Amy Lehman Letter FROM:DENNIS SCHOLL TO: 305 673 7782 6, 1994 3:45PM ~074 p.02 ! Steel Hector a Davis "'lI/'Ill, FlOrida May 31, 1994 1\011, Ltll"..." Of 00unMI (tOO) an.2M : Murrey Shear, Esq. David Berget, ERq. Broad & Cas.el M;~m;, Fl. '3128-1835 R~! Th~t cortain Acquisition, Construction and DovQlopment Agteement among the City of Miami Beach, the Ballet vatet Parking Company, Ltd. Gnd McCDrthy Brothers Co~pany (the "Development Agreement"). Unless defined ot~otwi~c, capitalized term3 used herein will hDVC Lhe me~nings attributed to them in the Development AQreement Gentlemen: : in i;he hereby i NOlwithstandin9 any Deve opment Agreemenl agre, as follows: {O The Tbitd Elevl!It,Sll. In the event the Ci ty elects tv. im;lude an aOd1t1onal elevator: to serve the Garage, BV!herebY agrees to grant the City an easement within the Retail space to accommodate SUCh elevator and a riQht of passage from said elevator to the sidewalk, which easement shall consist ot not greater than 280 square feet of space in the southeest corner of the ke~ail ~pace; providea that BV's allocation of parking spaces as more particularly described in section 11.9 01 'the Development Agreement is not reduced thereby. At:such time as the plans and specifications for the Ga~age are completed and upon notice from the CitYI BV1s counsel will prepare an easement agreement to memoralize the foregoing, which agreement shall be recorded among the Public Records of Cade County, Florida. other term or condition that may be Lo lht:l ~UlltJ.C::U.Y, the parties <.10 (ii) ~nt-Maintenance ~Quipment. BV hereby agrees to:expend up to $50,000 to fund the cost of the vegetation maintenance equipment in connection with the ex~erior wall of the Garaoe. BV's nhliQRtinn to fund this amount shall be secured by the personal guaranty of :R. Anthony GoldmAn. On or 8fter April 1, 1995, thQ City shall request funding (rom BY for the plant maintenance. BY ~hAll fund the reQuir~d amount up to $50,000 within 15 days after the City's fundin9 reQueRt. Shout!"! lW fail to funo. during this time pe~iod, City shall have the right to collect payment lIlH'tl?,T the p.rsonel guaranty and shall have tho right to exercise any and all remedies to enforce such payment. Any sums in Qxcess of $50,000 Gh~ll be funo.ed by the City. M~i 0IIi:Je 4000 50ulhNsI fn.oo.r CflI-Mr Miami, FL 33181.2388 (306) 677.7000 F~w. (M~) :wI.141A 1800 Pnlll~ Pon WMl 777 South ~., OrIYO w. ,11m hIch, FL S30401.1111l8 (~7) 850.7200 F_ (401)*.1~ la1 & So\llI\ r.1onr~ tub 101 T~lahIMe FL 32301 .1804 ('IlCU) :in. 2300 ~, (004) Ql;!::! &410 @) Steel Hector & Davis Murray Shear, Esq. David Berger, Esq. Broad & Cassel May 31, 1994 Page 2 (iii) Insurance Deductible. Notwithstanding anything else to the contrary in the Development Agreement, the deductible in connection with the "All Risk" policy as described in provision 2.15.1(b) of the Development Agreement, shall be the responsibility of the City. (iv) Ballet Valet has paid in full the Design Builders Part 1 Compensation. Sincerely, Amy Lehman ACCEPTED AND AGREED: By: The Ballet Valet Parking Company, Ltd., a Florida limited partnership City of Miami Beach, a Flori unicipal I. corpo atlon By: The Ballet Valet Corp., a Florida cor ration Dated: FORM L ~ AL1/2751