#412 c Data About Miami Beach 1950sabout ~i~ Beach Ferry years a~ when ~iami Beach was founded, no utility thought it worthwhile to run electric lines to the village, se the developers paid f~ the~ out-of-pocket. New the city uses 35 ~lion kilowatt h~urs a month ... Early ill,mi Beach ~esidents eb+~4~ed their bath water fr~a e~ow wells pumped by windmills. Now huge mains bring five and a half ~illien gallons a year from the mainland. Miami Beach ha~ mere telephenes than permanent residents. Present census esttmatos put 58,000 population within the city, and there are 72~000 telephones ... The answer of course is the large number of hotel roo~s · Mi~ml Beach is one of the few places in the world ~here a visitor can go sightseeing in winter by blimp, or charter beat and equipment for u~derwater fishing ·.· The oar parking concession is big business at Miami ~each hotels. One student worked his way through the University of ~iami parking cars and is st~ll doing itt having found nothing in ~he professional world that pa~s as well. Leisure is still the mest popular cc~aodity at Miami Beach. Surveys a~ew vacationers spend more time sunning at beach and cabana than anything else ... Reeagnizin2 this, ~iami Beach's newest hotel consists of 550 recks and 265 cabanas· The Shah and Queen ef Irans when they arrive in Miami Beach next week, will be the first royal visitors e~tertained here since 7~b~rd of England was a familiar figure befere the war ....~ery presider since Harding has visited Miami Beach and Heover still goes fishing fr~, here.