Operatinmg #2
BR-27 REV, (12/78)
Title of Account Mi;imi Beach Rerlevelopnent Agency - Operating #2
Resolution Dated October 17, 1984
I, as Secretary of M;.::nn; HA;:!~h 'RMP\TP 1 npnPI1t AgAlcy
a corporation duly organized and existing under the laws of the State of Florio::! I hereby certify
to Intercontinental Bank that a meeting of the Board of Directors of said corporation was duly called and held
at its office in the City of M; rim; Beach and State of Florida
on the 17th day of CCtober 19 84
and voting throughout, and that the following resolutions on motion duly made and seconded were unanimously
adopted and are now in full force and effect:
DEPOSITS AND RESOLVED, that Intercontinental Bank (hereinafter referred to as the "Bank") be and hereby is designated as a depository of this
WITHDRAWALS corporation and that the ollicers and agents of this corporation be and hereby are, and each of them hereby is, authorized to endorse for, and to
deposit, any of the funds of this corporation in said Bank.
RESOL VED, that until the further order of this board of directors all checks, notes, drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances, undertakings,
or other instruments or orders for the payment of money, whether drawn against the Intercontinental Bank or any other bank, may be cashed,
deposited or negotiated, and all funds of this corporation shall be subject to withdrawal or charge at any time and from time to time upon
checks, notes, drafts, bills of exchange, acceptances, undertakings or other instruments or orders for payment of money when made, signed,
drawn, accepted or endorsed on behalf of this corporation bv the following:
Ibb W. Parkins -- EKecutive Director
Richard L. Fosrrom -- Deputy Director
krr:l Hoffman -- .Administrative Secretary
'IWJ signatures requirerl.
NOTE: Clients are requested to insert in the spaces above and below, titles only of the signing officers, where applicable, or the names of other
authorized persons, also, to Indicate fully in what manner they'are to sign, i.e, singly, any two, jointly, etc., as for instance: the President, Vice
President, Secretary and Treasurer or any "one" or "two" of them (or indicate any special combination).
RESOLVED, that the Bank is hereby authorized to pay any such instruments or make any such charge
and also to receive the same from the payee or any other holder without inquiry as to the circumstances of
issue or the disposition of the proceeds even if drawn to the individual order of any signing person, or payable
to said Bank or Dthers for his account, or tendered in payment of his individual obligation, and whether drawn
against an account in the name of this corporation or in the name of any officer or agent of this corporation as
RESOLVED, that the following (SEE NOTE ABOVE)
Ibb W. Parkins -- EKecutive Director
Richard L. Fosrroen -- Deputy Director
krr:l Hoffman -- Administrative Secretary
'IWJ signatures requirerl.
are hereby authorized on behalf of this corporation:
1 To borrow money and to obtain credit for this corporation from the Bank on any terms and to make and deliver notes, drafts,
acceptances, instruments of guaranty, and any other obligations of this corporation therefor in form satisfactory to the Bank.
2 To pledge or ass'gn and del,ver, as security for money borrowed or cred,t obtained, stocks, bonds, bills receivable, accounts,
mortgages, merChand,se, bills,of-Iadlng, warehouse receipts, Insurance poliCies, certificates, and any other property held by or belonging to this
corporation With full authOrity to endorse, assign or guarantee the same in the name of this corporation.
3 To discount any bills receivable or any paper held by this corporation with full authority to endorse the same ,n the name 01 lh,s
4 To withdraw from the Bank and g,ve receipt for, or to authorize the Bank to deliver to bearer or to one or more des'gnateo persons. all
or any documents and securlt,es or other property held by It, whefher held as collateral security or tor safekeep,ng or for any other purpose
5 To authorize and request the Bank to purchase or sell lor account of the corporation, stockS. bonds and other SecUrities, ana
6 To execute and deliver all Instruments reqUired by Ihe Bank ,n connection With any 0\ the foregOing matters and allll thereto fhe seal
of this corporation.
RESOLVED, that the Secretary or any other officer of this corporation be, and hereby's. authOrized to cert,fy to the Bank the names of :he
present officers of thiS corporat,on and other persons authOrized to Sign for ,t anO the 011 Ices respectively held by them, together w,th spec,mens
01 their signatures, and in case of any change of any holder 0\ any such olllce or hOlders 0\ any such ofllces, the lact of suCh change and the
names of any new officers and the off,ces respectively held by them, together w,th spec,mens of the" s'gnatures: and the Bank be, ana hereby's,
authOrized to honor any inslrument s'gned by any new oll,cer or olllcers In respect of whom It has received any such cert,l,cate or certlllcates With
the same torce and effect as if said oflicer or said officers were named In Ihe foregOing resolutions in the place of any person or persons wllh
the same t'tle or titles.
RESOLVED, thai the Bank be promptly not,fled In wrttlng by the Secretary or any oll'cer of th.s corporal Ion of any change In these
resoluttons, such notice to be given to each Office of the Bank ,n which any account of thiS corporation may be maintained, and thai until It has
. I
actually received such notice In writing It IS authOrized to act In pursuance of these resolut,ons. and that until It has actua'ly so receIved such
notice It shall be Indemnified and saved harmless from any loss sullered or liability :ncurrea by ,t In continuing to act ,n pursuance 0\ these
resolut,ons, even though Ihese resolutions may have been changed'
I FURTHER CERTIFY that there is no provision in the Charter or By-Laws of the said corporation
limiting the power of the Board of Directors to pass the foregoing resolutions, and that the same are in
conformity with the provisions of said Charter and By-Laws,
I FURTHER CERTIFY that the present officers of said corporation and the offices respectively held by
them are as follows:
Mayor Malcolm H. Fromberg
Vice Mayor S:iJ)ney Weisburd
Ccmnissioner Bruce Singer
Ccmnissioner Alex Daoud
Ccmnissioner Stanley Arkin
Ccmnissioner Ben Gra1ald
Ccmnissioner William Smckett
Ibb W. Parkins
Richard L. FOSITOa1
Elaine M. Baker
Executive Director
Deputy Director
IN WITNESS WHEREOF, I have hereunto set my hand as Secretary of said corporation and affixed the
corporate seal this
day of
19 84
. NOTE In case Ihe Secretary or other recording officer IS autho"zed to Sign checks, noles, elc , by the above resolutions this certificate must m
be Signed by a second o'"cer Of the corporation