97-22540 RESO RESOLUTION NO. 97-22540 A RESOLUTION OF THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORMANDY SHORES LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ADOPTING AN AD VALOREM MILLAGE OF 0.966 MILLS FOR THE NORMANDY SHORES LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, WHICH IS THREE AND FIVE-TENTHS PERCENT (3.5%) GREATER THAN THE "ROLLED- BACK" RATE OF 0.933 MILLS, FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98. WHEREAS, for the purpose of providing security services within the Normandy Shores neighborhood area, the Mayor and City Commission adopted Ordinance No. 93-2881 on October 20, 1993, which authorized the creation of the Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District (District); and WHEREAS, for the purpose of providing security services within the District, the Ad Valorem millage rate assigned amounts to 0.966 mills; and WHEREAS, the millage rate reflected is three and five tenths percent (3.5%) greater than the "rolled-back" rate of 0.933 mills; and WHEREAS, on September 11, 1997, at a public hearing held before the Mayor and City Commission, acting as the Board of Directors of the District (Board), the Board tentatively adopted the operating millage rate and tentative operating budget for the District for FY 1997/98. NOW THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORMANDY SHORES LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, that, pursuant to Section 200.065, Florida Statutes, there is hereby levied a tax of 0.966 mills for Fiscal Year 1997/98 on all taxable and non-exempt real and personal property located within the boundaries of the Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District for the purpose of providing security services. PASSED and ADOPTED this 2qth day of September, 1997. APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION ATTEST: D oL4<f ~ttA.~ ~TY CLERK 1.fjJiuit- ~ mey Date CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 http:\\cLmiami-beach.f1.us COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ 3 ~ -0, l TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission DA TE: September 24, 1997 FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedros City Manager SUBJECT: F THE BOARD OF DIRECTORS OF THE NORMANDY SHORES L AL GOVERNMENT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT ADOPTING AN AD VALOREM MILLAGE OF 0.966 MILLS FOR THE NORMANDY SHORES LOCAL GOVERNMENT NEIGHBORHOOD IMPROVEMENT DISTRICT, WHICH IS THREE AND FIVE-TENTHS PERCENT (3.5%) GREATER THAN THE "ROLLED- BACK" RATE OF 0.933 MILLS, FOR FISCAL YEAR 1997/98. RECOMMENDATION: The Administration recommends that the City Commission, acting in its capacity as the Board of Directors for the Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District, adopt the attached Resolution which sets the following: 1) Final adopted millage rate for FY 1997/98 Normandy Shores 0.966 mills (0.980 last year) 2) The adopted millage rate of 0.966 mills is 3.5% greater than the "rolled-back" rate of 0.933 mills. The first public hearing on the proposed Normandy Shores millage rate and budget for FY 1997/98 was held at 5:02 P. M., Thursday, September 11, 1997 in the City Commission Chambers, City Hall, 1700 Convention Center Drive. At the end of the public hearing, the recommended millage rates were tentatively adopted. PROCEDURE The operating millage and budget for this dependent special taxing district must be adopted in accordance with Florida Statutes. This procedure requires that this Resolution be considered immediately after the millage and budget of the principal taxing authority, i.e., City of Miami Beach. It also prescribes that a final millage be adopted first. This is accomplished by adopting a Resolution which states the percent increase or decrease over the "rolled-back" rate. Following this, another Resolution which adopts the Normandy Shores operating budget must be approved. (See accompanying Agenda Item R111'or details). AGENDA ITEM ----6...J....B. DATE~ Normandy Shores FY 1997/98 Final Millage Page Two September 24, 1997 Due to a recent Florida state statute amendment, it is no longer required that the resolution be read aloud in its entirety; however, the statute does require the name of the taxing authority, the rolled back rate, the percentage increase, and the millage rate be publicly announced before the adoption of the millage levy resolution. Therefore, the resolution title only should be announced before the adoption of the millage resolution. BACKGROUND The Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District, a dependent taxing district of its principal, the City of Miami Beach, was established in 1994 to provide continual 24 hour security to this gated community; FY 1997/98 represents its fourth year of operation. The district is established by ordinance 93-2881, and has the authority "to levy an ad valorem tax on real and personal property of up to two mills, provided that no parcel of property will be assessed more than $500 annually for such improvements". Based on the January 1, 1997, "Certification of Taxable Values" for this district, the highest assessed property within the district is valued at $517,267, which requires a millage rate of 0.966. This millage yields an assessment of $499.68 which is less than $500. ANALYSIS The ad valorem millage recommended by the Administration is 0.966 mills to provide tht: level of security services required by this district. At this millage, no property owner's levy will exceed $500. This tax levy will generate proceeds of $49,335. The total operating budget to provide security services to this district for FY 1997/98 is $91,250. The total budgetary requirement of the district must be supplemented by the General Fund in the amount of$41,915 or 46% of the total operating budget. The General Fund has funded this shortfall for each of the three years :,ince the District was established. The amount provided for this purpose in the General Fund in FY 1996/97 is $42,552. It is understood that the city cannot continue to subsidize this service, and to the extent possible, it should be self-supporting. The Administration will meet with the homeowners' association 1:0 jointly develop recommendations to address this issue, to be presented during the ensuing budgt:t year in a timely fashion, such that they may be incorporated into the FY 1998/99 budget devdopment process. It must be noted that in accordance with State Statute, there is a 10 mill operating cap which cannot be exceeded without voter approval. Combining both millages from the dependent district (0.966) and the principal taxing authority (7.499) totals 8.465 mills, which is 1.535 mills less than the 10 mill cap. CONCLUSION The City Commission acting in its capacity as the Board of Directors of the Normandy Shores Local Government Neighborhood Improvement District should adopt the attached Resolution which establishes a final millage. J~C:KRW