Ronald Albert Jr. / IHC FEB-07-2005 14:28 P.02/03 1o\",tr-ollrJ'", b1bJ ~rrF m ~ul. -=- City or Miami Beach Offlce of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Millmi Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST R.EGISTRATION FORM t.otIbylst rn.~ns ~J1 pcrliOM: cmplO',.ed or rl!ta~~1 whet1\t-r plld Of not. by a pr\ndQoa~ """"0 ~Q.ok! to .fll:or"f.ve the piSS.llgC', der~a[ or modirlc.il.rlon of any ordinance, resolution, adon or deCI-Slon ar any romm1.5sJOt\Cr; any acttcfl, ctil!dSlon. (~c:ommfncratlOn or en!! Cir, Mitf18ger or tny Clt\' beltO or C'OlTImltttci or anI' .tIetJon, dedsloo or recommel'\tJat1on of .any ot'; personnel detlnld In .It"l?, molnner 1", thIs tKtionj during the tunc period 01 tt1e entire d8cl.slo"""m~)(lng pracus Oft !vetl lIctlol'l, dtdllon or recommc:ndlltJon tint roreseeablv wU] be heard Or reviewed tlv the dty .:omml"lon. or a dtv board or committee. Th. te-rm speclnealJy l!\eludes: tf'\e C1riilclpal u ""'ell .u In,;, @ornployee M9.~~C;(I IOCb'J'lng activities. The term -Lobbyists.. has speclnc txC'jLlllons. PJun r.'er to OralnAnce 2004~l4J5. NAME OF .06BYIST: Iblland & Knight Albert, Jr. lC1nald (LAst) (FI'st) (1'1.1) LLP, 701 Brickell Avenue, Suite 3000, Miami, FL 33131 eUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS 305-374-B500 (Number,na S[(e~ '(City) 305-789-7799 (Star!) (ZIp CDOe) TELEPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER, EM"lL: I. LOBBYIST RETAINED IY, IHC;Mi.arri Beach COrp:lration NAME OF PRUICIPAl.;'CLIENT' 1950 Stemrons Freeway, Suite G001, Dallas, Texas 75207 BUSINESS NAME ANa ADDRESS (Number and Stl""t) (City) (SQ'.) 214-863-1285 (Zip Code) TELEPMONE NUMBER, fAX NUMBER: (OPIIOMI) EMAl L, (DllIlon'l) Fill QlJt this tectlon If prlncipJiI ,.. Corpor1ltlon, partn."'Pllp Or Trutt: [Section 2-482 (e)] NAME OF CHIEF OffICe.... PARTNER. OR BENEfICIARY, lOENTl"'" A.. PfllSONS 110LDING. DlllEm Y OR INDIRECTLT, A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP IN'TERfST IN SUCH CORPOflATlON, PARTNERSI1/P OR TRUST: II. SPECIPIC LOBIY ISSUE: Challenge to possible designatJ:on of Wyndham M:j;ami Beach Resort Issue to oe lobbied (0e5crlbe in Oeta,l); ll/. CITY AGENCIES/lNDlvlDUAlS TO IE LOBBIED: A) full Nome Of Indi.lduI/TI~I. B) Any frnon~lal, fomlllal or Profeulonal RelUion~hlp Director of Plannin~_, None Iolilliarn CaJ:y, Director, DeSign, Pr x:vation and Neighborh:lod Planning D' ision - None 'Ihanas M:loney, Design and preserva1hon Manager Historic Pre$ervation Board Planning Board - l'bne City Ccrnnission and Staff - None &me FEB-07-2005 14:28 P.03/03 IV. IltICUIIIIRf O,TI- Ale AIIIlIItnII 011 ~ OOM'fJllAnoll <M-'" WIm1l..._r; RA'~rrtJll~ ~ u.usrD"""""''''I!:~ HourlY II) PIUNClPAL'll Dtsa.OSUAE (OF lOIl8'/1ST lXMfHSA'11llN)< ,.....lN4 FIourly .... ~"lI ................ _toe, _ ..., 1) "'"'-nt la /Illunlllu:h avo Code Settlan Z-4IIl!nllllsI.,."hlblBl ~ ~ IlV ~ ()\~tbNe'; n 'Y. II' lifa. .. veil ......Rl!I ... . ..-.t IDr .......hId far ..-A.. ........... er.......~,. an . ~ or 8IMtdI,....... fer ~ --.IDIIIMI: ap _...a? 2) PurlUllllt la MIM:llIlMdl Cly Code 2-4!l1 EnlIlIC 'PnlhI~ ~~n COnIr1IlU1bw By ~ ()\ _I &alR ~nt IDuB"; nY_][)lIs. AMV8If~M. "_~h.----- ___lI:~""""'dhr_ .".,.....fDr~....afmnl_....II.... "Ii.. ...dB....lDtMt=SW........t.lIII.... !tIaZ 3) I'lnuJnt tD Mllml llIIIdI ~ Cllde 204M (h) My pnon (-.: m. -It t'nIm IhI dSlnIIDn rt "1abby\It'" . _ fofth In S<<Ilcn 2-411 1IboM) whll aIIti IppIIllnllS I . "t" .-lllld\lll rt I ~ CIlI\IClfIIllon or a'Itly w111lllUt IIplldllI CZI/IlllMIIIIIl or rtlmtullllwr ror Itle ~ whellIIr cIIta. or Indlnd, '" 8llpl'II:tI IIIlppllIt at or opposIlon to Illy Ibm, IIllaD '""'*' wth tile dII1t lIS ....'*-1 bV ItIiI lIIIIttlon but. shall not t.. ...~ to pay Illy ~ r-.. l~. Y. IWN4TUU UNDO DAtil, 011 OCTO" ,''' O. rAOt WId\, ual LOIIIMIT SHALL IUUU1' TO nil! an a.JIU( A IIGNID STATIMEJIT UNDEIl 0A'ftf,. UI1INIi lOU'IIIIG IJCIIIJIDJ1\IID, AI WILL AI CDMIIIJII&'I1llH IU!CZlVDl, VI THE an Of NL\Ml HAalIOIl '11CI! PIlIIC2DJNGI CAUNDd."'-' A "'A"RMIINJ IIHILL II F1UD !VIN II' 'J'MIJII! MAW au NO IDIIIDIn*II OR COMPIJIIlmOlll DUaDCCI 'IHl! UPOIlTINQ'BUOD. ~ ~ 1 51gNbJIW rlllIID,II& 1 do SDlemnlV Mer that all of the foregolng flCbl are lrUlI and o:mltt ,I'd I!uIl: 1 r- rlllIlI or 11m =~ !he ~$n 5edl~-on 2-482 or lhIl M~ IlelIc:t1 Oly Code n1l11l repoItlng Slgnalln d LDbbyIst: 9'- . S1anatln of PrIrdpaVClIetlt: f , Fonn alldenlll'allrln .j PwianlIIy ~ (lAt.,""" VII. IIUiNA1UU ARD STAM' 01' NOTAIn': PlallaPAl.lDlIOV'KAnotI. l~'/Ul~'II""" ol'l'oducedm ~ ...A~...~~t-" I'oIm rt Jdordalllc# ~"" ci~:;1' ~ X' ;:;; l *t".. t. PlnDnIIv kncMn (Prtnd,.!) ~ f \ ~ :c . . ::z: \,\lIh.'" ~li ~...~t... ;:: SllIllI~QIurtyci'~ '\~ ...,~.fir,..~""/ 9Mlm .nd 1M ....,III"qlll"\\\\\~ Thlr lit. LCI~lDbrT'D'lCATIWl' o PnxIuaIllD LV ,,~c>. 1CIl~""" -~ TOTAL P.03