Amendment No. 3 dtU)/-.2 Y3 f 11 AMENDMENT NO.3 TO THE PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND CH2M HILL DATED MAY 16, 2001, IN AN AMOUNT NOT.TO-EXCEED $12,750.00, FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, NECESSARY TO INSTALL A DRAINAGE TEST WELL FOR THE RIGHT OF WAY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM NEIGHBORHOOD NO.3 - NORMANDY SHORES PROJECT. This Amendment No. 3 to the Agreement made and entered this /8 It.. day of /Y1l/1ftll- ,2005, by and between the CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, a Municipal Corporation existing under the laws of the State of Florida (hereinafter referred to as City), having its principal offices at 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, Florida 33139, and CH2M HILL, 800 Fairway Drive, Suite 350, Deerfield, Florida 33441 (hereinafter referred to as Consultant). RECITALS WHEREAS, on May 16, 2001, the City entered into a Professional Services Agreement with CH2M HILL (the Consultant), to perform landscape architectural, and/or engineering and related professional services relative to the Project, as defined below, including: planning, design, bidding and construction administrative services (the Agreement); and WHEREAS, the Agreement was executed for a not-to-exceed amount of $620,800; and WHEREAS, the scope of the Right-of-Way Infrastructure Improvements Program Neighborhood No. 3 - Normandy Shores Project (the Project) is comprised of improvements to the following area: Normandy Shores, a residential island with approximately 200 single family homes and 43 apartment buildings surrounding the Normandy Shores Golf Course and Fairway Park, which is linked to Miami Beach at 715t Street; and WHEREAS, the Project scope of work includes: enhanced landscaping and street lighting consistent with community preferences; repair, extension or widening of sidewalks to comply with ADA - Title III; replacement of existing water mains throughout the community; street resurfacing/pavement markings and improvement of dead end streets with street lighting, landscaping, fencing, and/or parking, where appropriate; bicycle paths and pedestrian access ways; incorporation of traffic calming features, consistent with the communi'ty preferences; improved stormwaterdrainage collection and disposal infrastructure; and provision ofthe necessary infrastructure to accommodate the burial of overhead facilities, in the event the residents consider the creation of a special assessment district to underground electric, cable and telephone services; and WHEREAS, the Consultant's scope of work includes planning services; design services; and bidding and award services, as defined in the Schedule "A" - Scope of Services; and WHEREAS, Schedule "A" defines Task 6, "Reimbursables", with the following breakdown: reproduction services; travel and subsistence; surveying; geotechnical evaluation; and undergrounding utility verification; and WHEREAS, the paragraph defined as Task 6.5 "Underground Utility Verification," as defined in Schedule "A-2", describes the provisions for Additional Services necessary to perform undergrounding utility verification for the Project; and WHEREAS, Schedule "A-3" describes the provisions for Additional Services necessary to install a drainage test well to provide additional information for the preparation of a Letter of Reasonable Assurance to be submitted to the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP), as required in in the permit application for the Project. NOW. THEREFORE. the parties hereto, and in consideration of the mutual promises, covenants, agreements, terms, and conditions herein contained, and other good and valuable consideration, the respect and adequacy are hereby acknowledged, do agree as follows: 1. ABOVE RECITALS The above recitals are true and correct and are incorporated as a part of this Amendment NO.3. 2. MODIFICATIONS The Agreement is amended to incorporate the additional scope of work as defined in Schedule "A-3", attached hereto. 3. OTHER PROVISIONS. All other provisions of the Agreement, as amended, are unchanged. 4. RATIFICATION. The City and Consultant ratify the terms of the Agreement, as amended by this Amendment NO.3. IN WITNESS WHEREOF, the parties hereto have caused this Amendment No.3 to be executed in their names by their duly authorized officials as of the date first set forth above. ATTEST: CITY OF MIAMI BEACH ~~~ fl1A~ City Clerk ~ E. Chartrand, Acting Director CIP Office ATTEST: CH2M HILL ~~t~ ~5~jYJ4-e L{ ~, ))t{..VIIU- Print Name ~C~~ (~~&<S~ Print Name APPROVED AS TO FORM & LANGUAGE & FOR EXECUTION Z/~f SCHEDULE "A_3" TO AMENDMENT NO.3 TO THE PROFESSIONAL LANDSCAPE ARCHITECTURAL AND ENGINEERING (LA) SERVICES AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA AND CH2M HILL, DATED MAY 16, 2001, IN AN AMOUNT NOT-TO-EXCEED $12,750.00, FOR THE PROVISION OF ADDITIONAL PROFESSIONAL SERVICES, NECESSARY TO INSTALL A DRAINAGE TEST WELL FOR THE RIGHT OF WAY INFRASTRUCTURE IMPROVEMENTS PROGRAM NEIGHBORHOOD NO.3 - NORMANDY SHORES PROJECT. Scope of Services: Consultant is to comply with the permit application requirements from the Florida Department of Environmental Protection (FDEP) for the Project, including supporting documentation for information included in the DEP Form No. 62-528.900(1). As part of the application for permit, a "Letter of Reasonable Assurance" needs to be submitted. The letter would explain that the proposed well drainage system will not adversely affect ground water conditions in a given vicinity. In order to prepare the letter, a test well must be installed by a drilling contractor. The well consists of a one dual tube reverse circulation 7-inch diameter test hole to a depth of up to 200 feet, providing continuous formation samples, water quality samples at 5'-10" intervals, including water quality analysis (TDS), and preparation of a water quality profile and lithologic profile by a professional geologist. The test will yield information which will allow the Consultant to further refine its calculations, make necessary changes based on that information and ultimately provided the FDEP with the letter. Please, refer to attached letter submitted by Hazen and Sawyer, dated January 11, 2005. Compensation: . Original Agreement amount $620,800.00. . Amendment NO.1 (to include Additional Services for CDW No.2) amount $12,811.00. . Amendment NO.2 (to include Underground Utility Verification) amount $16,325.00. . Amendment NO.3 (to include Test Well Installation) amount J12.750.00. . Revised Agreement amount $662.686.00. FEB 02 2005 9:47 ~M FR H~S MI~MI BE~CH 3055348887 TO 3056737073 P.02/04 HAzEN AND SAWYER Environmental EngIneers & Scientists Hmo IfId Sawyet, P.C. 975 Ar1I1ur Goclfray Road Sub 211 Miami BeIcII. A. 33140 305 532-9292 Fax: 305 534-8887 January 11, 2005 Alexandra Rolandelli Senior Capital Projects Coordinator CITY OF MIAMI BEACH Capital Improvement Projects OffICe 1700 Convention Center Drive Miami Beach, Florida 33139 City of Miami BQQch Right-of-Way Infrastructure Improvements Program Neighborhood No. 3: Normandy Shores Consultant Request for Additional SelVlces Dear Ms. Rolandelll: Please find attached a request for additional selVlces from CH2MHiII (Consultant) for a drainage test well. Hazen and Sawyer (H&S) recommends approval of thIs additional service request in the amount of $12,750.00 fer the following reasons: · The Consultant will use data from this test well to assure pennittlng agencies that the proposed well drainage system does not negatively impact ground water conditions. · The Consultant will further use the data to better calculate discharge rates for the proposed drainage wells thereby refining the drainage system design. · This test well was not anticipated and is not included in the Agreement between the City and the Consultant · H&S has reviewed the proposal and compared it to similar wefls constructed in South Florida over the last several years. The cost of this test well appears to be reasonable. Please do not hesitate to contact this office should you have any questions or comments. Very truly yours, HAZEN AND SAWYER, P.C. ~s~' Richard W. Saltrick, P.E. Engineering Coordinator Attachment c: K. Mizell J. Cajarop J.Hdfman B. Vidal Fn. NQ. 4003 /1.4 MB: 4003L 118 1Mw'rllrk IN' Armank. NY'1lIonIIy. NJ. DWol. MI. f'l1AdI(phli. PA ol!llligh, He 0 CIIodalll. NC 0 Ft*fD. VA 0 AIluII. ~.~. ""llOCa RIbl. Fl.. Fort PitIC& FL . .lIacIarrotll. R.. NWni. R. 0 SuIsatI, FL' T_ R. .. I 9:47 AM FR H~S MIAMI BEACH Co.... 3055348887 TO 3056737073 c..'.. P.03/04 FEB 02 2005 CH2M HILI.. . CH2MHILL .. One H111YlU'd Cilt:r. west Palm Beac:tl. FL 3340t-1923 Te' set.51SJ1!GO FIX 158U1S.G502 January 04, 2004 166129.03 Mr.. John Hoffman. P .E. Ha%en and Sawyer, P.C. 975 Arthur Godfrey Road Suite 211 Miami Beach, FL 33140 faxed this date Subject: City of Miami Beach Right~fpWay Infrastructure Improvements Program Neighbol'hood 3 - Nonnandy shola - Teat Well Request Dear Mr. Hoffman: As you are aware, CH2MHlLL i$ nearing the 9~ completion stage and will bt! submitting p1an$ for permit re\"iews at that same time. To ttUs end, with regards to drainage pcrxnitting, CH2.MHILL has recently learned that the Florida Deparbnent of Environmental Protection (FOEI') is requesting that C01'ISultants submit a "Letter of Reasonable Assurance" at the time permit application is made. This document essentially provides FDEP the assurance that the proposed wen drainage system will not adversely affect ground water conditions in a given vicinity. In order to provide this assurance, and in support of DEP Form No. 62-528.900(1), a test wen must first be installed by a well drilling contractor. 1hi$ te5t well will yield information which will allow CH2MHILL to further refine it's dramage calc:ulations, make necessary change5 based on that information and ultimately provide the FDEP with a Jetter of reasonable assurance. Based on the attached proposal from well drilling contractor, Jaffer Associates, Corp. the cost to perform this service is $12,750.00. Since there is currently not funding appropriated for \:his task we would 1il<e to request that a contract amendment be executed by the City in the amOunt of $12,750.00 to cover the cost of this service. Sincerely, adPCEWED ~J~ SAWYER. P.c. ........... Plcrida JAN 5 2085 ~51 ~"I R5i/~ JobNO, ~.y '45. <p~~ Phillip R.I..ngle; - Project Manager File Rick Olson, P.E. I CH2MHILL P:\MiaM111eAclIFICityOf\ 166129Norma\'ldy\Admin \LTRJlo~n.._t-w~L12.1S-M-pr1.c1oc: c: FEB 1212 21211215 8:47 AM FR H~S MIAMI BEACH 312155348887 TO 31215673712173 ;prUpUfilU ( p.e4/e4 ,- . Jaffer Associates, Corp. 2801 N.W.. 8th A'II8nU9 Miami, Florida 33127-5937 P.O. Box 37CJ2.77 ....... MIami, Ronda 33157-0277 . -mIL LANGELY' , Dad9: (305) 578.7383 BrowaRl: (954) :123-6669 Fax:' (305) 573-8711 VIII.... =' "'- r_lllI. C..11IU~ ......." - Manilarir'llWlo'" ........... _ (;..- CCI1IU11:O Sf"" r PAX; (561) SlS-6~02 PliCltG: I DATE PH: (561) 515-6513 1/4/05 .IC11 NAMi;:- ONE HARVARD CIRCLE CITY ITATII ANII ZIP.COlll. Wf.'S'r PALM BEACH t FL MCHlTIICl ~Y SHCJRBS 33409 NORMANDY ISlE Dl\TEOf l~- .lOa I'tIONE Wv h........, ......" .......~IIl....... 811\1 ....""QlllIIln. ORIU..Ul1 OF (>>IE (1' DUAL TrJ8B RBVBRSB CIRCULATION 719 DIAME1'Qt TEST li'OJ..K '1'0 A DEPTH OF UP TO 200' PROVIDUIJ OONTrNOOUS ~TIC>>'f SAMPLES t WAT!R QUALITY SAMPLES .. S'-1O' INTBRVALS. INCLUDlt<<J WATER QUALITY ANALYSIS (TDS), ANn PREPARATION OF A WAT!R QtJALJTY' PROFILE AND LITHOLOGJC PROFILE BY PROPESSIONAL GF4OGIS'l' . $12,750.00 - Dt t!I'UIU161' horQb~ to fumiah maleriallnd IIbor - complete In .ccord.nce wflh above specification.. lOt ~ I\Uft of: AS A1lCM! AS AJ!IJVI!, doll.,. (..... J- PlI)'111t1/111O IliIt ml4. ., tallowl: ON RBJUISITION Itll'F.REST ACX3UBS . 1 1/2% IDI'1ULY TBN 4&VI. All".... _lI\IUloIIIIMItu"_1l*lIIID1I AIl_IIID_ClllllllltllCll"'~__ ..........u. IICC1l11..... ...'~'"'..- An, ".",Ian ar___ ... __lIPIClfln............ _......_ '"It1..... 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