ Sabbath candles, and bave a Utile wine and say Kiddish, a prayer that thank. God tQr lettlnl the Jews out Qt Egypt. . The Old World 4M/5M Around sun~ct. in the Ninth Street section of Lummus l)ark, elderly South Beach residents sit and 8101( and tell itori~. They go hume wheD it gets dark. Above, a Hassidic Jew with flowing beard takes bis customary stroll down Watihington Avenue. At left. in the pink despite it all. Frances Mitnick has made almost everything that color in her Calvert Hotel: tbe wall., beds, refrigerators. It makes the place come alive.. she says. emigrated d this is how it ends. ' Paula Jacob60n, and tllc.h uks for a "Nice Jewl$b Man. ..irile II )'00 have ane. at least one who', heal~y." South Beach has three women lor every man. Womcnllve kmatr. ..tinY of the IOlltly womm, and [be rei.. tively few survlvln.. lonely men. ~tt If lhey're healthy. An old Ruasian.bora man comes too the T1d~. HOld on South Beach btcall5t hJa wile died; there, he m~t5 a PoUsh.bom WGman who Ii widowed, They talk .boUI the sllu.tloD, the troobh!. they walk In the park, Others. like Carl Col<lbard and Ooui~ Ullukrow, do their coordn, at the N'lular <IaDcCl held at Lummu. Park, The t",'O met I( a nightclub four yeara ~o, She Is teach- Ing him to dance, DoUlt and Carl art 69 yun old. . soU. \'oiced clerk and a truck driVer, Every nilht. Carl a:ld Dottie aad 600 otller old people dance at the 10th Str~t AudllQrium. a simple. square building 10 Lummus Park. The dance II &II opportunity to dtCi' up, to lIlte out tbe white patenl leatll~r fllori. the bell shirt. the oknt p.nts. Tbe dance b wmpanlon~hlp. The cbr.ce u bf-ing alive. The celebraau line up an hour before the 7:30 p.m. ItUn. m:1I1y 10 pay tbe 25-ceJIt admls.slon fee that usn't challae<S ID JO years. They file Into the au41torlum, lit In On!' of the 205 black-cushioned meal chain under I spinnina mirrored ball. City are Insl4e. "Tllis Is phenomenal for them:' say, bandleader Max Sulton. ag. trim Ind flashl. :ted~~~iuH~e:;a=nP~y~t ~I~~J~?; lonl can you fit In a little room. follt wall" TV? The only enjoyment Is TV. Hete. they lice f'lch OtheT, they meet people. It., Ute only place for them on Soutll Beach." But outside, the other South Beach Ill- trudu. FI"e women 10 scnsaly dnSSl!i dan<< by themsel\'es. clutehitl.' the &Jr, ~. ~~~i~t~I:;:~~ ~~~ ~~h~:te: public shower, tht1l IeIrd:l tbe !faab bins lor rood. IO~~e :::~ ~~ ho~ft:ei~'~r ~wOu~~ side. . . . say,. "I never had money. never had II nice place to Uve, you understand, you under. stand? So I save my money .od I save my money. I w.nt to I1ve 10 a nice place before Idle. YoulI.lldervtand?" do for Sl2:l ptr month~ You (..lIO't com- plaln." It CON $600 a mo1lth. me,all IDcludtd, for. llimilu-Jtud toonl at U1e Blackstone Kosber Retirement Hotel, a 13'5tOry. 2.52- room bwldina trequnted by the dl&- monds-and'latter wt In the 19301:. Now it houses I ~~ elderly peoplt, IncJudjns 140 tum-of-th~centwy reftlees.. For the put two years, the llat' thruteoed to cJo6t It down beCaUJe It .dvtrtlaecl servtces tnat can only be pun by . licensed partial care facility. Samuet. a Ruuian-bonl retind garment work,r wllo never murled, live. theN'. Hili brother helpll him ply $345 Pff moath to share a room with another reUree. He thinks South Beadt is . "prden lipot" IXlmpared to tilt New Yort East Side he left In 1970. Sill!. hili wrlstJ e1w tntl- many to two TM't'nt rnlclde attempU. "It whO't a waden dPdsion. (CAD no looler walk five mil" a day lIke I did ti&ht monthl IIgo. And I'm f.cllIl disaster. 1 still have no money, and now r un no longer afford to Uve here. 1 WVlt LM litate to let ~:~I~or:k:U~~~f t~~;h~U~:~'~~~aw r: tlonal lhlng to do." Social worker Mih Weston. who works In South Deacll be(au$C: he Is . sptclallst In eeriatrlc problems. says then! ts UtUe chance the .ute wlll take him. "He'. pral>- abl)' Dot Ikk eDCJugh," Weston. Uplallll. sa~~~~~f.ell~~~~ :.~~V::;y?fr~ ~~ you." Op:ll, who understands Yiddi!'h. Russian. En,li'h and Spanlsb. licks Ihe face of Ole mu~tar Frinberg ~nd lu4s him across tt.e street. '"{OU can' be" ...'ttcher (CClmplainer)." F~nberg UYI, "CIID you, Opel?" In the flamingo Park c1ubhowt, Frien4- Ihip Conwr No. 3. four old cardpla}'er. sort outlheir tuture. Benjamin Lt\"Y. 83, Is 1 TurkIsb.bOrn man who. like mOll of thlt t-lderl}' on Suulb Bc-acb. can recite hlsd&lly rool1ne In a mil.t. ler ot &eCOndr. " wake up .t 5;30 a.m. alld iO 10 the Concord Caftlerla, where I pay $3.50 lor cerea.!. tWo OnlOD roll, butur, JeUo 1100 coffer. r JO to flamJDIO Park until 1 p.m. Th~ r take a walk to Ute Se\uth Strut beach, Sit there for two bOUri Ind wllc:h the ptople. I alwa)'1 Wf'ar my nne white l\ilt. 1'm very particular, I come b8ck lrom tb, bellch at 5 p.m. and I'll buy some ko- ShH meats - I don't eat any trayf (nOli- kosbtr). "1 51'uolr.e a peck lad. hall 01 d&lItt'u . day. I bave supper, I sit do....u to watch TV. I don't go Ollt .t night anymore_ Before 1 go 10 slnp, I haW' ODe Ilus of ManIKII,wjU wine." Soon, Lny !lays. his routine will ctIa.nge fOT the fir.! tinw In U ~UI. His lee. .n hurtine:, his body Is hurtins:, al)d hf' knows he will ~me one of those people who 40n't BO to l1aminlo Park .nymcn, who SlaY Iwdl!betr .mall roomJ. An illusion still shine!>> At enry dan(e, . city employe Cl.med CI}'lle sprinkles yellOW powdered dilOce W/llll Oil the lerrazzo lloor so tile old JWOple un dance mOr? eracefully. lie gy. lie UH.S 15 poundt of wu. every !Donth. Actually. Cl}'ile Is just ptttendlnl. He reache$lnto a CIa, rolls his h.nd Into. fln. and pltche, hi. empty p111m. ,t Iht "oor. The old Pf'Ople WOUld complaltl if there were DO wax on the "oor. but would trip If theN' were. So Clyce pr~tends. When lht first chords of New York, .\ew 1"0'* be:in to pia}', Cnrl and Dottie. New Yorkers. fairly run to the floor. The room comel alh'e with the shuffiiol sweep of shoe!. th~ map of flllltn:, the ~mll~ on every face. South Beach II out. aide. The dIIn~ .nd the memories of The Meals provided In. the morlllnl, the dt)' ttDlXoytS brlnl 10111 ta.blu Into 'he conctrt hall. At e:30 a.m., about 100 old people st&J1 Unlni up ror a frf't meal that isn't 5trved until 11:30 a.m., when the JewLth Vocational Service wlll servt 400 elderly. At Wee centers oa Sout.h Beach, the service pTO\1des me.l. fot 1.200 ekletly who tan't aflor4 them. For tnllDy.lt iI. m.Jor 80dal event. ti:e,~~:~h~d:~~ oI:'~~~I\'~I~~n: room, 8y noon, tbe haUls lUted With bu.. drr4s of dinen talkin, abo\lt the Old COuc~ ~7kn~ ~~~::,et::~~::~.~: IOe't good Ufe 00 MIami Beach, Tile Trouble. Then they eat a modest mut from . wbltf' lItyrofOl.m tray and .lowly walk aw.y, he.adilll dowtl Ocun DrIve, ItI tile diffl:1.loll, of the three-story apartmeDt house when ADaa Bertllll moat stay Ill' :lide, "WhAt worries lIle Is the", an the U1./'Oo vert., the ODes who can let 0\It," say. Lou. Ise Morlane. Ute dty's 1'.YW supervisor of recreatloll aervleu. "I don't Jte ally DeW taces anymore, I think this is the eod of the generation from the rwlat.lihops from New York. I hawn', SH'n a new taee In . lona time. And 1 WOD' der .boul old fa"s who cau't let outside their little rooms:' Survivor becomes scavenger Bend Mendelsohn, 71, a Hungarian Illr. vlVor of Auschwitz:, tarries. remlDder of thit horror on his arm: Number 90376. H. :f~'~~':O ~?:~;~ wb~ ~~%o~~hll: a cremlltory. Now Mendelsohn searchel the alleyway dumpstera for dlllC.aJ'dtd. ba. gels. which he feeclJ to the pigeons III Lum- mus Park every d.y. "Whltn 1 was 111 camp. ( kMW people who ga...e ....ould give their gold '''8th lor this," the handsome whll~haired mall 8I)'S. holding h~lf a Inlel. M I know what '1t'lIl1ke to be hunlry," At the wk. paltlt'peeUnB thTec-II01'Y Jf'tfer5QD Apartments, the blUlKry sit In chairs lined up on the sidewalk. Tbe Jeffer- son Is a pl&in bulldlDi that fihare, a block with IWO gas flations. Sam Drucker Is one 01 its lenants. In bis: Poli,b village 01 12,000 Jew.. he was one of only five to escape death. HI' wife aDd two chJl4ren were Indner.ted In a eol'lce~ . tratlon camp. H_ came \0 Soutb Beach on a GreyhOUad bus 23 year. ago, Ih.u In a SI25-a-mollth apartment that hIlS been rob- bed fO\lr times. .nd I)wns only .orne old c100iu, a S260 Sears ttl.vlslon, .n4 two SabbllthCIIlldlu. ."Thls town Wll.ll tbe be.lit," Drucker say" silting next to two old woman who both ban bandage.a on their faces from rKent optfltions. "I don'l go out anymore since the (Mariell Cubans (..lIme, f don', like ....hat., going 00. But l4'h.t ar. you eolll' to A love or life Joseph Feinberg has wu bUnd for 26 yean. Yet be Is a rartly on South Beadl, be is openly h.ppy. Felnberl, 10, is hNlthy enough to Joe 10 mllti a day. HI' love 01 life is obvious. He .miles. He lauCII.. He dlaces. He proudly taluor hisprowlCSl ua bowler. 'Virile if you have one' Every wuil. 20 riclerly South Bndl women vent\lre 'rom Ihelr rooms to vitlt .11 old.fashloned Jewbb matchmaker, ,6M SOU;'I BEACI: Claah of Cultures I ,I Raul Montes, 15, and Pedro Vega. 14, recent arrivab (rom Cuba, take a break trom their daily game at a park at the tip or the Beach. At rilht. mirror reflects Juan Antonio Pinel-Carrero. Below, 84-year-old Steve Sompol ShOWfl rdx-year-old MaDDY Rodriguez how to blow cigar smoke on Washington Avenue. I ,:4,i:;~~l~~:pI?,HI W' J~ '\ 'r , J 'i 1 -', 0' '; I " .I ~ ~' ((>>. ~ -ills 'j .~t' i @ ~ f, /i,',.;' - ".~, f -. .~' i " t~J ~r~"'p..: . ,t7' ',i ~r'"'' .'h--. ->,~, ~.,.. .:--:-~'~ r..ff.:;.,-:;_';;~:..~ '~~'i The domino; effect As elderly Jews move out or die, Latin refugees take their place By MICHAEL KRANISH And JAY DUCASSI IIt...u~Wrlw.. At the OOct-swank Pr1mrou- Botti, RUlI>>l.lll1. rduKn:-. ~lIne on the porch. playing pinochle. watchlnc the night traf- fic o( Collin' Avenue rumble down South Bt.ch. In thf' lobby, Cuban rdugru slT.lddle dlalts b)' . window scene of etched,slus flamingoes. playing dOmI. 'noet. Outside, Loub Sadt It 'ree of Tur Nichol.. II. Inside, Arturo ("rlJf"vara lit frf'f' 01 F1del Cutto. They ume to America for Ule same rrAllOllI. But the PrIml'Olt Is more a cauldron of prejudice Ind misunc1erlt.lftdtn& th.n a mrltlnl pot. Tbe Jew. are lenwi' The LatJns art moving In_ "This u5ed to be . nice Jewish piau ulltll we JOt the element In here," uye Sadt, smoothlnl his worn blue pants and dotted-blue JOblrt. "Now It', b.lf latin. It', very bad." The Group of 1"60& i\nd 19801 Cuban exiles Inside ~y they let .10nl well with the old Jews. But . IB-year-old Mariel refulee, Damien Rublolo. II luvinl fnr CaUfomla b<<auu things are "too weird, Ulere Is too much h.trfld on Soutb Beacb." The tension is apt to crow, for c\iny elduly Eastern European resident wbo dies or moves uUl.. latin likes his place. In the CambridGe Ho\el, an old. throe- storY Spanlsh.ltyle buJldln, In Ole mlclat of . residential .rea. lives. rdusee who escape<l Cuba to the U.s. Navy bot on Guantanamo. t Squwor beats a eell JU.D.Aotonlo P\nel-<:arrero, 48, It thankful to be In a am.lll roacMnfl"Sted room with his eI&ht churcb-donated shim. lour pain of panti, GoY' rfld beans. all applt. a fUlten lemon .nd an op-n can of .ardlnes. "I am UvlDl well here," he say. in Spanish, fhllmng . 5Ck.ent San Alustln c1lar, maldn& some conrrl (rice and red beaM) on I hot plate. "I ha,'e DOthiD, else ~~:: ;?mw,:~I~ ~,o:, I~ ~~~t lam Down the third-floor hallway, another Mariel rtlusee hu .prayed .way the odor 01 urin!' With Sf'l f'COnomy.5:lz~ bottlf (If LYIOI. 00 the roof, . three-yea.r-old boy from Chile plays with . toy submachlne 8110. pointing 1\ at anyooe who comes within rang.. On the ncond floor, .D old manllvet III . tiny room with only I tell'. vbion Nt. The man, tb. ODI)' elderly Jew In the Cambrtd,e. won't lee: .nyone ill . cause "I'm 99 per CUE dud, 10 80 away!." Across Merldlan Avenue is the mortly Jewl5h Beacb Manor Aputmcllu. wheN: most nstdeotJ have Uved lor 10 yar.. and the co-op prealdelll ..ys. '''T'tIb u.ed tft M grf'at Now It's a JlIlllle out there, . wflderne&S. .. This clal5h of imm1arant cultures it pl.yell out dally 011 Dn:Jld Avtmul!. The H.aban. Hotel wu .11 Jewish. Now II bM poor CUbl.nJ" AmerlullslJld Pueno RJ. caD'. It 'Iauate. coottnt police ulll. and when the police an1ve enD for a minor d.i.&turbance, they CO~ Jlx can at a tlme., A "POUCE" televlsloD camera posted. on . st.reetLtmp conttantJy l1lt'Wyt the tbbana'. porth. Nut door Is the onte.Jewlsb Ind now H&ltlaD. and CUtwl.lllled Wlndtor Plat.&. Jewish enclavc remain. And next to th.t,.t 1330 Ornel Ave.. II the elbro Apartments. where ail U kn. anti ~n Ire Jl'wilh. five 01 th..m I goo. era emIsrea from Hungit)' '" wnn't w.lk III front of them." "ys Anna Korn of her n~w neighbors. "Every. thinK hll ch.nged. The:;> used to havt all Jewish people." It Is not rwn the e1l1erly Jews who want to leave Dru.1 A"enll'. A rKently an1vtd aues\ .t the Habana la AUredo V.lentlne, 24. .ka. SUck, . tougMooklna PuUto Rican with brown balr, mustache .nd tattoos. He \\'15 "\iu prtsldent" of . New York City gang, and had c1reamed of comlllS to MIami Belc.b allhl,lJfe, . Now, he says. alternating his words with dragl on a marijuan. elearet while the five Hun,.rtan women watcb, he Is le.vinl .fter a two-week stay bec,u-'Ie "this p~'e b nulblnl Uke I Imagined It, It.. too weird, too danilrOUJ." Hialeah ortJ~,~Clti. ''Thls i. like my Mi8hborhood in CUb..... he 5lY'l1."Bll.t the Je"'s don't even talk to u.. Tho police tre,u u. bodly. very bac1ly, They humiliate UI," Jose Rklf i. proud that he h.s never been stop~d by pollee. While the so. year.old Mariti rdul<< Ih'u In the decay. Inl Clmbndle Hotel. h~ keeps his room ,poUe&$; he dresses In the gymwear &lIb of the F1amin~o Park lock. . ~Rl08 spent 20 months In th FL Cb.ffee del.orton clnter, ~d wa. relNSed aftlr gr.duatlng from a l5-hour "Cross Cultur. al Orientation" clasl, where he "'II tau&bl m&nn~rli .nd "not throwing gar. b.se In \hertr..t." The fear Iinddena him Uke m~t refulees, Rlos, who re<:ently \o&t his job tt a cCW)k whell the rC$\aurant In which he worked dosed, Si)'S the el. Exile buys restaurant In July 1,981. O.valdo Bayon... Cubln exile who Uve<! In New Jerity for 17 ynn, boIJlht l smen restaunnl in tbe mlddk of Espanola W.y, built in tbe 19~ ~t ::-:~~e':~~~~~I}~rg$~,. GOO, l'r. uys fo per Clnt of the cll.nt,le carry weapont, and be bu to call police Ivery day to .top flehU, For thl 1&1\ two monthl he has been trylnl to sell the bu.slDHI for $"3,000, ., prefer to Jose part of Ole money .nd kave here." he said. purnaS . lonl diAl', "You Ull't live In. place where you have to ca.ny. nvolver," Snuth Bf'-ach hf'gn 1tJ; transfonNItlon la I1l7!) wben tbe Latl.n. started comlnl and the Jew.ltayfd Iway. The redevel- opment mora\orium brousht \be ndgh- bOrhood to I standstUl in 1973, leavllll "mall apartments empty and ulldlordll kiokiol for ten.nu. Thtl 1980 Marlel boelUft \)("ought a new CD of renten and a doubled triml rate. 'Gangs, It's the pulSe of this area. This I should be a tourist resort, and in five seconds we've selm two gangs.' Juan Favolf" dtrly Jew. .hy a.ay from him. clutchlnl their purses when he PJ&:Sol!s. "It make. me sad," he say.. klokinc' out bis third. floor whu10w at &Il all.Jew(.tl .putmen\ "nulif' For RIOI, bill monthly $119govtrnmeol ChKk huBlOpl'f"d. H~tln't IInd work. He makes $3 a day wuhlng cars, Rlos is not \Inusu.al: jobs are hard to le\ eYen for longtime resldenu. nearly tm. possibll for mOlt rtlugets. 10 the last six months. 1.300 Mariel reI. USft" all South Beach residents. hIve walked Into the "'lnorley Outreacb em. plo)'meDt oUlte at the Sixth Street Com. munlty Centu, which II beAded by Cub4ll-born Hector Gardl. Garela. who .mvl'd In ~ H.rly 196Ot, c:ould plate only 122 of the nfuaet's In jobs; only 40 hf'ld thnn for more than I month. He dotm't know wha\ hap~ned to the othrr 1,260. 'They expect paradise' Cultural contraats abound To the tradltlon.mlnded elderly, the CODtn.sts ahout 'rom every corner. On WashJn,toa Av~ue, Ihl'! H &- M Stein Dell Ind K05ber Rut.uran\ II nut to the T1juan. Cat. a Cuban c1l1h fnr tnn"" vestlte. and 'IYI that feAtures a dral queen conlm .t mldnl,ht. Further touth on \\'J4h1ncum A\enuI II thr R ... R rPStaurant. wbich Idv,rtiw. "FrIed PI.ntalA., Bonbt PI.tr, MaUCb Ball Soup ... S~lal, EtPKial." Nearby, tbe Paramount bakery sellt Kosher CUban Bread and wp KlniJbl!!$. Richard's Fruit Center wu boUabt from a Jewish m.n by a Pucno Rican man six month. .SO. Now marlqtdw (pl.ntaln thljn) shan! aben .pt.ce witb m8UOh, th:v~et;:~:it~:~kl:nZO:~,p."saC;ln~~: 1IINaUy lIpbcll.t Garcia. "The)"re different lrom when ( came here. They expect p.r. adlse. I wonder bow Uley at and pay WUfredo ROIlbal I' . M.riel refulet. rent." ~1~:lj;;k~~:~r:::t~IO~~~~ ~~tr~l; re~~:e:':t ~~e:.t ~S~~~:dyH~~e' llI.y..aod police avee, many of the Marie\ and wonder just that. cr1mJnaIJ hl\'e been put I. jail. or hIVe Albf'rtt) Alvarez II uyin,: "Thert b ieft. and the crime rate bu dropped. But work but)'O\l have to look lor It." . alllt takes I. one pu......lna1C'hlna. tnd lhf' Rene Rodriguez .r,u": "Go 10 the Ufto fear ntll t.beccndos Alld retlrement bo- employment oflice and try to Ke\ a )ob, JO tell, ahead." RosabU maku a mealer Il\IlnS by The men return to their $l>>..monrll working foor "ourt .I day at a Kentuclr:y rooml, which baroly have 5pl.ce for dn- Fried CblckeR. but he II &a\istied .nd gle-slze beds and dressen. WAllt, to It.y. Ukt many reruI"" b.... A block away Is the Corsair. the: lOuth" finds SouUl Beach more attractive than ernmOlt botel on the Gold Coas\. Police .till check -j .. """ The Itll'f'k green..nd.whlte hotel next 10 Pier Park 0Jed to be owned by Juan i......ole. a 1\1605 Cuban nUe, He has Ile~n the. fe.r .nd prejudice of South neach frnm hnlh ~dr... v.-llen the Mll'ltl rduleetl wanted to ~k Into his hotel in May 1980, hI' d.... dded to .hut doWtl and sell out. "I IOld It becaUIif' the nfuc~ CAme." ~l~e~:;o~~' ::I~d~~th~h:~tlbn;t ~~:~~ endtd up .l the Col'&lllr. "The M.nell, the 'felt m.)ority werethllves and murder. ers. I said, I'm cklldnR." New bUilneu flzzles Dtit Fuole ctldD't lose f.ith in Soutb !Wach. With lIOme part""n, hf' bought 'The Famous Restaurant. where for years elderly Jew, had gone to Unger over c.b- bage soup and. botUe or &eltur Wa\er. The original OWDer, Mom. Lerller, $Old out last year because he was III .nd his bualneu wu dyiDS. Favolc thou,h1 he could l'6urrect It. At 8nt. the old customen returned. But lOOn they stop~ romlnl. The F.mous dOled .saln In June. "Lt.t's face It," Favole said, "the Jewish people with money have moved oortb .nd tbe re5f of Soutb Beach II on a fixed In. come. Tbey didn't take to w. I jUes5 a Chinese rt.Staurant h.. to be run b)' a Chi. um.n." Outside, two groupa of young CUban IfIetI walk by. "G.ngs." Favole saya. .Jit. tlng out the word. '1t'a the pubc of thI. area. 111.15 sllould be . tounst J'tSOlt. And In five teCOllds we've teen two ganp. I'm . 5O-year.old man .nd I won't WMr a w.~bhere." . T\\l.s Ilrttet\ 01 Ocean Ut1ve,lrom FUth Street lOuth to Bitcayne: Street, wu once fillf:d with f'1!Urt'd ltsll.ln._ th;~~ra mL~:~ ~:v~t.I::e":' ~~)~:: M,ne! refugftS, many of them Kays. Cu. tro e:x1leod a largt homO$exual community during the boatllft aD4 many bave eon. teattated on thl. block, Men dreill at women ,i It III common to I~ JU1klnl )'ounl men ttro.ll thelttH\ In women'. c\othcs. A man wears a blmae and velvet tlihts. An. oUler We&rS hot pants. and pink Uptdck, They a:o to the TlJuana Car 011 Wuhlna:. too Avenue or The Turf Pub 011 Ocean Drive. a once-popular EncUsIl.style rn. taurAllt thlt II DOW . te:Ilf-<ieKflbcd I.Y dub. , Thlt II. nel&bborbood of tranalUon and dIstnlrt, of bl.cltl Ind whlllll, Cubaas and Ruularul, Jews Alld Cathollcs. It II the tom worlcl Mi!en dally by Police IlI5pKtor Ken Gl&.stman. who IrliW up on Soutb Be.ch alld oow commandJ thl nl&ht shlfL He I. dlsUhwon~ by the Ina, bUlty of people:: - mo.t of whom hay," been throolb rn'oltjUon. and d1lcr1mID'. tion then'lll!lVN-,lo set aiOflJ' A babel or e~pl.iDta "In 0Dt nIlbt at Fl&mtnlo Park," Glil" =1 ~~'y~~~ftue~s ::~~e=P~~~~~ er. Th,"B I'll gf'" II call complalnlo, about the yOWlg IU.mI.n cab<lnvera. Every- body'a comlHalnlll& lbollt <<lmebocly. Wh.t I've IflUnf!d Is that pl'()(Ill' hut . The .Miami Herald Suoday. AUl(Uat 29. 1982 , . hard time ac&:eptlna: thaDle, People are clannish, Th~y like tft be amons their OWQ. 11 tl'1eyartll't. tl'ml they're threaten. ..,.. I f'1aminlo'Park, a larlr .walh flf erN'''' ery and tennis rou", th.t ls typically filled with ~nl I ltin Mcr.,.r 1"11)'1'" Ind old Jewish pinochle player.. Is DOW sur. mund('d by the Dew residents of South Beach. Thll)l are alrnod all lower. middle 111- come, the remaining elderly Jewl, the n.wly arrlv~ Latin famlllet;. And tberc, are elderly Cubanl. Mo&l. of them left Ha. ,'ana In the early 1960&, went to work In M1aml or New Jersey or New York, and have reUred 10 Mlaml Ekach In I pattern simlw to 014 prment.'.Ictory Jew.. III 1976,IIJ.spanlr..l accounted lor 17 per cent of th~ city'lt public hnwdnt lor Ihe eldl'.rIy. The trend Is clear: Today, the fl" Urt hll jumped to 5S per cent, maldnS Hispanics a ma)orl\y for the flnt tlme. Familie. mo~e in Thf' new Aamlngo Park neilhborhood 15 . mixture of old SpanIJJl,.tyle and t93OJ.u. Art Otto building., It has about 20,000 nmt.al apartmenu Ind Is .ttracUve to )'OlIn, Latin f.millN for 01. ""me rea. iQDJ It was atU'actlve to old Jews: It hu relatively low rent. lle4tby parks and ,hol>p{na.ndthe beacb.. Wltilt: many Jewish ,nd IOme IonIUme Cul1an-ownf'd buslneS5es are moving out, some new buslne>>n have taken their plAC4'. Typically, Ihry are owned by young Utin$. The mo3t IJucceulul ,,"ore' CAter 10 the dIlly nf'l'dJ 01 ~aJ dtlun., who hne no can and no neartl)' ahopplol tenten. TIlle S\lDJshlne Vallt wu uwned 'or ZO yU" by tranlplanttd Nlw Yorker Benia. mln Glickman, now 69, HI. customers. eI. derly JeWl. slowly dl&appeared. He sold out to trlnsplanled Para'U.lyan FAI.r TAuber, 32. T3Ubcr hlld looked .11 onr Dade and Broward counties and bOUght on South Bt-ach boecause: "tbe rrllt here la 60 per unt less." Vlrtllall)' e:very .tore on thla \wo-bJock nrMt:h nf Wuhlfl,tnn AYPflII~, bfofWN'n Sixth Street .nd E1lhth Street. h., IImI, larly tran..~erttd from old Jews to younl L&U~ The PrImroae Hotel It virtllllly Invlli- ble 10 the tbt~.>>tory. neolt'JJ.thed .no- nymlty of Collin' AvenuI. On the JUMt, there are some MarIti nlu,ets wbo live at the edle o. So\Ith Belth, a dr.. queen on his way to Ihe TIJUlIlI Cat, lour polke ~~'o~nJ~~?~I~~~ -::e: x:'e':fun Rutaurant, At the Ptlmtoef!, thl'M Ruf'ltian ....r".. IUI sit on t~ porch. Witch the: traffk and plan Ihf'lr movt. Joe KI.ln, 86, Ind Loull Sadt. 81, have lot It all worked out, AI lOOn II their leate: es:pIret, they will move to another hote:l wtteR OIere are no Latin.. lnsIde, Fdlz Martinez, 44. a chef. "Y$. "Thl, ,. like a nlt41. bIg 'amily III lbla hottl. We Uke Ole old Jewt, We get .Ion, very well, very nice. We like liviaa to- gether by tht beach," Tbe malllscr, Pujol Oevaldo. taku off a Jew\lh tape, The Be,t of Mirlan Krn- ~:d: 8~~ ,;~ ;.n~~Il~~:;ri:' Trio Tbe Miami lIerald Sunday, AUlIu1t %9, 19~ / '., I, SOU,.B BEACH: Losers and iurvivors""'li:4"'liL;A'r.Il.r.u~~-.", 7!v1 Streets belong to strongest Street crime is now common in South Beach, Here, on Ocean Drive, two women battle over a purse. It belongs to the dark"haired woman. After being punched and having her wallet taken, she kicked her assailant in the stomach and took it back. The incident over in an instant. police were never called. Renewal By MICHAEL KRANISII Ifw4Slot!II."IlU Vlf'nrtlu-lIlyle lanlum and nfOO Illnl announce Pi<<!olo'. lta1iao re.taurant. lI,hUn, up (tOt of lh, drtarlHl aad dltad. ltlt.t blocks on South Beach, Inside, black-tiN! wa!teUlerve a few famlUt. In ioot1ol.a-style bootha, When South Beach r~e"flopmen~ wu plannf4 In 1976, Sam P1cclolo thou~ht Il W14 a dru.m come true: He was ~mDe 1.000 customer. a nlehl, buslneu wu Ireat, and now hia 7M-.at landrn",k would be pr~rvitd, canals built aroul\d It to crlt.te I mln.lture Venl(1!. Cu.tomt'fI would arrive In aondolu. Today, Sicilian. born Plcclolo "Y" n- devtlopnl~nt has tak~n away his bu8lnu~. hil neiahborbood, and now want.s hi, home. "I ne\'er, 1 ,wear, I never wanted to w:1I the bu.ln~" sald Plcclolo, "ttlng behind the 3&'ytar,old rutaurant in hi, Immacut.tll' whltl'-Ind.blue wood-Irame hOIlN, "II II weren't lor redevelopment. I would never have had to Joell." Pkdolo'. block on Sooth &..IlJ;h, ~ tWN4 F1ral and Second Street OD CoIlinl Avenue, hu IndUput.lbl)' died bK.au~ 01 redenlopml!'nt. Here II the taU)': AD abandollfd bar and rtsUurant. a vanc1aUz.<<I park, a d06l'd fn:lt ltand, In apartmt'nt houl:t' lhat hu the chtaptflt rent In Miami Beach, and a botel that produced more police c.lllI than allrflo:::r~~d~~l!'o~l~i thi. I. Pkdoto'. and the Concord Co-op. a condominium wh('r~ 26 Jew. and Italian. have lived COf' years, Now IhOIit want to leave, but no onf will buy on this block, PlUM sold on street Next to Plcclalo'. \'llet parkln& lot, I dope ~.Ier arrive. al 3 p.m" pt1ldUn& dl- laudJd. outade the sloppy 1921,etll Beachvlfw Apartments, whre I'O(lntl are u cheap a~ $475 a yeu. HaU the tenant. are Rtwlan aDd PoUsh Jewr, half art younl CUbans and American.. PrKlSl!ly at 5 p.m., an addlet come. back from a clinic with methadone, and 1'Ii. friend. walt on a Ion, bench IIkt vuttu~._ A prwtilulewaUa. On the nortbeast corner of 1'1<<1010'. block I. the TroplC&N. Bar, clOU<ll>Y th. city aUer a dru& bun. fiChU and a liq- IIDr.lietn.'te vkllallon. A Cuban rtopued it but found lh.It the maiD cutltomers, Marlel rf"'aets, 1l0pped cormnl when the gov. ernlnl"nt slOflPf'd malllnl out $119 month. lyauist8oc!check.l. Next door is an old groury stort, its outdoor frnh-lruit stand tmpty and rot- tin&. Thr-.e Ri~ns hne bren posttd III order on . now-bmku window: '.'\iel. Abandoned streets sui~ the people of the night! Do.....o'tairs arf tht customers. A Jo. \ yrar-old mllit.ry mart from Sin Fr.odsco s1t1i nut to . 5O-ye..r-old pro.tltutt and sa.ys, "rm thlnklnl of tlkln, her home:' but he thinks of his wife and doeIn't. ''fm In South Beach to be amona the 9O-uUed. commOD people." the man i1YI, u two blken pltk up till' proltltute, "I . don't have to 'ttlllD my braiD," By MIOiAEl KRANlSH Hffl/US'''lI'''ril'' Out of the dukneu comes. man In I pink MiUlfot, A Hell's Aniel on .n An. lelmobile. An AlabaflU. preacher wiln .Ieeps In .n .l1ey, A Ruulall matriarch who lives out of I bll baa lnd llHp. out- sldea hie bank. Nilht unravell South 8E'ach like I pulltd rUI, throwiD, the ole! Eastern Eu, ropean Jews Into their little rooms. un- COvtrlD& the ba& ladle. and the cat lidles, the hUlltlers and the junkie., In3R-:I;I:n~n~~~~ tht~e h:~e~r~lt~~=~ alona: thol,llh the radio bu DO batteri", Crazy WIUy. aka The Count, la always falling down and sayinl grandly, "How do )'Ou do? May Ilntrocluee mYHIr11 1m The Count." On Third Street ~adt, Cuban male prostitute. hlwk them.elve. In a Span- Ish.It}'le bathroom built In 1935 by city fathtrl. The only people Interested tbil night lie three undercover police, Cat and Star are watching the action. Cat. 23, a babv-faced Pumo Rican from New York, !l"lis dope to IS-year-olds like Petey, /I chenlbic blond kid who has betrl on South Beach "since Day One." Bu.1 even Ca~, .....ho wears I BlICk S.b. bath T.sh.ln ud jeans. doesn't like wlat ht'8 Iffinl 011 South ~ach. Tht only dl"' cent thing about It anymore Is "the lood drul' at the Pier:' he says. Pier' 8cn'CS as hangout Tbe (lfUued and drunk han, Ollt at the Pier, whlcb today Is nathlne more than a deuylnl concrete walkway tuttln, Into the ocean, dtf,ct<l by more grafflttl tban . 8ron"l! Aub'o\'ay. The Had A PiKe LAtel\' B.1:r attract. tl'e-n1atn and motorc).cit'tou.e:hIU, who push each nlber into the streft. A Hell'l Anael, Sportllli a s1Mr-calortd Nul, typt Iplkfd lIelmf't, I(rtKhtl onto Ocean Orl..~ In a purple open-air roadster, the Anieimoblle, The Ihlrtiess, b<<r- belUtd drlver toys with a .cltllrlend at thl! bar,lhe &lrlfrlend pushe. him, yells: "I've had you for four }..au and you fT..at me IlIle I'm a plclr.vp, Go on, let altlhere!" He takeli aU III tbe roadster, round. the Piu Park PArking lot, yeila It the girl, nearly I!n(){,kt o...tr In old man at the bus stop, com!!'s back, ~s her and make. peace. What remain. at tht Soutlll!rnmoat Tip of the f10rlda Gold Coalt Is Ihe Pla,yhouse Bar, whue tllr nRhters Ind dOi-tRCk fans li5I'd to crowd ttlp IO/Ig woodtn babln. near the autographed plctur.. of .we Lout. and Jack Demptoey, Outside thlt customen Ilavf' parlr:rd th..lr tranAporta- tlon: a purple Trans Am, a Ford pick-up. a Chule and two wheelchairs. Tht Pla}'hou.~ I~ run by 1Ct' Cn'am Jot ~~n~ell lI~XU~;~~I~~I~~~~~a::~~~~: in Lummlll Park, He sa\'ed fnoue:b "t() buy the )oint" In 1964 and bu1\t a two-itory condo on top of It, No\\' hi. Bel H.ubour"tyle condO onr. looks one rhe dinclest blockli of South Rueh, and he u,ually 51a)'1 away from the bu b<<au!ot It has to few CU5tomefl. Up.talrs, he walcbu vidto rec:ord.ln&1 of Jack DempNY and Joe Louis, Squad finds the bodies Beach Police lospector Ken Glassmin, : commander of the nilht shift, pruldes ~ ove1' a squad of mOltly youlla officers : who butt the 'cycle touihle., lll\'tatllate . necklace snAtchlngs, and find tbt dead, : blolttd bodies 01 old people In little ;' ~~lI' tbe rlodlcconteml of bis ;: squad ate the IrBeach ta, I.dlet who .Ill- . way. SIHP 1ft th~ same .pot. Marilyn MI- : ~~:S.O:h~~:~~:~a[~e ~IC::! Jrun~ : c:oIn Road Mltll with a huge &hopplnl cart . flUd wltb 300 plastic ba,s, an assort. : ment of bottles and some dOl-UrN - coplu of The Wall SlrtetJourn...I. . >1 worktd Wall Strett once." she NVS. '- "I was I linger, an adress, a ,ollrmet .: cook, and Nlllllerlor dnoi,ner, Oh, I had' many taltnts, I used to bave many friendJ too, and 1 U\'ed In lux:ury. 11 aorrltOllt h..d told me 20 yelll'eo I m1ehl be llvinB like this, I would havt thoueht they were cru)'. "But my husband died and Idt mt" without a ptnDY, and I came down here to Soulh Bf'aeh from Nf'W York, lib e'\lt'r)'bOdY elk', I didn't b..ve lIai' chil- dren, but I alwaya toved dllld<<Il, Now little chlldreo come up to mil! and taU mt puw, prostitute. rm not a prOlotllutf'." And Marilyn Manute, bal Ildy, cries. "It's Vtl')' hard UvlDI like thl., I ",,'ur I don't want to i1~.t like thl..I'm I &In,er.'' Suddenly .he .prints 10 a bUI bench, IIl'5 down, tnlM" h,r fPf't o"f'r the hadt, puts her worn h.l.n.u behind her hf'..d, .mllt'. and sing, a brid passait from an ltalln opera. Then she lItumea .way and dilappeau Into her favorite abandon~ bulldlnl. . . Winter brings bums like th~ rich tourists oC Hotel Row, the , . baa ladlN aDd the bunu come to South . Btacb ID the wlllltr to ueape the cold. . and aDout 300 of them littp In Illeya .nd . abandoned bulldlnls. G1auman's crew: rou.rJnely finds IS derelicta In tilt oncl-el. . 'Iant Bhaya Hotel. bu1lt by Cui Flshf'r : II the f1arldlan In 1926, now an abin. - dontd bayfront monument to South: Beach'. decay. : Tht)' twn takf' up po'rmllnf'nl r~,l.' dence. RK1.lt'lUy, pollce lound 35 den'lieu :. at a boaN!tI.t,up warehOU\I'. all with their: own maUr""...., Thf' buildin!,..' 52G Jtf- . f.rloOn Ave., Is ownHt by E\'~lyn Frink, ,~ oft..n a worktr on the City'. bf'aut:flaUM ~ ~~:I~rM~:~h~~~ ~~~~~~.. tht ~ Ii \lied l<l b(' Ulat tht police limply': dro\'e th.. undeslrabln out of town. . "But now South ~ach Is thfllr bomr:' .: In.pector Glas6man say', "Wt'\'t created this erut envlronmtnt for them with .11 tb.. chtlp hOlfl,," come to our .tort!" Rf.CJr RenL" "hr S,lIr." On lb.e northwnt c:ornu I. a chHdrl!fl'i P4rk, littered with j\lncle I.)'m., Iwlna &t't, .nd a few ooil-Iprlnl hony k'ats that have petle4 thetr paint and lost tht'lr .prlng. The park, u.lItd FrlendllNp Cor- Mr No. I, has lK'fn Itnced In .nd I. clOMd at 6 p,m., but kids break. In aftll!t dark anyway, In the style af the South 8rotl:r.. Auou the street Is Friend.shlp Corner No. 2. whlcb had ICl many nallln patron. 20 Yf'ars .go that the city ~pla<<d Ule shuUl,board courts with bocce lant.. an ltaUAll bo\\'lIni iamll, Now only a few Ital\analtJlI play bocce dally, block, then locks some residents in f The tenantl of the Nemo ,It dlrtetlv acro... from the Concord Co-op, 101 eoi- .. ::UiIIA~':" ~:~ur::ti~~::o-~[J'':'U~~dIH~ -: J (ound thAt Nrw York J"W6 wt're ~fifrn' :f ~:nftt~: ~rt~;~f: l~t~~: :D ~:t ~~~~ ~ Drive boltl or apartment. ,t eo::~~~::~ a b~~~~~~o~~,n;.C~n':~n~ I ~:e b~l}~WI~ ~:l' =~~ ~I=r: I New York Cll)' to break the landlord mo- nopolies. Most of thoM wbo bought al Ule Conc:ord were owning their Amerlcu Dream borne for ttlt first time: AI 6~ . '... 1~5"- ;1""" -, '\ "~,:.:.~ : lll~ '\. , I :i;t ~ --' ~._~ IS .'." I' " "t t, ,'~ ~ " ,.;;;-- ::~ ~1'p. .' ~H " "'"~-..;'~--::r-r"""'~ Jj HOTe,[, . 9 . rUIns The promiae was broken "I was 100 J)f'r cent lor redtvelop. ment," says one bitter luU.n, who wears rumpled pant&, , Striped .tun and an o~ fedora~ "I tTUned thtm. IlhOtleht I would /Ie( . new pllK'e. Now my landkln2 klckf'Cl me out - he's nnlin, to four re.fuletalD myoid place _ and YO'J Ihould see tllr hullf' In the waUl have now, I ean.t live , an)'wheredsr," Ptcciolo'. rtalauranl i\ III Ole mlddlt of the block, To tbe lOuth II the Nt'mo Hotel, a Spanl.h,.t)'le 10000room bulkllng wltb Romantsque pillara Ind an open court- )'ar(l ot dNd and dying trH,. For $50 a week, I Nemo patlan gelt an eight-foot b)' 10.foot room with peeling wall., hroktn fklor ud a ratty bed. The hallwaY' ~k of urine. The Nfmo. consi.. lenUy c!led for hundrtQ of housInl viola- tlOM, la owned by uwrtnct' Taylor. Vice chairman or the city's Mlnimllm HQUainl St.lndan2a Board, "Minimum hOUs.lnl is lUst that: mln]. mum hOU8in,," n:plalll' Taylor. "You oan't expect me to .pend a lot or money to rlJ. this up wben it'. IUppoM'd to han been tom down for nllle vears for redt- velopment." Hil I. the lament of IItarly rvery landlord In tht rNlevtlnpmlOnt arlOa, lncludlnl the founding member Of the MiamI Beach Rtdt\'tlopment Altnc)', Oav\d Klev,n5, who owna tbt nearby Hla. ,a)'llt-CoUln. Hotel, and has ~n .ued b}' the city 10 nx Musing \lloletloa.. Thi!' Ni!'mo I. now f\lled wilh refu. ,~ , if."l i&1 >i;- ... "'.t,'. t, I ill' ,1 ~ I ~. " .. , , . . <!,f. 1l.,,~i t iLa Of' " ' ~,}; -~. -'. ~ , ", N1EM'Ol ,~S, aJmlw and poor Americans and an aNOrtment Of Mlamiall' Ipt'ndilll the wl!!eknd on Ihe Beach. Dutilde-, youol mrn and women drink beer and Witch the tralflc on Colllnl AnnUl!. At 2 a.m,. the Junkie. and )'OUnl rrostltutu walk by, lIotelleads in police call. The NemD, a block from tbe. police .ta- llon, provoked 216 pollct c.llll bttween July 19,1981 and JUDe H, 1982,a1mOtit twice II DUlD)' as .ny other addrrM In Miami Buch, It it Inllmoul amona till!' offlctu for Its ltabbln.i. robberies .nd .nOOUnss, Whrn a.ked at:w;Jut South Beach, the f1ut thin, police usuaUy men. tlon I. Tht Nemo, "That place il the worst on Soutb flHdl," says S1t. Thomas Hunker, a 10. ynrnttran, A('1'OI:' from the iOUthern $ide 01 The Nemo II Ibe Four Freedoma, a JlI!wl,b nursing home, whrre tht tenants my In- aldr, &:InaJne 101111 like Hovo Nagila and pJI).lnlcuClI. MGStJullstay In !)Pd. ,,,~1r, ~ { :i,-j No one goes out at nigbt TodaY, .. balf.doten tlderl)' telWlll croucb outside tht Concord III UW. chairs. .tarine at 1M Il'nAntl of Th Nemo, whu Ue OD con<:retr bencbeL 11u Coorord ttfl.aDU never k'ave th~(r build inl after dark; the)' just aJ.t_ "!hIli wit a beautiful streel when , bousht here IS }'t.lU aKc''' ..Id Woll AAtknll)" 7A, "Now, It'l no 1000, ...ery dan&trOu5. I mo...td here from New York to let aWlY trom Ihe robben, Bert, It was. beautiful especially for Jewish peo. pie. Now look at It." Oth..,. ti!'nanl.l muller In flllr.eluent. PoeM would luve If they oould, \ Twenty"two are trapped Rut the 22 leoanu - four ha...'f' dird lin<< r.developmaat Wit ploIllDed in 11176 _ (.IllIlot Ifave. Uke J,3OO other el4erty who own condominium. in the rtdevelop. ment ana. the relidl!nt.l at lhi!' Concord '. cartnot ,et . bUyer al a rair priCt for a :i bulldin, that'" IUppoMd to be torD down, ~ and ia now .urrouadP4 by cbeap bOtfl. '!\ ~~~m;;'m Plcdolo, whO .Idvocated no; \ developmtnt 10 fervently, la Oil tbe &Ide of : \ tbeColacon2rtsldfnl.l, ' The ).000 ni,hUy cultomtra dropped to , J~;o.:r:, I:O'property It GIlt-third tht . market value to hia fonner chd, Alfredo Sartu.l., who pray. mlnUy that redtvrlop. . ment will rucue the tM&ilnaa. Ai P1cciolo'l telVt& the early bi.rd Iipe. clallnto the nllht. the ConcaN! ruId",18 lock their doors. The tenlnlt of the' "Beacbvlew Ind Nemo belln to take eon. lral of the slrft'l, ' And Sam Plcciolo Is h....lnl truublt ,t't- tlnllo.1H>p. "If Ilr:nflw then ""hat I know todly,l would nnrr ha...e supported r",e\'tlo~~ . m,nt." he 5.1}'5. "AI . buslne$.~man. It , InokNi Irnt to me, bur look ".h.t it'~ done to this block," The Nemo Hotel once housed the Rcdevt'lopment AKcnc)"'s headquarters, Sa)"s a veteran police ser<<eant. 'That place is the worst on South Beach.' tSM f lis future By MICHAEL KRANISH H-.u s..<< W,.Un Boston has Beacon Hili. New York City has Greenwich VlIlt.e. Baltimore hu "ell', PoInL If AndrtW CapltmlD has his way, Dade County will have South Beach's Art Deco district - bUabl tumtd Manly. Today, It startS and stopl with the Hotel Cardozo. Ita '3IJ:rera by.tht-sea am. btanc:e attractlnl a troupe of yauna dinetl and \aU fans. Cardozo co-owner AnllTtw Capltman would like to see . to-block stretch of Ocean Drive lined with similar cabarets and reSUunntl, and the rest of the 120. block district tutnf'd Into upscale houslnl. "Dade Count)' doesn't han a 'bit' nelahbor1lOO4 like Boston aDd other (.\t- Its." ..ys Capltman. "Tbls Is loinl to bf- It." Thrtt w~ks 'ao. Capitm&n and I'll. 78 investor. announced. S6-mlllloll plan to rehabilitate uvea Ocean Drive.art. bo- leIs. t\l1tlini the SIG-S20 per.tUahl "pull. maaette$" new occupltd by retirees Into $~per.nllht hotel room. for the "cui- Illrtd vacationer," Similar tnnsformatlool of dytDI ndah- borboods are onder way In New York:. Boiton and Washington_ Plllllnen call the phenomonon "lentrlfluUoo" aocl 3IOme critlclu It btcaUR It dule. Iow-lm::ome nsldents a platt lo Ihe. But chance In tblt particular ntllbbor. hood II Inevltablt, Capll.man lreues. EI- thu It', more hJgh-r1ae condos or rrstored Art Deco. And Deco, he laYs. would cin people a ruson to come back to Miami Stach_ Final By MICHAEL KRANlSH I~NId stall WrlWl' Six years after Miami Beach unoul'lced plaM to tranl10rm the dty', decaytng llOUthemrnost tip Into a VI!IlIce-Uke r.- sort, a developer hu once &lalrL.promlsed to complf'te the \'ilion. Twice a putneublp hu bid on the $1.2-billlon proje.;t. TwIce the deal tau failed. This third attempt. which oUidals promise will be the last, faces u many o~u.c1e1 and u much opposition IS IDY befOTt It. lt wu once an ldea1atic vision: Clear the landscape of blight, 11V'e the area', 6,000 elderly residents I better borne than they 6larted with, c005tn.1ct . IIODpanll world-class resort surrounded by water - unab, bey and auln. So far, tht nloe-year-okt moratorium on. new coru;tructlon and the six-~f.ar-old redfowlopml"nt plan bave only hastened decay In the 255-acrtI area. ADd the new vision of rt!<1enlopment probably means a mlni-clty or corporate officH, not luxury hotels on a network of canal. as originally planned. Now. u the Miami Beach Red"dop. ment Agency starts nelotlations with the project', only bidder - a jolnt partner- Ihip of f1rlt BolIton Inc_ of New York and Tbe Rou.e Company or Co~mbla, Mo. - DO one I. certain the pro}ec1 will 5UCc~. It Is aD uncertainty that has marked the project from italnceptloD, Project's 'like an inranl' Steve Siskind, the orillnll nodevelop- ment pllnnet', says be promiled too mucb too 8OOn. SlBklcd, who two years IgO quit the lime)', says the plan mWil. not be shelved. '"ThIs project Is really like In la- flct,tO be lMotUlely fair," he sald_ Miami Buch, Redevelopment Agency ud Metro oltldala say a deal must. be signed by OK. U. But the Joil:lt partn~r- ship wants to put that oU until June 15. That request ror a 5tx.montb delay II a majOr ~umblln8 block that the Rt'dp\'l":I- opment ABency hope. to resolve belore Its k~ Wednesday burlnl before the City CommillloD_ Meanwhile, the dty', opUmll1D bas turned to pusfmlsm. City Manager Rob- ert Parkh:as hu tolo his No. 2 assi$tant. Sacdy Youkllls, to draw alternative plans Uthe latut plan falls. YouklUs u.ys the original concI'pt "thow. an amulng lack of planning. hav. ing to buy all that property lit once... It \ wu mucb too crandlose to ever be suc. ceSoliful." And M has similar doubta a.bout the cumnt plan: "I can't belltve a dneloper would put oown that much money to bu)' this much propeny In tbls economy." If no deal Is signed, he ncommends Chat the city create a "'uptr umiog board." which would give developers In- centhiMl to build Iccordlng to I new pin. That wu an Idea rint proposed In 1973 by then.Plannlng DlrllCtor Harold Toal. The Miami Beach Chamber of Commel'Cf' didn't like 1t.lI.ylng It would lead to more condos and rewer hotels. Led by Fon- tainebleau imton flotel ownftr St~f1l MUll, they proposed In 19n lhat the arel SOUTH BEACH: Suggestions for SalvaDon . the past? Deco t In advocates The poor-Depression, paste\-hued botels and apartffifflts were designed to takr the t'dle oU the hlU"shnltSS of life_ Everything In [)reo bulkllngs Is rounded and curved, The roofs soar with rocket.like Ons. Win- dows art round, Uke ponholes, A critic writing (or Nr.w York's Vlllllge Voice, AI- uander Cockburn, rl'antly ailed it "OM of the loveliest or.ighborhoOO5 in tlw> Unit- ecIStates." 1n the ey~ of Dt-co devot~$, Cbe afe's illCCess would spread to the 800-building DIltion&! historic district, which bu everything suburbia could offer, and more Instead or the man-lDaOe lakes of Ken. dall, it has an ocean Ind a bey. Instead 01 hJgh-pricecl Iook.Uke townhouses, It has a historic coIl<<tlon of archltt!Cture. Instead of a tratflc.doa:ged 2o-mile commute to downtown Miami, it has a two-mile drive over B1l1C&yne Bay. Oth",. particularly those who want the OpPOl'tunUy to build condominiums 00 offer: Offices instead of Carrying their lawn chairs in the afternoon 8un. an elderly couple walks down 10th Street toward Lummus Park. :!lOUth 01 Sixth Street be razed to make way for a grand reSOn_ ne'l Llald it would "bring back the Beach." It was. and I&, the mOlt txpt'nslvt urban renewal plan ever (ODcei\'ed. ac- cording 10 Don Plltch, the fedf'rAI official who hu reviewed such programs for 1-4 ~~;'b::'fh~~~ ~~ ~ua~lnBeC:~ redevelopmef1t wu bom, the mauive fed- eral urban renewal program died. But that dldc't deter MUM. who bt><:ame chairman of the Redeve~pment Alene)', He hlrf';d San Ftancbco pllnaer Siskind. SWtlnd', 1041: Creale a "deltlrution" re- liOrt 10 speelal u.at touristl would traV'e1 the world to vistt, Bulld the resort &rO\ll'ld a 2.7-mile utwCX'k of canals, the Atlantic Oceal'l. Bi""yne Bay and Government Cut. . For two years, the a&ency planned. And th. building moratorium In force since 1973 continued, MUla hdped finance the 1917 electioo of ileveral City CommlsslOb candidates, creatine a pro-redevelopment ma)orlly_ In 1973, the Dade County Grand Jury probed tht> campa!an contributions of Comm!6Sioner Elaine Writbunt &lid con- cludf!d. that $1.600 or her D\ODey came Comparison of Ori loal and Revised Pro ELEMENTS ORIGINAL Zoning . Rigid plan f j n " Building Mix l.and Ownership I I REVISED . No plan . Nine botels. island re6idences. offices, convention center. sei. ence center. sea habitat aUrac. tion 2596 condominium units . Public owns, developer leases . Half the number oC hotel rooms; twice the number of or. flce units, 5.411 condo units . Dc\'cloper owns Canals . 2.7..mile network . No canals Relocation Benefits .6,000 1976 residents relocated .3,000 remaining 1976 raidents relocated Housing for Elderly . $200 million developer relJpon.. . $10 million developer respousi. slbillty bility Timetable . Seven phases in eigbt ye8l'li . 10 to 15 years from New York.based MUS5 WiOclate:i. ;::~n~&ery ~~u~:un~e.::i~:J~~ "lettetafth!'law." The cootro\'fJt5'1 was typical of the ac. rimony that has surrounded the l'1N1evel- opment plan from the start.. In 1979, the agency nelotJated with a partnersbip or thl'H developers, AUanta- based Earl Worsbam, Dade Federal Sav- Inp aDd Loan Association, and Miami. based Turner Development. Expl"ctation., aoal"l"d. IhfO" plummeted, The dtal was never si8ned. Muss resigned u dlalrman but stayed on as board mt-m. ber and chid negoliator. The Muss coali. tlon on the commllRiion Whi toued out by voters in 1979 Expectations soartd again In 1980. oy a thr~-to-two ma}orlty, citywide voters approved Ihl'! concept of redevelopment. In the redew:lopml!:nt ar.a, the concrpt won support for the fir${ lime, 1.339 to 1,234. Many residents said they VOted for lhe plan because the area had changed far lbe worae since the 1973 cul1,truction moritontlm, The agency ltartPd negati.Uans with a grou.p of Investors. IncludlDJ Worsham, Fim Boston and The Rouse (;()mpauy. The florida Supreme Court approved a mechawun to enable the agency to aell the needed S200-mIlUon-plul worth of bon... I. 1980, tbe- bidden squabbled amonc tbemst'lves. High iDtere~t rates made tbe bonds unsalable. Ant Boston and co-de- veloper Worsham fougbt for the projeCt', control. Rather lban pick sides, the agen. cy fired mem, rebid the project a.nd came up with S\'!ven develo~n, among them Worsham. That group too was fired. Exasperated, tbe commi.ss1on $f'r a Dec_ 31, 1981 de.adUne for a new developer to be c1es1lnated. Potential bidder (ound Agency ChaIrman Irwin Sawitz, man- aler of Joe', Stone Crab rtltluraat, got a potentla1 bidder a week before the dead- ItDe.. He called Flnt Boston real estate vice president G. Ware Trnelltead Ind offered 10 cWlle the deal. Travelstead said he would agree 10 Mlat!.ate on that baal'. To entice developen to bid, the agency Ind the Beach Commission softened their zoning plln, allowed twice II maoy con- dominiums and offiets and half u many hotds, and atreed to sell - lutead of lease - tbe land to the d"tloper. TbOlfl concesslolU Atb;fled F1rst &6- toll, which rd8DfJd on Rouse to plan the project. Rouse hu de4lgned the hlahly ac- claimed Harbor Place project In Baltlmore and QuIncy MArketplace In Boston. On Aug. 16, Arlt Boston and Rouse be- eame the IOle bidders on the proJed. But they uked for two more concuslons: . Eliminate the 2.1-mlle network 01 Venellancanal.. . Delay the project for a1x months. Tbou&h the canals had on<< been de.. scribed u rssentlal to th~ project. the cornmjsslOD alreed to eUm.h18te them. But the commlssioll majority, tired of wa.ltlnl, objected .crongly two weeu.go to the requut for further delay, allOther The Miami ner~ld Sunday, AUgU8t :'. 1982 think so the oceanfront property, we little lovely about the dittrtct. '"There's nothing hi,. toric there," ariuea AM Resnick, who owru I doun South Beach Deco-style properties and lut year tore down tbe landmark New Yorker Hotel. "Irs ridlcu- Ious." The Beach Oty Commission hu rejea- tel a hlatoric preservation ordinance that would bave forced preservaUon while aD alternative buyer Wit: .ought, InSlead aclopt1nc a law that preserve!l a bulldlnl 0111'1 witb the owner's CODstnt. But recently the commission has offered significant tax break, to encour. ale restouUoo. Tbr ruton 1$ a poor economy, Irom whlcb Miami Beacb hu Jufferl.'d ,In<< be- fore lbe current nAtional r<<ession. It Is Idod to historic' preilerv1.tion, Builden can't afford to assemble the ~().lool bv lio.foot Sots. can't afford to gamble on .a big condominium, and can't get buyers III the current rJooded condo market. At the lame time, young middle-cLus worker. are looking lor re..onably priced rental apartmenta and, frequently today, an urban eovlronment clo&e to tllt' beach, "The profit potential Is enormous," Capitman says. And, Capltman say., eVfn if his Irand neighborhood plans should fail. his Inv('S- ton would still have primr oceanfront real utate. aDd could sUII replue the Deeo hotels wfth blib-rise condos. Says Capitman: "If t can't mike it work, &nd I think I will, then I owe It to my Invb;tors to 00 what!'ver it would take to make bKk thf'Jr Investmr.n1. n Venice sign of uncertalnlY. On TUl!jday the fiVe-member Redevcl- :::;: ~~~~ :':e ~:~t~:::lrt~~::~ ai, but the ...ency appears act to approve theconcrpt. No harm dODe, Sawitz says AleDCY Chairman Sawltz denies th.t tbe Impact of the nine-year-old conJIruc- lion moratorium bu harmtd the area, and u.y. the redevelopment project would be- come the biggest tourist attraction in South florida. It I, I. view lenerll1y shared by memben Marwin Cassel, an at- torney,aod MUM. MU$I,theagency's chief nt-gotlator, hit: consJstently refused to answ~r The Her- akl', questions about rtdevtlopment, Alency member Norman BTaman. a mllllonalre car duler, has said be doe&n'C "have faith" In F1nt Bo!ton because he 5lYI the company flU previously failed to follow throuxh on a requ!red, depoQt. Agency membrr Max Serchuk, a retiree who represents the art'a's elderly resi. dents, has crlticlzed th. propoul because It weakens the developt'r'a oommltment ror public housing from $200 million to S10 milllon. 'JlJc CIty Commlulon earlier this yt'ar approved tbe neW redeVf"lopmmt concept by. 601 Yate. It Is it scheduled to decide at 11 a.m. Wednesday whether to acc.pt the n~w proposal and grant a rrqumed slx.month df'lay. Bond plaD uDchanged A centnl concept In the orIlln.1 plan remain. unalterf"d, the method of Ilnanc. Injl the bulk of It. In e$itftce, bonds will be sold to pay for prPparlnl the land. and property taxes earnN by the Improved land will be us.ed to JMl'l off the bonds. The method Ia called tn-Increment flnudn&: and II de&laned to rehabilit&te blighted aren, In South Beach tb.at will be a "tu In- cremtflt" of about $25 million a year. the dUfer!'nce betwefn tanl produced by lbe are. In 1930 - $900,000 - aod the taxes Ihat will br. produced whrn the area Is fwly built - 126 mlUioD at cumnt rat". But that level (If taxation won't be achl"ed until the project Is luIly built, from 10 to ZO yeara. At the earJlt$t, con- struction ODce pllnned for 1979 W01lId be&ln In 1934. Currently, acCOrding to flrlil Boaton .at. torney Joyce Letten, it would be an "f'(:o- nomJe d.lsutu" to build the now'platl.DL'd resldentl.al condominiums. The company Instead anticipates ton6lrUctlDg offSce buildin&$, Tn about 10 )'ears that would crute demand lor the Original vision of aho~ hotels and condoa, Let~n has said. "There'J 10 many uncontrollable ele. ments Involved lbat It Is dUficult to say what the exact plan or time schedllle will be'," Agency ExecuUve Director Gideon Kellerman said. "You ClJl.aot predict the real estate market or the economy. Hope- fully, we'll complete tht pro)l!cl Ii soon asposcible," Thl!ll lIallI, u Kelltnnan cautions and the realdenta of South Brach already know, "nothlnglscertain." ',---"-'~~_.~~~" ~ '~~-:7i'~~ ;.t,~~ ~~i'~ I.,~",.. ~~~~ ,.......' '1"" 7l~ '~', ':", 3 .;-'- "'~' ',: :f-, ., ' . r"., , ~''''-L:,' ....., "'-, ~-; ." ,j ^ '~: \. 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