LTC 040-2005 Business & Civic Organization Satisfaction Survey CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Office of the City Manager Letter to Commission No. 040-2005 m From: Mayor David Dermer and Date: February 9, 2005 Members of the City Commission Jorge M. GOnZaleZ).oF\../r- City Manager J BUSINESS AND CIVIC ORGANIZATION SATISFACTION SURVEYS To: Subject: The purpose of this LTC is to provide you with the attached draft copies of the Business satisfaction survey and the Civic Organization satisfaction survey. The survey methodology and many of the questions in both these surveys are similar to the methodology and questions in the resident survey that was approved by the Mayor and City Commission. For ease of review, the questions that are different from the questions in the resident survey are highlighted in yellow. To maximize response rates and reduce non-response bias with the survey, the City's consultant, the Hay Group, is recommending to limit the number of questions to between 65 and 70, with a minimal number of open-ended questions. I should remind you that the intended purpose of both of these surveys is to gather general feedback and input from our businesses and civic organizations on their level of satisfaction with the services we provide. This data, along with the data collected from the resident survey, will be used to help identify priority areas that we as an organization should be focusing on. Please review both surveys and provide any feedback you may have by Monday, February 14,2005. If you have any questions, need any additional information, orwould like to meet as a Committee of the Whole, please feel free to let me know. JMG/KGB/RI F:\cmgr\$ALL\L TC.QS\Business Survey.doc (') c::> -1 (J1 :::<.J .on( -T1 r1 rn r CP 0 ¡"'T::; I :;1;' \.J:> rn -c;¡- - ~, tf) " < :J:: c¡;:; - rn ""T1 ., CJ ....... <..n C? -.I 1"'1