184-1999 LTC CITY OF MIAMI BEACH CiTY HALL 1700 CONVENTION CENTER DRIVE MIAMI BEACH, FLORIDA 33139 hllp:\\ci.miami-beach. fl. us LoT.C. No. 184-1999 LETTER TO COMMISSION September 1, 1999 TO: Mayor Neisen O. Kasdin and Members of the City Commission FROM: Sergio Rodriguez City Manager SUBJECT: STATUS OF APPLICATION TO MIAMI-DADE COUNTY FOR FUNDS TO ACQUIRE THE ALASKA PARCEL Attached please find a legal opinion prepared by Assistant County Attorney, Robert Duvall, relative to the City of Miami Beach's application for an EEL Grant for the Alaska parcel. For the reasons cited in the legal opinion, the County administration did not give further consideration to the City of Miami Beach's application to purchase the Alaska Parcel. Therefore, this grant request was not awarded. SR/C~ar F:ICMGRI$ALLIRARIL TCIALASKAGR.ANT attachment c: Christina Cuervo, Assistant City Manager Randolph Marks, Assistant Director, Community/Economic Development Department Miguell Del Campillo, Director, Housing Division Stacy Kilroy, Grants Writer Russell Shreeve, Housing Specialist AUG. 18.1999 4:38PM DHDI::.. UJ DU~M @MEMO 11V.t::..J'-t--t I . ,,--f ....__ , ANDUM .:. t7c:.A L LJpl ))/.)0./)/ PN EeL 4-RA,vr 107JI7.17A !4("'~T. "'" ~.. Ramesh P. Buch. ERPS March 30, 1999 I TO: Environmentally Endangered DATE: I '\ , . I \ Lands Program SUBJECT: Miami Beach Alaska I Parcel Application! Robert A Duvallft,sb Received by EEL ! FROM: Program., Assistant County Attorney Spring, 1999 the abo~:e::~~~~e:~~~~~t:e~~:$: ,:::~ :':-~~i~ ~:.mr~~- -- ~--- application to have the Alaska Parcel no' for the EEL Acquisition List as "buifer land". ..-'- i ". ~j/ I" -~/ . : ! , I , . I have reviewed the attached appIicati 'n and see nothing that even suggests ~t this parcel would qualify as "buffer land," as that term is defined in Section 24A-3(5). To qualify as buffer land a parcel must as a buffer to adjacent ~'environmen~ land," "Environmental land" is in turn defin ' in Section 24A-3(6), in pertinent part.ito mean "land which contains natural forest or w and communities, ...." ! '\'" \ i : There is nothing in the application fO suggest that this vacant parcel is : in proximity to any environmental land, much 1 s adjacent thereto. Rather, the applicatipn indicates that the property is bordered by Gov ent Cut. Bisca.yne Bay> a vacant parcel and South Point Park. None of these are "envi nmentalland." RAD/ip Moreover. the intended recreational poses for the parcel if acquired do not. come within the conservation purposes of the funty>s EEL Program. i If you have any questions or would 0 I erwise like to discuss this matter furthJr, please feel free to call me at 375-1311. ! : , I 'I . I I, I 'I I! II I: :1 ;! i1 Ii I!.ft@>~ . 11, ~ q:>~ : '()~ t?/& ~~' ~'Sb ~ 4, 3!9 W/ I ~~ ' o~~ ~~ '\ '., \ AUG. 18.1999 4:38PM DADE CO DERM NU.~44 t-'..YL:J CHAPTER 24A. Code of Metropolitan Dade County 'I. '" " i,~ - 7.~/1 ENVIRONMENTALLY ENDANGERED LANDS PROGRAM 'I., " " AUG. 18. 1999 4:38PM DADE CO DERM NO. 044 1-'.4/1,j ./ Chapter 24A ENVmONMENTALLY ENDANGERED LANDS PROGRAM- 'I, , ", .. ~_..- -......--.- ----.-.-.-----.-- ,,'r,. -~ 1.',1-. i" , !':~/~_ 'I, '", .. .Cro.. refereDGelI-Dewlopml!lnt within CC1utal flood ~ dilltnctB, Ch. Uei fore$t fire protection, ~ 14-21 et Mq., enY.iron. mental prot.ection, Ch. 24; III'C&II or critit:alen'linmmental concern, Ch. 33B. "'.. 3427 AUG. 18.1999 4:39PM DADE CO DERM ~ ,I:" NO. 044 P.5/13 . 111'''1''. "'1' " 'I, , ", .. > ". ENVlRONMEN1'ALLY ENDANGERED LANDS PROGRAM ~ 24A-4 See. 24A.l. Title. This chapter &hall be known Wi the Environ. mentally Endangered Landa Program. (Ord. No. 91-67, ~ 1, 7.9-91) See. 24A.2. Legislative intent. The historic loss, fragmentation. and degrada.. tion of native wetland aud upland forest eommu. nities in Dade County ere Hwell"dOCUmented,"8iid remaining native wetland and upland forest com- Munities are collectively endangered.;-On May 8. 1990, the electorate or Dade County authorized the county to ~ the am&titutional millage limitation by levying an ad valOl"em tax of three- quarters of one mil, for a period not to exceed two (2) years; for acquisition. preservation, enhance- 1%1ent, restoration, conserv.ation and maintenance of environmentaUy-endangered lands fOT tbp ben- efit of present and future generations; and lim- iting all USeD or. and all investment earnings on, such le\lies to sueb purposes. It is the intent of the Board of County Colnmisaioners of Metropolitan Dade County to erta.blish the Environmentall,y En- dangered Lands Program to implement this man- date and to support its purposes to the fullest. (Ord. No. 91-67, ~ I, 7-9-91) Sec. 24A.3. DefinitiOl1S. The following warde and phtases, when used in this chapter, shall have the tnean.ings WiCI'1"bed to them. in this section; (1) Acquisition. proposal shalllne&n (a) par- cel(li) of land wbich has/have been nomi- nated or recOmmended for acquisition in ac- cordance with proeedul'eli provided for hereinbelow. . (2) Acqu.isition. project shall mean (8) parcel(s) of la%l.d approved by the Boanl of County Commissioners for acquisition by the c;ounty in accordance with procedures provided Cor hereinbelow . (3) AncillaQ' land &hall mean that land which is ac:ljacent to environmental land and wbich is necessary to the management and pro- tection of the environmental land for such purposes as fence installation, access of maintenance equipment. firebreaks, parking, or other management activities which are indicated in the management fea- sibility evaluation. (4) BOn4 {i.tk organization ahall mean an orga- nization which has an elected board or die rectors, ha.s adopted a charter, by-laws, or rules or procedure, conducts a metlting of its memberlihip at least annually, and __. "YJ'~}J~p~ in_~~j.D":PM~Co.lU1tY-----_._----- - far at least two (2) years priDr to the adop- tion of the ordinance itom which t}W; . chapter derives. "'". -,: . ~ ~'/i (5) Buffer lDn.d &hall mean that land which is aQjacent to public:ly-owned environmental land or to an environmental land acquisi- tion proposal or project, or that land which is an inholding within publicly-owned en- vironmental land or within an en~n- mental land acqui.aition proposal or proje~t. and which, if not acquired. would threaten the environmental integrity oUhe existing resource, or if acquired, would enhance ~he enviromnental integrity of the resoura.. : (6) 8nvil"Onmentalland shall mean that land which contains natural forest or wetland comm.unities. native plant communities; rare and endangered. Dora and fauna, en- demic Bpeeies, endangered .species habitat. a diversity of species, Of Qutstanding geo- logie or other natural feat~res. or that land which functions as an integral. and . GU1i- taining component of an existing ecosystem. (7) M~emenl lihall mean the preServation, enhancement, restoration, con&ervation. momtoring. or maintenance of the natural resource values of environment.ally. endangt:red lands which have been acquired 0'1' approved Cor management under the En. vironmentally Endangered Landa Program. (Ord. No. 91.67, fi 1, 7-9-91) '1,'", .. See:. 24A.4. Environmentally Endangel'c,d Lands Program established. The Metropolitan Dade County Environmen- tally Endangered Lands Program (hereinafter re- feITed to 88 the EEL Program) is hereby estab- li6hed to acquire, preserve, enhance, re5tore, 8429 AUG. 18.1999 4:39PM DADE CO DERM "I. NO. 044 I-'.b/l.:i' t 2-4A~ DADE COUNTY .coDE conserve, and maintain threatened natural farest and wetland couununitielJ located'in Dade CoUnty. far the benefit ot present and future generations. The County Manager shall administer this pro- gram in accordance with the procedures and cri- teria provided Cor hereinbelow. (Ord. No, 91.67, ~ 1,7-9-91) See. 24A..s. Purpose. The purpose of the EEL Program Gball be: (1) To acquire enviromnentally-endangered lands which c:ontJdn natural forest Or wet- land communities, native plant communi. ties, rare and endangered flora and fauna, endemic species, endangered species hab- itat. a'divenity af species, Or outstanc1ing geologic or other natural features; (2) To acquire environmentally~enaan.gered lands which functiOn Wi an,mtegra1 and BUS- 'taining eomponent of an.existing :natmal system; (3) To protect enviroIUtientally-enClangerea lands whieh me publicly owned :by ac- quiring inholaings or aCijacent properties which, if not acquired. would threaten the environmental integrity of the existing re- s~nn-c:e. or which. if acquired. would enhance ~e environmental integrity oUhe resource; , ' (4) Tp implement the objectives and polic:ies oC ~~ Comprehensive Development Master ~ CO!" Metropolitan Dade County wbich have been promulgated to preserve and pro- ~ enW'omnental protectioQ. areas desig- nated in the Plan and other natural forest resources, wetlands. and endangered ape- ci~ habitat; (5) To identify Dade Count;TB best and most endangered en'Vironmentallands Cor acqui- sition and management by evaluating the biologieal characteristics and viability or'the resource, the vulnerability of the reBOurce to degiaqation or destroclion, and the fea- sibility of managing the resource to main- tain its natural attributes; (6) To nla.nage environmentally-endangered lands with the primary objective of main. taming and preserving their natural re- source values by employing management techniques that are most appropriate for eaeh native conununity so that our naWral heritage may be preserved for present and future generationsj (7) To use the .acquired sites, where feasible ribin finanlial constraints and with min- imal riak to the environtnental integrity or the rite, to.educ:ate Dada.County's-._-- sc:hool.age population and the general", public: about the uniquenel.iij ~ imPO~i.~~'" tanee of Dade County's subtropical ecoS)'6' terns and natural communitiesj and (8) To cooperate actively with other acquisi- tio~ conservation, and resCl1.lrCe manage- !Dent programs. including, but not limited to, such progr.ams as the State DC Florida Conservation and Recreation Lands pro-gnun, the Land Acquisition Trust Fund. and SaV'e Our Rivers. progranl, where the pUl"- 130ses at such programs are coDaistel1t with the.purposes oftbe EEL Prognml-Bs stated 'hereinabove. ";;.~~;:~' (Ord. No. 91-67, ~ 1, 7.9.91) Sec. 2(A.6. Environmentally Endangered Lan~ Trust Funds. (AJ Creation oftlu! EnviromnentaUy En.d.anlJered lAnds Acquu.ition Trust Fund. ' (1) There is hereby created the Environmen- tally Endangered Lands Acquisition Trust '" Fund (hereinafter referred to as the EEL "', .. Acquisition Trust Fuod) for use in a..cquiring environmentally-endangered lands in Dade County. The Finance Director is hereby au- thoxjzed to establish the EEL Acquisition Trost Fund and to receive and disburlie monies in accordance with the proyU;iODS of tbis section. (2) The EEL Acquisition Trust Fund shall re- ceive monies Crom the following sources: (al All revenues collected by the County Tax Collector pursuant to the extraor. dinary millage of three-quarters of one , mil of ad valorem tax levied in 1990 and 1991. as approved by referendum 3430 AUG. 18. 1999 4:40PM DADE CO DERM "( I'IU . tJ44 r ~ (/ .i.J ;' , .'. ENVIRONMENTALLY ENDANGERED LA.NOS PROGRAM ,:.:'!"!' on M~ 8, 1990, ~cept for those reve. nues dedicated to the Environmentally Endangered Lahds Manage%nent Trust Fund provided for herein by Section 2M-6(B)(2). (b) All monies aecepted by Metropolitan Dade County in the form. of federal, State, or other governmental grants, alloeations. or appropriatiOhS, as well as ~At:ion or private-grants and donations faX' acquisition of en\J"irmunentall,y-endangered lands as provided' for bytlim section: (el S1.LI:h additional sJIocations as tnay be }Dade- bythe:Baard of County Commis- sionen;: ftom time to time for the pur- poses.Bet forth herein. (d) All intetestgenerated. from the sources identifi~&iir.seCt:ion 24A.-6<A)(2)(a)1 (b), and (e)' he1'einabove, eXCelpt where monies recefiT.ed: have' been otherwise designated or' restricted. (8). The EEL Acquisition: Trust Fund shall be maintained in trust by. the ,Board of County Conunismoner& solely for the purposes. set forth herein. in a separate aDd segregated, fund of the County which will not COm- mingle with other County funds until dis- bursed for an.authorized purpose pursuant to Section 24A.6(A)(4). (t') Disbursements from the EEL Acquit;ition Trust Fund shall be made only for the Col. i lowing purposes: i (a) .Acquisition of properties which have been approved for p1U"Chase by resolu- tion of the Board of Count;:, Commis- sioners in accordaneEl with the provi. llions aCSectians 24A.a ~ugh 24A.12. (b) All costs associated with each acquisi- tion including, but not llinited to, ap- praisals, SUIVeyS, title search 'work, real property taxes, documentazy stamps anq surtax tees, and other transaction costs. (c) Costs of administering the EEL Pro- graml which will be funded from the interest proceeds of the EEL Acquisi- tion Trost Fund until $Uch time as the fund is closed. ~ 24A.6 (d) Supplementation of the Environmen- tally Endangered Landa Managenumt Trost Fund. but only by resolution of the Boaro of County Commissioner:!. '\ (5) Where any property acquired with EEL Ac- quisition Trust Fund monies ia leased or 60ld by the County, the proceeds frOlD said lease or sale shall, as determined by the BotY'.d..Q(.~ty CQmmif:~auers..be..cm:n"'-, ----- - .... D.1ittad either to the EEL Ac:qui&ition Trust Fund or to the EEL Management Trust Fund Cur the purposes pi'riiaed Caine-rein. Such proceeds shall neither be committed to any other fund, nor be used Cor any other. purpose. (Bl Creation oftk Enuironmentally EndLmgued lAJuJ.s Management Trust Fund. (1) There. is hereb)' created; the. Environmen- tally Endangered'Lands ManageMent.Trust Fund <hereinal'tar. referred to aa the EEL Management:Tn1st: Fll1dl for the-preserva- t.ion, enhSIlcelDent;. restoration',cmulerva- tion and maintenance'of environmentally- endangered lands-.which either have been purchased with monies from' the EEL.. Ac. quisition Trust Fund (established pursuh1~ to Section 24A-6(A)), qr have.otherwise been approved for management pursuant to Sec. tion 24A-8(2). The Finance Director is hereby authoriz:ed' to establish the EEL Management Trost Fund and to recave and. disbu:rse manies in BCCOl"dan(:e with the pro., ' visions of this liection. (2) The EEL Management Trust Fund shall re- ceive monies from the following GOurees: (a) A principal in the amoWlt or ten mil- lion dollars ($10,000,000.00) from those revenues collected by tbe County Tax Collector pursuant to the extraordinary millage of three-quarters of'one mil of ad valorem tax levied in 1990 and 1991, as approved by referendum on May 8, 1990, The principal may be increased as a result of a specific grant, donatioll. allocation or appropriation therefor. . (b) All tnonies accepted by Metropolitan Dade County in the form of federal. State. Or- other govemrnental granh.... 34.31 AUG. 18. 1999 4:40PM DADE CO DERM NO. 044 I-' .I::J/U 't. ,,, ".... I' I ,~ ll. '\ '" '. , \ , ~ ~ 24.A-G DADE COUNTY CODE allocations,' or appropriations, as well as foundation or private grahts and do. tIations, for management of lands ac- quired with tlte EEL Acquisition Trust Fund or othetwiae approved Cor man- · . agement pu!1>11IU1t to Section 24A-8(2). Unless otherwise 6tated at the time 'of aec:eptance, all grant and donation monies l'ecei'\"ed and the interest there- from shall not be part or theprinc;ipal... .. and shall be avaBab1e for disbursement. in acoo:dance,wit,h SeCtion 24A.~4). eel Such additional aUociti,oilip'Jiii.y be tnade by the Bo8.1'd of County Commis. sioners from time to time., including al. locations from existing trust funds or mitigation fund~, or apeci8l allocations from the EEL Acquisition Trust Fund as pro~ed for in Section 24A.6(A)(4)(d). Unless otherwise stated at the time of the allocation, all allocations received shall be available for disbursement in accordance with Section 24A.-6(B)(4). (d) Ail interest generated from the sou~ id!IDtitred in Sections 24A-6(B}(2)(a), (b), and (c) hereinabove, except ~:here monies received have been otherwise designated or ~tricted. (3) Tbe EEL Management Trust Fund shall be kept and maintained in trust by the' Board of CQunty Commissioners solely for the pur- pOses set forth herein, in a separate and segregated fund of the County which will not commingle with ather County funds . ~tU di!Jbursed fOf en authorized purpose Pf'suant to this section. ' (4) Qisb111'8em.ents from the EEL Manapment Trust Fund $hall be made by the County ,Ma:nagei'only.'in ~rdance'with this sub- seetion 24A-6(B)(4}.' .' (8) No disbursements shall be made Crom the principal established under Sec. tion 24A-6CB)(2)(a) except by ordinance amending this subsection. ~) Disbul'Sements shall be made only Cram those monies defined in Section 24A. 6(B)(2)(b), (c). and (d) hereinabove. (c) Disbursements shall be made only for the preservation. enhancement, resto- ration, conservation or maintenance of those environmentally-endangered lands which have been acquired with %nonies Crom the EEL Acquisition Trust Fund or which have been approved. (or management pursuant to Section 24A. 8(2). Disbursements shall be made in accordance witb (a) project manage- ment plan(s) wbic:b has/ha.ve been ap- . proved pursuant to ~SectiDn24A-13;' ,. , .-- (Ord. No. 91,67, fi 1, 7T9.91) .~ r,. -~~~t' ':'. ~V'_ I , I See. 24A-7. Land Ac;quisition Selection Com. . mittee. (l) Land Acquisiti.(ln Selection Committee eJitab. lished; quali(ication3 of members. (a) There is hereby established an Advisory Board in accordance with Sections 2.11.36 through 2-11.40 of this Code to be known as the Metropolitan Dade County Land Acqui. sition Selection Committee (hereinafter re- , . Cerred to as the LASCl. (b) The LASe shall be composed or seven (7) members and one (1) alternate member. '\ ". '.. ~: ~ ~ ,; (2) Method of appoin.tment; terms of member- ship. (a) The County Manager shall recommend to the Board sixteen (16) candidates for the seven (7) regulnr members' seats on the LASe and the one (I) alternate member'6 seat. Preference will be given to candidates who have a record oC service in environ- mental or civic affairs in Dade County and who have been recommended by one or more boDa fide envirOnmental, civic, or profes- sional organi~ations. '\ (b) The Board of County Commissioners shall '., \ appoint, from the list or candidates recom- mended by the County Manager, four (4) tllembers and the altetnate to serve for two (2) years and three (3) members to serve for three (3) years. At the end of the two (2) .years, the successors to the initial two-year appointments sba11 be appointed for three (3) years. 3432 AUG. 18. 1999 4:41PM DADE CO DERM l'jU.~44 r. '::1/ l.J ENVIRONMENTALLY ENDANCERED LANDS PROCRAM . 24"-7 ( (3) Quorum; conduct of Committee and rules of procedure; meetings. (a) A quorum of the COmn1ittee shall befi...e (5) pel'$Oos. (b) At its first meeting, the Committee ohall establish its rules of procedure and shall elect a Chairperson and a Vice-Chairper- Bon. 'l11e Chairperaon and Vi(e-Chairper- son shall be elected annually thereafter. (e) The alternate member shall ~oy the same privileges and responsibilities as the regu~ lar members. except I:hiit -the 81temated member cannot 'Vote unless a regular mem- ber is absent. (d) An extraordinary majority of five (5) votes . shall be required for determining &ites for acquisition as provided {or in Sections 24A-9 through 24A-12 hereinbelow. (e) The LASe sluill hold at least four (4} reg- ' . ular Olee~gs each year. (i) Notwithstanding the pl'Ovisions of Sec- tions 2-11.38 through 2-11.39 of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County, any member or alternate member of the LASe who is ab8ent from three (3) meetings in any one (1) year.. shall forfeit membership and shall not be eligible to be reappointed to the LASC. In the event a member shall resign Or forfeit his membership On the LASe, a quorum of'the members in good stand- ing may, by majority vote, elect the alternate to become a permanent vot~ ing member. (ii) Within thirty (SO) dRYS from thQ dl1b~ R vacancy oecun;, the County Manager shall recommend to the Board of County Commissioners two (2) c:andidateB ,..00 meet the qualifications Bet forth in Section 24A-7(2Xa) aboVe to fill that vacancy. The Board. shall select one of the two (2) candidates to nerve the remainder of the tenu. (4) Responsibilities of the Land Acquisition Se- lection Committee. (a) The primary responsibility of the LASe is to recommend to the Board of County Com- missioners a se;ni-annual tacquisition list pursuant to Section 24.A--l0 hereinbelow. ,- . "' . ......' ~. Supp. No, 16 (b) In developing its recotnmendations. the LASe shall act in accordance with tb,e procedmes and requirements set forth in Sections 24A-8 th:rough 24A-12 and in fur- therance of the purpO&e8 of the EEL Pr0- gram as set forth in Section 24A-5. (e) The LASe may. from time to time, recom- mend to the Board (or to the County Man- ager, as appropriate) proposed expundi- tures from the EEL Trust Funds; additional selection or. acquisition.._policies.. ~PFoce-- h_ n'__ dures. standards, criteria, atrategies, E1c:bed.- . ules. and programs; and other such mat;.. ters as may be n~ to fu.UID the pwposes of the EEL Program. Cd) At itli first meeting, or within fourteen (14) days thereafter, the LASC shall recom- mend action on those Dade County projects which are ranked on the State of Florida 1991 Conservation and Recreation .Land Priority List or which appear on the State of Florida Land Acq\1isition Trust Fund List with particular regard for the joint acquisition of these projec:ta by the State of Florida and the EEL Progr8%n, as set forth in &-1262-90. Sa that the LASe may act expeditiouslYt this recommendation is ex- empted from the procedural requirements provided for in Sections 24A-ll and 24A- 12, but shall be baaed upon the consider. ations set furth in Sections 24A-8 and 24A.9. (5) Limitation of powers of Committee. Tb,e '\. . LASe shall have no power or authority to cdIn!nit Metropolitan Dade County ta any policies,' t() incur any financial obligationu or to create any liability on the part of the County. The actions and recoIllDumdations of'the LASe are advisory only and ,mau not be binding upon. the County unless approved at adopted by the Board of County Commissioners. (6) ~nnination of~ Coqunitla. At such time as there are insuflicient uncommitted funds..in the EEL Acquisition Trust Fund'to conclude &n- other acquisition and all aCqUisition projects have been closed, the LASC shall report to the County Commission that ibi business is concluded. All remaining EEL Acquisition ~ Fund, monies V3433 'I., AUG. 18.1999 4:41PM DADE CO DERM . 24.\-1. NO. 044 I-'.l\cl/LJ ,. DADE COUNTY CODE ~ shall then be transferred to the EEL Management Trust Fund and shaU be added to the principal thereof as provided for in Section 24.A-6(B)(2)(a). (Ord. No. 91-67, fi 1, 7-9-91) Sea. Z4A-8.. Properly eligible fQr a~quisition aDd, mauag~m.ent. (1) Properties eligible to be considered for ac- quisition and management uncler the EEL Pro- gram shall be only environmental land; ancillary land. and bu1fer land. (2) Any environmental, anc:iUary, or buffer land not on the acquisition list which is offered for conveyance or donation to Dade County and is pt'Oposed for management by the EEL Program shall be evaluated as provided for in Section 24A.9 hereinbelow and may only be accepted and approved for znanagement under the EEL Pro- gram by resolution of the Board oC County Com- missioners. Any land on the Priority AAcquis~tion List which is owned by a public ~cy where said agency is willing and able to l~ase the properly to Dade C9unty for a"term not less than thirty (30) Ye1\rS may be accepted and apPrOved for management und~ the EEL Prognun by resolution of the Board of County Commissioners. Upon approval fOt' management under ihe EEL Program, the said public entity must agree to, and execute, a '" covenant l''''n"i'lg with the land which provides for continued maintenance of the property as a natural presrn'Ye. (Ord. No. 91-67, fi 1,7-9-91; Ord. No. 95-220, ~ I, 12-5.95) See, ~~9. Considerations tor evaluating lands fQr acquisition and man. agemeut;'EEL Program Man1lal. (1) Evalua.tion of each acquisition praposalshall be based upon the Co~owing considerations: (a) The pril!lary considerations for evaluating environmental land shall be: (i) The biological value and viability of the ~urcei ' (n) The vulnerability of ,the resource to degradation or destruction; and ;. SUJlp. No. 16 (iii) The requiremtlIlts (including costs) fot' managing the resource tel maintain its natural attributes, and the feasibility, of meeting those management require- ~. \ menta . Ancillary l~d shall be evaluated in con- junction with the adjacent environmental land. (b) The primary considerations for evaluating ~uffer ~d_II~~ be: ' _.._"__ en The biological value and viability of the envifomnentalland.;.,.. ,- "'~.' (ii) The vulnerability of the buffer ~d to 4evelopment; and (ill) The existing and potentiBl impact on the environmental land if.the buffer land were not acquired. , (2) The Board of County Commissioners hereQY approves and makes II parl hereof the Criteria for Evaluating EEL Acquisition Proposals attached hereto. The County Manager. pursuant to Section 4.02 of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County.j' &b.a11 propose to the Board of County Commission~. era an EnvimnmentaJ1,yEudangered Lands Pro-'\.'~." gl'am Manual (hereinafter melTed to a!i the EEL. \ Program Manual) which shall be used as a guide for implementing the provisions of this chapter, . and shall include the criteria for evaluating EEL . Acquisition Proposals which are adopted llereby. COrd. No. 91-67. t 1, 7.9-91) c. , { C' See. 24.4-10. Acquisition list. The EEL Acquisition List shall consist of the Priority AUst and the Priority B List and IIhall be approved semi-annually by the Board of County Commissioners in Ilccordanc.e with the proce- dures Bet forth in Sections _ 24A-U and 24A.12 hereinbelow. (1) Pri4ril, A Lm. (a) The Priority A List shall contain no. more than ten Cl0) projects which shall be se1ectad by the Board of' County Conunissionern from those acquisition proposals, which receiVe the highest evaluations pmwant to the criteria '\. p~ovided for in Section 24A-9 and for '~- .. , 4.~4 c.~, 3484 AUG. 18. 1999 4:42PM DADE CO DERM . . rt NO. 044 P.1VU ENVIRONMENTALLY eNDANGERED I..ANDS PROGRAM "-'. . -" ~ 24A-12 f which acquisition is feasible. No rank order shall be assigned to Priority A. projects. The County shall activelyp~ sue the acquisitipn of Priority A projects. (b) A pr-ojeet shall be removed frorn the Priority A List only after purchBfle by the County, upon approval of the next succeeding llcquisition list lIS prDvided hereinbelow or by resolution of the ,Board of County Commissicners. Projects removed from the Priority A 4st for any reason.ex~ept purchase by_. the CDunty shall he placed on the Pri~ ority B List. ." (2) Priority B. List. The Priority B list shall contain all acquisition proposals which are deemed worthy of acquisition based upon the evaluation criteria provided in Section 24A-9, and which may feasibly be acquU-ed. but which have not been assigned to the Priority A Lilit. The County may not ac- tively pursue acquisition of a properly on the Priority B List unless the share of the purchase price paid from the EEL Acquisi- tion Trust Fund is nO more than fifty (50) percent of the total purchase price of the property or unless the seller donates fifty (50) percent or more of the value of the property as estimated in an appraisal re. port prepared by an independent fee ap- praiser and accepted by the County. COrd. No. 91-67, ~ 1,7-9-91; Ord. No. 92-118, ~ 1, 10-13-92) f Sec. 24A.1l. Nomina.tion (jf acquisition pro- posals. (1) Public applications nominating properties for- acquisition may be submitted on an annual basis by any person I;)r organization, including any federal, State, municipal, Or regional govein. ment agency. Metropolitan Dade County applica. nons nominating properties for acquisition may be submitted on a semi-annual ba.sis by any agency of Metropolitan Dade County. (2) All nominations shall be made by filing an application provided by the County Manager. (3) The fir6t submittal of applications from agencies of Metropolitan Dade County shall ot:cur Sl.1pp. NQ. 16 no later than December 1, 1991. In 1993, the application deadline shall be no later then ~une 30. Subsequent submittals lihall occur 1emi. annually thereafter. . (4) The finlt pu~~c application period Bh 1 be opened within ten (10) months from the efti ctive date of the ordinance from which this chapter derives. In 1993, the application deadline sh8u be no later than December 31. Subsequent submit- tals shall occur annually thereafter. I I _n (~) ..t\~~~ypetiodBhall~ plJMded_each__- .---- year for the submittal of public: applications. Public notice of the application period shall . be given at least two (2) weekscbefote the-'pmod opens and a second notice 6ha1l be given at least two (2) weeks before the application period closes. (6) If the applicant has all ownership interest in any real property covered by an application for proposed acquisition,. such in~t shall be-"dis- closed in the stune manner as required of zoning applicants by Section 33-304(a) of the Code of Metropolitan Dade County. If the. applicant is acting as agent Dr attorney for a principal, the principal'a interest &hall be disclosed in the same manner Wi required of zoning applicants in Sec- tion SS-304(a) 'of ~he Cods of Metropolitan Dade County. This subsection (6) shall not apply to govenunental applicants. (7) If the applicant does not have an om1ership interest in the real property covered by an appli- cation or if the a.pplicant is a governmental agency, the n8ll1e and address oCthe owner as listed in the, Property Appraiser's records shall be provided with the application. (Ord. No. 91-67, ~ 1,7-9-91; Ord. No. 92-154,.~ 1, 12-15-92) See. 24A-12. Proeedure for Ilielection of ac- quisition proposals for place- ment on the acquisition list. "- (1) Upon receipt of a completed proPertY'nDm- illation application. the County Manager shall forward the application to designated otaff for initial review. (a) Upon completion of initial review, acquiei- tion proposals accepted by the County Man- .-ger shall be evaluated by staffbased upan 3435 AUG. 18. 1999 4:43PM DADE CO DERM " ~ 2.4A-12 NO.044 P.12/13 , " , DADE COUNT\" CODE the criteria provided In Section 24A~9. The &taft' evaluation shall be cODlpleted. within sixty (60) days of receipt by the County Manager of the completed application. (b) It upon initi'a! review, staff ftnd& that the biological value of a candidate envinuunen- tal land is low, that management is not feasible, or that the proposed acquisitiOll would not fulfill the pU1"pO$es of the EEL Program set forth hereii?. the County Man~ ager shall be notified immediately and may order that no furl:her evaluation baunder...- _ . ~en. Notwithstanding the' County Manager's order, the LASC may, by e.xtraor- fiinary majority of five C5fvotes, reqUire a rmplete evaluation of said property. (2) l\1pon cOlDpletion of the staff evaluation proces~, the Environmentally Endangered. Lands Project: Review Committee, created pursuant to Sectio~ 24A-14 hereinbelow, &hall define the pre- liminary bouudaries for each acquisition proposal and sb8n assist the County M~agef in prepauing hi.s recommendation On each proposal (or the LASC. Within sixty (60) days of the completion of this statrevaluation process, the County Manager shall tnmsmit his recommendation to the LASC along with a map of each site, a description oithe biological characteristics of the site, a description oftAe development potential oftbe site and adja- cent land. IUl assessment of the' management needs and tosts, the assessed value, and other information as may be deetned relevant far each prOJ!Olial evaluated. (3) Within sixty (60) da,yo ofreceivingtbe County Manager's traIulmittal, the LASC shall hold a duly-noticed public h~lU'ihg to consider the reCOm- mendations reganling each site, the applicant's comments, and comments from the public. A COUl'- tesy notice shall be provided to the owner(s) of properties which are the subject of ~e hearing. Failure to notify said owner(a) shall not invali- date these proceedings. (4) Within thirty (SO) days ofitG public heariug, the LASe shall meet to adopt its recn~mended acquisition lilii: for ccmsideration by the Board of County CoDUllissioners as provided far in Section 24A-tO hereUiabove. In. developing its recommen. dation, the LASe shall consider an information Supp. No, 16 received from County staff, the County Manager's reeommend.tion, information that has been sub. mitted in writing through the date of the public:: hearing, and testimony received at the public hearing. The LASe shall forward the tecom. mended acquisition Hat tIS" the County Manage!' for.scbeduling on the County CoD1D1iasion agenda for consideration and action by the Board. " (5) Deadlines established in Sections UA,-l2(1)-:., \ (4,) hereinabove shall be waived in ptocessing applications filed Ur 1992. __________ EOrd:.'No;.91~ti7,.~ 1';"7::9::91; -ora:-Nci~1f2=1541 f 2, 12-16-92) .(' .....:r\ . '~"(.' /. .... .' '''"'' . ,~' Sec. 24A..13. Managenumt plan and use of environmentally eudangered lands. (1) No later than thirty (30) days from the date pf acquisition, an interim management plan for the property shall be submitted to the Environ~ mentally EndazJ.gered Lands Project Review Com- mittee for approval. Upon approval, interim man~ agement plans shall be ilnplemented by the County Manager; provided. howev~. that such interim management planes) shall not be implemented for more than two (2) years after acquisition of the property. (2) A ten-year management plan shall be pte- pared for each pro~ acquired by the EEL Program wbich Iiliall: '\ (a) Identify such management acti'Vities as are '., \ necessary to preserve, enhance, restore, conaoerve. maintain, or monitor the re- source, as appropriate; and (b) IdentifY such uses IlS are c:ansistent with the preservation, enhancmnent. restora- tion, conservation, end maintenance of the resource; and 0, (0) EstmuLte the annual costs of managing the project. (3) Annually, the ten.yeau- management plana prepared during the precedmg year sba11 be'sub- mitted to. the Board of County Commissiouem for its approval. Each ten-year management plan shall be updated at least every five (5) years from "the last date. of Board' approval,' and may be _ ~8mended as often ll!J.reqtiired~ Management plan " '8436 '\ , ", \ AUG. 18. 1999 4:43PM DADE CO DERM NO. 044 P . 1::3/ LJ ,,, ! 'I"" .' '10 " ~ ... I " ENVIRONMENtiLLY ENDANGERED LANDS PROGRAM 124.\.14 updates and amendments shall be submitted to the Board of County Commi&&ioners for appro....al. (4) All management plans shall be consistent with the purposes set forth in Seetion 24A-5 herein, All propert1ea acquired or JUDDaged by the EEL Progrmn shall be managed in accordance with the approved managemlmt plan for that property. ' (5) No UBe, infra..atrw:ttu'e. or i2nprovement shall be permitted on any property. acquired. at' JlUU).. aged under the EEL Program thafis inconsistent with the purposes of the program or that is not provided by an approved'"mmapment plan for the property. (Ord. No. 91-67, t 1, 7.9-91) ,- See. 24A.14. Responsibilities of tbe man- ager. The County Manager shall facilitate such activ- iti~s. designate such staff, and assign IlUch respon- sibilities as are necessary to fulfill the purpos~ of this c;hapter. The manager shall, at a minimum, dol the following: I (1) Designate staffta evaluate acquisition pro- posals in ac:cordance with the approved criteria and prepare and implement project management plans. (2) Make recommendations to the LASe on acqui~ition proposals. (3) Designate an Enviromnentally Endangered Lands Project Review Committee to Il.!lsist with the coordination of w.terdepartmental and interagency activities, to assist in the preparation of recoDUD8ndations On ac:qui- &ition proposals, and to approve interim management plans. The Project Review Committee shall be chaired by the County Manager or his delrignee and shall iuc1ude at leaSt one representative each from the Departlnent of Environmental Resources Management, the Park 8Ild Recreation De- partment. and the Department (!f Plan- ning, Development and Regulation. (4) Designate a negotiation resource commit- tee to develop negotiation strategies for approved. acquisition projects, to monitol' negotiations, and to aasiat in eoordinating <: Supp. No. 16 all activities relating to negotiations, "pp,r- chase agreements and closings, a5 need8d. Tbe Negotiation BesolUU ~n"'nittee shall include at least one representative from the Department DC Environmental Re- sources Management, the Department of DevelopmentIFacilities Management. the Park and Reereation Departlnent, and the Property Appraisers Offiee. The County A1tomey Rhall also deSignate (a) raptesen-- .. tative(s). jjoserve_ em" t:he_Negotiatiou-Re-.--" IiOuree Committee. . (Ord. No. 91-67, t 1,7-9-91; Ord. No, 95-215, ~ 1, 12-5-95) ~,.- . ':.. .., ".Z/ ) '\ , " .. '\ , ", .. I'l'he uczt page i4 34871 3437