97-22564 RESO RESOLUTION NO.97-22564 A RESOLUTION OF THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, EXTENDING AN INVITATION TO THE CITY OF PESCARA, ITALY, TO BECOME A SISTER CITY AND INVITING THE PEOPLE OF ITALY TO PARTICIPATE IN SAID PROGRAM. WHEREAS, the Sister Cities concept was inaugurated by the President of the United States in 1956 to establish greater friendship and understanding between the people of the United States and other nations through the medium of direct personal contact; and WHEREAS, all succeeding U.S. Presidents have endorsed said program, to be conducted for the broad purposes of the exchange of ideas between the citizens of the United States of America and the peoples of other nations; and WHEREAS, to implement this program, Miami Beach and other communities in the United States have been requested by Sister Cities International to affiliate with cities in other nations of similar characteristics and mutual interest; and WHEREAS, the City of Pes car a, Italy, has formally requested participation in the Miami Beach Sister Cities Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach Sister Cities Coordinating Council has recommended to the Mayor and City Commission that the City of Pes car a, Italy, be invited to participate with the City of Miami Beach as its Sister City in the Sister Cities International Program; and WHEREAS, the City of Miami Beach does recognize and endorse this program with the hope that it will lead to a lasting friendship between the people of Miami Beach and its Sister Cities. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT DULY RESOLVED BY THE MAYOR AND CITY COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA, as follows: Section 1: That the Mayor and City Commission, on behalf of the people of Miami Beach, do hereby extend an invitation to the government and the people of the City of Pes car a, Italy, to participate with Miami Beach as its Sister City for the purpose of creating greater mutual understanding between the peoples of our two great cities and nations. Section 2: The Mayor is hereby authorized to act as official representative of the City of Miami Beach to carry out this program. Section 3: That copies of this Resolution are to be sent to the Mayor and Commission of the City of Pes car a, Italy, Sister Cities International in Washington, D.C., the Embassy ofItaly in Washington D.C., the U.S. Embassy in Italy, and the Italian Consulate's Office in Miami. PASSED and ADOPTED this21stday of October, 1997 ~~I( rCU~ CITY CLERK f: \emgr\$all\eommemo. 97\peseara. emr APPROVED }S TO FORM & lANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION /tf,~ /01:/.17 lGP:1P:blbm ,';:~':"".::~SEP 16 'g( 113:29 ....,. '~~""""'".; CIlYOFMlAMI '. BEACH: SISTER CITIEB ; INTERNATIONAl PROGRAfv\ ~ 1700 Convenfion Center Drive -II. Miami Beech, FIorIdo 33139 ' Tel 305.673.7000 fax 305.673.7096 hllp:/ /ci.miami-beacn.R.us ,J '" : :"<<~';,,,i~;',1 .' <;;:~.::~:~{! :~...1~,~t:,~~~ ~~1 ...: ...... ;1:. ;';;/; ,'r> : :~.:.~~ r, , ...~'.,. '. :'.: ;,,' ~: ~j:i . i.. ~. '.' . . " l~'I' ". ( ~..; . ;:-;::.:' . ::\::':':"'~1' N 'l~'.,;:. t~<''' . it. ,,' ';......: ',;. :~ .~I.~ _:',\ ;.~ \:1:. ;:.' . ./' '::y~' ~ .::, '. . .. '. " . 'l~::":' '" '.' ::1':5:2;::':~ ~: ~.. .. ,,;".,:,;' -.. ,;;.:' "iIi,.: "/,.'. >:'.:.: . J . . ~, . I . ". 'i,: ~. .j "'. .-' ~':. ~",......",:" . . '. ,. '., . ",,'" ._ ,.I. .' .,'f;"" ....;.. P.1/1 MEMORANDUl'\i( DATE; September 1 S, 1997 TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber (673~7096)' Broce M. Singer. President (672-1270) ~ Miami Beach Chamber of Commerce ~ FROM: " ", 0: Pescara, Italy I am pleased to adviae you that the Miami Beach Sister City Coordinating Council has unanimously recommended the addi~on ofPescara. Italy to our Sister City Program. This recommendation follows an extensive presentation made by Judge John Gale, on behalf' of the Municipality ofPescara, Italy. The Council was impressed by the many similarities between Pescara and Miami Beach and have detennined that it would be in the best interest of our City to enter into a Sister City relationship. f Accordingly, we would respectfully reqqest that this matter be placed on the next City Commission agenda. subject to Judge Gale's availability. It is anticipated that the presentation should take approximately fifteen minutes. . Should the Commission adopt the Council's recommendation, appropriate arrangements will be made for an official signing ceremony at a later date. f I look forward to hearing from a member of your staff regarding placement on the agenda. Armando Hernandez, Vice Chair (665-2076) Joe Pinon, Assistant City Manager (673-7782) Sister City International (703-836-4815) Judge John Gale (536-Ol20) BMSI"p c~/~ IT 10/08/97 16:27 FAX 305 536 0120 DINO GALARDI 1dJ02 October 8, 1997 Pescara is located on the Adriatic Coast of Italy 100 miles east of Rome. It is both a City and a Province. The city of Pescara was pretty much leveled during World War II and since rebuilt. Instead of Collins Avenue, the beach road is called The Riviera, and it is lined with modem hotels as is Collins Avenue. Unlike Collins avenue, Pescara does not allow any buildings on the beach side of the road. The similarity of the two cities is remarkable, except the food is better! '" The Mayor of Pescara is Prof. Carlo Pace who visited Miami Beach last March for the first time and loved it, especially it's vitality. It's population is about 140,000, and it is the largest city of the Abruzzo region of Italy. The main industries are tourism, seafood, pasta manufacturing, clothing, shoes and porcelain products. JUDGE JOHN GALE . f , 10/08/97 16:27 FAX 305 536 0120 ___~8/13/07 WED 18:22 PAl I,.,.;.,.,y;.t~.,:.;.~.""". DINO GALARDI IdJ03 I4lJOOl 1L SlNDACO D1 PJiSCARA Ju~y 24, li91 'P,UISLAT:tO. Dear Jt1C1qa Gale, our recent meeting in Miami and the tour you head.a to t:he A))ruzzo region on behalf ot the NIAF, includJ.n<;J Ii dal.egation ot proainent. bu.ine~alllen and pro~e.siQI\41S, confirms thai: 'the affinity, triendl5h1p and intare.t:s .hared :between Amerioans and the AbruZ20 trom the C01llll.lU11-t.ie.a of Miami BeaC:h and pescara are const.antly intens1:fyinq. Togothor with this an4 the natural .plendors bOt.h oit:i.. enjOY :from tho ...., maqnifieent be.chee, lIuccessful ):)uain..s and tour1..., to count:lass o1:.her .tmilarit:i.., we would like to propose initiating procedures to launch a aister cii:y program as .oon as pO!1Jaible between Pescara and tliami. Beaoh. This will c.~ainly oontribute to strengthening the bo~d ot triendship and enhance c\ll't:ura~, t.ouristic, 8001a1, economic ana trade re18t1an. between our ~o cities. . :It is with my best wishes and esteem tnat I, t0getber with my ctaff, aend my kinde.t regards thanking you once mora tor tbe friendship you showed to us and for the wonc1erlu~ st:.atelll.ntll e"Pre15set1 about. our c 1. ty , Peac8%'8. Mayor carlo paoe , 10/08/97 16:27 r~\ 305 536 0120 VIM GALAIWI ~04 24 -LUG-l ';l'37 13: \31 m1LR4E Dr PE. GAB. S It'I~CO ~5 4211400 P.Jl IJlti/ZU IL SINDACO DI PESCARA Prol N.t.'CP> GAB. Palazzo di Citla, 24 luglio 1997 Preg. mo Giudice Gale. Fiucontro a\'venuto a Miami e la r~ente visil8 delta numcrosa delegaziQne della NIAF guidata daU'autoreyole S.V., ha canfennato, Ie affinita, it senso di amicizia e l'interesse ad Ilpprofondire sempre piu i rapporti fill Ie comunita di Pescara e Miami Bea~h nella qUBle ~ presente una nutrita compagine italo - american. e di abruzzesi. Quanta sopra, unitamente aile carlltteristiche natundi deJle due cjttci accomunl1te dalla presenza del mare~ di luoghe spiagge, di un fiorente commercio e turismo ed altre'nllmerose an-mita, ci inducono a convergere sui comune iotento di addivenire e, quindi, iniziare rispet1ivamente l'iter per pervenire quanto prima ad un gemellaggio che oertamente ~ontribuira a raffonate i vineo" di amiciTjR', llnitamente ai rapporti culturali, turistici, soeio- economici e C:Qmmerciali fr. Ie due Citti. Con q~sto au&urio e <:0" qUOllto spirito invio i miti piu cordiali saluU, unitamente a quelli dell' Amministrazione comunale, ringraziandoLa ancora un~ volta per Is dimostrazione di amicizia e per le belle parole espresse sulla.cittl\ di Pescara. r coleE ^^^^^^^~,^^^^^^^^^^ Preg.mo Giudice Jolm OALE Vice presidenle RegloRlde NlAF 1001 South Bayshore DR. 1508 MIAMI, FL 33lll TOTi=i...E P.01 T 10/08/97 16:27 FAX 305 536 0120 DINO GAU.RDI ~05 ACCORDO PER STABILIRE IL GEMELLAGGIO TRA LA aUA' 01 MIAMI BEACH NEGLI STATI UNITI E PESCARA, ITALIA. 11 concetto di Gemellaggio fu inaugurato dal Presidente degli Stati Uniti nel 1956, per stabilire miglion' accordi di amicizia tra la citta' degli Stati Uniti e altri paesi tramite un maggior contatto diretto, e IN QUANTO, tutti i Presidenti che SI sono susseguiti hanno pienamente accolto tale programma di Gemellaggio per poter meglio scambiare Ie idee tra i cittadini degli Stati Uniti e quelli di aJtri paesi, e IN QUANTO, per poter implementare tale programma la citta' di Miami Beach e altre citta' negli Stali Uniti furono richieste daU' Organizzazione InternazionaJe del Gemel1aggio di stringere gemellaggi con altre cilta' con simili caratteristiche e interessi, e IN QUANTO, la citta' di Pescara, ltalia, ha richiesto ufficiaImenle di poter far parte del Programma lii Gemellaggio con la cilta' di Miami Beach, e IN QUANTO, it Concilio Coordinatore del Gemellaggio della dUa' di Miami Beach ha proposto al Signor Sindaco e al Suo Consiglio che la dUa' di Pescara venga invitata a piUticipare at Gemellaggio con la dtt.8.' di Miami Beach, e IN QUANTO, Ie citta' di Miami Beach e Pescara, ltalia, riconoscono e accoIgono questo programma con Ia speranza che tale programma portera' a un' amicizia duratura tra i popoH di Miami Beach e Pescara, e Quindi ora si dichiara e viene stabilito ufficialmente dai Signori Sindaci di Miam i Beach e di Pescara, ltalia, cia' che segue: . SEZIONF. 1: I Sindaci, a nome dei propri cittadini di Miami Beach e Pescara, ltalia, accettano in questo modo !'invito a partecipare nel Programma di Gemellaggio con ]'intento di creare una maggiore forma di legami tra i popoli delle nostre due grandi citta' e paesi. f SEZIONE 2: I Sindaci, qui presenti, sono autorizzati a rappresentare ufficialmente Ie dUa' di Miami Beach e Pescara, Italia, al fine di poter adempiere questo lara compilo. n Carlo Pace Sindac'o, Citta' di Pescara, ltalia , CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CITY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH FLORIDA 33139 COMMISSION MEMORANDUM NO. ~ 8'}-'11 TO: Mayor Seymour Gelber and Members of the City Commission DATE: FROM: Jose Garcia-Pedrosa City Manager October 21, 1997 SUBJECT: A RESOLUTIO EXTENDING AN INVITATION TO THE CITY OF PESCARA, ITALY, TO BECOME A SISTER CITY AND INVITING THE PEOPLE OF PESCARA, ITALY, TO PARTICIPATE IN SAID PROGRAM. ADMINISTRATION RECOMMENDATION: Approve the Resolution. BACKGROUND: The Sister Cities Council has been meeting with representatives of Pescara, Italy, as well as reviewing background information that would qualify Pescara for consideration under the Sister Cities Council's criteria. Each City Commissioner will be presented with a complete package which includes demographic and tourism-related information. Pescara is located on the Adriatic Coast of Italy 100 miles east of Rome. It is both a City and a Province. The City of Pescara was leveled during World War II and has since been rebuilt. Its beach road is called "The Riviera", and it is lined with modem hotels, only on the non-beach side of the road. Pescara is a pleasant seaside resort as well as a fishing port with a population of approximately 140,000 residents, and it is the largest city of the Abruzzo region ofItaly. Its primary industries are tourism, seafood, pasta manufacturing, clothing, shoes, and porcelain products. ANAL YSIS: On September 15,1997, former Dade County Judge John Gale, representing Pescara, Italy, made a presentation to the Miami Beach Sister Cities Council and requested it be submitted to the Mayor and City Commission for approval. The Council approved a recommendation to the Miami Beach City Commission to adopt Pescara, Italy, as a Sister City. There is no cost involved in the admission process by either City. AGENDA ITEM C10 10-2\-<1. DATE Commission Memorandwn Page Two October 21, 1997 CONCLUSION: Based on the background information and the approval by the Miami Beach Sister Cities Council to approve the admission of Pes car a, Italy, it is recommended that the government and the people of the City of Pes car a, Italy, be invited to participate with the City of Miami Beach as its Sister City in t~ister Cities International Program. JG~p:blbm Attachment f:\cmgr\$aIl\commmemo.97\pescara.cmr