Quinlivan Mark 02/28/2005 14:44 3053776222 BERcaw AND RADELL PAGE 03/04 ,- /' ~ ~ ~ City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FORM lobbyist means all persons employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a principal who seeks to encourage the passage, defeat or modiRcation of any ordinance, resolution, action or decision of any commissioner; any actlon/ dedslOl1, recommendation of the Qty Manager or any city board or committee; or any action, decision or relXlmmendatlon of any dty personnel deflned in any manner in this section, during the time period of the entire dec:lsion-rnaldng process on sud1 actIon, decision or recommendation that foreseeably will be heard or reviewed by the dty lXlmm1551on, or a dty board or lXlmmlttee. The term SPedl'ic:ally indudes the principal as well as any employee engaged In lobl:lylng activities. The term ~l.obbvists'" has spedflc exclusions. Please refer to ordinance 2D04~3435. NAME OF LOBBYIST: 5130 SW 74 Street BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (3051663-6611 TELEPHONE NUMBER: I. LOBBYIST RETAINED BY: Oulnllvan (last) Mark (First) (M.!) (Number and Street) Miami (CIty) flprlda 33143 (State) (Zip Code) (305) 665-4921 FAX NUMBESt EMAIL: JoseDb W. Blount NAME OF PRINCIPAL/ClIENT: 2535 Lake Avenue. Sunset Island No.2. Miami Beacb BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (Number and Street) (Otv) Florida 3314Q (State) (Zip Code) lREPHONE NUMBER: FAX NUMBER: (Optional) EMAlL: (Optlonal) Fill out this IIE1ction If prlndpal is a Corporation, ParmElBhlp or Trost [Section 2-482 (e)] · NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARlNER, OR BENEFICIARY: · IDENTIFY ALL PERSONS HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY/ A 5% OR MORE OWNERSHIP INTEREST IN SUCH CORPORATION, PARlNERSHIP OR TRUST: , II. SP~IIiIC LOBBY ISSUE: .',', ,: varlatle~ttof.R:'atrb:"'. fn-cOnr1eoliiOl'l ~~~9f~-FamilY Residence Issue to be lobbied (Describe In detail): III. CITY AGENCIES/INDIVIDUALS TO BE LOBBIED= A) Full Name of Individual/Title B) Any Finandal, Famlllal or Professional Relationship Board of Adjustment NONE Oty Staff NONE 03/01/2005 09:22 3053776222 BERCQW AND RADELL PAGE 03/03 IV. DJSa.OSURE Of tERMS AND AMOUPtlS OF lOBaYlsr COMP~'JlON-(&lSCtOSE Wffm.frR HOURlY, FLAT RATE OR OTHER): A)-DISCwsuo~(_1 ~ 15~Jv.. "k B) PRmcIPAl'S OrSCI.OSURE (OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION): (Requ red), ----t ( 'S7J1 ty... :::~~~:-';'~~~gr._-. ..:.;..'::.n.~., 1) ur t to in. No. ~003-.s393 ~end~ Miag:. ea i r icl Di on lhereQf Entitled flCa;';;MIC=!efor ~ Via e Ad :iQn.QLCQde Sedion 2.~ EntltlPrl.p~ ~jQnContr/hr'~i"""~ . Oil~~ l.t... ==:...;~:..::~::...:.r;-~' _...... ~__.''''.-. 2) ~~No,~~~__... <-""T -. VII """"" ~ ....... ~lIe<i "c.m_ F - m" 1ll!lUdd1=:::.:,.;;j;;' '-4~ E"'~ Com""",,, Contn""""", By """""~ On "'1 -.. 0... : ' . IY.. '" ":'~~:' ~J::.:" ~n.-:::::.-~ -==.:"~~:::~:;. 80DIlOlltton for cbanaa fIIf 10 Inam 'at' "s L U 1>7 V. SrGNATURE UNDER 04Tt'I: ON OCTOBER 1ST OF UCK YEAR, EACH LOB&YIsr StIAU StIIJMJ:f, T&'FHe-CfTY CLERk A SlGNm STATEMENT UNDER OATH, USTINC lOBBYING EXPENDITURES, AS WEU AS COMPENSATION RECEIVED, IN THE CITY OF MIAMI REACH FOR THE PRECEDING CAlENDAR YEAR, A STATEMENT $HAlL BE FIlED EVEN IF THERE H.\W.KiN-NColEJlPENDJTttftESOR"COMPtNSATrON DURING THI REPORTING PERIOD, Signatu,e 9f L~ ' I do solemnlv swear that alf of the foregoing facts ar~ trueand.cmrectaml-tfJat 1 have- read or am familiar with ffje provisions contained in Section 2-482 of the Miami Beach Oty Code and all reporting requirements.. Signature of lobbyist: _ S;gfllllure of Prlndpal/Cllent: _ /-J;~ t"V 4~ VI, L08BYISnD~NTJFlCA~ PRINCIPAlIDENTIFICAnON: ~ o ProdUCed ID Form of Identification ,1 Produced If). U Personally known (LObbyist, Form of Identification FersonallY known (Pr'ncipal) VII. SIGNATURE AN&-SJ'AMp-OF NOnRY: State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade Swom to and SUbscribed before me This day of . 20_ St*ofFlorida; County of Miami-Dade SWOm and subscri d bell e me ~"""'" This-' /" _-r#- ',' , 20QS ~mt~yp' ~\ fan,e t ~ / / . ~~ i~"'''~ . ~11! ~$ ~ /tIlL JJ.__ Slgnat _ e of ublic Notary - State of Flori(Ja"iI';f,f,fh~ J~~ fforar;z - n or Principal's signatllre ~iJ Signature of Pubric Notary - State of Florida NotarizatlOlt of LobbJist.'s.sigQtl#e- FOR-el-atf('Sun-ONtr Annual Registration fee: [ ) Yes [ J No Amount Paid --!!l:.' & (; MCR, -2- 7 Y 18 i Date-Pald 3.J '+ I (] S Lobbyist Req/stratlonfumrrecetvediJlld lIerffred by: <.r , RevIsed OV10/04 F: CLa\ALl\MARlA-M\lOBBYJST\LOBBYIST FORM D4 ~i~ P< '" ~ ..: f~ 8",,:~~ ~I.s!.J i a I- e 1 First R4I\IIsion _ 05-f7-02 02/28/2005 14:44 3053776222 BERcaw AND RADELL PAGE 04/04 IV. DISCLOSURE OF TERMS AND AMOUNTS OF LOBBYIST COMPENSATION (DISCLOSE WHETHER HOURLY, FlAT RATE OR OTHER): A) LOBBYIST DISCLOSURE: (Required) 5 ~ ~ 1:11 L. . B) PRINCIPAL'S DISCLOSURE (OF LOBBYIST' COMPENSA ON): '(ReqUired). ---..i I Yes III :-=';r;:~~r:~: a no:~r~:e~~~;:a~c: or entltv without sDec:lal CDrnosnsation or rel'llbaement, Pu,l'!luant to Ot , an 0 -3 . 1) ~:~:~~~::~~~::~'Fl~~~~;'=~T~ad~e :~~;cc:e ~:~~~ 2E=~~h~~:n ~ ~:~aiQnDJCon~b~ons Bv Lobbvists On F>rocu;:eme~t~s~e~~: __Yes I!I :0: ::.~o: ~':: on a Dresent or e~n:ln: bi~or Goods. eoulomeot or services. or on a Dre5ent or Qendmo aw~rd for ~DOds. eGUIDm ri_ r :!!.-!.Y!--1 2) ~~~lri~t~~~;i;'OR~~;-:::~~~~~~ ~~~~~~e ~~~~~~E::~,,~~:~:r: 5 ~~c ~P.al Eat$ltP. De\ielQpment I!t'lue!l'" Ii!V..1II N;'1[:.:" 10:;'""" 00' "'.':-;. ..-:.~. D:i::''';~O~-:= ~ =' aDDllcatlon for manGe 0 zonin aD i n tl n or , ~ aD? V. SIGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER 1ST OF EACH YEAR, EACH LOBBYIST SHALL SUBMIT TO llfE CITY CLERK A SIGNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH, LISTING LOBBYING EXPENDITURES, AS WELL AS COMPENSATION RECEIVED, IN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH FOR THE PRECEDING CALENDAR YEAR. A STATEMENT SHALL BE FILED evEN IF THERE HAVE BEEN NO EXPENDITURES OR co PE ATION OURI E REPORTING PERIOD. I do solemnly swear that all of the foregoing are true and correct and that I have read or am faml/[ar with the provisions contained in Section 2-482 of the Miami Beach City Code and all reportlng requirements, Signature of Lobbyist: J~~ Signature of Principal/Client: VI. LOBBYIST IDENTIFICATION: PRINCIPAL IDENTIFICATION: o Produced 10 CJProducadIO Form of Identification Form of Identification {?personally known (lobbyist) VII. SIGNATURE AND STAMP OF NOTARY: n Personally known (Principal) State of Florida, County of Miami-Dade Sworn to and subscribed before me This -r..7 day of J..-Iav(' ~ ,20..Q5 . // ~ I --- ~a.L"'L/./A- ~.. _or--... ~ S'gnature of Public Notary - State of Rorida NotDl'ization of Lobbyist's signature State of Florldar County of Miami-Dade Swam and subscribed before me This _day of , 20_ Signature of Public Notary - State of Aorida Notarization of Principal's signature FOR CLERK'S USE ONLY Annual RegIstration fee: [ ] Yes [ ] No Amount PaId MCR # Dare Paid l.obbylst Registration Form reeeived and verified by: Revised 02/10/04 F: CLER\ALL\MARIA-M\lOBBYIS1'\lOBBYIST FORM 04 1 First Revision _ 05-17-02 .'