LTC 016-2005 Resident Survey
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. 016-2005
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez ~
City Manager ~ ~ \;: _
Date: January 21, 2005
The purpose of this LTC is to provide you with a final copy of the updated resident
satisfaction survey. This updated version incorporates the comments discussed at the
Committee of the Whole meeting on January 12, 2005.
As a reminder, the intended purpose of the survey is to gather general feedback and input
from our residents on their level of satisfaction with the services we provide, as well as to
help identify priority areas that we as an organization should be focusing on.
Attached along with the survey is a companion document which summarizes the
modifications, edits and suggestions made to the copy the Committee of the Whole
reviewed and discussed on January 12.
The telephone surveys are scheduled'to begin the week of January 31,205.
If you have any questions or need any additional information, please feel free to contact
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Companion Document to the 2005 City of Miami Beach
Resident Satisfaction Survey Revisions
Modifications to the RSS based on Commission Committee of the Whole meeting
Comments from City Commissioners on the second draft of the Resident Satisfaction Survey were
provided to the Hay Group at a meeting of the Commission Committee of the Whole on January 12, 2005.
Below is a summary of the modifications made to the questionnaire. Questions in the survey notated with
an asterisk (*) denote available benchmarks to other cities or citizen databases (norms).
· Modified opening paragraph to state that we are calling on behalf of the 'Mayor and Commissioners
of the City of Miami Beach". Moreover, overall wording and flow streamlined for brevity and clarity.
About City Services and Quality of Life
· Added Q10: liThe appearance of playgrounds".
· Survey now only asks 1 question about overall capital improvement projects (Q17) as compared to 10
questions in second draft.
· Added Q22 - Q24 from List of Additional Questions document per the Commission's request.
Gettina Around the City
· Deleted the question in second draft on 'speeding cars/aggressive drivers'.
· Replaced question in second draft on ease of finding a satisfactory parking space in Miami Beach
with Q26 - Q27 (availability of parking across the City and neighborhood).
· Added Q30 from List of Additional Questions document per the Commission's request.
· Added Q31 (open-ended) from List of Additional Questions document per the Commission's request.
Culture. Entertainment & Tourism
· Replaced question in second draft on how often residents attend major events with Q46 (how
frequently they feel major events should occur).
· Q47 - Q50 added per the VCA's request.
· Added Q51 from List of Additional Questions document per the Commission's request.
· Q53 reworded to say · ... the availability of stores that service your basic daily needs (for example,
grocery stores, cleaners, retail, hardware, etc.)in your neighborhood'
. Q56 reworded to '... reallocating City tax dollars... '
Communications/Customer Service (moved)
· Added Q60 (reason for contact) from List of Additional Questions document per the Commission's
In Summarv/DemoaraDhics
· Deleted questions in second draft on 'What one area has gotten better/worse...' in favor of the open-
ended question, which will be coded with responses as noted
· Added demographic Q77 - Q80 from List of Additional Questions document per the Commission's
, '.
2005 Resident Satisfaction Survey
INTRODUCTION: Hello, my name is calling on behalf of the Mayor and Commissioners of the City of
Miami Beach. This is NOT a sales call. Am I speaking with/May I please speak to Mr./Mrs./Ms. ?
3. "Who is this?" or "What is the purpose of this call?" ["My name is calling on behalf of the Mayor and
Commissioners of the City of Miami Beach. We're conducting a survey of City residents and his/her name was
selected at random."]
4. Person asked for is unavailable or no such person at this number. [ASK "OK. THEN MAY I PLEASE SPEAK WITH
INTRODUCTION (cont'd): We are conducting a survey of City residents and your household was selected at random. The
City of Miami Beach is interested in hearing the views of residents regarding the services that they receive. Your opinion is
very important and will help improve the quality of life throughout the City. To express our gratitude for your participation in
this survey, at the conclusion of this interview, we will enter your name into a drawing for a free dinner at a local Miami
Beach restaurant. Your participation in this survey and the answers you provide will be kept confidential. If there are any
questions that you don't feel you can answer, please let me know and we'll move to the next one. The survey will take
about 15 minutes of your time. May we begin?
About City Services and Quality of Life
1. Overall, how would you rate the quality of life within the City of Miami Beach? Would you say excellent, good, fair, or
poor? *
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
2. OPEN-ENDED QUESTION. What one area is the most important to you regarding quality of life in the City of Miami
How would you rate each of the following within the City of Miami Beach? Would you say excellent, good, fair or poor?
Don't Know [DO NOT READ}
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3. Cleanliness of streets in your neighborhood *
4. Cleanliness of streets in business/commercial areas *
5. Cleanliness of canals/waterways
6. Storm drainage (to avoid flooding) *
7. Condition of sidewalks (that is, few or no cracks)
8. The appearance and maintenance of the City's public buildings *
9. Overall quality of the beaches (cleanliness, water quality, etc.) *
10. The appearance of playgrounds
11. The maintenance of parks *
12. Landscape maintenance in rights of way and public areas
13. Recreation programs and facilities *
14. Garbagerrrash collection *
15. Building code enforcement (new construction and renovation) *
16. The City's ability to address homelessness *
17. How would you rate the recently completed capital improvement proiects (for example, the Beachwalk, Parks and
Youth Centers, Miami Beach Golf Club, Bass Museum, Washington Avenue, streetscapes, etc.) in the City of Miami
Beach? [READ LIST]
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
18. How would you rate the level of enforcement of codes and ordinances (for example, maintenance of homes and yards,
noise, etc.) by the City of Miami Beach government in your neighborhood? [READ LIST] *
1. Acceptable/About the right amount
2. Too much
3. Too little
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
19. How would you rate the availability of affordable housing within the City of Miami Beach? [READ LIST] ...
1. Acceptable/About the right amount
2. Too much
3. Too little
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
20. How would you rate the amount of noise in your neighborhood on a typical day? [READ LIST]
1 . Acceptable/Not a problem most of the time [SKIP TO Q22]
2. Too much
3. Much too much
21. If there is too much noise, what is typically the main cause? Please listen to the following choices and choose ONE.
1 . Construction
2. General traffic
3. Car horns and motorcycles
4. Buses and/or trucks
5. Nightclubs
6. Restaurants
7. Festivals and/or major events
8. [DO NOT READ] Other
22. How would you rate the pace of new construction (that is, new buildings being built) across the City of Miami Beach?
1. About the right amount
2. Much too much
3. Too much
4. Too little
5. Much too little
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
23. How would you rate the pace of new construction (that is, new buildings being built) in your neiahborhood? [READ
1 . About the right amount
2. Much too much
3. Too much
4. Too little
5. Much too little
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
24. And, how much do you feel the City of Miami Beach is doing with respect to historic preservation? [READ LIST]
1. About the right amount
2. Much too much
3. Too much
4. Too little
5. Much too little
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
Getting Around the City
25. Now a few questions about getting around the City of Miami Beach. What is your orimary mode of transportation in
Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Car
2. Mass transit (including buses, Electrowave, etc.)
3. Walking/Bicycling
4. Motorcycles/Mopeds
5. Car PoolingNan Pooling/Commuter services
6. You stay home/do not go out most of the time
7. [DO NOT READ] Other
26. How do you feel about the availability of parking across the City of Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. About the right amount
2. Much too much
3. Too much
4. Too little
5. Much too little
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
27. How do you feel about the availability of parking in your neiahborhood? [READ LIST]
1 . About the right amount
2. Much too much
3. Too much
4. Too little
5. Much too little
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
28. How do you feel about traffic flow where you drive in Miami Beach? Would you say excellent, good, fair or poor? *
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't drive/Don't know
29. How do you feel about the condition of roads (that is, street repair, maintenance, smoothness) in Miami Beach? Would
you say excellent, good, fair or poor? *
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't drive/Don't know
30. Which of the following would you be most willina to support to allow for more pedestrian and bicycle paths/lanes
throughout the City of Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Fewer parking spaces/areas
2. Fewer green/open space areas
3. Fewer lanes of travel
4. Other
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/Don't care
Our next topic is safety in Miami Beach.
31. OPEN-ENDED. What is the first thing that comes to mind when you think of the City of Miami Beach police? [RECORD
How would you rate the overall quality of each of the following public safety services provided by the City? Using the same
scale for each, would you say excellent, good, fair or poor?
Don't Know/Do Not Use
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32. Police * 1 5
33. Emergency Medical Response * 1 5
34. Fire * 1 5
35. Ocean Rescue/Lifeguard/Beach Patrol 1 5
36. Emergency/Hurricane preparedness 1 5
Please answer the following questions as to whether you feel very safe, reasonably safe, somewhat safe, unsafe or very
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Very unsafe
,. .. Unsafe'
Somewhat safe
Reasonably' safe
Very safe .
37. How safe do you feel in your neighborhood during the day? * 1 ";.\'!:2;.'~~ 3 ~!;:4;~;~:: 5 :!i:~"li.i~
38. How safe do you feel in your neighborhood during the evening/night? * 1 ,.2 3 '4; 5 6':
39. How safe do you feel in business/commercial areas during the ;,....,.......
evening/night? *~., Z.,:,:' 3 A.:' 5 6,":<"
40. What do you feel is the most imoortant area that the City of Miami Beach can address to improve public safety
throughout the City? Please listen to the following list. [READ LIST FROM CHOICE 1 TO 9 AND RECORD
RESPONSE]. Ok, and what is the second most imoortant area to address? [RE-READ LIST IF NECESSARY MINUS
1 . Preventing crime
2. Enforcing traffic laws
3. Increasing visibility of police in neighborhoods
4. Increasing visibility of police in business/commercial areas
5. Enhancing lifeguard and beach patrol services
6. Reducing homelessness
7. Improving fire-fighting services
8. Improving rescue services
9. Other
10. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/not interested
Culture. Entertainment & Tourism
41. Next, I will ask you several questions about the City of Miami Beach's culture, entertainment and tourism. On average,
how often do you go to restaurants in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1 . Several times a week
2. Once a week
3. A couple times a month
4. Once a month or less often
5. You don't go out to restaurants in Miami Beach
42. And, on average, how often do you go to niohtclubs in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1 . Several times a week
2. Once a week
3. A couple times a month
4. Once a month or less often
5. You don't go out to nightclubs in Miami Beach
43. How do you feel about the availability of restaurants in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Too many
2. About the right amount
3. Too few
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
44. And, how do you feel about the availability of niohtclubs in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Too many
2. About the right amount
3. Too few
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
45. How do you feel about the availability of cultural activities (such as art shows, film festivals, theaters, and musicals) in
Miami Beach? [READ LIST] *
1. Too many
2. About the right amount
3. Too few
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
46. How frequently do you feel maior events (such as the boat/home/auto shows, 4th of July celebrations, expositions, food
and wine festivals, etc.) should occur in the City of Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. They occur the right number of times
2. They should occur more often
3. They should occur less often
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
47. Have you ever stayed at a hotel in Miami Beach, that is, checked in for one or more nights for business and/or
pleasure? [READ LIST]
1. Yes, several times
2. Yes, one time
3. No [SKIP TO Q49]
48. How would you rate the experience of staying at the hotel in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/don't remember
49. Have you ever used any amenities (such as restaurants, gym, spa, etc.) at a hotel in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Yes, several times
2. Yes, one time
3. No [SKIP TO Q51]
50. How would you rate the amenities at the hotel in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/don't remember
51. How good a job do you feel City government is doing with respect to handling events that attract large crowds to Miami
Beach that is, the City considers the needs of residents, addresses noise/disturbance issues, etc.? [READ LIST]
1. The City is doing a verv good job
2. A good job
3. An average job
4. A poor job
5. The City is doing a verv poor job
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
52. Do you agree or disagree with the following statement: The tourism industry in Miami Beach contributes to the quality
of life for residents within the City. Would you say you strongly agree, agree, neither agree nor disagree, disagree or
strongly disagree?
1 . Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Strongly Disagree
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/Not sure
53. How do you feel about the availability of stores that service your basic daily needs (for example, grocery stores,
cleaners, retail, hardware, etc.) in your neighborhood? [READ LIST]
1. Too many
2. About the right amount
3. Too few
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
54. How would you rate the overall value of City services for the tax dollars that you pay? Would you say excellent, good,
fair or poor? *
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
55. What is your level of satisfaction with local schools within the City of Miami Beach? Would you say very satisfied,
sc;ltisfied, neither satisfied nor dissatisfied, dissatisfied, or very dissatisfied? *
1 . Very satisfied
2. Satisfied
3. Neither satisfied nor dissatisfied
4. Dissatisfied
5. Very dissatisfied
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/not applicable
56. Would you support the City of Miami Beach reallocating City tax dollars to increase public school funding in order to
improve the quality of the public schools in Miami Beach? [READ LIST]
1. Definitely
2. Probably
3. Hard to say
4. Probably not
5. Definitely not
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
Communications/Customer Service
57. Now, a few questions about communications both to and from the City of Miami Beach. How do you most often get
your information about the City (for example, government, services, activities, meetings, etc.)? Listen to the following
list and choose the most common method. [READ LIST] *
1 . Cable Channel 20
2. Miami Beach website
3. Daily newspapers
4. Community/weekly publications
5. The City's Answer/Call Center
6. E-mails from City government, departments or agencies
7. Direct mail from City government, departments or agencies
8. Communications with City Commissioner(s)
9. [DO NOT READ] Other
10. [DO NOT READ) Don't know/Not interested
58. How do you feel about the amount of information you get from the City? [READ LIST]
1. Too much
2. About the right amount
3. Too little
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't know/Not interested
59. During the last 6 months, have you personally contacted, either by phone, in-person or electronically, the City of Miami
Beach government with a question, service request or complaint? [READ LIST] *
1. Yes, one contact
2. Yes, several contacts
3. No contact [SKIP TO Q65]
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't remember
60. What was the reason for your contact? [READ LIST]
1 . Pay a bill
2. File a complaint
3. Visit an elected official
4. Research an issue
5. Pull a building permiUplan review
6. Attend a program/event
7. Other
Thinking about your most recent contact with City government, would you say you strongly agree, agree neither agree nor
disagree, disagree or strongly disagree with each of the following statements? [READ LIST]
Strongly Disagree
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Neither Ag~e~ ~~.~ o,isagree
.,' ,. " ';: "f".:<i::'".>,'::)\gree"
Strongly agree
61. It was easy to get to someone who could help me * 1 3 5
62. The employees that assisted me were courteous and professional * 1 3 5
63. The employees that assisted me had the proper training and knowledge * 1 3 5
64. Overall, I was satisfied with the experience I had contacting the City * 1 3 5
65. To what extent do you agree or disagree that the City of Miami Beach government is open and interested in hearing
the concerns or issues of residents? Would you say... ? [READ LIST] *
1. Strongly agree
2. Agree
3. Neither agree nor disagree
4. Disagree
5. Strongly disagree
6. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
I,.. ~. ,'. '
In Summary
66. Now, some final questions. In general, how good a job do you feel Miami Beach City government is doing in meeting
your needs and/or the needs of your family? Would you say excellent, good, fair, or poor? *
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
67. Overall, how would you rate the City of Miami Beach as a place to live? Would you say excellent, good, fair or poor?
1 . Excellent
2. Good
3. Fair
4. Poor
5. [DO NOT READ] Don't know
68. Would you say that as a place to live, the City of Miami Beach is better now than it was about a few years ago, would
you say it is worse, or would you say it is about the same? [READ LIST] *
1 . Better now
2. About the same
3. Worse now
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't knowll haven't lived here long enough
69. OPEN-ENDED QUESTION. Thinking about your neighborhood or the City overall, what two to three changes would
make Miami Beach a better place for you and/or your family to live, work, play or visit? [DO NOT READ LIST BUT
1 . Safety
2. Recreational opportunities
3. Cultural activities
4. Nightclubs
5. Restaurants
6. Cleanliness of the City
7. Noise
8. Transportation services (buses, taxis, etc.)
9. Traffic
10. Parking
11. Development/construction of new buildings, etc.
12. Communications to and from the City
13. Other
I just have a few remaining questions for you to help us classify residents, so that we ensure a representative sample of
people are interviewed across the City. As a reminder, all personal information is strictly confidential and will not be given to
City officials or businesses.
70. Gender [DO NOT ASK] *
1. Male
2. Female
71. What is your racial/ethnic background? [READ LIST] *
1. White/Caucasian (non-Hispanic)
2. Black/African American (non-Hispanic)
3. Hispanic/Latino
4. Asian/Pacific Islander
5. Native American
6. Other
7. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
72. In what type of residence do you live in Miami Beach? [READ LIST] 'it
1. Single family unit
2. Duplex or town home
3. ApartmenUCondominium
4. Other
5. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
73. Are you a homeowner or renter? *
1. Homeowner
2. Renter
3. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
74. How long have you lived in the City of Miami Beach? [READ LIST] ..
1 . Less than 6 months
2. 6 months but less than 2 years
3. 2 to less than 5 years
4. 5 to less than 10 years
5. 10 to less than 20 years
6. More than 20 years
7. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
75. What is your age? [READ LIST] *
1. 24 years of age or younger
2. 25 to 34 years old
3. 35 to 44 years old
4. 45 to 54 years old
5. 55 to 64 years old
6. Over 65 years of age
7. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
76. What is the combined annual income of all members of your household from all sources? [READ LIST] 'it
1. Under $25,000
2. $25,000 to $49,000
3. $50,000 to $74,000
4. $75,000 to $99,000
5. $100,000 to $199,000
6. $200,000 or more
7. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
77. What is the primary language spoken in your household? [DO NOT READ LIST]
1 . English
2. Spanish
3. Portuguese
4. Other
78. Which of the following best describes your household? [READ LIST]
1. Single, live alone
2. Single, live with roommate or partner
3. Married, no children
4. Married, with children
5. Divorced or separated, no children
6. Divorced or separated, with children
7. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
79. For any school age children, what type of school do they attend? [READ LIST]
1 . Public school
2. Private/religious school
3. Other
4. [DO NOT READ] Don't have school age children
5. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
80. How many months out of the year do you live in the City of Miami Beach? [READ LIST] *
1 . 1 - 3 months
2. 4 - 6 months
3. 7 - 9 months
4. 10 - 12 months
5. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
81. And finally, the last and optional question. What is your religious affiliation? [DO NOT READ LIST] *
1 . Protestant Christian
2. Roman Catholic
3. Evangelical Christian
4. Jewish
5. Muslim
6. Hindu
7. Buddhist
8. [DO NOT READ] Prefer not to say
This concludes the survey. Your opinions are greatly valued and appreciated. Thank you
for your time. Have a great day/evening!