LTC 311-2004 Resident Survey
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. 311-2004
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City commis:ySion
Jorge M. Gonzalez nrY'
City Manager
Date: December 15, 2004
The purpose of this LTC is to provide you with a draft copy of our resident survey. The
survey questions were designed by the Hay Group based on the feedback that was
collected from the various focus groups and meetings they held with residents, members of
the business community, representatives from Miami Beach-based civic organizations, and
the Mayor and Commissioners, etc. The resident survey currently has 63 fixed-choice
questions (not including the demographic questions) and one open-end question. This is
longer than the 45 questions the Hay Group was aiming for; however, they wanted to give
us the option of cutting questions (versus the Hay Group making these decisions). We will
be separately providing you with the draft surveys for businesses and civic organizations
when they are made available by the Hay Group.
The Hay Group has mapped the resident survey against some available benchmarks
(other comparable communities). These include: Atlanta, Boca Raton, Charlotte, North
Carolina, Pinellas County, Florida (which includes Clearwater and St. Petersburg), Fort
Lauderdale, Orleans Parrish (includes the City of New Orleans), New York City, San
Antonio, San Francisco, Santa Monica, Savannah, Scottsdale, and Virginia Beach.
Further, Hay has indicated where there are reasonable matches between our survey and
the surveys for other surveys recently conducted by Florida cities. Here's the key:
KW = Key West
MD = Miami Dade
ML = Miami Lakes
The resident survey will be conducted by phone beginning January 5, 2005 with a small
number administered by mail to capture those residents without landline phone service and
control for response bias. Hay may also conduct follow-on focus group interviews at the
City's request to probe deeper on specific issues identified in the survey results.
Please review and provide any comments, edits, or suggestions you may have to me by
Tuesday, December 21, 2004.
Please feel free to contact me if you have any questions or need any additional
information. 381J.:I0 S,;PErlJ i,J.!:!
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2004 Resident Satisfaction Survey
DRAFT - 12/15
INTRODUCTION: Hello, my name is calling on behalf of the City of Miami Beach. This is NOT a sales
call. We are conducting a survey of City residents and your household was selected at random. May I please speak to
Mr.lMrs.lMs. ? [Note to interviewer: If person is not available or there is no such person at this number,
ask: "OK. May I please speak with someone who is over 18 years of age and who lives in the City of Miami Beach?'7
1. "Yes, speaking." [Continue below]
2. "Yes, hold on" [When respondent picks up, repeat introduction above minus "May I please speak to... "]
3. "He/she is not available." [Get call back time]
4. "No such person here." [Thank and end call.]
The City of Miami Beach government is interested in hearing your views to better meet your service expectations and
improve the quality of life in the City. The City is very interested in learning what is important to residents like yourself who
may not have the time to tell City officials what you think. This survey will only take about 10 minutes of your time. May we
To start, how would you rate the City of Miami Beach on each of the following? Would you say excellent, good, fair or
poor? [READ LIST]
1. Being a safe city in which to live
2. Being a beautiful city
3. Providing a stable residential community
4. Offering a unique urban and historic environment
5. Being a cultural, entertainment and tourism capital
6. Being an international center for innovation in culture, recreation and business
7. Being a city with well-improved infrastructure
About City Services and Quality of Life
8. Overall, how would you rate the quality of life within the City of Miami Beach? Would you say excellent, good, fair, or
1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
And, how would you rate each of the following attributes of quality within the City of Miami Beach? Would you say
excellent, good, poor or very poor?
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Excellen~t I:' / ~
9. Cleanliness of streets in your neighborhood KW
10. Cleanliness of streets in business/commercial areas
11. Enforcement of codes and ordinances in your neighborhood 1 3
12. S~~~~:~~':,St~,~~Oi~,!~?~9J~,~).~P;:"L'$fii '" 1 5
13. TI~',~;",;;i,\lII!~~;!:'tl!l:Ri~:'lil!!;fti)ij~~I~!!I~b,"Il"~'.. ,Jilt$ 1 5
14. Availability of affordable housing 1 5
15. The appearance and maintenance of the City's public buildings 1 5
16. Overall quality of the beaches (cleanliness, water quality, etc.) KW 1 5
17. OPEN-ENDED QUESTION. What one area is the most important to you with regards to quality of life in Miami Beach?
How would you rate each of the following recently completed capital improvement projects in the City of Miami Beach?
Would you say excellent, good, fair or poor?
18. Beachwalk 5
19. North Shore Youth Center 5
20. The Scott Rakow Ice-rink 5
21. Parks 1 3 5
Now, how would you rate each of the following services provided by the City of Miami Beach? Using the same scale for
each, would you say excellent, good, fair, poor or don't know?
Don't Know/Do Not Use
22. Parks maintenance MD, KW
23. Landscape maintenance in rights of way and public areas
24. Recreation programs and facilities MD, KW, ML
25. Garbagerrrash collection MD
26. Building code enforcement ML
27. Street repair/maintenance/smoothness
28. How would you rate the amount of noise in your neighborhood on a typical day?
1. Acceptable/Not a problem most of the time [SKIP TO Q30]
2. Too much
3. Much too much
29. If there is too much noise, what is typically the main cause? Please choose ONE from the following list. [READ LIST]
1. Construction
2. General Traffic
3. Busesrrrucks
4. Night Clubs/Restaurants
5. Festivals/Events
6. Other
30. In general, how good a job do you feel Miami Beach City government is doing in meeting your needs and/or the needs
of your family? Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor? KW
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
Getting Around the City
31. What is your primary mode of transportation in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Car
2. Mass transit (including buses, trains, etc.)
3. Walking/Bicycling
4. I stay home most of the time
32. To what extent are speeding cars/aggressive drivers an issue in Miami Beach?
1. To a small extent
2. To some extent
3. To a great extent
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
33. When you drive in Miami Beach, would you say finding a satisfactory parking space is.,,? {READ LIST] KW
1. Hardly ever a problem
2. Sometimes a problem
3. Usually a problem
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't drive/Don't know
34. How do you feel about traffic flow where you drive in Miami Beach?
1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't drive/Don't know
35. How do you feel about the availability of retail shops, diverse business opportunities, or commercial service options in
the City of Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Too many
2. About the right amount
3. Too few
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
36. How would you rate the overall value of City services for the tax dollars that you pay? Would you say excellent, good,
fair or poor?
1. Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
37. What is your level of satisfaction with local schools within the City of Miami Beach? Would you say very satisfied,
satisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied?
1. Very satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4. Dissatisfied
5. Very dissatisfied
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
38. Would you support the City of Miami Beach investing local resources to increase public school funding in order to
improve the quality of the public schools in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Yes, definitely
2. Yes, probably
3. Hard to say
4. No, probably not
5. No, definitely not
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
Our next topic is safety in Miami Beach. How would you rate the overall quality of the each of the following public safety
services provided by the City? Using the same scale for each, would you say excellent, good, fair or poor?
Don't Know/Do Not Use
39. Police MD, ML
40. Fire
41. Emergency Medical Response M 0
42. Ocean Rescue
Please answer the following questions as to whether you feel very safe, reasonably safe, somewhat safe, unsafe or very
43. How safe do you feel in your neighborhood during the day? MD
44. How safe do you feel in your neighborhood during the evening/night?MD
45. How safe do you feel in business/commercial areas during the
46. What do you feel is the most imoortant area that the City of Miami Beach can address to improve public safety
throughout the City? Please listen to the entire list first before responding with ONE answer. [READ LIST FROM
1 . Preventing crime
2. Enforcement of traffic laws
3. Increase visibility of police in neighborhoods
4. Increase visibility of police in business/commercial areas
5. Improving safety in public areas
6. Improving safety of our beaches
7. Other
8. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/not interested
Communications/Customer Service
47. How do you most often get your information about the City (government, services, activities, meetings, etc.)? Choose
the most common method. [READ LIST]
1. Cable Channel 20
2. Miami Beach website
3. Newspapers (Miami Herald, etc.)
4. Answer Center
5. E-mails from City government, departments or agencies
6. Direct mail from City government, departments or agencies
7. Other
8. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/Not interested
48. How do you feel about the amount of information you get from the City? [READ LIST]
1. Too much
2. About the right amount
3. Too little
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/Not interested
49. During the last 6 months, have you personally contacted, either by phone or in-person, any City of Miami Beach
government departments with a question, service request or complaint? [READ LIST] MO, ML
1. Yes, one contact
2. Yes, several contacts
3. No contact [SKIP TO Q55]
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't remember
Thinking about your most recent contact with City government, would you say you strongly agree, agree neither agree nor
disagree, disagree or strongly disagree about each of the following statements? [READ LIST]
Stron I Disa
Strongly agree
50. It was easy to get to someone who could help me MD 1 5
51. The employees that assisted me were courteous and professional MD 1 5
52. The employees that assisted me had the proper training and knowledge 1 5
53. Overall, I was satisfied with the experience I had contacting the City MD, KW, ML 1 5
54. To what extent do you agree or disagree that City of Miami Beach government is open and interested in hearing the
concerns or issues of residents? [READ LIST]
1. Strongly Agree
2. Somewhat Agree
3. Neither Agree Nor Disagree
4. Somewhat Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
Culture, Entertainment & Tourism
55. On average, how many nights a week do you go to restaurants, nightclubs, or use other entertainment in Miami
Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Several times a week
2. Once a week
3. A couple times a month
4. Once a month or less often
5. I don't go out in Miami Beach
56. How do you feel about the availability of restaurants. niahtclubs. or other entertainment areas in Miami Beach? [READ
1. Too many
2. About the right amount
3. Too few
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
57. How do you feel about the availability of cultural activities and events (such as Art Basel, film festivals, theaters, and
musicals) in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Too many
2. About the right amount
3. Too few
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
58. How often do you attend special events (such as the boat shows, music awards, etc.) that come to Miami Beach every
year? [READ LIST]
1 . Frequently
2. Sometimes
3. Seldom/Not at all
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
59. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The Tourism industry in Miami Beach contributes to the quality
of life for residents within the City. Do you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or strongly
disagree? [READ LIST]
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/Not sure
In Summary
60. Overall, how would you rate the City of Miami Beach as a place to live? [READ LIST] MD
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
61. Would you say that as a place to live, the City of Miami Beach is better now than it was about a few years ago, would
you say it is worse, or would you say it is about the same? [READ LIST] ML, Sarasota
1 . Better now
2. About the same
3. Worse now
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/I haven't lived here long enough
62. What has gotten better in the past few years? Please listen to the choices first before giving ONE answer. [READ
1. Safety
2. Cost of living
3. Recreation/cultural events
4. Nightlifelrestaurants
5. Noise
6. Transportation service
7. Traffic
8. Development/construction of new buildings, etc.
9. Communications to and from the City
10. Tourism
11. Other
63. What has gotten worse in the past few years? Please listen to the choices first before giving ONE answer. [READ
1 . Safety
2. Cost of living
3. Recreation/cultural events
4. Nightlife/restaurants
5. Noise
6. Transportation service
7. Traffic
8. Development/construction of new buildings, etc.
9. Communications to and from the City
10. Tourism
11. Other
64. OPEN-ENDED QUESTION. Thinking about your neighborhood or the City overall, what one change would make
Miami Beach a better place for you and/or your family?
I just have some final questions for you for classification purposes only so that we ensure a representative sample of City
residents. All personal information is strictly confidential and will not be given to City officials or businesses.
65. Gender [DO NOT ASK]
1. Male
2. Female
66. What is your racial/ethnic background? [READ LIST]
1. White/Caucasian (non-hispanic)
2. Black/African American (non-hispanic)
3. Hispanic/Latino
4. Asian/Pacific Islander
5. Native American
6. Other
7. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
67. What type of residence do you live in? [READ LIST]
1. Single family unit
2. Duplex or multi-family unit
3. Apartment/Condominium home not part of a complex or community
4. Apartment/Condominium home that is part of a complex or community
5. Other
6. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
68. Are you a homeowner or renter?
1. Homeowner
2. Renter
3. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
69. How long have you lived in the City of Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1 . Less than 6 months
2. 6 months but less than 2 years
3. 2 to less than 5 years
4. 5 to less than 10 years
5. 10 to less than 20 years
6. More than 20 years
7. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
70. What is your age? [READ LIST]
1. 24 years of age or younger
2. 25 to 34 years old
3. 35 to 44 years old
4. 45 to 54 years old
5. 55 to 64 years old
6. Over 65 years of age
7. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
71. What is the combined annual income of all members of your household from all sources? [READ LIST]
1. Under $25,000
2. $25,000 to $49,000
3. $50,000 to $74,000
4. $75,000 to $99,000
5. $100,000 to $199,000
6. $200,000 or more
7. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
72. How many months out of the year do you live in the City of Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. 1 - 3 months
2. 4 - 6 months
3. 7 - 9 months
4. 10 - 12 months
5. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
This concludes the survey. Thank you for your time.