236-1999 LTC
L.T.C. No.
December 15, 1999
Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and
Members of the City C mission
Sergio Rodriguez
City Manager
As was previously outlined in the November 4, 1998 Commission Memorandum No. 750-98, the
Information Technology Department reviewed nineteen (19) systems foc Y2K readiness. Six (6) of
the systems were fully ready:
1. Applicant Tracking System - Human Resources System
2. CIVICALL - Citizens Assistance System
3. FASTER Software - Fleet Maintenance System
4. Motorola Public Safety Radio System - Police and Fire Radio Communications
5. MPE Software - HP Operating System
6. Novell Software - Network Operating System
Since then, six (6) other systems have been upgraded to Y2K readiness:
1. E911 - Emergency Nine One One
2. INV - Public works Inventory System
3. LMS - Land Management System (Certificate of Use & License)
4. RTX - Resort Tax System
5. Siemens-Rolm Telephone System
6. UTB - Utility Billing System
Two (2) additional systems were fully ready, but are being upgraded for client-server technology:
1. FMS - The Mitchell Humphrey financial Management System has been updated to Y2K
readiness. Additionally, the City Commission approved an upgrade to the Mitchell Humphrey
system. The upgraded system is scheduled for implementation in April, 2000. This upgrade is not
required for the system to be Y2K ready.
2. Fire RMS - In regard to the Fire RMS, it is presently being done manually and an appropriate
new system is still under review by the staff, Lucent Technologies and the Fire Department. If no
workable solution is determined prior to December 31, 1999, the Fire Department will continue with
the manual system until such time as Lucent Technologies provides a workable seamless integration
for the fire records. This should occur during the first quarter of the year 2000.
Five (5) other major systems are undergoing Y2K readiness preparation and include the following
CAD/RMS - Computer Aided Dispatch/Records Management System for Police and Fire. The new
systems were acquired Lucent Technologies and installed in November, 1998. During the testing
process, staff determined that the CAD system didn't meet the City's requirements therefore the
implementation was delayed until the CAD system went live on April 26, 1999. The CAD system
is now fully functional. Due to similar problems, the Police RMS will not be implemented until
January 3, 2000. Contingency plans are in effect to handle this situation so that it will not result in
any significant service disruption.
Desktop PC Systems - The replacement of the desktop PC systems is broken into three parts:
equipment, operating system and office automation. The remaining 40 PCs that are scheduled to be
replaced are on order and will be delivered prior to the end of December, 1999. The Windows 95
operating system has been modified and is Y2K ready. The office automation project will be delayed
until the first quarter of the year 2000 due to time constraints. However, the e-mail component of
the project will be upgraded as the present version is not Y2K ready. This will be completed by the
end of December, 1999.
F AS - The Fixed Assets System (F AS) was originally purchased from Collier Jackson rather than
Mitchell Humphrey, the Financial Management System vendor. In order to ensure that the F AS is
fully integratable with the Mitchell Humphrey FMS and is also Y2K ready, the Mitchell Humphrey
module was purchased this year and the system is in the process of being implemented and will go
live in December 17, 1999.
PEPffOW - The Police Property and Towing System is being written in-house in an SQL database.
The PEP system module is scheduled to go live on December 20, 1999 and the TOW system module
is scheduled to go live on December 15,1999.
PPS - The Human Resources/Payroll System which includes payroll processing, human resources,
risk management and pension is not Y2K ready. After careful analysis of options by an RFP
selection committee and then further research and a site visit by an in-house evaluation group, the
Cyborg system was selected on October 23, 1998. The basic software package has been purchased
and migration and training are underway.
The training has been completed and parallel runs will be done for the last three payrolls of this fiscal
year. The first payroll of the new year will be on the Cyborg system. A test parallel run has been
completed and a real parallel run was completed on December 8, 1999 and a second one will be
completed by December 20, 1999, with a live run thereafter.
Additional enhancements and modifications to the basic package were required for full Y2K
readiness and were purchased and are now in the process of being installed. The payroll team headed
by volunteer Project Manager John Bremer is meeting every day until the system goes live.
The consultant hired to complete the enhancements and modifications, ABC Computing Services,
Inc., began work during the last week of September and is expected to complete all critical assigned
tasks by December 31, 1999, and further non-critical tasks by January 31, 2000. In addition, the
vendor, Westcorp, Inc., who is preparing the laser checks for the system, has begun work and
installaton is scheduled for December 15-16, 1999.
The Administration recognizes the critical nature of the Y2K problem and has been making every
effo~o ensure the necessary systems are in place.