LTC 229-2005 Residential Parking Permit Zone Three/Michigan Avenue Update
Office of the City Manager
Letter to Commission No. 229-2005
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A request from participants of the Flamingo ParklZone Two Restricted Residentiat<RariGtg
Program, was received through Commissioner Gross' Office, to allow for 'Zorffi Two"
residents to park in portions of the Michigan AvenuelZone Three Residential Parking Zone,
namely on the east side of Michigan Avenue between 12th and 15th Streets.
Mayor David Dermer and
Members of the City c~o.. mmission
Jorge M. Gonzalez . '
City Manager ~=:
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Date: September 1, 2005
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The City's policy regarding amending residential parking zones is to receive said requests
in the form of a petition from residents within the affected areas. Requests from residents
that are outside of the boundaries of the zone are only contemplated if and when residents
within the affected zone petition and endorse the requested amendment. The standard
procedure and public process is: (1) hold a workshop with bona fide residents from within
the affected zone for comment, input, and either an endorsement or non-endorsement on
the matter; (2) if endorsed by residents, it is then referred to the City's Transportation and
Parking for their review, comment, and a recommendation; (3) a balloting procedure would
then take place whereby bona fide residents of the zone would be mailed ballots to cast a
vote endorsing the amendment or not; and (4) subsequently, the Mayor and Commission
would hold a public hearing on the matter. In this particular case, Michigan AvenuelZone
Three residents have not petitioned and/or requested any amendment to their zone. In
fact, to the contrary, Michigan Avenue/Zone Three residents are not in favor of the
proposed amendment.
The Parking Department conducted a utilization survey over a two week period that
identified that the on-street parking spaces on Michigan Avenue between 12th and 15th
Streets were underutilized during the hours of 1.1 :00 P.M. and 6:00 A.M. (restricted parking
hours for Zone Three). A notice was mailed to all residents within Zone Three inviting them
to a publicly noticed workshop that was held on July 12, 2005, at the City Manager's Large
Conference Room to receive comments and input regarding the matter.
Although the meeting was sparsely attended, Mr. Sam Carson, President of the Flamingo
Park West Neighborhood Association attended as well as Ilona Wiss, a resident of
Michigan Avenue. In a prepared statement (see attached) submitted by Mr. Carson, the
residents of the Flamingo Park West Neighborhood Association do not endorse the
concept of allowing Flamingo Park/Zone Two permit holders within Michigan AvenuelZone
Three parking areas on Michigan Avenue between 12th and 15th Street.
Further research by the Administration divulged that the residential parking permit program
was established mainly to address resident complaints of vehicles parking on Michigan
Avenue between 12th and 15th Streets and while parked, the vehicle occupants engaged in
illegal acts. The residential parking program has apparently been a successful deterrent to
this illegal activity. The Police Department's Crime Prevent Unit writes, "The Crime
Prevention Unit was called upon to help correct problems that residents in this area were
experiencing. Our investigation into this situation revealed that many ofthe complaints that
the department received dealt with people parking their cars in this area and, while parked,
engaged in illegal acts" "Although it took some time to correct, the problem is definitely
more manageable today than it was two years ago. It took the combined efforts of the
Police Department, Parks Department, Parking Department and Public Works to make this
happen. The addition of lighting, maintenance of the landscaping, and use of both police
patrol and private security has corrected many of the problems associated with the original
complaints." Increased utilization of any form will inherently nullify the passive security
improvements to the park and may again lead to a rise in illegal activity in the park and/or
neighborhood. Therefore, there is a strong recommendation from the Police Department
that parking should continue to be restricted for Michigan Avenue/Zone Three participants
on the east side of Michigan Avenue between 12th and 15th Streets, as this restriction
accomplishes two goals:
. There is a very limited area that a person would have available to conduct criminal
. There is an open line of sight that both residents and the patrolling police officer,
have into the park area and coupled with the corrective measures listed above,
make criminal acts easier to detect if the officer does not have anything obstructing
their view. Vehicles parked in this area can definitely obstruct that view.
In conclusion, the Administration does not recommend allowing Zone Two residents to park
on Michigan Avenue between 12th and 15th Streets in Zone Three. The sentiment of
affected residents of Michigan Avenue/Zone Three is to not allow "Zone Two" permit
holders on Michigan Avenue between 1 ih and 15th Streets due to concerns of increased
crime in the area. This is corroborated by the Police Department's recommendation to not
alter the existing parking regulations as a marked improvement has been achieved as
evidenced by reduced illegal activity in the area and in turn reduced complaints.
If you have any questions and/or need any additional information, please contact Saul
Frances, Parking Director at extension 6483 or me at extension 6637.
::-1; Managemem Team
Pin==mO:MichiganAVezone3o Itco doc
Jul 0505 01:11p
Gyi Inc Carson
305 538 7088
Mr. Saul Frances
Parking Director - Miami Beach Parking System
Historic Old City Hall
1130 Washington Ave.
Suite 100
Miami BeachFl. 33139-4600
July 5,2005
Dear IvIT. Frances:
I am writing this letter as president ofthe Flamingo Park West Neighborhood Association and as a
homeowner in this unique historic single family neighborhood. Although I was not a resident of the
neighborhood when the Zone 3 parking district was created, a number of our members were, and
they have educated our group as to its history. Following is a summary of that history, as recalled
by Ilona Wiss, who has lived on Michigan Avenue since 1989:
A few years ago, we were experiencing a huge problem with all-night cruising on our street. It was
a combination of people seeking anonymous sex and drugs and increased through traffic....people
using our streets as a shortcut alternative to Alton Road as it became more congested. The problem
was exacerbated by the availability of unrestricted parking. The police informed us they were not
able to do anything about the cruising or people hanging around in their cars or on the sidewalks and
advised us to request restricted parking as a means of limiting the intrusion into our neighborhood
after the park closed at nighf The idea was hvofold: limit the loitering opportunities and reduce the
through traffic by restricting parking to residen1s of our single family neighborhood during the hours
when the park is closed.
V\7hen the Zone was created, there was a lot of discussion as to whether it should be a separate Zone
or part of the already existing Zone 2. Everyone recognized the importance of maintainjng the
unique, peaceful character of our neighborhood as much as possible and that to do that, we needed
to restrict all of the parking to the residents of our single family neighborhood, except for the
baseball stadium lot. \Ve agreed that, because of its proximity to 15th Street, the use of the stadium
lot by Zone 2 residents, who would accessed it from 15th Street, would not greatly impact our
neighborhood. Everyone agreed that allowing Zone 2 residents to park on th~ east side of Michigan
would significantly the traffic in our neighborhood and invite people to hang around where
they don't belong. That idea was rejected.
The creation of Zone 3 for our residents only has helped significantly. We still have through traffic
problems and people looking for fun, but it is much better than it was. Opening up the parking on
Michigan Avenue to Zone 2, which extends from 16th Street to 5111 Street, would have a very negati. ve
impact in our neighborhood and would undo many of the positive changes that have occurred in
recent years. \Ve strongly oppose expanding Zone 3 in any way. Our unique single family
Jul 05 05 01: 11 p
Gyi Inc Carson
305 538 7088
page 2
neighborhood must be protected from the impact of the growing multifamily neighborhoods that
surround us, We would like to work with the City to calm our traffic even further with the creation
of four way stops at evelY corner and installation of "no through traffic" signs to discourage the
intrusion of cars seeking to avoid the heavy traffic on Alton Road. .We would be happy to meet with
you at any time to discuss these matters with you and other City representatives.
Most sincerely,
Sam Carson, President
Flamingo Park West Neighborhood Association, Inc.
1350 Lenox Ave.
Miami Beach FL 33139
Phone 305 673 8514
Fax 305 538 7088
Email SCarson652@aoLcom
cc: Mayor and Commission
Jorge M. Gonzalez, City Manager
Tim Hemstreet, Assistant City Manager
Chuck Adams, Assistant Parking Director/Off-Street
Kevin Perkins, Parking Enf<;1rcement Manager
Kenny Wright, Parking Sales/Marketing Manager
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