Letter from Earl Gallop BAILEY HUNT JONES & BUSTO A ~"O"E..IONAL ,...OCIATION .ATTO"NEY. AT ~W MUL A. AlIlENC'BIA . GUY.. ....ILEV. .,IlI. IUl.THY.,. .,.LIIt fII...CEDEB C. BUSTO aCOTT L. CAGAN TlfIIOTHY CONE STEVEN CARLYLE CRONIG .JANEa c. CUNN'NIIHAM. .Jill. "ICHA"CJ M. DAVIS EARL G. GAL.LO" .JUDITH B. GREENE ",eMA..a H. HUNT. .J". BRUCE HURWITZ .JEAaR C. .,ON 1:. JOHN II. LEVITT COUfWOl81EIt CItNTltE. .UITE 300 1101 BRICKELL Ill:" D..IVC MIAMI. f'1.0..,DA 3313/-1823 T'L. l~.) n~608 !'AX (308) 37.....71. O~ C:OUN8n LAWRENCE .. IVANA .CIllO..1I M. HUCH' oJ. BRUCe I'WINO IU)BERT E. .C"UIlI .e"Io" COUNal:L .N. Ill. DAWI:. ..IOROl: J. IIA.,A .ADIUnID III .... 'to." D...... Kay 26, 1996 Mlu:ray D. Shear, P .A. Broad and ca...l Suite 2000 Court Rou.. C.nter 175 H.W. Fir.t Avenue X1aa1, PL 33128 Re I XiIUl1 Beach Purchase of aallet Valet Property Pha.a II Sub.urtae. Inve8tiqation 640 - 700 Collins Avenue Our file no.1 9179-00 Dear XI:. Shear c I reviewed. the pha.. II aubaurface inveatiqation for the above-referenced property with Hr, Tam xeak, Allied Invirolmental Consultanta, Inc. Three 1S' lIODitoring_ll. were in.taIled on the property. Water .ampl.. were .t..bd. for t~al patroleWll hydroo&%:'bon., ReBA _tal., and qa.olin8 constItuents. "-2 .... clean. 8-1 and XIf-2 had low levels of total petrol.um hydrocarbona, araenic, chromiu., lead and .ilver. ~ reported levels are well-below IIwnd1PU1l contamination levels. The reported level. do not pos. any known .iqnificant health risk. Groundwater r8ll8diation ia not required. COJUlequently, the presence of the contaminant. does not pre..nt . algn1ficant r1.~ to the City of Xlaml Beach a. the purchaser of the property. Xr. xe.lc: conf1Dled that Allied will reiasue the report to the City of Xiaa1 Beach. I advised hia that the City will proceed to close the transaction on ~. representation. StNT BY: ~-'b-;;4 ',\J'''lo,,~ , UM..~-,C.l nUI'1 . Murray D. Sheu-, P.A. KAy 21. 1994 Pave 2 Pleale do not h..ltate to call .. if you have any queatioft8 about the subject matter of thia letter. . / bC~I/~ G. Ga~lop BOOI8ge ec. Roger Carlton Lau:rence raing.old, Blq. John Dellavloria, .8q. Tom He.k .11.....1u- BAILEY HUNT JONES & BUSTO A PAO"~SSIONAl.. ASSOCIATION