#421 a Facts About Florida and Dade County, February 1968FA~ F~ ~D ~ 3~ ~ - t~ ~r n ef its ~e is fled. The ce~nly accepted that is ~ Indian word ~g "sweet ,. Dade was named for ~or is L, ~e, ~o was ~sa~red ~h BLs c im 183~ at the be of the ~on~ ~le War. Is a is a ~cipa~lity d s of Key Biscayne mud co~ists of t% Key ~ o$~her keys mmrth of *~ lin~. ¥o~d by ~ietre to L~eorporate ~ 8, 19~O. The Da~e Co~ty area is 2,0~2 square ~les and provides one of the country,s most aerie al areas ~ oma of the c 's le~ c~ on am~ . The aver~ t~ of ~ is ?~.3 degrees. ~ is ~§ east of Tampa and 3~ ~es south of Jaeks~lle. a , is an ial~ ~st ~ff t~ % ~ast Beth ~ made into an island ~y ~he e of a channel h the st m~eek of la~ to the , a strip as "B~r's H ,. The ~ea of Miami Beach is 7.1 ~s. ~tal water is ~es. The water area is 10 miles includi~ ocean ~e a~ ic he c ~ ~ame cf the ~ B~h. ~ is ~ fro~ Xey We~ 23 s ffrom Fort L § miles from Cer~ G~lea ~ T~ % es for Bade as of July 1, 1967 is 1,181,8~. ~ of ~e ~eas ef the c for the same date ion for Dado as ~ven by the Dado p Dep FeBruary - -2- 1~. ~ ~ pep~ation of Miami Beach as estimated Jammary 1, 1968 is ~ Cub~ ~p~atioa of D~ ~ 1967 ba~d on U.S. ~~i~ ~ie~ ~stratio~ ~es was 122,~8. tO t~ s~ source ~ were ~,939 permament C~ residents ~ 18. 19. 20. 9~,530 ~ ~fugees ~re d simee ~e. 1, 1965. ~ ~a of ¢~a is ~,2~ s~a~e miles. The area of ~da is 58,5~ T~ ion of ~ba acc %~ a U~d Nations e~~ in ~6~ was ~ R~ McNally A%l~ est~ate for ~r~ i~ 1965 was ~,~3,~. Rand McN~ estimate for Fi~r~ is T~ 1968 Co~d from t~ fo sources by of ~rlda Atlas