94-21428 Reso RESOLUTION NO. 94-21428 A RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE ADMINISTRATION'S APPLICATION REQUEST THAT THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION, UNDER ITS 1995-96 UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM, PERFORM A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE PROPOSED SOUTH BEACH CIRCULATOR, A DEDICATED BUSWAY LOOP, AND ITS CONNECTION TO DOWNTOWN MIAMI; AND THAT THE STUDY ALSO INCLUDE DETERMINATION OF THE MID-BEACH AREA TRANSIT NEEDS. WHEREAS, pursuant to City Resolution No. 94-21324, on October 4, 1994 the Administration requested that the Metropolitan Planning Organization IMPOI perform a feasibility study for the proposed South Beach Circulator as part of the MPO's 1995-96 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWPI; and WHEREAS, the Circulator would run special vehicles on a dedicated right-of-way Ibuswayl on the Beach loop 11 st Street, Washington Avenue, 17th Street, and Alton Road) with a connection to downtown Miami; and WHEREAS, the feasibility study would identify transportation problems and needs, determine solutions, and evaluate the validity of a busway as a pre-rail experiment; and WHEREAS, on November 14, 1994, the South Beach Transportation Management Association (TMAI requested that the scope of the feasibility study be expanded to include determination of the transit needs of the Mid-Beach, including 41 st Street, the hospital and hotel areas; and WHEREAS, as requested by TMA, an amended application has been submitted in order to meet the December 20, 1994 deadline. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. THAT the Mayor and City Commission ratify the amended application as submitted by the Administration for the MPO's performance of a feasibility study under the 1995-96 UPWP. ATTEST: ~~ CI Y CLERK f~~ ,1994. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 21st day of alj (upwpresl FORM APPROVED Lepl DIpL By 'Tc..v Date~ CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIArIIldEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ ~. CITY OF MIAI\J11 BEACH TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission DATE: December 21. 1994 FROM: Roger M. ca....l1. n I CityManage;~ SUBJECT: A RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE APPLICATION SUBMITTED TO THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION FOR FUNDING UNDER THE 1995-96 UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM FOR THE THE MIAMI BEACH TRANSPORTATION DEVELOPMENT PLAN; AUTHORIZING THE MAYOR TO EXECUTE ANY MEMORANDUM OF AGREEMENT FOR THE FUNDS, WHEN AWARDED, AND AUTHORIZING APPROPRIATION OF THE FUNDS, IF NECESSARY. ~ RESOLUTION RATIFYING THE ADMINISTRATION'S APPLICATION REQUEST THAT THE METROPOLITAN PLANNING ORGANIZATION, UNDER ITS 1995~96 UNIFIED PLANNING WORK PROGRAM, PERFORM A FEASIBILITY STUDY FOR THE PROPOSED SOUTH BEACH CIRCULATOR, A DEDICATED BUSWAY LOOP, AND ITS CONNECTION TO DOWNTOWN MIAMI; AND THAT THE STUDY ALSO INCLUDE DETERMINATION OF THE MID-BEACH AREA TRANSIT NEEDS. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATIONS The Administration recommends adoption of the attached resolutions ratifying, after the .. fact, the funding applications submitted to the Metropolitan Planning Organization (MPO), in order to meet the new deadline of December 20, 1994 for the 1995-96 Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) for Transportation. The first resolution (Exhibit "An) ratifies a $100,000 funding request for preparation of the much needed Miami Beach Transportation Development Plan. If awarded, this request may come as a direct grant to the City (Municipal Coordination Program) or planning work performed by MPO staff or consultants on the City's behalf. The second resolution (Exhibit "B") ratifies the request that the MPO perform a feasibility study not only for the busway loop system for South Beach (pursuant to City Resolution No. 94-21324). but also incorporating the South Beach Transportation Management Association's (TMA) request that the scope of services be expanded to include a determination of transit needs of the Mid-Beach, including 41 st Street, and the hospital and hotel areas. TMA understands that the South Beach Circulator takes priority in study and implementation. AGENDA ITEM ~ 17... - 21-qt.{ DATE BACKGROUND The annual MPO document known as Unified Planning Work Program (UPWP) allocates funding for transportation planning activities for the Miami Urbanized Area, which planning activities are performed by MPO staff and consultants. Direct cash grants to municipalities have been made only through Section 0-4.02, MPO Board Support and Municipal Planning Coordination. This section has been recently contested by two federal agencies (FHWA and FT A) which deemed ineligible the use of federal planning funds to cover salaries, be it for MPO Board or city staff. FY 1994-95 UPWP had allocated $805,000 ($455,000 for MPO Board staff support, and $350,000 for municipal planning coordination). After the first appeal was turned down by the federal agencies, the MPO has cut the proposed allocation to $400,000 in an effort to win the second appeal, which has yet to be resolved. Miami Beach had used the funding mostly to help cover the Transportation Coordinator's salary, but, as of September 30, 1994 this funding has stopped. Monies received or funding allocated to the City have been as follows: $39,501 for January-December 1993 (received) $23,191 for January-September 1994 (received) $63,000 for FY 1994-95, presently unavailable (under appeal). ANALYSIS Due to the facts that FHWA and FTA have deemed salaries an ineligible use of federal "planning" funds and the 1994-95 proposed allocations for salaries may be compromised by a failed appeal, the Administration has decided to bypass the salary issue in the 1995- 96 UPWP cycle and apply exclusively for funding to prepare the much needed Miami Beach Transportation Development Plan (TOP). Note that from its inception the Transportation Coordinator position has been covered by the general fund budget and partly reimbursed by this grant funding. The Issue of a Miami Beach TOP: The City's population balance, growth and redevelopment patterns are changing and intensifying so rapidly that transportation solutions will be required. A TOP is needed to guide the identification of essential transportation projects for construction in the near and long-term future, if Miami Beach is to meet concurrency standards and further its desirability as a residential and business community, and a convention and tourist destination. A .Future Transportation P/an. (Exhibit "C") has been recently completed by Kimley-Horn and Associates using available traffic data and making projections based on current and ORB-approved developments. This preliminary document has identified seven areas of concern and guided the selection of the first transportation project to be undertaken - the Dade Boulevard Connector (23rd Street/Dade Boulevard/Alton Road), the proposed alternate route to the southern section of Collins Avenue for north/southbound commuter traffic. The preliminary TOP, however, needs to be substantiated and confirmed by current data which is generated, analyzed and projected through computer models by experts for the purposes of a .Comprehensive TDP.. Most transportation planning solutions carry a )II..~._~..y; ";'.!".,~ multi-million dollar price tag and federal funding is obtainable only when sufficient, comprehensive data is made available to the MPO and technical committees for project evaluation and prioritization. The Issue of a Buswav for Miami Beach: Resolution No. 94-21324 dated September 22, 1994, outlined for the Florida Department of Transportation (FOOT) the City Commission recommendations on issues concerning the proposed Miami Beach segment of the East- West Transit Corridor. Among these recommendations was a request that FOOT support a Miami Beach application to the MPO for the development of an interim busway system. The busway would run special buses in a dedicated right-of-way, on the proposed South Beach loop and into downtown Miami, to test the loop's ridership potential; further, that a study to determine the transportation system's feasibility be initiated. Pursuant to the City Commission recommendations, on October 4, 1994 the Administration submitted a letter/application requesting that the MPO agree to fund and perform the required feasibility study for the busway loop. This study will be an integral part of a future application for federal demonstration funding. Subsequently, the TMA requested that the feasibility study also consider the transit needs of Mid-Beach due to its large employment base (hotels, hospitals, and 41 st Street). The Mid-Beach system would be a separate system but connected to the South Beach loop which, by the way, would take study and implementation priority. The Administration agreed to this request for several reasons: · The MPO has indicated that the expansion of the study's scope would be beneficial and cost-effective since the two transit projects, although different in purpose and reach, would eventually be interconnected; and * The TMA should be involved by the City in the on-going advertisement and promotion of the South Beach Circulator and the Mid-Beach system for the following reasons: - Approximately 600 of Mount Sinai Hospital employees reside within the Mid/South Beach area, as evidenced by a residential zip code check performed by the hospital's TMA Board member. Mount Sinai is the first Mid-Beach employer to conduct such survey, and others will follow; and Significant TMA membership contribution will come from the larger Mid-Beach area employers who have been unanimously advocating the feasibility study's expansion, and might possibly withdraw from TMA if attention is not paid to the Mid-Beach transit needs; and The membership dues should eventually support most TMA activities, thereby keeping the City's share of financial responsibility to TMA at a minimum. CONCLUSION The Administration believes that, if any benefit is to be derived from the MPO's UPWP, it will be from planning studies conducted for Miami Beach by the MPO staff and consultants, with our participation. Direct grants for staffing purposes are being contested by federal funding sources and are difficult to obtain. We recommend ratification of the two resolutions. alj (upwpresl ~ ","t,~~;":i~',~~~~B4';':;;"",