Labor & Material Payment Bond THE AMERICAN INSTITUTE OF ARCHITECTS . Bond Nos. 8129-02-75 & 127534 AlA Document A311 Labor and Material Payment Bond THIS aO:"fD IS ISSUEO SIMUlTANlOUSLV WITH Plll,oaMANcr IONO IN ,~vo. OF TH. UWNER CONDITIONED ON THI fUll AND FAITHfUL 'ElrOIlMAHCI Of THE CONTRACT KNOW ALL MEN BY THESE PRESENTS; th~f McCarthy Brothers Company, 1341 North Rock Hill Road, IH""~\C'",..lI11'_'''''dd''''''I,,,I..Il..,Con''~'''' St, L~ui9, Missouri 63124 ~s PrlnelPell, hereln""~er called Princ,p.J1, ~nd. Federal Insurance Company., 15 Mountain Vtew Road, Warren, New Jersey 07061 and National Union IH'fl tllW''' hili f"""..... ....... Of 1'''''II'e- 01 s....." Fire Insurance Company of Pittsburgh, PA*. 70 Pine Street, ~ew York, New York 10270, Co-Sureies, .s Sure~y, hereinalter called Surety. ~re held ~nd firmly bound unt<:eallet Valet Pnrking Company, 640 Ocean Dr1"e, Miami Beach, Florida 33139 and IHe-f"".."fvllu_.nd.....,,,....., IIlle of 0-,. The City of Miami Beach, Florida JS Obligee. here,"~fter called Owner, for the use ~nd benefit of cl~lmclnts ~s hereinbelow defined, In the I. I Six Million. Three Hundred Thirty Thous:1od, Ei!;hc Hundred IInd NO/100 ~mount ~f =f o~~~11l : $$1'111:4'b09:009) and National Union Fire lru.'l.Ir.1l'loCe \ CM", ,"ac,' · I..... '.....1 .. It tl' 001""'" .. I~' CO"."(I ~fl"l DolI~rs ($6 I 330,800. 00 -----J. for the' p~ym~nc whereof Princlp~l .Ind Surely bind themselves. Iheir heirS. executors, administr.Uors, successors and .Jssisns, jointly ind severally. firmly by these presents. \ , . W~E~EA5, PrinClp.1 has by written ~sreement d.Jted IH('f ''',n, Ivllll'''''. Iddrn. .nd dnc"p'IOl\ of ".OJt<1l . Desi~o/Build Parking Garage 19 . entered into a Contrict with Owner for in clccord.Jnce With Orawinss .Jnd Specific,Jllons prepared by IHe.. '"'If' ...,. ",_ ."" .dd.... o. I.... "... .' ~h'l<<lI whic;, contrad is by reference mclde ~ put hereof, and j, herei".Iltcr r~fcrred to .u the Contr.ct. AlA OOCU.,...,., AJ1I · 'UrOhIANCI ~D ANa LAIOI ANO MA'E<<IAL 'AYM(N' 10NO . AlA. rr"UAIV'''70 (0.. 'Ht AMIIICAN INSTlJUrr 01 AICtmt:Cn. 17,)5 N.Y. 14\11.. "'W.. WASHI"'C'OH. 0 C.1OlllI6 1 .- . . '-" ......... r-"I r'\.. I r 1 . "'dUple Obligee NOW. h<lkHOII. 'Hf CO"'OITlON 0' THIS O'UGAT.ON " such 'h." ., PnnClp.lI sh.1I1 prompll~ m.Jlle pol~menl 10 .11 Cr~""oI"h ~\ hereln,lr~r dcfintod. for.lI '~bor ,nd mlle",1 u\C'd or rt'oUon.bly r~qutrf:d lor U~ In Ihe pt'r'orm.nct' "f Ihe Cunl'~C1, IhM Ih,s obliS.llon sh." bf vo,d; othc:rw.~ It ,h.U r~m.," ,n full force .nd ~ffcct. \ub,t'CI, howt:ver, 10 Ihe '01. '''Wlnll: cond,'ions: " cr..m,,)nl .s ddincd IS one h.vonS I ditec' con. It.I('1 Wllh Ihe PrinCIpII Or w,lh , Subtonlt,ctor of lhe Prlnr ID.' (Or I.bor. mlle",I. Or bOlh. used Or rcuon.Jbly rtoquJr('d (or lI~e .n Itlt' per'orm,nce 0' IhC' COnlflcl. I.bot olnd m.lle".' be.ns COn~lrut:d 10 .nclude Ihll p.lrl 01 w~lp" I;.n. pOwfr, ',ght. hut. 011. &.sOI,nf, It'~phonf \frVIC~ 0' 'I"nl.1 of t'qUlpmtnl dlfrcl'y .ppljc.ble 10 thf Conuul 2 T~<.' .bovC' n~mNJ P',nc,p.l' .nd Surety hefeby 'Omll'l oInd ~C...C'rOllly 'Sft'f """h Ihe Owner Ih.ll tvC'ty dol,,",,,,, of' hf't',n ddi"ed, who hn nOI been p.,d in 'ull bt.'lorl' 11'1,. t'llp.r.lhon 01 . period 01 ninety ICJOS d.J~' .11f" Itlt' d"te on wh,ch Iht' l.lIl 01 such e1..moJn", wo,k IH I",bur w'" dont' or Performed, or m.ue"0I/, wert 'urnl\'wrl by ~uch cr~lmoJnt. m.y )u~ on Ih.s bond fOt Iht' U\I' fit sue h c1~lm.nf. "rOSl'CUI~ Ihe SUI' '0 f.n:ll Ivdf(mL'nl tor such sum Or sums u m~y bl' lusl'y due' c1""m~n' Jnd h,v~ rXl'CU',on I"~rt:on Tht' Owner sh"lI nol h(' ".IblC' for IhC' P.lymL'nt of .nv (OUS Or flCpC!nsC's o( ilny ~u( n SUIt. ] 1\:0 SVI' 0' ~ct'on '''.III bt' cornmf'nccd her,.undl't bv ,Iny d.l'm.lnl' Iccur.cv the .mounl cI..med ."d IhC' nilme 01 the p.rty 10 \IlIhom Ihe m~'c",Ils wert' lurnl\ht'd. Ot lot whom I~ wotk or I.bOt w.s don~ Or pc:,formt'd. Such nohce' '''.11 be u""l'd by m,.,.ns Ihe ~.mt' by rt8'\IC'r~ n*' 0' Cfrh"l'd ft'I~t1. pOsl'gC' prcpiI.d. In .an rl,."C'lo~ old- drnscd to lht' PrlnCIPill, Owner or Surely, .1 ,nv pl.ce Whtrt' ,n oHI(t' is ,e<<ul.rly m'lnl',""d for 'hC' Ifolns. .chon of bu~,"C'u, Or selved .n .any m."nC'r .n .h.d, Itl.' Pf()(l'U mlY bC' sCt\'fd In thC' ,....e' ,n which Iht' .foles.lud prOll'ct IS 10coIll'd. S~I!t' Ih,l such se",.cl' n~d not be m.de by . public officer bl "fll'r Ihe ClCptt.llon 0' one (1) '(t'.It follow,n, IhC' d...te' on which Pr,nClp.1 cN~d WOrk on \.I,d Conlr.act, II bel"B und~'s'ood. howt:lfct, 11'1,11 I( .any "m.loItlon em- bod.ed In Ih.s bond 's p'oh,b,led by .ny I."" conlrolllOl Ihe (OflstrU('tlon hcrco' 'uch l.mlUllon sh.lI br deemf'd 10 be' .IImtndf'd so .IS 10 be equ.' 10 Ihe min. mum period 01 lim.I.llon permllled by \u<.h I.w cl Olher th.n In .II ".lIt COUtl of COmptlenl IUtlsdlcllon ,n .1nd la, Ii'll' (Ounly Or otht'r poI,I'(OII subd,vls.on of IhC' 'I.alt' .n wt\lch thco PrOIC'ct. Ot OIny Pltl IhC'rrof, IS ~Iluolted. or In Ihf Untied S'oil~s Olser,cl COurl '01 Iht' d,sl"" .n which Ihco 'rol~C1. 01 "ny p,m Ihere-o', " 511- u.Jlc.'d. .nd noe elloewhcfC' '" Un1t'\\ CIJlm.lnl. oth~r Ih..n CIne h.v.", ~ dltcct ,on"..tl w,'h Ih~ Pflnc,p.I, ~h..1I h'lft' 8.vrn Wflllt'n .. The.' ..mounl o( tllI\ bond sh./1 be rr:du(f'd b~ ..nd nn'let" 10 'n~ IwO 01 the 'Ollowlng: Ihe Pllnc,p.I, the 10 Ih~ l'xlt'n. 0' .nv p'\lmrn' Or p.lymen" rn.ade 1ft sood Ownf'r or the SurCOly ..bo\lt n.llned. w,lh,n n.nely 1901 (oIllh ht're.'undt'r. Inclu~I\,r of Ihe p..vmenl by S""e.'ty of d..y, .I,t', such (r".moinl did Ot ptrlorm~ Ihr '.1st of rnr<h.n.()' 'frns which ft'I.1Iy be liIC'd of record .1I&~lInst rhe' ""till! or I~b()r, or fUtnl,h~d Ihe ''''1 of Iht' moi'e".I, s..d ,mprovement. wht'lher Or not c1.11,m for 'he ~mount fOl ""n,," \.11ld c1.1.m 'S "'.Ide. u.lII"1 With 'ubsl..nh., 0' I\lch ht:n be prl:)Cnled under .nd 01&011"\' ch'l bond .;t)"IDED, Mweve'ct th.J.t d1e P['~ip11l Md Sureev Shall not ~ liable to c.he l~lil!('el$) or 3nV rt tll'!m 1 :~1I ~ss the Ulll2ee (s) 1% imV or tt'iem h.7ve pCt'iO'rTl'Cd the llbli~at1oru:; to the Princip:ll in ~ccbrda:nce '.1m .. .' terms of ~d contr:l.ct: .!1nd .. . ,:IlV'!'Dm. furt~r, ..t_hat tt\(;! ~1P3l and Surety shall tlOt be l.i.:1ble to the lJbli~cc(s) in the .....r~.. .ll.! 1Il fl.'(cess or tl~ penal. SUIi-.'.tbOVe st.1tC!d. ' : '~' ".1ll~u. woe ale Surc:ti.C$. b.1nd. oUt'selves in !:.'UCh S\.Il1 ".T~intl v .!1nd Scv~r y" .1l'i wt! i.l -1,S "Scy~raLl v" . .~ I \. . r the purpose o.r; il.Ll0Wi.tl$t.iS JOUle ClCtion Or :u:tions 3P.a.i.fu;t cmy Qr of us. .;;nd tor .ll,L other ..::":....~.".. l:.'.:.ich Surety bi.nds itself, Jointlv and sevcra.t..l.v with the Pr1hc:i . tIJr the f1.1'Vl'la"1C or such .;::: , :..,\" .IS 1.5 set fOrth Upposu,e toe n:IIlC OL SUCh surety. II . '~":11...\J ,lnd sealed this day of 19 / ~.. 4/ (._.. .0) :~ 1.<' -/7;/A-- // W10lc.sS , '-'~ v. ~ I t:::t\~jGNE:D --~DET ~~ .... .......OUNTERSIGNED Wltness ~~'-. ~-~tA--- Rr:::~:'DC::NT AGENT - ~Ulcss --- --- n Brothers . J t~~ Company ~rpar-- ~ FEDERAL INSURANCE-COMPANY 7/,,"ffi" $3,1&>,:::: :.~- 4r'fs. >/Olm.a- I NATIONAL UNION fIRE INSURANCE COMPANY OF PITTSBURCH. PA ts ~1 J 1.:lb11.ity