Hope Calhoun/Normandy ShoresMAY-27-2005 16:41 CITY MIAMI BCH CLERK DEPT 305 6737254 P.02 City of Miami Beach Office of the City Clerk 1700 Convention Center Drive, Miami Beach, FL 33139 LOBBYIST REGISTRATION FO1L~I Lobbyist mean5 all persons employed or retained, whether paid or not, by a prlnOpal wllo seeks to encourage the On~_,;age. defeat or modification of any ordinance, resolution, actio~ or decision of any commissioner; any action, decision, recon'.'nendaUon of the City Manager or any city beard or committee; or any acUon, decision or recommefldatiofl of an'/ Oty pe'sonnei defined in any manner In Il'ds sectlort, clurlng the Ume perlo~ ~ the entire de~slorrmaldng proceas art such action, decL~on or recommendaUon that rereseeabl¥ vdli be heard or reviewed by [he dry commlssJc~o or a db/board or cc~'nmRtee. The term sbeclflcall¥ Includes ~e prlndpal as well as any employee e.-xj~ajedtn lobbying aci;ivJUes. The ~ VLoblaqfists" has r. peclflc exclusions. Please refer to Ordinan;e 2004-343S. NAME OF l~aden, B~ N~E AND ~D~S ~E NUM~: c&.u~a__ ~oPE , w. (Last) (erst) (~u) B~ovard Bou.levn~, Fm-t Iauder4ale, ~ 33~01 (Num~ and S~) ...... (Q~) (~) " (~p ~e) ~ NUM~: E~k I. LOBBYZSI' REr,UNED BY: NAME OF PRZNCIPAL/CI~.ENT: Norm-n4.T b~nores, LLC~ 1'[19 Weston ~eston, FL ~ 33326 BUSINESS NAME AND ADDRESS (~)757-8~oo ¥'E~-PHoNENUM BER: (Number and Stree~ (ab/') FAX NUMBER: (Optlonat) (State) ' Bq~'L: (Optional) (zLo Fill out this ra~Uon If prle~lpal I~ a r.~3mraUon~ Parlamrahila or Truat [SecUon 2-48:3 (c)] · NAME OF CHIEF OFFICER, PARTNER, OR BENErqC,[ARY; · IDENTIFY ~ PER~$ HOLDING, DIRECTLY OR INDIRECTLY, A 5% OR MORE I~NERSHIP INTERESt IN SUCH CORPORA'r[ON, PARTNEILSH]P OR TRUST: [ssue to be lobbied (Describe In de~tall): -' lXl, crrv AGENCZES/~IDE'~DUALS TO BE LOBBZED: SPECIFIC LOBBY ISSUE: L~d 1,1,Se a~d ZO~i~& ISS%%eS associa%~l with PAGE 2/3 RCVD AT 512712005 4:t3:44 PM [Eastem Daylight Time] SVR:FTLWEB1/11 DN15:4113 C$1D:305 6131254 DURATION (mm.ss):00.56 MAY-2?-2005 16:42 CITY MIAMI BCH CLERK DEPT 305 673725~4 P.03 ~: A) LOBBY[ST DISCLOSURE: (n. quimd) ~~ ~o~ ~ B) PmNCIP~'S DI~LOSURE (OF LOBBYIST COHPEN~ON): (Required). Bo~ ~. O~o~ ~q. (~lO/~) ~ Y~ ~No: Am you reoresentlnq a not-for-g~fit ~tion or enti~ wi~out s~cial ~ompen~on or - -' ~ PurSuant Co O~inan~ No. 2004-3435. Pursu~ ~ ordinan~ No 2003-3393 Amendinq ~mJ Be~ ~e_C~D~~- A~e~, DivJsJ~. S ~~ "~mD~ian'FIn~n~ Re,mm- ~a T~e AdditiOn Of code ~0.~ 2~n~ EntiCed 'Prohib~ed Campion ~tbu~o~ By ~bbvJ~ On p~emenC ~ues'; [] Yes &o: Are you Iobb'~ina on a or--=':.~t or_aendina_ _k}~ for aoods, eq_ui_ament or _.seXY_ ices. or on a or r~e_ndtna award_ for _aoods. eq_ui_gment or servlce. Z ' 2) Pursuant tq Ordinance No, 2003-3395 Amendina. Mlami B. each City Code.Chadcer, 2. Article VI_I.Division t_hereOf Entitted ~'Cam~aian Finan_ce Reform". Via .T~e.. Add(tion Of Code Section 2-490 EntJEed 'Prohibited Camoaic~_n Contributions By Lobbyists On RFai Esta.te Deve!00ment Issues"'. DYes i/No'._ Ar~_ _you Iobbvina on a r, endine aDi~lication for a Develoament A_oreement with the Cit~ or -'- aouli~L;on for ch_a~_~e-of zonin-a-ma_D du~,=nation_ or ~_hanoe to the City's Future ,_Land U~ Hap? v, ~-ZGNATURE UNDER OATH: ON OCTOBER Isr OF EACH YEAI~ EACH LOBBY*JS'r SHALL 5UBIiII'r. TO, THE.CZ~/' CLERK A $]:GNED STATEMENT UNDER OATH~ LiST/NG LOIIBY[NG EXPEHDI'TURES, AS WELL ,AS COHPENSA'ITON RECEIVED~ ZN THE CI'TY OF HLP, H][ BEACH r-OR THE PRECEDt'NG ~M..ENDAR Y. EAR. A ~FI'ATEHE .N? SHALL BE F/LED EVEN ]:F THERE HAVE BEEN NO,EXPENDt'TURES OR COMPEN.~I,I'ZON DUR/NG THE REPORI'JNG PER.tOD. I do ~olemnl¥ ~we~r that ,!1 o[ the foregoin~ fac'~ ~are true and mrrect ,nd th~: I have read or am ~amiliar with the pro¥i~ion~ contained in $~ion 2-482 of t~e ~iami 8each Ci~ Code ,nd all r~quirement~. C~ ~ Signature of Lobbyist: _ ~ ~- ' Signature of Principal/CJient: VII. LOBBYZ~r IDENTIFICATION; 13 Produced ID Form of Identification [Y//~rsonally known (Lobbl~iSt) V~Z. SIiGNA'rUIU: AND ~-rAMP OF NOTARY: ~;t~te of/Florida, County of~ · Sv~?rn,/co and subscribec~.l;~=fo.re me .-- Signature ~f Yubl~ Notary - State of Florida PPJNCT,.P&L [] Produced ]D ~L..-- Form o1' Zd~ntiflcatJon O Personally known (Principill) State of Florida, Count7 of Miami-I~de Sworn and subscribed befor~ me Thls~_~da¥ of ~20..~i~..~--' Signature o,f~iblic Nq~y - State of Fiorida Notarizatt~ of Prin~pal'~ signature .Oate P~ld F: CLF--I~f~U~LL~I~IArlJ, JA-M\LOSBY~[S'r~,LOBBY]~T F-'C)RI~I ~ PAGE 313' RCVD AT 512712005 4:13:44 PM [Eastern Daylight Time] SVR:FTLWEB1111 DN15:4113 C$1D:305 6737254 DURATION (mm s):00,56 TnTAI P.R.'.-'4