Division 2 Sitework P.€! f)'V1"ON 2 SITE"VOI!.IS SECTION 2' EXC~AT'.tiG. r:ll-..u~a AND GR~Q!tiQ - eART , GENEA~~ 2A1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. 2.A 1.02 A. PrOVide .'llabot, materi:ll, and equ;pmp.nt nocos~ory for lhe~rk sp@cifiedJt\ thi, $8ctlOrl including but not limited to the fonowing: ~,' I V~~:." ,;1' , 1. Cleating, Qtubbing end r.movitlg of unneeded mt;ltcrja's,^"xi~tinlJ structUr.., debris, bi'...mlnous and cOC\Ctete ~~vi"O afld spoil, stump dicpcs.al method$, and $hfUb removal and dJ$po~aJ. 2. ExcaV8tion, b;cldilling and embankment work ..c rcqulred. OUAUTY ASSURANce ~od~ andJ~.ta"dar~: Porform 8Xeav,ticn wQrk In compli~~. with applicable requirements of govorning .uthorities h,ving 1uriSdiction. UI!p' 2 · P~OOYm 2A2.0 1 A. , B. eOtL MA TER'ALS SS,c:.kfiK ~nd .fi!LMat!ri~J$: U$e excavated material freo of rack or Gravel 'arget than e inches. debM, wast., fro~o... materials, Qrganic matorials, and othaf deleterious matter. lYb~~aA MJtW!; Free.draining porous fiU under slabs Or'l grade ~ooforming to ASTM C33; Coarse aggte;!te S)Gt Gradation No. 61. fAAT 3 · EXECLrrIOPi 2A3.0 1 GENERAL . A. . 2A~.02 Clearing, Orubbing OM c)(covation CtQnsistS ot tht remo....~1 t1nd disposal of all materfaJs encOuntered when e:aab1i$hin9 the teQuired limits and 9'3de Glev~tlo.,c. Di~f)o~,1 of all c)(Civated matsl'it1rS shall be the responsibility of the Contractor. PLACEMENT ANC COMPACTION OF FILL MATERIALS eXCAVATING, FILLING AND GRACING IA., ... u =... e:':~Pt~ ~TEEL.HECT~ & DAVIS r.7 A. Placa and compac:t dosigneted fill and baCkfitl materials In the manner 80<1 to the limits roqurrEld bv the Geotechnical EngiMElt. Control soil compaetion cllJ,ins conctruc;tion for compliance With the percentage Of density sJ)ecified. 2A3.03 GRAOING A. Grade areas wIthin limits of grading ir"lcfuding ~djacent transition ari:1S. Smooth surface to the $lo~f.S .~ I',vatio~ thawn. 2A3.04 PAVEMENT SUS&^SE COURSE ~,.. ') ~ r. . ~ M.,-:" A. P12o:ns. PI.c.~$ubb~$8 course m:1teria' On approved $ubgrade In laver$ of ~niforJ~iCkr'l@$'t conforming to Indicated cross,sCletion and thiglcne~a. ~ <..~ ~ tt~ ,,-"',-...4" ,. eXCAVATING, frLLINC'; ANO GRAOING 2A.2 DIVISION 3 CONCRETE SECTION 3A CONCRETE FORMWORK PART 1 - GENERAL 3A 1.0 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Work includes formwork and shoring for cast-in-place concrete, and installation into formwork of items such as anchor bolts, setting plates, bearing plates, anchorages, inserts, and other items to be embedded in concrete. 3A 1.02 QUALITY ASSURANCE A. Reference Standards: 1. American Concrete Institute (ACI): 347: Recommended Practice for Concrete Formwork. 2. American National Standards Institute (ANSI): A 199.1: Construction and Industrial Plywood. 8. Allowable Tolerances:Construct formwork to provide completed cast-in-place concrete surfaces complying with the tolerances specified in ACI 347. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 3A2.01 MATERIALS A. Forms for Exoosed Finish Concrete: 1. Construct formwork for exposed concrete surfaces with plywood, metal, metal-framed plywood-faced or other panel type materials acceptable to Architect, to provide continuous, straight, smooth as-cast surfaces. 2. Where plywood is used as the finish forming surface, provide High Density Concrete Form Overlay, Class 1, complying with ANSI A 199.1, 8.8. 8. Form Ties:Use adjustable-length removable or snap-off metal form ties, designed to prevent form deflection, and to prevent spalling concrete surfaces upon removal. CONCRETE FORMWORK 3A-1 ~ F.b c. lor", ~.tIQQ:U$' comm."jal formulation form-coati"g c~mtlOUr'\ds th4t will not bond w:th, et,ln, nor ~dvers,'Y 'ffect CO"Cfoto surfaeos~ S )~t.~~ Il'; ~' ~ll '1 tIC'.... f..- I "'i. ,..,.. ., ..."" , ~rtT~3 · EXEC:UTI~ SA3.01 FORM CONSTRUCTION G. H -",.~'rO-.I A. ~ forme to be the txa~t si~es. wpcs, I.ne$ end dimt"saQIl$ shewn, and '$ tequired to obtain aCcurate ali9famal'lt.loc~tion. grades. ItvelG and plumb worle In finiah ftructUtes. ~rOvid. fOt openlngs, offsets, sinkages, keyways, feelsses, moldirt9S, rustifications, regret!, ehAMf2t.s, btock.n~ sc:reCds. bulkheads, enehotag.,. and InsertS, .nd other fe~tureflequ;red. CONCAETi FOAMWORJ< 3A.2 DIVISION 3 CONCRETE SECTION 3C CONCRETE. GENERAL PART 1 - GENERAL 3C 1.0 1 A. 3C1.02 A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work includes providing cast-in-place concrete consisting of portland cement, fine and coarse aggregate, water, and selected admixtures; combined, mixed, transported, placed, finished and cured as herein specified. . QUALITY ASSURANCE Reference Standards: 1. ACI 301 "Specifications for Structural Concrete for Buildings". 2. ACI 318 "Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete". 3. ACI 304 "Recommended Practice for Measuring, Mixing, Transporting and Placing Concrete". 4. ACI 311 "Recommended Practice for Concrete Inspection". 8. Concrete Testina: 1. All concrete shall be tested in accordance with ACI 318 and ASTM C-21. 2. Concrete mix designs for all types and strengths of concrete shall be prepared by an independent laboratory and submitted to the Architect for approval. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 3C2.01 A. B. C. D. E. CONCRETE MATERIALS Portland Cement: ASTM C150, Type I or II. Aggregates: Conform to ASTM C33. Water: Clean, fresh, drinkable. Air-Entraining Admixtures: ASTM C260. Water-Reducing Admixture: ASTM C494, Type A. CONCRETE, GENERAL 3C-' ~ "'.0:', 3e3.0~ A. 3<::3.03 A. 8. I"":;)' 31 ' $I" :3SPM S;~El'~CTOR & ~VIS p.~ F. V Sel-eCtllro/ Ad",,'<lv"'.. Asr", C4S4, as fOllowS: I 1. TVPt 8, Actflf{;fing " 2. type e, Ace,'erat/ng .' 3. 'tyPt D, W,lal...edvcJng and retalding · 4. TyPe t. W1lel'llldUCInS It1d acOtll/.tillS C"oiUlll Chloride: Do noc us. C"OilJtll chloride In canC'tle. 00 nal I admr~tures oon~in;nQ calci,," Chlorld.. ... UQutd-Memb<aI1G'Formittg ClIring COtnpquna: ASrAl caOS. Type I, con.petll wIth conc:r6tf .ealo'l ConClete $Oeler: ProvIdt S1'1ant penelnllil1ll seal". "'in. 40" So/'1d4. equet 1 Che.n''l'reet eSM 4O.oA.X$",,,U',, '18 G. H. I. MAT :J .-1.~l!~U"rfOli 3C3.0 t eONCRfTE MIXlNQ A. ./ COIIcrele may be milfOd .1 /)etch p/allt$ Of it Illlly be ll'a/1$It-mbred. B.tch pr."fa must comply l1l'i111 l/lf lequll'""m. Of ACf 304. "ted'r"'~ conclete She' comply INiIh the tequ/req,""l<t 0' AIIT". C,... eONCFcETi Pl..AC!MiNT e. , .Ge~: PIece COrlcrateln comPlIance WIth the praetice. Ind ,ecommend.tions · 0' ACI 104. c. ~11J.e!.~j'1Q! Plcllllct e~ COllcrete worle 'rom PhYSical d~"'II' or I.duced stFonslh Which coulcl be Cllused by fro$t. 'rceling 10110/1$. 01 low ; temper'turos.1n OO/11p/~nce wit/, !he requir,ment, of Ae, 30.. ~1h... .El.tcbg, Wh... hat weathell COndlIIOtls aXist that WOUld ..r/ou;!y Im~~ the qUirlty Ind .tr.nlltll of CO/lCt'le. pl... and Protect COllCtete In ~ COmpllan~o with ACI !06. FINISHES SmO.", &:JlUiC\ilIb: PrOvide GI'Ca't SmOOth '01171 finioh 101 'Oltnetl concrete "urlacts thet .,. to be '''''_d to wcw, 01 that ar, to be cO....",d With. coating mat,"", oPpliefl directly to tho COnCteIe, W,~~ ~JOislv Apply lIotl-.apAbroam lIn;.h 10 C_.l. deck slab. Ind "mpI .ubj.ot to ....ltIcul... lro'IIc.c,j" "pr"t"'f) "Y ),VI .Ik~~':"'i.'r; CONCREte, GENe:.. . '-,.=.. ;... O~; ~'5F:--l sn:u.,HECTOR & DAVIS 3C3.02 V/Y C. 3C3.04 A. J;.113 CONCA"' PLACeMeNT Ccont'd.) Mon..SliD A9ar$gatd Fil1i~: Apply nM-sfip 8g9reg,te fini$h to concroto stair tread. and p'atforms~s A~t'l'N'.~ 2'1 "ft.. kctrr':,--r. CONCRETE REPAI"S O~'.M.vs WOI'Is: Concreta w\>fk which doe, not conform to Ihd specifiod requirements, lneJuding ~tr8ngth, to'erances, 8I'd fanishl!$, ~hafl bt COtt6ct~ at tho Contr~tor'. e.-~nsa. ~e Contractor $haU also be responsibla for the COst of Correctiont to .nv work .ffected by 01' ruultinQ frorn correctfo,,* to the concrete work. CONCRIT!,O!N~RAL SC-' DIVISION 3 CONCRETE SECTION 3E PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE PART 1 - GENERAL 3E1.01 A. 3E1.02 A. B. C. D. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work includes furnishing and installing precast, prestressed untopped double tees, girders, spandrels, columns, wall panels, planters, and all other members shown on the drawings. QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer qualifications: The precast concrete manufacturing plant shall be certified by the Prestressed Concrete Institute, Plant Certification Program, prior to the start of production. Erector qualifications: Regularly engaged for a least 5 (five) years in the erection of precast structural concrete similar to the requirements of this project. Welder qualifications: In accordance with AWS D1. 1. Welders to be qualified within the last year. Requirements of regulatory agencies: All local codes plus the following specifications, standards and codes are a part of these specifications: 1. ACI 318 - Building Code Requirements for Reinforced Concrete. 2. A WS D 1. 1 - Structural Welding Code - Steel. 3. AWS D1.4 - Structural Welding Code - Reinforcing Steel. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 3E2.01 A. MATERIALS Portland Cement: B. Admixtures: 1. ASTM C150 - Type I or III. 1. Air-entraining admixtures: ASTM C260. 2. Water reducing, retarding, accelerating, high range water reducing admixtures: ASTM C494. C. Aggregates: 1. ASTM C33-85. D. Water: 1. Potable or free from foreign materials in amounts harmful to concrete and embedded steel. E. Reinforcing Steel: 1 . Bars: Deformed billet-steel: ASTM A61 5. Deformed rail-steel: ASTM A61 6. Deformed axle-steel: ASTM A617. Deformed low-alloy steel: ASTM A 706. 2. Wire: Cold-drawn steel: ASTM A82. 3. Wire fabric: Welded steel: ASTM A185. Welded deformed steel: ASTM A497. F. Strand: 1. Uncoated, 7-wire, stress-relieved strand: ASTM A41 6, Grade 270K. G. Anchors and Inserts: 1 . Materials: a. Structural Steel: ASTM A36. b. Stainless Steel: ASTM A666. H. 2. Finish: a. Shop primer: Manufacturer's standards. b. Hot-dipped galvanized: ASTM A 153. c. Zinc-rich coating: MIL-P-2135, self curing, one component, sacrificial. I. Grout: 1. Cement grout: Portland cement, sand, and water sufficient for placement and hydration. 2. Non-shrink grout: Premixed, packaged ferrous and non-ferrous aggregate shrink-resistant grout. J. Bearing Pads; 1. Random-Fiber reinforced elastomeric p~d under beams unless noted. Neoprene pad as noted on drawings. K. Welded studs: 1. AWS D1.1. PRECAST PRESTRESSED CONCRETE 3E-2 ~. -.,", ~1t.~""M~~I(.'f\ 8. DAV:S P.11 eART...~ · EX~CUT'O~ 313.01 A4 PROOUCT Del.IVERY ANO HANOUNQ Delivery ,nd Har1dling: , · Prac~$t conCfet. members sh.121f bq lifted and tupported during mamlf,ccurinQ, stOCkpifing, transporting and erection operation, only at th. GftinQ or supportinG pOint.. or both, a~ shown en th. chait drowlngs, eM with .pproveej Uftfng deVices. TrGMportation, site Nndftng, and erection sh411 be ~erformed with eccaptable tqulpment It'd method.and by Qualified Mlso"nel. I t II at . , IJcV~'w~ ~~.,cr'1 ~'N~ ~ ~w, ns I allan: 1. lnltanation of procast, prestressed cOnCtete shan be perfolmed by the manufa~t.ure' or. oompttGnt -fctor, Members $".11 be Ufted by means of "'tebla UftlnA devices at points provided by the manufacturer. TemDOt.,., shonng and bracInG, " n'CO~flry, shag Comply with manU'aGtutet , r1Commendltiant, Alignment: , · Membel'$ shell be I)ICpe1'!."figned end leveled as required by th~ approved shop drawln8S~ ctI. ~1J/C4'ff:b QA.,/ '}"IJ( a,,,.....s1'Jo'lV(,..,.../~ w ~. ~ 2. c. ~ I. PRECAST PAiSTRlssro CONC,.CTI 3E.3 --- '-. '~. ~ ~~~~~ Fl.12 ~!.01i 2 ~~Vti &!CJIQti.1t:I CON,CHFT e $eAlERI ~ 3H1.01 Hi' A. 3H1.02 A. DESCRIPTION , I t '1"''' ,/VIr;" ;.~ Provide concrete penetrating sealer 'vstem on all horlzonta ^concrete deck surfaces Including ,Jabs on grade 8' herein specified. QUALITY CONTROL Warrantv! 1. The system ma"Uf8cture~sta~rniSh the Owner " written .lngle-$O~rGC ~otrncnce '&~'I that the COf)C(8te Penetrating Se~der System will b, free of defects related workmanlhlp or material deficlencv for I five (5) v.ar period from the date of .ubGtantial completion of the work provided under thiscection Of the spec:ificatfon. ~RT 2 ~ P.eQQ~G1' 3H2.01 SEALeR MATERIAL A. Provide a clear liquid .snane- type sealing compoc.and which will penetrate the concrete to provide a surface whieh Is resistant to salt" de..i~r chemic;f;, moisture, gasoline, oil and acid$. Sea',r matoriar shalf not aft.r the appearince of surface texture of concrett! $urfaces. Star", ahall be epplied It th~ rete of 12S 'SfI'Cal. e. Sealant ~terial shall be one of the prOducts offered by the manuf.C'Curer', listed below. J 1. Dvnamh Nobel of AmerIca, Inc;. . Chern..Trete-8SM 40 ,'2. H'rry S. Petersc)n Com~;,.,y. Iso-Flex 618 fAIU 3 ~~lJTI~ 3H3.01 PAEPARA nON A. Examine surfaces to receive sealer to assure that condltlon$ Ire Iceeptable for appJlc.tlon of materials. Concrete shaH b, cured 8 minimum 0' 28 days FA! · ~t' - ~ ,4F"~~.A yo, . ();' 5"f..l _,~ /'11A 1J"r.'A ~ CONCftErE StAlERS 3H.' IHf ~.l. '~4 85:4oP" STE:EL.,~(,TOR & I)qVIS 3H3.01 ~ 8, c. 3H3.02 A. I. e. 3H3.03 A. F.l~ PAEPAAA TlON "" f~f.r:wl J. Aemove dirt, dust and materials that will/f'\terlere with the proQe~and ,Ht<;tivo application 01 the woter repellent coating. All caulking, patching and ;olnt sealants should be Installed prIor to 8S)pllcaticn of this ptoduC1. APPLICATION PrOduct should be applied as packaged · do not dilute or alter the material. ProfcrrQd tnt:fthod of application Is with low pressure C 15 PSI) alrless spray equipment or with. heavily saturated brush or toUer. $ptey equIpment should be equipped with .olven! resistant gS$kcts and hOMe. When applyl.,,, bV bfush or rotl." Cate WiU be taken to Insure that $ufflc:fent tnetetiella being apphed 10 thoroughly saturate tho treatr'taOnt surfcsc.s mainufnlng the appropriete squate foot coverage r~te d8t~tmined through p"vlou. tts1ing or 't apec:lfled by the product manufacturer. WATER TEST After the water repellent hac driodl flood the trelted lurtaQes With water as d1re~ted by thl Archlteot. Apply additional CoatIng to areas whioh show tvrdeo,. of Witer abSOrptlon.on. ~s pllt.!Cf"tr; "Sf -rt./c t.,~t I CONCRm SEALERS 3M-I - ~w,~,-,,.... ;l'c..~"'#h~CT~~ i. D~vIS P.1.J ~ I;JQQSlQN ~ ~so~y v fA.BT_' · ~ENV'!l- 4A 1 .01 A. 4" 1.02 A. 8. 4A 1.03 A. DESCRIPTION 0' WORK 111e .)(tlnt of each type of "Nt ""sorvy work" chow" on the drawini~ and InelYdes but Ie not limited to concrete mesonty units. QUALITY ASSURANce Cod.,: CoMply with the Ipplic.ble IIqlir.ments of goveming .uthorltles and cod81 fQf Che types of IN'CWV CGn$ttUC1ion shown. Jot>> MOCk--up: Prior to lnstaltltion of masonry work, erect semple waflll6nal mock-up us;no mawJ.ls, boNJ .nd ioIt1t tooling ehown or sPt'ifI.d fIN final work. Build mock-up It ~ site of full thickn," and Gppto)Qrnate'Y 4 feet J( 4 feot, IndJCltll\Q tht propocod ronee of 0010(, to.aC\,Iru end workmanship to be J_ e~'tGd j the completed WOtk. /I1Or:.r.. vP S'Jl,t,t U A~"'v!D !'i ~i' AI lf1.'0I'- ,10 ~~ IN~AlUT1."" JOB CONDITIONS ~a~nEX ~p~~ia~: , · Prot.ct maSonry materfJJIa during ltoraQo and oOt\stNetion from wenln; bV rein, &now or 8rOuM watet It'd from s0I1age Of' intsrmlxture wIth larth or OVItt moterfala. 2. Prott~t m.,onr, ',om freeling when Vlf taMper.ture of the surrO\lnding litis 40 degrees F. ar\d faln"g. Comply wIth Governing codes and NOM TeK ,. .Cold W,athef Concreto Mlsonry Constrvcti~'. ~ eA~ 2 . tBOOUcrl 4A2.01 MATERIALS A. / Concrete MesOfYy Unil.a; Hollow loed-kating. A~TM CSO, "ype " grade N. Aggregate shall confarm with ASTM t-33. B. / Portland Cement: Conform to ASTM C1 &0, Tvpe r. C. 'l Hydr.ted Ume: ConforM to ASTM C20', Type 8. D. Aggregate.: Conform to ASTM e 1404. UH'1 MASONRY "A. 1 E. Water: Clean, free of deleterious materials which would impair strength or bond. F. Mortar Mix: Type S, conforming with ASTM C270. G. Grout for Masonry Fill: Portland cement, sand, gravel and water, proportioned as required to provide a 28-day minimum compressive strength of 3000 psi. H. Joint Reinforcement: Provide galvanized reinforcement for masonry walls or parapets equal to Durowal "Standard" types unless otherwise noted. I. Control Gaskets: Closed cell neoprene conforming to ASTM C-509 equal to "Everlastic Neoprene" Type NN as manufactured by William Products, Inc. PART 3 - EXECUTION 4A3.01 A. 8. 4A3.02 A. 8. C. 4A3.03 A. INSTALLATION, GENERAL Thickness: Build single-wythe walls to the actual thickness of the masonry units, using units of nominal thickness shown or specified. Cut masonry units using motor-driven saws to provide clean, sharp, unchipped edges. LAYING MASONRY WALLS Do not use mortar or grout which has begun to set or if more than 2-1/2 hours has elapsed since initial mixing. Lay-up walls plumb and true to comply with specified tolerances, with courses level, accurately spaced and coordinated with other work. Lay concrete masonry units in running bond with vertical joint in each course centered on units in courses above and below. Provide expansion, and isolation joints in masonry where shown. Build-in related items as the masonry work progresses. CLEANING Wipe off excess mortar as the work progresses. Dry brush at the end of each days work. UNIT MASONRY 4A-2 F.l~ QlYIS'~tt.LMEY A 1.1 I JAk/~1lQtL~~SCEL~OUS ~ETALI V"F I!AAT 1. ~eNE8~L 6A 1.01 DeSCRiPTION OF WORK A. Miscellaneous metal~ include Custom fabricated metal item, includIng but not Jimlted to the fOllowIng: tallinOs, pip. guarda, bollerds, ~abfe guards, shelf angres, noters, elevatot divfder beams, and pit ladders. QUALITY ASSURANCe SA 1.02 A. -: Take field me~surem,,..tl prIer to prCfJ3ration 0' Shop drawinGS end fabrIcatIon, where possIble. S. ~hQ~~Alsem~: Preas$embl.ltems In shop to greatest extent possible to minimize field splicing and 8$sembry. C. Ct/t1"J.7AJ 11"t'ttlAlJtt~"S Mt'fJ!$ $I'I'IIiIO IAI r'P~ t)/~I1I~ Ar 6'r S,i :S'P'llIor 111-?tJ!'O GAtt'M"t.ID /J1('rA'~ A~ rNtJ'CA~'= fAflT WAC! LJc:r~..-1IO ~f/", tW'; :(r:,::~'",!1! ~'I71I( b.c".-r~<:7i &A2.01 MA TtnlALS AND COMPONENTS J A. Sltel Plltes. ,Shepe$ end ea,,: ASTM A,e. J e. Steel Plate, to be Bent Of' Cold Formedi ASTM A2831 Grade C. . I C. Steel PIpe: ASTM A53; type as selected; Grade A. · D. Concrete InsGrt!~ Threaded type, salvani,~d ferrous Castings, either maneable Iron ASTM A47 or cast steer AS1M A27. E. NQochrink NonferroU$ Grout: Por.Rok AncnorJna C'en"ltnt, Lchn & Fink Industrial ProdvC1', or eqvat. · F. Metal Prlmel Paint: alkyd varnish, lin$eed on Paint, FS TT.P.S6G. 'l'vpe n. UBU.. ~ECur.ON ~A3.01 PREPARATION A. Furni$h setting drawings, diagrams, templates, instructron$. and MISCELLANEOUS METAL SA-' 5A3.02 A. directions for installation of anchorages such as concrete inserts, anchor bolts and miscellaneous items having integral anchors which are to be embedded in concrete or masonry construction. INSTALLATION Set work accurately in location, alignment and elevation, plumb, level, true and free of rack, measured from established lines and levels. Provide temporary bracing or anchors in formwork for items which are to be built into concrete, masonry or similar construction. MISCELLANEOUS METAL 5A-2 ~ r;,.;y 31 '94 ~~:.HF''''' ""EEL.HtCTOR 8. ~VIS P.16 PART,j · ~eNJMJ. 7 A 1.01 DESCFUPnON OF WORK A. ProvIde two eomponent polyurethane modified le~lant at vertical ,nd horizontal Jotnt$ not subJec;t to traffic conditions. 8. Provide two component polyutethane sealClnt at joInts S\Jbject to traffic conditions. C. Provld. elastic expansion JointS It concrete de~ks as' shown on the dr~win811. .. 7^' .02. ~9U~TVi AURANCE ~ i\ !I A~/",fD JLoJ"S 1'\. ~~~irD ~ A, ~ O~.fcA's., ~r-lt~U~.1 lfld.!t/ rtJtlUt)~rJ'f'it/(,.r..(ilii#GJr;~ Srr~ '" '!. ta1.r'i&es ~Hirr,C mamral$ froM ~ Gttly r4~u~urer$ w~ will, -If ., required, send. qu,lIn.d tec;hnlcal tepre.sen18tlve to project lite, for the purpose of advl$ing the InstaOe, of proper procedures and grec8utfon$ for 1h. Ute of the mat.rlalal JOB eONOlnONS . 7 A 1.06 A. Wtath.r Conditions: Do not proceed with Installation of $ealants under adverM weathet condition, or when ternpetature$ are below or abOve manufactuter'. recommend.d limitations for In't~l1atlon. ~ ~ · e.RQ,gUCIS 7A2.01 . A. CAULkiNG/SEALANT j~ COftlOOfJ~Ol 'olyuDJtl1iDe M~'fJ.I.sJ Seara~l: FS TT ''S-002Z7E-70, efe,s A, type 2, proprietary two Component primerless sealant. Two-~f1lPOnerrt PolwrethAf1e ~.I~af~ Polvurith~n..bal.d, 2-pGr1 el.atometic seal8nt, ccmplying wtth FS Tr-S..oo227&.70, Cla$s A, type 1 C.c!f-IC:V,line), Jglnr eDmerlSe:tj,(: Provide the type )oInt primer/sealer recommended by the sealant manufacture". . ~$'r'ld ...I(.ko, jaUt pglyechy1ene tape or other p~stic; tape '5 . B. ..' c . D. CAULKlNQ, SEALING, . EXPANSION JOINTS 7A-' Ilk F. - '- --' '"'~ - vf'. 0. uH,,'l;. P.l? r.commonded by the so,fant manUfacturer. E. ~e.alan~ Ba~~er ~: CompressIble rod stock pOlvethv'ene feam, polyethv1er\8 Jacketed polvutttf'\an. fQ~m, butyl tubber foam, neoprene fOIM or oCh" ftlxibl., petmantnt, durable non.absorptiv, material as recommended for 'ompatfblllty with sealant bV the sealant manufacturer. !Iastio expansiQn Joint system $haU be preformed as manufactured by the Watson lawman Acme Comptnv. fAat ~EXt;Clrn~ 7 A3.01 CAULKINGISEALANT APPLJCA nON A. B. J~;.nt Sudl!le~ Pre~aratlot.l: Crean joint surfaces Immediatelv befote IMJtalla~n of ,.alent or caulkinG compound. Remove dirt, In$eoure ~oatin8S, ~lature and other substances which would Interfere With bond of .,.Iant at caulking Compound. tLut.lll,~.QI Employ only p'rQven InltiUation techniques, whIch will ensut. that .el~nts will bf depo$lted In uniform, co"tinuous rIbbon, wfthout gaps or air POCkets, with complete 'wening- of the joInt bond surfaces eQuany on opposite sId.... boepc es otherwise Indicated, fill sealant rabbet to a slightly concave surface, slightly below adjoinIng .urf..c:e.. eXPANSION JOINT INSTALLATION Supply expan$lon Joint elementa In full length of Joint and turn up . minImum of G Inohes Into reC8~ at wall or columns at each end 01 the joint. Heat-sell the expenslon Joint element at aU direct:Cnal changes. Clean the cont~c:t flaps of the Gxp;nalon joint membralie and let In bese COtto PO$itio" the expansion Joint membrane over the opening In the dtc;k, centeted ond etralsht. C.' Pour ela$tomerfG concrete ml~ute with aggregates Into the bloc;kout . . ree,", compact and consordate mJ~ture we" to 1.11 ell voIds around membrane. FinIsh to . den", .mooth level surlle.~r AFfJ~~'1;() By wr A~~ 'I....!'::..,., CAuuaNO, SlAl.ING, . EXPANSION JOINTS 7A-2 A. B. 7A3.02 D. Cure the installation in a manner recommended by the manufacturer of the system. CAULKING, SEALING, & EXPANSION JOINTS 7A-3 DIVISION 7 THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION SECTION 78 WATERPROOFING AND DAMPPROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 781.01 A. 781.02 A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Provide fluid applied waterproofing at exterior walls below grade. J08 CONDITIONS Weather Conditions: Proceed with waterproofing work only when weather conditions comply with manufacturer's recommendations, and will permit the materials to be applied in accordance with the recommendations of the manufacturer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 782.01 A. 8. MATERIALS Urethane Fluid Applied Waterproofing (cold applied), 2-Part. Protection Course: Semi-Rigid Composition 80ard: 1/8 inch thick, asphaltic laminated, premolded type of protection course. PART 3 - EXECUTION 783.01 A. 783.02 A. 8. PREPARATION OF SU8STRATE Clean the substrate of projections and substances detrimental to the work; comply with recommendations of the prime materials manufacturer. INSTALLATION Apply a uniform coating of fluid applied waterproofing to the substrate and adjoining surfaces. Apply coating by either hand or machine spray methods, except comply with manufacturer's specific recommendations for particular areas of application. Provide 60 mil average thickness, 50 mil minimum. Install protection course on membrane using adhesive application as recommended by the membrane manufactur~r. WATERPROOFING AND DAMPPROOFING 78-1 SECTION 7C TRAFFIC BEARING WATERPROOF MEMBRANE Part 1 - General 7C1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Provide traffic bearing waterproof membrane on parking deck surfaces over all retail areas, storage room, truck dock and parking office areas. PART 2 - PRODUCT 7C2.0 1 MATERIALS A. Traffic bearing waterproof membrane systems shall be either of the following: 1. MacNaughton-Brooks (EMBF) - Kelmar T.E. System 2. Harry S. Peterson Co. - Iso-Flex 7500 B. Wearing course shall be as follows: 1 . Medium duty - parking stalls 2. Heavy duty - driving aisles - 40 mils. PART 3 - EXECUTION 7C3.01 Preparation of Substrate A. All surfaces to receive traffic bearing waterproof membrane shall be steel shotblasted. WATERPROOFING AND DAMPPROOFING 7B-2 M' SECTION 'Ie TR.Ame Bt';AJU~G W A TElU'ROOF M'[M'BRANE bd t · General 7Cl.01 DESClUPTION OF WORK A. Provide traffic bearins waterproof membrane on p~kin~ deck sumce4 over all retail areas, storage room, truck dock and parkins office areas. PART 2 · PRODUcr 7C2.01 MATERLU-S A. Traffie bearing waterproof membr3ne systems shall be: 1. MacNau2hton-Brooks (EMBF) - Kelmar T.E. System 2. Harry S. Peterson Co.. Iso-Flex 7500 3. nr approved e~ua1 B. We:uf~ course shall be as follows: ~~\lV 1. ~ duty - parking stalls 2. Heavy duty - drivinl aisl\:S . 40 mils. PART 3 . EA"ECtmON 7C3.01 Preparation of Substrate A. All surface.4\ to rp.r.eive ruffle beuin, w.1terproof' membrane shAll u( :)tt=el shotblasted. W A TERPROOfJNO AND OAMPROOFING 7C-l - - - - DMSION 7 THERMAL & MOISTIJRE PROTECTION SECTION 7D ROOFING PART 1 - GENERAL 7D 1. 0 1 7D 1. 02 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Provide single ply roofing, composite flashing, cant strips, and cements as required to provide a watertight installation. QUALITY ASSURANCE A. System and components shall comply with local building code. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 7D2.01 MATERIALS A. Rigid roof insulation shall be perlite and fibers molded with fillers and water- resistant binders into rigid, non-combustible boards with integral skin on top surface. B. Roof membrane shall be single-ply sheet membrane as manufactured by Carlisle, Firestone, Gates, General Tire, Sanafit Weatherguard or approved equal. C. Metal Flashing (and Counter Flashing): AISI Type 302/304 stainless steel or strip, complying with ASTM AI67-77; dead soft; No. 2D conventional dull finish, 0.015 inch thick (28 gage). PART 3 - EXECUTION 7D3.01 GENERAL INST ALLA TIONREQUlREMENTS A. Roofing insulation and roofing membrane shall be applied in accordance with the accepted roofing manufacturer's specifications and as approved by the Architect. ROOFING 7D-l {tfr / DIVISION 7 7"'R1rRMAL AND MOISTURE PR.OT'FCTION SEmON 7F ELASTIC EXP A NSlON 10tN"rS PART 1 · GENE~ 7F1.01 A. 7F 1. 02 A. DESCRJPnON Provide e1i.)UC expansion jointS at COncrete deck around the stair/elevator tower at each 600r as shown on the drawioes. ~ l'_~~~~>>~~cl*~ QUALm ASS~N~E ~,;€ -t-' \It. ( ~) yW!.. ~ l U r-' ext'1' ' ~ 0.. ft O{;.. 0 , . r ~ -\4!. t,,~. The C~~actor shaJI guarantee the expansion joint system for I period of two (2) )lean:. He shall repair or replace wod: which leaks water, deterior1tes excessively or otbecwise (ails to perform as required due to failures of rn~t~ria1a: or workmansllip. The guarantee shall include an agreement to remove and repair other wort which has bp,en superimposed Oa the el~ic ~pansion joint work, to the extent required to repair or replace the elastic tltPansiOll jOint work. ~R.T 2 · PRODUCTS 7F2.01 A. MATERIALS EJastomeric joint $e31, Ghatl be perloHued ot the following material: 1. Two part urethane se3Jant, Lab Snore A durometer 30 Ava. meetini the requirements of F.S.Tr.s..oo227-E CJ&.S,S A, Type J. a. EX~sion Iland shalf be sized for proper joint movement; from plus 2Y.z. to minus 1-. B. M...r.c..,.... off,,,,,t p,oducts to cOmply wiLb Lb. requirements of elastic expansion jOints include: 1. Ran, S. Peterson Company %. Pecora Corporation 3. Tremco 4. or approved equal ELASTIC EXPANSION JOINTS 7f.l tIfr -' ~- -~~. ; ~~_'~~~I~'~ ~ ~~~~~ F :-\ ....'... eAR! 3 ..EXEClJTlo,M 7F3.01 eONOITION OF SUBSYRATe A. E..><2mint the cubstratt IInd tho condition.. under which thG efastic Qxpan,ion io~nt units will be inetalled. DO not proceed with ~he work until uns~tisfaetory conditions have been ,ort.ctc~"'': Ar;Fr/:)v:') 'S'I il.1,. .//, \"-~;~ 7F3.02 INST AL.LATION Comply with rnanufact\lter'. instructions for handling Gnd Installation of the elastic I)(pansion joint matlti~ls, except when~ mora stringant reqult~mElnts are &hown ot spec:ifltd. Porform all cutting, and fittlf\g requited for the installatIon of the items. Set the work Icourate1v In location, ,Ugnment end elovation, ~umb. level, tr\le, measured ftom established Onet end level.. A. s. c. Seal "I butt ).oints, mit.red Joints and $)oinU where ]Qints t@rminate with manufacturer I recommended sIalant. ELASTIC EXPANSION JOINTS 7F.2 IIHi ,:)~ ':'~ 10::':';...,...1; ~1t.~...,HE"::TVR & DHYI~ F.21 : . . .'. ~ 0.". ". " , W "",::' ",' f" . . . ~ ptVI~ION 1~.AS..1.W.lNDOWS. 'l; , , Ir~'J ,;.' '.Jo It, ~ , tU:CT,ON,^ ~OL!.O~ YE1Al WORt( I''; I.' 1./1' . ::.'1, t.,(l' 01'1 PA"1 1 · GI!N!RAI. I~':"" . : I J '1'~ ~~ f,' ,.l'l, '" .. . ~.. .' . 8A 1.01 OE$C~'PTION Of WORK ~ / ~t;'" ~ ~r ,0 . "r.. (", A. This SectiOl'\ includes hollow metal doOts, pre $Sed $teel frames tor doors and louver. inst,n.d therein, IA 1.02 A. B. ,. OUAUlY ASSUUNC' Provido hollow metal wOtk ""nuf~c~rcd by . 8inGlo firm Spooializil'g I" Ute .. f)loductior\ of this type of WO~ Fir. Rated Alcemblies: Wherever I firo-resistant:t classificatfon is shewn Ot scheduled '01' hollow metal work, Slrevlde fltHlted honew metal doors and frames inv.st1g~tld and tested as a rare doOt assembly, complde with ty~ af ,fttG door hardw.re to b, used. Identify eech fire door end frame with roC09ntRed te~tn8 '~bOt.torv label., incficatlno Appnc$b1e fire tating of both door end frame. fAIlT 2 · ~QOVCT.I 8A2.01 MATERIAlS . ~11)~~t'J G-LW.w' A. j ~d.R4I18d t!ateel &heet~: Commcrci81 Quality carbon steel},COmplyinQ with ASTM A$86 and ASTM AS68. 14 gaOA for frame$, 1 G gag. for door.. D. 8A2.02 A. B. c. ~U~flG.l'tS and ~OC"Of--: Fabrio.te of not Ic~ thon " I;lge sheet metal. IIA8"'c:A TION, GeNI!"Al. FabriC:8to hOllOw metal units te be riQid, Mat In agpearanee and freo from defects. warD or buekJe. Accurately form metal to reQuired sizes and crofiJes. Fram.. to be full-wQlded unitS. Prepare hollow metal units to teclive morti$es and concealed finish hardware, Inofudins c\,!t-out., rcinforoingl drilli"8 end tapping In eccordgnco with fiMI FInish Hardware Schedule and templates provided bV herdwar. supprrer. StlOtl 'aintJo;: G.-' ',J p.J 1"1. r -; . 1. Cle~Jn "'urfaces of ",ill ICIfe; Nat; oil, greater dirt end other foreign materials 6ifote the epplic:*tion of the shop coat of paint. 2. Ap~'f . smooth COlt of even consistency to provide I uniform dry film thicknoss of not less than 2.0 mils. MO~LOW MeT.At WOAK IA..' OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS Proposed Parking Structure Seventh Street and Collins Avenue Miami Beach, Florida March 18, 1994 Revised May 20, 1994 OUTLINE SPECIFICATIONS TABLE OF CONTENTS DIVISION 1 - GENERAL REQUIREMENTS PAGES Section 1A General Requirements ....................................... 1A-1 DIVISION 2 - SITEWORK Section 2A Excavation, Filling and Grading ............. . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 2A-1 = 2A-2 2D Demolition (By McCarthy) . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIVISION 3 - CONCRETE Section 3A Concrete Formwork ................................... 3A-1 = 3A-2 3C Concrete, General .................................... 3C-1 = 3C-3 3E Precast Prestressed Concrete. . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3E-1 = 3E-3 3H Concrete Sealers . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 3H-1 = 3H-2 DIVISION 4 - MASONRY Section 4A Unit Masonry . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 4A-1 = 4A-2 DIVISION 5 - METALS Section SA Miscellaneous Metal . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA-1 = SA-2 DIVISION 7 - THERMAL AND MOISTURE PROTECTION Section 7 A Caulking, Sealing and Expansion Joints . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7 A-1 = 7 A-3 7B Waterproofing and Dampproofing . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 7B-1 = 7B-2 7C Traffic Bearing Waterproof Membrane ............................ 7C-1 70 Roofing .................................................. 70-1 7F Elastic Expansion Joints ................................ 7F-1 = 7F-2 DIVISION 8 - DOORS WINDOWS. GLASS Section SA Hollow Metal Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. SA-1 = SA-2 88 Aluminum Assemblies . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 88-1 8C Glass and Glazing .......................................... 8C-1 DIVISION Q - FINISHES Section 9A Painting . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . .. 9A-1 = 9A-2 9C Ceramic Tile ........................................ 9C-1 = 9C-2 DIVISON 10 - SPECIALTIES Section 10A Signs, Graphics and Supports ................................ 10A-1 10B Miscellaneous Specialties ................................... 108-1 1 OC Toilet Accessories ................................. 10C-1 = 10C-2 100 Exterior Screening (By McCarthy) .................................. DIVISION 14 - CONVEYING SYSTEMS Section 14A - Electric Elevators . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . 14A-1 = 14A-4 DIVISION 15 - MECHANICAL Section 15A - Plumbing and Drainage ......................................... Section 15B - Heating and Ventilating . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . DIVISION 16 - ELECTRICAL Section 16A Electrical Work . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . . lit p~RT a .EXl!~UTlQ~ 7F3.01 A. 7F3.02 A. B. c. CONDITION OF SUBSTRATE bamln$ the substrate and tho conditions under which the elastic; expansion Joint units will be instlUed. Do not proceed with the work until \,Insatisfaclory conditione ha", been COtl'octt~,.,., ~f."Pr~vi 'I) ~ '( il4( II!..; "" "~;"'i IN$TALLA1'10N Comply With manvfact\lcef' instructions for t\andung end installation 01 tt\e etaatic expansion JoZnt materiols, IXCopt where more strIngent requtremenu are shown or spet;ified. Perform an cutting, and fittln; requtred for the iNtartatlon or the Items. Set the work C1o~urat,ly ,,, 1000dOf\, .n,nman. .n4 alevation, plumb, haver, vuo, rn$8Iured from ..tabli.hed Unes end levels. Seal ,II butt Joints, mittted jQints and points where Joints terminate with manUfa~ret's recommended sellant. ELASTIC EXPANSION JOINTS 7F.2 - - -- W' ~ ~~~.~ Fl.~! CVVlSION I Dq\.-...3 ~ND W1tlIDOWS ~ lleCDQllII...!lUM'ItU~ ~~IiMIW ~Al'TJ ~OENiM.L. 8a 1.0 1 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. Provide aluminum dOors and frames and fixed light windows et elovltor lObbv at roof. Perkin, offico. 881.02 A. QUALITY ASSURANCE S'andard.: Comply with 11'\0 r,qultements and recommendations in applicablo specifications end standards by NMM~ MMA and M. V.8T I . "AO..QUC~ 8S2.01 MATC"IAL$ AND ACCESSORieS A. i'lurnWlmlt PrOVide alloy and t'~er IS r.commendod tly manufacNret for Itt."Uth, cotrOtion ,esistat\Cl, applieatlOl\ of reqLlirod finish end control g( c;olor, but not lest then 22,000 psi ultimate tens.1e .tritagth. B. ~.~"MrA: Aluminum, ngn.,m8gnetic stail'lleu steel or other non.corro81ve metal flst,net'. c. D. E. 8e2.0~ A. Wl.atherAtrj,,(')III;: "rOVid, ft'\G"Ufactur.r'a stiod....d tepficeabl. stripping of WOOl. JtolyprOpylcne or nylon WOW" pile. ql.lllzlnC,L Gtsk8!l: 'or. gl'l;ing flctory-tnstanedJ'I$$ prcMde manuf.ctur.r's statWfard I~ of molded ft009teno Of mold M. H"t\&!It,1 Pr!WiG' m.nufectur,ra standard hatd,w*tt for entr,nce doors. FABRICATiON , ~~f~i~tiQ'J; bcept IS otherwise indi~~t8d, ~rovlde each continUO\lS unit of fram.work, doors, windows. and IlIaCC8$$0tY item., 8S a .pecQged .nt'~neo. unit. Complete the flbrj~tio", .Uombfy. finishing, application of hardware and .n other work, before shipment to tt'ae proJect sitA, to the g'lAtGct O~."C po~:u,ibll. ~-v8T 3 · E)iE~urlg~ 813,01 INST ALLA nON . A. Set units plumb. I.v.r and trVII to finCl. witl'tout warp Of rtfck 0' 1'amtJ~, doors or p.~I.. At\c;hOt aecurery In J)lacG. So.parate aluminum .nd Other corrodible metll .urfaces from source, of eorroclo,", Of' "ec:trolrtJc action It points Of contact with other mate"a',. V;or~ ']j,.,..,.~;j/r'qWS t C'~'~'J.1ICJS'" I, !.v~~~ , J/~,,;.. ~/3:' I~~ ; f3,,~... f ~ rill "'$f,~"'~ I/. . ,,.,.,. ."."} /J/~'" ' ALUMINUM ASSEMBLIES .., DIVISION B DOORS AND WINDOWS SECTION BC GLASS AND GLAZING PART 1 - GENERAL 8C1.01 A. 8C1.02 A. B. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The extent of glass, and glazing work is shown on the drawings and includes but is not limited to the following types of glass: 1. Tempered Glass - Elevator lobby at Roof, Parking Office. QUALITY ASSURANCE Glass shall meet requirements of FS DD-G-451 and FS DD-G-1403 for applicable type of glass hereinafter specified. Safety Glass: Comply with ANSI 297.1 with label on each piece. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 8C2.01 A. B. C. GLASS laminated Safety Glass: Two sheets of double-strength "A" quality, clear sheet glass (FS DD-G-451, Type II, Class 1, Quality q5); permanently laminated together with a 0.025 inch thick sheet of clear plasticized polyvinyl butyral. Temoered Glass: Plate glass (FS DD-G-451 0-77, Type I), which has been heat-strengthened by manufacturer's standard process to achieve a flexural strength of 4 times normal glass strength. Glazina Sealants/Comoounds: Provide hardness of materials as recommended by the manufacturer for the required application and condition of installation in each case. PART 3 - EXECUTION 8C3.01 A. STANDARDS AND PERFORMANCE Watertight and airtight installation of each piece of glass is required. Each installation must withstand normal temperature changes, wind loading, impact loading (for operating sash and doors) without failure of any kind including loss or breakage of glass, failure of sealants or gaskets, deterioration of glazing materials and other defects in the work. GLASS AND GLAZING 8C-1 DIVISION 8 DOORS. WINDOWS. AND GLASS SECTION 8F ROLLING GRILLES PART 1 - GENERAL 8F1.01 A. 8F1.02 A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Provide complete operating door assemblies at truck dock and at the main entrance/exit of the parking garage including door curtains, guides, counterbalance mechanism, operators and installation accessories, as shown on the drawings and herein specified. 8. The following types of rolling grilles are specified in this section: 1 . Aluminum rolling grilles. QUALITY ASSURANCE Furnish each rolling grille as a complete unit produced by one manufacturer, including hardware, accessories, mounting and installation components. 8. Furnish all rolling grille units by one manufacturer for the entire project. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 8F2.0 1 A. 8F3.02 A. MANUFACTURERS Manufacturers offering products to comply with requirements for rolling grilles include the following: 1 . Apton Metal Products Corp. 2. Atlas Steel Products Co. 3. The Cookson Co. 4. Cornell Iron Works, Inc. 5. Kinnear Div., Harsco Corp. 6. Mahon Rolling Doors. 7. Overhead Door Corp. 8. Pacific Rolling Doors 9. Southwestern Steel Rolling Door Co. 10. J.G. Wilson Corp. 11. Windsor Door Co. Div., Ceco Corporation INSTALLATION Install door and operating equipment complete with necessary hardware, jamb and head mold strips, anchors, inserts, hangers, and equipment supports in accordance with final shop drawings. manufacturer's instructions. and as specified herein. ROLLING GRILLES 8F-1 ~ """'. -'~ \o;,..!. ....->r-. I ~,- :"_' "":--\0",0 I ...'~, ~ l'hv ~ =- ~IVISION. A F~ISW~~ ~~"ON CU. Ft^INTIN~ f'At\T 1 · OgNfiRAL IA 1.0 1 A. tA 1.02 A. B. 8A 1.03 A. ~t:SCF\I'nON 011 WORK The extent of painting work includes paintit\g parking lil"le$, errows, miscel1eneoU$ metals, COr1CtltO blocksurla~e$ where indicattld on the drawings, exposed pipes ,nd primed metal surfeees of equtpmenc installed under the ",o~hanie.' a~d ,Ioottical soctiont. QUALITY A$SUAANCE e.int Coo~in.ati9": frovlda finish coat, which .re compatible with thl! prime paint. U$ed. .Blfat,~S1endJ.td.$: SSPC .. .Sntems ~nd SpecirJC;atiQ~., publi.hed by the StHI Structure painting Cout\Qn. JOB CONDITIONS Apply solvent-thinned ~ints only wl:len the temper$tut8 of surfaces to be painted and thl surroundin8 lit tlrnpttlt\,ll'Gs .r. botweatl 45 dagrees f. and IS de;,ees FII ""ltlS othlrwise permitted by the paint mal'\ufacturer's printed InstruC1lOf\S. ~AR1".. ~"no~J QA2.01 A. 9"'.02 At MA TiAIAL QUALITY "rovid. only eb$Q1vtely pure IIn$Oed 041, turpentine. ihellac, and other like material$ that are of the highest quality, with identifying labels intact and seals unbroktn. Usa no thitln,rs ether than th~!e specified by tho manufacturer. Peint thelt b. eQull to $hefWIn WiJliams heavy duty maintenanee coating. FINISH APPUCA TlON SCHEOULE PrQvido ,eint IY'toms fot the ....rio~~ ~\,Ibstrat'* as fO"Qw~: t . fcrrc:JUS M1!It~la; , Goat ptlm., 2 coats high g10$5 alkvd an&mel 2. ~llIlI"ot, 1I~,l,)1 ~(.. c:,.. V" 'S'-rv Ct, (1 : , c~t I"e)( ae. rtller 2 e~ta "ml~JOts ratex PAINTING 9A-' llr'"'. ,". =~ ~;'....:-r-ll ,:J1:::..~,Ht"-....I""''<' b .L.,.....\ .I..~' ~ 9A2.02 A. " 3. F1NISH APPLICATION SCHEDULE (cont'd) ItJIffi~ .nd ".rk'DQ~Rt:l1 MlrtdncJs: , coat traffic paInt lvellow) '4 to t S wet filM thickM.. f~~T ~ · jXeCUItQ~ IA3.01 SURFACE PREPARATION IA3.02 A. A. Perlorm .a preparation 81"ld cleanino I)focedurCls in strict accordance with the paint manufacturer's Instructions fOt each particular substr,te condition. APPUCA TION 8. Apply paint with bNSh, roller, sprav, gr oth.r .ccaptable practice In ,;;oldance with Ule manufaetur"'. ~ir'~ons,sv~!:<."r ~Q \tot! Ar...'~~'\~ ApPr.sJv,.l Spreed ,U mated.ls G'Ionly .1\4 smoo1Ny without runs, sags or other defects. MakA .dges of paint adjoining othEst materials or colors sharD and clean. without overlapping. PAINTING IA.2 DMSION 9 CERAMIC SECTION 9C - CERAMIC TILE PART 1 - GENERAL 9C 1. 01 A. 9C1.02 A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK Ceramic tile shall be used in all washroom facilities, floors and walls. Perform all work necessary and required for the construction of the project. Such work includes but is not limited to the following: 1. Glazed and unglazed ceramic tile. 2. Installation of ceramic tile. 3. Setting bed. 4. Grout. 5. Surface preparation and final cleaning. QUALITY ASSURANCE Materials and installation for ceramic tile work shall comply with applicable requirements of local building codes, Handbook for Ceramic Tile Installation published by Tile Council of America, Inc., ASTM Specifications referenced and applicable portions of ANSI Specifications AI08, A118 and A137. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 9C2.01 A. 9C2.02 A. 9C2.03 A. SEITING MATERIALS Latex modified dry set Portland cement mortar conforming to ANSI Al08 and A118 produced under Tile Council of America Formula; 759 for quarry tile, pavers and ceramic mosaics on walls and floors. CERAMIC TILE All tile shall be graded and meet or exceed requirements of ANSI A137.1, U.S. Department of Commerce SPR-R61, and Tile of America. GROUT MATERIALS Latex Modified Portland Cement Grout: Hydroment colors as selected. CERAMIC TILE 9C-I PART 3 - EXECUTION 9C3.01 INSTALLATIONTILES A. All all tile shall be properly installed, (including expansion and crack control joints), grouted, cleaned, protected, and cured in accordance with the applicable Standard Specifications of The Tile Council of America and the American National Standards. CERAMIC TILE 9C-2 DIVISION 1 0 SPECIALTIES SECTION 10A SIGNS. GRAPHICS AND SUPPORTS PART 1 - GENERAL 10A1.01 DESCRIPTION OF WORK A. 10A1.02 A. Furnish and install reflective traffic signs and graphics at the locations and in accordance with the details shown on the drawings. QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer's Instructions: The assembly, erection, and installation of each type of sign or graphic shall be accomplished in strict accordance with signage manufacturer's instructions. 1 OA2.0 1 PART 2 - PRODUCTS MATERIALS A. 8. C. 10A2.02 A. B. C. ~: Aluminum blanks of 6061-T6 aluminum alloy conforming to ASTM 8-209-47, 0.125 inches thick. Reflective Sheetina: Equal to 3M Company "Scotchlite" reflective sheeting engineer grade, Series, 3200. Colors as indicated on the drawings. Anchors and Fasteners: General: aluminum, non-magnetic stainless steel or other non-corrosive metal fasteners which are compatible with the items being fastened. FABRICATION The fabrication of aluminum sign blanks including cutting to size and shape and the punching of mounting holes shall be completed prior to metal de greasing and the application of reflective sheeting. Non-reflective copy, shall be applied by the silk screen process in a manner specified by the reflective sheeting manufacturer. Encapsulated lens reflective sheeting shall be of the pressure sensitive adhesive type and shall be applied in a manner specified by the reflective sheeting manufacturer. 10A3.01 PART 3 - EXECUTION INSTALLATION OF ACCESSORIES A. Provide anchorage devices and fasteners where necessary for securing signs; including, threaded fasteners for concrete and masonry inserts, through-bolts. lag bolts. and other connectors as required. SIGNS, GRAPHICS, & SUPPORTS 1 OA-' DIVISION 1 0 SPECIALTIES SECTION 10B MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES (NIC) PART 1 - GENERAL 10B1.01 A. 10B1.02 A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The following specialty items are included under this section: 1. Two Control Booths QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer's instruction comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for all phases of the work, including preparation of substrate, installation of materials, and protection of installed specialty unit. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1 OB2.0 1 A. B. CONTROL BOOTH Furnish a prefabricated control booth constructed of aluminum with a natural satin anodized finish. Control booth shall be complete with electrical outlet, lighting and heat. The control booth shall be equal to Porta King Model #7648SL. PART 3 - EXECUTION 1 OB3.0 1 A. INSTALLATION Comply with manufacturer's recommendation for the installation of specialty units. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES (NIC) 10B-1 DIVISION 10 - SPECIALTIES SECTION 10C - TOILET ACCESSORIES PART 1 - GENERAL 10C1.01 A. 10C1.02 A. 8. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The work of this section includes, but is not limited to, the following: 1 . Toilet accessories. QUALITY ASSURANCE Coordinate the work of this section with related work of other sections. Provide location templates or diagrams to accurately locate required blocking and supports. Provide toilet accessories which are the products of one manufacturer. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1 OC2.0 1 A. 8. C. D. TOILET ACCESSORIES Stainless Steel: AISI type 302/304, with NAAMM No.4 satin finish, 22 gage minimum. Galvanized Plating: Nickel and chromium electro-deposited on base metal of steel or brass, ASTM 8456, type SC2. Chromium Plating: Nickel and chromium electro-deposited on base metal of steel or brass, ASTM 8456, type SC2. Fasteners: Where exposed, provide fasteners finished to match accessory. PART 3 - EXECUTION 10C3.01 A; B. c. INSTALLATION Install work truly plumb, level, square and in alignment with adjacent work. Adjust operating parts to work easily, smoothly, and correctly. Toilet room is to have handicapped install toilet accessories at locations and TOILET ACCESSORIES 1 OC- 1 heights required by authorities having jurisdiction for handicapped accessibility as approved by Architect. TOILET ACCESSORIES 10C-2 DIVISION 1 0 SPECIALTIES SECTION 108 MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES PART 1 - GENERAL 10B1.01 A. 1081.02 A. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The following specialty items are included under this section: 1 . Two Control Booths QUALITY ASSURANCE Manufacturer's instruction comply with manufacturer's instructions and recommendations for all phases of the work, including preparation of substrate, installation of materials, and protection of installed specialty unit. PART 2 - PRODUCTS 1082.01 A. B. CONTROL800TH Furnish a prefabricated control booth constructed of aluminum with a natural satin anodized finish. Control booth shall be complete with electrical outlet, lighting and heat. The cont.rol booth shall be equal to Porta King Model #7648SL. PART 3 - EXECUTION 1083.01 A. INSTALLATION Comply with manufacturer's recommendation for the installation of specialty units. MISCELLANEOUS SPECIALTIES 108-1 ~ pIV'~I(,)N 141 CONV~NG S:VST~MS ~~pT'CN 14A EL ECTRlC ELEV A rORS PART 1 - GE~ERAL 14A1.01 A. 14A1.02 A. B. c. DESCRIPTION OF WORK The extent of won< indudp-c; furnishing and installing two electric passenger elevators. QUALITY ASSURANCe Elevator Code: Exc.ept for more stringent requlremcnt3 00 indicated or imp~~ by 90veming regulations, comply with applicable requirements of the "American Standard Safety Code fO( Elevators. Oumbwaiters. Escalators and MOl/ing Walks- (ANSI A17.1) published by the American Society of Mp.C'.n;lnir.a1 Engineers. hereinafter referred to as the .Code-. Electrical Code: For electrical work lnduop.d In the elevator work. comply with the ItNational Electrical Code It (latest edition). by NFPA Installer: Either the elevator manufacbJrer or a license of the manufacturer, who has experience with the Installation of similar elevators, and who ~ currenUy under contract fO( mo.intcnance of aimilar clc....otorti in tho 3re3. ~ 1~{1llf.J SCHEDULE OF ELEVATORS: PART 2 - PRODUCTS 14A2.01 A ~lev!!.tor Number 1 I!lJd 2; 1. Capacity and Speed: ~ lSOO t~, 1 $'"0 ~ C~t.".. 0 ' Power Supply: Soe eleetri~1 drowingG. 't ~ -, f'^\~ 2. 3. Travel Distance (Approx.): 58 feet (maximum). 4. Landings Served: Six. ~ 14A2.02 A. 5. Operation: Ouplex-Selective CoBectJve a. Awciliary OperatJons: as specified and indudlng top of car station and emergency car-moving dp'"ic~. 6. Power SUlJlJly: 480/277 volts, 3 phase. eo hertZ, AC 7. Car Endosure: a. Door: Single speed, center opening 3 feet-6 inches wide x 7 feet-O InChes high. b. Cening Height 8 feet 8. Hoistway Entrances: a. Coor. 3 feet-O Inches wlot: x 1 feet-O Inches wide. 9. Special Features: a. Emergency lighting in cars. 10. b. Oil vl~('.oslty temper3ture control. . ~,... 1.!:{ c. ~ott f.c.. S~r't."",~~y O"'~~""~ '=rtt l"l~) \:1t ~v-.CI' ~ Special Requirements: ~~.,U'\""'~ ",.J.. ~...;.". Co"'~""...eet\\otl t)'~v". a. Handicapped accessibility per code. b. Firemans service switch. C. Two beam light ray door centrol, SIGNAL EQUIPMENT General: Except as otherwise indicated. provide manufacturers standard ele'fator 8ign~1 equipment which Is consistent With operational complexity of each elevator or group of elevators, including but not limited to the following: 1. Metal FinIsh: StoinlcG3 steel with No. ~ dif~tiomll polish and clear bC.KcO epQxy coating. 2. C811 Buttons: Non-cancellable ilIumini:lted type (light extlngl.iish~ when C<lU Is answered). of either mechanical-electrical type (sllver-to-silver contacts) ELECTRIC ELEVATORS 14A-2 14A2.03 or electronic type. 3. Raised letter/numetal indications will be furnished on aU operating panels to comply With Handicapped Code. 4. Car station panel. 5. Corridor pushbotlom stations. 6. Lobby direction lantemlgong. 7. Car position Indicator. e. Telephone. 9. Alarm System. 10. Signs. PASSENGER ELEVATOR CARS A Finishes for Passenger Elevator Cars shall be as follows: 1. Car Doors: Stainless Steel with No.4 polish finish. 2. Door Frame and rront Wall: Stainless Steel with No.4 Polish Finish. 3. Side Walls: Plastic Laminate Paneling. (Va.tI.~~\ R~l~~Y\\J- 4. Back Wall: Laminated'" p~~ P~~t~ l 'kJol k'\~-'"\0 . 5. S~inless steel handrail on back wall. 6, Floor Covering: Composite Vinyl Tile. 7. Ceiling: Luminous Ceiling System. 8. Emergency Lighting, Q. M'ilchanical Ventilation. ELECTRIC El.EVATORS 14A-3 14A2.04 A PASSENGER HOISTWAY ENTRANCES Hoistway entrances are hereby defined to include doors. frames. sills. hardware, transom panels and accessories as shown and scheduled. Finishes as follows: 1. Door Panels: painted hollow metal. 2. Entrance Frames: Painted hollow metal. 3. Sills: Extruded Aluminum. PART 3 - EXECUTION 14A3.01 A 14A3.03 A B. INSTALLATION OF ELEVATOR SYSTEM General: Comply with Code. manufacturer's instructions and recommendations. Comply with National Electrical Code (ANSI C1 by NFPA) for electrical work required during installation INSTRUCTION AND MAINTENANCE Instruct Owner's personnel in the proper use, operations and daily maintenance of the elevators. Review emergency provisions. including emergency access and procedures to be followed at time of failure in operation and other building emergencies. Maintenance Period: Starting at the time of final acceptance of elevator work, provide complete systematic inspection and maintenance of each elevator for a period of 1 year. ELECTRIC ELEVATORS 14A-4 PROPOSED PARKING F ACn.ITY 634 - 660 Collins Avenue Miami Beach, Florida Sup,plementaIy Outline Specifications May 20, 1994 1. All plates and other embedded items in precast concrete are to be hot-dipped galvanized after fabrication of embedment. All field welds shall be cleaned in accordance with the surface preparation requirements for zinc rich coatings (ZRC) and three coats of ZRC applied. 2. All double tees should have 4" diameter holes through the stems at the one third span points. Double tees above the retail space shall have an 8" diameter hole through the stems at midspan in addition to 4" holes. 3. An alternate price shall be provided to paint the underside and sides of stems of all double tees and beams along with columns within the parking area of this project. 4. The walls on the west and south side shall have a stucco coating with scoring as shown on the drawings. 5. Each planter section shall have a drain and drain riser. Risers shall be sized to meet the South Florida Building Code and have a minimum diameter of 2 inches. 6. Irrigation piping and water supply shall be provided to all planters. Six hose bibs shall be provided on each floor from the irrigation piping. 7. Appropriate flashing and waterproofing shall be provided at column line C at the first structura1level above the retail spaces. 8. Water service and sanitary sewer service to be stubbed into center of future back corridor of the retail space. 9. The following retail space items are not in contract: . Slab-on-grade . Demising walls . East wall of retail corridor . New of fill-in store fronts . Tenant material and separate conduit from the electric equipment room to tenant spaces. 'tA;- PROPOSED PARK1NG FACILITY Miami Beach, Florida Supplementary Outline Specifications May 20. 1994 Page 2 · Sepante conduits from the electric room/storage room to tenant spaces for telephon~. · An ~lCGtric l'~way along the entire Collins Avenue side of the property. to be placed overhead. · TeAAnt washrooms · Ve&u ri~s, sracks, etc. · Tenant HV AC systems "'-\.~ tJ.s c:.J "'+ <>.fr"c. "'~''* 10. Provide three waterproof duplex receptacleA,n each parking floor. 11. Install an annunciator system back to an annundator panel in the Po.rkin8 office. Tllt: annunciator system shall be a two-way communication intercom system to various locations within the parking facility. Activation ot sYStem shall be manual at the main annunciator panel and automatic by the activation of various speakers throughout the structure. Activation shall be by pressing a large red button at any intercom. There shall be 6 swakers located on each floor along with one in each elevator ind 3 at the revenue contiollanes. 12. General Parking Lighting shall be as follows: 12 fc average at drivine lanes ~ fc over parking stalls 40 fc average at the ma.in entrance/exit to the garage A maximum to minimum ratio of lighting shall be no &reater than 4 to I measured at 30" a,ove the floor. 13. Water Distribution s, Systelll :tiha11 inclu(Jc: i. City water service and complete installation of water meter, per Miami BelCh Water Department Standards and sized for future retail and tire protection system. tw-r PROPOSED PARKING FACILITY Miami Beach, Florida Supplementary Outline Specifications May 20, 1994 Paee 3 ii. Back.fJ.ow prevention devices ill. Water distribution piping. iv. (2) ho~ bibbs per floor and planter ini&ations with vacuum breakers. v. Service to wa.sluwms 14. Waste Water Collection a. Furnish and install waster water collection system extended city sewer. Systems shall include: i. Roof drains, interior rain. water leaders, down spouts and clea.'louts. ii. Floor drains, trench drains, waste and vent. iii. Underground drainage pipine. basins and manh()lf':.Cj, both inside and outside the building. iv. Oil interceptor v. Sump pumps (if required) vi. Stub.in into future retail .., \ J\ V\\. ~ d.fo\'\'" t\~ ~CA.vy ~ """f '" ~"" t ~o.t- ~", \" . Plumbins Fixtures and Trim 15. a. Furnish and instal1 complct~ system of plumbing fixtures and trim pro~rly set and connccted to water supplies, soil Or wastt And Y~nt systems. b. System shall include: 1. Electric water heaters ii. Plumbin& fixtures iii. Fixture sUppQrlS ,~ PROPOSED PARKING fACILrry Miami Beach, Florida Supplementary Outline Specifications May 20, 1994 Page 6 vii. Emergency lighting sy~l~m. viii. Ughting system. ix. Emergency exit signs, x. Grounding system. xi. Revenue control xU. Minimum size of conduit ~ha11 be 3/4.. 21. Electrical SelVice and Distribution a. Work Included: i. Complete 480/2n volts incoming power services from existing building. 480/277 volts 3 phase 4 wire distribution and branch panel boards. 120/208 volts 3 phase four wire distribution and branch circuit p~el boards, including service disconnects. A complete grounding system. it ii. 1. iv. 22. Lighting a. Furnish and install lightina fixtures to meet or e.\cet::(j the City of Miami standards and good lighting practices along with foorcancle l'eQui:ements identified in Jtem 12 above. 23. Parking Equipment per Miami Beach City Manager referral or parkin$ equipment supplier/installer: WClr!c includes: -~~'tc.,", ,~~ ~ ~V\.C:Vy. ~ ~~_ )j.'1..t. ~~ <kt.S~S" o{.: ~~~:t'r' a. Closed circuit television $yslt:m (24 camcr&S'l \ b. Audio communications system (20 intercom stations) ----- PROPOSED PARKING F ACll..ITY Miami Beach, Florida Supplementary Outline Specifications May 20, 1994 Page 7 c. Control console (in office) or all security and gate control d. Automatic gate loops (4) e. Revenue control system (2 machine readable ticket spitters) (2 machine readable cast terminals computer) (1 software package and LAN to read) f. Store all transaction in office computer terminal (includes valet software) g. Two guard booths with A/C and lighting h. Conduit for CCTV, audio and gate system - supplied and installed all control cable and loops supply and pulled in place. 1. All equipment installed and operational less any electrical service required. ... DIVISION 1 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS SECTION 1 A GENERAL 1A.01 1A.02 1A.03 1A.04 1A.05 1A.06 The Contractor shall provide all materials, labor and equipment necessary to complete the work in conformance with the construction documents consisting of the contract, instructions to bidders, general conditions, supplementary general conditions, and technical specifications. The Contractor shall obtain and pay for required permits and approvals. The Contractor shall provide temporary water, light and power, toilet facilities, field offices, telephones and construction fences. The Contractor shall provide a project sign identifying the project, owner, general contractor, design team, etc. Sign to be as approved by the Owner. Contractor to provide periodic cleaning and rubbish removal to protect existing property as required by the Owner or code agencies. Contractor to provide Owner with manufacturers' literature for all items of equipment. After installation, contractor to supply operating manuals and arrange for instruction of personnel where applicable. GENERAL REQUIREMENTS 1A-1