#487 11 Memorial for Mayor Melvin Richard 2005 [Face Relief] MELVIN J. RICHARD Melvin J. Richard came to Miami Beach in 1926 at the age of 14. His first labor for the young City was digging ditches, at 35 cents an hour, to pipe fresh water to its citizens. In 1934, at age 22, he became the 6th attorney in the City. In 1941, at age 29, he became City Judge. On June 7, 1949, he was elected to the City Council, a post he would hold for 16 years. On June 4, 1963 he was elected Mayor of Miami Beach. He was known for his uncompromising honesty, and yielded to the control of no man or woman, except his wife, Janet. He successfully fought to keep the beaches open to the public, to keep organized crime out ofthe City, to keep Lincoln Road a pedestrian thoroughfare, and for many noble causes. He died on February 12, 2001, at age 89, still practicing law, and still speaking out publicly for causes in which he believed. In all ofthese years he left the City and his family only once, from 1943 to 1946 to serve the Nation, and the City, as a decorated naval officer in the European Theater of World War II. This rotunda was designed and built under his watch as Mayor and Councilman, between 1962 and 1964, and dedicated to Melvin J. Richard on _, 2004, by a grateful City. H:\MJR\Estate\rotunda engraving.wpd [Face Relief] MEL VIN J. RICHARD Melvin J. Richard came to Miami Beach in 1926 at the age of 14. His first labor for the young City was digging ditches, at 35 cents an hour, to pipe fresh water to its citizens. In 1934, at age 22, he became the 6th attorney in the City. In 1941, at age 29, he became City Judge. On June 7, 1949, he was elected to the City Council, a post he would hold for 16 years. On June 4, 1963 he was elected Mayor of Miami Beach. He was known for his uncompromising honesty, and yielded to the control of no man or woman, except his wife, Janet. He successfully fought to keep the beaches open to the public, to keep organized crime out ofthe City, to keep Lincoln Road a pedestrian thoroughfare, and for many noble causes. He died on February 12,2001, at age 89, still practicing law, and still speaking out publicly for causes in which he believed. In all ofthese years he left the City and his family only once, from 1943 to 1946 to serve the Nation, and the City, as a decorated naval officer in the European Theater of World War II. This rotunda was designed and built under his watch as Mayor and Councilman, between 1962 and 1964, and dedicated to Melvin J. Richard on _, 2004, by a grateful City. H:\MJR\Estate\rotunda engraving.wpd .-...0-..........' """"~ '.-;l<:l""~"""",,,',,> UlleW""".liU:Clt~ .......UI'Ul<-'_.-. _~"""~:a...._ ....-n-_.......__~_ JO:O_IIIII:T,.^'--.--.:......u~p "'ALSO ADIMJT"I"BD ......- n.aJltIW:)il4I- -~.A1..S."........-......--_.NU'''''';, R..I:CI:J:..A.RXIl ,^~p .ft.J:c~ Nr'''~''_ AT ~__ "::''''''''>oU~'''''''''''''_""-,,, ~R.DJ:_.../.........~"- TJaH:"'",,"-7lK_IIJ.tUi:~ -......-~...-.:-""'- aa:o.a-.. ...,......".""""'" - '-"""_l ~.)- ............~_ O'(>~~''''''''''_1i< -~~.~ LQ,.....,..,.,.. _"TO" ......."'" ...............--.. -....;J..!:o(:::l!::.>.I:"I"Ill't.<:::_l(J'YF,Jil"I.,ETT,ER TO: 1'-'1"!>-. T ,iltiao Ha..lfieid FAX NUl\I.IBER: 305-673-7254 r~'ROM: T>e-nni:!"o R.ichard, .Esq_ Ri~hat:"d ~uJ.d Richnrd. P.A. ')"ELF.P.HC)NE NUMBER: 3U:?i-:'-\74-6688 TC)TAL N U!V1ilEl:.t P......<31.:S (ine luding cover pa.ge): , MA'1."l'ER.; .L")A"rE '"In..ANBl'o.-:1ITTED: Ju.nt' 2. 2005 TIlVlE -Y"RANS!'.-'1:TTTED: 1-0:0'2 awn C~PERAT()I<'S NA1....1E: (~"" (~C)MJ\..1EN.rs, N<Yr'("""~J:+-;' 'I'h", nl'IH1"'Tlt\.t'OT'J c<:''1'f...hJ.O;!<.<J in thl!";. t";'j(".~'n-:>He- r.lo_"J.:e< 1,. ;t>tt,,',r-J,""Y pd,vil""K""d andcont'Ldc.ai'tnl ~1l.:t'.;:.n.}'1I..1t""J.~.i.HrC-lld<!'d only fur the ,-,,,,.,, vt" rht:o- lI~dlvjdu;~l O~ entlt;y Yl<tn"U."d ;;tx.~".j!\" (t' tb.~ re...,del.~ ot' dl.L" Ine:'S"lil:'" is not th~ .h.(ca:lC~d reclpJ.eJ.u. or rLle e.a.lf!loy;,::~ or "C""""l( '~,;p."n,.~.bf"" T-O ct>c<HvC't" It !:c, u,~ jn(~lvted- t'~~"').pic>~u. tlle !""c>a.o::""". l>\' bol>.~l::>y' uutHIO(.llhal nu,y clis,'-'C..uh......I1<...... di:::olLi'loulw.a-VI (",,-,,py.nc 01' ttlls c.oJ.nu.unlcation j", snlct.ly proW_biUO:Q.. It'you bave t'c>co!-lve--d thi,; <,:c'U~iJ::lU;"..k;..Liou hi ,~rror" plea:>;..:.' lnun-:<.liIl.Lo.:I.)/ noU-ty HI'; by "I:<ll""phQ.:U:' <::3-0"" .3"1-l -6~8) cum rel.unCl. rh"" orllljl;lJlal u'}Cei!l&<1.ge 10 us at (!-.e aeo::.v,", ",-dd~'e:S.!l- villi th<>: U.S. PO""ll.ul S"'''y'iG'~" TRANSMISSION REPORT THIS DOCUMENT (REDUCED SAMPLE WAS COl'JF I RMED ABOVE SEE DETAILS BELOW) ** COUNT ** TOTAL PAGES TOTAL PAGES SCANNED CONFIRMED 7 7 *** :-;E\D *** Rl:::\10TE .ST i\ T I U\' 'I 1>1f' DI 'R:\T f (1\ ffP,4,GES \IODf~ KES! :LTS ;305 67:3725.1 G- ':l. is 10:0:2 G 01" 7/ 7 IT CO\lF'j .FTFD :14UO TOTAL ():tJ5'UI" 7 ,-OTE: '\n, (}PEl,ATJO\J' \:t'\lBER I'D POLLED BY ~F,I()TE MB ':;E:\D 1'0 :V1A I LBOX H, SF PC 4.80()BF-'SSELECrl]) STORr: ,~ r;ORW,\RD POLL I:\G i\ RE\-fOTE Fe 1<1 \'11,) ERROR CORRECT REI ,,\ Y I c, I T I iHI: MULT I - POLL! NG G2 RS R,l G2 CO\l\iUN i CAT I 0:\ REL,\Y STATIO" RFO: I VF T() \-1E!\:IOKY ~~ UNvtN\P~\K C~p Q<J()~or., a~ I or au:':,a~l:'lI~ Pol! MEf-..\CRJ6L rtf<.. MAY~ ~LV(f-.,/.RI~-O ~...,... en.auz:e:.. ....~tAC- c::.,o l" ~/::s ll..c::lOe.1i'o/ Pk.Of'l<..Si; '1 r:>E.Otc:.(l-r16H ~v.oGe.'" Gf1...oul'lE.. ot.",.be.:s ~b4 NrbMI ~~ Ul!l~""" c.. '-~ t::J'- dE.,.c-r10l.,J ~ plIPIQUii, ':5'<<'C1"'llJfJ pehS~eu=.'" ,l)t2.Q.)J.:J.\O t-lE~ Jo'QUtl.eJO uJ ~E. ""OUCI'2~ ~ "J::,.LE.V..t:sJ10 J..,J foJ.:-t'. .$ ."5AL ~E.1O c;nAlJ11E. .:Sc...D e.:s c::.oJ.Jc:.. P'f""l..Of-J i--V FLllL I U 1="dt-~f-.l.e.1-JT ...:SCcTfOJ-J cg ~ ~ :-r. .::$ . Io-i.c::...~~ ~c:r ~ - ,,,~,,,~~:'w,,.v.,,,~~.~I_Nt'.B!";i\'lll1~Rg~1;'C1I~it\iJ{I!G1l*1lI1111I1Y1JiIlW : Tlif'::'r,7" II Ulu..r l\t~olution J!o. 12130 ^ RESOLUTION COMMENDATORY OF THE RECORD, SERVICE AND ACHIEVEMENTS OF THE HONORABLE MELVIN J. RICHARD, AS MAYOR AND COUNCILMAN OF THE CfIY OF MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA. ~. ~btrta~, 1M HOtIorable Melvin J. Richard UW' first elected as 0 l1...mber of this, tM City Cou,1CiJ of tM City of Miami Beaeh, Florida, on June 7. 1949 and theuafter served continu- "usly as Crnmrilnwn of the City of Miami Beaeh nntil June 7. 1967. with 1M exception of 0 fux)-year interval frol1l 1953 to 1955; and ~tfJtrta~, the said HonMable Melvin J. Richard during said period also sL'rWd as Mayor for /1... City of Miami Beaeh. Florida, from June 4,196310 June 2,1965; and ~"tt'ta~, the record of tlU' said Honorable Melvin J. Richard both as a ",ember of tltis City Council and as Mayor of the Cily of Mia.... Beach, Florida, is 0 record of britlJam lruler, reflecling abililies of superwtive degree, keen intellect, a fearless, staunch, u....vatmng and Imariotu Periclean dn'olion 10 cit;" duty and obligation as il 'lL'llS gil'Ct1 to him 10 see lhe same.: and .btrta~, 1M Honorabk' Melvin J. Richard lab/J1'ed nnremittingty and with Hercukan strmglh aoui cOl/rage to dn'c/op mui fflhance nol only lhe presCtlt and fulure well-being of tlU' community. l>ut also aid ami ell.onrage ils grmdh in Ihl' realms of cultural and aesthetic en- deavor; and mbtrta~, the introduction alld devclopmelll of the Tell"l.!iswn Industry in the Cit), of Miami Beach is attributable. in large pari. /0 the foresighl alld active encouragement of the said Honorable Meh,;n J. Richard: and mbtrtllS, it is filting and proper liuJl the Cily Coullcil of tM City of Miami Beach upress, for itself. and for the residmls and citizens of the City of Miami Beach, its enduring apprecia- lion tf) lhe soia Hon/J1'able Meh,;.. J. Richard for the immeasurabll! and lasting contril>utions m<Jde by him 10 the well-being of the community: Jlow, m:bmfort, bt it bulp l1t~olbtb lip tbt Citp €ountil of tf)t f:itp of :Jtliami JjltadJ, .:tloriba,that this Resolution be spread upon the afficial records of the City of MiamiSeiUh. Florida; that 0 copy of this Resolution be delivered to the said Honorable Melvin J. Richard. alui also thai a copy of this Resolution shall be funlished 10 tlU' represenlatives of the press. radio and tele1.,;s;on. lJaSlitb anb lRbopttb this 7th day of June, lL=: / Allest: ~u~~. ~.. VO):.. 1. -No. 20. ~;r':: .': ~i .... i;<M~ RICHAJIDWINS l;.iMERITOUS AWARD ~!-;;\"'"i]<' - '.-- _ - -' "' '" '.:c(--", The award,of the :Miami Beaeh Junior Chamber of Conunercc fot they-oung man below the aged tqirty-H-n years w'ho did the most for tile city of :lIiami Beach wa(p!esented at thlt Jast mectin,g on ')'-hm~ day. 1brctl 24th, to ),fch-in J.Richard, )'1ianii Beach attorney and me11.1ber of the "board of djrectqr~' 'or' ~e ;.,fi<lmi Beach Jaycees. Till presentatioll was made at theopcll illccling liy A. Frank I(:'.tzentillc. 10(:11] attnrllcy ilLldthc owner of 'Radio'Stati"on \\lKAT and fon~\l'r 11ayorof .\liami Beach. Mi". Katz en tine ;:\S gtlC"tsllNkcf of the en.:n- ing, discllssed problems of the city of j\liami Beach which the J<lyct't:s could rC111cd~' ;:nd flcrha.Jls :';0;\"C. He stre~~t'd the importance. and the value of such a st1lclldiJ grollp of yOun~ lllen and urged them to cen- tin\le in the work they were duillfi' H~ S\;ltC(\ that he had cstabF;hed a pr<;.ccuellt eight ye<1,r:; ago ill re~ fn~illg to appear before any l1ublio.: grOllV iwd that it made him haJ)llY on this occasion to' breach the pre~ cedent ill order to make the' prcq ",;,.' ComPanY PaY$ $1,084.01 To 15 Employees RC!oititution totanh~g $1,084.01 has been m~de .to .15 employees 'of the C. H. Lyne Foundry: Company.-1Ii- ami, Florida, representing the dj{~ ferencc. be.tweenwages and over. lime pay received and what they were entitled to since Octuber 24. 19J8, under the Fa,ir Labor Stan.~ \-Vest Palm Beach. ).Jan:h 28 dard~ A.c't. it' was announced today (FNS).-:Floritla cocoanut may help by James G. Johnstlll, Acting Re.~ win the war, for the \Va.r Depart. gional Director of the Wage and ll1ent reports that the tnugh fibrons Honr Divisiun, U. S. Department cO<:Qa.rnlt shell is one of the 14 of Labor, Fifth Floor "Vitt Build- vital materials npon wh:ch the in!!., Atlanta. Georgia. 'country dC{Jcnds fOf \\',1;" lll~terhls. 1n :mnollucing the paymcnts,:dr. Prin<:lpo;t! i.l:iC is fO\lIl.::1 in lhl.' Il1:':'W ]ollll$nn pointed out t11><1.t thl;: com~ ufactllTc of gU$ lllasks as dl;U f,w pa,nymadc restituti'on without the filters, The portioll t\~ed i5 lhc neccssity of coutt action. , This pol. liard shell in.~ide the lhl~k. It is icy has been aDl}roved by the Ad. also ,cniployed in" till'. llw.l-,uf,u:turc mhlistralioll:of ,th~,Wage"and,H';mi" I . D.i't'i.sion irid,scs ,vh.ere investi.gation .of buUo1'1S: ,and cOi;tUl""C,rCWl:;.r.y", ,', ',', ", "" ' " A CU1lljl:ll1Y -"~as rurnwJ thLnvC('k dis~lo~es,that 'etllployers.did 09t ill- . , 'tcntionally . or \~.ilflllly' violate the to jlRHnolc "the C0l1SCrVad0Jlo! ';'0- law;an.d' Whcr.c. no aggraY<<ted cir~ coantit shells In BQt1t~ Florida the '''- " euiiu;tances' "Of. a.ilY .kiJld arepreiient. Str:ttegicProducts 'Conscn:,ttion, . Jnc... l:caded "py:,.:,;JarT(}l,lf:, R:, .IN e~t , . . C~!~1.~1~1f'ts of ~nd~1" !laymen'ls! as ;ot", Uost6il find, Pahfl'ne.iCJL:"'lt'Jw'il1',)ye!~J9,~,~t?,Ct:,~1~~~t,lO~s ". "'O~ . .l~e, he '.l:' n6'i:~iH'6fit"eihior'rll'i~e:.a'n'jl;WlIF~J.Y~lf.-E~n: J;<l;y;,;">"mR~>~:;Ne,~,,ln, . . f' person or 111. wntmg or by. teJ<:- convert the$hells .111lo.. char vr gas . ' ..... '. I f mask filters. yhonillg the Jacksonville brtlllc 1.0.- flee of the' Wagcand Hour DIpl~ sion, 1.fr. Jobns-on s~jd. . ....,.. .. }i--. FISH WON'T BITE FOR F.D.R. Fort Laudfrdalc.:March 28 (FNS).-Whh the fasl USS Bensori, hovering watchfuU)' near,by. President 1 party of his most intimart.e <:ohorts .'l"il.)led la~iiy up an( strclam tbis week aboard the' presidential yacht Fotl of big game fish. Cocoanub May Win War The Potomac and Benson sa.iied ply ovcr;J,wcd by from Port, E;.verg1a,des here 5<11- the great man, \lrday morning. after delaying more than 36 hours waiting for a hit of chop on the stre-am to subside, \Vhilc Roose.,:elt, fermer Undcr- Seqetary of Navy :md bllilt IIp <as a grea,t sailor and fisherman: since becoming president. w<tited for the wind and wai1cslo;dic, dm'Vn. ~cores of f\$hen'l~n 1lel:~'1Ve!e-9~t6n 'the .many ,charter, alld:.p~ivate,"})oats- which arc abOl1to~l~-t~~"t\'l., the si;'.c of the Pot'ol1lac-'AI1d the' Anglers AS;lqciati~lt re1l9rted' n-~ h~.f~ul) in thcl1tlll1bet: of enrti(:!;, in the.$5,OUO game fishing fou,r,l;~m'<mt hEr,c-. U$lW.Jly lllucli,tbl< ed ROOliCl'elt as bl shottling. "Stril;:e~ all ove; theCO\lnll:) one 0lit here whe,rc Slt'n~ ~a'r:1>,.'j;'Jj l>(:Cl.'Cl'ary. ,vas rei)'. wlththe,CIO abOt ;;'trike' for'tlle pr( party with Roo:;e~ Sccretai..y }{arold Bey .(~elHit<lJ - Ro~ Rear'l\thniraJ ReI fonner. Commc;>cc L. Hopkin!>, ),l'aj. 'Watson, and Earl) As S901l:as the 'pfesi\1~\lt'.s,.b6at put 6~t.: however\,t?efis~' q~i~'~it~ i;tg. .I-{il,~j2.f~~'~;~b:?ig;r;:rJ..~t.b~<,.J*cp1,\,~lt.- can Party with, ad,,;:mce work a,Hong the finny folk. Staunch Del1'iocrats, however, insisted the fish were sjm~ The,'cj)art)r'iS~xr ~I~ld~cl this wc~k 't? den.JoJlmctll.~ in r1 Ctlt it short. The award wa~ lmde fur Ollt. srending services rendered hy :H cL Richaru through the radio program conducted by.him weekly for (Jill.' year under tho auspices of the jay. cees. The progr;mh \Ilulcr the gtylc "WHNf lJiO YOU THINK?" is presented over 'vVI(AT every fl1c:;- day from S:;JO to 9:00 P.;\'I. Th:r~e local citb.('ris arc inrlte\! to <lllpea.r all ilw pn:;~tanl <\lld in round table f<ashk:n di::.etlsscs with them 11)("<11, state cr n,lti,::nt,! l'mblen1~. GatiJ.bling 'lV.Iiddlllman' Gets Plln Tenn, Fine '1"^ WillKI1T1 R. "Billy" Skidmore re- puted middleman for Chicdgo'::; !l)(.mbljllg syndicate. W:l.~ ~elitenced to J{) months il11pdsi:mm~l'lt and $.3000 liut: by Fcwcral Judge Philip L. S\1ninw. Skidmore was (:onvict~ cd 1J arell ~ of $300,000 income tax ~\";tsion. Sullivan overruled Skidmore'!; motion for a new: tria!. He said tbe Chk..agn junk dealer, \vho allegedly arranged "protection" fOf organized g"J.mb1er:>. had. been gi'ven "a fair trial." . "I do not ,feel I should any view for the views of Judge Sullivan. said. .the Councilmanic R~ COMMENT STARTERS PROBABLE ODDS 6.1 8.1 Finished strong last time Will offer more. contentio time. Should have little difficl.Ill Won weakly last time. VI trouble with this field Is too consistent but this OJ he 'a breeze. Should have no troublEdn I Will have top contender to with. Bill Burbridge. . . . . . . . Benny Cohen ..... ).1 r. Killzflltinc ~latrd in IIld;.;nfl illt;aw;trd that he w:iS douhly pn')ud tn be pre" (,I\t bCC<\ll~C he ha.d been a chl1rtcr llit'lilhcr of the Miami Bc-ach .1:tycees alHl 111.0 kC(;l1s proud" ly ou his desk the same award pre sented to him some years ago. 5.1 8-1 B. DeHirsch Meyer Harl'yHioo ....... substitute the- jury," 5.1 John Levi . . 5.1 6.1 Herb Frink . . . Mitch Wolfson > Ai'>", iI\A/iill Ai' '~~SC f The High-Rolling Years: 1940 1953 ( One by one, hotel people requested and were grantcap;:;::, :l1though :letnal swumnillg was declasse. The women :lrnvcd milS by the city council to rnove their bulkhedd seven.ty~tlvc l carefidly made up dnd \ve~lring the' btest flShioll ~\vilnsult -- "It fcet east of the existing 111nit. A setback ordinance from the: ( I11ay be some lIttle thing of pure silk costing only but durties that required open space bet\'\/een the hotel and it nuy also be d creation ofgold-trimmcd velvet or sequIns .md the bulkhead had ;llso been \\.'eakened. No\\,' hotel O\\'i1 1 ennillt' Jl $145," wrote Lj/{' in 1Y.17-as \\'ell ;,lS SOl11e en could irnprove the nc\\! area with S\ViUllning pools ~lnd \ gJrIllent th:tt n-ansfonned the suit into par!:"y or stree[\' t,H. cahanas bUIlt on a sand-filled, <;ted-\iv;:tlJed box that S0111e>. \ I\1oncy", nesh, and self-indulgence gave the Be;H:Jl JL atnlClS~ . tlaies extended so (11' out that it \'./(15 st;ll1ding in deep phere or-"uninhibited pagani)111," said Li/:.,. \-vater t\'en at low tide. At points, the public could not \v:dk Nighdife \vas bool1lmg-.-the cen ye:lrs <lfter tflt' \V~T \vert along the beach. SotnetinlCS the only \"/,1')" a hotel guest could probably the best f()l- entertail1l11ent, ~lcconliIlg IC) locals. get to the sea \\-'as by climbing d.OVvTl steps built tr0111 thc: top Boulevard \\:3::' nightclub r()\\-. There \V3S Ciro\ ~uOl(l tbe P:hj~ of the dcck. dock Club. which was run by Ralph "Bottles" 111 1953, as a result of a suit that l\:li:uni Beach lav.,.yer (bter Al\ brother CYou didn't think of them ~lS ga!lg:;ters," s;nd mayor) ;\'/ldvin Rich3rd tiled ag:l1nst the city, a circuit court one Bejchite. "1 never knn\; of any lnobster aCrlvltit';. No 011(' judge ordered J pennanent inJuncti(Hl ;ig;1inst the l\/liaml offered rHe clope or anything!''); the Be8chcombcr: \1otI1er Beach City Council f(lrbidding it to ever again allow a devel- Kclly's, vvhere Helen 0/1organ fended off lounge lizards by oper to build across the public beach, Brazenly the city (011- c1a1111ing she was going h0111C \\-'ith Mother, Ilobcrt Kelly; ;llld tinued to issue variances to hotel and apartlllclH builders to Kitty Davis\ Airliner, shaped like the inside of :.l hangar build into the sea. \Vi,lves lapped at the fcmndatlons of ocean- explained in her life story on the place nut, sh.e believed rh;.11: I front buildings, 5tonns regularly flooded hotel bdSCll1ents and in the tlJturc large stratohne-rs \vould have regubr nightclub ) the sublobl-'ry shopping dTc--ldes of the fiftit's~ Jnd the shoreline entertainn1fTlr). \'\/hen Kitty lhvis's dost'cL l\1i(_J1el IZosen- \ \\~.as buried under steel and concrete. berg., Little Roumania ("The food was good, but the jokes \..t.. Scandin~rvian") opened on the sanle spot, teaturing entcruin- lTlellt by Jan Ban, 'Joyial Songster'.; /\tta Boy Cetzel. "Yid~ dish Story Teller"; Chet Clark. "HarnlonicH": and the Johl1ll~ Silvers ()rchestrJ. The c1a.s~'Y joints \overt' che COp;t, vvhich sup~ phcd littI(~ h.1UllJlerS on the Gib1c for applauding, in the tLHiitioJ:, and the P<lhn Island Club, run by Lou \\/Jb:rs. Ibr- bar? \X/altt'r~\ father. Near the I-l011C)-- \\'tTc BilIJorcbn'"LLH^ ell l\-lusic ~md the Five O'CJoc'k <: luh. ar <.>11(' tirne ()\\ nee NlC1IITCLlB kOW EverYThing on )\/lldilli Beach btCJ111e bigger and holder after the \var. !'vloney had never been spent quietly in1\-'1j;:l1l11 BcadL hut it becd.IlH:.' ('Ycn more conspicuou~ in the lare f()rtie~, cU1d that \"/a~ the entcrc:nnrncnt. The guilty price-tag- ,vatching of the Wolf years h3d turned positively celebratory. Articles checrful1v noted thar a !VLan1ilJea.ch vacdtioncr could pa~\" $1,SOU t~Jr;1 nc:ckhc (no one ever bCiught d1C'sC tics. but one stmy tIlt:)}J fix 'years JUst' for the publicity) or tiut lTJ.ilb)p \V;1S ~\t the r~h:C"t:r:lck';; on ,\. The soci:d life of [he hoteL, around t.he 'vbrtlu Rave. where \vork (or 4\-CtiE everyone- HH:'t cockt:lik At _rvlufny h';lnklms, host grcc~ed y the doc:r by unzipping his ii-y. pull111g out ;l huge watch, ;1nd )'dhng, "lIt-v! 'y'ou'rc bu.:.... 'The Van_de-rbilt HCit(J h:ld d.rl outdz)(,( \VhCTt' \vould the v/ith s.ul:dl INSIDEE nllG PAMPHLET YOU'LL READ, IN RHYMf;, OF THE PROBLEMS YOU FACE FROM. TIME. TO TIME. YOU WI LI.. LEARN of THE TRIALS, OF GULLI BLE GUg. AND WHY YOu SHOULD JOW AND WORK WITH US.