Exhibit G
May 25. 1994
Exhibit G to Acquisition, Construction and Development A&retment
Nsrrative & Schedule or GMP DesignlBuUd Cost.s of Garaee
The foUowing is McCarthy's Design Development GMP ('Guaranteed Maximum Price")
for the construction of the Parking Structure at Seventh Street and Collins Avenue. This
GMP is based on Outline Specifications dated March 18, 1994 and Revised Specifications
dated May 20. 1994. Supplementary Outline Specifications dated March 18. 1994,
drawings Al and A2 dated January 6, 1994. A3, AS and A6 dated March 16, 1994, and
A4, A7, AS 2lnd A9 daled Malch IS, 1994 all as provided by Desnlan AS30ciate.s and
Arquitectonica. It is also based on McCarthy issued AlA 191 dated February 4, 1994.
A. Included in the GMP as detailed in Attachment A hereto and as s~t forth above
1. Direct Construction Costs
2. General Conditions and Contingency
3. 7 % Construction Fee
4. 6 % Design Fee
S. Performance and Payment Bond
6. The Following Allowances are in the current Design and GMP; McCarthy
represents the following are adequate per the above referenced documents:
Si2nn2e (Interior & Exterior) $20.000.00
Temporary Dewatering $5,000.00
All Utility Relocation $10,000.00
Sanitary Sewer $10,000.00
Landscape & Irrigation $115.000.00
(Includes Tree Grates)
B. Excluded from the estimate are:
1. All City Permits and Fcesl including Building Permit & User Fees. Non-
City permits and fees by Ballet V aiel.
2. Sales Tax.
3. Builders All Risk Policy Deductible for Wind and Water Damage. Not to
exceed $100,000 per occurrence as provided in McCarthy policy to
4. Handling of Hazardous Materials per CD Agreement.
S. South side Owner Approval for Scaffolding on Existing Roof during
construction, by Ballet Valet.
6. Sprinkling or Ventilation of Parkine Are3. Per existine ('.ode and
interpretations of the City t this item not required.
7. Fire Pump. Pt:r t:xisting code and adequate water pressure availability J
Ballet Valet Parking Structure
Exhibit G
May 25, 1994
Pase 2
this item 'not required.
8. Auditor or Consultant Expenses or other expenses required for processing
of payments eKcept for those of Desnun and Arquitectonica provided
9. All Testing and Inspection that the City orders other than Desman and
Arquitectonica construction phase service.s. Geotechnical testingl
inspections by Ballet Valet. Concrete cylinder tests and one pile test
by McCarthy. These are the normal tests required for the
con~trnction of the Garage.
10. Painting of the underside and sides of stems of all double tees and beams
along with columns within the parking area.
11. Unforeseen subsurface obstructions.
12. Plant Maintenance Staging Equipment up to $50,000 by Ballet Valet,
balance by City.
13. Any costs associated with elevators, other than as shown on the GMP
documents. City will pay for 3rd elevator in Southeast Corner and
will receive savings for openings in precast concrete (if applicable)
via Change Order. No parking spaces will be lost.
14. Any other item not specifically defined in the CD Agreement, Design
'Builder Asreeanent for Garage and the Exhibits thereto that are
agreed to by City, Ballet Valet and McCarthy.
C. Tn preparine our GMP t.stim.nte we have made the following assumptIons; the
following items will be covered in the final specifications and do not effect the
OMP, based on current design:
1. Retail area work is N. I. C. including all new storefront, facade restoration,
roofing, structural tie-in to the Parldng Structure, sidewalk extension, slab
on arade, finishes and utilities. Water service and sanitary sewer service
with appropriate provisions for connections will be stubbed into the center
of the future back conldor of Retail. This area will be &udcd to prover
subgrade in preparation for future granular base and slab. We have
included the wall which runs along column line 3 and moves di~gonatJy
west at column line C. All partitions to the west of this wall have also been
included .
2. We have included costs to temporarily support and protect the existin& 7th
Dallet Valet Parking Structure
Exhibit 0
May 25, 1994
Page 3
Street and Collins Avenue facade as indicated on the drawings. However,
we exclude any and all liability for the condition of the facade during and
after construction. Any costs associated with additionnl support or
protection, after original support and protection is in place, will be by
Ballet Valet. All costs associated with rebuilding the existing facade, in the
event it falls down, will be by B~net Valet.
3. Sitework consists of an asphalt overlay of the Alley, along with any
nece~sary sidewalk, curb and street patchins along Seventh Street to current
condition. A new sidewalk/curb along Collins Avenue will be provided.
4, Pr("..ca~t columns wm be extended to the top of the exterior screen. with a
connectini 12" x 24" beam for lateral support of the screen. Detail and
location of this support will be in accordance with Desman Sketches 1 a.nd
2 dated February 28. 1994.
S. Foundation" have been based upon using the 80 ton pile data dated
February 25, 1994. Piles will extend 28' below existing grade.
6. All partitions will be eMU except for the wall enclosing the Offiee Toilet.
Other walls in the office will be furred with drywall.
7. We have included waterproofins and enkadrain liner in all planters.
H. The slab on grade will be 6" thick with 6" of granular base.
9. We will have to put scaffolding on the roof of the existing building at the
south end of the garage. Costs are included to protect the roofing material
only. We have a~Sl.lmed that the existing building can support the weight
of the scaffolding. Costs have !!.Q.t been included for shoring the building
or obtaining permission from the Owner to scaffold on his roof. If we are
unable to put scaffoJdin2 on the existifli roof. the cost of the installation of
the exterior Screen will increase. Costs for this increase have I1.QI been
included nnd will be the rcsl-1onsibllity ot BalleL Vl11\;l.
10. The exterior screen will be 3 standard grccn colors with the fiberglass
system provided by Chern Teoh (as shown) and will be . 2'-6" :square
Ballet Valet Puking Structure
Exhibit G
May 25, 1994
Past 4
pattern throughout.
11. AU precast concrete products are made with plant standard, structural grade
grey concrete.
12. FOt pedestrian safety, deliveries and jobsite security, we assumed Collins
and 7th Street sidewalks and parking adjacent to site to be closed during
13. We have assumed that all connections to existing utilities will be made in
the alley directly behind the proposed parldng structure.
14. The City and Ballet Valet agree that the GMP is based upon all existing site
conditions being in conformance with accepted engineering and construction
IS. AU information provided is subject to the Design Builder Agreement AlA
document A191 provided under separate cover.
16. Resnick air space is acquired and included as part of the project.
In the event of modifications of the above assumptions or exclusions, the GMP shall be
moditied accordingly.
l>J:.;:>MHi. rl::>;)w.... J.,., Il;.~
JlJN '94 13;32 No.OGti F'.06
--.. .
Attachment A
Seventh Street and Collins A\tenue
Miami Beac:h, Florida
May 19,1994
Site Improvemintl
Landscape 8& Irrigation
Dewatering Allow~ce
Termite COlltrol
Auger Cast PII;$
Cast In Place Concreto
Preca&t Concrete
MJ$e. Metal.
Rough CarpQntry
Caulking & W,*rproofing
!xpan&lon Joints
Hollow M,taI & Flflish Hardware
Glass & Glazing
Rolling Grilles
Drywall & Stuec;o
.Ceramlc TIle
Ar.nustil':a/ Ceirlno
Resilient Flooring
Sign~ge Allowance
Exterior Screen
Fire Protection
General CondlUons
6% Detign fee
Performance & Payment Bond
7" Construction Fee
$144.164.00 .
f443~ 1 56.00 '
~:~ ; Il'{
'.r.'.~.: .'.
646 CARS