#487 53 Newspaper Clippings December 1951
>I , ~ ;<~fFoJr'7insta:nc-e'~:1
C rf!)n e n ~:~;~1::: b~rf~r~~~~~~a:~ ~6e
, " . _', '" and' your friend, Reubin Clein
O~e,ri~M ori:k, ~y.~ . ~ ~d sf:Jj;#;:~':~::E:
HAINES COLBERT except for the'short'ears:d;~p;(t> Roth'; h~~I:d. back th~t he . Richard took"'a breath and
,~" Daily Hews Staff Writer 'themselves over the co~ncil ta- woUld run the meeting as he saw started, "My friend-" .
l".Miami Beach councilmen ,in- ble in'them!<isLRf,the Rolli- fit, .More citizens arose to pro- "I,,~ not your friend,'~ said
terrupted the i r semi-weekly RichaFd scrap:<";;f'.:'';" ~est,' l!'inally, Roth ~alled a' vote ~i~d "Sto~ caliln,g, me your
fight today. to take on a room A ,. photographer. stepped up!n which the.. counc.lmen, agreed e.:,.{ ,,"1': ".:.
full of citizens. 'ii\ and a press agent announced It was all right for ',thefPhotog- RICHARD. EARLIEa::. sug-
The better conditioned coun- that thecouncllmen"would be raphersto go ahea~;".t." .'/!?~. gesledthat Ihe council would do
cil members naturally won han- welcome. at the Monkey~Room Mrs. 'Joseph ,demanded .the better. by leaving decisions to
dily. But the citizens were clam- bar of the new Del Prado hotel. floor, and, Roth <told.. her she chance than. by trying to think
oring for a re-match at noon:. The fighting faces '"f the city could talk after th'e m~eting.' about them.' .
Proving that nothing so dras- fathers we~e replaced by happy The' e'arlier ,;rg~ei1t was set f He suggested .that the names
tic as the drop of ~ hat is neces- camera ~rms. . . ,. ..... off when Richard protested the int:e~e~a~t a~~~lt~~~s ~in~~:s~~
s~ry to set. them off, the coun- M~s. Rose Welss,.a Beach,pIO- gra,:,ting!'f a ,contract .for truck three city jobs be select d th t
cll~en went t.o war over mon~ neer,-'and.Mrs. Frances}oseph, bodle.s"~{ r_.t '-~!,,}t,..,,:.,,;';':\",-"-'; way. ,.~, ':j~ e ..:":,~,,
keys and-a., difference of three who head a taxpayersJ,,!.,,~group, ~'r ''''':1'-'1: ;:r.,~" .f."'~;i\~' 1"._ _~ '.C. ''..'. " 'i''';.~1
sixteenth of.ari)nch\in-the size arqse as one.'j'i!i-< '~l~'c'.""'~1:<-.c ,.Rlch3;rd l;". charged~.~~:t.hat~,.' the. _:,Roth and C;ou,ncllman Bernard
of'a- piston."" :...:> .'11_ ,- :....r-'''~'k.~".'',:/.+ I" ,~thre~ slxteenth~ -?f ~n,mch.~:~as Fraz:.k were mdlg~ant at ~e.sug-
.Councilmen Melvin J. Richard " "THIS. IS,' A DISGRACE," put m the sp~CI.flc.abons,Jor.the gestIOn. :rhey sa.ld"l'u~mng the
and Burnett Roth Were batuing they saId, together. "This is an p~rpose of elm~mtmg somepos- city reqUIred bUSiness ilke met!>-
over,'-,the;piston:,when"themon- out~age~,~,~ar,:;)' J igni,!Y"?" s~,p:le.P!~~trs:.~,~<':o' ", :':"~:""" ?~.s. and there, wa In
key, issue:i>. ,. t'fu l'tRothi\i1sting,' injJhe~':RICHA)U)~PROMPTLY~h1i~ ~~L-d,~c~gl~el
tq~. . absence,~6!lf~~ ,?w!lll; Ienge(H~lItb lOa deba1ei(j,,'t!ieh- '"!Io'I.'{dqn't1:kn;~":"d;'
~j' P?Thundeli,th~}~,b! ga!~!; records~as [coullliilmen.. Hit \..14: ;:itli...m.~to~,trie'i1~I~t;'o
."', ~ e,WQm~.~ ..'I ca~]~y,y!>UprettyJil''';~')/'1'U ait""~bUlIii"...'~wj)';,I~foo
.~ha~, yell~d,mor~ prote . l'hilve;a:toUghtime'~irino Jj~tt "'If' "'.-t" ....h t
. ., ~ "':'~" *, ,",'..' ,,~_ ,J.. ~~ c.: i!C-~;;; ,:..... "'-' '.......~'~;.';;. ,i::t..',~_:~. ,"0,;. '."".1" ':~:.' e~;,: ,_1;~~.PUif.l;~:~ '~(.~:'~:'
,.T:~'R' -"~;.'W' -If' ."es~.'l.'. ;;;'-.;:~~..'.'.7.:~
~'I,Oi~ IP::-: '" 'i"'~::'~'''~:;
,~ i"..",~, ",>. "t.""" ,..1:\,. <fe:,:,
;;,:jI,Ulml,'Beach' CltY",C~unclI}?-
'.y, .;.bted,rtot.ftO tear~.o'l~)wl~eg
,:nstafl;.d 'In111e,Ci)\~ncil',~h~b'ers,
!:sed 'for.. rerording;the m~tings
"8.' locaFradlostaUoni'- following
M;lvlM Ij\lchard's charge': th_t
Couhcllman Bumett. ..Rot~' ,'- h~d
.~lgate~ such aCI\~J.\,~:'surrep~
trr~~;~i~,iwas 4,2. ~it~~MayO~
D:" L:"powell, Bernard ,Frank,
Harold'< .Tur."and Roth decIding.
Co~ncilmen Marcie Liberman and
Richard' cast" affirmative votes;
Co";ocilman Wllllam Burbridge
'iwa's 'absent. 'i<:~J'. .~f.
,." Calling the recording a '~neakY
activity" on the part of RO!h,
RIchard proposed' the motion to
tear,out the ..Ire. which he saId
have been" recording' m e e tIn g
conversations since last 'Ja.nuary
','wlthout the knowledge of othe~
councilmen."'" .
In addition, Richard charg~d
}:that Roth never got permission
"from the city manager to .mak,
. suc" recordings or InstaIl the
wires, and that he was .~. usin~i-J
'therecOrlUngs "for his own Pr::~.I"
vate ' 'n.e-probabl)' polltlcal.,-.,
.lllste~d of for public t'OR!!mmp.
tion." t
Ii; a lengthy speech, condemning
Roth's iecordings, Richard an-.
Dounced that he would make a.
complaInt to the Federal Com:
munications c,?mmission:, _ abo1.!t
the radio station's part in what he
termed "a trespass." "
Roth, defending his action,
stated that when the:wires \vere
installed. .permlsslon was sought
ar-d received bY a .1'adlo station
offlcial..;He said" that .all' of the
cr;uncpineR~,kn~\~;~. a}j()"~t \dt,:,'" and
th"t ~;,~~an;fqni!!:rJi~ienl~g#:to;~i!l'Y
Tliursdax!:'night': p!'og!'am ,.;~could
hear:~ port1o.~~,:~,9Il!,,~ he_~~
Pl?~~"b~ck(6feii t~e.~i1/
n ~,;~,-" ~k,';;:'
:t tliaT'oiir
t Miami's.
t and con-.
ng in 'the
t anti" con- ',:
ve led the
Ie. legis1'a-'~
Id visitors;":.
.ems are
e of the
Roth' wl\o
ty ,aCtion
Ie Greater,
'o\~ell a!ld.
e aetive;lniA
'ed a reso.'
ani MelviD'
" ~.~I\_i', . '-i~. ,~:":
he worl."",,-,
t . "'Zf~f
0',;' >!' 4fJ1Z)
~urc:h" ,.,:.
.;.;......,...n'&a....'":..,.~....-:-c._ ,- ': ~' .".r'.
'., ~nesec();ii~ed ,:b.ts)'motion:;.'~_:}1:~f>
;-:: <;:.... ,~~i:I.~(';' "f~:1F.>,""'~' ',_r,,' "N:~.;~
~,Conncnman Harold",Turk then
"Ployed '.to have Dr.\ Blumenthal~'
.. choseu for" the top Job, leaving
"the selection of an assistant un~
~~-~~~~~~,", Agai~, no ~econd. ,~~>/~
fAiter Dr.~Bi'fuhenthal, Dr. Ted
Aidman and Lewis B. Glass, all
applicants, haUpTesented "their
qualifications, Councilman Melvin
Richard stated' that he would Ilke
the matter deferred "in view of
additlonal'quallficatlons presented
by the appliCantS." '" ,. . '
MayorD. Lee Powell concurred,
and the issue was directed to
Assistant City Manager H. Milton'
Lirik~ They. asked that the added
qualifications be e.xamined and a
report., submitted at the Council'.!'
nf~,X~. m:~tin~~ ':\;.~f fS':j~ " '., ~': !~~~
. ~<Turk, ir~~~t~d at' th~ "eo~; .
.. tlnued delay, rem I n d e d.. the
'group ihat It had alrea,ly .pent '
- ~ix months discussing thepr.o~.
lem and had htM. fou'r .special
,.'Dleellngsin an effor~~:~o-Se-ttl8~~~
. ...<:.;, .,..' 'k,-',
. Councilman M a l' c i e Liberman
stuck to his opinion: "I still think
this whole business ought. to be
handled by.the.\C~lUntl;: ~11,e)~id.
Cily"C~l1ncn" ye.st~r~~Y;~pa.",,~~.
on tJ\i~.~feadings il'lln,;e'!\ergenCYi
t~~b,~n'1E~!l:ll!or!,ge C)(ie,~p.lp~lves
commission,:., yesterday."),,w,~ ,. "
treatedi:~ito'~' an ..,,\nformal .,and
"strictly' unofficial:: luncheon.. by
Mayor D...Lee powelLa~ We Sans
Souci noteL ~.~:;;,~'~:,:;), )f~1~.! . 'j~,~::;~;;
''rhe'Miaml Beach mayor brIeflY..
iddress~d hIs guests stating that
the occasion was simplyol\e ~?f
conCtatulatlons forAhe. tnree ".c.
tors In the recent city eiectlons
and u~e of social' enjovment fol'
the others attending. . '".
In addition to' press represen.
tatlves the guests Included MatOr
Chelsi~ Senerchta, FLORIDA S N
publisher' L~on C. McAskll!,
Asslstant'Clty Manager.H. rvIllton
Link, Commissioner Robert Giv-
ens, CI:.J '_I\.t1orney Beu Shepard.
MiamI C.ty Manager J. W. Wat.
son, CommIssIoner H. LesUe
QuIgg. 'MiamI . Beach CIty Man-
ager Claude A. Renshaw, CommlS'
sioner "iPerrlne",palmer, Councll.
mari~Harold,TUr~~Clty. Clerk C.
Director~~ Hankj!MOlY.er,}:.
\J-;'~ ',':---~;"''-}'~-'' ,,'.
'IWe hav~' h~met~;and famiUts
to !;- go ; to," remarked Turk,
arlstng from hl8 councll table
chair, throwing his hand. In the
,atr'an4 'clutching his hair. ....T..I.
J.-"u!te"I-Jy_;p!diculous,:,we've' be~n
':,hertii since:.; ~lJ thtl morning
'an4:now'. we, have to 1I.1ou.,to
tb~~;~;~;.r:-:~~~~~,:: j.i,r~r>~,~~~~, ~~~~" "
'~:-The,,~fthis"';--referred' to "was' -the
appearance of a group of appU.
cants for the as yet unfilled S9,00lJ.
a-year post of cIty psychologist.
Turk's remarks came after one
of them started to recite his
qualificatIons. .. '.
/'We've had ,Jour" meetings,. on
thIs thing, Including a specIal one
that consumed an entire after-
noon. and still we've done nothing
about It," he saId. The matter has
been deferred,untll next:,Wednes-
day'. session.
J\fa)'~r D. Lee Powell, In com:
'mentlng Satnrday on the
leugthly, talkative .es.ion., said
of the one .Wednesday: '. ,
. _ "I went honie with a bead.
'ache. .-and ,_,,,e're)'Juat !iloinl to
have 'to. 'ask" u,.e'(p1i~lIc!:~and
j councilmen . for~.~ore'l' 'cooper-
. atlon In order to get more thing. i
done in less time." ~ ~:t~;',i'''~'' >~
Pow.'li, ~hO" 'Is pr~sldlng:;"'offl-
cer of the council, said he Is open
to any t sugges.tions.".' ,
1 Co!1Oeliman ~Ma1'clei. 'LIberman,
~~'.o~ In-ca~g 'a,yote says,
l'1~!Oti:1;~'(or*J1o)~ and ",no
Bpeecb.,!::,~d ,he,,:Juat.'can~nd.r:
stand~",hyteveryon..:;:hal ~tcI",:.t:alk
;;;~e:-'-PP~~'! on: the"agendll:l'
about. and reler ~)~~, to;;~~~
departmenu._,.t.~;",:, . . ~ n...~._:;,~~:~~_;
"For a time'~thai :wa!tdone,tt
Richard said, "and then{lt <,wa~
dhicarded. ._'~~. \ -:. \.;",.?-,,~~:}
"At that. It'. better than it used
to be," RIchard" added. . ',~The
councilmen used to meet In;,the
city manager'. office, then go ui>"
staIrs to have.a quick meetlng
which was well-organlzed, Uke a
play, ,~nd lasted 20 minutes..to), a~
hour.. ~..\\f}$'
. Councilman Burnett. Roth;'1 r~
fusing to name names, struck out
at what he called "the loquacloul
headUne hunting of members,
usually, on extraneous matters" as
the principal tlme.waster. The ref-
erence' obviously. tncluded...R1ch-
ard.slnce . the two - frequelltly
engaged In bltte~ debates'l,,$ ;;" ..
Beruard Frank, another 'conn.
eDman, blamed ~'_rep~tition . of..
arguments" 8S the ~ cause of, the
long Benion.._ ,- _l
Councllman' WlIliam" Burbridge
commented: ~,
"The whole town Is talking
about the excessively' long ,.,Bes-
slons and the, councllmen are
doing themselves and the city an
InjustIce. -.
"After so . much talking, and
Ustening to It, no one Is capable
of making reasonable"'li,dec!slons;
since everrol1~:1I5.: n,11 es
fogged.'~"''''l'fl~'''li<> .
Burbridge said he:. . aye
the last'meetlng In thtfc"uddle of
headllc ' oulda'.t n -
mor 1S
ti-idge. "W.jullt ha' '>' "/Il~
. Nt 'people"~ciD'~~l~
.. "io'C.",,,."~!!q ,5 I ~>",' ...pe"W#., ~>
." dressed in :white rabbit costumes p.rs' &Toun, )"...Ued that th';"~~hol;
filed,Jnto Ule council chambers busln...;s - was : ~a ,~disgrade-:.a"
and,"'dropped COCOt1~,t~, 'on.:~,.~he outrage.~:, '.~ ~ ~\"i_ ',;.;~~t)i,,1\til~
table. A press age?t promptly an. . Roth violently < rib;;nd~d\t't~!
nounced that he,." anted ~ plctur~ gavel in an effort to.~quiet~ th<
takell "':' Sh?wl!1g the , rabbits chambers. ' He ~,:;-final1Y ,shoule!
presentlllg the. coconuts to the that if the t ." .0 i.~d.' "
CIty Fath _''''..' .",... . , wo ,!ome~;;an,;~v
ers.,,,,:, ,;, ., , eral others didn't stO!) yelllng,' h.
. ~he stunt turned ,?ut ~o be an wouldhave,lhem to"sedout.:..~
InVitation ~,to, "the, councllrnen to .' ,;"':'. - ; t!:'.~(i.:~;;;':~~
attend theopenillg of the "A.'1ull felt' over; the'room,"an'
bar in the. New Del:Prado hoter: when,.the smoke had cleared;1
It almost b~Ckflred}' .;." ... _. J was revealed that I,he low_uidq,>rl
Rot.. stol)ped.,the plt-tore.lak. .'. 011. most of the tru~ks ha~eel
Ing at that point, until t"e bid ~ given the,,:. contracts. Howe :'E
sqnabbl~ had ~nd"I..,H~ th~n' ~Ioredock was granted" the con
. l..rDlltt~d a plctur~. to h~ tak~n. tract for three 'heavy . truck. trac
which ;;L('au~~sevel'al., citizells .'. t91'~, ~wttll'~'''~1~(seCOnd-lo~:~,~t~,%_~9
i\.1~ ,~~~ andlence to .c~~am wilb,$H,!48:,L.P~"~!dd,\~,,.for.~~I. WSl
,~pp~nt,~ll~dl~,!. n'L;,~' Sa~,:M\I.r~ay,~w!thZa""I~' !!f;~$,10.
:./lo Mrs."ROfl!"lf "1)pro...ln..llt~ 009,~Isq,uau!l~d! ~df!8.,~,!>I~
~c~Yl~:Jt,.a~ri\ftR "'€;Fra~' ron~cyllnder'ln thei.~~t11 did'rio'
Joseph, tiea~f!of_, a l()t~al :~~~!: -\ m, t,i,~
''''~:'' W'
"'~f~119t!nl~iI1\fJre#ir~~ .... ~
,)!ttrac~:\f-?u~~t~\)otonctru~k:'c. .'
~ $7,330;\ 0 n e'. one-aIllt-8>half,.1
"truck chasslsh$l.n4"..:two"o
",and-a.ha If-ton ltru~ksJwttllt;u
. bodies, $3,647;'cand .thl'ee ,half-I
standard pick-up ..trlJcks;"$3,57(
.A contract. for" three>' f8',j
-r)~~l'd' dunip,,:b6djeJ:~~witb".hoi8
~,was grantea to. the~a)'11on"Cor
..... whic" hid low~st at $S80 ear'
De. BoHac'company receIved tI
order .10(.'.-..3 ,. platforrl(.'.,~dulll
trock wit.. a'low bid of '$815:'
,J'.. City., Councll also approved..1
expenditure of"$5,500. for aC .u,
power boat which will' be us';,l'
the pollce department for, patl
Ing "Beach, waters.JSlnce. 01
$5,000\was 'appropriated focit
the budget, an'- exlra $500 "'"
. voted on by special ballol;' -;,.
A SUm of $3,000 was app~6~
ated by the Councll' to be turn
""over.f;!o~~he Greaterllflaml OPE
:, gull<l.jprJ~lJse hi financing',op,
for;tlj'l,eomfng ! season. ~lmiJ
" sil1p'~wilsiii'a.nted, bY;.~lle' CIty' ,
'J\lI~lnt~Th!il:;"'~ "'i:wt~ '.'~Di
fl'Omo;;'~un8pPf'; ........n.Wlfd.t';
.c-'ifi,~'J:"~"i'''''''' . ,."-~, "";,,,";';'_~~~
residing in 'l'he stunt turned out to be al
's absence, invitation.to the councilmen.. t.
in Richard attend the opening of the i '
dstor new bar hi.'the New. Del Prado hote'
It almost' backfired. .
. .... Roth stopped the ph.ture.tak.
Ing at that point. until the bid
squabble 'uul~ f>ndetl. . lie tht'n
. ])"rltllttt'd a picture to 'he 'taken.
\t'hlcJi, caused ,~s('verul dtlzpns
;~~b.",~lte mtdienc'p to Srrt~3111, wHII..
{"app~eht Illdig~a~J()n~..>lo-;_!f. '"
f;-;._:l\J,.~L,~o.~ :~itlR~;<.~ pro'," lu,erl(
~chic~:]eaderJJ\nc1'~'~_f"liIr~ J1'~~n,ct-!4
~-.Tos,.pj,~ be.ad";of: a ,'lo('nl~taxpay.
,,:}' ," .._ ",C 1.' ,_
. ..' .,_' ':~~-.,: . ,',~~'~~~~~-- ~~~~:~J' ,."', ~ }~ :~{ai~ri~~~~~l]j~~~:
OIl I?E NSf%ARE:'iZSHGVJ:EQIDQW~il .~~ ~d out"~,t!llS;-cOI1l1C~
'. . '.' ,_ '_ '. _ ...._. '_".' ..0,'. . l..,' _..... . _', cO ;..,_.,.' '. .,.... ,. ',::.":" '-.. . ~. . f
~..'~i..~.'.~ ~... ......'.;.'.';>'......'r.r.. ~..''''1i-.'~. '"".."'..'~.'.i''<~.'' ~.~........'.c~..."ii;.. 1I~M."~~"'.,.1..".'''.:1tL. .....'<.~ ..".'''''.''.'.' ."'........ ...... .. FOr,.msta. n.ce'"Ie~,... '. ,u
~~.:\ftB~~e: "a:';~'1;L~.~~."e::. YJJ.o;>1{~~n.~c"''''''.I;I.'''''m.' ~. ..e....:.n -I c':"I 1..'"e" ''-.'.'.'. ;',<: ~~~i~~o~t b~~~ar~~~~~~se a~~
.' c'n,tIf",~ , U ~ b. then voted for It, How about you
,. .... . };;.'f',.,' . >t ". , '.-: . -t::" and your friend, Reubin Clein
. , . ;. '. '(II - ' ,:, tr'ying to tak~ 'over the Florida
</, . - '.. ~ . "Power and Light co. after you
~}f .Qv,e.r,;:~M 0 n k.e y~, ". ~!). ,P;, s to 11 s ~~~: ~~;:;~~g,.the bus peo~.~e
'1.(:,. j ~ -;.0 ,'..:0' "'- of ...' .t;. <tr..~) '.., li:..; l< i--;;RIChard ,took 'a breath and
!i'{;., B,: HAINES COLBE~T ,,,.,, except for the short ears.d~aped . Roth.', howled..b~ck.. that he started, "My friend-"
!'1?Dally )lews.:Staff WrIter.. then;selves'oyer,Jhe council ta- ~uld run t~<; meetmg'as he saw. "lam not your friend ,,"s~id
>':M!at;ni . Beach,' council,?en . in- bl.e m the. m!ds~J;;o:,~: the ~.~th- fIt. ~ore cItizens .arose to pro- Roth. . 'Stop calling m; your
terrupted . the J r semi-weekly .RIchard scrap. . '" . . '~ . ~est. Finally,. Roth ~alled a vote friend." .' .
fight today. to take on,.a room A photographerzlstepped "up !n. which t~e..councllmen_agreed ".'" ... ~ .
full of citizens.: ,~,t';, and a press' ~geIlt announced It was all.rlght for".th;;J>~~t'?g- RICHARD EARLIER:, sug-
'The better conditioned .. coull- that the co~mcllmen, would be raphers,to ~o ~.b~.a~.~.. }'''' '\~"""', gested that the .council :,,?uld do
cilmembers naturally won han- welcome at ,the Monkey ,Room . Mrs. Joseph ,demanded."the better by leavmg~eclslons. to
dily: Butthe citizens were c1am- bar of the new Del Prado hotel. floor, and Roth .told.,lier", sh~ chance than,by trymg to thmk
oring for a re-matcnit noon: ' . The fighting faces of the city could talk after the meeting.;~ . ab~ut them. d th t h'
Proving that nothing so dras- fathers we:e replaced byhappy' The ';arlier .8~guihehtwas~~et ~f :e;~r~~e~:chite~ts \:'~~~:~
tic as the drop of' a hat is neces- camera grins, . :'. off when Richard protested ,the into a hat and the "winner of
sary.to set them "off, the coun- Mrs. Rose Weiss,' a Beach pio- granting of a c~ntract for t,"!,ck three city jobs be selected that
cilmen went. t.o war. over mon~ neer,'.and MFs. Frances".:osep:tt" b~~~es.\;'~\~: \j~.::;.";:;,~.:~::~\{J):.'''jA;4 w,ay...<:'~ ,~. >I;~ "'" ";'." ..'~;'::~i
k.eys and a diff~rence of three who head. a;.ta,lP~;e~~.n~~~"~.Richard:w charged '.that :lthe . '.Roth: and Councilman Bernard
slxt~:el!th c.f a~.:mchl'm_,the SIze arose as ~ne~ : '.!~_\ :~~'<"'~:,;e"~ three sixteenths of an inch:,.was Frankwere indignant at the sug-
of ,\"pls~on: .,.. " "THIS" IS'" A~' DISGRACE;" put in the',sp!,ci.fic.ations for,'the g~stion. :rhey said 'ru,:ningthe
. Councilmen MelVin J. Rlch~rd they said together. "This is an purpose of ehmmtmg some'pos, cIty reqUIred busmess like met!>-
and.Burnet.t Roth were battlmg outrage. Have"you nod,ignity?l,\ sible bidders. ~ "', ..'~ :""'" J ?ds."and there..was"l1-Q.., Q m
over.:.,l,t~~-t.'l?,lstO": w~en }he mon.." . :;'. .~' -~I"'~~~.i~,",... .+' .:'~. '.':~ ,~..,..t:.;. ';i,~., .;. _". (~~ It,;.Jqr such, fnvolollSp
key,' i~~ue al':)se'and;.broughUn ~Roth~a...,~,t.'.~!f:a~/.'l11!I~'lJi. .~...th. e .RI(:HAR...D:' PR!>M..PTI:i!,.tC.h. a~.". .Ri.... 'di4.. rd''''..!,!,:<,-<f{. '.f.. ..~.:r.,...,'..';'~;',\ ..... '..
tlte' clt absence'#bt~DI:...-!-eH!'!O:!"4!lI; lengedRilth to a debate"on thelr';r:Hdon'!,)know,";<sald "Richa .
J?,~)Unde~the.~~leWl~ his ga~l; r.. ecord. s:a..'councillri.en,':He'sa. id...: 'ifl..tt~e~lto,ine)!a~'l.ot. .:Of.;~..
l'I, The)Vomen'and, o~ 1'{,~'I ca~ 'lay, Yo.uflr~tty)ol":'''i~~ "lty.~i1}bu,amess:t wouldf come;: Cnlt
yelled mo:e pro!e"'-! 't\!1,};aV!!'...ito,11gh.tlme;.tryl~k t~, etterlf we put I~ ina h~t..; *~
',,,,' .l
" ., _ t1:_. ~.~~~{~...,~;;/;~;:"._ ,,' ,',.:..t~~.:1:.~';.
Be-.uC ':.2ft Odds 01
;;~:::.i~.::' , 'Zt.' ',) .'.
J..T~,,~.;~,ordings of Miami Beach agre.ement to have, the recordingsrager, said the fact the recOJ
~~c,l~i8'ession~ which_ Counell. rnade was, ~bta~ned from the city -were ~e,ing made "was no Sf
man>)Ji!lvin Richard charged were manager's office two years ago by Councilman 'Marcie. Lib,
,!>!!~:mid; :'secretly" by radio sta. the '~]ate Jonas .'Velland, an official said he ~ad le~:ned o{~_~t,.,:'(
~el'e hotly debated at of the station." 9' .~, few da)'s' ago'" ~~ ....4J! ~f;ry..
s council session. ' , jf ".~t Mayor D. Lee .PoweU"sa
h d th tI RIchard said he.I..med of the had known of it' "only abo
arge , e J opera ~~ fietup }.tbrough:,.a"c city ball em- days,"
y" one and that Bur. ploye, who saw' t~I~, wires being "'r am not opposed to radi
[S... t ~.r C.h POlltICa..I. f oe ...ec..~et.lY h~O. k. ed..U. p. '.' to. ..t...."e. ('ha.". m. ..,:....... tJons' making reCOrdings. .~.ot."'
Ir . of the s~tion. in. ~~r s. .publtCa~d~~<ss L;~)~tem,~..,~~'. cil proceedings," Rlchar~'tial
,the recordings "for ';'~'';A .: , dJ4't': t.I'.... h't'h"~ . "'h" is a matter, of.p!-'blle reel~
'", . .. ' " ny ra 0 S a on as t e rig t personally'ha ve nothln W
l?llat p'?i~lIcal ",.~e?e-' to make resor<:\lngs,.of ~ouncil ses; . ~:'. but. WMr. Roth.,ha"
f.;.~;\,': '~!;~iI" q,~,~~ ,ll.,: fl~!}~'~~ ~o~~~~~~!~ed':rl~1 ,~'?~,\r.~:~f4' h2nest~,.ri:an" h,e woul~ ..~,
ted "that co Rienar<:\'s L, MlIton LI!ilL4"ssl.t.nt cltv man. "n'.hprr'~"~'.n hi. .On..
.' ..' <---:~. '.:,
'. Members of MiamI Beach City
Council today' were actively' and
~hole~eartediY\ln"support ?,f n~~:,
essary.leglslaUim to .put a slpp
.\.to't~e"terr?rihomblng~ In' MiamI
'2and;.~~pre~eiid thec,:,lprlts: .' .,
. ,. Vi~~.Ma)'or' B n r;' ~ tt Roil
h~aded a' d e leg a t Ion al
pearing before' the IlIIaml CIt
Comrnl~slon ~9 urge funds an
legislation to~.~' curb the ". sale
explosives nnd to . catch. t
While Roth. wu.. appearing be.
for~ , the .'M i'a m i Commission,
Cd,mcilni..rl M. J. Richard, In
CltyCouncll, . off:rect a re~olution
strongly. "condemning the acts,
.' calling. on'<Iocal pollce to offer co.
'operation In 'tracking down' the
pe~sons' responsible and enact,
. ment of ,stronger 'legislation. to
protect local instItutions.
:.' " S~~ollded by Councilman B'~'re
. D:8rd Frank, It wa~ una~iIiH)US'
Iy adopted. ;31a)'or D. Lee Pow.".
ell' b ro ugh t attention ,to a
meeting of " civic leaders .called
",~ together hy blm Tuesday to' ad
<:~Jn ,the matter ~and . Coonclln.saJ((.
':.. Hai'old, Turk revealed, tliat 'lte .
'J"h'ad. called 'ralJahasNee" to urge.
~.8~te~1 'j~.!el'ventlon", jf ,nece.ssarr~:r
". ..:;' ~ -"': - .~:..,. .. - ,""'" !-". '.". . '-.'., '. , . <
';~: Tu;k iulded,."! thhlk that m<,>~t
',l.c.,redli' should go to CounclI~an
:\ii"~Ath, "who has's'pearh~: ';'d' t;he
. actlon In this matter and who Is;
.j: even now,appearing,-befor".the
;% City Com1111~sl~n'tO;",~eek 'fut!l'~r
!_~~confirmed the fn~t, that. he, had
~i':"~,a_Jread,'<:drawn~)l. fijtr.o.~,g~~ (ordle j;
"::}i'nnn~e at ~ th~t~eql~est;,.~.f,Co~n.~~~"
"';;;'>. c_ll~.an .R-o~h.-(,>,.but ::JtCJ '. passage,~
'. :"'v.s"delaY~d'iiiiit1\;' Roih' c"'!c/d
\~f, ~e <~present.,< .,' ., '::':'\i'f~'~~Q;
. . . The present City ordinance gov.
erns sale and storage 'of gunpow:
F' d~r;.'but not other' form~ of expl,,'
".: li.yes,. Ri~hard ,saldt <~Z:~~~~~~;;:~~~:..; l'.:
~:'lniother" actions. ti>dayr:Clty.
f~Councl1. approved on, first.\,.and
~~:'.,_.e~ond readings an J)rdinance-i re:'1
" wnlng ,126' feet on, the'.w~st ,side
:-:. of C91litis~ve,~l>egL~ri!ng"!lt"th\!
"i~'al1ey' south '~f~.LlnlX!lnRoad:: tg.
r"-'BA business dlstrlct:'~ The change
:i\:wlI!J 'bdng'thlS 'parcel" Inlo;;con.
U..{.;totw...tY. jiW}.t~ .s....u.".r.. r~)Un11ng.1.,~~e~J;
:~..:'j~~~.tJc ",.t,:.;: .'#,-o\~ '~"J-"!>i-",>-",\~.~,I-<)
~~. .'.0' . ' ..,;. .i...... ""'. :::;-:;;;;. "",,,l,'u..:;;~'."."..l'.'
::'-";; t,'..o;p ;t...l.~~'iJta':'~;
,:,~~ir'" '~f.~~j;)~~~~~
.Mayor Burnett Roth, presiding In The stunt turned out to be an would hav . th t u.' d ,.
Mayor D. Leepowen's absence, invitatlon.to the,eouncilrnen. to . --" e,... em os~~e~;1i.pl
and. Councilman Melvin Richard attend the opening of the" ", " ; _ A 1ull fell ove~' the. roo
were arguing about bids lor new bar in the New Del Prado, hoter; when. the smoke had cle;
trucks for the city. .' "" It almost backfired, ,:,; w",. '. ~ ...as revealed that ~he low.
y Richard had chal'ged that the.. ,.Roth sto[.ped the picture.tak.,. on most 01 the truck;" h,
specifications fOI' cyUnd.., rings [ng at that [,olnt.,untll the bid ,given the contracts....~ He
for, some "of the ,'~htcles were squabble had e.nd('(l,-He thtu' Moredock was grante.p.'"":-t!
"rlg,::ed" to elhnJnatr posslhle I)ermlttf'd a picture to hf' takf':n, tl'~('t for three heavy.--tl"W
bi~lders":. It~th defended the., which caused..sr.,"eral citJzell~_,: _ r~>i;wit~J a:, - secon~-low;S
,. C1tY.~'''':bljl~,~b!,!ation.,\ say[."g' ,~I~ct~e audience to 8M"~~m wlti'_7. $1l:~~8:::'1!!~'~ldd~r,"for,~
~ ~I!at)>i> )le~*~.ad~; p~~{ >:.~pp~~nt..;,'-!~lfh:,~a.t!~~~~;,1-;l'~ ~Sa~_. ~u!r.ay,}Jl,itlt;_~j:~b~d;~
nd' . speclnca-'; ~,~J",. R""';',.W."18~""l1ro,!,luent'i O!!O'i~lBCtuallflet1{beeause'~
. ,>~,,~1rt ' dJ[~I.a~e~1~nd{M~i.F~~' ton'cyllrider'ln thEi:~~.,ts
two women Josel~h. ""a~ 0"3 l~c~I;.ta,:,P!'Y': 'i,)jmeet.", th"1>C1tY~.;Qff.f1
. .";.pro., va.l.~1'.:~.'.,~'.~. ~~ ':ii',;.~"'.~..!:~...'.<....
~tractB::,,four.'tro:tciri trus
'.: $7,330;' "n e~1<one.and
truck chassls.'- $11724": ,
and.a.half.ton:~ trucks\\\
bodies. $3.647;',' and thre
t1.h1 ,standard ,plck.up trl,l.cks
:"'7i'~1 ~,;. yA ..~co!l~r.~ct-, fo~ ~ thr
ti;}:;.., .,' yard dump bodies ,wi,
~r,: ?~;;wa. granteoto the'Oa);
.and');l which ,bid ,!owest.,at. $}
; you ~tt,De B~llac,~~_pan~f.;,re,?
:lein 11~~; order~l" for~ ': a '. platforl
,rlda ~.pruck~wlth'a-Iow bid,.'
you t)\'.Clty, Council 'also app
'ople' expenditure of,'$5,500' f
power boat whlch'wlll t
and ,the police department;!
Ing Heachl.waters:'(.SI
said ,$5,OOO\"was appropriate<
your "the "budget,,': an:"extra
voted on by'speclal':ba
f~4.lfA' stfih 01 $3.000. ~as
/;,ated ,by the COlincU:to'
Ii. over~~f~he9rea ter7l\H;
Mti '" ,.,,' T~;;"
;,$1\\. I'
-..;',- ~-~
.70'-$..: ,....;'I\:.~. ~ '"..p >. ~;~;", ,"I ~<;',>'~t1--''I'<'''''- lb
neiky, No..Actlon '.Taken ":,*'.:NT"'~ :'- '4
'-"~:~~~i " -'l, '"~__ \ _' - -', ." .~ '>"'f~.'~ :~:,-._.'~.f;Y~..",;;:~;';.~: . 'h' ,"nt.,.:,~:",".l"' ....~
~~fch 'c6u~cif~~fJ4t~lJ<ddsf':(J:Ver ~R~~~~rdi
~~.._.{" t f_ '~;}f<<~':::~I~;:'" " )'" .~. . ~". ~', 'A;'~~1
!a...p....e...:r.'..e...."c.o... rdin g. s. of Miami Beach ,agre ement>~'. h' a.. ". .e".'the rec. ordln. .gs lager, ,said .tll.e fac t. t. he r. ec.. 0... rdIl)gs I a. m ....ure ,.p e.. rmls....IO. .n.. ..~..'
..+~~~.I,~.t:!5ession~ which Council- made was obta~ned. from the city were being made "was no secret." b~en gra~J..e2;" .::/ .i1
~~!:'.:in.Richard Charged, were mat;ager's ~ffLce t~? years ago by Councilman Marcie. Liberman Richard" 'lu~-;l".intr'o~4
q~lliiplade..flsecret1yH by radiO sta. the late Jonal?" Weiland. an official said he had . learned 'of it.,.::only. a tJon'....Uto'\t ~ve"the bl
.. ~j~2;~v.'ere hotly debated at of the statl.oii..,,," ~~ . !;:~.,! .~ few days ago," ''$'A'.Ni:~;'' .,"J," : partment tear out tbe
~';1~'yts council session. ., ,.',0:' ~~i: ' Mayor ~. Lee-;-"Po'weII' 'saId he." ~ '1 .~>., .?!:',.f'?
~." '''.'''' h d th 1'. Richard said he..l. a,'ned of the had known of It '''only .bout 3. .0. A.. f tel' ..... ',aecon.d.. 'by I
_.;~ a.~ge . e, ~pera Ion setup Ythr'ough a~fcity hall em.. days," -~. ;f' " ..!. fall.e~r~lfen...Ptii~to~a
~1 f~ky one and t~at Bur. ~loyet who salV"the wires being, "I am not oppos'er) to\radio"sta. Roth: T~rk;~fMayor.1::F
~j:6J. his/ arch political foe;secreUy hooked up to tlu~ ("ham.. Uons' making recordings o~,'';roun. F .' ..~ , . ',,- 'E"'ii
tl'~'-'f?"'-"'.;( b' bl" dd .t ,,~~o\<., ~--..'"'~., ra,nk ~volcingi<:opposlt
~dJiector'of the station,,; in- . ,er,~ llU K: ,a." ~ess S)'Joi em.. ~~....: ell proceedings." Richard~~~"~'It ,',' , -- ,". ........_, "'.>
~..tc;;tiSai'the"rec'orciings 'ufor "';~.' ,;,,'\Jf~.,' .;. .~'. .~ ,;\:J~'5~{, jsa matter of. ,public r._. *.~~~\y..]
.>';.,.,: ,~> " Any radio station has ,the rlght ersonall "'have llothln' " "iiHlde
.~ "p. ,er~nall.' P.9.lItlCal..b.en "'[0. mak.e..reco~dll1gS.0f c..ou. nCIl.,ses. ~" b t. Y1f M . R th.. .' . ,,. ,'.
.,. "~', ,. ,c>..",," II'" R h'" . ~.,' ,.. .' ,,'" \l, 1'., 0 ~'~.
~;t'r1i-t.~ ,,;>!~ ..~ ,:~~:f,-Iil., '.:", t? ops,,,, otdeclared, !'"t:..i-'i'.{;-:7:..e:.M: nonest1nian he vlou.ld~h ct.." .""
",,'>d':""'~'.L.,.-:t..~, ..'''',....~~.':.~.1,,~. ~"'-- .~' .~.- ',."",:".';",. "t'Ir,: ,,!to ,'io.;;'''"j-',~ "',' -. ,.. .< ......
~8t:ftt'tpn'~ th~t.''''':.R.!('n''T'n''I:l ".~lrUJton...LfiiJtl.'l"l;!;I~t~"t~,,.itv.""':lIn~ 'I"' '1'14..'" ~:.,.+......", "I~............., . 'b~.''''
~ ~ ~.~fI:;~ ~,'<:? ~;or~ ~
bel'S of Miami Beach City
[". today were' actively "lmd
*a;tediYJn-s~PJ?Ort o.fn.c:
flegISI~tI()n toppt a stop
.terror .bomblngs In' Miami
~~eh~n<l' the culprits, ,~:,i'
~~..... ,\.i!.~. ~ .,:"'. ... .-, .~
!.Ma10r Bur n. e It Roth.
a'- a~~::delegntlon ap~
,i t.lfOl'ethe. MI~IDI (;Ity
,ission 'to urge funds and
'tloa -to' curb the' ..'Ie of
lives .~~;nnd to catch th~ .
~rs."~: '~, ,:-c!:{ .'
e"Rath .~:;,. ap\iearlllg be.
. 'It..... :..... . .
Jle,.-;,M !.a m I Commission,
iniatl ':Mi~ J., Richard,in
ou'Il~II~. plfere'd a resolution
J<'co~demnlng-. the . acts,
\on.local poUce to offer co.
hn In "trac!<ingdown - the
S responsIble and ,enact.
~r'. str()~ger'ieglslaiion to
j local 'Instltutlons. "" .
~. .'" . _ ., :t - _'"
onded.b1 Cou'j,c![man Bel"
Frank, ti...w'as'~"'ullanll1lous....j
,pted. lU~yoiD; Le.P'!w.'
1'inl i: Ii t attention to a
ng of cIVic leade...... called
ler by him Tneslla1 t,'-' act"
e matter' 8I!d. . Coon'eilman',-
d Turk revealed tliat-,.e .'
,ailed Tallahu.... to urge i
Jniel'ventio.i."if ~neCessHry.)
~-4.:~.";':'o-j.- .f">~~'~';,..". ..,..'- '1:'\
< nddCd; "I think ihat \i1;;St:
r '.:'. ',...; ,.-. .,. ..,.. ~
l should )~ ; to Cq.u~,~i1l!'ah
.-.yho l1asspearh;~"d the
. In this inatter and who Is;
now... appearing k' befor~"thl'
~I ~~.,~~~~~:i(;.~~jj;:~~~7;;;.~it~~::;~'~
r.A ii~rne1' :B'-n~Sbep'iird ;
;'med the f.ct'rtbat; he, bnd _
~y ..'dta'~"~~-.~.. s,tro~ge~;,"'~~91~~
, at the;requesL,ofj,COun-i
.. : Roth, '~..~ut:r-;jt.'i, pa~s.agfl.~'
.Iel"yed ,,'imtil >Rolh' could'
~~s:ent. ;' '. ~~:,1:; ~~?:HL!.t
,present City ordinance gov.
ale. and storage ,'ofgunpow.
u t not otlier forms '0/ explo.
,Richard . said. ",<\."f;;I~';'.\ "
otller' actlon~;" today,\ City
,Ulapproved.; on first::~ and
! readIngs;:an ordln.nce're..
:'126, feet on ,the~w"~st,sld~
lIin9" aye". beginning ',at..thii
south . of':-L1ncoln" Road~;,to
\siness dlSlricq,;The change
ii-lng this 'parcel:.;jntof.con.
~,:wlth; surroun<ilngl;areas.
r::.ft':l' . . :""ft:~ ~ ~;.'.'\:..r,);..':*" .~;
;Jj'ERRE I1l4b~~!1"f~.'
. !..
eac ,J%;.,~QU ell
B,',;;il ;;~~~:!ff;r~~~ l4.,:
Herald B,taU wrttn . -'r J,":F!-'j ~_1-.: .}~;
How to take the "yaklty yak" out of cmarath ~buiil:U'
sessions and stlll preserve democracy: Miami Beach' ~"ial
a question confronting the experts on the' gUttering 'lsl~.Satlo
urday. ,.. ~.;" ~ . - :i ;0,';;" ..... _ ";"~", " _,!-,~,.;~_,l
The experts were the council. ,.{... rma'l, .II01...I)(lle~~lleves
men themselves. . one,..~IOt'\J.~or'\lth!iJOng...!...I'tn.
. I. that _lMinbenI.~getyp and
. Touching off.. the comment, leav.:;come.lback;aP.li\;, al'td'.then
~hlch as one memberp~rased I,~ everythlng;,has':to\be\r!,"~ptalned
the wh61e town Is talklnt about, to th .. .' ..F.>......."'., "r., ,..,
were the weary remarks of '", emo:< \",":.1.'-': .~::~~-t~'/-<:';~(\:'('1 't1,.":"',:
CounclIman Harold Turk near the . Councilman'. M.Ivln :.'Rlchard'-
close of Wednesday'. session. That ""Id.. h. b.U.ved the I.ngtb of
lasted from 10 o'clock in' the mee~lngs could 'be reduced, and~
morning to 6. p.m. with half an Ju.t' ae much' accompU..hed,1f
hour out for lunch at 3:;30 p.m. the city, clerkts'~ office uwo~ld_;.-
," weed out .om. .of th.... thlnlfe
Ull"e ha"t humps and families people appear 'on the agendaE
to ~o to," remarked Turk, about. and refer them to', cLty
arising from hl8 council table departmentl. '~~'4t;'
chair, throwing his bands in the . ,. '.- -.. 't::!
air and clutching his hair. '.Thls "For - a time ,that wal!l; done,"
h: utterly l"idlculous, we've been Richard said, "and theni<~t_w~s
here ldnce # early thhl morning discarded. . .::.: J;.~',-,
and now we have to JI.ten to "At that, It's better .than It used
thla . . ." f,;{.','., '_ :\: to be," Richard added. "The
-,I ,. ,.:;_~~. !~.. ><<;" councilmen used to meet in the
The "this" referr.d'"tci" ~;. cthe city manag.r'. office, then go uI>"
appearance of a group of appll. stairs to have a quick meeting
cants for the as yet unfilled $9,000- which was wen-organized. like a
a-year post of city psychologist. play. and lasted 20 minutes .to an
Turk's remarks came after one hour."-... "!: ',:;
of them started to recite his Councilman Burnett Roth, 're::
qualifications. ~.~ fusing-to name names, struck out
"We've had four' meetings .on at what he caned "the loquacious
this thing, Including a special one headllne hunting of members,
that consumed an entire after. usually on extraneous matters" as
noon, and stln we've done nothing the prlnclpal tlme.wast.r. The ref.
about It," he .ald. The matter has erence' obviously Included Rich.
been deferred until next Wednes- ard,elnce the two.: frequently
day's session. engaged In bitter debates. <
Bernard Frank,' another" coun-
eDman, blamed r~petltion' of
arguments" as the caUle of _ the_ .
Jong .el!udonl. .-
Councllman WlIllam'
commented: .
"The' whole town Is talking
abOut the excessively long: .es.
stans ; and the. councilmen are
doing them.elves and" the city an
Injustice. / ..
"After so much talking. and
listening to It, no one Is capable
of making reasonable .~~-(je~ifjions,
since everyone:., mlnd'!'becomes
fogged:'.';:\*~,;~~~-{' t . .~':'~~;\rftii'l
. Burbrldgeuid he 'had ,to leave
the last meeting In the".mJddle"'of
the afternoon, b.cau":s~:i';"got';a
headache. and 'couldll't' lOa It anY"
,-:'ther.'~tno ~1ut111ii;,tfafitB;"',
bilclge:.J;we j.at'h~.ineOC;tlie
- eat'people 1lIl;~rtl1,.:ii;;~'
Ma3'or D. Lee Powell, "In com.
menting Sat u r day on the
lengthly, talkative ....Ione, ""Id
of the one Wednesday: ~
"I went honie with a head.
~Rcbe, and we're jUlt :~Iolng to
have to ask the'~:pu.bllc'h and:
councilmen for j more"\cooper-
atioD In order to Kf"t more thiJJgI::'
done In less Ume....-f <~;~ -P"-, d
Powell. who' 'Is presldln!l:{,;Off!.
eel' of the councll,. said he Is open
to any sugge.tlons. .
Councllman Marcie Lib.
who of times In casting a.vot'
uI "'vote1~"yel.tJor~:n~)J'" a:
speech:' :l8id/he'~fjU8t -cari~t
stand why everyona~ has 1
so much.",.-),., ~-,~-"!~t]t-~;;:-.i\~
" .""vy,,,,,,~...,,,,
"'!', -',"""",.r,.'"/!'''
,,<... -'
",'M~';'ber.,. of the Miami City
commission .; ," yesterday w ~ r e
treated _ to' an . \nformal and
"strlctly,;'unofflclal" luncheon by
Mayor D.. Lee PoweIl a~ the Sans
Souci hotel.
'The Miami Beach m~yor brieflY
addressrd his guests stating that
the occasion was simply one of
congratulations forAhe. thr.'. vic'
tors ,In the recent city electiuns
and ure of social' enjovme:1t for
the"others attending.'
In addltlon to' press represen.
tatlves, the gues~ Included Mu:(or
Chelsle Sener'll'la, FLORIDA SUN
publisher - Leon C. McAskill,
Assistant City Manager H. Milton
Link, Commissioner Robert Gi\"
ens, CI:.,7' _o\ttorney Bell Shepard,
Miami C.tY'~,anager J. W. Wat.
son," Commissioner H. Leslie
Quigg. 'Miami . Beach City Man.
ager ClilUde A; Renshaw, Commis.
sloner" Perrine, Palmer. Council.
mainHaroId,Turk.~Glty Clerk C.
w;:.~.'fr#!i"""... 'ni':(P\1bllc,<, Relatio.. n.
Dlrector,!VJHankfiMeyer, Council.
inali'MelVlti'Rlchal'd; and Co~lI.
man'#llUi'nett-~Roth'; "<<?;it..' ~~ff
.~~i:i.-;1l<i~';.t<."~. ---;
, .-~-~
'o~";;~', .~~tl'\1
. T earing:Hai~~~~~~
. . " , ~- ~:
dressed in white rabhIt costumes rl's' gr.~UPt ).'elled that the: whol.. _~_
filed into the council chamberR ,buslne-ss wa!ll "a.~ dlsp'ace-url){:.q-
and dropped cocon~t~ on. the o~ltragt"." ~.~ ,1'~ ...~,~_;~~ '~_'i{~ti
table. A press agent promptly an. Roth violently" po;'i,ddJ ttie';!/',
nOl1nced that he wanted a picture gavel In an effort t()"quiet the" ~
Wken - Showing the "rabbits" chambers He final!; shouted.t'
presenting the coconuts to the that If t1;e. two wome'n .imd~sev.'1;
City Fathers. eral others'dldn't stoo 'yellin'i(, he .i!1i
Thp ~tunt turned out to be an _.~..'-' '.-.... .. '. ..-~,
"""..l;<:,," ,';'.,
P i":~'fr1'~;r~~.:"1;'R" '''''.,e' "
I 5 ori~; "In
City Fathers
One of the most vlc}le-nt out.
bursts 011 record occurred touay
at. City Councll'. adjourned ses.
sion. "Involved were rabhlts, pis.
ton cyllnder rings, press "'Rents,
.nd a photographer.
The explosion came while Vice
Mavor Burnett Roth. nresidin!-:" il
Rio~ba(II' ~ ~man~;;;
"T- ::j~~'~~~:'UF'~~fi;~,;~f;~.
O"HI "'llres,;,1V~
~y,,!,otednot.to te~rn:lUt,wlres
'nstalled'lntlje Co~ncil'chiiinbers,
"sed Ifor. re'c~rdlng :tIie; meetings
~'i'[ lticat.i-adlo; siai't~n, ~ foliowlng
M~IVln,:;.- R1Chard:s;:.cit~;ge': that
C(;u~Cll-;';~n . Buin~th.Hoth" had
"'_ i<; ~-.~ . ~_ .,.. - '_'" . ., f,"
tlftlgate?, "f;;c~.ac~t'if.~' ;-sugep:
imo~y.", J: '" ',.'f, ,',
- Th~~tewas 4.2, \Vitli )layor
D;,':,L~e Powell, Bernard:Frank,
HaroidTur. and Roth .decldlng.
Councilmen' Marci~ Liberman 'and
Richard' cast' afflmatlve vot~s,
<. . f' :....
CouncilmanWllIlam Burbridge
'-t. ,. ~ ./, '.~-r :.~ -.V:,~".
was absent. . .- . ;,
. ,:: Call1ng the recording a "nea'ky
activity" on the'. part of Roth';
Richard: proposed the motion" to
tear out the ..Ires which' he said
have; been recording " m e e tin g
conversations since last -January
'.'wlthout the knowledge or' other
cO\l;ncllmen."""" .";..::~. '.~
"'''I~ '~ddltlon, Richard charg.d
that Roth never,. got ..permission
~,irom, t~.. elty manager to mak,'
.uch recordings or Install' the
".ire~; and that he-was. usln~l
the l-e~()l'dlngs 6~for his o\vn prl~
i'vate )us.-probably polltlc.l-
,,:In,stead~of for ImbUe _consump-
In "a lengthy speech
Roth's i'ecordings,
nounced that he W(
complaint to the '1"
municatlons commi:
the radio station's pal
termed Ua trespass."
Roth, defending hi:;; action;
stated that when the wires v.i'ere
installed, ',. permission was sought
'Pod received by a radio station
official. He ,ald that. all of the
cmmdlm~n ~knew about )t" and
tha_s-: "a~~.on~" l!~teri,I,~g~fto,~ my.
Thilrsdax' night "program could
hear;l$IlOl't1ons: 9f' ~i!e 'nieeUrigs
pJ.ay.ell'.ba'~l(ovF~'~~h~~~ lr-;"';;-, ,:0'f~
. It...,-' - >,~,_ e '1'
"f"'-", ''<:~~-~;' :'~>
into the con a
atioit for ':the"i pi'ivilege;c t ha tt he: Ci ty oC
-,<' :.-; ,'- ~';~c'_ -: . -": '-" " ../';,f.-
Miami Beach -s~aIl"have'(,< the- right.to~
purchase the c~1I,1pany at the expirati()~
of the terni~'''. ..
of . the
He has indulged in persOIlUm}es to, t
point ,whereo'hehas~.said""there ';arej~-
"_' ;';.,;. -'--:'1 ,: ._:, ,--",'~ ,v:: ~-:. . 1,,,7-, 'T-'l~'-:,
.,~ru~?;rsi7a;~urif~~in . ~ha.t,,the&i 'are..f'
",cnmmllls ,among theimembers ,.oft~~.",~;-
,as.sociation". ,,,He' has' also expressed "'~~
. -;- T,r '"
him8elf as doubtf~I' that the city could
operate, a '.'peanut stand" to advant-
age. ;
He,has commended 'the. ope':
Ih~ Florida Pow.er and
and castigated al
critic of
th~_ power,' and
ration of
fur the acquisition
utility ,has
~_";' t"
h~:question of
~ht. .and . power
-c~r,'f". ;:
:t generaJ::elec-
buting system.
June of 1953,
the.30 year
xpire. 'J
f." -,,--> .,.
~';' . "~,~'f;.-- ..' . .
,posed,.that'the'- _
I. ....."
hi2e Ng:W/'in': '
old one to ex-
Roth, support-
ICJf of' its gross
I "..
n for the fran- ,'~,
to "amount to "'~,
t:company has
ground~ .~hat
:it thecoinpany
I .
~ers, !;since ,the
r'comp,~ny, are
h :rise. or fall,
s~,opposed the
Its of the pres-
ntend . that .the
,.r;m'j "Backst1lSe~lt;fla;~lon,~
[. ~. . J .... ".... _.' ,,,.,,,,,n _. . . ","
.~.'.' ;"'.f. .'- -....... '...~.1~.~,~-j<l,.~~.-":-,,~..,~~...~...- 1f."'''' .... ::I....'...~. ""~". "'.'!~.' f;' ~'7.' '. -..... ....'.'............'
:7 ,_;_;:~,,-'<,tf<4"V"" ~_~~.;:.: .~ -...~~;~;- .~~' -l~1,-.'.e~.';...;,r'.~,~ .".," '--:?;,~_~
.:Wave., Of T erroi:,~_Qm~in
..-..:..... _,' ....,;~:;.ti -. _~.T. ,-, ..
'" _,-<~ :::--_:'-~,: _ "-":' :~_" -?{_~{ii:/~
By ~;;. Fo~f~A~]
. Herald It...rr Wrlier'-~_~.?~
How to take the "yaklty. yak'" out ~.c
sessions and still preserv~~d~mocracy, Mlan
a question confronting the experts on. the I
urday. . '. ~ ~..' " ,
The experts were the councll-
men themselves. -:('
Touching all. the comment,
which as one member ,phrased It
"the whole town Is talking about,"
were the weary remarks of
Councllman Harold Turk near the
close of Wednesday's session. That
lasted from 10 o'clock In the
morning to' 6. p.m. with half an
hour out for lunch at. 3:30 . p.m.
"We' havp, homes and families
to go to." remarked Turk,
arising from bLs councll table
cbalr\ throwing his hando In the
air and clutching hlo balr. "Thlo
"f., utte:rly ridiculous, we've been
bere .Inc.'~ ...rly thta morning
and 'now' W& have to 1I0ten. to
~!-~~~.: '~-'.' ~:~ ~--:;;l~{~tif-~~:L,i-\~'_.}~'i
;:The '4thls'" ref~'rtei 'to<':';a~ "'the
,ppearance of a group ofappll-
'ants for the as yet unfllled $9,000-
..year post of city psychologist.
Turk's remarks came after.;.-one
,f them started to reelte his
luallflcations. f' '.
,~'We've had four meetings .on
his thing. Including a opeclal one
hat consumed an entire after.
loon, and still we've done nothing
,bout It," he said. The matter has
,een deferred until next Wednes.
lay's session.
Mayor D. Lee Powell. In co",:
menUng Saturday on the
lengtbly, talkative ieoolon.. said
of the one Wednesday: --' .
,HI went home with,.' head..
acbe, and we're;,juat",OIDg to
have to aok th"~PIl~lIc"~'an<l'
councilmen for; more-i" cooper-
ation In:'order to g~t,more-thlDg.',-
done In less t.i:me."~)!f' -' .}'?-~.~~~
Powell, who' Is presiding \. off!.
er of the council, said he Is open
o any, suggeotlons.
"Councilman ;;Marcle",'.Llbe,rman,
v:1!t:ilf~ In:caltiJlg ,l,,,ote says,
'I:1"'Vo~rJ;a. '.j'(o1";'1no) <~andJ;: no
peee~..:.';.I.d ,he ;JiuI. . r caft~.... 'cl..ef'
tand~"why everyone e 1,;t~,>talk
!_,lnue::h..'! \,0: t;,~>4t~~~1 ~lV'!~"'~
10 thatsoml
everything ~
to them.',I,->S
said" he bl
meetings (
jnst as" ni
the city,"
weed out ~
people:r; ap
"For 'a 'J
Richard sa:
discarded. ,
"At that"
to be," 'I
clty manag.
slalrs to t
which' was
play. and I,
hour." ~
. Councllm:
fusing to n
at what he
headline t
usually on,
the prlnclp'
erence-:~- obv
ard. ,sInce
engaged In'
tUman, b
long .ellsi,
critic of
..power""and ,Jight
Councilman 'Melvin
ration of the
,the 30
comm~nded the"opei.
"Florida Power and.Light
~ompany and castigated all who spoke
fur the acquisitiono! " the ,facilities.
JHe has indulged in pe!sonalities to the
,. 'poInt .~h.~!~ '~'e~has, sai1~::~h~.~$,,~~~~;;~
~.trumorsa~ound town;thatiC'Jbere . al'~"~~
;&i\:assoCiation". He"'has also, expressed,,;j
"'himself asdllubtful.that the city could'
operate a '<'pea!};t .stand:' to
mount to
d,'essed in white rabbi I costumes ~r." &,1
Wed inlo Ihe council chamber. . bustn.
and dropped. COCOlllit9' on .;the outra'i
to ble. A press agent promptly an. 'Roth
nounced that he wanted a picture !'lavel f
taken - showing the. "rabbits" chamb~
pre.entlng the coconuts to the that If.
CIty Fathers.' .", '" _ eral 'aU
The stunt turned out.to be an
......R.. ,.,.-.It.t:...''''.....1J..'..'.~ '7J"~. '..<>;0-,;,
.,.<<~,., '.' f"
'a'" ~I s
. 7'~~"."i"'~'%.. I
One of the most vliil~nt out.
bursts on record occurred today
at City 'Councll's adjourned ses-
sion. "Involved were rabbIts, pis.
ton cylinder rings, press agents,
and a photogtapher.
The explosion came while Vice.
Mavor Burnett Roth. oresldIni( In
It seems to us that :Melvin
has made" himself:.a "plank" on
he will stand :or falI,when' he~p
. J
himself. to. the elec.torate at the
general election which". is' not far
We recalIthat hee,dubbed himself
"Voice of' the 'People" during ihis cam~
paign in 1949. It was a,loud and'strident'
"voice" which made the people' stop and
listen. The years have not been good to
Councilman Richard and the,~next. time
,out the "Voice of the'Peop!e"\vi.ll.only
1i.be.a:pip~Sqlfea,k .f()rc,~lm.an.Rich:ar,!
~;;,iilli:ii~ ~16hg'~~~.b~1\~l'fIilik~R~n';;Y'
V';4~'.:r..~~P.1p ~~:,:.:' ~";i..~-#:"'~- ~~"~:~--<~;;f:'. 'r
ett,Roth,. support-
Beach Electric Light
since the
,any are
e,' or fall,
the pres-
.that .the
of dollars by
..t.,;"...........'....t.;;m.~.~."'.'. .-:...i..~.';~\',I;li.....I. B.' .. .'.k.. .~.d...t!...'...."'.'.....~."..!..'H'I. '''!l''';'.<.;;''i~~ ""..'
'~', "',,- --,">1'->""'''1-<'''':''';._ ,- ~.~. ~ - ,';~;~"J""~.,,-,,><--,- .....;_....~-.1r...,:.: -",
.JiJ..';,I ~'~ f;,;O.. 'un~1 QI"! $: '''e.gls a~ clO' n.:
;<'.:h:, ~'", '-' .;.~: , . ", ,if ,~
lii'-. k~:f.': ;.) '~i~-~;;;g~~,~:....':t-~'~"~'~""'~~""';;~",m-~-~1,~-;;.c-' ,~_,..~,~..f"': ~" ,-~~''',t,-;!:'~., ;;..",-;,":,;:~llP.
~~,~~. 'f1(.;~"';ioI" . :,;. ....;$<;'.' :h,,,,,':l" ',..-t ,t., r.,'rli(~j?ei.t);)'f't~
T~,End:"Wave<Of T~rrot ~9tij~ing
.4o..-u' '- ~, ,; >..,~ ,- " .
It seems to us that Melvin .Richard
has made !:imself a "plank" on which
he will stand or fall when he presents
himself to the electorate' at the next
genel'al election which is not far off.
We recall that he dubbed himself the
"Voice of the People" during his cam-
raign in 19,:9, It was a loud and strident.
",'oice" which made the people stop and
listen, The years ha\'e not been good to
Councilman Richard and the next time
out the "Voice of the People" will only
be a pip-squeak for C~t\l'1cilman Richard
::will . no ionger. be' 'iin:-;funli:ii.own". HIS
,"';-Kt ";;~.~~.'~' ',': .... '5fJ!!
y":,-oted"lIo Co Xtl{aii~l!~wlfe3
used? f~dr~cor<ungl;t]!ef:'l'ee~ng,~
,,;'~ 1jll~~'radlil' statlon;'f\>I1OWing
M~l ~1D"\i Rkha':~'-'~. charge''. that
Coif;cll~"'n:"; Bu'':net{r,I1-pth~~ had
... ~;. .~::i~J,~;Ji:C2~;~;~~:?R{,:;
'r 'l'*t~ . ~as,'4.2' wltli "!.Iayor
ri~,~:.~-~ee:~po\Veli~'i;Be~~3:J;_<<! ,~rank,
'Ha~()ld.i'tir.' ~~d Roth ~decldlng,
Councilmen'MarCll! Liberman and
Rlchard:;.~astaffirmative, votes;.
'coui1~hmaIl' 'William Burbr.ldge
~as~absent. ~.t .~ .:r.:, . ::
SCalllng the recording a "neaky
activity" 'on the' part of Roth.
Richard proposed the motion ~o
tear. out the .'ires which he said
have' been recording' m e e tin g
conversations since last Ja.nuar:r
"without the knowledge of other
In addition, Richard rharged
that Roth ne\'t'r Rot permission
from the ('It,)' managf"r to mak.
such ff'('ordings or install the
wire" and that he was uslng~;:"
tht" recordings "for hi~ own pri"'fi"
,-ate use-l'fohah1r polttical-
-instead of for puhlic consump'
":;~sen" fol'~: tb~!~dP~job7.1miT
. tbe-:5elecll~n or'~n'''~S8lstant:.u
'tll.Jate~. Aiaui..nii,seCODd::~
1;T! jl~~"~,.{/'~:/:"~'> .1:!;-tg;" ;~t~
'Mter Dr':-Blti.menthal," Dr.' ~
Aidman: al1d LeViI$ B::'Gl~SS,'
applicants;, had,pres~nted'; t1
qualifications, Councilman Me:
Richard stated. that he w~JUld:t
th,;' matter deferred "hl' .vie"
ad(litlonal qualifications pteseJ
by 'the' applicantS'," ;,""- 'ili:rt
" Mayor. D, Lee Powell concU!
and the Issue. was directec
Assistant City Manager H, M!
Link: They. asked~that the al
qualifications be ex~m!ned',a:
report sub.mitted at ,~,~e Coul
,next ~;~tm~'__;_l \~,,~:'~, '. { "~
'.Tu~k, In'itated at" the ,
. tinned' delay, l' e mJ n d e d~
'llI'onp that It had already '1
~ix months discussing the p
lem and had held four Spf
. meetings in an effort to'settl
. Councilman Mar c i e Libe
stuck to his opinion~ "I still .
this whole husiness ought.
handled by the County," .he
CitvCouncil yesterday P
on three readings an emen
ordinance goverrlin~ the, sal
tributiop and stor~ge of expl.
"l:.y,'1~l~~:i7.~ ~,~,'" "~,":~~.,q~.L':~~;(~':t;;~~~~.,flf.'-"~--;~ ~~:~'~'th~~tSP6~rg:tH~')j
'cal'power plant and,dIstl'Ibutmg system;1'iI." vJt<."l'o}' ..:"..""',.... W,,'t. ,,' ,'1!,"-::;' ." !!..~1'i,;;;j"; '". ~'.
'."". ',;'r.t'. ... .'\.;, ".','" Ci ,1; ;.:''''...:,....' "'9'-:3' """';'~'" ...i..' '..0. '.Nners.hIJli Oft..,..t.he, .p.ow.er., ,';.h.g
~Tlie,.date(wilJ "be set for June.of 1 b ,', .< ",'ii,." ,') ,".\.."".',,,Y'~':' ..'
",.' ",.,,'" 'S .' ., ;, "',,,..1'- ',; .. ''',.0'; "..~ut.IhtY'Jhas,., been '.CoullCflman MelVl
,Jtlsti'abouVone yean,befor_e~the 30\year ,..~,.~ ;'" " \ f: e"'" .""",,, . , " :0"''l\''''
"".l'j.""h....~'.....,' .' he. I . X "h' F I 'd' ./1 ,Aif\;.Rlchard.?H. e,has commended. ,tho e:op. ~;:,'.i!t;.."
'franc Ise "now,' e d . by'," t e on a", <'..\ "'" A , " . " .~~
,{j.i ''.. :... .'''' '1ratio'n of the,Florida,;Power and'Light,;~,
Power,& L!ght Co. wIIL,expIre.. ",.,'1 . ',," '" ,> ,'"
'l:<"C,rJI'.: er:. ", ~ ,;, CO,mpary and cllstIgate~'all,who spoke ~
~:,wr~e'1.f.' P. & L.has pr9posed~hatth~ >fori.the acquisiHonof " the faciliHes.':.'::
'~If~:'giv~ it. a new fran~hise NQW,'in-'He has indulged in ~er~onaliti~s t~th;'~,'
3.;": ';3~~;; '<-4.. :!. ~~., \' .^"- , " " , :'; - ,,"': '\, , ,"."1"-
st~~/>of;waitingfor t~e,old one'to.ex- point .wherehe bas, said '''therei>'a~.:'~~
,pire.:r.~ir~turn thepower'com~any' has\~.!umors.a!ouri~,,1>?wntJhll,~;.iiJh,eie >iiu~\:~K
offere~ the city 6. pers~nt of-;ts gross ';~crimin~ls'am~ng'theme~bersjof.;thei'>:'.
receipts 'as. a consideration for the fra~-" ,J'lssociation"" He '"has' also ", express~dC\t';i
,," " .~~: ~.,,' ," '" '
c~j~e~ ~'1;h.js is. estimated to amount. to ;, 'h'imself as doubtful that the city could'
$200,000',a 'year operate a' 'fpeanut stand" to advant-
'~fCou~cilman Burnett ,Roth, support- . age: .,
ed by the Miami Beach.Electric Light '"
.' & Power Association, has opposed the
company offer on the grounds that
,any money receh'ed from the company
: is a >tax on the consumers, since the
revenues the poweri company are
based upon rates which rise or fall,
dependin~ upon the cost of operation.
In addition, the opponents of the pres.
ent franchise holder contend that the
city can earn millions of dollars by
~.lpe.rating the utility itself.
· F;;the!mot-eritlbas been point~d o~t
ythe, As~ocil~tion~elltat the\tirnz~~h,e
r.:i(..... '~.~ j.~".,,~.~.~~,t.' .w~
~.." '~:.X\;i!~~;,~'t"!t ',t~~~~
...B~e;~it.~.. ..S....~i. ."
;f u~;n~~t
" Over:-;~~,Monke;
:'/\, < ,. \:,.
'~,,;: By' HAINES COLBERT ;. exc'ept'ior the s:
~>~ Daily Hews Staff Wrlte~ the~selves oye
~}.riami.Beach .councilmen .in~ bl~ In the'ml~
lerrupted the i r semi-weekly Richard scrap. ~
fight today. to take on a room A photograpJ
full of citizens. and a press .
'c The better conditioned coun- that the counc;
cilmembersnalurally won han- welcome at the
dUy. But .the citizens were clam- bar of the new
oring for a re-mat"Ji.'at noon: . The fighting 1
Provmg that nothing so dras- fathers we~e re
tic as the drop of a hat is neces, camera ~rms.
sary to set them bff, the coun~ ~rs. Rose We
cHmen went to war over mon~ neer, and Mrs.
keys and a difference 'of three who head. a ta
sixteet:tth of an ,inch)n the size arose as l~ne.
of -. a pIston. "-,,
Councilmen Melvin J. Richard TBIS IS }
and. Burnett Roth were battling they said togetl
over.,the. piston when the mon- oul~age. H~ye-.,
key'isslle"arose,.' br t"in '~Roth:':actmg:::
the' .;" absenceil:of1,t' J
\~; . . i,;i'; pounded the tlib;
~" '0 ~Il.~,,~., ~ In tiThe 'womelul
what" 1 .~~1!!.~:~~b.~t*~\ts yelled more pro