97-22528 RESO RESOLUTION No. 97-22528 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, ADOPTING AND APPROPRIATING FUNDS FOR THE POLICE CONFISCATION TRUST FUND BUDGET FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98 IN THE AMOUNT OF $370,933, SAID BUDGET TO BE FUNDED FROM THE PROCEEDS OF CONFISCATED FUNDS ($255,933 FROM STATE FUNDS AND $115,000 FROM FEDERAL FUNDS). WHEREAS, Section 932.705, Florida Statutes, addresses the purposes and procedures to be utilized for the appropriation and expenditures of the Police Confiscation Trust Fund; and WHEREAS, the Chief of Police of the City of Miami Beach has determined that the need for appropriations and expenditures exist, and the appropriation and expenditure of forfeiture funds is in compliance with Section 932.705, Florida Statutes and with Federal guidelines; and NOW, THEREFORE BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, that the Mayor and City Commission hereby appropriate the funds for the 97/98 Police Confiscation Trust Fund Budget for the City of Miami Beach, in the amount of $370,933, as reflected in Exhibit "A". PASSED AND ADOPTED THIS ATTEST BY: ~cr ~c1uA City Clerk FUNDING APPROVAL: APPROVED AS TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION 1Ui, ~ ity Attorney ;/16/91 Date AFFIDAVIT I, Richard Barreto, Chief of Police, City of Miami Beach, do hereby certify that the aforementioned proposed request for expenditures from the City of Miami Beach Police Confiscation Trust Fund, for the 1997/98 fiscal year providing funds expenditures as indicated in Exhibit "A" complies with the provisions of Section 932.704(3) (a), Florida Statutes and federal guidelines. ro~i~11f~~CVjM ~ r Chief of Police Miami Beach Police Department 9 dePf. .~, '7 Date POLICE CONFISCATION TRUST FUND EXPENDITURES FISCAL YEAR 97/98 BUDGET STATE FUNDS ,: COSTS CONNECTED WITH THE PROSECUTION AND PROCESSING OF FORFEITURE CASES $5,000 REIMBURSEMElvT FOR PROTECTIVE VESTS 10,000 (40 at $450" 00 each) TRAINING AND SUBSCRIPTION FOR THE LEGAL UNIT 1,000 PERTAINING TO CONFISCATIONS AND FORFEITURES ACCREDITATION - To continue the process to 15,570 to make the MBPD an accredited police agency. This will be possible meeting standards set by the Comm~lssion on Accredi tation of Law Enforcement Agencies (C.A.L.E.A.). D. A. R. E. The curriculum has changed for DARE 10,000 requiring the Department to purchase new and additional ~ltems in order to continue the program (including training for assigned officers) Expenses re}ated to quarterly meetings and award 5,000 ceremonies For employee and community recognition (plaques, certifica tes, etc.) Expenses re}ated to the "SCAN" PROGRAM (A cooperative 3,000 program successfully implemented by other agencies.) The program which is partially funded by the local hotels alons.r the Miami Beach Boardwalk facili ta tes the communication between private security personnel and the Pol]~ce Department Expenses re:Lated to the CITIZENS OBSERVER 5,000 PROGRAM (COP) EXPENSES RELATED TO DIVERSITY RECRUITMENT/HIRING 5,000 LEASE OF CARS 150,000 ASSISTANCE TO TOURIST/VICTIMS OF CRIME This project: will assist tourist/victims of crime durinsr the hours/days after they have been victimJzed. Funds will be used on "an as needed basis" for tourist victims, to cover 3,500 transportat~[on (cabs, airline ticket re-issuance), hotel/motel rooms, food, clothing, medicine, etc. Each tourisc/victim will be screened to determine if any other resources can be used. Tourist/ victims wiLl be asked to pay back any funds they are furnished. STRATEGIC Pl~ANNING SESSION FOR MBPD STAFF 5,000 ESTABLISH AND FUND A POLICE COMMUNITY RELATIONS TEAM (EQUIPMENT liND ACTIVITIES) 2,000 G.R.E.A.T. (Gang Resistance Education and Training) $12,000 provided by the Miami Beach Police Department. This program is a community policing effort in which two police officers tech children strategies for resisting drugs, peer pressure and conflict resolution. The police officers will be trained to deliver the GREAT curriculum. In addition, the police officers will follow up the intervention with continued recreational involvement with the children MATCH GRANTS: VOCA (Victims of Crime Act-Domestic Violence) 8,522 PYCAP {Police and Youth Community Assistance Program 4,918 GARP (Gang )~ctivi ty Reduction Program) 10,423 SUB-TO']"AL STATE FUNDS $255,933 FEDERAL - CUSTOMS: REPORT CONTROL CENTER (RCC-FRONT DESK) 80,000 (to include removing of the existing structure and construction of new unit) BAR CODING gYSTEM for the Property Uni t to keep 35, 000 a more accurate inventory system to include Evidence, Shift Change, Capital Equipment and Quartermaster databases. SUB - TO'I~AL FEDERAL - CUSTOMS $115,000 GRAND TOTAL EXHIBIT "A" $37.0,933 CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission DATE: September 24, 1997 FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager TRUST FUND BUDGET FOR SUBJECT: POLICE CONFIS FISCAL YEAR 9 ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND The expenditure of forfeiture funds for law enforcement purposes under the federal guidelines is a proper expenditure. Florida Statute 932.705 provides for, but is not limited to, expenditure of forfeiture funds for crime prevention and other law enforcement purposes. The Chief of Police of the City of Miami Beach has determined that the need for appropriation and expenditures exists and that the appropriation and expenditures of funds is in compliance with Section 932.705, Florida Statutes. ANALYSIS The Administration requests authorization to adopt an operating budget for the Police Confiscation Trust Fund for FY 97/98 to appropriate $370,933 ($255,933 from State funds and $115,000 from Federal funds) to be used to provide funds for the expenditures listed in Exhibit "A". The Administration recommends that the Mayor and City Commission adopt the operating budget for the Police Confiscation Trust Fund and appropriate funding. AGENDA ITEM DATE~ C.1E In accordance with Florida Statute 932.705, forfeiture funds have been deposited in the Police Confiscation Trust Fund and all other statutory procedures have been complied with. CONCLUSION The proper procedure has been complied with in accordance with Florida State Statute 932.705. Forfeiture funds have been collected pursuant to Asset Sharing agreements ~lith various Federal agencies pursuant to 18 USCA 981 (e) 2 i 21 USCA 881) e) (1) (A) and (e) (3) i and/or USCA 1616a a:t have been deposited in the Police Confiscation Trust Fund. J~p11:ep